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salesman_id name city commission

5001 James Hoog New York 0.15
5002 Nail Knite Paris 0.13
5005 Pit Alex London 0.11
5006 Mc Lyon Paris 0.14
5007 Paul Adam Rome 0.13
5003 Lauson Hen San Jose 0.12

ord_no purch_amt ord_date customer_id salesman_id

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
70001 150.5 2012-10-05 3005 5002
70009 270.65 2012-09-10 3001 5005
70002 65.26 2012-10-05 3002 5001
70004 110.5 2012-08-17 3009 5003
70007 948.5 2012-09-10 3005 5002
70005 2400.6 2012-07-27 3007 5001
70008 5760 2012-09-10 3002 5001
70010 1983.43 2012-10-10 3004 5006
70003 2480.4 2012-10-10 3009 5003
70012 250.45 2012-06-27 3008 5002
70011 75.29 2012-08-17 3003 5007
70013 3045.6 2012-04-25 3002 5001


customer_id cust_name city grade salesman_id

3002 Nick Rimando New York 100 5001
3007 Brad Davis New York 200 5001
3005 Graham Zusi California 200 5002
3008 Julian Green London 300 5002
3004 Fabian Johnson Paris 300 5006
3009 Geoff Cameron Berlin 100 5003
3003 Jozy Altidor Moscow 200 5007
3001 Brad Guzan London 5005



---- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------
----- ------------
1970 Physics Hannes Alfven Sweden Scientist
1970 Physics Louis Neel France Scientist
1970 Chemistry Luis Federico Leloir France Scientist
1970 Physiology Ulf von Euler Sweden Scientist
1970 Physiology Bernard Katz Germany Scientist
1970 Literature Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Russia Linguist
1970 Economics Paul Samuelson USA Economist
1970 Physiology Julius Axelrod USA Scientist
1971 Physics Dennis Gabor Hungary Scientist
1971 Chemistry Gerhard Herzberg Germany Scientist
1971 Peace Willy Brandt Germany Chancellor
1971 Literature Pablo Neruda Chile Linguist
1971 Economics Simon Kuznets Russia Economist
1978 Peace Anwar al-Sadat Egypt President
1978 Peace Menachem Begin Israel Prime Minister
1987 Chemistry Donald J. Cram USA Scientist
1987 Chemistry Jean-Marie Lehn France Scientist
1987 Physiology Susumu Tonegawa Japan Scientist
1994 Economics Reinhard Selten Germany Economist
1994 Peace Yitzhak Rabin Israel Prime Minister
1987 Physics Johannes Georg Bednorz Germany Scientist
1987 Literature Joseph Brodsky Russia Linguist
1987 Economics Robert Solow USA Economist
1994 Literature Kenzaburo Oe Japan Linguist


------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------
101 Mother Board 3200 15
102 Key Board 450 16
103 ZIP drive 250 14
104 Speaker 550 16
105 Monitor 5000 11
106 DVD drive 900 12
107 CD drive 800 12
108 Printer 2600 13
109 Refill cartridge 350 13
110 Mouse 250 12



--------- --------------- --------------- ----------
127323 Michale Robbin 57
526689 Carlos Snares 63
843795 Enric Dosio 57
328717 Jhon Snares 63
444527 Joseph Dosni 47
659831 Zanifer Emily 47
847674 Kuleswar Sitaraman 57
748681 Henrey Gabriel 47
555935 Alex Manuel 57
539569 George Mardy 27
733843 Mario Saule 63
631548 Alan Snappy 27
839139 Maria Foster 57



