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(Where direction of rotation of the reference system is not specified, consider it in anticlockwise
sense. Also consider anticlockwise rotation as +ve and clockwise rotation as -ve)

1. A body is deformed in such a way that after deformation the displacement components of
any point may be given by
u = (6x + 4y) x 10-3
v = (-2x + z) x 10-3
w = (1.2x + 6y - 6z) x 10-3
Show that body rotations and strains are independent of the position of the point, and find
their values.
2. The general displacement field in a body, in Cartesian coordinates, is given as
u = 0.015x2y + 0.03
v = 0.005y2 + 0.03xz
w = 0.003z2 + 0.001yz + 0.005
Find the strain and rotation tensors εij and wij for point (1,0,2).
3. Using the displacement field
r 2 2 -2
u = [y iˆ + 3yz ĵ + (4 + 6x ) k̂ ] x 10

What is the increase in length per unit length in the y-direction of an infinitesimal
segment at the (1, 0, 2) along the y-axis.

4. The following displacement field is given

u = x/100 iˆ + y2/200 ĵ + (0.02 + y2z/500) k̂

What is the displacement of a point at position r = 6 iˆ + 2 ĵ . What is the matrix for
giving the deformation in a small domain at the origin?
5. Given the following displacement field
u = [x2 iˆ + (2y 2 +3z) ĵ + 10 k̂ ] x 10-3.

What is the increase in distance between two points (0,1,0) and (2,-1,3) in the undeformed
geometry as a result of deformation? What is the elongation per unit length in the y-
direction of a line segment originally in the y-direction in a small domain about (1,3,2)?

6. Given the following displacement field

u = [(6y + 5z) iˆ + (-6x+3z) ĵ +(-5x-3y) k̂ ] x 10-3.

Show that this displacement field is that of rigid body rotation. What is the rotation vector
for the body?
7. The following state of strain exists at a point in a body

 0.01 − 0.02 0 
[eij ] = − 0.02 0.03 − 0.01

 0 − 0.01 0 

In a direction p having the directions cosines l = 0.6, m = 0, n = 0.8. What is εpp?

In the above problem, a new reference x ' y ' z ' is formed by rotating the original reference
system xyz by + 450 with respect to z axis. What is the strain tensor at the point of interest
for this new reference?

8. The displacement field for a body is given by

u = (x2 + y) iˆ + (3+z) ĵ + (x2 +2y) k̂ .

Write down the displacement gradient matrix at point (2, 3, 1).

9. For the displacement field given below, what are the strain components at (1, 2, 3). Use
only linear terms.
u = [(x2 + y2 +2) iˆ + (3x+4y2) ĵ + (2x3 +4z) k̂ ] x 10-4.
10. What are the strain components for the displacement field u = [(x2 + y2 +2) iˆ +
(3x+4y2) ĵ + (2x3 +4z) k̂ ] x 10-4, if non-linear terms are also included?
11. The displacement field is given by

ux = k(x2 + 2z), uy = k(4x + 2y2 + z), uz = 4kz2 , k is a very small constant. What are the
strains at (2, 2, 3) in directions
a) nx = 0, ny = 1/(2)1/2 , nz = 1/(2)1/2
b) nx = 1, ny = nz= 0
c) nx =0.6, ny =0, nz= 0.8

12. The state of strain at a given point in a body is given by the strain tensor

 0.002 0 − 0.004
[eij ] =  0 − 0.006 0.001 
− 0.004 0.001 0 

Find the invariants of the strain tensor and the spherical and deviatorial components of
strain tensor.
13. The rectangular components of a small strain at a point are given by the following matrix.
Determine the principal strains and the directions of the maximum unit strain.
1 0 0
[eij ] = p 0 0 − 4
 p = 10-4
0 − 4 3 

14. Find the values of maximum shear strains if ε 00 = 2.85, ε 600 = -7.0, ε 1200 =-5.0 (in micro
strains). Indicate their planes and the values of maximum and minimum strains.

15. If the axes of reference are rotated about z-axis through 45O for the following strain
tensor, find the transformed strain tensor.
 0.002 0 − 0.004
[eij ] =  0 − 0.006 0.001 
− 0.004 0.001 0 
16. If the unit strains in a 2-D case are as follows

εxx = -60 x 10-6, εyy = +560 x 10-6, εzz = -100 x 10-6

Find graphically or otherwise, the principal strains in magnitude and direction.

17. In a rectangular rosette, the recorded strains are ε 00 = -110 x 10-6, ε 450 = 60 x 10-6 , ε 900 =
110 x 10-6 . Find graphically or otherwise the principal strains.
18. Conventional strains are defined as ε = (L - L0 )/ L0 where L is the final length and L0 is
the initial length. If a new quantity, natural or logarithmic strain is defined as εn = loge(L/
L0), prove that for small strain εn → ε.
19. Show that a strain state described in rectangular Cartesian coordinates as εz = γxz = γyz = 0
and εx = k(x2 + y2), εy = k(y2 + z2), γxy = k ' xyz where k, k ' are small constants, is not a
possible state of strain for a continuum.
20. For a plane strain case, the strains are specified as under. State whether they are
εxx= y2 + 5xy
εyy= y2x + x2
γ xy = 2xy + y

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