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Volume 1)(.

Number t

Administrative Orders. Membership in the University Committee

on Cultural Presentations. Committee on Commencement Exer-
cises for Academic Year 1977-1978 • Memorandum Circulars •
Household Census in the University Campus. Special Fee for Copy
of Grades and Similar Matters - Filing of Sworn Statement of Assets
and Liabilities On or Before 15 April 1978 eMemorandum. Avail-
ability of the U.P. Alumni Association Annual Fund Professorial
Chair for the Regional Units for Faculty Members of the U:P.


897th Meeting, 26 January 1978 • Appointments, Reappointments,

Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, Etc. •
Transfer to Permanent Status. Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants
and Gifts. Professorial Chair Endowment. Creation of the Divi-

sion of Fisheries e Change in the Name of the Department of Fish-
eries Technology to Department of Fish Processing Technology •
UPS·DAP Additional Systems Development Project. Appointment
of Academic Non-Teaching and Administrative Personnel on Non-
Full-Time and Additional Assignment Basis e Meal Allowance
Increase for Lecturers at Clark Air Base. UPS Internal Operating
Budget for CY 1978. Other Matters Considered by the Board




Resignations. Retirements


Memorandum of Agreement with the World Meteorological Organi-

zation (WMO) Regarding the Implementation of One Long-Term
Fellowship. Special Services Agreement with the United Nations
whereby the Law Center Shall Undertake to Carry Out an In-Depth
Study on Transnational Corporations in the Philippines. Memo-
randum of Agreement with the Department of Agriculture. the
Department of Education and Culture, and the FAD Regional Dairy
Development and Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific (FAG-
RDDTCl Regarding the Extension of a Training Program for Voca-
tional and Agricultural College/School Teachers. Memorandum of
Agreement with the Technology Resource Center Pertaining ,to a
Project Entitled "Project Climate" • Memorandum of Agreement
with the Department of Local Government and Community De-
velopment (DLGCD) Regarding the Continued Use and Occupancy
of a Parcel of Land Within the UPLB Campus by the DLGCD •
Renewal of Agreement with the Philippine Rural Reconstruction
Movement, lnc.. (PRRM) Providing for the Extension of the Terms
and Conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement Signed by the
Two Parties on 19 June 1975. Memorandum of Agreement with
the Population Commission to Undertake a Project Entitled "1978
Community Outreach Survey" • Memorandum of Agreement with
the Brent School, lnc., Regarding Instruction, Consultantship.
Related Services, Facilities, and Library Privileges • Memorandum
The University of the Philippines Gazette is published monthly
of Agreement with the Roosevelt College to Undertake a Seminar-
by the Information Office, Untversttv of the philippines, Quezon
Workshop for the Faculty of Roosevelt College
City, Philippines.
U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
BOARD OF REGENTS .The Honorable Juan L. Manuel, Chairman, Secretary of
Education and Culture. The Honorable Onofre O. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Presi-
dent, University of the Philippines. The Honorable Abelardo G. Samonte, Chan-
cellor, University of the Philippines at los Banos. The Honorable Ruben Santos
Cuyugan, Chancellor, Philippine Center for Advanced Studies. The Honorable
Abraham F. Sarmiento, President, U,P. Alumni Association. The Honorable
Tomas S. Ponecler e The Honorable Orlando J. Sacay • The Honorable Gerardo
P. Sicat • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronaldo B.
zamora. Dr. Gemino H. Abad, Secretary


President. Dr. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President. Dr.
Oscar M. Alfonso, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Ramon
C. Portugal, Vice-President for Administration. Dr. Gemino H.
Abad, Secretary. Prof. Manuel P. Bendaiia, University Registrar EDITORIAL BOARD. Dr. Gamino H. Abad, Secretary of the
University, Chairman • Prof. Luis D. Beltran, Acting Director of the
University Press, Secretary. Prof, Manuel P. Bandana, Secretary of
the University Council. Or. Gloria D. Feliciano, Dean of the tnstl-
tute of Mass Communication 0 Prof. Froilan M. Bacuiigan, Director
of the Law Center. Dr. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P, Faculty Organization. Attv. Galicano J, Mateo, President of
the U.P. Supervisors' Association • Mr, Alexander J, Poblador,
Editor of the Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF. Gllmino H. Abad, Editor. Ruben David F. Defeo, Associate Editor. Elpidio S. Caimoy, Managing Editor.
Roshan T. Jose, Assistant Editor. Riki T. Espana, Photo Editor. Tony M, dela Vega, Circulation Manager

2 u.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Memorandum Circular OSU . 3 (78): Special Fee for Copy of
Grades and Similar Matters
Administrative Order No.1.: Membership in the University Com-
All units of the University are authorized by the Board of
mittee on Cultural Presentations
Regents to collect from students a special fee of P5.00 for any or all
Prof. Carazan G. Inigo is hereby appointed member of the of the following services at anyone time: certification; clearance;
University Committee on Cultural Presentations vice Or. Aparicio H. copy of grades; honorable dismissal; and permit to transfer. (Effec-
Mequi, effective today. tive 20 December 1977.) Income from such fees shall be used for
Dr. Eliseo M. Pajaro, the Executive Vice-Chairman of the Com- expenses related to the services for which they were collected.
mittee, shall inform her about its role in the University community, Fees are intended of course for efficient and cheerful service.
9 January 1978 13 January 1978


(Sgd.) ONOFRE D. CORPUZ Secretary of the University

Memorandum Circular OSU . 7 (78): Filing of Sworn Statement of

Administrative Order No.2: Committee on Commencement Exer· Assetsand Liabilities On or Before 15 April 1978
cises for Academic Year 1977·1978
Quoted here is the text of Presidential Decree No. 1288 (24
The following shall constitute themselves into the Committee on January 19781 for information and guidance:
• Commencement Exercises for academic year 1977·'978 to take "AMENDING SECTION 7 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3019, AS
charge of planning the nature and type of activities for the general AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ANTI-GRAFT
commencement exercises to be held on 16 April 1978 and to submit AND CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT.
appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee: Dr.
Oscar M. Alfonso, Chairman; and Dr. Gamino H. Abad, Prof. "WHEREAS, as a continuing instrument of reform under the
Manuel H. Bendefia, Dean Aurora G. Corpuz, Dean Jose T. Jove. New Society, Public Officers are required to submit yearly within
Prof. Oscar L. Evangelista, Dir. Galicano J. Mateo, Atty. Hermene- the month of January a statement of assets and liabilities; and
giJdo C. Dumlao, Col. Benjamin R. Vallejo, Dir. Antonio P. Cruz, "WHEREAS, it has been observed that a month is too short a
Oir. May C. Dumlao, and Mr. Alexander Poblador, Members. time within which to prepare and submit the required statement of
I would welcome the submission of a report and recommenda- assets and liabilities, especially with respect to public officers who
tions to the Office of the President not later than 14 March 1978. also derive income from farming, poultry, rent, etc., or where the
13 January 1978 data required in the preparation of the said statement come from
another office, public or private.
of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the
Constitution. do hereby order and decree that-
"SECTION 1. Section 7 of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended,
Memorandum Circular No.1: Household Census in the University is further amended to read as follows:
• Campus "Sec. 7. Statement of Assets and Liabilities. -
"Every public officer, within thirty days after assuming office
We are launching a more comprehensive census with the end in and thereafter, on or before the fifteenth day of April following
view of storing adequate information on the composition and the close of every calendar year, as welt as upon the expiration
number of residents on the University campus which may serve as of his term of office, or upon his resignation or ~eparation from
the basis for more meaningful activities of the U.P. Campus Baran- office, shall prepare and file with the office of the corresponding
gay. A group of If.P. employees specifically authorized by the Department Head or, in the case of a Head of Department or
undersigned through your respective baranqav officers or area Chief of an independent office, with the Office of the President, .
leaders will call on you to request for information which you alone a true, detailed and sworn statement of assets and liabilities,
may be able to give. including a statement of the amounts and sources of his income,
the amounts of his personal and family expenses, and the
In this connection, we trust that you will once again lend your amount of income taxes paid for the next preceding calendar
unqualified support to this activity by furnishing the interviewers year; Provided, That public officers assuming office less than two
the most accurate data that may be needed. Please be assured that months before the end of the calendar year, may file their first
whatever information we may need from you in this regard will be statement on or before the fifteenth day of April following the
used primarily as a frame of reference for future programs and close of the said calendar year."
projects of the campus community.
"SEC. 2. The provision of this decree shall take effect beginning
Thank you. with the statement of assets and liabilities for the calendar year
9 January 1978 1977:'
(Sgd.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO Accordingly. the new deadline for the submission of Sworn
Executive Vice-President Statement of Assets and Liabilities is 15 April 1978. This supersedes

U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
Memorandum Circular OSU - 4 (8) issued by this Office last 17 may be enjoyed for a maximum period of two (2) years and carries
January. a stipend of six thousand pesos -IP6,COO.OOI per year.
31 January 1978


The criteria for the Professorial Chair holder are the following:
must be an alumnus of the University;
2. must have a rank of at least Associate Professor;
Secretary of the University
3. must show evidence of academic excellence; and
4. must be willing to serve in any of the regional units, prefer-
MEMORANDUM ably, U.P. College Baguio, for at least two years.
Please submit the names and curriculum vitae of faculty mem-
Memorandum No.1: Availability of the U.P. Alumni Association bers whom you wish to nominate clo The Committee for the
Annual Fund Professorial Chair for the Regional Units for Faculty Regional Units, Office of the President. Room 202, Quezon Hall on
Members of the U,P. System or before 15 Febroary 1978.
23 January 1978
I am pleased to inform you of the availability of a U.P. Alumni
Association Annual Fund Professorial Chair for the Regional Units (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
to any faculty member of the University. The Professorial Chair Executive Vice-President


897th Meeting, 26 January 1978 Veena J. Waidande, supplementary appointment as Professorial
Lecturer in Humanities, effective 8 November 1.977 until 15
April 1978.
SALARY, etc. Fe B. Atanacio, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Educa-
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- tion Management, effective 16 November 1977 until 31 May
ments, etc.; 1978.

Basilan Land Grant

Agricultural Development and Administration, Institute of Leon P. Jaron, increase in salary as Assistant Manager (Range
James A. Roumasset, appolntrnent as Visiting Associate Profes- 11), effective 1 December 1977.
sor of Agricultural Economics, without compensation,
effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Business Administration, College of
Eduardo C. Gopez reclassification from Associate Professor III
Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Institute of (part-time) to Professorial Lecturer in Finance, effective 31
Roberto C. Bautista, additional assignment as Director, Agri- December 1977 until 31 May 1978.
cultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC), Ernesto P. Pineda, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant

effective 1 January 1978 unti I 31 December 1980. Professor V to Associate Professor' of Accounting, effective
1 January 1978.
Agriculture, College of
Isaac C. Cagampang, additional assignment as Julio and Floren- Education, College of
Eduardo P. Magno, appointment as Instructor, effective second
tina Ledesma Associate Professor of Agronomy, effective 1
November 1977 until 31 October 1978.
Rihei Takahashi, appointment as Visiting Research Associate,
semester of academic year 1976-1977,

Engineering, College of
without compensation, Department of Food Science and
Rafael T. Apostol, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Water
Technology, effective 12 October 1977 until 12 October
Resources Engineering, effective 8 November 1977 until 31
March 1978.
Kei Yamagata, appointment as Visiting Professor, without com-
Dominador I. Ilia, renewal of additional assignment as V.P.
pensation, effective 12 October 1977 until 11 October 1978.
Alumni Engineers Professor of Hydraulics, effective 1 Jan-
uary 1978 until 14 November 1979.
Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman)
Rufino C. Lirag, Jr., additional assignment as UPERDFI Profes-
Benjamin S. Austria, additional assignment as Lepanto Consoli-
sor of Energy, effective 1 December 1977 until 30 November
dated Mining Company Associate Professor of Geology,
effective 3 January 1978 until 31 December 1980.
Prospera R, Covar, transfer from the Philippine Center for Fine Arts, College of
Advanced Studies as Professor I of Anthropology, effective 1 Lauro Z. Alcala, additional assignment as Cartoonist-in-Resi-
November 1977. dence, effective 3 January 1978 until 31 December 1980.
Telesforo W. Luna, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
fessor of Geography (professorial chair), effective 1 January Human Ecology, Institute of
1978 until 31 December 1979. Diascoro S. Rabar, additional assignment as Professorial Lec-
Emmanuel V. Tamesis:, transfer to part-time status as Professor V turer in Resource Management, effective 7 November 1977
of Geology and Geography, effective 1 November 1977. until 31 March 1978.

