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SHARJAH INDIAN SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Certified that the work in this Journal is the bonafide work of Master: ANOOP VAZHAYIL GEORGE Class: XIL_ Div:_A Roll No: 6 recorded during the academic year 2005-2006. DATE: ah F Teacher in-charge ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I thank Almighty for helping me te complete this project. Secondly [ would like to thank Mr. Navneet Krishnan (Head of Physics Department) for the help he has given me in completing this project. I would also like to thank my parents and colleagues for spending some of their useful time and for their encouragement and great support they have given me in making this project a grant success, . INTRODUCTION - HISTORY . ANALOG AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS . UNDERSTANDING LOGIC GATES « DIGITAL CIRCUIT « BINARY CODE ¢ TRUTH TABLE ¢ LOGIC SYMBOLS . GATES * ORGATE * AND GATE * NOT GATE * NAND GATE * NOR GATE 6. EXPERIMENT I 7. EXPERIMENT IT 8. CONCLUSION 9. BIBILLOGRAPHY AMT ROD UTE ON Logie teies serve os the building blocks to digtial ‘fogte efreutds using combinational logic. tardata apaiteations Whebe cireutts ave scaled can Kurs toqtcol aecitiont pase ch Om cestaih mput tonditins Such ciecuPts catled aFgetall clvtate, bind applfeation fn VL control 5h (woh ic Wg ite jth dig tal compatert, election it touting sqyeteun ond dilephone ew (ich tn Even audio gnd yreto ntomatton which te analog'h hotwet mom be mousred by digital cteeurts . Agate ts O digital cheuit Wot follows pestatn logical relation ality beluren the im put ond aed ped volt. ¢. The ae 3 baste legte gaieg callst-OR, AND and Nor. Coch baste lagte qatets thdfeated by o webol- Tw tunct'on fe tegte ‘ee ts ot herud han a uth table thot ahowt all pose ble in gut tambinations amd the corresponding outpuls or Baie Boolean Px pression - History Chasles Babbage, an Exqvel inventor anal i mathemotican also kmown ef the ‘Father a} Com peat disiqguid Wa first pre mable computers, complete with ounce ards alata NMopat: Te machine cout avid, gabbract , mult: ply awd diviele andb means af vaktout eombinaqcong of bs gears and levers Th coubd: peor wang ota ty pee of calcedatin Sow smallie versions ah Bor bagr eng the wale built Oud qparcded receceartatly, aluahng hi's ith {hme if one looks buck at histovg ob thu com puter Leahnotog y ,{E con be hound that atl computers ave destqnid “Ohound uain Boolean gatec ~ The technology used te implemint thete qates, how ever changed drama eouty overs the Yeade The Aivst electwonte gates were cveated usin These Gates wae dha and buthy Vaceam tube toler ve Bland thuse veloue Tuber wire much Roster but they wee yust bling and alto bunt out at Live Tang istore were mode fy (Qh? One Avongistors were pax fected , Computers staated adn g ates race dom licen te tranaicto rs «They had fran advantages such ag high setigbt ity , lou owe con sum ptidn and. could be~“amatier tn sire, than tubee and wha ai each transistor wa ae parole devi If intgiat ‘and kak, Qos ly troncistors dnd several reststore Avgoig to Creode w qode th the eouly gO, integrated chetutts weds inyanted AS a VeeUtt rans’Stort, ves (ctor s on ol Atodas coutd be manuhactuced tooetiur en Sthicon chips: This discaveq gave vise to small scale wre gation (ssT) miegetted