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Chapter 1


I. Introduction

Today, it is crucial to determine the impact of social media to the life of the

students; whether it’s in their academic performance or social life. The use of social

media platforms is continuously blooming and the bad effects of it really affects the

students in a negative way. But despite of these, there are also some positive

effects of it to the students. It entirely depends on how they will be able to handle

the consequences of the use of social media.

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated

to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. As of

November 2018, the total worldwide population is 7.6 billion, 3.03 billion of it are

users of social media and in total, people have 5.54 social media accounts. It is

already obvious that more than half of the population of the earth are users of

social media. The ability to share photos, opinions and events in real-time has

transformed the way people live. (


Using social media Web sites is among the most common activity of today's

children and adolescents. Any web site that allows social interaction is considered

a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace,

and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life,

and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. These sites offer today's

youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially

in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the

nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments

for children and adolescents.

Engaging in various forms of social media is a routine activity that research

has shown to benefit children and adolescents by enhancing communication,

social connection, and even technical skills. Most of these children and

adolescents are students. Social media sites such as Facebook and MySpace

offer multiple daily opportunities for connecting with friends, classmates, and

people with shared interests. During the last 5 years, the number of preadolescents

and adolescents using such sites has increased dramatically. According to a

recent poll, 22% of teenagers log on to their favorite social media site more than

10 times a day, and more than half of adolescents log on to a social media site

more than once a day. Seventy-five percent of teenagers now own cell phones,

and 25% use them for social media, 54% use them for texting, and 24% use them

for instant messaging. Thus, a large part of this generation's social and emotional

development is occurring while on the Internet and on cell phones.

II. Conceptual Framework

The following theories are the theories which anchor this study.

Connectivism, a learning theory by George Siemens (2004), is a learning theory

for the digital age. In connectivism, learning is a process that occurs based upon

a variety of continuously shifting elements. The “starting point of learning is the

individual who feeds information into the network, which feeds information back to

the individuals who in turn feed information back into the network as part of a cycle”

(Siemens,2004), connectivism presents itself as a pedagogical approach that

affords learners the ability to connect to each other via social networking or

collaboration tools. Many theories assume that learning happens inside the head

of an individual. Siemens (2009) believes that learning today is too complex to be

processed in this way and that “we need to rely on a network of people (and,

increasingly technology) to store, access, and retrieve knowledge and motivate its

use”. Learning is viewed as multifaceted and particular tasks define which

approach to learning is most appropriate to the learner (Siemens, 2003).

This theory is about how the digital world, including social media, affects

how people acquire knowledge. Unlike the other theories, where others assume

that learning happens inside the head of an individual, Siemens believe that

learning today is too complex that’s why people need to rely on a network of

people, or in other word, an online community, where in they will be able to help

each other to process a particular information. In this theory, learning is viewed as

multifaceted and a particular task will determine which learning is the most

effective or appropriate to the learner.

The second theory is Sociometer Theory of self-esteem by Mark Leary

(1999) is a theory put proposing that humans have evolved a form of psychological

meter, or gauge, which monitors the degree to which other people value and

accept them. Leary in named this monitor a sociometer, and proposed that this

evaluation of the individual’s level of acceptance by others is a determinant of self-


In 1990, he began to do a research on the topic of rejection, and how people

react to rejection. On the process of the research, he realized that when people

feel accepted, their self-esteem automatically goes up, and when people feel

rejected, their self-esteem automatically goes down. This model of self-esteem

suggest that having self-esteem has no benefits in its own way, just feeling good

about yourself doesn’t do anything, except to the extent that it provides feedback

about the quality of a person’s interaction to other people.

III. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to know the Effects of Social Media to the

High School Students of Child Jesus of Prague School. The researchers chose

this topic and led to this study because according to the news and to the things

they have read on articles social media are becoming an integral part of people’s

lives. Students are spending much time on social media and are considered the

largest category that uses such application and affects them socially and


Research Problem

Students are highly motivated to using social media sites the majority of

them use these to satisfy their social needs more than their academic needs. They

have the freedom to do whatever they want – they can upload or download data,

they can make new friends and comment on other people’s lives, and they can

even create other online identities the real world does not allow. It has been

observed too that the majority of the students nowadays, spend most of their time

chatting with their acquaintances, playing online games, and watching videos

instead of reading their lessons, making their assignments, and other academic

requirements. The main reason is when they work or search their materials online

they get attracted to social networking sites to kill boredom during study time,

diverting their attention from their work. The darker side of this is that some

students are getting lazier and are no longer interested in going to school. This is

probably due to being extensively indulged to get global access and therefore

leading them to perform less academically. Students lose focus during class time,

procrastinate, open their live up to the public and pressures them to do things just

to impress their peers. Every picture, post, tweet and snap that is published online

becomes public and can be viewed by everyone. This can harm student’s

reputation as individuals who personally do not know the student make judgements

based on the image they portray over social media.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1 What are the effects of social media to the character formation of the

students in Child Jesus of Prague School?