4 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1

Philip'O: Tilley, appointment as Visiting Professor of Ecology,
without compensation, effective 15 December 1977 until 30
June 1978.
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
Law, College of
Merlin M. Magallona, transfer from the Law Center and reclassi- Jose Antonio, Jr., as Chief Accountant, Accounting Division,
fication from Law Researcher IV to Associate Professor V of Office of the Vice-President for Administration, effective 1
Law, effective 1 November 1977, February 1978.
Perificeclcn V. Quisumbing, renewal of appointment with pro- luis D. Beltran as Assistant Professor of Journalism, Institute of
motionin rank and salary from Senior Lecturer to Prcfes- Mass Communication, effective 1 January 1978.
serial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 January until 31 May Eliseo P. Cadapan as Assistant Professor II of Entomology, Col.
1978. lege of Agriculture, effective 1 December 1977.
Anita O. Carencia as Assistant Professor I of English, College of
Los Banos, U.P. at Arts and Sciences (UPLBl, effective 1 December 1977,
Clemente P. Juliano, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Ma. Nuria B. Caste lis as Assistant Professor I of Humanities, U.P.
Assistant to the Chancellor, effective 1 January until 31 College Iloilo, effective 15 December 1977.
December 1978. Zenaida C. Cruz as instructor II in Zootechnics, College of
Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 January 1978.
Mass Communication, Institute of Bessie May S. de la Cr~~ as Assistant"Professor Lof Chemistry,
Armando J. Malay, Sr., sabbatical assignment as Professor VIII College of Arts and Sciences [Dilimanl , effective 1 October
of Journalism to write a textbook on journalism entitled 1976.
"History of the Philippine Press," effective 1 Nove'mber 1977 Zenaida B. French as Assistant Professor I of English, College of
until 31 October 1978. Arts and Sciences {UPLB1, effective 1 January 1978.
Simplicia V. Flarcruz as Instructor II in Veterinary Physiology
Medicine, College of and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, effective
Solita Camara-Besa, appointment as Eusebio S. Garcia Professor 1 January 1978.
of Biochemistry, effective 26 January 1978 until 25 January Evalyn G. Hizon as Assistant Professor I of Family Life and
1979. Child Development, Collega of Home Economics, effective 1
Augustus Carnian, .Jr., appointment as Eusebio S. Garcia Asso- October 1977.
ciate Professor of Physiology, effective 26 January 1978 until Letty G. Kuan as Assistant Professor I of Nursing, College of
25 January 1979. Nursing, effective 1 June 1977,
Corazon Paulino-Gonzalez, appointment as U.P. Medicine '36 Avelina M. Manalo as Assistant Professor I of Piano, College of
Foundation, lnc.. Professor of Physiology, effective 26 Jan- Music, effective 1 January 1978.
uary 1978 until 25 January 1979, Sinesio M. Mariano as Instructor IV in Forestry Extension Col-
Alberto Romualdez, Jr., appointment as U.P. Medicine '36 lege of Forestry, effective" 1 January 1977.
Foundation, lnc., Associate Professor of Physiology, effective Perla ·G. Po as Assistant Professor I of Nursing, College of Nurs-
26 January 1978 until'25 January 1979. ing, effective 1 June 1977.
Bayani I. Ramirez as Assistant Professor IV of Physics, College
Music, College of of Arts and Sciences (Dillman), effective 1 November 1977.
Eliseo M. Pajaro, renewal of additional assignment as Francisco Teofina A. Rapanut as Instructor IV in Mathematics, U.P. Col-
Santiago Professor of Composition, effective 1 January until lege Baguio, effective 1 November 1977,
31 December 1978, . Jose J. Reyes as Instructor IV in Social Sciences, U.P. College
Lucio San Pedro, automatic Pre-retirement increase in salary Iloilo, effective 1 January 1978.
from Professor I to II of Composition, effective 1 December Perla D. Soliman as Assistant Professor I of Nursing, College. of
1977. Nursing, effective 1 June 1977.
Aurea S. Tuason as Assistant Professor I of Nursing, College of
Public Health, Institute of Nursing, effective 1 June 1977, . "
Mario D. Zabat, temporary transfer to part-time status as Profes- Milagros J. Tubelleja as Instructor IV in Human Development
sor I of Environmental Health, effective 1 February until 30 and Population Studies, Institute of Human Ecology, effec-
November 1978. " tive 1 January 1978.

Social Work and Community Development, Institute of

Mehelinda G. Sison, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Social Work, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March The Board accepted the following grants and authorized the Col.
1978. lege of Medicine to administer the funds thereof:
1. GranHn·Aid in the amount of $129,290.00 from the Danish
University Health Service International Development Agency (DANIDA) for the training com.
Gloria Anonas-Ferrer, increase in salary as Assistant Director ponent of the College's research and development project in Levte
(rank of Professor 1111. effective 1 May 1977. and Samar. The grant is intended for the whole duration of the
project (five years), .and shall be available- upon recuest.. with, the
General Administration sum specified at each request.
Oscar L. Evangelista, additional assignment as Dean of Students, 2. Grant in the amount of $40,000.00 from the Swedish Inter-
Office of Student Affairs, effective 26 January 1978 until 30 national Development Agency (SICA), through the World Health
April 1983. Organization, Western Pacific Region Headquarters, for research and
Jose B. Antonio, Jr., transfer from Acting Chief Accountant to development, The grant was made to the Committee for the Insti-
Chief Accountant (Range 111, effective 1 February 1978. tute of Health Sciences of the College of Medicine.

31 January 1978 U.P. Gazene 5

The funds are intended for the initial implementation of the UPS-DAP ADDITIONAL SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT
community health component of the Institute's research program PROJECT
entitled "Towards Alternative Approaches to Health Development The Board approved the UPS-DAP Additional Systems Develop-
in Underserved Communities." ment Project at a total estimated cost of P290,OOO.OO to develop or
3, Grant of $375,000,00 from the China Medical Board of New enhance the University's capabilities in two areas: (a) Course fore-
York, Inc., to support medical education, teacher training, and casting and alternative computer capabilities for the student system,
health manpower development. The funds wilt be available at the and (b) Computerization of the University Library's collections.
rate of $75,000.00 per year, of which approximately $25,000.00
per year is to be used for each of the said programs during the
period ending 31 December 1982. APPOINTMENT OF ACADEMIC NON·TEACHING AND
An additional grant of $70,255.00 (as an extension of Grant No. ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL ON NON·FULL·TIME
74-388) is to support la) continuing education, Ib} fellowship train- AND ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT BASIS
ing, and (c) medical research in basic science, clinical medicine. The Board adopted a policy which allows academic non-teaching
medical education. and health care delivery. The funds, representing and administrative personnel to be appointed on a non-tull-ti me and
the remaining balance of the grant as of 31 December 1977, shall be additional assignment basis as instructors, assistant professors, (etc.l,
available until 31 December 1979. subject to prescribed qualification standards for said ranks, with the
corresponding overload teaching honoraria therefore, to handle
PROFESSORIAL CHAIR ENDOWMENT regular courses below the collegiate level, whenever the need arises;
The Board approved the transfer of funding of the Amando provided, that the head of the principal unit, where the academic
Clemente Professorial Chair in Chemistry from the U.P. Endowment non-teaching or administrative employee appointed to teach basical-
Foundation, Inc., to the U.P. Investment Portfolio, in view of the ly belongs, shall see to it that the latter shall complete the 4Q.hour-
Foundation's inability to further support the said professorial chair. a-week service required of him as non-teaching employee; provided,
further, that the honorarium shall be indicated in the appointment;
The Board confirmed its action by referendum, dated 21 Dec- provided, finally, that the head of the principal unit, where the
ember 1977, approving the change in the titles of both the Ernesto academic non-teaching or administrative employee appointed to
Y. Sibal Distinguished Professorial Lectureship in Corporation Law teach belongs, and the head of the principal unit, where the afore-
and the Ernesto Y. Sibal Distinguished Professorial Lectureship in mentioned employee is assigned to teach. shall submit, within the
Sales Management in the College of Law and the College of Business first five class days of the academic term Ie.q., semester, trimester,
Administration, respectively, by omitting the word "Distinguished" etc.}, the employee's revised service schedule (as non-teaching) and
in order that other Professorial Lectureships may not appear less his schedule of classes, respectively, to the Vice-President for Aca-
distinguished. demic Affairs or the Vice-President for Administration, as the case
may be.
This policy would enable units concerned to avail themselves of
CREATION OF THE DIVISION OF FISHERIES the ready expertise of non-teaching personnel for handling prac-
The Board approved the creation of the Division of Fisheries in ticum courses as well as other regular courses, whenever the need
the U.P. College of Iloilo to administer the existing B.S. Inland arises.
Fisheries program {currentlv administered by the Division of Bio- The ranks of lecturer, senior lecturer, and professorial lecturer
logical Sciences) and such other related programs as may be insti- may not be appropriate for the purpose as they are normally re-
tuted in the future. This will ensure the nurturing of the fisheries served for teaching on the collegiate level.
program and the development of fisheries studies. Upon the estab-
lishment of the U.P. in the Visayas, the Division of Fisheries shall
become a part of the College of Fisheries of that unit. CLARK AIR BASE
The Board approved the increase in the meal allowance of lec-
CREATION OF THE ISSI RESEARCH AND DEVELOP· turers assigned to teach at U.P. Extension Division Clark Air Base to
MENT ADVISORY COUNCIL meet the rising cost of food prices in restaurants at the Base. The
The Board approved the creation of the Research and Develop- discontinuance (since December 1977) of the billeting privilege of
ment Advisory Council (REDAC) in the Institute for Small-Scale $2.00 (P14.80) per day will result in a reduction of expenses to
Industries; provided, that every appointment (original, renewal, or make possible the increase in meal allowance.
reappointment) issued to every member thereof shall specify an
expiration date; provided, further, that no such appointment shall UPS INTERNAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR CY 1978
be issued to the Director of the Institute for Small-Scale Industries
The Board approved the Internal Operating Budget of the
inasmuch as he shall be ex-officio member thereof; provided, finally.
University for Calendar Year 1 January to 31 December 1978.
that the Chairman shall Submit, through the Director and the Vice-
The budget entails a total expenditure of P207.350,000.OO broken
President for Academic Affairs. to the Office of the President a
down into P200.125,OOO.OO for current operating expenditures
semestral report on the accomplishment of the Council not later
(of which P128,795,000.00 is for personal services, P68,951,OOO.OO
than one month after the semestral final examinations.
for maintenance and other operating expenses, and P2,379.000.00
for equipment outlay) and P7,225.000,00 for capital
CHANGE IN THE NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT OF outlay, chargeable against the programmed appropriations author-
FISHERIES TECHNOLOGY TO DEPARTMENT OF FISH ized for the University under PO No. 1250. The expenditure of
PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY P207.350,OOO.00 is P653,368.000.00 short of the budgetary re-
The Board approved the change in the name of the Department quest P860,718,OOO.OO submitted to the Budget Commission based
of Fisheries Technology to Department of Fish Processing Tech- on the revised aggregate proposals from all units of the University.
nology. The degree course offered by the Department shall likewise Hereunder is a table showing the comparative figures of appro-
be changed from B.S. in Fisheries, major in Fisheries Technology, to priations authorized in CY 1977 and proposed. authorized and
B.S. in Fisheries, major in Fish Processing Technology. programmed for release in CY 1978:

6 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1


Authorized Reserved!
Proposed Appropriation Unprogrammed Allotment

Personal Services PI18,896,500 P115,486,598 P 986,016 P114,500,582

Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses 114,131,900 82,;364,602 5,885,700 76,478,902
Equipment Outlay 42,171,600 8,649,800 6,118,800 2,531,000
Total Current
Operating Expenses P275,200,000 P206,501,000 PI2,990,516 PI93,510,484

Capital Outlay P236,360,000 P 48,905,000 P 6,420,750 P 42,484,250

Grand Total P511,560,000 P255,406,000 P19,411,266 P235,994,734


Personal Services P184,448,000 P135,272,000 P 6,477,000 Pl 28,795,000

Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses 135,500,000 82,689,000 13,738,000 68,951,000
Equipment Outlay 107,745,000 2,800,000 421,000 2,379,000
Total Current
Operating Expenses 42!,693,000 220,761,000 20,636,000 200,125,000
Capital Outlay 433,025,000 11,500,000 4,275,000 7,225,000

Grand Total P860,718,000 P232,261 ,000 P24,911,000 P207,350,000

Last year, CY 1977. the Internal Operating Budget was based on terminated on 30 November 1977. The NSDB had shouldered all
authorized appropriation, whereas the proposed budget this year is capital development and two-thirds of operating expenses of the
based on appropriation programmed for release (in accordance with project, and the USAlD, the rest.
the Notice of Obligation Ceiling from the Budget Commission) in
order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding in the disbursement
The Board approved the Internal Operating Budget of the Philip-
of funds. Accordingly, the level of expenditure proposed for main-
pine General Hospital for CY 1978 in the amount of
tenance and other operating expenses is lower compared to last
P42,952,OOO.OO broken down into P41,952,OOO.OO for current
year's budget. To preclude deficit spending which is prohibited
operating expenditures (of which P23,302,000.00 is for personal
under PD No. 1177, under pain of personal liability of the parties
services, P18,150,OOO.00 for maintenance and other operating
responsible therefor, the decrease was distributed pro-rata resulting
expenses, and P500,000.OO for equipment outlay) and
in the reduction of the maintenance and other operating expenses
P1,OOO,OOO.00 for capital outlay in accordance with the approved
budget of all the units. The decrease can hopefully be restored with
Budget Commission Program of Expenditures.
the transfer of savings from personal services expected to be gener-
In accordance with the notice of obligation ceiling from the
ated during the veer.
Budget Commission, only P38,811,000.00 is programmed for re-
For purposes of accounting for the entire authorized appropria-
lease, the amount of P4,141 ,000.00 having been placed under
tions, the reserved appropriation of P24,911,OOO is presented as
reserve. In view thereof, authority to disburse shall be limited to the
contingency fund to be made available for expenditure upon actual
actual allotment released by the Budget Commission.
release by the Budget Commission. In this connection, the President
is authorized to make internal adjustments provided that the total
The Board approved the budget of the U.P. Extension Division
expenditure resulting from the adjustments shall not exceed the
Davao for CY 1978 in the amount of P592,OOO.00, chargeable to
appropriate allotment released by the Budget Commission. The
the following sources: (a) P350,000.OO from the Davao 'City
Internal Operating Budget of the University of the Philippines
Government and Ib} P242,OOO.OO from the U.P. Alumni Asso-
System, as approved, is also subject to adjustment depending on the
ciation, Davao City Chapter. In this connection, it is understood
release of the reserved appropriation by the Budget Commission.
that donation of equipment shall be in kind.
The Board, likewise, approved the budget of the U.P. Extension
Division Davao covering the period October to December 1977 in
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD the total amount of Pl05,OOO.OO of which P13,500.00 is for per-
The Board approved the allocation of P508,,010,OO from the CY sona! services and P91,600.00 for maintenance and other operating
1978 programmed budget of the University for the continued opera-- expenses, including P72,500.00 for publications, chargeable to the
tions of the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center of the College of following sources: (a) P50,000.OO from Davao City, (b) PB,OOO.OO
Fisheries in Leqanes, Iloilo, effective 1 January until 30 December from U.P. Alumni Association, Davao City Chapter, and Ic}
1978. This is in fulfillment of the commitment by the University to P47,OOO,OO from U.P. It-is understood that actual expenses shall not
take over the funding of the Center from the Nati~nal Scien~ exceed the allotment authorized in the budget and, in no case, the
Development Board, whose own commitment to the bilateral oror-
ect (between the Philippine government and the U.S. government)
actual amount received from contributions.