citcuits. It ensists of a Smm squave chip eh Silicon an whith &O fonsistors anol vartous thir componente arcichirued along with The presente of Bio tndiwolual gates - Time chips shvank the sie of comuterc peshaps a factor of (00 and mack themmucy easter tobe built: Ae te chip Tanah act eting techniques tmprowed more and move tranele dite “outa DARL OO, SIGNI Yotts - Of Of ov \ow be etc into a xingle chip. This ted fo Medrim Seale mtegaation (M2) contatnin g dau addvess madt up of multiple gates Tro Lesge Scale lnte patio (LsT) Otlowed dasigners to (it ail the Components a) 4 staple mitkoprotestor onto a sunge chip: The £080 proussov released Intel th tazyy was the ob fred Comme sctally succesttul single elip miteo processor: Ut wos LET chip that contdtad beoo tvancictors - Ver Loage Scale Integtation (vies) hot theveated HAE numb tx # ob Wane’ stors 7 ever sina dtu piret Pentium Prowssoy woe veleaeed th (493 ett 3-4 million dwong (ators » ANALOG) AD DiGtTAL ELecTRoolic CtRCVIT Electvanic: eiveutts ave ually segoroed ag showing two bsoad eubdiietnns . Tse ave D Ana logue Electwonic Civtwits - Thete Gun election Civmits im wibbieh siq allt (wottages ox earns) mony extet over a continous vange ef value , where each valut has equal Figniccance ay Digital Clectvonse Cireea'ts - Mn These ¢ trent te siqnale take om of two vedues- Intermediate values ave Ot selevant. Mowever the fundanuntal civcull element ,curh ag woSitors, ea parrtors etc used iy cmategiy anol ofigital crveult€ out the sam. Ciweuite , such ae dtgttal © even its, where two levels of cusvente ave considered are apien redrmed fo as binawy o8 logie cittaite. UNDERSTANDING = Lomic aATES Logic bats elements oh a legre crecule are tonsaacted to make leqical dactaiong- The baalhe logic cireutt hos om or mont bo guats Gnd one subpat and most electronic duvtus ronstet ob numbers ah trast gaice conmekd wm such a way at to be able fo paudovtn logical dyuneitont - The mus and out puts Ore Ww AM fox oh two yo Loge ona high and ont low which veprecents tht binau 4% ' Qa o by miang of which ath gumbers can be represented : “wu duncwons oh cash dif ferent logic gates can be we peesented by a truth table Theve are Gaitlerent toate qaies that can be xeprecentecd- The fact theck giles are the furdawental ome an AND gate te where oadpat f omy bah beth feputs A and B Gt high, an OR Gale fe where Cut pud ce wlgh ch efthut input Box Bw wWgh and aNOT ate ts whe otdpt de owty high sf input A te nok high: Te vemarning Ynvee ‘logit circuits ae urehat and ebeequan ily ied combinaliont . ANAND Gate & mot AND beet exatty ht opposite output dyinm an AND gate. A MoR gate re not OR that te exatily thu opposite cad pk from OR gate and an Gurldsive OR ov tor ee where oatpuris fegh “ Paes imptct a se high, beet net both: DiatTAd ciRCaTs Logic Cortes ove cligtal eireetc ~ wil alrig ito: cteuuits ooo either ON ov OFF. & Nght sootteh fn gout howe canbe wed ar an example af a aligitost otecutt: Tu iight f etther on oy 0FF Beet on the Catch] poster: hin thy Lig SON dhe ouk gud votut A | Tal he Ligee te OFF TAL output meal ts O- The frpats ove he os tha ig bot sooltehy The saith is plaud aither in the ON ox Wes postion to actiate AL Ugh tn this the togteal ood pute aye ite mind ba the Legtcal function be pexdosmd and the logical input states at that poritcator moment: