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Isolation and Characterization of DNA

Go, L.J., Gonzaga, N.C., Gonzalez, T.A.Y., Gumarao, A. & Iglesias, M.S.
Group 5, 2C-Medical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy

Isolation of DNA is usually a key preliminary step to subsequent molecular analysis. The
experiment aimed to isolate DNA from a plant source, which is an Onion, and characterize DNA
after acid hydrolysis. The minced onion was weighed out 25g and was mixed with 50 mL of
homogenizing solution then undergone heating to 60°C and was added with papain where it was
further heated and then placed in an ice bath. The homogenate was filtered and was mixed with
ice cold EtOH then it was suspended in 5 mL of TE buffer. The precipitate was further used for
acid hydrolysis, where it was mixed with 1M HCl and was heated at 100°C for 60 minutes and
then neutralized with 1M KOH. In chemical characterization, 3 tests were performed namely;
dische test, where diphenylamine was added with the hydrolyzed DNA solution and with the
standard deoxyribose solution, murexide test, where concentrated HNO3 and 10% KOH were
introduced to the hydrolyzed solution and standard solutions of adenine and guanine, and wheeler-
johnson test, where an excess of bromine water and excess Ba(OH)2 was added to the nucleic acid
solution and standard solution of uracil and cytosine. A white thread-like precipitate was attained
after the isolation of DNA, where it formed a sepia-colored solution in dische test, colorless in
murexide test and white precipitate in colorless solutions with test for pyrimidines. DNA are
composed of nitrogen bases (guanine, adenine, cytosine and thymine) and a sugar called D-