100 Steven King SKING 515.123.4567 2003-06-17 AD_PRES 24000.00 0.00 0
101 Neena Kochhar NKOCHHAR 515.123.4568 2005-09-21 AD_VP 17000.00 0.00 100
102 Lex De Haan LDEHAAN 515.123.4569 2001-01-13 AD_VP 17000.00 0.00 100
103 Alexander Hunold AHUNOLD 590.423.4567 2006-01-03 IT_PROG 9000.00 0.00
102 60
104 Bruce Ernst BERNST 590.423.4568 2007-05-21 IT_PROG 6000.00 0.00 103 60
105 David Austin DAUSTIN 590.423.4569 2005-06-25 IT_PROG 4800.00 0.00 103
106 Valli Pataballa VPATABAL 590.423.4560 2006-02-05 IT_PROG 4800.00 0.00 103
107 Diana Lorentz DLORENTZ 590.423.5567 2007-02-07 IT_PROG 4200.00 0.00 103
108 Nancy Greenberg NGREENBE 515.124.4569 2002-08-17 FI_MGR 12008.00 0.00 101
109 Daniel Faviet DFAVIET 515.124.4169 2002-08-16 FI_ACCOUNT 9000.00 0.00
108 100
110 John Chen JCHEN 515.124.4269 2005-09-28 FI_ACCOUNT 8200.00 0.00 108 100
111 Ismael Sciarra ISCIARRA 515.124.4369 2005-09-30 FI_ACCOUNT 7700.00 0.00
108 100
112 Jose Manuel Urman JMURMAN 515.124.4469 2006-03-07 FI_ACCOUNT 7800.00 0.00 108
113 Luis Popp LPOPP 515.124.4567 2007-12-07 FI_ACCOUNT 6900.00 0.00 108 100
114 Den Raphaely DRAPHEAL 515.127.4561 2002-12-07 PU_MAN 11000.00 0.00 100
115 Alexander Khoo AKHOO 515.127.4562 2003-05-18 PU_CLERK 3100.00 0.00 114
116 Shelli Baida SBAIDA 515.127.4563 2005-12-24 PU_CLERK 2900.00 0.00 114
117 Sigal Tobias STOBIAS 515.127.4564 2005-07-24 PU_CLERK 2800.00 0.00 114
118 Guy Himuro GHIMURO 515.127.4565 2006-11-15 PU_CLERK 2600.00 0.00 114
119 Karen Colmenares KCOLMENA 515.127.4566 2007-08-10 PU_CLERK 2500.00 0.00 114
120 Matthew Weiss MWEISS 650.123.1234 2004-07-18 ST_MAN 8000.00 0.00 100
121 Adam Fripp AFRIPP 650.123.2234 2005-04-10 ST_MAN 8200.00 0.00 100 50
122 Payam Kaufling PKAUFLIN 650.123.3234 2003-05-01 ST_MAN 7900.00 0.00 100
123 Shanta Vollman SVOLLMAN 650.123.4234 2005-10-10 ST_MAN 6500.00 0.00
100 50
124 Kevin Mourgos KMOURGOS 650.123.5234 2007-11-16 ST_MAN 5800.00 0.00 100
125 Julia Nayer JNAYER 650.124.1214 2005-07-16 ST_CLERK 3200.00 0.00 120 50
126 Irene Mikkilineni IMIKKILI 650.124.1224 2006-09-28 ST_CLERK 2700.00 0.00 120
127 James Landry JLANDRY 650.124.1334 2007-01-14 ST_CLERK 2400.00 0.00 120
128 Steven Markle SMARKLE 650.124.1434 2008-03-08 ST_CLERK 2200.00 0.00
120 50
129 Laura Bissot LBISSOT 650.124.5234 2005-08-20 ST_CLERK 3300.00 0.00 121
130 Mozhe Atkinson MATKINSO 650.124.6234 2005-10-30 ST_CLERK 2800.00 0.00 121
131 James Marlow JAMRLOW 650.124.7234 2005-02-16 ST_CLERK 2500.00 0.00 121
132 TJ Olson TJOLSON 650.124.8234 2007-04-10 ST_CLERK 2100.00 0.00 121 50
133 Jason Mallin JMALLIN 650.127.1934 2004-06-14 ST_CLERK 3300.00 0.00 122
134 Michael Rogers MROGERS 650.127.1834 2006-08-26 ST_CLERK 2900.00 0.00
122 50
135 Ki Gee KGEE 650.127.1734 2007-12-12 ST_CLERK 2400.00 0.00 122 50
136 Hazel Philtanker HPHILTAN 650.127.1634 2008-02-06 ST_CLERK 2200.00 0.00 122