The. etytut kA ot perdoxms logtect wvension oh called Om bvestey o¥ an invertin qode- An invertey ica logtal dieuth whose pulput is tu Vogteal inverse of its input BINARY CODE me , Logic hates ave Atqitatcivcuits and they atin cm binaly numbering system Known dr bina rode: Binary codk fs { amt language udeol by comport whch Wwe whey (ox O ae numbere People mse @ hage 16 numbering system our, tend, hunclsecls e4e fy td, 34,8) 9,8 )0 Once we qet to zero, wi expand fo the Xena pla + to, ie te Wher the number plow holder ic empty it has A 2exO in uwthon full there fsb Look at dhe example qe Mu tept- lodhic dhe chieet one is number one thin we add GQ to the number! thi test place Holder becomes a zevoand we carry one plow fo Ta leh Tu aevo(tlu second from the left) now becomes OS (SoG numbu Lo i'n dle binauny egslems equddls & number & in the base to syste rn © Binary Lobe _ ‘Ooe00010 =» 2 oooooON 2B CodO0I00. = 4 OOOoOOIOl, =, 5 “ 2 a 4 I OoagGONO = Ocoogomlt * e050 01000 = Ore essential veasom chor roe Lo reo operate co ane Binoy number Sysiem ig that Gb & eoty to i cond , Mable Bimonk etecuits thot ean lewite back and dosth betwean tuo cleauly obfined ajar Wt is alto seodily possi ble to seul ano buil ciseaits thet will wemain andepivilely vb one etoue Unless and unt jug one deliberately switched fo ae ottus state. This? makes ft possible to construct & machine (4hex computers) which Can verember sequinuis o\ events and adjust tts behaweut arcor singly « Each binaxy dIQE ino binasy pumbes_te cated @ BIE: Binary number we use the "pase? instead of the base (0 used in decimal numbers Tu diet degit aha bina number *e called foast sranifieant bre and te lost digi ¢ tle the moat ‘cipniticant bit) Data tna computer & loved tn a oetns eh brts which ave of ten tote prctedin block thown as byte Ce bas}, words (4,4 ov 8 bytes) - The fh vithinulic Logic units (acu perhowm c avithmetic operation on dota and the controlg unis (cu)neds fo ol code Ynpormation: Both of fuse dunct'ons ate petf osmudl by legre gates A diqdal computers pehorig only the Opevat ion of addition. The otha operations such 4s subisacidOn, maltiplcatdan and division are pogormed by conver ting these opaations into daikon ppetationt The ‘to ve otwearte tbat per torr th addrtton opetations within the Avo of the wnival Prose uk (eeu) are called adoled bits and hag oetput variables are the cea ts} ain ol ¢ Ce)o TRUTH TABLE, INPUT B | QUTPUTS@ a Oo ig 1 0 o 2 ft Bee ile I coud TRUTH TABLE A teurh table is a qos wae +o chow the funtion of a tgie gates. “auth fables ate useful fos catiulations of Jakes of anal Boolean — and dov thablibing, that two expresstore equivalent, that fo 4 We the Some volar ag each pvt for all combinations of th vatabhke oruring im the expressions Th shows the ou put etates to eves oseitble tombvpation ef (input etated Gwe symbols O “Ghatees and t (tre) oe usual used” in tut toble- fs a special cave, a tru h fob ton also show thab an expression hag the VoL "Trae dor atl values of Ts vortabie: A Boolran expelsion whose valut 1 alwoys tut re cated @ jautolo One whose Value is olwage false ve a comtvadic Non: In each tiuih table , Laeprecen te the high wolege of The syshtm, which is some civenibes, do exoMAe coukd be EY and Ovepreserrts the low vole of the systems which could be OW: Tha ruth table chows Yaak Ya oud