Making It Cricket

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H4 T U E S DAY N O V E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 1 0 C H I NA DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N

It’s been a slow process but the game of
cricket has slowly been making inroads in
Hong Kong and on the mainland – just in
time for the inaugural of the sport in this
year’s Asian Games. Daniel Pordes reports.

t is conceivable that a one-run Graduation from school and univer-
defeat has never been more sity brings pressure from Chinese
celebrated. The crowd cheer families who see no future in the

wildly for the beaten team; the little-known sport.
sidelined players are on their feet “Players in the women’s and men’s
applauding, and the losing yet tri- teams are under stress from their
umphant captain salutes the crowd parents: they don’t look at cricket
with his bat held high and a wide as a profession, it’s not their culture,
smile on his face. they don’t want them to play,” Khan
The Chinese mainland team, said ruefully. “I spent a lot of time
unranked by the International developing a spin-bowler, but then Players ... are under
Cricket Council - has come very he quit cricket.”
close to beating a strong develop- The culture clash is something stress from their parents:
mental senior team from Hong that recently appointed Hong Kong they don’t look at cricket
Kong, ranked 24, on its own turf. coach, Australian Charlie Burke has as a profession, it’s not
“This is really the beginning for also experienced when dealing with
China; the day they showed that local players.
their culture, they don’t
China’s cricket future is very bright.” “If you talk to a lot of Chinese want them to play.
Those are the words of an ecstatic people here in Hong Kong they RASHID KHAN
Rashid Khan, the former Pakistani will say cricket is a foreigner’s game. COACH OF THE CHINA CRICKET TEAM
international player who helped That’s how it has been in the past, so
bring cricket to China, and in just it’s a fair comment,” Burke said. “It’s
a few years got the team ready from tough because it’s work not sport that
scratch for this month’s Asian Games means everything to people here; it’s
in Guangzhou. Cricket will be con- a six-day week! It’s hard for the young
tested at the Asian Games this year kids here to manage the amount of
for the first time. pressure they get from parents and
In October 2006, the Pakistan schools to study. There are so many
cricket board asked Khan to go to distractions from the game, totally
China on behalf of Pakistan, an different to my culture in Australia.”
opportunity he felt he could not The precedence placed on studies
refuse. Having already coached and jobs over what is considered a
Pakistan U-19, the PCB Patron’s XI, minor sport among Chinese is not
PIA and Karachi Harbour sides with really a surprise. What is more star-
considerable success, he saw the goal tling is the commitment and passion
of developing cricket in a foreign shown by those who choose to play
country as a new challenge. it. Khan spoke with pride of Mei
“The status was zero when I Chun-hua, whose devotion to the
arrived. No one knew about it, no sport led her to quit her insurance
one had played it. The Asian Cricket job in 2008 where she was making “a
Council had held level zero coaching lot of money” to focus on cricket. Her PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
courses - and those coaches had nev- commitment paid off, and she is now Players of the China Cricket team.
er even heard of cricket before,” Khan the captain of the women’s national
recalled of his first days in China. “In team. Burke spoke of Li Kai-ming,
those days, the boys were standing 19, who bowls 10 overs (sixty times)
to bat in a baseball style, the closest every day, because he’s so eager to
thing to cricket they knew,” he added, train and improve.
as we sat on the terrace of the Kow- However, things are getting bet-
loon Cricket Club in Hong Kong. It ter. Over the last two years Khan “Right now, it’s important
was the day before the match against has observed a discernible change. games, the result is secondary
Hong Kong Development. Asian Games organisers have built countries have had many years
Enlisting a group of 20 former soft-
ball players from a school in Shen-
a 12,000-seat cricket stadium at the
Guangdong University of Technol-
tory in this game; we’ve just ha
or four years,” Wang said.
Bowled over
zhen because of their familiarity with
the closest comparable sport, Khan
was able to teach them the basics
ogy to host the tournament. The
ACC has targeted China as the
major new market for development
determined to learn and de
already we have grown so
This team is unrecognizabl
by the Sixes
of cricket stances, positioning and of the sport. Moreover, designated how it was two years ago.”
footwork. Working with the nucleus sports universities have provided Hong Kong too has moved f
of this group for two years, Khan was Khan with a regular stream of talent, over the last 10 years in invol
hopeful of significant progress when in particular schools in Linhai in Chinese population, with
disaster struck. Zhejiang province, Shanghai Tongji Lai’s appointment in Februar
“When they reached the senior University and Shenyang Sports Uni- as the first Chinese general m
grade at high school, their headmas- versity in Liaoning province. The lat- of the Hong Kong Cricket A
ter said no more cricket at school. ter is home to several players includ- tion (HKCA), a show of inten
Two years wasted,” Khan said bit- ing national team captain Wang Lei, “As of nine years ago we ha
terly. 25, who took part in the invitational geted local Chinese schools for
One of those players, opening bats- match against Hong Kong. opment, including setting up
man Zhang Yufei, kept up the sport While China has had disappoint- ground league,” Lai said. “W
under the coach’s guidance. Zhang ing results, being thrashed by the since trained thousands of
now is one of the leading players on Maldives in the 2009 ACC Trophy Chinese kids, even if they d
the national team. Challenge and making a last-place on to play at least they have b
Chinese schools’ indifference finish in the 2009 ACC Twenty20 some awareness of the sport.”
to the sport has not been the only Cup, Wang is unperturbed and looks One beneficiary of the H
obstacle Khan has had to overcome. forward to the Asian Games. renewed focus on local Chi


Australian cricket players celebrate
after winning an international cricket

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