137 Renske Ladwig RLADWIG 650.121.1234 2003-07-14 ST_CLERK 3600.00 0.00
123 50
138 Stephen Stiles SSTILES 650.121.2034 2005-10-26 ST_CLERK 3200.00 0.00
123 50
139 John Seo JSEO 650.121.2019 2006-02-12 ST_CLERK 2700.00 0.00 123 50
140 Joshua Patel JPATEL 650.121.1834 2006-04-06 ST_CLERK 2500.00 0.00 123
141 Trenna Rajs TRAJS 650.121.8009 2003-10-17 ST_CLERK 3500.00 0.00 124
142 Curtis Davies CDAVIES 650.121.2994 2005-01-29 ST_CLERK 3100.00 0.00
124 50
143 Randall Matos RMATOS 650.121.2874 2006-03-15 ST_CLERK 2600.00 0.00 124
144 Peter Vargas PVARGAS 650.121.2004 2006-07-09 ST_CLERK 2500.00 0.00 124
145 John Russell JRUSSEL 011.44.1344.429268 2004-10-01 SA_MAN 14000.00 0.40
100 80
146 Karen Partners KPARTNER 011.44.1344.467268 2005-01-05 SA_MAN 13500.00 0.30
100 80
147 Alberto Errazuriz AERRAZUR 011.44.1344.429278 2005-03-10 SA_MAN 12000.00
0.30 100 80
148 Gerald Cambrault GCAMBRAU 011.44.1344.619268 2007-10-15 SA_MAN 11000.00
0.30 100 80
149 Eleni Zlotkey EZLOTKEY 011.44.1344.429018 2008-01-29 SA_MAN 10500.00 0.20
100 80
150 Peter Tucker PTUCKER 011.44.1344.129268 2005-01-30 SA_REP 10000.00 0.30
145 80
151 David Bernstein DBERNSTE 011.44.1344.345268 2005-03-24 SA_REP 9500.00 0.25
145 80
152 Peter Hall PHALL 011.44.1344.478968 2005-08-20 SA_REP 9000.00 0.25 145
153 Christopher Olsen COLSEN 011.44.1344.498718 2006-03-30 SA_REP 8000.00 0.20
145 80
154 Nanette Cambrault NCAMBRAU 011.44.1344.987668 2006-12-09 SA_REP 7500.00
0.20 145 80
155 Oliver Tuvault OTUVAULT 011.44.1344.486508 2007-11-23 SA_REP 7000.00
0.15 145 80
156 Janette King JKING 011.44.1345.429268 2004-01-30 SA_REP 10000.00 0.35
146 80
157 Patrick Sully PSULLY 011.44.1345.929268 2004-03-04 SA_REP 9500.00 0.35
146 80
158 Allan McEwen AMCEWEN 011.44.1345.829268 2004-08-01 SA_REP 9000.00 0.35
146 80
159 Lindsey Smith LSMITH 011.44.1345.729268 2005-03-10 SA_REP 8000.00 0.30
146 80
160 Louise Doran LDORAN 011.44.1345.629268 2005-12-15 SA_REP 7500.00 0.30
146 80
161 Sarath Sewall SSEWALL 011.44.1345.529268 2006-11-03 SA_REP 7000.00
0.25 146 80
162 Clara Vishney CVISHNEY 011.44.1346.129268 2005-11-11 SA_REP 10500.00 0.25
147 80
163 Danielle Greene DGREENE 011.44.1346.229268 2007-03-19 SA_REP 9500.00
0.15 147 80
164 Mattea Marvins MMARVINS 011.44.1346.329268 2008-01-24 SA_REP 7200.00
0.10 147 80
165 David Lee DLEE 011.44.1346.529268 2008-02-23 SA_REP 6800.00 0.10 147
166 Sundar Ande SANDE 011.44.1346.629268 2008-03-24 SA_REP 6400.00 0.10
147 80
167 Amit Banda ABANDA 011.44.1346.729268 2008-04-21 SA_REP 6200.00 0.10 147
168 Lisa Ozer LOZER 011.44.1343.929268 2005-03-11 SA_REP 11500.00 0.25 148
169 Harrison Bloom HBLOOM 011.44.1343.829268 2006-03-23 SA_REP 10000.00 0.20
148 80
170 Tayler Fox TFOX 011.44.1343.729268 2006-01-24 SA_REP 9600.00 0.20
148 80
