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Renewable Energy Systems

( EL-435 )
Spring 2020

LAB 01
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily,
Monthly, and Yearly Data.
Muhammad Awais

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Prepared by: Muhammad Awais Version: 1.00

Last Edited by: Muhammad Awais Date: Jan 19, 2020
Verified by: Dr. Muhammad Jafar Date: Jan 20, 2019
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data. LAB:01

LAB: 01 Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.

Learning Objectives:

1) Analysis of trends of Hourly variations of a normal household load.

2) Analysis of trends of Monthly variations on daily trends of a normal household load.
3) Examination of CDFs with variating number of customers/consumsers.
4) Analysis of standard deviation of power demand with variating number of customers.
5) Examination of demand variation curves w.r.t. variating number of customers.

Load consumption of a single customer/consumer is uncertain and load measurement is very
difficult to estimate/forecast. Load Consumption is dependent upon multiple factors:

 Number of persons living in a house

 Age dependence
 Lifestyle
o Irregular usage of appliances
The solution to this problem is aggregating number of customer to visualize the average
variability of loads. Main interest in aggregation is address questions like:

 How does load uncertainity variate with number of customers.

 Is the load pattern dependent upon hour of the day/month.

Load Pattern
Study on a number of residential customers variating from 10–300 in an urban area with a 3 kW
power contract for each customer is shown in fig. 1.


Fig. 1. Variation w.r.t. hour of day

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Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data. LAB:01
The figure represents a 1 minute data recorded for each customer.

Cummulative Distribution Funtion (CDF)

The CDF quantitaively defines how the power variates depending upon hour and number of
customers. The fig. 2 shows the mean value of power at a given hour for different number of
customers is nearly similar.

Fig. 2. CDF w.r.t. Power consumption / kW

For a fixed number of customers the mean value and standard deviation si highly dependent upon
hour of the day as shown in fig. 3.

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Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data. LAB:01
Fig. 3. CDF w.r.t. power consumption

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation represents the variability according to the normal gaussian bell shape curve.
Power consumption with variating number of customers was analyzed and standard deviation
curves in percentages were created as shown in fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the average relative standard
deviation (ASRD) w.r.t. time.

Fig. 4. STD w.r.t. time

Fig. 5. ASRD w.r.t. time

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Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data. LAB:01
Demand Varitaions
A 20 in number of customers data was aggregated with 15 mins of averaging time of power
demand/consumption. The fig. 6 shows the variations in demand curves.

Fig. 6. Demand variation curve

Sampling Time Dependence

Power demand curve is also dependent upon sampling time of data. Fig. 7 shows the aggregation
of multiple number of customers w.r.t. hour of day.

Lab Task:
An excel sheet data of a single urban house is provided to you which contains data on hourly,
daily, monthly and yearly basis.
Write a MATLAB code to generate the double peak graphs of the daily, monthly load variations
as generated on excel sheet.

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Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.
Analysis of Load Profile Variations with respect to Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data. LAB:01

Fig. 7. Power demand sampling time varitations

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Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Data.

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