2. What are the effects of social media to the study habits of Child Jesus of

Prague School?

3. What are the effects of social media to the social life of Child Jesus of

Prague School?

IV. Significance of the study

This study is important because social media plays an important role to

student’s life. It will help us examine and take a look on how social media impacts

on student’s life and their way of living. Usage of it has the potential to affect them

in terms of their study habits, social life and character formation but it could be

positive or negative effect. The researchers assumes that the study will be

beneficial to the following persons:

STUDENTS. The results of the study will help them be aware on how

social media may affect them in a positive and negative way. It will help them to

limit and control using it. And at the end of the study, they will have realization and

would finally know how it changes their life and their way of living.

PARENTS. They will benefit from being aware on how social media

affects their child. It will give them ideas on how they will discipline their child in

terms of the proper usage of it. And at the end of the study, the parents will be able

to help their child to control and balance social media and academic activities.

TEACHERS. As second parents, they will benefit from being aware on

how social media affects their students. They will be able to understand more their

behavior and find solutions if the effect is negative. And at the end of the study,

they will be able to monitor and guide their students on the proper usage of it and

how to use and choose the right sites.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. The findings and outputs of this study will

serve as guide to the future researchers. It could give them ideas on conducting

studies and be a good source of accurate and useful information.

V. Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on determining the effects of social media to the high

school students of Child Jesus of Prague School. This study will showcase how

the high school students cope up with the effects of social media to their social,

academic and personal life.

This study will not focus on the factors affecting the students’ life and the

different areas affected by it aside from the social life, study habits and the

character formation of the students of Child Jesus of Prague School. The

respondents of the researchers are limited only to the high school students of Child

Jesus of Prague School.

VI. Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined


SOCIAL MEDIA. This is an online platform where people share and see contents

from different applications and is also used for networking activity. For example

uploading pictures on instagram and facebook.

ONLINE COMMUNITY. This is a group of people connecting with each other

virtually through the use of internet.

NETWORK. A device that people use in order for them to be able to communicate

with each other. Examples are desktop computers, laptop, and smartphones.

SOCIAL LIFE. A person’s way of interacting with other people.

STUDY HABITS. The behavior of a student that is used when preparing for

academic related activities.

CHARACTER FORMATION. A way of determining the enhancement of a person’s

characteristics or attitude which can be positive or negative.

Chapter 2


I. Overview of Related Literature

This chapter includes related literatures about how social media

affects the students in their academic performance, social life and

character formation.

II. Thematic Discussion

In a study entitled “The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Youth”

by Khurana (2015), it is against the notion claiming that due to the rapid

popularity of social networking sites the youth tends to distract themselves

from their studies and professions but on the contrary is also developing

friendly and social ties with the world that revolves around them. It focuses

on the fact that most of the youth uses these sites due to influence of their

friends and just because their friends have been using and accessing

these sites. This also illustrates the academic performance of students

using social networking sites. Students do not realize as to when and

where to use these social networking sites and are witnessed using them

in areas such as lecture halls while lectures are going on and also during

study and reading hours of their work schedules.

As stated by Cabilin, Feraldo, Gallardo, Gabriel, and Pascual (n.d)

on their study “Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites to the

Academic Performance of the Selected Students of the Technological

Institute of the Philippines”, social networking sites become the leading

way of communication even from the other side of the world to miles away

from it. Social networking sites provide a variety of services that entertains

the users all over the world. From the youngest possible user to the oldest,

they are all busy keeping their eye on their accounts and expressing their

feeling about anything.

According to Woude (2015) on her study “Social Media Effects on

Study Habits”, social media sites let students see what is going on with

their friends and family and that social media can be used in the classroom

to keep students involved and interested in what they are learning. A little

half of the students she asked believed that if they checked social media

less they studied, their grades would improve. Only a quarter of them did

not think it would have any effect at all

Moreover, Schroeder et al (2010) indicated on their article “Social

Software in Higher Education: The Diversity of Applications and Their

Contributions to Students’ Learning Experiences”, higher education

institutions are increasingly using social software tools to support teaching

and learning. Despite the fact that social software is often used in a social

context, these applications can significantly contribute to the educational

experience of a student. In this review on the educational use of social

software, they systematically analyze and compare the diverse social

software tools and identify their contributions to teaching and learning. By

integrating established learning theory and the extant literature on the

individual social software applications we seek to contribute to a

theoretical foundation for social software use and the choice of tools. Case

vignettes from several UK higher education institutions are used to

illustrate the different applications of social software tools in teaching and


On the contrary, Harrison (2018) said on her study “How social media

affects students”, many other students deal with the same problem of

staying on social media. Students often find themselves updating their

feed when they should be working or studying, but students choose to

adapt to the new “world” is the ultimate decider of their academic success.

