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Maungaturoto Matters Page 1

Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto, A Real New Zealand Town ‘Gettin’ on with it!’ Issue 77 February 2008

Turning 100 years in 2013 and still going strong after 95 years
The Club then made a decision to relocate to the Country Club in
The Maungaturoto Bowling Club was formed in 1913, and a
Bickerstaffe Road, where they built two artificial greens with the
green on the land rented from Dr Montaine, who owned what is
insurance money, and the proceeds of the sale of the old facility.
now Mark Guy’s property, beside the then road to then road to
the Brynderwyns. This site is now owned by Neville Westlake.
Debentures were raised totalling 167 pounds 2 shillings, plus In 2013 the club is planning to hold celebrations to
20 pounds in donations. $334.20 in today’s money. This their Centenary. If anyone has information and/or
money was used to buy 48 pounds worth of materials and 100 photos, or knows anybody that has from through
pounds of wages to form the green. The annual subscription at out the club’s history. Please contact Albie Paton
this time was 2 pounds 2 shillings or $4.20.
or Margaret Powell or any Club member . We
In 1916 with the aid of a bank overdraft of 80 pounds or $160 would be very grateful as quite a lot was not sal-
the Club purchased the property. The first president was J. C. vageable after the flood
Allen and the secretary was F. Wilson. Other memners in 1916
were T. Stewart, M. Worthington, K. Langton, A. Turner, R. P. - Article Albie Paton
Boag, A. Worthington, Henry Cullen, A.H Curtis, A. Hill, G.
Bryden, E. J. Flower, A. Ross, H. McMurdo, Rev. T. Pott and
W.J. Dell—sourced “This Valley in the Hills” Dick Butler.
Of these original members a lot still have descendants still liv-
ing in the district, notably the Cullens, Worthingtons, Flowers
and A. H. Curtis.

J. C Allen the first president was the National Bank manager at

Paparoa, while R. P. Boag was the local policeman and W. J.
Dell was the saddler. Most of the others worked on the land,
and Rev. Pott was the Congregational Minister.

At various times, the tennis courts and a croquet green were

established adjacent to the green. The club also built a two
storied club room, which were opened in the early 1960’s with
money provided by Walter Heatley. This benefactor is still
remembered by the Heatley Memorial Fours Open Tournament
which is still played every year.

The club was situated at the same site until 1997, when a disas-
trous flood destroyed the new artificial green, that had only
been finished a week.

153 Hurndall St
Ph/Fax (09) 431-8059
Bus Trip to Whangarei
Shopping Appointments etc.
Leave 9.00am and return approx. 3.30 – 4.00pm
as required.
For information on 2008 trips
Please phone 431 8059
Page 2 Maungaturoto Matters

Maungaturoto Matters CHEERS

Maungaturoto Matters is a free monthly publication, MAUNGATUROTO!!!!!!!
produced and published by the Maungaturoto A big thumbs up to everyone who supported the
Business Association for the Maungaturoto Christmas parade.
Letters to the Editor cannot be accepted due to I was genuinely surprised and happy at the support the
space limitations. Contributions and feed back from parade got, both from people taking part and the huge
members of the Community are actively encouraged. number of spectators who turned out to watch. It was
especially good to see so many new faces.
Advertising 15th of each month no exceptions I would like to thank everyone who was involved, and I
Editorial (articles) 20th of each month will put a full thank you notice to all involved in the
next matters as I am still compiling a list of all those
Editor: Elizabeth (Liz) Clark
Advertising:Elizabeth Clark 09 431 9129 who helped (it’s not easy to get info over the holidays!!)
So it is now time to get your feedback. I would really
Payments to: like to know what you liked/disliked about the parade,
what we could do to make it better, or even offers to be
Maungaturoto Business Association involved next year, you can give me a call on 4318 599
P.O. Box 113 or send me an e-mail at

Contributions & Advertising THANKS MAUNGIE YOU REALLY

Or Drop in the RED BOX at Tony’s Lotto Shop 147 Terri Donaldson.
Hurndall Street Maungaturoto
Please note the Editor is not available during normal
business hours.
Questions or comments:
Please phone the Editor A/h 09 431 9129 or email



