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Ultimate Solutions Of Oily Skin – Best Home Remedies

Oily skin is a problem for many, and there are products available for controlling oily skin on the face, but
store – bought specialty products and masks are often quite expensive, and unfortunately, these
expensive products don’t always work. Instead of buying expensive oily skin remedies, consider a natural

There are home remedies you can use to treat an oily face, and these home remedies are low-cost and
effective. Best of all, home remedies for controlling oily skin on the face are free of chemicals, perfumes,
and other harsh ingredients. Try the following home remedy to treat your oily face, and hopefully this
natural home remedy will keep your skin looking and feeling clean and fresh all day long.

Solutions for Oily Skin

Citrus essential oils – Lemon, grapefruit, tangerine and orange, helps treat oily skin without the worry of
harsh ingredients coming in contact with the skin. Find an all-natural herbal lotion base and add 3 to 4
drops per ounce of the citrus essential oil of choice to the base (herbal lotion, skin toner, aloe Vera gel,
witch hazel). This remedy is best applied in the evening to help prevent oily skin. Wash the face
thoroughly every morning with a mild antibacterial soap prior to facial applications.

Keep It Clean

Though oily skin does not necessarily mean dirty skin, the extra oil can aid in trapping extra unwanted
particles close to your skin, as well as dead skin cells that normally should just fall off.

These trapped components can lead to clogged pores which in turn mean acne and blackheads for you.
Therefore you should keep your skin clean by washing it a certain amount every day.

Time It Right

There is no definitive number of times you should wash your skin because each person has different skin
types and thus have different skin needs. Washing too often will strip your skin of too many of its natural
oils and it will only produce more, which does nothing for your problem. Try starting out by washing once
a day and if you feel like you need to wash again, bump the number to twice a day and see how your skin
reacts. Once you know the correct number, you can continue that routine in order to combat your oily

Scrub It

Give your skin some exfoliation by scrubbing it with products made specifically for oily skin or other home
remedies you find that work well. A good scrub can also help rid your skin of extra oil on its surface, but
be warned, as just like dry skin, too much exfoliation will produce your skin into making more oil which
again fails to help your problem.

Wear A Mask

No, this is not to imply you should go out into the world disguised or with a bag over your head. Wearing a
mask, such as clay, for a few minutes of your day can do wonders to help soothe your skin and absorb
extra oil. You can either buy mask products or find proven methods of making your own.


Wiping your face with a good astringent can also be a good tool against oily skin. The astringent will help
remove the oil and also can come as individual wipes that you can carry with you in case you need a
quick swipe later on in the day. Keep it blotted. If you do not have any astringent wipes with you, you
should at least carry around tissues or special oil blotters to help soak up any extra oil your face produces
during the day. This way if you notice your face becoming too oily a quick dab can put you back on track.

Forget The Moisturizer

In case you have not already heard; do not use a moisturizer on your face! The oil your skin produces
already acts as your skins natural way of keeping your skin moisturized. Adding any type of moisturizer,
even those that claim to be oil free, is adding to your problem. You have no reason to put any extra
moisture on your skin.

When it comes to putting any products on your skin for long periods of time, at most you should use a
sunscreen to help prevent sun damage to your skin. Nothing more.

Ease Up On The Makeup

If you can go makeup free, then by all means do it. Makeup may only aid in the buildup of oil on your skin
and become a clogging mess by the end of the day.

If you do have to wear makeup, find water based cosmetics or products made for oily skin. Start small
and make sure the products you choose work well for your skin; they have to deliver and not just make
promises. Use as little as possible and try using powders instead of liquids.

A Crab Apple Concoction

Made into a paste which you smooth over the face and neck and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with
warm water. It is a rich source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which the benefits the skin by toning,
softening and moisturizing dull oily skin.

Wheat Germ Oil

Has amazing qualities for perfecting the skin in a number of ways. Smooth wheat germ oil over your face
in a massage type fashion. Leave it on for 60 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Natural vitamin E is
a powerful anti-oxidant, this oil prevents skin damage caused by UV rays and environmental pollution. It’s
a fabulous method for softening the skin. Worth and all over body massage with the oil don`t you agree.


It is vitally important for people with oily skin to keep their skin clear otherwise it has a tendency to form
acne lesions making the skin patchy, discolored and course. If oil is present the skin becomes tacky thus
working like a magnet drawing dirt/grime towards the stickiness which then clogs the pores. Clogged
pores increase development of oil secretion. Milk is an oil free cleanser which doesn’t dry out the skin.
Treat the face several times a day with a milk-wash to keep sebum/oil to a minimum. Clean the face
thoroughly before going to bed.