past ighigh only inwMe cote when the inputs Rond “Rae “bot high: Inxead ef weREETIng high aud low, bean “also be ue’ anc © ton be \Gatec', in thé ease the interpretation would be thot the output ic only tut when both the inpatg ake bunks which ie why Hh ts ead 0 wath Satie LOGIC SYMBOL OF OR GATE Looe S¥YMeOLS Each ditieent ype of Weg gots alto has mol, whith is wed to represent th in omg Nehgutng ou ditieemt gales shoutd be coedeced in 08 49 octveve oY poatteulat oveall wesulk - : GATES B agate is dr fine ea digital cirealt wiweh Gellow Ssemr logical selatincsh'p® beduten Ake put and awe oat woltaget. Sine a gate sbollowe a Nogitat sclosionabip Adah ore rt te Oe Ok Inge ate Tau ot: fwer batic fogs Gaters OR, NRO and NOT: Ww dhs Gott +hate ob two inputs A and Bf cutpud vs ae if ow of tha two tnpul Os bet Ae iopuds® our hig How OR Ghté WORKS In ows fo uncleratend apa utiting wate le us ohisct undMheland th opuattr OR in 9 Bop kan alebra- fox vue study of operator OR , yet us consi dey AW eect sown tn tht Teh t Ao OR Gote ie Whe twWe or mow suitable Reh Lisntion OF OR ante o i A ——O —— | | nef « i Sy Je. 7 | mt a Aaa suomtthus in pouallel: Only ong awhtth meds to be plese, (ort ov votus “| in asd, to make the, Nan Lowtput) ton oA “uth tha valu of 1. Accovchie Ko thu htguu whan hotly te gwitdus Nand B Qs open tum Wo cuerent plus thtough fhe butd Gnd batts oloer not glow ut th eHher cwiteh A oy swrth B ot both closed, thon tht tearent wil) How vaLough 4M bath and batb call glow: fhe 08 epuator i da Reolean Algebsa- Vk ts ven Rand B oht Tnpuds and dhe out pet: tee vead as output "¥ eq) hora fre OR gate con have any m0 Of Impurs and ew. pul put - Houerer for dh gokas ol, Gloapliect ancl Conwintenck ye gle es tue input oR Qote te, awh input Rox B of Both au high (Vy Hun ake 08 ans gives @ high out pur otled ice tux outpet ye ID tol: ALASATION wa ae Vocap be wealited” wlth th hulp ob eN yenciion chtedus at chesay in thu hig tn tu Rpt - = To negative” terrain a the battery es sand quad tesrisponds ko the 0 state and the ppositle [ae No Mlagy ENolt i the present case) to the | siate- wwe bet Rand B aM contd to 0, no turer’ pos AMough th divole amd thwnpore 9 © WUnGe cae etops desoor R and otdput ik reno - when Ryka mo torneo and BDisthe diode 2 be € i'n 8 A+ Bo ¥ whut OR pate Ne Gorumed binced nd the convent through rt ts Lintted EyAMPLES Of oR GATE *) PRACTICAL APPLICATION Of OR Ghre, ae since’ Soy bow aa’, Fela Sensor for below O% | by canes b= initia sishtonte fhe cuswent Cautes a Nt Aunh Cote te wecistone Aseaming flee dro ole ho be laa and Wis qives On outpuk off Sv ov Wwieichanng aged B a Lond O wit ati th sv sop Atwose “WWE wetictanie ag d1 wll tonduet - whun the taming’ and B au conmcled fo (theo both A Afodet Be and Do conduct: However, he woltaqe depp wcsers R cannot ru and the bubpur Wey tung th tewth Table ie satu peed EXAMPLES OF OR GATE c Wr the fleq Gn input value oh Lat evtlun of AW oe qate uis will veeutt ia Bn aul pat sodae oh "diem ta OR gate vila sendin Wao cawent do WL temp 2 Inpud values ah Dat att thpute 4o the OR aie with wtult & an output value of,0 eprom AL O8 gels Thug greveniing Cuuont daom going to Wu Les p: ' “ i # d t PRACTICAL RPE LC HtbN oF YR GRIE Sappese O Gardener, wants Gn atarm ap sound when the ore tempaatale in hig gras house fats betow O'e ov tise ake 30%-9 The