Full page $60 MAUNGATUROTO

Quarter Page $20 MONTHLY MEETING
Eighth page $12
1st Wednesday of the Month
FOR FULL Community Centre
Maungaturoto Matters Page 3

Free Health Shuttle service comes to NZ MILLE COMING TO

Can you believe it….spend no money now…but wait there’s The NZ Mille is a non-competitive annual event for pre 1979
more. sports cars. The event is inspired by the original Mille Miglia
Yes its true folks, we’ve all been waiting for something like events that were run in Italy between 1927 and 1957.
this for a long time, no transport service, relying on the good
nature of friends and family to drop us to an appointment, hang The NZ Mille began in February 2006 and is organised by a
around for a bit, pick us up and take us home..Or even worse, father and daughter who live in Wellington. The 2006 and 2007
Go somewhere else for another appointment. events toured the South Island. This year the 6 day tour is
Difficult enough if you have an injury or disability, or recently around the upper North Island.
come out of hospital with a broken whatever, how are you sup-
posed to get to the Doctor, get an x-ray, a prescription, maybe On the 8th(which is the last day of driving) the cars will travel
some physiotherapy… and just imagine how you will get through Maungaturoto, via Waipoua Forest to Paihia. As the
someone to take you to Whangarei? Well they will ….all of the tour uses a different route each year, we will not see them come
above… plus…There are no expectations of payment…. through our town again for some time.
Let me explain
Kaipara Community Health Trust has been running a shuttle More information and photos from the previous events are
service in Dargaville for several years and has transported available on the website
many people to a wide variety of medical appointments both in
and around Dargaville and Whangarei. Now they are upgrading We are guessing they will pass through Maungaturoto between
the vehicle but assure us there is plenty of life in the 10 seater 9 - 11am.
Toyota Van with wheelchair access for us to get a few more
years out of it. They are delighted to set up a working partner- Kindly sent in by Gaylene Walton Noel Radd Motors
ship with Linking Hands, a community resource information
service that has been operating in Maungaturoto for the past
few years. ******************
Maureen Davis who until recently worked for Homebuilders
Community Service has joined Linking Hands and has formed
Into The Big Unknown
a working partnership with Debbie Evans, CEO of Kaipara
Community Health Trust. In late April of this year three of our local lasses (Heather
Linking Hands is in the process of opening an office in Gorge Lupton, Cherie Linton and Kate McCallum) are embarking on
Rd in Maungaturoto, where the shuttle service will operate a mission to complete the Autumn Challenge Adventure Race.
from, along with other services that Linking Hands offer. There It is a women-only event and consists of teams of three com-
is also a free Crèche being set up to look after pre school chil- pleting approximately an hour of white water rafting, two hours
dren for a short time while parents are attending their own of mountain biking and two hours of mountain running/
medical needs. walking. The course is unknown and the teams have to navigate
All of this will be free to you but requires funding to keep it their course using compass skills. Team members must stay
going. Linking Hands have been applying flat out for money together at all times and work together to complete the race.
from many different sources and will be looking for any help or
donations that you may wish to make. Maureen Davis says, At this point in time none of us has ever white water rafted,
“If we haven’t got any money for diesel then the van aint going none of us can use a compass but all of us are full of enthusi-
nowhere. This of course may well occur from time to time until asm ! At present we are building up our fitness level by com-
we get on our feet and establish ongoing funds from major pleting local triathlons ( Mangawahi, More FM, Activewoman
organizations, in the meantime, Linking Hands would grate- and Kai Iwi Lakes) and then we will work on endurance ( our
fully accept any donations that come in. We are looking for husbands think a few hours a day doing stock work should do
$10.000 to keep the shuttle running. It will be driven by vol- it!)
unteers until we can afford to pay a driver and we have several
volunteers lined up and ready for training.” If you feel this We have also begun shopping (we love shopping) and are
sounds like something you would like to help with please call realising why only about 30 people in Northland do it—it is not
and you can discuss becoming a volunteer. cheap!!!! We have a long list of required gear and it is not the
The office will have an official opening on the sort of thing that you tend to have in the cupboard. Everything
29th February, this is the day the newly signed Shuttle will ar- has to be super strong, super light and it seems super expensive.
rive in Maungaturoto….isn’t it exciting. We have had to convince our husbands that our farm wet
Any more information you may require on timetables and weather gear just doesn’t cut it!
areas of pick up please call on 09 4318969 or pick up a bro-
chure from your local medical practitioner, pharmacist, or If you see us out on the road training give us a friendly toot,
shop. Pop into the office and have a chat. ph 4318969 after and if you can help us out with sponsorship then we would
4/2/08. love to hear from you. Our team is the TriCHKs and we
Linking Hands office will be open from the 4th Feb from can be contacted through Heather Lupton on 4318565. If
10am to 2pm you want to know more about this exciting sport then head
Monday to Friday. to
Page 4 Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto Matters Page 5

