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er7not7 Exploding lead acie batteries - Deparment of Natural Resources and Mines we Queensland Government Department of Natural Resources and Mines Exploding lead acid batteries Mines safety bulletin no. 180 27 tober 2015 Version t 1. Introduction “Toaty sven incidents of exploding lad a batores a xa mines, stlifeus mines, and quis have bn repered oth Mines Inpetoalo over to lst 1 year an inedence rata of 34 per yea for mining and quaryng operate, These bate eed in satonary and mobile plant and veils, have exploded, wy ‘asings shattering ante hazardous neral elevate, a Bend of war and shure ace allow pH, bing explo, lures have resute, most trom the impact plaste shards fom ho axplsing casing and chemical bums fom ho sletolyie 2. Types of batteries ‘Toe wo pes of Sattar commonly use forthe above appliatons ae 2.1 Valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries (also called ‘sealed’ or 'maintenance free’ batteries) ‘There are two primary ype ge cos (wih siea custard absorbed glass mat (AG), with the glass oF ge used ts immobile th elecvoye, In VRLA battais th casings a sale, more medom design. Mos of re oxygen (Os) and hydrogen (He) predic dusing charging convert back o water whan the batorysupotes cura cessive intemal gat presaus,pouced for erage men the bate charge oo fn or too fai relesed Uvough a one way pressure eve vars Norah, only a smal quantity of gsi lease, 2.2. Vented batteries ‘Tne60 ar anole sign, wth norseslos casings which oly vert Hand Oo the atmosphere th ae eagle atmosphere canbe crested round he batty is utcerty verted, an “Tes typeof battery reaires rogulrtppng up wit sila wate. As the sulphur aa has a low vapour possu i saiom needs topping Up 3, Incidence rates Batory explosion incor reports show than moble plantar vehicle applicators, VRLA batters explese sigifcat Iss tha voted batteries, For tatonary Plant. niente reared for boty types of bates, For statonary plant on sandy (fe pons) ts porcaved tat the Incidence aa increses signiicanty the charging characterise ar nappropst or the pplication 4, Recommendations for mitigation “Tes butt cannot account fo al possible bateryapocation, but batary applications about be nroducod or chan Ino secant the parteutr dreumstances and he latest levanttchical informatio, needs to be undertaken 2 proper management proces, taking “Tha isk finry du to a battory explosion can be reduced by «+ Inoducra or changing a batory use apptcaion (mobile an sana plat), + salactng or changing yp of btiy 1 the characteris ofthe ebagngekeut {+ he eaten! and requeny ol manenance, inspection and aud + tha process fr jumpstart vtiles, + folowing orginal equipment manufacturer (OEM) recommendations fer the batry andor equpmant + consulting wit the OEM, en if appeeble, use VRLA bats istend of vented btleras bong sleeved act resstnt thing + using te corect ype an rating of battery forthe application efor sors aplcatons, a + enuring regular, appropriate batery napacon and maintanancs + folowing cvect charging characterises. Donat overcharge balla, Standby equpmant og. ee pumps end generates, may use continue Not (ek) op cycling ater may be more appropriate charging instoad of charging a higher + caren. Consuk OM for guano, Note hat Reference 3 provides guidance on satr bakeries and backup esol gine syst + when jump-staring, ensuing caret poet of eanectons, Some operaors use Anderson plugs, which help toensure tha polaris are connected cre hipslwmwdnrm qld govaulminingleaety-and-healtvalers-bulleine-searh ilerts-buleins/mines-safetylexploding-lead-acid-baleries?S@_DESIGN.... 13 er7not7 Exploding lead acie batteries - Deparment of Natural Resources and Mines + netjum-staring from a batery of ferent nominal vag © 12V ve 24 (Anderson luge can aleo be uses help engur thtsimrvaagee are connected) + nating tat metal abject suc a tools may cause spars (and gn) thay smutaneousty touch a postive battery load and tho vehi body + safly dlscaringbattares wih dated pass whicn may cause intra hats an gion + emule battery ses, ensuing ll units inthe sa ar f sm rating, ype and canon. Co not mix ot and naw: When needed exchang sot atthe same tne. + eserining if bater 24/0 + Hest Fewer gos molecules ae presant ai he eacton than bute pd rien tmparaie causes ane expansion atlet,reeulingin an explosion, Jor, which ple shuld dare References and further information 1. Using eace storage balers safely, Heath and Safely Execulve, hpi tan gov kuin 38 oat 2. Batty Safety and lump Staring, AAt Car Library aie uwnvaatcarconiibaruhatoy safe 2. Pravertngbatery explosion, Worksafe Vitra: Nov 2012 Meh wereaate ve govau! datleretepe thy00 144243/Alet Baten eplsionsy3 ot 4 Queensland mining safety ale no, 280 -Emargncy etge bey explsion ipsa rm dap. suonine ole bul aes bullelsiees-ens- setitvalats bulonsinesasitviemeromncyv eons bay-exasion 5. Quoonslad mining safely alert o, 105 - mp Staring of mabe vohicos ns ny dm a aul Soller putin lotto bls. searchlalors bulstneiines-safeyung aaring-o mobile vehicles 65. Qu2ensiand mining safely bulletin no. 32— Fre en explosion rss on hyraule excavators tase drm gov alone tool buletivsbts: bule/alas buloine earls pulina/nins foie adap ion tiske on dec arcane 7. General Equprant Safty Bulletin 0472015; Battery and charging sytem hazards; Hastings Ooorng - Cat to nastnasseerng com auhorolmages Azer vedmanosSsfely'GESBIGESE.202018%.2004%,08at 20and20charan 20s ston Onan st hpslwmwdnrm qld govaulminingleaety-and-healtvalers-bulleine-searh lerts-buleins/mines-safetylexploding-lead-acid-baleries?SQ_DESIGN.... 23 er7not7 Exploding lead acie batteries - Deparment of Natural Resources and Mines ‘Authorised by Russell Albury - Chet Inspector of Coal Mines ‘Contact: Theo Kah nspocior a Mins, #81 74986 0:27 Issued bythe Queersiand Deparment of Natural Resources and Mines ‘Genera: Ths information is @ guide ony tis nto be takon as a slaemantof ow and must not be constued to wave or mel any legal cbgaton: Placamant Flas i announcement on nateeboards and era al celavnt peop in your organisation eclve 8 copy. Fn more sustalrts and bulbs hipslwmwdnrm qld govaulminingleafety-and-healtvalers-bulleline-searh lerts-bulens/mines-safetylexploding-lead-acid-baleries?S@_DESIGN... 23

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