U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
The Board authorized U.P. College Iloilo to conduct a series of 2. Working Paper 78-17 entitled "The University Reward
seminars for guidance counselors of the Department of Education System: An Overview" prepared by the Program Development Staff,
and Culture, Region IV, and to collect a seminar fee of P150.00 per Office of the President, and
participant in the first seminar on 23-25 February 1978 and P60.00
per participant in the second seminar on 2-4 March 1978. Income
from these fees shall be taken up in the books of the University
3. Proposed Academic Calendar for 1978-1979.

The Board deferred for further study the following:

under a Special Account against which shall be charged expenses in
1. Adoption of the Patients' Classification Scheme in the Philip-
connection with the seminars.
pine General Hospital, and
The Board noted the following: 2. Request of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan ng Misamls Oriental,
1. Resolution of Appreciation passed by the First ONAPUP Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, for the establishment of a
Conference on 14 December 1977 expressing the participants' grati- U.P. branch school of secondary and college education offering
tude to President Corpuz and the Board of Regents for making courses in fishery, agriculture, forestry, and engineering in the City
possible the holding of First ONAPUP Conference. of Cagayan de Oro or in any of the towns of Misamis Oriental.

The President approved the following appointments, reappoint- assignment as Editor for Publication and Public Relations,
ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increases in salary, Department of English and Comparative Literature, effective
and other related matters: 1 November until 31 December 1977.
Vivencio R. Jose, additional assignment as Editor for Publication
-Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) - - - - - - - - - - 1 and Public Relations, Department of English and Compara-
Josefina A. Agravante, renewal of additional assignment as Secre- tive Literature, effective 1 September until 31 October 1977.
tary, Division of Humanities, effective 13 December 1977 Anthony M. Juan. Jr., additional assignment as Senior Lecturer
until 12 December 1978. in Speech, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
ConsolaCion 'R. Alaras, additional assignment as Member, Text- Priscelina P. Legasto, additional assignment as Member, Text-
book Writing Proiect. Department of English and Compara- book Writing Project, Department of English and Compara-
tive Literature, effective 1 August until 31 December 1977. tive Literature, effective 1 August until 31 December 1977;
Carminia M. Aragon, additional assignment as Member, Text- additional assignment as Assistant Editor for Publication and
book Writing Project, Department of English and Compare- Public Relations, Department of English and Comparative
tive Literature, effective 1 June until 31 October 1977. Literature, effective 1 until 31 December 1977.
Thelma E. Arambulo, additional assignment as Member,· Text- Dalisay A. Lim, additional assignment as Assistant Editor for
book Writing Project, Department of English and Compara- Publication and Public Relations, Department of English and
tive Literature. effective 1 August until 31 December 1977. Comparative Literature, effective 1 October until 30 Novem-
Amelia L. Bonifacio, additional assignment as Editor for Publica- be,1977.
tion and Public Relations, Department of English and Com- Mellie L. Lopez, appointment as Visiting Researcher, without
parative literature, effective 1 June until 31 August 1977. compensation, effective 4 January until 31 March 1978.
Gloria Jeanne J.B. Cajipe, renewal of additional assignment as Salvador P. Lopez, renewal of appointment as University Profes-
Professorial Lecturer in Chemistry, effective 1 November sor, without compensation, effective 1 November 1977 u n t i l .
1977 until 31 March 1978. 31 March 1978. .
Ma. Esperanza S. Cayco, appointment as Instructor I in Mathe- Gilbert G. Lozada, appointment as Lecturer in Political Science,
matics, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978. effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Rogelio P. de Leon, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Josefina T. Mariano, additional assignment as Member-Coordi-
Chemistry, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978. nator, Textbook Writing Project, Department of English and
Nieves B. Epistole, additional assignment as Editor, Textbook Comparative Literature, effective 1 June until 31 October
Writing Project, Department of English and Comparative 1977.
Literature, effective 1 June until 31 October 1977. Mark Anthony C. MigalJos, appointment as Instructor I in Eng-
Mauro L. Gonzales, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec- lish, effective 8 November 1977 until the return of Filonila
turer in Geology, effective 1 January until 31 March 1978. Tupas from leave of absence, but not later than 31 March
Lucille C. Gregorio, reappointment to additional assignment as 1978.
Senior Lecturer in Botany, effective 8 November 1977 until Naida U. Rivera, additional assignment as Member, Textbook
31 March 1978. Writing Project, Department of English and Comparative
Fernando I. Gutierrez, renewal of appointment as Professorial Literature, effective 1 August until 31 December 1977.
Lecturer in Geology, without compensation, effective 1 Jan- Marlies S. Salazar, promotion in rank from Lecturer to Senior
uarvuntll 31 March 1978. Lecturer in German, without compensation, effective 1 Jan-
Oionisia 8. Hermosura, additional assignment as Member-Co- uary until 31 May 1978.
ordinator, Textbook Writing Project, Department of EngHsh Jaime M. Santiago, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Mathe-
and Comparative Literature, effective 1 August until 31 matics, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
December 1977. Rosario H. Santos, additional assignment as Member, Textbook
Nora T. Jolipa, additional assignment as Member, Textbook Writing Project, Department of English and Comparative
Writing Project, Department of English and Comparative Llterature.effectlve 1 June until 31 December 1977.
Literature, effective 1 June until 31 October 1977; additional Yolanda V, Tomeldan. additional assignment as Editor, Text-

8 U.P. Gazene Volume IX, Number 1

book Writing Project, Department of English and Compara- -Cebu, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i
tive Literature, effective 1 August until 31 December 1977. Lucille C. Ag8S, additional assignment as Coordinator, Hurnanl-
Benedicto C. Villanueva, additional assignment as Faculty Coun- ties Program, effective 3 January until 30 April 1978.
selor-Facilitator, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978. Antonio C. Alvarez, additional assignment as Chairman, Center
Corazon Villareal, additional assignment as Assistant Editor for for Regional Development Operations, effective 3 January
Publication and Public Relations, Department of English and until 30 April 1978.
Comparative Literature, effective 1 August until 30 Septem- Helen V. Banez, additional assignment as Secretary, effective 3
ber 1977. January 19J8 until 30 April 1981.
Amado Vinuya, additional assignment as Assistant Editor for Melahi L. Coreuera, appointment as Instructor I in Economics,
Publication and Public Relations, Department of English and effective 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Comparative Literature, effective 1 June until 31 July 1977; Diana M. Delfin. additional assignment as Coordinator, Natural
additional assignment as Member, Textbook Writing Project, Sciences Program, effective 3 January until 30 April 197B.
Department of English and Comparative Literature, effective Filoteo V. Delfin, additional assignment as Coordinator, Re-
1 June until 31 October 1977. search Program, effective 3 January 1978 until 30 April
Carminia A. vaatenco, additional assignment as Translator of 1981.
three (3) Tagalog novels into English, effective 1 June until Primitivo G. Ereno, additional assignment as Coordinator,
31 December 1977. Languages and Social Sciences Program, effective 3 January
until 30 April 1978.
- Asian Labor Education Center - - - - - - - - - - - i Zosimo A. Jadloc, additional assignment as Coordinator, Student
Virgilio C. Aganon, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Re- Development Services, effective 3 January until 30 April
search Methods, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Aurora A. Lim, additional assignment as Coordinator, Science
Teodorico P. Carica, renewal of additional assignment as Acting and Technology Program, effective 3 January until 30 April
Secretary, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. 1978.
Manolita S. Lua, additional assignment as Coordinator, Social
Leonisa M. Cuayo, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Manpower
Sciences Program, effective 3 January until 30 April 1978.
Planning in Less Developed Countries, effective 8 November
Efigenia B. Magaro, additional assignment as Coordinator,
1977 until 15 April 1978.
Management Program, effective 3 January until 30 April
Augusto P. Mercado, transfer from fult-tlme to part-time status
as Assistant Professor VII of Industrial Relations, effective 9 Rosetta F. Mante, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lee-
November 1977. turer in Sociology and English, effective 1 November 1977
until 31 May 1978.
I- 8oguio, U.P. C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Angeles L1. Ruiz, additional assignment as Coordinator, Profes-
Virginia G. Abiad, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in sions Program, Graduate Studies Division, effective 3 January
Public Administration at San Fernando, La Union, effective until 30 April 1978.
16 November 1977 until 31 May 1978. Carmelo S. Tamayo, reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor
Manuel Corpus, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Pub- II in Fine Arts, effective 2 November 1~77 until 31 Mav
lic Administration, effective 4 November 1976 until 31 May
1977. Rosa C.P. Tenazas, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec-
Lorelei T. Crisologo, transfer to non-substitute status as Instruc- turer in Anthropology, effective 1 June until 31 October
tor 1 in Economics, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. 1977.
Antolin B. Martinez, appointment as Lecturer in Spanish, effec- Salvador G. Valenzona, additional assignment as Coordinator,
ti~e 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978. Training Program, effective 3 January until 30 April 1978.
Dativa C. Roque, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec- Visitacion A. Yap, additional assignment as Coordinator, Profes-
turer in Educational Administration, without compensation, . sions Program, Undergraduate Studies Division, effective 3
effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May 1978. January until 30 April 1978.
Fe P. Sumilong, additional assignment as Senior Lecturerin Pub- Lydia M. Ybanez, additional assignment as Chairman, Under-
lic Administration, effective 2 November 1977 until 31 May graduate Studies Division, effective 3 January 1978 until 30
1978. April 1981.
Jose Tabbada, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Public Demetria C. Vlaya, additional assignment as Chairman, Graduate
Administration, effective 1 July 1976 until 31 May 1977. Studies Division, effective 3 January until 30 April 1978.
Bienvenido P. Tapang, Jr., appointment as Instructor II in Eco-
nomics, effective 2 November 1977 until the return of .f-Citizen Military Training, Department of .
Aurora Villarroel from study leave but not later than 31 May Ernesto V. Barrion, appointment as Military Instructor, effective
3 January 1978 until recalled by the Armed Forces of the
Guillermo E. Veloso, additional assignment as Officer for Philippines.
Student Relations, effective 17 January until 31 May 1978. Arvoise B. Patagan, Jr., appointment as Military Instructor,
effective 3 January 1978 until recalled by the Armed Forces
I--Business Administration, Collegeof - - - - - - - - - - j of the Philippines.
Rebec~ B. Villarroya, reclassification from Military Instru.ctor
Marie-Therese F. Agustin, appointment as Instructor I in
to Lecturer in Military Science, effective 1 January until 31
Accounting, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Cecilia M. Allado, additional assignment as Acting Officer for May 1978.
Student Relations, effective 1 December 1977 until the re-
r-Clark Air Base, U.P. Extension Division .
turn of Nancy G. Uy from study leave, but not later than 15 Luis M. Alarilla, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer In ~du­
April 1978. . cation, without compensation, effective 1 January until 29
Leslie S. Villanueva. appointment as Instructor IV 1M Account-
August 1978.
ing, effective 16 January until 31 Mav 1978.
U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
'Manuel T. Cases, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lee- compensation, effective 1 December 1977 until 30 March
turer in Political Science, effective 1 January until 29 August 1978.
1978. C8siBna C. Basaca, additional assignment as Researcher, UPIS
Renan del Rosario, reappointment as Lecturer in Chemistry, Curriculum Materials Development Project, Communication
effective 5 December 1977 until 31 May 1978. Arts, V.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June until 31
Atilano R. Kalagayan, renewal of additional assignment as Senior December 1977.
Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 January until Marilyn L. Cano. additional assignment as Research Associate,
29 August 1978. UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com-
E. Arsenio Manuel. reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in munication Arts, V.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June
Anthropologv, without compensation, effective 5 December until 31 December 1977.
1977 until 31 Mav 1978. Flora G. Cruz, additional assignment as Coordinator, UP IS Curri-
cu I u m Materials Development Project, V.P. Integrated
Comprehensive Community Health Program - - - - - - - 1 School, effective 14 June until 31 December 1977.
Elena C. Cutiongco, additional assignment as Research Associate,
Teresita M. Camiling, transfer in item and to substitute status
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, K to Grade
with increase in salary from Instructor I to II in Occupational
2, V.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until 31
Therapy, effective 1 November 1977 until the return of
December 1977.
Rafaelita A. Ong, but not later than 31 May 1978.
.1I0na D. de Jesus, additional assignment as Research Associate,
Lourdes R.L Cruz, transfer from Family Health Care, Philippine
U PIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com-
General Hospital, and from permanent to substitute status
munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June
with reclassification and increase in salary from Nurse to
until 31 December 1977.
Instructor I in Community Nursing, effective 16 December MiL Theresa L. de Villa, additional assignment as Research
1977 until the return of Teresita M. Camiling, but not later Associate, UP IS Curriculum Materials Development Project,
than 31 May 1978. Communication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14
Irene V. Fonacier, transfer from Institute of Social Work and June until 31 December 1977.
Community Development with reclassification and increase Ma. Luisa C. Doronila, additional assignment as Researcher/Sub-
in salary from Research Assistant to Instructor I in Social Project Leader, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development
Work, effective 1 December 1977 until 31 May 1978. Project, Communication Arts, Grades 3-10, U.P. Integrated
Rafaelita A. Ong, transfer in item and to substitute status with School, effective 14 June until 31 December 1977.
increase in salary from Instructor II to IV in Public Health Eleanor T. Elequin, additional assignment as Team Leader of the
effective 1 November 1977 until the return of Dennis research project entitled "Instructional Research Material for
Labayan from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May EDFD 250 and EDFD 202," effective 1 December 1977 until
1978. completion of the second module, but not later than 31 May
Irma L. Paralas, reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer- in-Charge, effective 1 January until the return of Ester B. Esguerra, additional assignment as Research Associate.
Sergio S. Gasmen from rural service, but not tater than 15 UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project. Corn-
January 1978. munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June
until 31 December 1977.
f- Davao, U.P. Extension Division - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Rosalinda R. Esmundo, additional assignment as Researcherl
Manuel T. Corpus, full-time detail from College of Public Admin- Sub-Project Leader, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development
istration as Assistant Professor V of Public Administration, Project, Science 8, -U.P. Integrated School, effective 15
effective 29 September 1977 until 30 April 1978. August until 31 December 1977.
Trinidad S. Flores, reappointment to additional assignment as
- Economics, School of --------------1 Head, Department of Practical Arts, U.P. Integrated School,
Florian A. Alburo, transfer from V.P. College Iloilo with reclassi- effective 3 January until 30 April 1978.
fication from V"lsiflng Associate Professor, without com- Mildred J. Ganaclen, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in
pensation, to Assistant Professor IV of Economics. effective the project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of lncom-
2 November 1977 until the return of Mahar Mangahas from ing Students in Science Teaching," effective 1 December
leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978. 1977 until 30 April 1978.
Ellen H. Palanca, transfer to permanent status as Researcher II, Raquel M. Gochioco, additional assignment as Research Asso-
effective 1 January 1978. ciate, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com-
Jaime B. Quizon, transfer to permanent status as Researcher I. munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June
effective 1 January 1978: until 31 December 1977.
Leonardo L. Sta. Romana III, reappointment as Visiting Re- Enedina B. Guevara, additional assignment as Research Asso-
search Associate, without compensation, effective 19 Decem- ciate/Sub-Project Leader, UPIS Curriculum Materials De-
ber 1977 until 30 June 1978. velopment Project, Pilipino 7, U.P. Integrated School, effec-
tive 15 August until 31 December 1977.
- Education, College of --------------~ Eleanor E. Hermosa. additional assignment as Research Asso-
Marita B. Abellera, additional assignment as Research Associate, ciate, UPIS CurricullJm Materials Development Project, Com-
UP IS Curriculum Materials Develooment Project, Social munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School. effective 14 June
Studies 7, U.P. Integrated School. effective 15 August until until 31 December 1977.
31 December 1977. Nemah N. Hermosa, renewal of additional assignment as Re-
Violeta S. Ante, additional assignment as Research Associate, searcher, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
U PIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com- Milagros D. lbe, additional assignment as Team Leader of the
munication Arts, V.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming
until 31 December 1977. Students in Science Teaching," effective 1 December 1977
Stephen J. Banta, appointment as Visiting Researcher, without until 30 April 1978.

