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Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology

Sta. Cruz, Cogon, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental

Career Choices in College of Grade 12

STEM students in Misamis Oriental Institute
of Science and Technology

Submitted by:

Jayrilyn Pabualan

Evan Mae Obsioma

Hans Kiane Hisoler

Keith Jerry Mae Jamesolamin

Submitted to:

Ms. Ma. Leona Felice Echeveria


This researcher study is made through the support of the following of both the
researcher themselves, the respective families for financial assistance and an ending
support, to the informative sources and publishing company of both the Google
company and the chosen resource book.


Acknowledgement……………………………………………………….. 1


Background of the Study………………………………………………. 2

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………... 3

Goals and Objectives …………………………………………….......... 4

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………... 5

Scope and Delimitation ……………………………………………….. 6

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………….. 7


Review Related Literature ………………………………………… 8 – 9


Methodology ………………………………………………………. 10 -11

References ……………………………………………………………. 12

Background of the Study

Career choice is one of the most important decisions a student has to make;
making a career choice requires getting in touch with ourselves and our surroundings.
The career choice you make has a large influence on your life.

This study concludes that the Grade 12 STEM student of Misamis Oriental
Institute of Science and Technology (MOIST) has already decided for their career in
college. Each student should finalize their decision-making for choosing their career. It
is important to decide early so that the student would not be hassle in choosing their
career in college.

Despite the subjects of STEM are too broad students strive or trying their best.
People in STEM are often curious. Some are taking up the STEM strand because their
profession they want to be is in there. In some cases, others are taking up STEM strand
because it is high paying job, long-term employability, and job availability, rewarding
career and jobs benefits.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the problem of Grade 12 STEM students in

choosing their future career, it will help us to know their decision regarding to their

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Section

2. What are the career choices in college of Grade 12 STEM students in Misamis
Oriental Institute of Science and Technology?

2.1 Information Technology

2.2 Health Science

2.3 Engineering

2.4 Teacher Education Major

3. Is there a significant difference on the career choices in college of Grade 12 STEM

students in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology when the respondents
were grouped according to:

3.1 Sex

3.2 Age

3.3 Section

Goals and objectives

This study aims to know the Career Choices in College of Grade 12 STEM
students, specifically:

a. Choice of Career
b. To know decisions of choosing a career in Grade 12 STEM
c. To know if the students are choosing their career because of any job benefits
d. To determine if the students have a final decision

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know the importance of decision-making for career choices of
Grade 12 STEM students of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology in
School Year 2019-2020.

The finding of this study contributes greatly to the ff.

Commission of Higher Education (CHED) – The findings of this study will give

knowledge on the formulation of programs for career choices.

School Principal – This study is beneficial to the school principal because they

contribute learning and idea to the student.

Parents – This study is beneficial to the parents because they are the financial

supporters to their student. They will also have the choices for the proper

course of their child that depends on the skills and finance of their child.

Student – The result of this study will have knowledge how to choose their career

in college. They will know the different types of career choices in college.

Future Researchers – The findings of this study can gain information about career

Choices of Grade 12 STEM student in Misamis Oriental Institute of Science

and Technology (MOIST).

Scope and Delimitation

This research is limited only to Grade 12 STEM student of Misamis Oriental

Institute of Science and Technology (MOIST).

This study focuses in career choices for college of 50 respondents of Grade 12

Stem student in School Year 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

This study aims to determine the keywords it is operationally defined below:

Broad – large from one side to the other side

Career – a job or profession that someone does for a long time

Choices – the act of picking or deciding between two or more possibilities

Engineering – the work of designing and creating large structures or new products or

system by using scientific methods

Employability – capable of being employed

Influence – the power to change an effect of someone or something

Mathematics – the science of numbers, quantities and shapes and relations between


Science – knowledge about or study of the natural worlds based on facts learned

Technology – the use of science in industry, engineering, etc. to invent useful things

or to solve problems


The process of making a choice is complex and unique for each individual
depending on milieu (Braza & Guillo, 2017: 78; Durosaro & Adebanke, 2012; 111).

