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3.1 Introduction

Methodologies in the research study play the important role and define the pathway or the
research that will be undertaken. In general the research carried out in gaining the
knowledge and it derives upon the facts. A methodology defined strategically
incorporates the necessary processes and different activities and ways of the actions, are
going to perform. Different approaches are necessary in the collection of data and
thorough study of the research study, validation of the information accuracy in its correct
approaches in inquiring the research question, findings and also in meeting the research
objectives, Cameron (2005).

Philosophies of the research strategy relates with the knowledge development and nature
of the knowledge that contains the important assumptions in various ways to view the
world, Saunders (2007). To find out the outcomes of the questions, different methods
are thus conducted towards the research work. But however, the principal purpose of the
research is to get the thorough knowledge towards the certain queries.

Figure: Metaphysics of the alternative inquiry paradigm (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005)
Two different approaches of different two categories have been illustrated by Peter and
Olson and they are, i). Positivistic, ii). Relativist. Modern empiricism that are in between

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of these two classes as the adoption of these and along with their tolerant and the open
posture to the recent theories and different methods and the subjective of all the theories
and the methods as well as the subjective of all theories. Different methods also lie in
scrutiny, Hunt (2002)

Research study involves the information collection and therefore, it involves primary
research as well as the secondary one. The primary one generally involves in revealing
the root information that even may not have derived by others and involves the
participation of the research elements e.g., people, employee etc. and nourishes the
research works through providing the genuine information. This study also may comprise
of the bias information if they provide so. In other way, the secondary one involves the
arrangements of the previous studies conducted, books, journals, magazines, research
papers etc. thus, the research work involves a number of sources to study with. In final,
the research reveals the strategic information of the study and comprised the following

a) Data have to be collected systematically

b) Interpreted systematically
c) Have the clear purpose to find out the things

Ghauri and Gronhaug (2010) have quoted, “Research is something that is undertaken by
the people in finding out the things in a systematic way in increasing their knowledge”.
To define the research two phrases are involved,

a) Systematic way and

b) Find out the things.

3.2 Research approaches

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Research approaches invest in the investigation of the subject and are termed as the
methodology and thus refers in the basis of the philosophy of research, White (2009)
Positivism theories are considered as the best for the research philosophy. This allows the
relevant and necessary information about the business growth through the utmost
customer service McDonald’s.

In addition with the positivism theory, the deductive theory is also useful. These
strategies allow the systematic approaches in the organisational methodology.
Quantitative or the numeric data used to collect the information according to the designed

Source: Created by the Author, 2010

A. Deductive approaches

This approach develops the theories or the hypothesis and later tests these through the
empirical observation. It is the essential set of the techniques to apply the theories in real
world to test as well as assess its validity (Crowther and Lancaster, 2008). Inferences
have been drawn from the general principle to the particular conclusion and it constitutes
the deductive approach. Set of the sentences deriving conclusion are termed an
arguments. Deductive approaches are the study of validity that are not truth
(Krinshaswamy, 2009)

B. Inductive approach

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Crowther and Lancaster (2008) have mentioned the inductive research is aimed at the
development of theories and the explanations that are based on the observations from this
empirical world. Krishnaswamy (2009), according to him, in the inductive approach the
inference are drawn from evidences in conclusion form that explains the facts or the
evidences. Dane (2011) has stated as the inductive approach is the process of the
generalisation that involves the application are the specific information to the general
situation of the future events.

Differences in between these two approaches:


a) This is the scientific principles a) Inducts to the understanding of
meanings of human, are attached to
the events
b) Moving from the theory to the data b) Gets the closer understanding of the
research context
c) Needs to explain the causal c) Brings the realisation as the
relationship in between the variables researcher is the part of the research
d) Application of the controls in d) Less in concern that need to
ensuring the validity of data generalise
e) Necessity of selecting the samples of e) More flexible structure that permits
the sufficient size to generalise the the changes of the research and
conclusion emphasis as research progresses
f) Independent to the researcher to the
research study

The selection of the rearech approaches has an effect in the research approaches as well
as the result. In this regard, Eldabi, (2002) has suggested the researcher to better
understand the research philosophy and also the supportive tools in conducting the
research in its productive way. Hair, (2003) has defined this philosophy or research
that it provides the research fuel. Saunders, (2000) has highlighted the philosophical
basics of the research and the positivistic approaches and the phenomenological that may
be able to use in the business and the managerial research and in industrial research.