10 u.P. Gazette Volume IX,-Number 1

1977 was the year of the snake - in ancient fables, the symbol of
sagacity. And the University community's wisdom it was which, through
every event or crisis, strengthened and enriched our lives together.

What year in an academic community is spared from reasoned dissent? Yet now,
after mind's joust, the democratization of admissions policy is recognized as the
year's highlight. For the achievement of some 100 experimental democratization
students, or X.O.s., is happy proof of the wisdom in opening the State University's
portals to the deserving poor among our people.
• The University reached out to meet our
~-- ... people's aspirations, and faraway Davao saw the
inauguration of yet another regional unit of the
University during the second semester, 1971-1978.

Tin Dillman, the new Asian Institute of Tour-

ism building was readied for occupancy. signalling
to all an infrastructure boom on campus.

• And Liberation-vintage water pipes were

unearthed for the long-needed replacement.

~ Recognizing their passionate com-

mitment to equity and world peace,
the University conferred the Doctor of
Laws, honoris causa, upon two inter-
national figures: UNESCO Director-
General Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow

• In November, Professor Leopold,

Y. Yabes, a well-known man of Ietten
Tand ILO Director-General Francis Blan- retired after twenty years OfetfU
chard. scholarship

T The Board of Reger

ander J. Poblador as the "'
ippine Collegian, after a fur

.. History repeated itself: the 66th General
Commencement Exercises produced five summa
cum laude graduates, the first time being in 1929;
~and our First Lady. Imelda Romualdez Marcos,
Governor of Metro·Manila, became the first Fili·
pina ever to be honoured with an honorary doctor
of laws degree.

.. Alumni and friends of the Univer·

sity sustained its growth in response to
our people's needs and demands.

Ippointed Alex,
~itor of the Phil·

.. along with Professor Teodoro A. Agoncillo, a

historian of great account, whose brilliant career is
inspiration to all.
Jr new
In ed
• One sunlit December morn, the campus
thrilled to chimes of the long-silent Carillon
during its silver jubilee, .. while the lantern
Parade, after some eight years of tenebrae,
burst gladsome upon our campus Yuletide,
so our year together could end not as whim-
per but as bang.

\~L..-- ----J
Marietta A. Jose. additional assignment as Research Associate, Teresita D. Reyes, additional assignment as Research Associate,
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Science 8, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com-
·U.P. Integrated School. effective 15 August until 31 Decem- munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June
ber 1977. until 31 December 1977.
Nina D. Llobrera, additional assignment as Researcher, UPIS Natividad A. Santos, renewal of additional assignment as Re-
Curriculum Materials Development Project, Social Studies 7, searcher, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
U.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until 31 Decem- Julieta M. Savellano, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in
ber1977. the project.entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incom-
Adelina L. Luna, additional assignment as Research Associate, ing Students in Science Teaching," effective 1 December
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Pilipino 7, 1977 until 30 April 1978.
effective 15 August until 31 December 1977: additional Rosanelia V. Tablico, additional .esstunment as Research Asso-
assignment as Translator, U.P. Integrated School, effective 1 ciate, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project,
December 1977 until 30 April 1978. Science 8, U.P.lntegrated School, effective 15 August until
Ruth V. Macogue, additional assignment as Research Associate, 31 December 1977.
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com- Felipa L Tintero, additional assignment as Researcher, UPIS
munication Arts, U.P. Integrated School, effective 14 June Curriculum Materials Development Project, Communication
until 31 December 1977. Arts, U.P. "Integrated School, effective 14 June until 31
Eduardo R. Madamba, additional assignment as Test Item Writer December 1977.
in the project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Mary Lou A. Ver, additional assignment as Researcher, UPIS
Incoming Students in Science Teaching," effective 1 Decem- Curriculum Materials Development Project, Communication
ber 1977 until 30 April 1978. Arts, U.P. "Integrated School, effective 14 June until 31
Priscila S. Manalang, additional assignment as Team Writer in the December 1977.

research project entitled "Instructional Research Material for
EDFD 250 and EDFD 202," effective 1 December 1977 until ,... Engineering, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
completion of the second module, but not later than 31 May Herminio A. Abcede, renewal of additional assignment as senior
1978. Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
Basilisa J. Manhit, renewal of additional assignment as Research- January until 31 December 1978.
er/Project Leader of the research project entitled "FUL- Angel F. Cariflgal, increase in salary from Instructor I to III in
CRUM," Department of Reading, effective 1 January until Engineering Sciences, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
31 May 1978. Ibarra E. Cruz, renewal of additional assignment as Editor,
Editha M. Marcelo, additional assignment as Researcher/Sub- Engineering Newsletter, effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
Project Leader, uprs Curriculum Materials Development ber 1978: renewal of additional assignment as Senior Re-
Project, K to Grade 2, effective 15 August until 31 December search Engineer, Industrial Research center, effective 1
1977. January until 31 December 1978.
Cristina F. Mencias, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in Ruben A. Garcia, renewal of additional assignment as senior
the project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incom- Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
ing Students in Science Teaching," effective 1 December January until 31 December 1978.
1977 until 30 April 1978. Manuel C. Jabson III, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Ludy L. Ordoiia, additional assignment"as Research Associate, Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Social January until 31 December 1978.
Studies 7, U.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until Wilfreda I. Jose, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
31 December 1977. Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1

Rebecca R. Ortega, reappointment as Instructor I in Social January until 31 December 1978.
Studies, U.P. Integrated School, effective 8 November 1977 Amante A. Mangaser, increase in salary from Instructor I to III
until the return of Purita B. Hipol from leave of absence, but in Electrical Engineering, effective 1 November 1977 until 31
not later than 31 May 1978. May 1978.
Luz D. Pagulayan, additional assignment as Research Associate, Vladimir A. Panlilio, renewal of additional assignment as Asso·
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Social ciate Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective
Studies 7, U.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until 1 January until 31 December 1978.
31 December 1977.
Belinda B. Parentela, additional assignment as ResearcherlTrans- ,... Environmental Planning, Institute of - - - - - - - - - i
later, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Social Cristina A. Encinareal, appointment as Researcher II, DPWTC-
Studies 7, U.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until UPIEP Joint Projects, effective 1 October until 31 December
31 December 1977. 1977.
Gloria M. Parina, additional assignment as Research Associate, Tito C. Firmalino, renewal of additional assignment as Director
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Com- of Training, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
munication Arts; U.P.lntegrated School, effective 14 June Federico B. Silao, reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer-in-Charge, effective 17 January until the return of
until 31 December 1977.
Leandro Viloria from special detail in four 'ASEAN countries,
Zenaida A. Policarpio, additional assignment as Research Asso-
ciate UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Pili- but not later than 31 January 1978.
Pino'7. U.P. Integrated School, effective 15 August until 31
f- Fisheries, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
December 1977. Patricia T. Arroyo, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
Jesefe. L. Quirante, additional assignment as Researcher, UPIS
man, Department of Fish Processing Technology, effective 1
Curriculum Materials Development Project, Social Studies 7,
May 1977 until 30 April 1980.
U.P.lntegrated School, effective 15 August until 31 Decem-
Prudencia V. Conlu, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart-
ber 1977.
U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
ment of Inland Fisheries, effective 3 January 1978 until 30 Edwin G. Trompets, appointment as Lecturer in Cooperatives
April 1981. Management, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978.
Virgilio A. Dureza, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant
Project Leader, Bracklshwater Aquaculture Center, Leganes, r- Law Center ---------------~
Iloilo, Institute of Fisheries Development and Research, Pacifico A. Agabin, renewal of supplementary appointment as
effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Member, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence
Norma R. Fortes, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Project, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Research Biologist, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, Ruben E. Agpalo, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Leganes, Iloilo, Institute of Fisheries Development and Member, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence
Research, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Project, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Romeo D. Fones, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Froilan M. Bacui'igan, increase in honorarium for additional
Research Biologist, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, assignment as Director, effective 1 January 1978 until 30
Leganes, Iloilo, Institute of Fisheries Development and April 1979; renewal of additional assignment as Chairman,
Research, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence Project, effec-
Rogalio Q. Gacutan, renewal of appointment with promotion in tive 1 January until 31 December 1978.
rank from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer in Aquaculture, with- Ruben F. Balane, renewal of additional assignment as Contribut-
out compensation, effective 1 November 1977 until 31 ing Editor, Treatise on Obligations, Philippine Jurisprudence
March 1978. Project, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Lilia L. Pelayo, transfer from IFDR with reversion to temporary Fernando T. Barican, renewal of additional assignment as Project
status and reclassification with increase in salary from Senior Coordinator, Philippine Jurisprudence Project, effective 1
Research Assistant to Instructor II in Fish Processing Tech- January until 31 December 1978.
nology, effective 16 January until 31 May 1978. Esteban B. Bautista, renewal of additional assignment as Mern-
ber, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence Project,
-Graduate School (La, Baiio,I------------4 effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Obdulla F. Sison, additional assignment as Acting Dean, Gradu- Myrna S. Feliciano, renewal of additional assignment as Member,
ate School, effective 22 December 1977 until 24 April 1978. Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence Project, effec-
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Health Science" Institute of (Tacloban) - - - - - - - - - j Sulpicio G. Guevara, renewal of additional assignment as Con-
C. Eduardo G. Gonzales, transfer from the College of Medicine tributing Editor, Corporation Law, Philippine Jurisprudence
with promotion in rank and salary from Instructor IV to Project, effective 1 January until 28 February 1978; renewal
Assistant Professor II of Medicine, effective 1 January untit of additional assignment as Member, Steering Committee,
31 May 1978. Philippine Jurisprudence Project, effective 1 January until 31
December 1978.
r- Iloilo, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Fortunato Gupit, Jr., renewal of supplementary appointment as
Rodolfo G. Alcantara, promotion in rank and salary from Lec- Contributing Editor, Civil Procedure and Special Action,
turer to Senior Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 Philippine Jurisprudence Project, effective 1 January until 31
January until 31 May 1978. July 1978; renewal of supplementary appointment as Mem-
Felisita S. Blancaflor, transfer in item with promotion in rank ber, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence Project,
and salary from Instructor III to Assistant Professor I in effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Zoology, effective 1 October 1977 until 31 May 1978. Antonio F. Navarette, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Ernesto S. Borromeo, renewal of additional assignment as Member, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence
Faculty Supervisor for Grounds and Buildings, effective 1 Project, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
January until 31 December 1978. Juan F. Rivera, reappointment to additional assignment as Me~
Haydee S. Geduspan, transfer in item with promotion in rank ber, Steering Committee, Philippine Jurisprudence Project,
and salary from Instructor IV to Assistant Professor I of effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Chemistry, effective 1 October 1977 until 31 May 1978. Josefina Saliva, renewal of additional assignment as Law Re-
Daniel D. Jainga, additional assignment as Resource Person in search Assistant (part-time), Philippine Jurisprudence Project,
Youth Development Training, High School, effective 7 effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
f- Manila, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Serena M. Luntao, increase in salary from Instructor I to II in
Domingo R. Atienza, appointment as Lecturer in Accounting,
Accounting, effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May 1978.
effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Edward M. Masa, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in
Celia C. Capule, reappointment as Lecturer in Economics, effec-
Management, effective 1 June 1976 until 17 April 1977;
tive 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
renewal of additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Albert F. Celoza, reappointment as Lecturer in History, effective
Management, effective 18 April 1977 until 31 March 1978. 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Tomas A. Sajo, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Lydia R. Leonardo. reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor I
Management, effective 1 June 1976 until 31 March 1977; in Zoology, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
reappointment to supplementary appointment as Senior Aurora A. Sanchez, appointment as Lecturer in Economics,
Lecturer in Management, effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
1978. Jaime J. Yambao, reappointment as Lecturer in Political Science,
Ida M.L Sisson, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Management, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
effective 12 December 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Ernesto J. Soledo, appointment as Instructor I in Philosophy, - Marine Sciences Center
effective 7 November 1977 until the return of Claro Cristobal Leticia T. Angeles, adjustment of honorarium for additional
and/or Dolores V. Ramos from leave of absence, whichever is assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective
sooner, but not later than 31 March 1978. 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1980.