171 William Smith WSMITH 011.44.1343.629268 2007-02-23 SA_REP 7400.00 0.15
148 80
172 Elizabeth Bates EBATES 011.44.1343.529268 2007-03-24 SA_REP 7300.00 0.15
148 80
173 Sundita Kumar SKUMAR 011.44.1343.329268 2008-04-21 SA_REP 6100.00 0.10
148 80
174 Ellen Abel EABEL 011.44.1644.429267 2004-05-11 SA_REP 11000.00 0.30 149
175 Alyssa Hutton AHUTTON 011.44.1644.429266 2005-03-19 SA_REP 8800.00
0.25 149 80
176 Jonathon Taylor JTAYLOR 011.44.1644.429265 2006-03-24 SA_REP 8600.00
0.20 149 80
177 Jack Livingston JLIVINGS 011.44.1644.429264 2006-04-23 SA_REP 8400.00 0.20
149 80
178 Kimberely Grant KGRANT 011.44.1644.429263 2007-05-24 SA_REP 7000.00 0.15
149 0
179 Charles Johnson CJOHNSON 011.44.1644.429262 2008-01-04 SA_REP 6200.00
0.10 149 80
180 Winston Taylor WTAYLOR 650.507.9876 2006-01-24 SH_CLERK 3200.00 0.00
120 50
181 Jean Fleaur JFLEAUR 650.507.9877 2006-02-23 SH_CLERK 3100.00 0.00 120
182 Martha Sullivan MSULLIVA 650.507.9878 2007-06-21 SH_CLERK 2500.00 0.00
120 50
183 Girard Geoni GGEONI 650.507.9879 2008-02-03 SH_CLERK 2800.00 0.00 120
184 Nandita Sarchand NSARCHAN 650.509.1876 2004-01-27 SH_CLERK 4200.00 0.00
121 50
185 Alexis Bull ABULL 650.509.2876 2005-02-20 SH_CLERK 4100.00 0.00 121
186 Julia Dellinger JDELLING 650.509.3876 2006-06-24 SH_CLERK 3400.00 0.00 121
187 Anthony Cabrio ACABRIO 650.509.4876 2007-02-07 SH_CLERK 3000.00 0.00
121 50
188 Kelly Chung KCHUNG 650.505.1876 2005-06-14 SH_CLERK 3800.00 0.00 122 50
189 Jennifer Dilly JDILLY 650.505.2876 2005-08-13 SH_CLERK 3600.00 0.00 122
190 Timothy Gates TGATES 650.505.3876 2006-07-11 SH_CLERK 2900.00 0.00 122
191 Randall Perkins RPERKINS 650.505.4876 2007-12-19 SH_CLERK 2500.00 0.00
122 50
192 Sarah Bell SBELL 650.501.1876 2004-02-04 SH_CLERK 4000.00 0.00 123 50
193 Britney Everett BEVERETT 650.501.2876 2005-03-03 SH_CLERK 3900.00 0.00
123 50
194 Samuel McCain SMCCAIN 650.501.3876 2006-07-01 SH_CLERK 3200.00 0.00
123 50
195 Vance Jones VJONES 650.501.4876 2007-03-17 SH_CLERK 2800.00 0.00 123 50
196 Alana Walsh AWALSH 650.507.9811 2006-04-24 SH_CLERK 3100.00 0.00 124 50
197 Kevin Feeney KFEENEY 650.507.9822 2006-05-23 SH_CLERK 3000.00 0.00 124
198 Donald OConnell DOCONNEL 650.507.9833 2007-06-21 SH_CLERK 2600.00 0.00
124 50
199 Douglas Grant DGRANT 650.507.9844 2008-01-13 SH_CLERK 2600.00 0.00 124
200 Jennifer Whalen JWHALEN 515.123.4444 2003-09-17 AD_ASST 4400.00 0.00
101 10
201 Michael Hartstein MHARTSTE 515.123.5555 2004-02-17 MK_MAN 13000.00 0.00
100 20
202 Pat Fay PFAY 603.123.6666 2005-08-17 MK_REP 6000.00 0.00 201 20
203 Susan Mavris SMAVRIS 515.123.7777 2002-06-07 HR_REP 6500.00 0.00 101
204 Hermann Baer HBAER 515.123.8888 2002-06-07 PR_REP 10000.00 0.00 101
205 Shelley Higgins SHIGGINS 515.123.8080 2002-06-07 AC_MGR 12008.00 0.00
101 110
206 William Gietz WGIETZ 515.123.8181 2002-06-07 AC_ACCOUNT 8300.00 0.00 205


