English 2020 01 27 - 01

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Name………………… Class VII - Sec …… Session- 2019-20 Subject: English

Topic: Conjunctions Date of submission: 31 January 2020

A. There are errors in the use of connectors in the following sentences. Rewrite these using suitable
a) Rohit, which is a friend of mine, is thirteen.


b) He is neither strong or well built.


c) He scores good marks and he does not study much.


d) Do not go while I am ready.


e) Though the match was over, we returned home.


f) I cannot tell you anything about the book, therefore I have not read it.


B. Join the following pair of sentences using appropriate conjunctions.

a) The concert went ahead. The lead singer was unwell.

b) Keep wearing the cap. You don’t want to get a sun stroke.


c) He is liked by all. He is good-tempered.


d) He obtained a prize. He obtained a scholarship.


e) Harry turned red with embarrassment. It was his turn to speak.


f) She did not come. She did not send a letter.


g) The lady fell down the stairs. She broke her legs.


h) She must do as she is told. She will be punished.


i) He scores good marks and he does not study much.


j) He obtained a prize. He obtained a scholarship.


k) The child does not want to go to school. He will go only if his mother goes too.


l) She is old. She enjoys good health.


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