A career choice is a decision that most human beings make sometime in their
lives; it is a decision that should be carefully considered since it can affect (Eyo,
2011:2380. Therefore, the goal of career guidance and counselling is to allow an
individual to explore his or her options (Lazarus & Chinwe, 2011:52).

According to UNESCO (2002:4), career counselling consists of four elements, a.)

helping individuals to gain greater self-awareness in areas such as interest, values,
abilities and personality style; b.) connecting students to resources so that they can
become more knowledgeable about jobs and occupations; c.) engaging students in the
decision making process in order that they can choose a career path that is well suited
to their own interests, abilities, values and personality styles; and d.) assisting
individuals to be active managers of their career paths (including managing career
transitions and balancing various life roles) as well as becoming lifelong learners in the
sense of professional development over the life span.

Career guidance comprises a range of process designed to enable individuals to

make informed choices and transitions related to their educational, vocational and
personal development (Watts & Kidd, 2000:488).

The goal of guidance and counselling services is to enable each learner in

institutions of learning to derive optional educational benefits to utilise his or her
potential (Ibrahim et. al.,2014:302; Eyo, Joshua & Esuong 2010:88). It also instils
confidence and positive attitudes, derives fulfilment and inculcates an eagerness for
lifelong learning (Ajufo, 2013:313).

Countries need citizens who are able to make the best use of their talents and
make career choices that will help them to be motivated and productive (Hiebert,

Career related decisions are complicated and have broad and long term
consequences that are not always obvious (Hiebert, 2009:13). The context in which
career decisions occur is complex and therefore many people require assistance in
exploring alternatives and weighing the consequences associated with various options
(Hiebert, 2009:13).

Gordon (2000:49) cited that there were 190,000 vacant jobs in the United States
but employers could not find employees with the right qualifications to do them. He
argued that people are being educated for the wrong future. The further explained that

few young people imagine themselves working in services, crafts or technical industries

even though government predictions where that these sectors would be the leaders in
creating new jobs. This implies that students do not get well informed guidance in terms
of the job market.


This chapter discusses the procedure in the conduct of the study. These are the
research design, the sampling procedure, data gathering instrument used and statistical

Research Design

This descriptive method of research is used in this study as this is the most
appropriate to be used. It is designed to gather information that involves collection of
data in order to test hypothesis of the current status of the study. A descriptive method
is an appropriate method for studying existing situations. It is concerned with occurring
conditions and relationship, prevailing practices, beliefs or, point of view, and effects felt
and developing trend that have tested that the time, that the research is done. It process
goes beyond the gathering, it involves describing, analyzing, and interpreting conditions
and relationship as well as meaning or significance of what is being described.

This method is utilized to describe the profile of the respondents as well as the
perception on the Career Choice in College of Grade 12 - STEM.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

There are 50 respondents that are covered in this study which are the Senior
High School STEM - 12 Students of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and

The sampling method that the researcher is using is the purposive sampling


Respondents Frequency Percentage

MALE 23 46 %

FEMALE 27 54 %

TOTAL 50 100%

As shown in Table 1, there were 23 or 46 % of male and 27 or 54 % of female

and the total of 50 male and female respondents.

Research Settings

This research is conducted at the institution of Misamis Oriental Institute of

Science and Technology (MOIST).

Research Instrument

The researcher will utilize a researcher’s made survey questionnaire as the main
tool in gathering the needed data of the study which will by rated by 50 Senior High
School STEM – 12 Students of Misamis Oriental Institute of Science and Technology
which are the researcher’s respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The tool or means that is used to address the main questions or objectives of the
study is the survey questionnaires. The researcher’s personally constructed questions
bared by their topic that is answered by their respondents and the researcher’s will
gather the data. It may need to be translated into the language of respondents.



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