16 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1

Aurea R. Aparato, adjustment of honorarium for additional Orlando S. Mercado, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Broad-
assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective cast Communication, effective 8 November 1977 until 31
2 November 1977 until 31 May 1980. March 1978.
Virginia L. Aprieto, adjustment of honorarium for additional Melina S. Pugne, renewal of appointment with transfer in item
assignment as Member, Advisorv-Executive Council, effective and to non-substitute status as Research Associate, effective
2 November 1977 until 31 May 1980. 1 January until 31 March 1978.
Ana Marie L Arcenas, renewal of additional assignment as Francisco H. Roque, renewal of appointment and transfer in
Researcher, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. item as Prpfessorial Lecturer in Journalism, effective 1
Ma. Milagros Bautista, renewal of additional assignment as November 1977 until 31 March 1978; reversion to full-time
Researcher, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. status and reclassification from Professorial Lecturer to
Dominador Canlas, adjustment of honorarium for additional Assistant Professor II ~ of Journalism, effective 1 January
assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective until the return of Francisco Llaguno from leave of absence,
2 November 1977 until 22 November 1979. but not later than 31 May 1978.
Lourdes Cruz, renewal of additional assignment as Consultant, Victor T. Valbuena, renewal of appointment and transfer in item
effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. as Professorial Lecturer in Journalism, effective 1 November
Reynaldo dela paz, renewal of additional assignment as Re- 1977 until 31 March 1978.
searcher, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Ma. Yolanda R. Villanueva, reappointment as Lecturer in Jour-
Edgardo D. Gomez, adjustment of honorarium for additional nalism, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978.
assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective
2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978. - Medicine,. College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Reynaldo Interior, renewal of additional assignment as Co- Alfredo C. Acosta, renewal of supplementary appointment as

Researcher in the research project entitled "Deep-Sea Fishes Instructor (part-time) in Surgery, without compensation,
off Lubang Island," effective 1 January until 31 December effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
1978. Norberta R. Agcaoili, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Neon C. Rosell, adjustment of honorarium for additional assign- Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, without compensation,
ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 2 effective 1 January 'until31 May 1978.
November 1977 until 31 May 1980. Melendre V. Araas, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Domingo C. Salita, adjustment of honorarium for additional Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without com-
assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective pensation,effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
2 November 1977 until 22 November 1979. Agustin M. Bella, Jr., renewal of appointment as Associate
Luisa S. Sanisl, renewal of additional assignment as Researcher, Professor V of Biochemistry, effective 1 January until 31
effective 1 January until assumed by PCARR* Budget, but May 1978.
not later than 31 December 1978. Josefina Bulatao-Jayme, renewal of supplementary appointment
Elvira O. Tan, adjustment of honorarium for additional assign- as Clinical Associate Professor, without compensation, effec-
ment as Member, Advtsorv-Bxecutlve Council, effective 2 tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
November 1977 until 31 May 1980. Jimmy F. Cabfit, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor
Filemon A. Uriarte, Jr., adjustment of honorarium for additional (part-time) in Surgery, effective 1 January until 31 May
assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1978.
2 November 1977 uotil31 May 1980. Emilio 8. Cadayona, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Flordeliz R. Uyenco, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, without com-
Researcher, effective 1 January until assumed by PCARR pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Juanito M. Caguiat, Jr., renewal of appointment and transfer

Budget, but not later than 31 December 1978.
Gregorio T. Velasquez, renewal of supplementary appointment from Instructor (part-time), without compensation, to
as Consultant, without compensation, effective 1 January Instructor I (part-time) in Rehabilitation Medicine. effective
until 31 December 1978. 1 January until 31 May 1978.
lIuminada T. Camagay, reappointment as Assistant Professor
f-Mass Communication, Institute of - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (part-time) of Surgery, without compensation, effective 3
Teofilo D. Agcaoili, renewal of appointment with transfer in January until 31 May 1978.
item as Professorial Lecturer in Film Criticism, effective 1 Alberto R. Casimiro, renewal of supplementary appointment as
November 1977 until 31 March 1978. Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without corn-
Luis D. Beltran, renewal of appointment with transfer in item pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
and to non-substitute status as Assistant Professor I of Jour- Estanislao E. de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as
nalism, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Instructor (part-time) in Surgery, effective 1 January until 31
Leothiny S. Clayel, renewal of appointment as Professorial May 1978.
Lecturer in Mass Communication, effective 1 November 1977 Eduardo dela Cruz, renewal of supplementary appointment as
until 31 March 1978. Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without
Carlitos R. Cruz, renewal of appointment as Professorial lec- comepnsation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
turer in Mass Communication, effective 1 November 1977 Ernesto R. delos Reyes, renewal of supplernentarv appointment
until 31 March 1978. as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without com-
Elpidio R. Estioko, appointment as Lecturer in Journalism, pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Mac Arthur A. Elayda, reappointment to additional assignment
effective 8 November until 31 March 1978.
Crispulo J. leban, Jr., renewal of appointment as Professorial as Instructor (part-time) in Medicine, effective 1 July 1977
Lecturer in Journalism, effective 1 November 1977 until 31 until 31 May 1978.
Natividad G. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as
March 1978.
Clinical Assistant Professor, effective 1 January until 31 May
• Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research
U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978
Ramon 8. Gurtilo, renewal of appointment as Visiting Professor Lorna Cecilia Y. So, transfer from College of Denstlstrv with
of Orthopedics, without compensation, effective 1 January increase in salary from Instructor II I to IV in Biochemistry,
unlil31 May 1978. effective 1 June 1977.
Joaquin C. Gutierraz, Jr., appointment as Instructor (part-time) Orline O. Talens, renewal of supplementary appointment as
in Pathology, without compensation, effective 16 January Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without com-
until 31 May 1978. pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
carmen L1. Intengan, renewal of appointment as Professorial Virginia F. Trinidad, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Lecturer in Biochemistry, effective 1 January until 31 May Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without com-
1978. pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Edilberto M. Jose, renewal of supplementary appointment as Cynthia I. Valencia, additional assignment as Otficer-in-Charpe,
Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective 1 January until 31 Department of Pharmacology, effective 1 December untit the
May 1978. return of Nelia Cortes·Maramba from leave of absence, but
Orpha Kwan·Abrigo, renewal of supplementary appointment as not later than 18 December 1977.
Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without com- Roberto U. Velasco, renewal of supplementary appointment as
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, with-
Angelina A. Latonia. renewal of appointment as Clinical Asso- out compensation, effective t January until 31 May 1978.
ciate Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without compensa- Melecia A. Velmonte, renewal of supplementary appointment as
tion, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Assistant Professor (part-time) of Medicine, without com-
Benjamin D. Legada, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 January Copernico J. Villaroel. Jr" renewal of additional assignment as
until 31 May 1978. Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 January
Ma. Rosario O. Legarda, renewal of supplementary appointment until 31 May 1978.
as Instructor (part-time) in Pediatrics, without compensation, Benjamin C. Vitasa, renewal of supplementary appointment as
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Assistant Professor (patt-time l of Family Medicine, without
Robert D. Lim, renewal of appointment and transfer from compensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Instructor (part-time), without compensation, to Instructor r
(part-time) in Rehabilitation Medicine, effective 1 January ~ Music, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i
until 31 May 1978. Felieidad A. Prudente, reclassification from Senior Lecturer to
Arturo C. Ludan, reappointment as Assistant Professor (part- Instructor II in Music Education, effective 2 November 1977
time) in Pediatrics, without compensation, effective 3 Jan- until the return of Carmencita Arambula from leave of
uary until 31 May 1978. absence, but not later than 31 May 1978.
Ulpiano T. Manlangit, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Revnaldo G. Reyes, renewal of appointment as Professor 11 of
Lecturer in Radiology, effective 1 January until 31 May Piano, effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Oscar A. Mayo, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant
~National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions-
Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, effective 1 January
until 31 May 1978. Angeles T. Afors, additional assignment as Offlcer-in-Cbarqe,
Rex M. Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor effective 16 January until the return of Corazon P, Gonzalez
(part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 January until 31 May from study leave, but not later than 30 July 1978,
Antonio M, Montalban, renewal of supplementary appointment ~ Natural Science Research Center - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , 1
as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, without Virginia S. Carino, additional assignment as Project Investigator
compensation, effective 1 January until 31 May ~978. in the research project entitled "The Effect of Low Tritium
Norma M, Ona, renewal of supplementary appointment as Clini- Levels and Hyperthermia on Early Developmental Stages of
cal Assistant Professor (part-time) of Medicine, without com- Bangus {Chanos Chanosl," UPGIA-PAEC Project, effective 2
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. November untit 30 October 1978.
Quintin F, Oropilla, renewal of supplementary appointment as Reynaldo dela Paz, renewal of additional assignment and adjust-
Assistant Professor (part-time) of Rehabilitation Medicine, ment in honorarium as Project Leader of the research project
without compensation, effective 1 January until 31 May entitled "Land Vertebrates of Luzon Island," effective 1
1978. January until 30 June 1978.
lole F. Rabor, renewal of supplementary appointment as Assist- Mercedita J. del Valle, adjustment in honorarium for additional
.ent Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without compensa- assignment as Co-Researcher. UP-PAEC GIA 1-7601 Project,
tion, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. effective 1 July 1977 until 30 June 1978.
Antonio V. Repotente, renewal of supplementary appointment Ruben C. Umaly, additional assignment as Co-Investigator in the
as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, with- research project entitled "The Effect of Low Tritium Levels
out compensation, effective 1 January until 31 December and Hyperthermia on Early Developmental Stages of Sangus
1978. (Chanos Chanosl," UPGIA-PAEC Project, effective 2 Novem-
Thelma Reyes, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant ber 1977 until 30 October 1978.
Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, effective 1 January Flordeliz R. Uyenco, renewal of additional assignment as Curer
until 31 December 1978. tor, NSRC Culture Collection Laboratory, effective 1 Jan-
Eleazar O. Sarmiento, renewal of supplementary appointment as uary until 31 December 1978.
Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without com-
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. ~ Philippine Executive Academy - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Renata Q. Sibayan, appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor Elias D. Banquillo, reversion to temporary status with promotion
(part-time), without compensation, effective 3 January until in rank and salary from Training Specialist I to II, effective 1
31 May 1978. January until 31 December 1978.

18 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1

~ Philippine General Hospital - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Alfredo C. Acosta, renewal of supplementary appointment as Renata Q. Sibayan, appointment as Attending Neurosurgeon
Attending Surgeon (part-time), without compensation, effec- (part-time), without compensation, effective.S January until
tive 1 January until 31 May 1978. 31 May 1978.
Norman A. Aliga, appointment as Fellow, without compensa- Dante E. Simon, appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Eduardo V. Barrenechea, appointment as Fellow, without com- Jose C. Valdez, appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
pensation, effective 1 August 1977 until 31 July 1978. effective 1 ~ugust 1975 until 30 June 1976.
Juanita M. Caguist, Jr., renewal of appointment as Attending Roberto U. Velasco, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Psychiatrist (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 Attending Orthopedic Surgeon [pert-time], without com-
January until 31 Mav 1978. pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
lIuminada T. Camagay, reappointment as Attending Anesthe- IVIelecia A. Velmonte, renewal of supplementary appointment as
siologist (part-time), without compensation, effective 3 Attending Physician (part-time), without compensation,
January until 31 May 197H. effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Sentiago S. Castillo, Jr., additional assignment as Fellow, effec- Copernico J. Villaruel, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as
tive 3 January until 31 December 1978. Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 Jan-
Vicente T. Corpuz, Jr., appointment as Fellow, without com- uary until 31 May 1978.
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Zenaides T. Wi, appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
Ernesto R. dalos Reyes, renewal of supplementary appointment effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
as Attending Pediatrician (part-time), without compensation,
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978, f- Press, U . P . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Arturo S. Flores, reclassification from Medical Consultant (part- Ambrosio R. Blanco, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
time) to Fellow, without compensation, effective 1 July effective 19 December until the return of Luis D. Beltran
1977 until 30June 1978. from vacation leave, but not later than 23 December 1977.
Virgil G. Frando, appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. :- Public Administration, College of - - - - - - - - - - i
Edilberto M. Jose, renewal of supplementary appointment as Ma. Aurora A. Carbonell, reversion to temporary status and
Attending Otorhinolaryngologist (part-time), without com- reclassification with increase in salary from Researcher I to
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Assistant Professor I of Public Administration, effective 8
Orpha Kwan·Abrigo, renewal of supplementary appointment as November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Attending Physician (part-time), without compensation, Vicente D. Mariano, renewal of additional assignment with
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. increase in honorarium as Senior Lecturer in Public Adminis-
Angelina A. Latonio, renewal of appointment as Attending tration, effective 1 November 1977 unt1l31 May 1978.
Pediatrician (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 Ma. Oliva G. Zipagan, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer
January until 31 May 1978. in Public Administration, effective 8 November 1977 until 31
Benjamin O. Legada, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as May 1978.
Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 Jan-
uary until 31 May 1978. f- Public Health, Institute of - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Ma. Rosario O. Legarda, renewal of supplementary appointment Fidel M Guilatco, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec-
as Attending Pediatrician Ipart-time), without compensation, turer in Occupational Health, without compensation, effec-
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Robert D. lim, renewal of appointment as Attending Psychia- Virginia B. Guzman, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
trist (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 January man, Department of Community Health, effective 8 January
until 31 May 1978. 1978 until 30 April 1981.

