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Princes Jale Utlang January 24, 2020

BSPT Level 1 GE-7

Reaction Paper: “Why the future does not need us”

By Bill Joy

Why the future does not need us written by Bill Joy is an article that caused much interest
and controversy in the world of information technology. Joy is a renowned person in the tech
industry, and he listed the negative and positive side of the modern technological world with its
further growth in the 21st century in his writing. In this article he talks about the advantages and
disadvantages of the invention of Genetic engineering, Nanotechnology and Robotics (GNR).
GNR technologies bring a lot of threat to humanity as these devices could have the ability to
reproduce themselves. These innovations can get out of reach of human beings with this kind of
self-replicating characteristics and present a danger to the human population. I agree with the
opinion of Joy that such insane technological advances in the future should be discarded in order
to save humans and the earth from disaster. Bill states that the nuclear world's development can
create disastrous nuclear weapons that can put an end to the world by the US and Soviet Union.
He also states that if military-oriented technology, such as nuclear development, ends the existence
of human beings, it becomes almost impossible to stop them. When these machines are given the
opportunity to make decisions, we cannot monitor them because their actions can be varied and
As a concern human being, we should not allow the machines to hold the destiny of people
who have unpredictable behaviors. Bill joy points out the moral obligation that human beings must
protect human society by maintaining restrictions on the uncontrollable upsurge of modern
technology. Joy claims that potential developments relating to GNR technology will harness the
power of nature to produce and develop and that instead of development, the human generation
can be doomed to chaos and destruction. I totally agree with him, GNR could bring chaos in the
future, we need to practice accountability in our action as a human being because earth is our home
and we should use our wits and talents in a good way to create a better world. Also, we should
give more importance and take care of what God Almighty created for us. In other words, we need
to minimize the use of technology and we should understand the individuality in every human
being, cherished what God has given and provided us.

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