According to Mrunal (2018) on her article “Impact of Social Media on

Children”, social media is a rapidly evolving platform for younger people

lately to communicate, express themselves and share content of all kinds

and there are certain very strong positive arguments in favor of social

media. It can greatly affect their social life and studies that can be improved

and stay connected with their family and peers. The impact of social media

on children is that it does more harm than good. It can affect children’s

child development, social interaction, and mostly their academics.

In addition, Morallo (2013) said on his study “The effects of Social

Networking Sites on Students’ Academic Performance in Lyceum of the

Philippines”, in the advent of internet technology, social communication

using the internet became the frontier of daily communication,

collaboration and networking. This frontier is delineated by many social

networking websites and portals. The study of Lewis et al. (2008) found

out that the influence of these SNSs continues to get increasingly more

pervasive, making actual and virtual realities almost indistinguishable. The

student-respondents tended to use SNSs to interact with their friends and

not use for academic reasons. Specifically, the study found out that the

higher the time spent on SNSs showed the lower is the time spent on


According to Medlin (2016) on his article “Media’s Growing Influence

on Filipino Youth & What You Can Do About It”, Filipino youth today are

more the products of mass media rather than their genes or school, or

least of all, their homes. Like it or not, media is now the leading values-

shaping influence in the lives of our youth and young adults. Family, faith,

education and even peers now take a backseat to its powerful voice.

Likewise, Javellana (2014) stated on her research entitled

“Influence of Social Media on Body Satisfaction among adolescents” The

media plays a large role in how teenagers view themselves by shaping

images of what teenagers are supposed

to be or do. This study focused on the influence of media on the body

image satisfaction among adolescents.

The study aimed to determine which media influence adolescents

most, the level of body image satisfaction of the adolescents, the

relationship between media and body image satisfaction, and propose

measures to enhancethe adolescents’ bodyimage satisfaction.

As stated by an article entitled “Positive and Negative Effects of

Social Media on Social Interactions” (n.d), social media changes the way

people interact with each other by offering more convenience but less

quality. It states here that with the set of social media, it is quicker and

simpler to contact people and it’s also quicker to meet new individuals.

Consequently, social media diminishes the constitution of social

interaction for the modern generations. Social media also provides people

with less interpersonal skills, a lack of conflict resolution and very little


Furthermore, Madamba (2015) indicated on her article “Impact of

Social Media on Children, Adolescents and Families”, Filipino children

today include the risk of being exposed to cyber pornography and even

cyber bullying. This leads to low self-esteem that leads to dependency,

which when left unaddressed make them vulnerable to sexual abuse,

teenage pregnancy, illicit drug use, HIV infection and a gamut of other

problems. Unfortunately, children in the third world countries such as the

Philippines, are being exploited through this same technology. Webcam

sex tourism is a newly coined term describing how pedophiles and sex

offenders virtually rape children in their own homes.

As stated by Maitem et al. (2017) on their study “Social Media

Utilization and Its effect to the Study Habit of the Students”, they conducted

this research to determine the effects of social media to the study habits

of the students. Through surveys and by giving questioners to students,

the study revealed that majority of respondents used facebook, twitter and

etch. For making friends and chatting instead of using educational sites for

their school works. In addition, majority of respondents experienced

negative effect such as less time to study due to the heavy participation

on social media networks. This study conclude that there was a high

addiction rate among students in the usage of social media networks.

In the same way, Selvaraj (2013) stated on her research “Impact of

Social Media on Student’s Academic Performance”, even though there is

loss of privacy and safety, social media provides opportunities for

connecting with friends, classmates, and people with shared interest.

Today, communication revolution brought us together regardless of

geographical boundaries. We can connect with our friends and love ones

even if they are on different place or country. The main focus of students

should be their education and future career. However, many students rely

on the accessibility of information on social media. That means that they

reduced focus on learning and retaining information.

In an article written by Dr. Kuss (2017) “Social Networking Sites and

Addiction: Ten Lessons Learned”, fear of missing out (FOMO) may be part

of SNS addiction. Fear of missing out, or FOMO is a form of social anxiety,

a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity or satisfying

event, often aroused by posts seen on social media websites. Higher

levels of FOMO have been associated with greater engagement with

Facebook, lower general mood, lower wellbeing, and lower life

satisfaction, mixed feelings when using social media, as well as

inappropriate and dangerous SNS use. This study showed that social

media use for a minority of individuals is associated with a number of

psychological problems, including anxiety, depression, loneliness,

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and addiction. Because social

media is most frequently accessed via smartphones, their usage is

intimately intertwined and their mobile nature contributes to excessive

checking habits, which often derives from what is commonly labelled as

the ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO).