Arturo C. Ludan, reappointment as Attending Pediatrician Arsenio l. Jimenez, reappointment as Assistant Professor IV of
(part-time). without compensation, effective 3 January until Community Health, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978.
31 May 1978. Oominador J. Pollcarpic, Jr., renewal of appointment as Profes-
Doris A. Mendoza, appointment as Fellow, without compensa- sorial Lecturer in Occupational Health, effective 1 January
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. until 31 May 1978.
Jennifer Ann R. Mendoza, appointment as Fellow, without com- Angel R. L. Reyes, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec-
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. turer it'l Occupational Health, effective 1 January until 31
Rex M. Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment as Attending May 1978.
Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 January until 31 Pedro P. Solis, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Medical
May 1978. Jurisprudence, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978.
Antonio M. Montalban, renewal of supplementary appointment
as Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), without com- r-Small-Scale Industries, Institute for - - - - - - - - - - j
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Ofelia A. Cipriano, transfer to permanent status as Research
Rodolfo L. Nitollama, appointment as Fellow, without com- Associate, effective 1 January 1978.
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Arlene Eleanor E. Liberel, transfer to permanent status as
Ma. Corazon Wilhelmina K. Ochoa, appointment as Fellow, with- Management Specialist I, effective 1 January 1978.
out compensation, effective 3 January until 31 December
197B. - Social Work and Community Development, Institute of -
Alfredo QUintin Y. Pontejos, appointment as Fellow, without Mary lou L Alcid, additional assignment as Project Co-Director,
compensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978, Social Work Training Laboratory in Uan, Batangas, effective
lole F. Rabar, renewal of supplementary appointment as Attend- 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
ing Pediatrician (oart-ttrnel, without compensation, effective Greer B. Alforque, appointment as Instructor IV in Social Work,

U.P. Gazette 19
31 January 1978
effective 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978; additional Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June
assignment as Project Co-Director, Social Work Training 1978.
Laboratory in Lian, Batangas, effective 2 November 1977 Gerrnelino F. Ablto, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
until 31 May 1978. gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
Leoncio Miralao, reappointment as Senior -Lecturer in Com- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
munity Development, effective 14 November 1977 until 31 Luis M. Alarilla. Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Program
March 1978. Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Virginia A. Miralao, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Com- tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
munity Development, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 Ofelia R. Angangco, adjustment in honorarium for additional
March 1978. assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities
Gertrudes A. Ranjo, increase in salary as Training Associate, Research Committee, Office of Research Coordination, effec-
effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. tive 1 November until 31 December 1977; renewal of addi-
tional assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities
"- Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute of - Research Committee, Office of Research Coordination, effec-
Florian M. Flores, additional assignment as Coach of Men's tive 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Volleyball, effective 2 November 1977 until 30 April 1978. Nestor R. Balmores, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
~Statistical Center - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l tive 1 January until 30 June 1978; renewal of additional
Romulo A. Virola, supplementary appointment with increase in assignment as Senior Executive Assistant, President's Staff on
salary as Professorial Lecturer in Mathematics, effective 8 Regional Matters and Committee for Regional Units, Office
November 1977 until 31 May 1978. of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Manuel P. Bendana, renewal of additional assignment as Program
f- Tacloban, U.P. College -----------_~ Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Albino C. Lumen, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
to IV of Mathematics, effective 4 January 1978, Teresa F. Bernabe. renewal of additional assignment as Program
Miriam R. Tinampay, renewal of additional assignment as Secre- Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
tary, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Armando F. Bonifacio, renewal of additional assignment as
'- University Health Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . j
Member, University Academic Personnel Board. effective 26
Faustino T. Domingo, Jr., renewal of supplementary appoint-
January 1978'until25 January 1979.
ment as Consultant in Neurology and Neurosurgery, without
Ernesto S. Borromeo, additional assignment as Program Develop-
compensation, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978,
ment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 2
Lauro O. Escobar, renewal of additional assignment as Consult-
November 1977 until 31 January 1978.
ant in Neurophysiology, effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
Pablo K. Botor, renewal of additional assignment as Program
ber 1978.
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effec-
Benjamin H. Felipe, renewal of supplementary appointment as
tive 1 January until 31 March 1978.
Consultant in Chest Diseases, without compensation, effec-
Eryl Gil A. Buan, renewal of additional assignment as Program
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Cecilia A. Florencio, renewal of additional assignment as Con-
tive 1 January until30June 1978.
sultant Dietitian, effective 1 January until 31 December
Teodorico P. Calica, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Feliciano M. Padlan, transfer in item as Physician (with rank of
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Associate Professor V), effective 1 January 1978.
Arsenio S. Camacho, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Baltazar Reyes, Jr., renewal of supplementary appointment as
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
Consultant in Psychiatry, effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
ber 1978.
Dominador C. Canlas, adjustment in honorarium for additional
Manuel T. Rivera, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Consultant in Orthopedics, effective 1 January until 31 assignment as Chairman, Natural Science Research Commit-
December 1978. tee, Office of Research Coordination, effective 1 November
Priscilla J. Tablan, renewal of supplementary appointment as until 31 December 1977; renewal of additional assignment as
Consultant in Chest Diseases, without compensation, effec- Chairman, Natural Science Research Committee, Office of
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978. Research Coordination. effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
Ernesto V. Valdez, renewal of additional assignment as Consult- ber 1978.
ant in Infectious Diseases, effective 1 January until 31 Ma. Nuris B. csseeus. additional assignment as Program De-
December 1978. velopment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1
November 1977 until 31 January 1978.
University library ----------------1 Leticia L Castillo, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Teresita M. Albino, increase in salary as Librarian II, effective 1 Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
January until 31 December 1978. tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Cirila P. Ado, promotion in rank and salary from Librarian I to Geronimo M. Collado, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
II, effective 1 January until 31 December .1978. gram Development Associate. PDS, Office of the President,
Susana S. Ferrer, transfer in item with increase in salary as Libra- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
rian III, effective 1 January 1978. Manuel T. Corpus, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
I- General Administration _ tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
G6mino H. Abad, renewal of additional assignment as Program Ibarra E. Cruz, adjustment in honorarium for additional assign-
Development Associate, Program Development Staff (PDS), ment as Member, Natural Science Research Committee,

20 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 1

Office of Research Coordination, effective 1 November until until 30 November 1977.
31 December ·1977; renewal of additional assignment as Esperanza L Ibanez. renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Member, Natural Science Research Committee, Office of gram Development Associate, POS, Office of the President,
Research Coordination, effective 1 January until 31 Decern- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
ber 1978. Gabrtel U. Iglesias, renewal of additional assipnment as Program
Concepcion D. Dadufalza, renewal of additional assignment as Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- tive 1 January until 30 June 1978; adjustment in honorarium
dent, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. for additional assignment as Member, Social Sciences and
Vicente G. del Rosario renewal of additional assignment as Pro- Humanities Research Committee. Office of Research Co-
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, ordination, effective 1 November until 31 December 1977;
effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. renewal of additional assignment ali Member, Social Sciences
Hermenegildo C. Dumlao, renewal of additional assignment as and Humanities Research Committee, Office of Research
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- Coordination, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
dent, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Ma. Victoria Jardiolin, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Virgilio A. Dureza, renewal of additional assignment as Program gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
Development Assistant, PDS, Office of the President, effec- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978. Emeteria P. Lee, renewal of additional assignment as Assist-
Eleanor T. Elequin, adjustment in honorarium for additional ant University Registrar, Office of the University Registrar,
assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities effective 1 May 1977 until 30 April 1978; renewal of addi-
Research Committee, Office of Research Coordination, effec- tional assignment as Program Development Associate, POS,
tive 1 November until 31 December 1977; renewal of addi- Office of the President. effective 1 January until 30 June
tional assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities 1978.
Research Committee, Office of Research Coo :Iination, effec- Rosemarie G, Lim, additional assignment as Program Develop-
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978. ment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 2
Jose N. Endriga,. renewal of additional assignment as Program November 1977 unti131 January 1978.
Development Associate, PDS. Office of the President, effec- Leonardo Q. Liongson, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978, gram Development Associate. PDS. Office of the President,
Corazon R. Estrella. renewal of additional assignment with effective 1 January until 31 March 1978_
increase in honorarium as Program Development Associate, Roman Lucas, renewal of additional assignment as Program
PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
June 1978. tive 1 January until 30 June 1978,
Oscar L. Evangelista, renewal of additional assignment as Pro- Elayda E. Mabunay, reappointment to additional assignment as
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, Program Development Associate. PDS, Office of the Presi-
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. dent, effective 1 October until 30 November 1977.
Winifreda A. Evangelista. renewal of additional assignment as Manuel P. Macapinlac, adjustment in honorarium for additional
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- assignment as Member, Natural Science Research Committee.
dent, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Office of Research Coordination. effective 1 November until
Victor C. Feliciano, additional assignment as Proqram Develop- 31 December 1977; renewal of additional assignment as
ment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 Member, Natural Science Research Committee, Office of
December 1977 until 31 May 1978. Research Coordination, effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
Lydia H. Flores, renewal of additional assignment as Program ber 1978.
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec- Priscila S Manalang, renewal of additional assignment as Assist-

• tive 1 January until 31 May 1978. ant for Faculty and Curriculum Development, Office of the
Josefina C. Fonacier, renewal of additional assignment as Pro- President, effective 1 October 1977 until 30 September
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, 1978.
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Helen Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Eduardo Gamboa, renewal of additional assignment as Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec- tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
tive 1 January until 31 March 1978. Honorata A. Moreno, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Miflora M. Gatchalian, renewal of additional assignment as Pro- gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Virginia R. Moreno, renewal of additional assignment as Program
effective 1 January until 31 March 1978.
Development Associate, POS, Office of the President, effec-
Milagros V. Gregorio, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Natividad J. Munarriz, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
effective 1 January until 31 March 1978.
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
Ivanna J. Guillergan, additional assignment as Program Develop-
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
ment Associate, PDS. Office of the President, effective 1
Honesto G. Nuqui, renewal of additional assignment as Program
October until 30 November 1977. Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effec-
Myrna V. Hong, additional assignment as Program Development
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effective 1 October
Aurora R. Palacio, transfer to permanent status as Guidance
until 30 November 1977. Counselor. Division of Counseling and Guidance, Office of
May Huntington, renewal of additional assignment as Program
the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, effective 1 January
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effec-
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978. Ernesto Pernia, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Della A. lbabao, additional assignment as Program Development Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 October
U.P. Gazette
31 January 1978

tive 1 January until 30 June 1978. tlve 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Nestor N. Pilar, renewal of additional assignment as Program Lourdes G. Soegiarto, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec- gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978. effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Denise B. Pineda, renewal of additional assignment as Program Mario S. Tongson, adjustment in honorarium for additional
Development Assistant, POS, Office of the President, effec- assignment as Member, Natural Science Research Committee,
tive 1 January until 30 June 1978. Office of Research Coordination, effective 1 November until
Evangel P. Quiwa, renewal of additional assignment as Program 31 December 1977; renewal of additional assignment as
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec· Member, Natural Science Research Committee, effective 1
five 1 January until 31 March 1978. January until 31 December 1978.
Wilhelmina Q. Ramas, adjustment in honorarium for additional Lilia A. Torres, reappointment to additional assignment as
assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Officer-in-Charge, Division of Counseling and Guidance,
Research Committee, Office of Research Coordination, effec- Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, effective
tive 1 November until 31 December 1977; renewal of addi- 16 January until the return of Esperanza R. Limcaco from
ticnal assignment as Member, Social Sciences and Humanities rural service, but not later than 31 January 1978.
Research Committee, Office of Research Coordination, effec- Ruben C. Umaly, renewal of additional assignment as Program
tive 1 January until 31 December 1978. Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec-
Benjamin L Ravena, additional assignment as Program Develop- tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
ment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 Samuel P. Vera Cruz, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
October until 30 November 1977. gram Development Assistant, PDS, Office of the President,
Georgina Reyes, renewal of additional assignment as Secretary, effective 1 January until 31 March 1978.
President's Staff on Regional Matters and Committee for the Prescillano M. Zamora, adjustment in honorarium for additional
Regional Units, Office of the President, effective 1 January assignment as Member, Natural Science Research Committee,
until 30 June 1978: renewal of additional assignment as Office of Research Coordination, effective 1 November until
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- 31 December 1977; renewal of additional assignment as
dent, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Member, Natural Science Research Committee, Office of
Francisco H. Roque, renewal of supplementary appointment as Research Coordination, effective 1 January until 31 Decem'
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- ber 1978.
dent, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Ma. Oliva G. Zipagan, renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Josefina A. Salvaiia, renewal of additional assignment as Program gram Development Assistant, PDS, Office of the President,
Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effec- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.

Lea Villanueva as Clerk-typist, School of Allied Medical Profes-
slons, effective 1 January 1978.
Gerardo Villaroman as Systems Programmer, Computer Center,
Romeo Buitizon as Clerk, Institute of Health Sciences {Tee- effective 16 January 197B.
laban), effective 1 January 1978.
Adorto M. de Guzman as Secretary, U.P. College Sagulo, effec- Retirements
tive 31 January 1978.
Jose Galang as Utility Man, College of Dentistry, effective 16 Consuela Damaso as Associate Professor, College of Arts and
January 1978. Sciences (Dilimanl. effective 21 January 1978.
Mary Lou Santos as Librarian I, University Library, effective Pedro de Luna as Administrative Officer, Institute of Environ-
20 January 1978. mental Planning, effective 16 January 1978.
Zosimo Vicencio as Chairman, Department of Inland Fisheries, Crispin Lambanecio as Laborer, Basilan Land Grant, effective 7
College of Fisheries, effective 3 January 1978. January 1978.