The next morning tea for Mum’s will be run by Lynda
from S.K.I.P (Skills for Kids, Information for Par-
I do hope your New Year has kicked off with a good ents). Lynda will provide a lovely morning tea and some
start. great ideas for mums. Last time Lynda came she had lots
to past on.
Last year came to an end for us at Homebuilders with the
Christmas Party at the supper room of the Centennial Hall Cheers
for forty five of our Golden Oldies and five others who Denise
had their meal delivered to them as they were confined to
their homes. A great time was had by all, with a lovely
meal prepared and presented by Elaine Rosser and Ann
Tupp. The young people from the Christian School came
and sang several items and then lead us all in some well
known carols.
Retirement Units For Sale and Rent
The next Golden Oldies Lunch will be at the Congre-
gational Church at 11am on the 30th January. The Community Trust wishes to advise, that
vacancies occur from time to time in both the
Our next task was to deliver food and gifts to many in 2BR OYO units and 1BR rentals, situated
our community and I would like to take this opportunity within the village in Riverview place,
to thank all who dropped of food parcels and gifts for Maungaturoto.
those whose year had been difficult. I would really like
If you, or you have family interested in this
to thank Rob from Paparoa Store and the members of the
Congregational Church, and those of the Otamatea Parish retirement option, please contact Rest Home
for their generous donations of food. Also thanks to the Manager Hilda Ph. 431 8696, a name on our
staff of Fonterra who donated a box of toys, and Noel waiting list will ensure you are advised of
Radd Motors for having a Christmas tree for people to vacancies.
put gifts under, and for the others who dropped Xmas
wrapped parcels in to the Community House. You have
all joined to make some peoples Christmas a more cheer
filled time. Many of us at some time in our lives, find life
has gone against us to a degree that we never thought
possible. At that time the kindness and generosity of our
community is very important to us. For those who find
they are in need of support or care in this coming year the
Team at Homebuilders are available, we are only a phone
call away.
Phone 431 9080.

To start our new year off we invited the Golden Oldies to

morning tea at the Community House on Tuesday 15th
January, thirteen of our celebrated oldies came and joined
us for a couple of hours of reminiscing and story telling.
What fun they had telling stories. A lovely time was had
by all.

The next morning tea will be on Thursday 21st Febru-

ary at 10.30am to 11.30am and we look forward to
hearing more stories from you all.

On 17th of January we enjoyed the company of some of

the young mums and their little ones for
Morning tea. It is so lovely to get to know you all.
Page 6 Maungaturoto Matters


February can be one of the hottest months

which will make insect pests at their most

Lightly prune roses and cut off dead heads

to encourage more flowers.

Also disbud Chrysanthemums to

2 February 2008 encourage large blooms.
16th February2008
Early autumn rains often cause plants to
become diseased so it is a good idea to re-
move foliage if it is deteriorating.

February is the main month to plant your

bulbs for spring flowering.

(Garden hints from Maungaturoto Garden Club)

ct ion
ly fun ?
F a mi day??
r y our Birth
e fo 21st
u r
a ven tion o
in g fo Recep
Loo dding We have the perfect facilities
We for you to cater for that Work,
Family Gathering , Wedding
reception .

