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1) Six branches of femoral artery of femoral triangle?

Ans) 3 superficial branches :
 Superficial epigastric artery
 Superficial external pudendal artery
 Superficial circumflex iliac artery
3 deep branches:
 Profunda femoris artery
 Deep external pudendal artery
 Muscular branches
2) If there is injury in piriformis then in which part pain will
Ans) pain in buttocks will occur
3) Paradoxical action of gluteus maximus?
Ans) standing to sitting
4) Which arteries anastomose in trochentric anastomoses?
Ans) ascending branch of lateral and medial circumflex
femoral artery , inferior gluteal artery , superior gluteal
5) Muscles of anterior compartment of thigh?
Ans) iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris , vastus lateralis, vastus
intermedius, vastus medialis , rectus femoris, sartorius ,
6) Nerve supply of anterior compartment of thigh?
Ans) femoral nerve (L2 -L4).
7) Functions of iliotibial tract?
Ans) stabilizes the knee joint.
8) Name the muscles working on hip joint and knee joint?
Ans) sartorius , bicep femoris , rectus femoris,
semimembranosus, semitendinosus.
10.bicep femoris make which boundary of popliteal fossa?
Ans) superolateral boundary.
11.superomedial boundary of popliteal fossa is make by
which muscle?
Ans) bicep femoris many parts of sciatic nerve?
Ans) two parts tibial and peroneal nerves.
13.lateral relation of neck of fibula?
Ans) common peroneal nerve.
14.talocalcaneum is supplied by?
Ans) tibial nerve.
15.variety of knee joint?
Ans) condylar and synovial stabilizing factors of knee joint.
Ans) acetabular labrum
17.nerve supply of gluteus maximus?
Ans) inferior gluteal nerve
18.variety of hip joint?
Ans) ball and socket
19.type of hip joint?
Ans)synovial joint the muscle which abduct the thigh?
Ans) gluteus medius and minimus hamstring muscles.
Ans) semitendinosus, semimembranosus, bicep femoris. the muscles attached on ischial tuberosity.
Ans) semitendinosus, semimembranosus, bicep femoris. the muscles which locks the knee joint.
Ans) vastus medialis. the muscles which unlocks the knee joint.
Ans) popliteus muscle.
25.give the type of knee joint?
Ans) synovial joint. three ligaments of knee joint.
Ans) tibial collateral ligament , fibular collateral ligament ,
cruciate ligament. tarsal bones of foot.
Ans) 7 tarsal bones are present in foot
Calcaneus , talus, cuboid , navicular, middle , medial and
lateral cuneiforms.
28.terminal parts of sciatic nerve?
Ans) tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve.
29.complications of injury of common peroneal nerve?
Ans) cause foot drop. the muscles which are invertor of foot.
Ans) tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior the muscles which are evertor of foot.
Ans) peroneus brevis
32.inversion and eversion takes place at which joint?
Ans) talocalcaneonavicular joint.
33.nere supply of posterior compartment of leg?
Ans) tibial nerve.
34.terminal branches of popliteal artery?
Ans) anterior tibial artery and posterior tibial artery.
35.give three branches of femoral artery in femoral triangle.
Ans) same as q no1 to form the base of femoral triangle?
Ans) inguinal ligament
37.tell 9 quadrants of anterior abdominal wall?
Ans) right hypochondrium, left hypochondrium, epigastrium,
right lumbar region, left lumbar region, umbilical region,
right iliac fossa, left iliac fossa, hypogastrium.
38.nerve supply of anterior abdominal wall?
Ans) lower 6 intercoastal nerves.
39.give any two contents of rectus sheath?
Ans)superior migestric artery , lower 6 intercoastal nerves the muscles to form posterior abdominal wall?
Ans) external oblique, internal oblique, rectus femoris,
transverse abdominis.
41.give the inferior relation of liver?
Ans) right kidney, duodenum, colon, gall bladder, stomach
42.give anterior relation of right kidney?
Ans) right suprarenal gland
43.blood supply of kidney?
Ans) right and left renal artery.
44.difference between right and left renal artery?
Ans) right renal artery of right kidney is greater than left
renal artery of left kidney.
45.branches of celiac trunk?
Ans) common hepatic, splenic and left gastric 2 branches of splenic artery to supply pancreas?
Ans) superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery.
47.terminal branches of splenic artery?
Ans) arteria pancreatica magna, atria caudae pancreatis, 5-7
short gastric arteries, left gastroepiploic artery, right
gastroepiploic artery.
48.blood supply of stomach?
Ans) right and left gastric artery, right and left gastroepiploic
artery, short gastric artery. many epiphysis of stomach?
Ans)2 cardiac and pyloric. many surfaces spleen have?
Ans) 2 visceral and diaphragmatic surface.
51.blood supply of spleen?
Ans) splenic artery many parts of duodenum?
Ans) 4
53.posterior relation of neck of pancreas?
Ans) it is related to termination of superior mesenteric vein
and beginning of portal vein.

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