Make sure every trace of make-up is removed. Mix 2-3 drops of sandalwood or lavender oil with 2
tablespoon of milk. Massage with cotton wool swab to clean ingrained grime and makeup. Do not stretch
or over-pull the skin around the eyes. Gentle massage improves blood circulation. If you have broken
skin, avoid stretching in that area to prevent spread of infection.

Most women think that once they have given the skin the once over with soap and water that is the end of
that. Think about it ladies, all women wash their face but still suffer problems and why, simply because
washing is not enough for maintaining and achieving a radiant complexion.

Moisturizing the skin is a vital element that should be practiced at every possible convenience in a
woman’s beauty regime. A beauty conquest is incomplete without moisturizer. The skin loses its natural
moisture’s throughout the day and needs replenishing, and if moisturizer is not used – you face skin
issues like roughness and the skin becoming irritated. Facial and body skin needs regular moisturizing
and from this you will see fewer fine lines, a smooth texture, and less surface flaking. Honey is a natural
moisturizer. Anything natural is good. Apply a thin layer of honey over the face. Yes it`s messy and sticky,
but hey if it’s the answer to your problem, then what is the problem. The honey glaze is easily removed
with warm water after it had been left on for about 15 minutes.

Benefits of Walking: Exercise For Your Fitness

Walking is not only a great exercise for maintaining health its also one of the best exercises to help
control weight. Many people trying to lose weight often perform an exercise they believe burns more
calories and wonder why after a few weeks they hardly see any results. Permanent fat loss will take time,
even though calories do count its not just about burning as many calories as possible, especially during
the beginning stages of weight loss.

Every person has two doctors with him… his right leg & his left leg. A vigorous 5 mile walk can do more
good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy man than any medicine or psychology. it is the easiest
exercise for most individuals, one that can done without equipment except good shoes, in most terrains &
weather & also in very old age.

Experts agree that physical activity is one of the cornerstones for good health, and walking is one of the
easiest (and cheapest) ways to be physically active. All you need is a good pair of shoes, and you can do
it almost anywhere and at any time.

Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss:

Based on research studies, walking on a regular basis has the following health benefits:

1. Weight loss by walking! A great way to control your weight. You daily walking actually burns calories
and you feel the difference. Those calories burned walking actually increase as your walking distance and
speed increases. You gain a new sense of energy. It’s the start of your walking journey to be the best you
can be!
2. Calf muscles are man’s second heart. On walking, these muscles pump the blood to the heart with all
force. This leads to greater heart exercise, increased oxygen requirement & better blood circulation.
3. The increased oxygen requirements lead to exercise for the heart. On a long term basis, it leads to a
better circulation for the heart. Thus it reduces the chances of a heart attack.
4. It helps you beat breast cancer. Women who walk regularly after being diagnosed with breast cancer
have a 45 percent greater chance of survival than those who are inactive, according to a study published
in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Yale researchers heading up the study also found that those who
exercised in the year before being diagnosed were 30 percent more likely to survive, compared to women
who didn’t exercise leading up to their diagnosis.
5. Need more reasons? When you walk, you reduce your blood pressure and improve your
cardiovascular functions. Heart health is huge in enjoying a healthier lifestyle. That alone makes it worth
getting back out there doesn’t it?
6. When you walk, it has a positive impact on your weight and age-related illnesses. It helps build muscle
strength and endurance and maintain healthier bones and joints. Result? Fewer aches and pain.
7. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in
older persons. The list goes on, but if I continued, thered be no time for you to start walking! Suffice to say
that walking is certainly good for you!
8. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher
whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing
the rate of bone loss from the legs.
9. Off the couch and well on your way to adding the fun back into your life. At the end of the day, that’s
what it’s all about, isn’t it?
10. And your renewed energy gives you the urge (and ability) to start doing more outdoor activities with
your family and friends. Maybe your grand kids.
11. More benefits of walking! Your stress level is diminished and…you’ve slowed down the aging
process. You leave the extra baggage in the ‘caboose’ behind! Very sweet indeed!
12. Just think. You can leave that couch behind, get great exercise, improve your health and fitness…and
start to feel great again. The benefits of walking are all for free! Just by putting one foot in front of another.
As some of the young ‘uns say these days-’How good a deal is that!
13. It can save your mind. Italian researchers enlisted 749 people suffering from memory problems in a
study and measured their walking and other moderate activities, such as yard work. At the four-year
follow-up, they found that those who expended the most energy walking had a 27 percent lower risk of
developing dementia than the people who expended the least. This could be the result of physical
activity’s role in increasing blood flow to the brain.
14. Walking briskly for just 30 minutes, five days a week can significantly lower your risk of suffering a
stroke, according to University of South Carolina researchers. After studying 46,000 men and 15,000
women over the course of 18 years, those with increased fitness levels associated with regular brisk
walking had a 40 percent lower risk of suffering a stoke than those with the lowest fitness level.
15. Many studies have shown enormous psychological benefits of walking. It has been shown that daily
walking habit reduces anxiety, tension & improves mood.