Large kitchen
Supper room
Dance/main hall - if required

Maungaturoto Community Hall

View Road, Maungaturoto
For Enquiries & Bookings
Call Lorraine
09 431 8388
Maungaturoto Matters Page 7


On 12 December 2007, Garden Club members met at Lynne
Causer’s home and enjoyed a delightful and varied pot-luck COMES OF AGE— Lorraine Rowlands
Christmas lunch.
Another excellent market held on Saturday 26 January, with
Anne Hayden gave a very informative talk on the Avocado fresh produce, fish, pickles & sauces, organic honey & fruit,
orchard she and her husband farm together with their partners organic garlic, native plants and Long Flat Bacon's bacon
at Kaikohe. sandwiches. Plus a new venture - Rowens Ice Cream.
Everyone was in party mode, a special cake was cut and bubbly
After the flower/bush competition won by Marge Paton, & juice offered around.Graham Taylor thanked the stallholders
members enjoyed a walk around Lynne’s beautiful and well in particular, for being consistently present at every market
planned garden. The main feature of two water pools, rock throughout the year - the first full year of the market.
garden and surrounding plantings were much admired. Her Congratulations and compliments were bountiful from the local
garden also has walkways which feature many varieties of ma- shoppers and the people who called in on their way through -
ture trees and camellias. "this is the best market I've been too, all good fresh produce
and not exorbitant as it usually is in bigger markets" has often
The next meeting is to be held on 20 February at 11 am at been heard.
Marge Paton’s home for a picnic lunch and games. This photo shows the celebratory cake (made by Gabriella
Furjes) being cut by Graham Taylor, Mary Stevens and Loraine
Rowlands. Everyone involved in the fortnightly markets are
********************* keen to continue their involvement in this great asset to the
"Village in the Valley" of Paparoa and with the number of new
ventures coming to the district, it is bound to succeed.

With the start of a new year also comes the reminder

that our member’s annual subscriptions are now due -
Subs are $10 per family per annum.

We have had a number of boxes containing magazines

left outside our doorway over the Christmas holidays.
Unfortunately, we do not have the shelf space to be
able to utilise them, so we are asking people please not
to drop them outside our door. If people would like to
donate books in good condition, please bring them in to
the librarian on duty, who will check that they are suit-
able and not duplicating a title we already hold on the

By the time this Matters arrives in everyone's letterbox,

all the libraries in the Kaipara District will be connected
to the Dargaville Library computer system.
We do ask please be patient with our volunteer librari-
ans as we all familiarise ourselves with the new system.

Opening hours are Mon-Thurs 10.30am-12.00noon, Fri

10.30am-4.00pm, Sat 10.00-1.00pm. New members are
always very welcome to join.

