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Piccio Garden, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City

Qualitative Vs Quantitative Analysis

Group Number: ___ Year and Section: __________ Date:__________

Direction: Fill the table below with its corresponding characteristics on the given criteria.


Studied group

Data type

Data form

Type of data

Researcher’s role

Answer the following questions:

1. Are information which may lead to an answer or a solution to a particular question or a problem
2. A method of collecting data by personally going to the field, the participant observes and participate
fully in the activities.
3. A research technique wherein the researcher simply observes the activities but doesn’t take part in
4. Observes and records both verbal and non-verbal behavior of a peron or group of persons.
5. It is a type of Interview which is adapted depending on the replies of respondents.
6. It is a type of interview with set of identical questions asked in exactly the same way.
7. It a type of interview wherein the interviewee or participant is given the opportunity to talk freely
about events, behavior, beliefs, feelings etc.
8. It is a methodology that are useful to obtain detailed information, they can save time compared to
individual interviews. FGD
9. It refers to an open discussion between 6-8 participants to share ideas and generate quick result.
10. Is a research tool focused on the actual content and internal features of media. Content Analysis
11. This is used to engage the reader and focuses on written techniques or writing of story.
Autobiography is one of the examples of this kind of methodology.
12. What is the term if the story of someone’s life but it is written by someone else. Biography
13. A methodology that provide visual records of events to produce and represent knowledge. Films
videos and photographs
14. – 15. Differentiate Primary data from secondary data
16-17. give at least 2 sources of Primary data
18-20. give atleast 3 examples of secondary data
Name: ________________________ Year&Sec: _______________ Date:________ Score:_______

A. Identification

1. It is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena.

2. It is considered as a central of Research.
3. It is a method of observing human interactions in social settings and activities
4-6. 3 significance of Research (in general)
7. What types of sources are suitable for research papers? (Give 1)
8. Uses of technical communication. (Give 1)
9. It is a type of research or method that deals with quantities and numbers.
10. A method used to seek description in narrative form.

B. Complete the following questions by selecting whether each research design is an example of qualitative
research, quantitative, or both.

11. Observing the effects of using a treat as a reward to teach a dog to sit on command
12. Investigating ways of which females are portrayed in the print media by analysing newspaper and magazines
13. Observing whether drivers conform to road rules by counting the number of drivers who disobey a stop sign at an
14. Using a written questionnaire with closed-ended questions (eg. Yes/No) to survey a large number of bushfire
victims who may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder
15. Conducting an experiment to investigate whether having regular rest breaks during a prolonged study session
improves performance on a test.
16. Investigating the effects of observing violence by analysing and interpreting children's drawings after they have
watched violent cartoons on television.
17. Organising a small number of participants into a discussion group to study the experience of sexual discrimination
in the workplace.
18. Testing the relationship between the scores on an intelligence test and scores on a personality test
19. Studying the behaviour of newborn infants by observing and recording their second-by-second movements during
their first 72 hours of life following birth
20. Observing the social interactions of pre-school children in a playgroup using pre-determined items on an
observation checklist

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