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A series of integrated decisions that form the employment

relationship; their quality contributes to the ability of the
organisations and the employee to achieve their

Meaning and Definition

HRM is a management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and
develop members of an organisation.

HRM…… People’s dimension

HRM Definition……

A series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship; their

quality contributes to the ability of the organisations and the employee to
achieve their objectives.

Is concerned with people dimension in management.Since every organisation

is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills,
motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they
continue to maintain their commitment to the organisation are essential to
achieving organisational objectives.

Management is the planning, orgainsing, directing and controlling of the

procurement, development, comp-ensation, integration, maintenance and
separation of human resources to the end that individual, organisational and
social objectives are accomplished.

• HR Planning

• Job analysis and Design

• Recruitment and Selection

• Orientation and Placement,

• Training and Development

• Performance appraisal and Job Evaluation

• Employee and Executive Remuneration

• Motivation and communication

• Welfare, Safety and Health

• Industrial Relations (IR)

Importance of HRM

• Social Significance

• Balance the jobs available and job seekers

• Provide suitable and productive employment

• Maximise utilisation of the resources effectively

• Eliminate waste or improper use human resources

• Help people make their own decisions

• Significance for Individual Enterprise

• Create right attitude among employees through effective motivation

• Utilise the available human resources effectively

• Secure co-operation of the employees: achieve goals, psychological

needs- love, affection, belongingness, esteem and self actualisation

Difference between HRM &PM


• PM has limited scope and an inverted orientation

• Viewed labour as a tool for benefits of the organisation

• Personnel Dept not respected, no productive employees

• PM treated as routine activity meant to hire new employee and

maintain personnel records

• Never part of strategic management of business.

Difference between HRM & PM

Dimension Personnel Human

Managerial Monitoring Nurturin
/labour task
Key Relations Labour Custome
Initiatives Piecemeal Integrat

Management Transactional Transfor

Role Leaders
Speed of Slow Fast

Dimension Personnel Human

Labour Collective Individu
Management barg- aining contrac
Job Many Few
and grades
Job design Division of Team w
Conflict Reach Manage
handling temporary and cul
Training & Controlled Learnin
Development access to compan
Dimension Personnel Human

Intervention Personnel Wide ra

focus procedures cultural
l and pe

Respect for Labour treated People

employees as tool : treated
expendable to bene
and organis
replaceable employ
Difference between HRM & PM

Objectives of HRM


To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of

society while minimising the negative impact of such demands upon the


To recognise the role of HRM in bringing about organisational



To maintain the department’s contribution at a level appropriate to the

organisation’s needs.


To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar

as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organisation.

HRM Objectives and Functions

• HRM Objectives

• Societal

• Supporting Functions

1.Legal Compliance


3.Union management relationship

HRM Objectives and Functions

• HRM Objectives

• Organisational

• Supporting Functions

1.Human Resource Planning

2.Employee Relations


4.Training & Development




• HRM Objectives

• Functional

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