10 Administration 200 1700
20 Marketing 201 1800
30 Purchasing 114 1700
40 Human Resources 203 2400
50 Shipping 121 1500
60 IT 103 1400
70 Public Relations 204 2700
80 Sales 145 2500
90 Executive 100 1700
100 Finance 108 1700
110 Accounting 205 1700
120 Treasury 0 1700
130 Corporate Tax 0 1700
140 Control And Credit 0 1700
150 Shareholder Services 0 1700
160 Benefits 0 1700
170 Manufacturing 0 1700
180 Construction 0 1700
190 Contracting 0 1700
200 Operations 0 1700
210 IT Support 0 1700
220 NOC 0 1700
230 IT Helpdesk 0 1700
240 Government Sales 0 1700
250 Retail Sales 0 1700
260 Recruiting 0 1700
270 Payroll 0 1700

1000 1297 Via Cola di Rie 989 Roma IT
1100 93091 Calle della Testa 10934 Venice IT
1200 2017 Shinjuku-ku 1689 Tokyo Tokyo Prefecture JP
1300 9450 Kamiya-cho 6823 Hiroshima JP
1400 2014 Jabberwocky Rd 26192 Southlake Texas US
1500 2011 Interiors Blvd 99236 South San Francisco California US
1600 2007 Zagora St 50090 South Brunswick New Jersey US
1700 2004 Charade Rd 98199 Seattle Washington US
1800 147 Spadina Ave M5V 2L7 Toronto Ontario CA
1900 6092 Boxwood St YSW 9T2 Whitehorse Yukon CA
2000 40-5-12 Laogianggen 190518 Beijing CN
2100 1298 Vileparle (E) 490231 Bombay Maharashtra IN
2200 12-98 Victoria Street 2901 Sydney New South Wales AU
2300 198 Clementi North 540198 Singapore SG
2400 8204 Arthur St London UK
2500 Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park OX9 9ZB Oxford Oxford UK
2600 9702 Chester Road 9629850293 Stretford Manchester UK
2700 Schwanthalerstr. 7031 80925 Munich Bavaria DE
2800 Rua Frei Caneca 1360 01307-002 Sao Paulo Sao Paulo BR
2900 20 Rue des Corps-Saints 1730 Geneva Geneve CH
3000 Murtenstrasse 921 3095 Bern BE CH
3100 Pieter Breughelstraat 837 3029SK Utrecht Utrecht NL
3200 Mariano Escobedo 9991 11932 Mexico City Distrito Federal, MX