According to Gitonga (2018) on her article “Positive and negative

effects of social media”, in 2017 it was estimated that 2.46 billion users

around the world use social media. That number is expected to rise to 2.77

billion by 2019.The youth comprise of the greatest number of users of

social media. Thus they are the most affected. It’s very beneficial to the

students because they can have an easy access to relevant and current

information and can stay in touch with their peers and family. Negative

effects might outweigh the pros. Students can also suffer due to

distractions, can harm their employment opportunities and students can

be harmed by other students because of what he/she portray in social

media that may result to self-harm and severe cases. This can lead to

increased cases of violence, hostility and hate crimes.

However, an article entitled “Social media for children and

teenagers” (n.d), stated that children and teenager can get a lot of positive

things from social media. Some of these are social media can help your

child gain knowledge and skills about social media so he or she can enjoy

online activities and avoid online risks, your child can be included in a

group where they are performing collaborative learning, social media can

help them to be more creative and connecting with an extended family and

friends can give your child a sense of belonging and connection.

This article also includes some negative effects of social media like

they are being exposed to sensitive and violent contents, they share their

personal information with strangers like phone numbers, and they upload

inappropriate content or provocative photos of himself or herself or others.

As stated by an article “The Effects Of Social Media In Student

Teens” (2018) that on academic level, social media can have a negative

effect on student productivity when it comes to concentration on the

classroom, timekeeping, and conscientiousness. It has also made young

people to be more politically aware, and has also helped them to

communicate with other young people.

Furthermore, Gok (2016) said on his study “The effects of social

networking sites on students’ studying and habits”, that social media is

important because they can use it to communicate with people, share/ask

information, and follow/evaluate/interpret the events, etc. for everyone at

the present time. But the collected data from students’ opinions revealed

that the social networking sites has a negative impact on them and on their

study habits. This study indicated that many students have interest in

social networking sites and this interest leads students to an addiction. I t

is said to be that the majority of the them spend more time on social media

instead of studying academic courses and they weren’t able to manage

and balance social media and academic activities.

According to Torrevillas (2017) on her article "Social media

constructs, destructs), netizens shouldn't believe everything they see on

social media. Not even pictures - described as saying a thousand words -

can be believed, because editing pictures is easier using editing apps and

soft ware. Social media can be used to prop up or destroy an individual

and/or commercial product.

Imtiaz Ali of TechMead writes of the positive effects of social media,

mainly that social networks helping businesses in a variety of ways. On

the other hand, Karen cites a 2010 Case Western Reserve School of

Medicine study that showed hyper-networking(more than three hours on

social networks per day) and hyper texting(more than 120 text messages

per day) correlated with unhealthy behaviors in teens, including drinking,

smoking and sexual activity.

According to Kulidtod and Pasagui (2017) in their study entitled


PERFORMANCE OF THE STUDENTS”, those students who used the

media wisely, their academic performance improved. However, those who

failed to regulate their use of these social networking tools negatively

affected their studies which oftentimes led to their addicted use. In general,

the study found out that the exposure of the IMEAS students to the social

networking media positively affected their academic performance. In

contrast, there is also this very disturbing finding of the study which

disclosed that the students of IMEAS, University of Southern Mindanao,

Kabacan, Cotabato used the social networking media almost daily since

majority of them answered to have used said form of media 5-6 days a week

at an average of about 1-2 hours every session.

III. Synthesis

The review of the related literatures supports the study in a way that

they give information about how social media affects the students in their

life. This review of related literatures shows that social media is one of the

greatest factor affecting the students.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents research design, research locale,

participants, instrument and data gathering procedure used in the study.

Research Design

The researchers decided to use case study as their research design

because the objective of this paper is to know the effects of social media

to the Senior High School students of Child Jesus of Prague School.

Data was collected from selected Senior High School students in

Child Jesus of Prague School in order to find out on how social affects the

character formation, study habits and social life of the students. By means

of this research method, the researchers were able to gather reliable and

accurate information and data that support and assess this study

Research Locale

This study was done in Child Jesus of Prague School year 2018-

2019. It is located in barangay Batingan, Binangonan, Rizal. The

researchers chose to conduct this study in this school because it will be

easier for them to gather data since they are also a student in this school.

The researchers only have limited time to gather the data they need for

the study.


This study focuses on social media and its effects, the researchers

used probability sampling specifically systematic sampling wherein they

picked the students according to class numbers. The numbers selected

were 1-5, both from the girls and boys. 60 senior high school students were

chosen as the participants. They are composed of 30 grade 11 students

and 30 grade 12 students.


The researchers used one instrument in conducting this study –


They made a combination questionnaire which includes yes or no

questions, subjective questions, and coding. These questions are about

the effects of social media to the social life of the students, to their study

habits and character formation of the students. The questions should be

able to answer the specific questions of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the researchers had finally selected and finalized the tool for

data collection, the researchers chose 6 sections in High School

Department of Child Jesus of Prague School and used the method that

they have chosen which is the systematic sampling and a combination

survey questionnaire. The researchers sought the permission from the

teachers and students for collecting the data needed for the research. The

researchers gave the survey questionnaire to one students from each

section and ask them to give it to their classmates who are included to the

respondents of the researchers.