Benefits of Walking: Exercise For Your Fitness

Walking is not only a great exercise for maintaining health its also one of the best exercises to help
control weight. Many people trying to lose weight often perform an exercise they believe burns more
calories and wonder why after a few weeks they hardly see any results. Permanent fat loss will take time,
even though calories do count its not just about burning as many calories as possible, especially during
the beginning stages of weight loss.

Every person has two doctors with him… his right leg & his left leg. A vigorous 5 mile walk can do more
good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy man than any medicine or psychology. it is the easiest
exercise for most individuals, one that can done without equipment except good shoes, in most terrains &
weather & also in very old age.

Experts agree that physical activity is one of the cornerstones for good health, and walking is one of the
easiest (and cheapest) ways to be physically active. All you need is a good pair of shoes, and you can do
it almost anywhere and at any time.

Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss:

Based on research studies, walking on a regular basis has the following health benefits:

1. Weight loss by walking! A great way to control your weight. You daily walking actually burns calories
and you feel the difference. Those calories burned walking actually increase as your walking distance and
speed increases. You gain a new sense of energy. It’s the start of your walking journey to be the best you
can be!
2. Calf muscles are man’s second heart. On walking, these muscles pump the blood to the heart with all
force. This leads to greater heart exercise, increased oxygen requirement & better blood circulation.
3. The increased oxygen requirements lead to exercise for the heart. On a long term basis, it leads to a
better circulation for the heart. Thus it reduces the chances of a heart attack.
4. It helps you beat breast cancer. Women who walk regularly after being diagnosed with breast cancer
have a 45 percent greater chance of survival than those who are inactive, according to a study published
in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Yale researchers heading up the study also found that those who
exercised in the year before being diagnosed were 30 percent more likely to survive, compared to women
who didn’t exercise leading up to their diagnosis.
5. Need more reasons? When you walk, you reduce your blood pressure and improve your
cardiovascular functions. Heart health is huge in enjoying a healthier lifestyle. That alone makes it worth
getting back out there doesn’t it?
6. When you walk, it has a positive impact on your weight and age-related illnesses. It helps build muscle
strength and endurance and maintain healthier bones and joints. Result? Fewer aches and pain.
7. Research shows that walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in
older persons. The list goes on, but if I continued, thered be no time for you to start walking! Suffice to say
that walking is certainly good for you!
8. Research shows that postmenopausal women who walk approximately one mile each day have higher
whole-body bone density than women who walk shorter distances, and walking is also effective in slowing
the rate of bone loss from the legs.
9. Off the couch and well on your way to adding the fun back into your life. At the end of the day, that’s
what it’s all about, isn’t it?
10. And your renewed energy gives you the urge (and ability) to start doing more outdoor activities with
your family and friends. Maybe your grand kids.
11. More benefits of walking! Your stress level is diminished and…you’ve slowed down the aging
process. You leave the extra baggage in the ‘caboose’ behind! Very sweet indeed!
12. Just think. You can leave that couch behind, get great exercise, improve your health and fitness…and
start to feel great again. The benefits of walking are all for free! Just by putting one foot in front of another.
As some of the young ‘uns say these days-’How good a deal is that!
13. It can save your mind. Italian researchers enlisted 749 people suffering from memory problems in a
study and measured their walking and other moderate activities, such as yard work. At the four-year
follow-up, they found that those who expended the most energy walking had a 27 percent lower risk of
developing dementia than the people who expended the least. This could be the result of physical
activity’s role in increasing blood flow to the brain.
14. Walking briskly for just 30 minutes, five days a week can significantly lower your risk of suffering a
stroke, according to University of South Carolina researchers. After studying 46,000 men and 15,000
women over the course of 18 years, those with increased fitness levels associated with regular brisk
walking had a 40 percent lower risk of suffering a stoke than those with the lowest fitness level.
15. Many studies have shown enormous psychological benefits of walking. It has been shown that daily
walking habit reduces anxiety, tension & improves mood.

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