• Lawnmowing • Weed Eating
CHANGE OF MEETING DATE • Weed Spraying • Hedge Trimming
• Section Clearing • Rubbish Removal
For friendly service & free quotes
6 PM Phone Kurt
AT THE MAUNGATUROTO CENTENNIAL HALL 021 223 5677 or 09 431 8959
Page 8 Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto Matters Page 9
Tip Five: If possible, take a torch for each person.
Midnight Search and It was a black, black night. I couldn’t see a thing, including the
No Rescue nearby towering pines which didn’t break the screaming wind. I
envied Kate the dog who’d come for the adventure, but had sen-
By Rae Roadley sibly stayed with the truck.
Tip Four: If you can wangle it, stay with the vehicle.
We are now a fully trained search and rescue team thanks to a And it was so cold. Lucky I grabbed that jacket and hat.
late night request to help find a fisherman missing on the Kaipara Tip Three: Dress warm.
Harbour. While I stood still my mind travelled. What if the farmer fell and
Here are some handy hints for such missions, with the most im- dropped the torch? How long would I wait? Could I get back to
portant tip last because that’s when we learned it. the truck? I couldn’t use the fence as a guide - it was electrified.
The farmer and I were asleep when Tony and Lindsey Har- Were there bulls in the paddock? Imagine bumbling into a sleep-
greaves from across the river phoned at 11.30pm. A fisherman ing bull.
hadn’t arrived for a 5pm rendezvous at Ranganui, near Kaiwaka. After what seemed like forever - about 20 minutes - I saw the
It was howling a gale. If the motor had failed his boat might farmer’s torch flash. He showed up shortly afterwards having
have washed up on the other side of the farm. Could we check? found nothing.
The farmer and I bolted out of bed and pulled on warm clothes. I As we stumbled back across the paddock I suggested holding
grabbed a hat, jacket and our biggest torch. Yes, the farmer hands would make things easier. The farmer said he doubted this
jumped into the truck without a torch presumably figuring the was acceptable on a search and rescue mission, but held my hand
headlights would do the work. anyway.
We drove to the point near the house. No luck there, so we drove Tip Two: Hold hands, especially if it’s really dark.
through the farm where the torch came in handy. We got home at 12.15pm to find two messages from the Har-
Tip Six: Take a torch. greaves. The first had been recorded moments after we left. Just
We walked along the beach for a while then, because the tide was as they saw our vehicle lights disappear through the farm they
so high, through a wet, puggy paddock. I asked the farmer to spotted the lights of a boat heading up the harbour. The second
slow down so he wouldn’t leave me in the dark which gave him a message, at five past midnight, confirmed the missing boatie had
bright idea - he could travel faster without me, so why not leave arrived. Sigh… if only we’d known.
me all alone in the dark! Tip Five: Take a cell phone. Then HQ can phone if the lost
Sure, I said as he took off for the bluff with the one and only person is found and you can immediately return to your warm
torch. and snuggly bed.
Page 10 Maungaturoto Matters

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Maungaturoto Matters Page 11

BY WORZEL In funds he was a little light
A small advance would see him right
As the spectre of Christmas and another He said I’m not a man whom likes to –
year grows like spring lambs and fresh borrow
grass, we rocket onward, barely in con- You don't have to worry mate
trol, into an uncertain future. It leaves me Rely on me to compensate
a little shell-shocked at just how quick you. Rest assured I'll pay you back – to-
the speed of time really is. Could who- morrow
ever is driving this show please slow it
down a bit? Do we need to move quite They all said that he was smart
so quickly towards tomorrow? And believed that he would make his
The future is a capricious beast, and who Across the world he would carve – a fur-
can blame it? Politicians constantly row
promise to improve it, and fail miserably. The plan was sure, for he knew how
Prophets of doom and otherwise warn us to do the job. He would allow
of its dangers and economists and stock himself to milk the golden cow –
brokers spend their todays trying to guess tomorrow
what twists and turns it will perform and I want to know if you can be with joy
then attempt to wring as much cash as The heart of beauty he could win mine or your own
possible from it. If he could only just begin if you can dance with wildness
As a lover he would gain – the laurels and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips
Insurance companies ask you to pay She caused his heart to dance and sing of your fingers and toes
what you have today, on the understand- For love's a many splendoured thing without cautioning us
ing that, on some unspecified tomorrow, he decided he'd buy her a ring – to be careful
they will give you substantially more tomorrow to be realistic
back again. Usually this is conditional on to remember the limitations of being
a catastrophe occurring, which is, I sup- human.
pose, a safe if not very optimistic bet. He knew not where to put the blame - ORIAH
When he found tomorrow never came
Drug companies too, make a tidy living His reward for failing at the game is –
producing countless products designed to sorrow
offset the inevitable changes that result For tending to procrastinate
when tomorrow becomes today. Had robbed him of a better fate ATTENTION
No one told him it's too late – tomorrow ADVERTISERS
Approaching tomorrow; people promise
themselves much. Tomorrow I'm going
His end was unexpectedly abrupt
to change, tomorrow I'm going to get He'd drink no more from mortal cup DEADLINE
around to it, tomorrow things will be bet- Around his grave a few turned up – to 15TH OF THE MONTH
ter. This Illustrates only that hope tri- pray
umphs over experience, the promises are So quickly was the reaper sent NO EXCEPTIONS
empty, tomorrow never comes. He hadn't had time to repent
To an uncertain destiny he went -- today


Phone Jenny on 09 431-2826 Get ready for Summer!