Awo sensovs sachs as thusmetex coultt be aston SO jhot etthar concede gare a high Mm put (Ct) to an ot gat fi out wowd quan bogget an alow. * fue bigquu vs gheun « LOmIC SYMBOL OF AND GATE of How ANd Gate WORKS euyiilna surtch & co eeeae AND BATE fy Abts Hoqis gate then Ob two in pute Bard & This with opaate in sub a wag that the PUL E Wo oat when hotly thy inputs art highs: ‘Tan togic teva) wher high or (ou Is : indicated d by He une of led 7 HOW AND GATE works In ordun fo understand thi weaken g oft BND quale , fet us disst tonsrdley tae dpaator " AND tn Boolkan Bigtbra Fox te etudy of opuator let cy comida the Cacult 19 te 4°94 fb gates ast Ulu two ore wot suntelue in Serteg- Atl Ve switthuy have tO be closed (ON ax 6 velar oh ty im px det to make Aha tong [out put) iWin om xh OW dnputs ct not ON We output & OFF- wun eft Rox cartith Bey both coy open Wh barb will oot glow- The bulb giswe onl whie beh awe cutehet fond & au cloced- AHD operation ic dunoted by [2 sin Boolean Dlospra- “Ma Ae Le Wiis teed at Y= f WNMEB wie Rand B ay to inputt and Vib tle out pus: Teo Ane, gore eon howe any nuribel 6h Mmputs bet] Only owe ourtpuk “Fos Wutca li of cimp Ne ite and Conve nientg we shall fonstola two fh pat Hor AND quit. An AND yote qisec @ hi h oedput (Serf fot fh and Bate beth high () ofeewite the EVAMPLES AND Gite Refush Tow OF AND Ate oPee arom Bubpuk “slows be AND QOXe qiver @ tow output fol) Th input Roomd fnqud B au Beth [ew (0) AND GATE RERLISHTLON Tre wesictey BR ts connected permanently Yo Ve ponies Auminal ef @ SN bathay When both A and & as copmected to zx both the diecly tonduct » The vwlbage oudpath at ¥ wil be the wolkagt atrocs the dipole which tO dscuming the Atode Yo pe toliol » When Rs connected to 0 aw 5 to\,tke upper Aieds condudis whilt tawer divcle does net coaduck a8 cy ig phe chorward based The Forage putput of Y will Alun be the volta Omore wr urge diode Aolich ve wee Ae A ig f anh Bs 6, We to Aveo conduets and th oubpuk fete. Ww hand B a connected to V pone of Ate die dar conduct: Hina the vollage ot xh Buc pat Y will be the batty Voltage Pr Mow Sel. Teas we ste that ao beet iy tan A von parkorm thd function af an AND aate ~ e note that We oudput bh C mad yensn psa yk inpuks Ole \ EXAMPLES OF AND GATE OPER AKON tA Vola of Vis redid at al) AND gate mpate 4 produ an output glue of b hice “the AAD gore thus seen Cusiert fo ue (amp: 2 Uoress at AND qatt reutve aval Bf the sutput Nadue wil) he 0, they preventing cuarent to thi lamp » PRACTICAL BPPLICATION b¢ AMD GATE Su poate @ burgutat Alarm ik required Ho sound Ab ve te dork “aad a coor ik opened « B ciple elteto'e ctrant could give aa ‘rol tone: MW deatan a aetich do ih deoy wuld“ be aangel be give a igh veltage eR Hy ke pened = fhuse! signals ox ded Yo an “ann teoand dm utp used to sound an alarm as @hown In Ane fe tk atin Aopuct & and! mount Bawl , theoutput Yc wih an dh the Olah ders sound: Oud pul we NOT GWtE lo vt boy The out put te nrgh which whi ht topud is Tow, MSO wlen fae pat ve high ‘tw. oul Dud rs Lew How boes NOT HATE WORK Ip Beolean i the Opuatoy NOT tonitge Thu sence oh ugatives toile tu optators o@ and AND connct te vatoblte +o produ a aingle wartable Wa Speco’ NOT opaate on only yaroble to woduce anot ha, yorinble wbleh as te negotion of, As Gist vos ‘abe iC) elannple Mh tw geoslean variable A / seprcente