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Ticehurst and Veal (2005) has supported and then established the links in the quantitative
and in positivism research. They have stated qualitative approaches in the research are
well known by the term of management sciences or operational research. These two of
the quantitative and the qualitative approaches are linked to that of the positivism and the
interpretive epistemology in the given diagram,

Figure: Research approaches and the methodologies

(Ticehurst and Veal, 2000)

In this diagram the polar opposite elements e.g. qualitative and the quantitative
approaches of research are figured out that were encouraged later by Saunders,
(2003) and the author has referred it as well as companred to the ‘Research Onion’
model, adopted by them that resembles and expressed the research comparing as to the
layered leaf of an onion. In this theory, the first layer corresponds to the research
philosophy and the second one to the subject of the research approaches that flows from
that of the research policy. The research approach will be deductive or inductive
according to its nature. In the approach of deductive, theories and the hypothesis are gets
developed and the designed research strategies in aiming to test the hypothesis. But on the
other hand, the inductive approaches involved in the data collection and the development
of theories in the way of the results are achieved in its data analysis.

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Saunders, L, (2005) has perpetuated by stating in interpreting the opposite polar
status through supporting the inductive research accepter and in criticising the deductive
approach in the tendency to construct the rigid methods as it will not permit any
alternative definitions about the happenings. This refers that the both inductive and
deductive approach cannot be used in the same research study.

Figure: Research process Onion diagram

(Saunders, L, 2005)

Philosophy of research in realism helps to identify the numeric existence of eternal and
social objectives influencing the interactions of people and in creating the knowledge too.
Realism may be recognised as close to the philosophy or positivism and the possessing
time and distinctive characters because the philosophy highlights the inappropriateness of
exploring the people’s interaction in natural science style, Saunders, (2005)

Research philosophy are incorporated in the present strategic study and are interpretive
and it is chosen in philosophical framework of the study because the researcher believes
that the knowledge is complex phenomenon and cannot be generalised in value and also

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in the detached manner. Additionally, the researcher focuses in exploration of topic by the
application of critical interpretations and the gradual establishing of the research
conclusions, Remenyi, (2004)

Probability sampling involves in identifying and the questioning the people in any
particular organisation, Jankowicz (2005) and draws a direct conclusion about the
organisation or company.

Pickard and Dixon (2004) has demonstrated in addressing the same issue with the asking
for any different choices of methodology that implies the adhesion to its axiom of the
paradigm of an individual or mix-match methods to achieve the research aim and goal.

In fine, it is suggested to the researcher, to identify as well as understand the different

relationships among theories and the methods to be used in their research study.

3.3 Research strategy

This strategy of research can be explained as a tool and it can be used in the research to
address the research question. Six strategies are detected in the literature as, experiment,
surveys, grounded theory, ethnography, actions research and finally the case study,
Saunders, L, (2005)

In the present dissertation the strategy of grounded theory are employed. The researcher
primarily focuses in extracting of knowledge through the phenomenological literature of
research. This present research strategy is appropriate and accurate as it elaborates in
literature and is suitable to the inductive reasoning or applicable to research context
aiming in the gradual establishing of the research assumptions and propositions, Husey
and Husey (2004)

The current dissertation study are comprised of the time horizon of the cross section and
are able in recognising as being appropriate to the research aim and the resources of

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research. Primarily the researcher is in a time period and it constrained in being able to
conduct the longitudinal experiment. The present research question also are not interested
to analyse the variance of the variables of research in the set time period and focuses on
exploring and revealing the new context insight by suggesting new interpretations and
theoretical assumptions, Robson (2005)

