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Ipca Laboratories Limited, Unit-II (Dehradun )

Title: Approvel for Product Release of Format.: DDC/QAD/021/003/R00

Batch Page No. 1 of 2

Part A: To be filled in by In charge Finished Goods Stores.

Product : Batch No. :

Mfg. Date Exp. Date

Export Order Number Quantity required Customer

Total Quantity: In charge FGS :

(Sign. / Date )

Product : MFG.DATE :
Batch No. : EXP.DATE :
Batch Size : A.R. No. :

Part B: To be filled by Packing officer & QA Officer.

Std. Qty.Transferred Qty. Packed Balance Qty. Reason for Part Release
batch to Packing
Ipca Laboratories Limited, Unit-II (Dehradun )
Title: Approvel for Product Release of Format.: DDC/QAD/021/003/R00
Batch Page No. 2 of 2

Reconciliation of Quantity
Checked by
Pkg. officer IPQA officer Head Packing / Designee BMR / BPR review by QA

The above batch Conforms / Dose not conforms to Finished Product Specification.

Manager QC / Designee
(Sign / Date)

Conclusion : The above Part release is approved / rejected

Plant Head
Head QA

Signature / Date
Signature / Date
Ipca Laboratories Limited, Unit-II (Dehradun )
Title: Details of the batch for release Format.: DDC/QAD/021/001/R00
Page No. 1 of 1

Batch A.R.No Date of Release Sale/P Release EPO Batch
S.No. size Mfd Exp Remarks
No . COA qty. .S date No. yield
Ipca Laboratories Limited, Unit-II (Dehradun )
Title: Details of the batch for release Format.: DDC/QAD/021/001/R00
Page No. 1 of 1

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