PTSD Dialog

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Post traumatic stress disorder

In the one of the city in California, there lived a 40 year old woman, her name is Lasmi. Lasmi lives
with her lovely husband. She provides care for the homebound husband who has savere COPD. In
September 2000, the husband dies as a result of respiratory arrest. Her only relative is a nephew who
talks with her about once a month.

Scene 1

In October 2002, her home is broken into and our patient is raped and ropped.

1. adegan vihan ngerampok. Dia mengendap endap, terus njupuk I barang ndek karung
2. sya syok : “who… who are you? Kyaaaa”
3. vihan : “shut up!” vihan marani sya, membungkam, terus adegan seng disensor iku seng jare
4. akhire vihan metu
5. terus garek sya tok nangis geleng2 bengok2 ndek pojokan

Scene 2

In the next day, her nephew comes to the Lasmi’s house.

1. Nephew: knock.. knock… knock…

2. Nephew : “helloooo… aunty.. helloww..” knock..knock.. knock..
3. Nephew mencoba membuka pintu, tapi ndak dikunci. Akhirnya pintunya dibuka
4. Nephew shock, rumahnya berantakan, lalu menemukan Lasmi dipojokan dengan baju compang
camping dan pingsan.
5. Nephew: “aunty.. aunty..” sambil menggoyangkan Lasmi
6. Lasmi bangun, lalu berteriak : “kyaaaaaaaa! Get out! Get out from here! Get outtt!!!!” sambil
mendorong keponakannya.
7. Nephew: “aunty, its mee, your nephew. Calm down please.. its me. Its okay now, you are safe
with me okay? Calm down please..”
8. Lasmi sambil memandang takut : “ help me please.. help me” lalu menangis sambil memegangi
bagian dadanya
9. Nephew : “aunty, its okay.. please explain to me slowly what happen tonight okay? Inhale..
10. Lasmi :” a thief… a thief… he robbing this house and.. and.. (terisak) he raping me (menangis dan
memegangi emboh wes sak karepku)”
11. Nephew sambil memeluk: “okay, its okay.. you safe now, you with me”

And then, the nephew calling an emergency call, and Lasmi was taken to a local hospital specializing
in rape. Here, she is distressed, delusional, and is reported to be very emotionally distraught.
Scene 3

Dirumah sakit..

1. Nephew mengantar lasmi di RS terus ditangani perawat 1

(ini percakapan antara nephew sama perawat 1 yaa rek, tolong samean buat hehehe)

Scene 4

(ini percakapan perawat waktu ngasih tau keadaan lasmi ke nephew, terus ngasih tau tanda stress,
delusi emosional, terus ngasih tau tentang homecare itu)

Scene 5

After 4 day stay at the hospital, finally Lasmi can going to home. Then 3 weeks later, a community
nursing home are visite in her home.

(ini adegan terapi ya gaesss, antara hursing homecare 1, nursing homecare 2 sama Lasmi)

Scene 6

One day at night…

1. Lasmi tidur dengan gelisah

2. Terus lasmi tangi, terus bongok2, terus nunjuk2 gak jelas
3. Lasmi : “who are u??? get out from my room! Get outtt!”
4. Nephew lagsung buka kamar lasmi, lalu menghampiri lasmi. Dan nephew melihat apa yang
dilakukan lasmi sehingga nephew paham dan langsung membawa lasmi ke RS
5. Nephew :” aunty, we are go to the hospital, now!”

Scene 7

In hospital, the nurse persuade Lasmi to drink her medicine, but Lasmi refuse it. (lanjutkan ya rek aku
sek buntu) pokok ahirnya lasmi mau minum obat soalnya perawatnya mbujuk dia terus. Akhire lasmi
sembuh dan ending.

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