3.4 Data collection method

The current study is described as exploratory because this study is aimed at revealing the
new insight and in the evaluation of the research phenomenon in modern and newer
strategy. Additionally, the research has flexibility in the approach to establish the
theoretical proposition and does not mean the lacking of research clearly and also the
framework, Adams and Schbaneveldt (2002)

The exploratory research process that shares the common strategy for it through the
exploration of the phenomenological literature and extraction from specialists in the field
and also interviewing the focus group. The present dissertation has followed the similar
way and incorporates the research strategy of grounded theory as well as depth
interviews. And hence the study may be concluded as that it is built in combining both
primary and secondary data.

Relevance and validity

Credibility of any research study is dependent on the validity and reliability of findings
and the conclusions. So the research study are characterised as reliable if the research
constructs the same results in various occasion, Easterby S, (2008). This strategy
also suggests the reliable research study is replicable and transparent.

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Validity of the research project are achieved when the findings of the research achieves it
primary objectives and also addresses the research questions with its accuracy and
appropriateness, Sapsford and Jupp (2006)

The study achieves the research reliability and the validity of research through the
application of several approaches. Firstly, the researcher get outlined his examined
variables of the research by employing in funnelling the strategies and contributes the
higher extent of research transparency and its internal validity. After then, the researcher
outlines the contextual framework and it suggest in the contribution of the external
validity of the findings of research. In the alternative way the researcher are able to
provides transparency of framework to guide other research attempts in achieving the
same results in different occasions. In final the research study achieves its aim, reliability
and in conducting the number of the discussion along with academic and the commercial
specialist in the researched context. Researcher are provided with the useful guidance and
also avoids his failure in addressing the key theme of research.

3.5 Research methods

Jankowicz (2005) has defined as, “Systematic approaches are conducted in collecting and
analysing of the given data to be taken to reveal the necessary information”. Thought the
process of time elapse process of the exercise and it must have to be careful to manage to
get the best values from the occurring resources. Objectives of the research design are
aimed at the identification of the needs and the further development in addition with the
performance of employee in creating the quality services. This design of research study is
aimed at examining of the relationship in maintaining the growth in the sector of business
growth through the excellence of customer service and the necessity of better customer

After completion of the study on the customer service process in McDonald’s, London, I
have organised the data from different sources of primary, secondary etc. Primary source,
semi-structured interviews in addition with some of the experts in related to the

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department of customer service process at the McDonald’s, London to explore and the
organisational problems and their opinions and views according to the perception fo the
service quality and overcoming of any existing problems. Secondary part of the methods
involves in using the library resources, books, journals, articles, assignments, articles
internet resources etc.

A. Quantitative methods

These are numerical values of the research study and the mathematical; most precisely the
statistical methods are applied in analysis and interpret the result. However, these
methods are not able to evaluate all the types of researches. Hence, the quantitative
method are more suitable in performing research study in the mathematical or scientific
subjective where the measurement information are eagerly sought, Zheng (2005)

Sometimes this method is defined as empirical or statistical one. The original

modification was developed according to the study of natural science and aimed to the
study of phenomenon. Visualisations are the numerical forms and are represented through
diagrams, charts, figures, tables, graphs etc. This method are associated with the
numerical approaches to the data collection and the signified through the concentration of
the approaches to obtain the numerical information and they through the analysis by
statistical software, Silverman (2009)

Research design: Questionnaires were based on the descriptive study and have the
viewpoints and the issues bringing up through the interview and participation of the
respondents. Questionnaire design was performed carefully as it will be able in revealing
the necessary information that are required for the strategic study and also derives more
information that may be helpful in getting the related surveys. Therefore, the
considerations are given priority to the questionnaire that we used in the similar studies
before as it will be able to guide in developing the newer question for the strategic study.
The questionnaire were tested by supervisor, students, experts, participants etc. and
amended, altered and updated according the need for the study conducted. In distributing
the age, gender, place etc. quota sampling method were given more priority.