Chapter 4


This chapter includes all the summary of the data gathered by the

researchers through a survey questionnaire that were given to the 60 respondents

form Senior High.

The researchers asked the students to choose five (5) social media

platforms from the word pool on the questionnaire, then rank them on how often

they used that social media, 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest.

The most common social media platform that are mostly used by the Senior

High School of Child Jesus of Prague School is Facebook Messenger with 24 out

of 60, then followed by Facebook with 20, Twitter with 9 and Youtube with 7. The

other applications were not chosen by any of the respondents.

The second most common social media platform that are mostly used by

the students is still Facebook messenger with 18 out of 60 respondents who

utilized it, then followed by Facebook with 11, Youtube with 10, Twitter with 7,

Instagram with 6 and Pinterest with 2. The other applications were not chosen by

any of the respondents.

The third most common social media platform that are mostly used by the

students is Youtube with 16 out of 60 respondents who used it, then followed by

Facebook with 13, Twitter with 11, Messenger with 9, Instagram with 8, and Tumblr

and Snapchat with 1. The other applications were not chosen by any of the


The fourth most common social media platform that are mostly used by the

students is Instagram with 15 out of 60, then followed by Twitter with 14, Youtube

with 10, Messenger with 8, Facebook with 7, Google+ with 4, and Snapchat,

Tumblr and pinterest with 1. The other applications were not chosen by any of the


The fifth most common social media platform that are mostly used by the

students is still Instagram with 14 out of 60, then followed by Youtube with 11,

Google+ with 10, Twitter with 8, Facebook with 5, Pinterest with 4, Snapchat with

3 and Facebook Messenger0 with 1. The other applications were not chosen by

any of the respondents.

Most Common Social Media Platform


Graph 1: Most Common Social Media Platforms

In the overall result, It shows that Facebook Messenger got the

highestfrequency which is 60, then followed by Facebook with 56, Youtube with

54, Twitter with 49 and Instagram with 43. The researchers notice or observed

that the Social networking sites has a crucial role in student’s socialization

because it helps them interact and build a relationships with other people.

Common Phrases or Expressions

Seen on Social Media

7% 16%
23% 4%
Edi Wow
Boom Panes
20% 12% Ha? Hakdog
Paano mo nasabi?
Share Mo Lang?
Share Ko Lang?

Graph 2: Common Phrases or Expression Seen on Social Media

In graph 2, which is about the common words or expressions that the

students see on social media, it shows the most common words used by the senior

high school students from Child Jesus of Prague School. This graph shows that

the expression “Share ko lang”, is the most common used one(42). The next one

is “Share mo lang?” (36), followed by “Ha? Hakdog!” (33), then “Edi Wow” (30),

then “Paano mo nasabi?” (23), then “Boom Panes” (7), and lastly, they chose

others (13). Some of the expressions that they gave, that are not included on the

choices are “sinasabi mue?”, “ayus pala ih” and “agik”.

Through this result, it is safe to say that social media affects how they

communicate with other people. The best example is with the expression “Share

Ko Lang”, out of 60 respondents, 42 of them chose this one, 17 from the boys, and

25 form the girls. It may be favourable to the students because they will be able to

relate with their friends but it can also be a negative effects because other people

doesn’t like those kinds of words.

Spent on Social Media

Less than 30 minutes
5% 7%
1 hour
73% 2 hour

More than 3 hours

Graph 3.1: Time Spent on Social Media During Weekends

In Graph 3.1, it shows the amount of time spent on social media by the students

during weekends. Majority of them chose more than 3 hours, with a frequency of

44 (73%) out of 60 respondents, 19 from the boys, and 25 from the girls. It is

followed by 2 hours, with a frequency of 9 (15%), then 1 hour, with a frequency of

4 (7%) and lastly, less than 30 minutes, with a frequency of 3 (5%).

It is observed from the data that most of the students prefer spending their

time on social media than doing other things. This data can support the previous

one, which is about the most common used expression, because if students spend

more than 3 hours on social media, it will really affect how they communicate with

other people.

Spent on Social Media

8% Less than 3o minutes
48% 1 hour

37% 2 hour
More than 3 hours

Graph 3.2: Time Spent on Social Media During Weekdays

In Graph 3.2, it shows the amount of time spend by students on social media during

weekdays. Just like with Graph 3.1, the one with the highest frequency is more

than 3 hours, with 29 (48%) out of 60 respondents, 12 from the boys and 17 from

the girls. It is followed by 2 hours with a frequency of 22 (37%), then less than 30

minutes with a frequency of 5 (8%) and lastly, 1 hour with a frequency of 4 (7%).