22 U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 1

The Board confirmed the following contracts and agreements at of a parcel of land within the UPLB campus, including the buildings
its 897th Meeting on 26 January 1977: which now exist or may hereafter be constructed thereon by the
DLGCD, for a period of 25 years. The UPLB likewise authorizes the
1. Memorandum of Agreement with the World Meteorological continued operation of the Education and Training Center of the
Organization {WMOI Regarding the Implementation of On8 long- DLGCD within the campus and pledges facilities, human resources,
Term Fellowship and other assistance in the supervision and implementation of the
training programs.
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
World Meteorological Organization and the Philippine Government This memorandum of agreement amends the Memorandum of
Understanding entered into between the PACD (now DLGCD) and
regarding the implementation of one long-term fellowship from the
<.le University in september 1971 and confirmed bvthe Bo~ of
regular budget of the WMO. The WMO will provide for the training
Regents at its 813th Meeting on 30 september 1971.
of one meteorologist from the University of the Philippines under a
tone-term fellowship at Reading University in the United Kingdom,
leading to a higher degree in Meteorology. 6. Renewal of Agreement with the Philippine Rural Reconstruction
Movement, Inc., (PRRM) Providing for the Extension of the Terms
2. Special Services Agreement with the United Nations whereby the and Conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement Signed by the
Law Center Shall Undertake to Carry Out an In~Depth Study on Two Parties on 19 June 1975
Transnational Corporations in the Philippines A'renewal of agreement was entered into between the PRRM
A special services agreement was entered into between the and the University providing for the extension of the terms and
nited Nations and the University whereby the Law Center shall conditions of the memorandum of agreement signed by the two
undertake to carry out an in-depth study on transnational corpora- parties on 19 June 1975. The agreement provides the general guide-
tions in the Philippines entitled "Regulation, Supervision and Moni- lines under which the PRAM can avail of the services of the Univer-
toring of Transnational Corporations in Asia." The UN shall provide sity's personnel as experts, instructors, resource persons, and/of
funds in the amount of $8,000.00. The Law Center shall be assisted consultants. The extension is for a period of two (2) years, starting
by the Asian Centre for Development Administration (ACDA) in 20 June 1976.
undertaking the said project.

7. Memorandum of Agreement with the Population Commission to

3. Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Agricufture, Undertake a Project Entitled "1978 Community Outreach Survey"
the Department of Education and Cutture, and the FAO Regional A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
Dairy Development and Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific Population Commission and the University whereby the Population
(FAD-RDOTe) Regarding the Extension of a Training Program for Institute and the POPCOM have mutually agreed to undertake a
Vocational and Agricultural College/School Teachers project entitled "1978 Community Outreach Survey." The
A memorandum of agreement was entered into by and among POPCOM shall make available the amount of $54,000.00, or its
the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Education and equivalent in pesos, in accordance with the rate of exchange at the
Culture, the FAO Regional Dairy Development and Training Centre time of release by USAID.
for Asia and the Pacific, and the UPLB regarding the extension for
another two years (effective 7 February 19781 of a training program
8. Memorandum of Agreement with Brent School,Jnc., Regarding
for the rapid promotion and development of the dairy industry

Instruction, Consultantship, R.I.-ted Services, Facilities, and Library
th ro Ugh the dissemination of technology on milk production and
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between Brent
School, lnc., and the University whereby, subject to existing corn-
4. Memorandum of Agreement with the Technology Resource mitments, the University and Brent School shall provide, on request
center Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Project Climate" of the other, such instruction, ccnsultantehip. and related services,
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the facilities, and library privileges as may be necessary under such
Technology Resource Center and the UPLB whereby the UPLB shall terms and conditions as may be further agreed upon. This egreement
undertake the project entitled "Project Climate" to accelerate is effective for a period of one year from its execution and renew-
countryside development with the aid of climate-based agricultural able for like periods upon mutual agreement.
technology under a total grant of P40,846.00 from the TAC, The
project shall cover a period of seven and a half months.
9. Memorandum of Agreement with the Roosevelt CoIl9lJ8to Under-
take a seminar-Workshop for the Faculty of Roosevelt College
5. Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of. Local
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
Government and CommunitY Development (DLGCO) Regarding the
Roosevelt College and the Unlversl tv whereby the Univers.ity
Continued Use and Occupancy of a Parcel of Land within the UPLB
through the College of Education shall undertake a seminar-work-
Campus by the DLGCD shop to improve the teaching competencies of the Roosevelt facul-
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
DLGCD and the UPLB regarding the continued use and occupancy ty.

23 \
U.P. Gazette
\ 31 January 1978

The text of this journal uses 8-point Univers medium with 2·pbint ladds. and sub-headings and pictorial essay are in 1o-point
Univers bold. typeset by the U.P. Science Education Center. The unit headings are in 24-point Tabasco bold caps, while pictorial
heading is in 36-point Sans Serif Shadowed bold caps. The 2-colar printing in offset lithography is by the U.P. Press.


Executive Order. Executive Order No.1: Creation/Reconstitution

of College Scholarship Committee, 27 • Administrative Orders.
Administrative Order No.3: Pre-Implementation Phase of Research
Studies to be Carried Out by the Institute of Mass Communication
as Provided for in the Memorandum of Agreement Between the
University of the Philippines System and the Educational Develop-
ment Projects Implementing Task Force. 27 -Administrative Order
No.4: Creation of a Committee to Undertake Feasibility Study on
the Establishment of a V.P. Diliman-based Continuing Education
Center, 27 • Administrative Order No. 11: Designation as Officer-
in-Charge, College of Law, 27 -Administrative Order No. 14: Desig-
nation as Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Vice-President for
Administration, 28 • Memorandum Circulars. Memorandum Cir-
cular No.3: Off-Campus Housing, 28 .Memorandum Circular No.3:
Procedures for Democratic Participation in Nominations to the
Deanship of the College of Law, 28 • Memorandum Circular No.4:
Supplement and Clarifications to Memo Circular No.3 of 2 March
1978 re: Nominations to Deanship of the Colle~ of Law, 29 •
Memo~andum Circular No. 7; Publication of Professorial Chair Lec-
tures, 30 • Memoranda. Memorandum No.3: Survey on Total
Number of Faculty Members and Staff who Travel Regularly in the
Performance of their Duties, 31 • Last Day for Submission of Final
Grades, 31 - Memorandum No. 15: Petition for the Retention of
the Old Tuition Fee for Clinical Clerks, 31


898th Meeting, 23 February 1978 • Appointments, Reappoint-

ments, Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary,
etc., 31 • Transfer to Permanent Status, 32 .Scholarships, Fellow-
ships, Grants and Gifts, 33 • Professorial Chair Endowment, 33 •
Organization for the U.P. College Baguio, 33 .Change in the Name
of U.P. Extension Division Clark Air Base to U.P. College Clark Air
Base, 34 .Conversion of the Philippine Eye Research Institute into
an Institute of Ophthalmology, 34 • Change in the Name of the
Committee for the Regional Units to President's Committee for the
Regional Units, 34 • Amendment in the Composition of the Aca-
demic Personnel Board, 34 • Articles of Incorporation of the Uni-
versity of the Philippines Foundation, tnc., and Code of Bylaws, 34
• New Salary Scale for the Asian Institute of Tourism Hotel Staff,
34 • Meal Allowance of Lecturers at Clark Air Base, 35 • Scheme
for Classification of the Philippine General Hospital's Patients, 35 •
Abolition of the Board of Athletic Affairs and the Sub-Board of
Athletic Affairs, 35 • Other Maners Considered by the Board, 35 -
899th Meeting, 30 March 1978 • Appointments, Reappointments,
Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, etc., 36
• Transfer to Permanent Status, 41 • Sc.holarships, Fellowships,
Grants, and Gifts, 41 - Professorial Chair Endowment, 41 -Collec-
tlcn of Fees, 41 -Academic Calendar 1918-1979,41 e Expanelon
of Financial Assistance to X.D.S. Students Enrolled During Sum-
mer, 42 • Amendment of the Codal Provision on Grade of "Inc.",
42. • Revised Residence Hall Rules and Regulations, 42 • Amend-
ment of the Board's Resolution Establishing the National Teacher
The University of the Philippines Gazette is published m.onthl~ Training Center for the Health Professions, 42 • Conferment of
by the Information Office. University of the Philippines, ·.Dili~r;, Honorary Degrees, 43 • Travel and Living Allowances for Faculty
from Diliman, Manila, or los Banos Assigned to Teach in the
Quezon City, Philippines.
The typeface used in this journal is Univers medium, set in two- Regional Units During Summer 1978,43 -Authority to Use Part of
the Earnings of the UPLB Faculty Development Fund to Support
point ledds at the Science Education Center. The unit headings are
the Financial Requirements for Professorial Chairs, 43 elncrease in
in Tabasco bold caps, while cover and pictorial headings are in
the Daily Rate for Workers of the Quezon land Grant, 43 -Other
Optima. Matters Considered by the Board, 43 [Continued next pagel
The two-color printing in offset:lithography is by the U.P. Press.
U.P. Gazette
February-March 1978

Memorandum of Agreement with the Educational Development

Vidal A. Tan, 37 • Nathaniel B. Tablante, 39 -Jorge B. Vargas, 40
Projects Implementing Task Force (EOPITAF) Pertaining to a Proi-
• Ramon P. Santos, 40 • Froilan M. Bacungan, 40 • Sylvia H. ect Entitled "Communication Technology for Education in the
Guerrero. 40 Philippines; A Pilot Project," 51 • Contract Agreement with the
Overseas Agricultural Corporation Regarding Tapping Services for
Basilan land Grant, 51 • Contract Agreement with the Consumer
PRESIDENTIAL DECISIONS, 44 Pulse, Inc. (CPO, whereby CPI Shall Undertake a Nationwide Survey
to Evaluate the National Population and Family Planning Outreach
Program, 51 • Contract of Lease with the Agricultural Resource
SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE Center, Inc. (ARC) Pertaining to Lease of Rooms, 51 • Agreement
with Mrs. IIdefonsa T. Luzod Providing for the Lease of a Parcel of
Resignations, 51 Land to UPLB, 51

BOARD OF REGENTS. The Honorable Juan L Manuel, Chairman, Secretary of

Education and Culture. The Honorable Onofre D. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Presi-
dent, University of the Philippines. The Honorable Abelardo G. Samonte, Chan-
cetlor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos. The Honorable Ruben Santos
Cuyugan, Chancellor, Philippine Center for Advanced Studies. The Honorable
Abraham F. Sarmiento, President, U.P. Alumni Association. The Honorable
Tomas S. Fonacier • The Honorable Orlando J. Sacay • The Honorable Gerardo
P. Sicat • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronaldo B.
zamora. Dr. Gemlnc H. Abad, Secretary


President. Dr. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President. Dr.
Oscar M. Atfonso, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Ramon
c. Portugal, Vice-President for Administration. Dc. Gemino H.
Abad, Secretary. Prof. Manuel P, aendeae. University Registrar
'EDITORIAL BOARD • D,. Gamine H. Abad, Secretary of the
University, Chairman. Prof. Luis D. Beltran, Acting Director of the
University Press, Secretary. Prof. Manuel P. Bendefia. Secretary of
the University Council. Dr. Gloria O. Feliciano, Dean of the tnsti-
tute of Mass Communication. Prof. Froilan M. Bacungan. Director
of the Law Center. Dr. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P. Faculty Orpanizauon e Mrs. May C. Dumlao, President of the
U.P. Supervisors' Association. Mr. Alexander J. Poblador, Editor of
the Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF. Gemlno H. Abad, Editor. Ruben David F. Defeo, Associate Fdltor e Elpidio S. Caimoy, Managing Editor.
Roshan T. Jose, Assistant Editor • Riki T. Espana, Photo Edit'J~. Tony M, dela Vega. Circulation Manager

26 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

EXECUTIVE ORDER conducted during the last two weeks of December 1977 as cited in
the Agreement shall be considered chargeable to the Project Budget.
The completed report on the Summative Evaluation of the
Executive Order No.1: Creation/Reconstitution of College Scholar-
Radio-~ssisted Teaching in Elementary Schools and the Continuing
ship Committee
Education for Teachers as well as the Descriptive Evaluation of the
Rural Educational Radio Study will be submitted to this Office on
For a centralized and an effective scholarship program in the
or before 31 March 1978 for review before transmittal to the
University, all degree-granting units are enjoined to create/reconsti·
tute immediately college scholarship committees. These committees
The Program Officer is hereby authorized to draw upon the
shall have the following functions:
assistance of other units of the University, wherever necessary, for
1. to publicize available scholarships in their respective units at
the effective implementation of the U.P.-EDPITAF Memorandum of
the beginning of each semester;
2. to act on the application for scholarships;
15 February 1978
3. to draft rules on future scholarships in consultation with the
donors and subject to approval by the University authorities;

