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Name: Date: Section:
A. Identify the most appropriate graphic organizers for the following topics.
Comparison if a plant cell and animal
Parts of a tree
Contrast between coniferous plant and deciduous plants
Historical events in the Philippines
Organization of the Bureau of Animal Industry
Life cycle of a mosquito
Analysis of a plant tissue
Similarities between crocodiles and alligators
Causes of destruction of coral reefs
Population of the Philippine eagle from 2000 to 2015

B. Identify what pattern of development is used in the given selection. Write it on the space provided;
1. “This country is more decent than one where a woman in Ohio, on the brink of retirement, finds
herself one illness away from disaster after a lifetime of hard work…This country is more generous
than one where a man in Indiana has to pack up the equipment he’s worked on for twenty years and
watch it shipped off to China… We are more compassionate than a government that lets veterans
sleep on our streets and families slide into poverty; that sits on its hands while a major American city
drowns before our eyes…”

2. The dirt of the girls’ cotton dresses continued on their legs, feet, arms, and faces to make them all of
a piece. Their greasy uncolored hair hung down, uncombed, with a grim of finality. I knelt to see them
better, to remember them for all time. The tears that had slipped down my dress left unsurprising
dark spots, and made the front yard blurry and even more unreal. The world had taken a deep breath
and was having doubts about continuing to resolve.

3. Viola is a stringed instrument in the violin family. It is only slightly larger than the violin and is tuned
at a lower pitch. Like its smaller relative, the viola is held on the shoulder under the chin and is played
with a bow. While the violin has many uses, the viola is used mainly in orchestral and chamber music.

C. Observe the paragraph below and answer the following questions.

Although the interpretation of traffic signals may seem highly standardized, close observation reveals
regional variation across this country, distinguishing the East Coast from Central Canada and the West
as surely as dominant dialects or political inclinations do. In Montreal, a flashing red traffic light instruct
drivers to careen even more wildly through intersections heavily populated with pedestrians and oncoming
vehicles. In startling contrast, an amber light in Calgary warns drivers to screech to a halt on the off chance
that there might be a pedestrian within 500 metres who might consider crossing at some unspecified time
within the current day. In my home town in New Brunswick, finally, traffic lights (along with painted lines
and posted speed limits) do not apply to tractors, all-terrain vehicles, or pickup trucks, which together
account for most vehicles on the road. In fact, were any observant alien dropped from a space vessel at
an unspecified intersection anywhere in this vast land, it could almost certainly orient itself according to
the surrounding traffic patterns.
1. What pattern of development is used in the paragraph?
2. What ideas were compared in the paragraph?
3. Underline the transitional words used in the paragraph.

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