a@ chact “eussent ds dlowing sn ihe cist Ake Boolean veuioble NOT h (A) vepusthts a dad Feussend ts not f low Ha vy aat The WOT qote ov Woventer if the Simplest ofall ingie Gewese as i hos only one input and one output Te funeton Of the KOU Cinverter) qete can be preted briefly by Beolton expregcton at A= ¥ whet "Rh quans At baa} Rots ta toput and ¥ ie the Oui put Inothe worl, “not quay” Te bvated- NOT GATE REALISATION We choose RB and Re suchthat when et (ov waltong ieeeaig to lermte) ae applied at NG GATE RencisntioN Evaupe Of Mot Gare oPe @AnON ani’ LT = ‘ glows mn) the base, @ Low collectns coment flows tht untbon at Vdaept and kt pase collector (unto refowwarel rinsed When f ts commmsted XO G | the colleclor-base Ye wetdree Kioted amd ahi bage- ernittey presun is not Pood pied “So fly base curcent is reo and Wn. tut sottector tusvent rs wo The transicted He thin tard fo be jp Te Cad -off moc and the wo Hog of ¥ is S¥ which comesponds ‘to ihe t stole” Wan A ts conmeted tet the fran gi tor gens. to satuuoctlon 3 the volt i cto p aeoes be bs alvmuct equat to Sv OSL oeclput ¥ vey wally OW evrespondy t wo of truth tcble Silly doble eaticoyed - Rent Abe EXAMPLE FoR NOY GATE opeRATION An out pet volu of O at Fur NOT Gale produus an acclpud valu of U from the “MOT tle, shes sending Br forthe lamp. An je put Volm of tat “thi Not gak produws an tut put Selue “he feom Nhe Mar gate, thus neg at ddom os to the lamp ROO SUB. COR WAND once input RU ee oulpu a e COMBUANTON OF GATES Vonbus eombinetons of thate bagie gates (eR, ONO and net) ques us ‘complicated ai'g\tell ciate bith axe alyo enown at gates Sine rh the Tombination of gate thy OR, AND and NOT gater are wed regearchty Inviead dh showing thu came eirten't of, Stocks Asansittore and Sesieiors again and agai , W& nove Convant'ent to uscvheis eginbols. In alg ital ciate | ine practi ts polvensalteg fottowed - MAND GAVE A Nand gate a ake tombinaton of beth on Arb gote dnc G HOT gate. . (4 operates AML Sam Ot vn AND gate , bat oud put wil We thu opposite - Rerumbes the NOT qate deer not alusys have to be on Wa outed legs It coud pe used to invert an input sink iy we tonmect the oudput ¥' of AND qale Mts Sve past sk a MoT gate tae tohebe checurt ts fowad os aan MAND gate- Tu Awuth table LON BES POG Wr to the many ate can be obtain by qleata” using thu truth table of AND andl NOt qotes: fhe Legte symbol ig shown wn th ef hea Not that how Ake” aqmbol fs sam or Hue AND ote but wih a cmatl ciel at the output - qT amoMt cleete de always takin to indieade « MOT Ma 2) *y 5) EXAMPLES Of NAND GATE OPERDTLON, Os INVERTER opatokon - — The MAK gate & ev. preased aa ¥= AB OF singly np awd bead oy Not A ANDES Tar MAND Gate fe veu uachal qake In trsah . Bat te & uwidtly used becawe of all otha qates con Wwe consteurted a onky NAN que: EAM PLES OF harch GATE oPeAEtiON ve Ore doput cuch og A te permanently fied high so thok Nig in We feud table lots cae 4 owky WU poscible OM tine 3 and go tf BS high ha oulguk Vis tow O and fy Bw [ow then Wits i R Bom inputs way be Akd ogethas sot eh inputs f dnd & must sail be frqh ov low to gethu » Tre muons that oly WWE Lond y" of tu twa table ait posvele and 96 | hand RB Gt both high Y¥ tc low - bf, Rand B om both tow Vie high Howew el Wwe method gs not a goa alettee nie practise and should not be used- a wf a value ol, \ ts