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Let’s take the hassle out of your busy life. Shampoo carpets and upholstery in your car
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Contact: Karen 431 9161
Page 12 Maungaturoto Matters


123 Hurndall Stret

Phone: (09) 431 8733
Fax: (09) 431 8736

You Can Hire …

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Concrete Power Float
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Scrub Cutters
Weed Trimmers 12 tonne Digger
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Trailer Experienced Operator
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1.5 Tonne Digger No job too big or too small
At Maungaturoto Call Brian now for all your excavating work
Phone:- (09) 423 8024
Auto Centre Mobile: 021 423 802

431 8288
Maungaturoto Matters Page 13

I am impressed!
When I first moved to Maungaturoto I was invited by Maureen
Davis to come and see what happened at the Good Old Days
gatherings. I went along to the hall at the back of the Congre-
gational church, and found about 37 older people sitting
around catching up with friends over tea and scones. Then
Aileen Hames brought her class from the Paparoa Primary
School and the children presented some lively items, which
were obviously appreciated by their older audience.

Then a casserole dinner with potatoes and veges followed by

dessert was going to be served. A few helpers scurried about,
escorting some of the elderly to the dining tables. There was a
marked enthusiasm shown by the diners once those same
helpers brought their meals. Out in the kitchen Eileen Rosser
was dishing up the meal she had just prepared.

Afterwards, the same helpers, along with Eileen, attended to

the dishes and the cleaning up, then a transport roster swung
into operation, and our older residents of Maungaturoto and
Paparoa were driven to their homes.
I was SO impressed. New to the area, this was my first intro-
duction to a community spirit, and the work of Homebuilders.
Most impressive was the fact that most of the tasks were done
by volunteers.

I went back in October and November, and the same group of

volunteers were there. Then came the Christmas dinner.
Homebuilders catered for over 50, in a grand sit down meal,
after morning tea, and entertainment by the children from the
Christian school. My heart was warmed as I watched the little
group of volunteers set and decorate tables, cook ham and
chicken, roast veges, and mixed veges for the first course.
Nothing was missed out, there was gravy and cranberry sauce.
Cheese sauce on the cauliflower, it was a superb meal, prepared
by Eileen Rosser and Ann Tupp. The few (and there were only
a few) volunteers had a long and busy day. At the conclusion,
as the hall was cleared away, the dishes done, the floor swept,
and the transport completed I took a long, hard look at these
volunteers. One was in her twenties, two in their fifties, and
three in their sixties. A couple of the hardest workers were
older than some of those so willingly served!
I am still a newcomer to the Maungaturoto district. I do not yet
know many people, but I wonder, if there might be out there a
few younger (like in your 40's!) people who could give a few
hours once a month to provide transport, and practical help to
our older residents at their Golden Oldies dinner. It is the first
Wednesday of the month, and you could join with me in being
very impressed with the way in which this community says
'have a good day' to our oldies.

Thanks for reading my article, you can contact me at 431 9080

if you would like to lend a hand.

Elizabeth Ludlam.
Page 14 Maungaturoto Matters

Mobile Accounting
Registered Tax Agent

Invoicing, Gst Returns, Paye,

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We come to you and we
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Graham Slatter
INQUIRIES Master Plumber
PHONE US ANY DAY AT Registered Drainlayer
431 8750
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT BY 3 ton digger & truck for hire
5 View Road,
HOBSON CHAMBERS Ph (09) 431 8750
143 HURNDALL ST Mob (021) 723 284
Phone 025 2445430
027 244 5430
MAUNGATUROTO A/Hrs Ph. 431 8451
Fax. 431 8561
Maungaturoto Matters Page 15

RSA Memorial Club Newsletter Friday Dining & Social: “Where everybody knows
your name.....” In the words of one regular, who did-
Christmas Hamper: Winning the Christmas draw n’t get his membership card so didn’t appear for
brought delighted smiles to the faces of Pete & Patti several months, “I walked in, and everyone was so
Ilsley who were looking forward to the special treats, friendly that I haven’t missed a Friday since.” De-
and to sharing their good fortune with others. lightful new friendships have been forged over the
Committee and members offer grateful thanks to the happy season.
generous hamper contributors. We look forward to our Friday evenings - 8 or 9
delicious, inexpensive dinner choices. Come and

Need Assistance? The Executive can assist any

Returned Services Member from our Club's Welfare
Fund. Enquiries to Les Chapman ph 431 8186.

