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You need to calculate the payroll for your employees. Each employee’s income tax rate is based on their
monthly gross pay.

1. Using Vlookup function, in which tax bracket does each employee belong to according to his/her
Monthly Gross Pay?

2. Using again Vlookup function, what tax rate is applicable to each employee's Monthly Gross Pay?

3. Calculate the Net Pay after taxes are taken out.

Net Pay =Monthly Gross Pay – (Monthly Gross Pay * Tax Rate)
Monthly Gross
Employee Name Tax Bracket Tax Rate Net Pay
David $1,250 Bracket B 6%
Valerie $1,470 Bracket C 8%
Francois $1,650 Bracket D 9%
Yumiko $2,400 Bracket E 10%
Stefan $2,700 Bracket E $0
Esculier $1,900 Bracket D 9%
Jerome $2,000 Bracket E 10%
Paul $3,000 Bracket E 10%

Tax Table
Income Level Tax Bracket Tax Rate
$1 Bracket A 5%
$1,000 Bracket B 6%
$1,300 Bracket C 8%
$1,600 Bracket D 9%
$2,000 Bracket E 10%

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Activity 2

1. Using VLOOKUP function, indicate the name of the Adviser of each student based on their Major.

2. Using VLOOKUP function, identify who is the Teacher assigned to each student based on the Elective they

Student ID Name Major Elective Code Adviser

2009-0258 Eden Villalon Database 148 Prof. Jose Trillo
2009-0687 Arrah Lou Mascardo Networking 149 Prof. Rodulfo Dorado
2009-7894 Riza Joy Bojadores Multimedia 149 Prof. Vladimir Oliva
2009-0365 John Paul Dignadice Networking 148 Prof. Rodulfo Dorado
2009-2678 Ravi Villanueva Multimedia 179 Prof. Vladimir Oliva
2009-0364 Wilbert Go Database 180 Prof. Jose Trillo
2009-0346 Celine Biñas Multimedia 150 Prof. Vladimir Oliva
2009-3647 Leslie Tan Database 180 Prof. Jose Trillo
2009-0911 Sweet Villaluz Networking 179 Prof. Rodulfo Dorado

Major Adviser
Database Prof. Jose Trillo
Multimedia Prof. Vladimir Oliva
Networking Prof. Rodulfo Dorado

Elective Code Teacher

148 Prof. Limpin
149 Prof. Doce
150 Prof. Oliva
178 Prof. Catedrilla
179 Prof. Trillo
180 Prof. Dorado

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Activity 2


ective they have chosen.

Elective Teacher
Prof. Limpin
Prof. Doce
Prof. Doce
Prof. Limpin
Prof. Trillo
Prof. Dorado
Prof. Oliva
Prof. Dorado
Prof. Trillo

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