AR Argentina 2
AU Australia 3
BE Belgium 1
BR Brazil 2
CA Canada 2
CH Switzerland 1
CN China 3
DE Germany 1
DK Denmark 1
EG Egypt 4
FR France 1
IL Israel 4
IN India 3
IT Italy 1
JP Japan 3
KW Kuwait 4
ML Malaysia 3
MX Mexico 2
NG Nigeria 4
NL Netherlands 1
SG Singapore 3
UK United Kingdom 1
US United States of America 2
ZM Zambia 4
ZW Zimbabwe 4

AD_PRES President 20080 40000
AD_VP Administration Vice President 15000 30000
AD_ASST Administration Assistant 3000 6000
FI_MGR Finance Manager 8200 16000
FI_ACCOUNT Accountant 4200 9000
AC_MGR Accounting Manager 8200 16000
AC_ACCOUNT Public Accountant 4200 9000
SA_MAN Sales Manager 10000 20080
SA_REP Sales Representative 6000 12008
PU_MAN Purchasing Manager 8000 15000
PU_CLERK Purchasing Clerk 2500 5500
ST_MAN Stock Manager 5500 8500
ST_CLERK Stock Clerk 2008 5000
SH_CLERK Shipping Clerk 2500 5500
IT_PROG Programmer 4000 10000
MK_MAN Marketing Manager 9000 15000
MK_REP Marketing Representative 4000 9000
HR_REP Human Resources Representative 4000 9000
PR_REP Public Relations Representative 4500 10500


AD_PRES President 20080 40000
AD_VP Administration Vice President 15000 30000
AD_ASST Administration Assistant 3000 6000
FI_MGR Finance Manager 8200 16000
FI_ACCOUNT Accountant 4200 9000
AC_MGR Accounting Manager 8200 16000
AC_ACCOUNT Public Accountant 4200 9000
SA_MAN Sales Manager 10000 20080
SA_REP Sales Representative 6000 12008
PU_MAN Purchasing Manager 8000 15000
PU_CLERK Purchasing Clerk 2500 5500
ST_MAN Stock Manager 5500 8500
ST_CLERK Stock Clerk 2008 5000
SH_CLERK Shipping Clerk 2500 5500
IT_PROG Programmer 4000 10000
MK_MAN Marketing Manager 9000 15000
MK_REP Marketing Representative 4000 9000
HR_REP Human Resources Representative 4000 9000
PR_REP Public Relations Representative 4500 10500


mov_id mov_title mov_year mov_time mov_lang mov_dt_rel mov_rel_country

901 Vertigo 1958 128 English 1958-08-24 UK
902 The Innocents 1961 100 English 1962-02-19 SW
903 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 216 English 1962-12-11 UK
904 The Deer Hunter 1978 183 English 1979-03-08 UK
905 Amadeus 1984 160 English 1985-01-07 UK
906 Blade Runner 1982 117 English 1982-09-09 UK
907 Eyes Wide Shut 1999 159 English UK
908 The Usual Suspects 1995 106 English 1995-08-25 UK
909 Chinatown 1974 130 English 1974-08-09 UK
910 Boogie Nights 1997 155 English 1998-02-16 UK
911 Annie Hall 1977 93 English 1977-04-20 USA
912 Princess Mononoke 1997 134 Japanese 2001-10-19 UK
913 The Shawshank Redemption 1994 142 English 1995-02-17 UK
914 American Beauty 1999 122 English UK
915 Titanic 1997 194 English 1998-01-23 UK
916 Good Will Hunting 1997 126 English 1998-06-03 UK
917 Deliverance 1972 109 English 1982-10-05 UK
918 Trainspotting 1996 94 English 1996-02-23 UK
919 The Prestige 2006 130 English 2006-11-10 UK
920 Donnie Darko 2001 113 English UK
921 Slumdog Millionaire 2008 120 English 2009-01-09 UK
922 Aliens 1986 137 English 1986-08-29 UK
923 Beyond the Sea 2004 118 English 2004-11-26 UK
924 Avatar 2009 162 English 2009-12-17 UK
926 Seven Samurai 1954 207 Japanese 1954-04-26 JP
927 Spirited Away 2001 125 Japanese 2003-09-12 UK
928 Back to the Future 1985 116 English 1985-12-04 UK
925 Braveheart 1995 178 English 1995-09-08 UK