It is observed that eve during the weekdays, most of the students still spend

most of their time using social media. Through this data, it will answer the question

about how social media affect the study habits of the students.

Spent on Studying
Less than 30 minutes
28% 20% 1 hour

25% 2 hours
More than 3 hours
I don't study at home

Graph 4.1: Time Spent on Studying During Weekends

In graph 4.1, it shows the amount of time spent in studying by the students

during weekends. Majority of the students chose I don't study at home, with a

frequency of 17 (28%) out of 60 respondents, 11 from the boys and 6 from the

girls. It is followed by 1 hour with a frequency of 15 (25%), less than thirty minutes

with 12 (20%), more than 3 hours with 9 (15%) and 2 hours with 7 (12%).

As observed from the data, most students don't study at home during

weekends due to different activities prioritized. The previous data showed that

students use social media during weekends which showed that it is prioritized

more that studying. Therefore, the study habits of the students are greatly

affected by social media.

Spent on Studying
Less than 30 minutes
15% 18%
1 hour
27% 2 hours
More than 3 hours
I don't study at home

Graph 4.2: Time Spend on Studying During Weekdays

In graph 4.2, it shows the amount of time spent in studying by the students

during weekdays. Majority of the students chose more than 3 hours with a

frequency of 16 (27%). It is followed by 1 hour with 14 (23%), less than 30 minutes

with 11 (18%), 2 hours with 10 (17%) and I don't study at home with 9 (15%).

As observed from the data, studentsp mostly spend their time studying

during weekdays. This data shows that majority of the students prioritize studying

during weekdays than doing other things including using social media. The data

shows that study habits of the students are still maintained.

The Level of your Interpersonal Relationship with your Friends
You want to You can relate SNS makes you in You always want The usage of SNS You express
interact more with with your friends good terms with to keep in touch help you more in yourself more with
your friends because of SNS your friends with your friends communicating your friends on
because of SNS because of SNS with your friends SNS

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

Graph 5: The Level of your Interpersonal Relationship with your Friends

In Graph 5, it is about how social media affects how students interact with

their friends. It is composed of 6 statements that is all about the interaction between

the students and their friends through social media

The first statement is “You want to interact more with your friends because

of SNS”, often has the highest percentage with 35% out of 60, 13 from the boys

and 8 from the girls. It is followed by sometimes with 32%, always with 22%, then

seldom with 11% percent, and lastly, never with 0%

With the use of social media, students tend to interact more with their friends

because it’s more convenient. They can easily talk with each other through chats,

texts, and phone calls

With the second statement “You can relate with your friends because of

SNS”, just like with the first statement, but higher, often has the highest percentage

with 44% out of 60, followed by sometimes with 28%, always with 20%, then

seldom with 5%, and lastly, never with 3%.

Through this data, it is safe to say that a student can relate more with his/her

friends because of social media. It can be on the videos that they see, memes that

they laughed about or even new trending words or expressions that they see on

social media.

The third statement “Social Networking Sites makes you in good terms with

your friends” Sometimes has the highest pecentage 45 out of 60. It is followed by

Often (32) then Always (18) and next is Seldom (5) and lastly Never (3)

In the data that we gathered, Social networking sites makes the students

good in terms with their friends. Sometimes has the highest percentage, because

sometimes students tends to interact with their friends through social media. These

social networking sites can help them to communicate everyday, but some might

also prefer to communicate in person and not through social networking sites.

The fourth statement “You always want to keep in touch with your friends

because of Social Networking Sites” Often has the highest percentage 44 out of

60 and it is followed by Sometimes (33) then Seldom (8) and next is Always (5)

and lastly Never (0)

Though social media is known to be the world most widely used by the

students. In the data that we gathered, Sometimes students tend keep in touch

with their friends through social media because it’s the easiest way to

communicate. Some of the students really prefer to communicate in person

because it’s more comfortable.

Fifth statement “The Usage of of Social Networking Sites help you more in

communicating with your friends” Always has the highest percentage 38 out of 60

followed by Often (35) next is sometimes (20), and Seldom (5), and lastly Never


As we can see in the data that we gathered, Some of the students can easily

communicate with each other because they sometimes use social networking

sites. Social networking sites can help them to stay updated with their friends when

they don’t see each other for a long time through chat, texts, videocall

The Sixth statement “You express yourself more with your friends in Social

Networking Sites”, sometimes has the highest frequency with 30 out of 60, followed

by often (14), then seldom (10), next is always (6), and lastly, never (0).

In the data that we gathered, Sometimes has the highest because students

usually tend to express themselves through social networking sites because some

are usually engaged early in technology as they grow up. They tend to live in those

social networking sites instead of knowing what’s the reality without it.







