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1. Write a Python program to find the area of (i) Rectangle (ii) Triangle (iii) Circle
Please input appropriate values through keyboard. For example for circle you have to input
the radius of the circle.
2. Write a Python program to convert feet into inches and vice versa
3. Design a Menu and to find (i) Largest among 3 numbers (ii) Number is positive or negative
(iii) Arithmetic Operations.
4. Design a Menu to do the following task in python (i)Report Card of a Student (ii)Validation of
a Leap Year (iii) Ascending order of 3 numbers
5. Design a Menu to print the following series.
(i) To Print Odd & Even numbers up to 100
(ii) Sum of Natural Numbers up to 100
(iii) Sum of any N Numbers
6. Write a Python program to accept a number and find its reverse
7. Write a Python program to print the multiplication table of numbers from 1 to 15 up to 10
8. Write a Python Program to print the following series
(a) 1 (b) 1 (c) A
1 2 2 3 A B
1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C
1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 A B C D
(Up to N Rows)
9. Design a Menu in Python to perform the following options.
(i) Validation of Armstrong Number
(ii) Printing of Armstrong Numbers between 1 and 1000
(iii) Validation of Prime Number
(iv) Printing of Prime Numbers between 1 and 100
10. Write a Python Program to print the first N Fibonacci series. (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55…..N)
11. Write a Python Program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
12. Write a Python Program to input a list through key board and reverse it by using for(in and
range methods)

13. Write a Python Program to input a list through key board and find the biggest, second
biggest, and smallest and mean.

14. Write a Python Program to create a list containing roll numbers as integer values through
key board and implement search operations. Print appropriate message.
15. Write a Python Program to input a tuple through key board and to search a name of the
student with position in a tuple containing names of some students.

16. Write a Python Program to create a tuple and to perform the traversing in forwarding and
backward way.

17. Write a Python Program to find the occurrence of each word in given text using dictionary.

18. Write a Python Program to implement the following operations using dictionary.
(i) Create a dictionary containing user name as key and password as value through key
board for a n number of users in dynamic mode
(ii) To print a message as “Login is Successful” if the given user name and password is
matching with the value in the dictionary. Otherwise print relevant error message.

19. Write a Python Program using nested dictionary to add employee name, designation and
salary for N employees and search a particular employee is in the dictionary. You have to
select employee name as the key.

20. Write a Python Program to accept a line of text through key board and convert the upper
characters in the text to small characters and vice versa. Other characters if anything in the
given text remains unchanged. Hints:Use input(),list(),for,ord(),chr().

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