rev_id rev_name
9001 Righty Sock
9002 Jack Malvern
9003 Flagrant Baronessa
9004 Alec Shaw
9006 Victor Woeltjen
9007 Simon Wright
9008 Neal Wruck
9009 Paul Monks
9010 Mike Salvati
9012 Wesley S. Walker
9013 Sasha Goldshtein
9014 Josh Cates
9015 Krug Stillo
9016 Scott LeBrun
9017 Hannah Steele
9018 Vincent Cadena
9019 Brandt Sponseller
9020 Richard Adams


mov_id rev_id rev_stars num_o_ratings

901 9001 8.40 263575
902 9002 7.90 20207
903 9003 8.30 202778
906 9005 8.20 484746
924 9006 7.30
908 9007 8.60 779489
909 9008 227235
910 9009 3.00 195961
911 9010 8.10 203875
912 9011 8.40
914 9013 7.00 862618
915 9001 7.70 830095
916 9014 4.00 642132
925 9015 7.70 81328
918 9016 580301
920 9017 8.10 609451
921 9018 8.00 667758
922 9019 8.40 511613
923 9020 6.70 13091


act_id act_fname act_lname act_gender

101 James Stewart M
102 Deborah Kerr F
103 Peter OToole M
104 Robert De Niro M
105 F. Murray Abraham M
106 Harrison Ford M
107 Nicole Kidman F
108 Stephen Baldwin M
109 Jack Nicholson M
110 Mark Wahlberg M
111 Woody Allen M
112 Claire Danes F
113 Tim Robbins M
114 Kevin Spacey M
115 Kate Winslet F
116 Robin Williams M
117 Jon Voight M
118 Ewan McGregor M
119 Christian Bale M
120 Maggie Gyllenhaal F
121 Dev Patel M
122 Sigourney Weaver F
123 David Aston M
124 Ali Astin F

act_id mov_id role

101 901 John Scottie Ferguson
102 902 Miss Giddens
103 903 T.E. Lawrence
104 904 Michael
105 905 Antonio Salieri
106 906 Rick Deckard
107 907 Alice Harford
108 908 McManus
110 910 Eddie Adams
111 911 Alvy Singer
112 912 San
113 913 Andy Dufresne
114 914 Lester Burnham
115 915 Rose DeWitt Bukater
116 916 Sean Maguire
117 917 Ed
118 918 Renton
120 920 Elizabeth Darko
121 921 Older Jamal
122 922 Ripley
114 923 Bobby Darin
109 909 J.J. Gittes
119 919 Alfred Borden
DIRECTOR dir_id dir_fname dir_lname
201 Alfred Hitchcock
202 Jack Clayton
203 David Lean
204 Michael Cimino
205 Milos Forman
206 Ridley Scott
207 Stanley Kubrick
208 Bryan Singer
209 Roman Polanski
210 Paul Thomas Anderson
211 Woody Allen
212 Hayao Miyazaki
213 Frank Darabont
214 Sam Mendes
215 James Cameron
216 Gus Van Sant
217 John Boorman
218 Danny Boyle
219 Christopher Nolan
220 Richard Kelly
221 Kevin Spacey
222 Andrei Tarkovsky
223 Peter Jackson

dir_id mov_id
201 901
202 902
203 903
204 904
205 905
206 906
207 907
208 908
209 909
210 910
211 911
212 912
213 913
214 914
215 915
216 916
217 917
218 918
219 919
220 920
218 921
215 922
221 923

gen_id gen_title
1001 Action
1002 Adventure
1003 Animation
1004 Biography
1005 Comedy
1006 Crime
1007 Drama
1008 Horror
1009 Music
1010 Mystery
1011 Romance
1012 Thriller
1013 War

mov_id gen_id
922 1001
917 1002
903 1002
912 1003
911 1005
908 1006
913 1006
926 1007
928 1007
918 1007
921 1007
902 1008
923 1009
907 1010
927 1010
901 1010
914 1011
906 1012
904 1013

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