Open: Wed 6pm, Fri 5pm. Applications TO JOIN

are welcome, $27 pa. Ph: acting President Ron
Manderson ph 431 9101, or Fran Koni (wk) 431
Coming up in 2008: Plans are afoot for regular
Wednesday snooker and pool competitions, and
probably casual fast-ish (not necessarily speedy)
food. Members may be asked to assist; be quick to
volunteer or you may be co-opted. (Better to enjoy A WORD ON PHOTOS :
the satisfaction of altruism than feel begrudging and Due to the limitations of our technology we cannot guaran-
disgruntled!) tee the quality of the finished product
Page 16 Maungaturoto Matters
Maungaturoto Matters Page 17

Maungaturoto Country Club

Sports and Social Complex
PO Box 81, Bickerstaffe Road, Maungaturoto.
Phone 09 4318326 Fax 09 4318324
Twilight Bowls at the Club
From Friday, 8th February at 5.30pm. All welcome - novices and
experts. Form a team of three or join one on the night. Bowls lasts
for about an hour. This is a great opportunity to socialise, have fun -
and play bowls.
Super 14: Pick the winners
Begins second week in February. $2 ea week or $25 for the series.
Weekly winners and big prizes at the end of the series. Challenge
your friends, family and workmates!

Maungaturoto Country Club

Caterer required to provide bistro-style meals

each Thursday and Friday night. The position is
flexible, i.e. may involve larger functions and
other events.
If you are interested or require more details,
please phone Rae on 4318 266

Campervans at the Club

Please tell your friends and family members with campervans that
the Country Club is a POP (Park Over Property) for campervans,
which are welcome to stay for just $5 a night. There is one electrical
point. Visitors can be given a code so they can access the rugby
showers and toilets. Depending on numbers, the club buildings can
be opened for toilet and shower use. .
About 20 campervans from the South Auckland Caravan Club to
stayed between Christmas and New Year. They attended a buffet
dinner on the 29th and all enjoyed their stay in Maungaturoto. They
INVITES YOU travelled on to Dargaville where they stayed in the high school
grounds then went to Ngunguru where they stayed in the grounds of
the sports complex before heading south again. The club will again
TO ATTEND host the Mid Winter Xmas Rally of the NZ Motor Caravan Associa-

10AM Aotearoa Maori Bowls Tournament

About 112 bowlers will play in this tournament on the 2nd and 3rd of
AT THE February. Caterer Brett Taylor will provide breakfast both days and
dinner on the Saturday evening. The tournament is so large players
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH will also be using greens in Dargaville and in Ruawai where the event

Northland Lifestyle Field Days - April 12 and 13

0-5 YRS MUSIC & MOVEMENT Real Town Maungaturoto is hosting this event. The field days will
become an annual event which will attract exhibitors and lifestyle
FOLLOWED BY MORNING TEA block owners - and potential property owners - from throughout
Northland and Rodney district. In 2004, Ministry of Agriculture and
CONTACT ELAINE 431-8317 Fisheries figures indicated 6800 new lifestyle blocks were being reg-
istered annually in New Zealand. Of the 139,868 lifestyle blocks in
Or RUTH 431-8491 New Zealand in December 2004, almost a fifth (27,393) were north of
Auckland. That number has since more than doubled.

supported by Deck Warming/ Welcome to New Members

Coming in early March for members. More details to follow.
Maungaturoto Congregational Church
($2 donation per family please) Xmas Party
Yay- What a great night was had by all who attended.
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