INTRODUCTION incorporating two nitrogen atoms in each

rings and part of these are adenine and
Nucleic acids played different key
roles in the molecular processes associated guanine. On the other hand, pyrimidines are
with life, especially the storage and transfer composed of a single-ring with two nitrogen
of genetic information. Nucleic acids are atoms in the ring structure and part of these
molecules found in comparative abundance are cytosine, thymine and uracil. The 5-
in the nucleus of cells, where they constitute carbon sugars found in the nucleic acids are
5% to 15% of the dry weight of the cell. Also, D-ribose and D-deoxyribose in which the
this are of two types, namely; DNA and RNA main difference is the absence of oxygen
which are polymer of nucleotides. A atom on carbon atom number 2 of the latter
nucleotide is a combination of a nitrogen sugar.
base, a 5-carbon sugar, and a phosphoric acid.
DNA, which forms a right-handed
The nitrogen bases fall into two double helix, consists of two polynucleotide
categories: purines and pyrimidines. Purines strands wound around each other. The
are composed of two fused rings structure of DNA is so distinctive that it is
referred as the double helix. Each nucleotide
monomer in DNA is composed of high concentration of a salt (NaCl) is added
nitrogenous base, a deoxyribose, and to ensure complete dissociation of the DNA-
phosphate. The mononucleotides are linked protein complex and to remove bound
to each other by 3’,5’-phosphodiester bonds cationic amines. It acts by diminishing the
which join the 5’-hydroxyl group of the ionic interactions between DNA and cations.
deoxyribose of one nucleotide to the 3’-
Lastly, separation of the DNA from
hydroxyl group of the sugar unit of another
other soluble cellular components is done.
nucleotide through a phosphate group.
The solution must be deproteinized before
Hydrogen bonds are formed between the
DNA undergoes precipitation. This is
nitrogen bases which are oriented toward the
brought about by treatment with chloroform-
helix interior are due to the antiparallel
isoamyl alcohol followed by centrifugation.
orientation of the two polynucleotide strands.
Chloroform causes surface denaturation of
General procedure for nucleic acid proteins while isoamyl alcohol reduces
isolation usually contains 3 steps. The first foaming and stabilizes the interface between
one is the disruption of the cell wall and the aquaeous phase and the organic phases
release of the DNA into a medium in which where the protein collects. An ice-cold
it is soluble and protected from degradation. ethanol can precipitate DNA out and make all
This calls for the use of an enzyme, such as the other components of the mixture stay in
the commercial papain or meat tenderizer, or the solution.
lysosome to disrupt the cell wall. The
When DNA undergoes acid
medium for solution of DNA is a buffered
hydrolysis, it causes depurination. Purine N-
saline solution containing EDTA. DNA is
glycosyl bonds are cleaved, thus adenine and
more soluble and stable in salt solution than
guanine are liberated and apurinic site
in distilled water since it is ionic. Divalent
remains. It is used to determine the base
metal ions are binded by EDTA so that it
composition of the nucleic acids.
could form salts with the anionic phosphate
groups of DNA and also, EDTA inhibits In Dische Test, the reaction between
deoxyribonucleases that have a requirement the dische reagent and 2-deoxypentose
for Mg2+ or Mn2+. results in the development of a blue color.
The reaction depends on the conversion of
In the second step, dissociation of the
pentose to 2-hydroxylaeyulinic aldehyde
protein DNA complexes occur. To solubilize
which then react with diphenylamine to give
the inner membrane and disrupt the ionic
a blue-colored complex. The intensity of the
interactions between positively charged
blue color is proportional to the concentration
histones and the negatively charged
of DNA. For Murexide Test, the addition of
backbone of DNA, detergents are commonly
conc. HNO3 which is color yellow then
used. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an
turned red upon adding of 10%KOH. The
anionic detergent, bind to protein and gives
principle behind this is the oxidation of
them extensive anionic character. It also acts
purine by concentrated HNO3 forming
as a denaturant of deoxyribonucleases. A
dialuric acid and alloxan, then condensation
reaction leading to formation of alloxanthan. for 60 minutes while the tubes were covered
Neutralization by 10% KOH leads to with marbles. The hydrolyzed DNA was then
formation of murexide or ammonium used for chemical characterization.
purpurate. In the test for pyrimidine, the
For Dische Test or Test for
sample produces a green coloration when the
Deoxyribose, 1.5 mL of the hydrolyzed DNA
sample is treated with bromine water. The
was added with 3.5 mL of the diphenylamine
addition of barium hydroxide will turn the
reagent in a test tube. The same was done
liquid purple. The principle behind this is the
with 0.5 mL of the standard deoxyribose
formation of dialuric acid by neutralization.
solution. Both tubes were placed in a boiling
The objectives of the experiment are water bath for 10 minutes and was observed
isolation of DNA from plant source, which is after.
the onion, and characterizing the DNA after
In the Test for Purines or Murexide
undergoing acid hydrolysis. Different
Test, 5 – 10 drops of the nucleic acid solution
chemical test are used for characterization
was added with few drops of concentrated
namely: Dische test, Murexide test and
HNO3 in a small evaporating dish. The same
Wheeler-Johnson Test.
step was done with standard guanine. Both
METHODS were evaporated using a water bath and the
residues formed was moistened with 10%
The sample for the experiment is an
KOH. After further heating, few drop of
onion, which has low starch content thus
water was added then the color of the
allowing the DNA to be seen clearly. The
solutions were noted. The solution was again
sample was minced and weigh out 25g. It was
evaporated and the color of the residue was
mixed with 50-ml of homogenizing solution
, blended for 45 seconds and was heated to
60°C in a flask over a hot plate. Commercial In the Test for Pyrimidines or
papain or meat tenderizer was added to the Wheeler-Johnson Test, 0.5-mL of the DNA
solution and was kept in the 60°C water bath solution was treated with an excess of bromie
for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, it was water until the solution turned yellow in a test
placed in an ice bath for 5 minutes then the tube. The same procedure was done for the
homogenate was filtered through 4 layers of standard cytosine and uracil solution. The
cheesecloth or through a filtered paper into a excess were removed by boiling the solutions
250-ml beaker. With the use of a pipette, 15- until it turned light yellow or colorless. An
20 mL of ice cold ethanol was added. The excess Ba(OH)2 was added then the solution
precipitate formed was spooled by using a was tested with lithmus paper. The solution’s
pipette and was transferred in to another test color was noted after.
tube where it was resuspend with TE buffer.
After isolation, the DNA sample
After performing all the methods, the
undergone acid hydrolysis. A 1M HCl was
results were written on the given table in the
added to the sample and was heated to 100°C
data sheets. The table below shows the
physical description of the plant DNA Based on table 2, the DNA changed
(onion). color into a brown solution in the test for
deoxyribose and it was same with what
Table 1: Physical Description of the Plant
happened to the standard solution, which
DNA (Onion)
indicated a positive result. Meanwhile, in the
DNA Physical test for purines, the DNA color turned from
Description brown to colorless while the standard
Plant DNA (Onion) White thread-like guanine solution turned from purple to brown
residue which shows a negative result. In the
test for pyrimidine, both the standards formed
The precipitation of DNA was due to
a purple precipitate while the DNA formed a
the addition of ice-cold ethanol to the
white precipitate in a colorless solution
solution. DNA have an ionic nature which
which indicates a negative result.
makes it insoluble in an aqueous medium
which was made less polar by addition of an The onion DNA showed a positive
organic solvent. Therefore, a white thread- result in the test for deoxyribose because the
like precipitate was formed. sugar found in the DNA is D-deoxyribose
which reacts with the diphenylamine reagent.
The DNA was characterized by using
However, the visual result should be a blue
different chemical test. The table below
colored solution. On the other hand, the DNA
shows the result of the chemical tests done in
must have a positive result with the test for
the experiment.
purines and pyrimidines because the DNA
Table 2: Results of the Chemical are composed of four bases which are
Characterization Tests guanine, thymine, adenine and cytosine.

Chemical Standard Onion DNA CONCLUSION

Test DNA reacts in acid hydrolysis and
Test for Brown Brown less reactive in basic hydrolysis since it is
Deoxyribose solution colored negatively charged because of the phosphates
solution surrounding it, which means that its
Test for Guanine: Before KOH: isoelectric pH is above 7 making it basic.
Purines Purple to Brown DNA is ionic in nature making it insoluble in
brown residue less polar aqueous medium. As a result, DNA
residue After adding: precipitated out in the presence of ice-cold
Colorless ethanol because all the other components of
Test for Uracil: Colorless the mixture stayed in the solution except for
Pyrimidines Purple solution with DNA.
Precipitate a white
Cytosine: precipitate The erroneous color results of the
Purple standards in the chemical characterization
Precipitate was because of the reagents used. They might
be contaminated or were unused for a very
long time. Because theoretically, a blue
solution must be seen as a positive result in
dische test, a red residue in the murexide test,
and a purple coloration in the wheeler-
johnson test. Thymine cannot be determined
through the test for pyrimidines since it has a
methyl group which prevent its interaction
with excess of bromine water. Meanwhile,
the error in the DNA was because of the
improper execution of the methods by the

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