Do you enjoy making new Do you tend to copy the Are you affected of the Do you believe on the
friends on online more than trendy things that you see standards that are set by stereotyping about certain
in person? on social media? people as seen on social people that you see on
media? (Physical social media? (LGBTQ
Appearance, life members, masculinity and
achievements) feminism, religion and race)
Yes No

Graph 6:

These were the data collected with the help of the questionnaire, out of 60

respondents only 8 answered yes and 52 answered no on the first question. On

the next question 18 answered yes and 42 answered no. 24 answered yes on the

third question and 26 answered no. Now on the final question 19 only answered

the question with the yes and the remaining 41 answered no.

This tells us that the students are still more fond of socializing and making

friends in person rather than on the internet, meaning they still socialize with other

people despite the fact that their time is mostly spent on the social media. The data

collected also showed us that most of the students do not get affected by the things

that they see on social media websites, even though there’s discrimination

happening on social media where people are judged by others because of what

they do, who and what they are, they do not let themselves get affected by these

and is still keeping their character.

Chapter 5


This chapter includes all the findings of the researchers from chapter 4

which is all about the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. This chapter

also gives conclusions that answers the problems of the research as well as the

recommendations that may help some people who will benefit from this study.

Summary of findings

This study focuses on how social media affects students with their life,

namely; character formation, study habits, and social life.

General question: What are the effects of social media to the high school

students of Child Jesus of Prague School?

1. What are the effects of social media to the character formation of the

students in Child Jesus of Prague School?

From the previous chapter, the researchers gave questions that will answer this

problem. The first one is about them copying the trendy things that they see on

social media and 42 out of 60 respondents answered no, while the rest, 18,

answered yes, which obviously show that they are not that affected by the viral

things that they see online like dance challenges or any random challenges from

social media. But with the next question, it is easy to notice that almost half of

them were affected by the standards that are set by people on social media. 24

out of 60 respondents answered that yes, they are affected by the standards set

by people on social media while the rest, which is 26, answered that they are not

affected. The last question is if they were affected by the stereotyping about a

certain group of individuals. Based on their answer, most of the students were not

affected by it because 41 from them answered no while 19 answered yes.


Based on the answers of the students, there are some aspect that they are

affected and there are some that they are not affected. They do not copy the viral

things they see online, they do not generalize a group of people based on what

they see on social media, but they are affected by the standards that are set by

the people on it. Some of the students get affected but mostly do not. The content

of social media that includes racism, discrimination and body shaming affects

some students that it affects their self-esteem and perception, but most students

do not let social media dictate them.


As a recommendation to this, the researchers encourage the students to be

smart users of the internet. They should not get affected by the things that they

see on social media. They should stand for their own perception and not let social

media dictate how they should view other people. They should know the parts and

content of social media that is not a good influence especially for the youth.

1. What are the effects of social media to the study habits of the students from

Child Jesus of Prague School?

There are four questions from the survey questionnaire that will answer this

specific question. The first two is about the amount of their time spent using social

media. The first one is about how much of their time is spent on social media during

weekends, and based on their answers, most of them, which is 44 out of 60,

answered that they use social media more than 3 hours and only three of them

answered that they use social media less than 30 minutes. The second question

is the same with the first one, the only difference is this question is for the

weekdays, and just like with the first question, most of them answered more than

3 hours, but unlike the first one, only 29 of them use social media for more than 3


The last two questions are about the amount of time they spend in studying.

The first one is about how much of their time is spent in studying during the

weekends, and base on their answers, 28% out of 60 answered that they don’t

study at home and only 15% answered that they study for more than 3 hours. The

second question is the same with the first one, the only difference is this question

is for the weekdays, but contrary to the result of the first one, 27% out of 60

answered that they study for more than 3 hours and only 18% answered that they

don’t study at home.


Based on the data gathered by the researchers, students can still maintain their

study habits even if they are using social media. Despite of having most students

using social media for more than 3 hours during the weekends, majority of them

still study their lesson during the weekends. During the weekdays, only 29 of the

students used social media for more than 3 hours, but still, 51 of them study their

lesson during the weekdays.


Based on the data gathered, the researchers encourage the students to have

a proper time management in order to balance their academic activities

and social media usage. If possible, after coming home from school, the students

should do all their school works and study all their lessons so during their free time

they can use their social media accounts. To the parents, monitor the time your

children are spending in using the social media.

2. What are the effects of social media to the social life of the students in Child

Jesus of Prague School?

