Social Constructivism

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Social Constructivism is a theory relating to the way people learn.

understanding and knowledge of the world is shaped through experiences and
context (The University of Sydney, 2018). The Social Constructivism theory
promotes the concept that prior learning and knowledge is an essential component
to develop new understanding in the classroom, this allows teachers to encourage
active learning, assisting the students in real-world problem solving (Thirteen, 2004).

There are five main attributes to Constructivism (Thirteen, 2004). They include
active learning, which is the handling of information and observation of results that
generate better understanding. Constructive learning integrates prior knowledge and
reflecting to helping to build a new meaning. Authentic learning is situated in a real-
world context and is helpful for students to transfer to other situations. Cooperative
learning is students interacting with each other to give them better meaning and
depth. Finally, intentional learning articulates goals for meaningful learning that
promotes learning control.

During the lessons, I felt it was essential to implement a range of constructive

learning experiences. Throughout the lesson’s students use active learning as they
receive information from the story ‘The three little pigs’ and complete a story retell.
The students are required to use ICT tools to get a better understanding of the
sequence and components of a story. In the third lesson, the students use
constructive learning as they integrate the information they already have about the
story ‘The three little pigs’ and create a new ending with new characters. This gets
the students to look at a new meaning for a story they already know. The students
complete cooperative learning throughout the lessons as they brainstorm together,
work together and share their final product at the end of each lesson. They complete
intentional learning in the last lesson as they have the power to manipulate the
ending of the story giving them full control of the end result.

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