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Data collection: Collection of the research data in the quantitative part involves the use
of the numbers to assess the information. Gathered and achieved data are evaluated in the
statistical means through the designated software and the outcome helps the researcher to
get the deep analysis of research study. A number of methods are mentioned and applied
in the quantitative analysis.

a). Survey: Information is achieved in colleting the responses that are gathered through
the research questions designed. Two data collection strategies are applied, self service
and indirect participation through mail, email, phone etc.

b). Tracking: one of the most effective and passive data collection means is tracking.
The research constituent e.g, the people are monitored in their habitat, behavioural and in
cultural activates. Modern, smart and real time tracking software performs this strategy.
In the tracking activities it is found with the customers or people to join willingly or
sometimes in disguise according to their behavioural practices.
A number of banks, financial institutions, and online shopping companies are found to
embrace this technique to perform the research study. The greatest example to adopt this
technique is, ebay etc. they track their customers during their visit to these
sites and their practice of querying their desired products.

[Saunders M. et al. (2005), Ghauri, P.N; Gronhaug, K (2010) and White (2009)]

Source: Created by the Author, 2010

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Primary data collection
These are the data that are generated by the researcher and are specific to that of the
research study (McNabb, 2010). They are two types, Qualitative and Quantitative.

B. Qualitative methods

According to White (2009) the research method is termed and defined as, two situations
are the same and the phenomenon have to be unique to approach and also with the
qualitative investigation and the analyst observes the great deal, the results are mere
descriptive in the nature and differs in the set of numerical data and information.
In this strategic research on the business growth through the customer service in
McDonald’s, I have tried in using the qualitative methods as it is more suitable where I
need to collect the descriptive data and to analyse them in the strategic way. Some of the
major methods of qualitative study are described below:

i). Interview: The most common method of data collection for the research study.
Individuals are sat for facing the questionnaire and need to answer accordingly for to
reveal the primary information.

ii). Focus group: sometimes the individual study cost more time and money thus creating
the research study more expensive and may cause a range of problems. To overcome this
issue, focus group is formed where the similar answer may be driven form the peoples
group and may be categorised more easily.

iii). Observation: it achieved through the passive observing the elements of the research
e.g., observing the respondents in disguise.

C. Quantitative methods

These are numeric values generated through the questionnaire designed for the specific
research study.

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Secondary data collection
Kurtz et al. (2010) has refereed that the secondary means of data are those that are
collected from the previous publishing’s or the compiled resources. The secondary
research has to be special for specific study and they have to be unique and genuine to the
fact that was not used in previous. The secondary research assembles the information
from the different sources e.g. e-books, news, journals, magazines etc.

This is the process of the selection survey that the respondents of the research participants
(Kurtz e al., 2010). This is the most important aspects of the research design as the study
involves the consumers in the accurate reflection of the target market and the research is
likely in yielding the misleading conclusions (Kurtz et al,., 2010). Two major sampling
methods are classified in this sampling process.

Source: Created by the Author, 2010

3.6 Tools and techniques

To analyse the research data that were collected in the primary and secondary methods
and sources, different tools as well as techniques were used for the strategic purpose.

a) Simple percentage analysis

A simple and common tool are used and based on the opinion of the respondents as well
as the participants. They are collected and analysed through the formula,

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Simple percentage =

b) Chi-square test
A non-parametric test method that are useful in determining the categorised data and
shows the dependency or in between two classifications which are independent. Chi-
square methods are used in testing the significances of the association among them.

According to the statistical hypothesis, sample distribution of the statistical test is

performed in this chi-square distribution if it is true the null hypothesis and any of these
are true asymptotically.

Formula to the chi-square test is:

Where is observed cell count for the cell in row and column , and the

is the expected cell count for the cell in row , column . (Rumsey, 2009)

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