sent to all inputs of the AND ‘ae Awe yesult wlll be an sutptiet vale ¢ \ dow! Aha AND or ‘The NOT gate sewivee an tnpuk volue af | md will denock the oulplt value te 0 heed a vokur 6 Lvs applied to all the mano abt inputs, an output valur of O ull veentt trom MK MAND gare TAM peering Bt tothe camp: s- id avalue ob O it cent to ati ae AxD gate LoGit SYMBOL For Nok wATE ve putts, Wu out put vol ue ob oO vl seeatlt qiom the AND Gott the NOt got. will veeetye on ah puck volar “ef O whtrh ie invette ao produ 4 eulpud soln a} l Gib @ vol of Ors apphed te all fhe wand ee ingly an output vote ef | ool secured te die NANT Gate vthws abating Bt to tke fom. MOE ies lt Te equivalent 4% an 0 att sbolla wed 7 O Wot gate [evaied’) af all Aue oupate’ of whe o gots wl investid [¢ a ie thom 9 401 or L too} So Ane Areth table Gor “te NOR qaie ib oppocite to Wu ok qatt -h MOR Gate & he combihaton o Bote oan Sok gecie and a Not gate - 1 opuates twa Come on an* OR gees Halt tre out pect willbe Ae eppos HE ate ts Lon the Oud put y! of any oR e, he cletwt Commcied go ake inpak éh an Nor {e Ie dared as th NOR gate - fr NOR t& elmitcedas Y= fab ano % mad os KOR B Neupren EXAMPLES GF NOR GATE oPeention | 4) A wlas ef Fi apple ol to etthes tm pad of the OR Gote stk wil preduw an out pid value of [ rem the ie MOT gale ve carved a Inpect valu eh © whch ye invaled py tN NON gate to an owl put Volu 0 o ExaMPLE SOF NOR GATE OPERATION. a ree pee ee aha vou of Lisa plied fo ett Mnput of TAC NOR gate , an ouch yuck WOU Bh Owl Teel from thy NOR gate Avus preverkinng Bat fine ey Yo te (amp iy Ovo of O cs sen’ to atl 64 thy in puts of AW NOR aie, Ww pukpud vaduL of O will cuit Bom aa “OR gate Tu NOT gate wi wearve On in put valus °} O whith “ts taveded to an pus pud wakw. of t o br Ufarvolue sf O Ts applied 0 atl tie NOR bins aguas, ar uk puck value of t willl veeact or) he NOR qate thus sending 8t to dha Lamp XOR Grte ‘es qo\t & Gn @bbrevitatiuy of exclusive OR Goke- The COR goss Wey @ ee out plat uf ell in & ox Ain B bat Vnot both act oigls — etlukusiee th gqaes a tow mpud- Tu output Y given BA FOR ue & qiven oy Y= AB+ 7B ReAeiATON Of AND GAte : 4 (in kos) iL ———f- oat pet + x ate Se oe iE & - cs at Dafinuia? ole a: | (iow) fe Sa, oath OBSERVATION inpur | inpus | Out put 4 EB 0 ' U ° 1 , a y EXPERIMEN T— Th dims To a OR tate wag Dooly ypoantus = @awitet oyutbe, MAY Rationy, g seniete (aaoratfpa) red i ewnivtin g atodt), Lonnucting aie Gu orgs: OR gate hoy two puke Rand B and one out Y= Rew. Te leqle gate gives an output | (i nigh) or elt of quo tnptets Ga heph) frou dunt + Draw dhe ctreatt diogtam and Abt veriout romponents “@reordi as chown in the Ayo: The ronuetlows shouts be clean and tight a tome band B both 49“ (ow) such thet ‘both ype Inputs Bit Low dnd obsawe AML output %- td the output te high . second tas \ and B] it fs (ow xeeord O a. lone: Maoh and/B toh cuchthat Ae high GY awd Bhs tow TB. eowd the out puct vw hatha “it ie bah (1) ov low (0): we Lonice to And BoH cach that Ais Cow (0) and Bis wah (ih Record the output x whether |b Ys high () be tow (0) S Cohn BAO HK and BLOW Sothat both the in prude Rank & au mah (ih Observe Alu oul path: Record wh as WH of igh and (0) if tow Routt: OR WATE te vaeficd Po A fonuttions off REAUSATION oF OP Gate oO } 4 4 5 i om i ! 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