There are seven questions from the survey questionnaire that will answer this

specific question. The seven questions are about the frequency level of

interpersonal relationship with friends through the use of social media. The first

one is the frequency of interest in interacting with friends because of social

networking sites and based on their answers, which has a total of 21 out of 60,

answered often and only 7 answered seldom. The second one is the frequency of

relating with friends and based on their answers, which is 26 out of 60, answered

often and only 2 answered never. The third one is the frequency of social

networking sites in making good terms with friends. The respondents mostly

answered sometimes with a total of 25 out of 60 and never with the least answers

with 2 out of 60. The fourth is about the frequency of wanting to keep in touch with

friends through social networking sites. The fifth is about the frequency of usage

of social networking sites in helping in communicating with friends. Based on their

answers, which has a total of 23 out of 60, answered and never with the least which

has 2 respondents who answered.

The sixth is about the frequency of self-expression with friend through social

media. Most of the respondents answered sometimes with a total of 30 and never

with 0 answers. The last one is about the enjoyment of making friend online more

than in person. Most respondents answered no with a total of 52 out of 60 and yes

with a total of 8.


Based on the data gathered by the researchers, it showed that most of the

students often use social media in interacting with friends with 127 answers among

the questions. Therefore, students use social media in relationships with friends



As a recommendation to this, the researchers encourage the students to

maintain the balance use of social media that makes their relationships with friends

better. They should use social media as a genuine tool for communication which

is its primary use since it has a good effect.

3.What are the effects of social media to the social life of the students in Child

Jesus of Prague School?

There are seven questions from the survey questionnaire that answers this

specific question. The seven questions are about the frequency level of

interpersonal relationship with friends using social media. The first one is the

frequency of interest in interacting with friends because of social networking sites

and based on their answers, which has a total of 21 out of 60, answered often and

only 7 answered seldom. The second one is the frequency of relating with friends

and based on their answers, which is 26 out of 60, answered often and only 2

answered never. The third one is the frequency of social networking sites in making

good terms with friends. The respondents mostly answered sometimes with a total

of 25 out of 60 and never with the least answers with 2 out of 60. The fourth is

about the frequency of wanting to keep in touch with friends through social

networking sites. The fifth is about the frequency of usage of social networking

sites in helping in communicating with friends. Based on their answers, which has

a total of 23 out of 60, answered and never with the least which has 2 respondents

who answered.

The sixth is about the frequency of self-expression with friend through social

media. Most of the respondents answered sometimes with a total of 30 and never

with 0 answers. The last one is about the enjoyment of making friend online more

than in person. Most respondents answered no with a total of 52 out of 60 and yes

with a total of 8.


Based on the data gathered by the researchers, it showed that most of the

students often use social media in interacting with friends with 127 answers among

the questions. It showed that the use of social networking sites in interacting with

friends has a good effect in the students’ relationships since it helps them to

communicate with their friends most of the time. They use it to make good terms,

relate and keep in touch with their friends which is a good effect of social media



As a recommendation to this, the researchers encourage the students to

maintain the balance use of social media that makes their relationships with friends

better. They should use social media as a genuine tool for communication which

is its primary use since it has a good eff


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Appendix D

Child Jesus of Prague School

High School Department
Batingan, Binangonan, Rizal

“Effects of Social Media to Students”

Survey Questionnaire

Name: _________________________________ Gr/Sec: __________Age: ________ Gender:


I. From the word pool below, choose the social media platforms that you commonly use
and rank them on how often you use them. 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest.

Facebook Pinterest Facebook Messenger

Snapchat Instagram WhatsApp messenger

Tumblr Youtube Twitter Google+

1) ____________________
2) ____________________
3) ____________________
4) ____________________
5) ____________________

II. Put tick (/) on your corresponding answer.

What are the words or expressions that you use as what you see on social media? (You can
check as many as you want)
______ “Edi wow!” ______ “Ha? Hakdog!” ______ “Share
mo lang?”
______ “Boom panes!” ______ “Paano mo nasabi?” ______ “Share ko
______Others (Please specify)
How much time do you spend on using social media? (Weekends)
Less than 30 minutes 2 hours
1 hour More than 3 hours

How much time do you spend on using social media? (Weekdays)
Less than 30 minutes 2 hours
1 hour More than 3 hours
How much time do you spend in studying? (Weekends)
Less than 30 minutes 2 hours
1 hour More than 3 hours
I don’t study at home

How much time do you spend in studying? (Weekdays)

Less than 30 minutes 2 hours
1 hour More than 3 hours
I don’t study at home


You want to interact more with
your friends because of SNS
You can relate with your friends
because of SNS
SNS makes you in good terms with
your friends
You always want to keep in touch
with your friends because of SNS
The usage of SNS help you more in
communicating with your friends
You express yourself more with
your friends on SNS

The level of your interpersonal relationship with your friends (choose the suitable answer
among the given option)
Do you enjoy making new friends on online more than in person?
Yes No
Do you tend to copy the trendy things that you see on social media?
Yes No
Are you affected of the standards that are set by people as seen on social media? (Physical
Appearance, life achievements)
Yes No
Do you believe on the stereotyping about certain people that you see on social media?
(LGBTQ members, masculinity and feminism, religion and race)
Yes No


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