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vertical forces and the moments about the beam centroid must be balanced.

42 Water is acting on the vertical side of a trapezoidal masonry dam, 2 m wide at the top, 15 m wide ar
the bottom, and 20 m high. What is the permissible height of water if the allowable compressive stress
at the toe is 3.02 kg/cm². Assume that there is no water pressure underneath the dam. Concrete weighs
2,400 kg/m³.

43 A tank in the form of a frustum of a right cone is held together with steel hoops at the bottom and at
the top. The diameter at the top is 1.20 m and at the bottom is 1.80 m and is 1.80 m high. The tank is
filled with 0.90 m of soil ( G___ = 0.80 ) and 0.90 m of water. Determine the tension at the bottom and
top hoops

44 The figure is a section of a masonry dam resting on a pervious foundation and subjected to water
pressure shown. Specific gravity of masonry dam is 2.40. Assume that the path or percolation follows the
line of contact between the foundation and the masonry and sheet piles. If the drop in the hydraulic
gradient is directly proportional to the length of the path of percolation. Determine the moment about
point C of the pressure ( force ) acting on the surface ABC per linear meter of dam.

45 A 6 m long log has a diameter of 50 cm at one end and 30 cm at the other end and has a specific
gravity of 0.80. Two weights are placed on each end of the log causing it to completely submerge.
Determine the amount of weights.

46 A gravity dam as shown in the figure with a top width 20 m, bottom width 100 m and is 100 m high.
Determine the factor of safety against sliding and overturning moment if _ = 0.45.

47 A sealed hollow plug of conical shape weighs 100 grams and regulates the escape of water into the
atmosphere through the 5 cm diameter hole in the bottom of a vessel, as shown. If the water level
remains above the cone, find the minimum depth h for which the plug will remain seated on the rim of
the hole.

48 A metal block 30 cm square and 25 cm deep is floated on a body of liquid which consists of 20 cm
layer of water above the layer of mercury. The block weighs 18,840 N/m³. If a downward vertical force
1,100 N is applied to the center of this block, determine the location of the top edge of metal block
before and after the vertical force is applied.

A The bottom of metal block is 0.0206 m & 0.118 m below the interface.

B The top of metal block is 0.0206 m & 0.118 m above water surface.

C The bottom of metal block is 0.0185 m & 0.126 m below the interface.

D The top of metal block is 0.0185 m & 0.126 m above water surface.

49 Two spheres, each 1.20 m in diameter, weighs 4 kN and 12 kN, respectively. They are connected with
a short rope and placed in water. What position will the lighter sphere have in relation with the water
A The lower portion of lighter sphere is 0.769 m below the water surface.

B The upper portion of lighter sphere is 0.769 m above the water surface.

C The lower portion of lighter sphere is 0.858 m below the water surface.

D The upper portion of lighter sphere is 0.858 m above the water surface.

50 A gravity dam with a trapezoidal section, as shown in the figure. A distance of 15 m from the toe, a
drain is located, which points has a pressure due to uplift of zero and increasing uniformly to full
hydrostatic at the heel. Upstream face 1H:5V, while downstream face is inclined 1H:2V. Determine the
maximum foundation pressure.

51 A cylindrical buoy 0.60 m in diameter and 1.80 m high weighs 205 kg. It is moored in salt water to a
12 m length of chain weighing 12 kg/m of length. At high tide the height of buoy protuding above water
is 0.84 m. What could be the height of protusion of the buoy if the tide dropped 2.10 m? Specific weight
of the steel chain is 7,790 kg/m³.

52 A flat bottom scow, weighing 227,400 kg has a vertical sides and straight sloping ends. The length on
deck is 25 m and on the bottom is 20 m. The width is 6 m and its vertical depth is 3.70 m. Determine the
metacentric height of this scow when sailing on sea water.

53 A 10 cm diameter solid cylinder of height 10 cm and weighing 0.40 kg is immersed in a liquid ( 800
kg/m³ ) contained in a tall metal cylinder having a diameter of 13 cm. Before immersion the liquid was 8
cm deep. At what level from the bottom will the solid cylinder float?

54 A closed water tank, 22 ft in diameter ( inside diameter ), is made from steel plates that are 1/2 in.
thick. Find the maximum height to which the tank may be filled if the circumferential stress is limited to
6000 psi. The specific weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft³.

55 A cylindrical pressure vessel is fabricated from steel plating that has a thickness of 20 mm. The
diameter and length of the pressure vessel are 450 mm ( internal diameter ) and 2.0 m respectively.
Determine the maximum internal pressure that can be applied if the longitudinal stress is limited to 140
MPa, and the circumferential stress is limited to 60 MPa.

56 A solid cylindrical pine ( SG = 0.5 ) spar buoy has a cylindrical lead ( SG = 11.3 ) weight attached and
the equilibrium position ( depth of immersion ) of the buog in seawater ( SG = 1.03 ) shown. Determine
the maximum length of pine before instability sets in.

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