4. to recommend ways and means of making better use of avail-
able scholarships in their respective units; and
5. to recommend to the Dean of Students the award of scholar- Administrative Order No.4: Creation of a Committee to Undertake
ships. Feasibility Study on the Establishment of a U.P. Dillman-based
The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs has been vested with Continuing Education Center
the function of administration, supervision, and publicity of the
University's student scholarship program (in Diliman and Manila) The following shall constitute themselves into a Committee to
funded andlor supported by private donors, public agencies, and undertake a feasibility study on the establishment of a U.P. Dill-
special funds pursuant to Administrative Order No. 40, dated 5 man-based Continuing Education Center: Dean Emmanuel T.
November 1965. Velasco, Chairman; and Dean Jose P. Mananzan, Dean Paz G.
Please work closely with the Office of Student Affairs in maxi- R~mos, Dean Francisco Nemenzo, Jr., Director Felipe V. Damar,
mizing the award of available scholarships and improving the Director Salvador R. Salceda, Dr. Gonzalo M. Jurado, Prof. Flerida
scholarship program of the Universltv. Ruth P. Romero, and Mr. Ananias B. Aurelio, Members. The Com-
31 March 1978 mittee shall undertake, among others, the following:
(Sgd.) ONOFRE D. CORPUZ 1. inventory of actual programs in the field of continuing educe-
President tion in the University;
2. assessment of available University resources, e.q., physical
facilities, faculty, ctc.:
3. review of alternative strategies for the establishment of the
proposed Center; and
Administrative Order No.3: Pre- Implementation Phase of Research 4. definition of the objectives, functions, activities, operations,
Studies to be Carried Out by the Institute of Mass Communication and relationships of the proposed Center with other units of the
as Provided for in the Memorandum of Agreement Between the University .
University of the Philippines System and the Educational Develop-
The Committee shall submit a progress report at each monthly
ment Projects Implementing Task Force
meeting of the Management Education Council, beginning with the
March meeting of the Council. The MEC Secretariat shalf provide
In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement entered into
the necessary administrative and technical support to the Commit-
by and between the University of the Philippines System and the
Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force tee.
The final report should be submitted to this Office not later than
(EDPITAF) on 27 December 1977, the Institute of Mass Communi·
26 May 1978, possibly for inclusion in the June meeting of the
cation is hereby directed to carry out the objectives of the Aqree-
Board of Regents,
ment as the implementing agency of the University in the Pre-
Implementation Phase of the Summative Evaluation of the Radio- 17 February 1978
Assisted Teaching in Elementary Schools and the Continuing Educa·
tion for Teachers as well as in the Descriptive Evaluation of the
Rural Educational Radio Study.
For this purpose, Dean Gloria D. Feliciano is hereby designated
Administrative Order No. 11: Designation as Officer-in-Charge,
as Program Officer to take charge of said Pre- Implementation Phase,
and Professor Raul R. Ingles as Disbursing Officer responsible for College of Law
the disbursement of funds made available by the EDPITAF under
In addition to his duties as Secretary of the College, Professor
the Agreement based on the estimated budget provided for therein.
Eduardo Labitag is hereby designated Otttcer-In-Cbarqe. College of
The Program Officer is hereby authorized to organize the staff
Law, University of the Philippines, effective 22 February 1978, until
and appoint the temporary personnel and consultants who may be
called upon to serve in the Pre- Implementation Phase for the three- the appointment of the regular dean.
month period (1 January to 31 March 1978) that the U.P.- 22 Pebruarv 1978
EOPITAF Agreement will be in effect with the disbursement of
Executive vice-President
funds subject to post-audit. Work done in the preliminary survey
U.P. Gazette
February-March 1978
Administrative Order No. 14: Designation as Officer-in-Chll'g8 of Mlmor.ndum Circular No.3: Procedure for Democratic Particip..
the Office of the Vice-President for Administration tion in Nominations to the Deanship of the College of Law-

Atty. Pia P. Fraga is designated as Officer-in-Charge of the In view of the expiration of the term of the Dean of the College
Office of the Vice-President for Administration, effective 6 March of Law on 19 February 1978, and consistent with the actions taken
1978, until the return of Dr. Ramon c. Portugal from his official by this Office since 1975 and in order to clarify the meaning and
trip to Cebu but not later th an 10 March 1978. advance the process of democratic participation governing the
As Otflcer-In-Charqe, he is hereby authorized to sign checks and appointment of deans and directors, a procedure is hereby provided
treasury warrants to be drawn against the account of the University, for gathering the collective sense of the unit on (a) the goals and
to endorse checks for the account of the University research proj- priorities of the unit, and (b) who amongst its members can most
ects. and to act on requisitions and vouchers. effectively lead in the pursuit and the attainment of these goals and
2 March 1978 priorities.
(Sgd.I EMANUel V. SORIANO Since the appointment of deans, directors and other heads of
Executive Vice-President principal units is vested in the Board of Regents, and the role of the
University President is recommendatory in this respect, it shall be
clearly understood that the procedure prescribed herein neither
MEMORANDUM CIRCULARS seeks consension as regards goals and objectives nor ensures anv-
one's "election" or appointment to the deanship.
Memorandum Circular No.3: Off-Campus Housing Rather, the procedure is "consensual," availed of in aid of the
President's discharge of his nominating function. In fine, it is a
In connection with the ongoing negotiations for off-campus process whereby the unit's constituencies nominate a number of
housing of University personnel who are GSIS members, the Univer- persons, anyone of whom would in the considered opinion of the
sity has received the following tentative price quotations from a nominators make a good dean, and from among whom the Presi-
well-known housing developer regarding their latest subdivision dent, who shall in no manner be bound to choose someone in partic-
project close to the Government Center on Marcos Avenue. Quezon ular by this nominating process, may recommend anyone for
City: appointment as Dean.
Selling price of lot (240 sq. m. @ P295.00) P70,800.oo
5% Down payment P3.540.00
A. Preparatory to the nomination process and as a requisite step
5% Discount P3,54o.00 7,080.00
therefor, the Officer-in-Charge of the Cottege of Law shall convene
not later than the week of 6 March 1978, for the purpose of defin-
ing the goals and priorities of the College for the next five years, a
Monthly installments for the first twenty-
meeting or series of meetings of the faculty. academic non-teaching
four (24) months based on ten (10) year
and administrative personnel of the College of Law and the Law
installment plan with pre-computed
Center, consistent with the desirability of and the need for involving
jnterest at 14%p.a. P 989.35
them in this wise in the spirit of democratic participation; provided.
Principal balance after paying twentv-tour that a report thereon shall be submitted to the Office of the Presi-
(24) monthly installments P 56,945.93 dent not later than 10 March 1978. In this case, the nomination
Add: Cost of house 125,000.00 process prescribed in II below shall be undertaken on 13 March
Total amount to be financed by GSIS P181,945.93 1978.
Monthly installments for twenty (20) years B. However, if goals and priorities have been discussed during the
with pre-computed interest at 7-1/2% current planning and budget cycle in accordance with "The Univer-
per annum P 1,465.74 sity Planning Manual," and upon certification to that effect by the
Officer-in-Charge to be submitted to the Office of the President not
Computation of the monthly amortization
later than Monday, 6 March 1978, the discussion of goals and priori-
is based on the following tentative
ties at this time may be dispensed with and the nomination process
prescribed in II below shall be undertaken on Thursday, 9 March
a. Financing by GSIS for house and lot at 7-112% per annum 1978.
for a term of 20 years.
b. Interim financing by Developer for the cost of lot for a II. NOMINATION PROCESS
period of 24 months (approximate period for land development A. When?
and house construction). Actual nomination proceedings shall be conducted on either 9 or
c. Tentative price for the lot ranges from P240.00 to P350.00 13 March 1978. depending on whether discussion of unit goals and
per square meter. Computation is based on an average price of priorities has been undertaken or witt still be undertaken by 6 March
P295.00 per square meter. 1978.
d. Five per cent 15%) discount was taken into account repre- 8, Who are qualified to participate?
senting broker's commission. 1. All personnel of the College of Law and the Law Center
e. The price for the house ranges from P100,000.00 to (permanent or temporary. regular or substitute, full-time or part-
P140,OOO.00 on a 90 to 110 square meter floor area. Computa- time. daily or hourly) who meet ALL THE FOLLOWING CONDI-
tion is based on an average price of P125,OOO.OO for a total floor TIONS shall be qualified to participate as NOMINATORS (but not
area of 104 square meters. necessarily as NOMINEES) in the nomination process prescribed
Those who find the above terms and conditions worth exploring herein:
further are requested to accomplish and submit the reply form ...
"Similar memorandum circulars were issued for nominations to
not later than 6 March 1978.
the Deanship in the Colleges of Public Administration and Fisheries,
21 February 1978
{Sgd.I EMANUEL V. SORIANO the Institute of Social Work and Community Development, and for
Executive Vice-President the Administratorship of the Philippine Executive Academy.

28 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

a. they hold duly-approved appointments in the College or in the des may proceed to the consideration of such members of the
U.P. Law Center as of the date of the actual nomination proceed- faculty whose names they shall submit to the Office of the Presi-
ings; dent In selecting these faculty members, the following rules shall be
b. they draw salaries or wages {i.e., compensation, not mere followed:
allowances or honoraria), whether on full-time or part-time basis, a. The College shall nominate at least two (2) and not more than
daily or hourly. from the regular budget of the unit (as distinguished three (3) names. (The President will, in cases where the incumbent
from sources external to the unit): and or last dean has served not more than one (1) term, automatically
Co they are basically assigned (as per approved appointment) to consider said dean together with the College nominees.I
either the College or the U.P. Law Center, not merely serving or b. The College shall so select its nominees that it shall be able to
appointed therein on an additional assignment basis; provided, that certify, by resolution of the majority of those meeting under this
lecturers. senior lecturers, and professorial lecturers in the College Memorandum Circular, that any of the two (or three) nominees is
who are not holding any full-time or part-time On the sense of deemed by them to be capable of discharging the duties of the
half-time) appointment in any unit of the University other than the deanship well, in the light of the College goals.
College of Law [Le., construed as inclusive of the College of Law c. The manner of choosing the two for three) names shall be left
proper and the U.P. Law Centerl and are teaching regular courses (as to the College constituencies, provided, that no record of votes, if
distinguished from non-degree courses) therein during the current voting was resorted to, shall accompany any report of the nomina-
semester shall be qualified to participate as NOMINATORS; pro- tions to the Office of the President.
vided, further, that lecturers falling under the category of "tran- E. Report of Results of Nominations
sient" or special lecturers shall not be qualified to participate; pro- The Officer-in-Charge of the College of Law shall submit to the
vided, finally, that personnel whose renewal of appointment (as Office of the President a complete report on the results of the
distinguished from reappointment and original appointment) is still nomination proceedings not later than the first working day follow-
pending approval on the day of the actual nomination proceedings ing the date of the nomination proceedings. The nominees shall be
shall also be qualified to participate therein. listed in alphabetical order.
2. Personnel of the College of Law or of the U.P. Law Center F. Board of Consultation
who, on the day of the actual nomination proceedings, fall under 1. The Chiefs of the Office of Academic Services, Office of
any of the following service status shall not be qualified to partici- Administrative Personnel Services, and Office of Institutional
pate as NOMINATORS in the nomination proceedings: Studies, or their duly authorized representatives, are hereby consti-
a. on detail or special detail in another principal unit of the tuted as a Board of Consultation and shall choose from among
University ; themselves their chairman.
b. on special detail in another agency, private or public, locally 2. The Board, in consultation with the Officer-in-Charge of the
or abroad; College of Law or his authorized representative, shall prepare the
c. abroad for any reason, or under any service status; and official list of qualified participants.
d. on any type of leave (vacation, sick, maternity, leave of 3. The Board shall be available for consultation and clarification
absence, etc.L with or without pay; provided, that those who are on on questions relating to Or arising from this Memorandum Circular,
study leave with pay u.e.. the study leave granted is not chargeable but shall in no manner participate in any canvass of votes, if any,
to any leave credits) and are actually enrolled in the University, that may be involved in the nomination process.
both conditions satisfied, and those who are on local faculty fellow-
ship (whether full or partial) shall be qualified to participate in the III. SUBMISSION TO THE BOARD OF REGENTS
nomination proceedings. Hopefully, both (a) the discussion of unit goals and priorities
C. Who may be nominated? and (b) the nomination procedure for the deanship of the College of
Nominees may be drawn only from among the full-time perma- Law shalt have been undertaken and reported to the Office of the
nent faculty of the College who meet ALL THE FOLLOWING President not later than Tuesday, 14 March 1978. The President has
CONOITIONS: scheduled the appointment of the College Dean for the March meet-
.A. 1. they participated in the discussion of unit goals and priorities ing of the Board of Regents.
~prescribed in I above; and
2. on the date of the actual nomination proceedings they do not IV. REPLICATION AND DISSEMINATION OF RULES
fall under any of the following service status: The Office of the Dean shall ensure the replication and dissemi-
a. on detail or special detail in another agency, private or public, nation of this memorandum circular such that copies hereof shall be
locally or abroad; and made available to all personnel in the College of Law and the U.P.
b. on leave of absence, with or without pay, other than vacation, Law Center before the discussion of unit goals and priorities and the
sick or maternity leave. nomination process are undertaken as herein provided.
D. Conduct of Nominations 2 March 197B
1. A majority of the qualified participants as defined in H, B (Sgd.1 ONOFRE D. CORPUZ
above shall convene as one group for the nomination proceedings: President
provided, that only qualified participants (as NOMINATORS or pos-
sible NOMINEES) and such other persons whose presence is neces- Memorandum Circular No.4: Supplement and Clarifications to
S<\rv for the proper conduct of the proceedings as may be deter- Memo Circular No.3 of 2 March 1978 re: Nominations to Deanship
mined by the Officer-in-Charge of the College of Law shall be of the College of Law
admitted into the meeting; provided, further, that the proceedings
Quoted hereunder are President Onofre D. Corpuz's Supplement
shall not commence until a majority of the qualified participants is
and Clarifications to Memo Circular No. 3 of 2 March 197B, re
2. A,:> soon as a majority is in attendance, the Officer-in·Charge, Nominations to the Deanship of the College of Law.
"1, Under the Charter of the Uruversitv of the Philippines, as
who shall preside over the nomination proceedings, shall explain
amended, and in accordance with tradition, practice, and regula-
briefly the purpose of the meeting and summarize the main features
tions, the authoritv to appoint deans and directors of colleges,
of the goals and priorities set. institutes, and similar units is vested in the Board of Regents. The
3. W'lth the goals of the College of Law in mind, its constituen-
February-March 1978 U.P. Gazette
function of nomination in these cases is formally exercised by the designate by department or sim.ilar basis representatives to particl-
President of the University (System). pate in the discussion. In the event that space considerations make a
"For a long, tong time, the Board unilaterally exercised its plenary discussion impractical, the OIC of the College of Law lor
authoritv. with or without formal consultation, using its good judg- the senior faculty member selected in accordance with the preceding
ment in relatively simple political culture. The President of the section) shall .be deemed the presiding officer and the Law Center
Unlversitv discharged the function of nomination likewise. The Director the deputy presiding officer.
Board and the President scanned the field for people who, in their "3. For reasons of policy, it is hereby decided that the nominat-
judgment, would perform in the deanship well. Throughout this ing constituency in this case shall be limited to the constituency of
time, of course, it would occasionally happen that elements outside the College of Law. (Communications to the President from person-
the Unfversitv. either from the government or private sector, would nel of the Law Center relative to desirable academic non-teaching
suggest a name or names to the President and/or the Board for their arrangements in the Center which are not adequately considered in
consideration. the present system shall be dealt with by this Office separatelv.]
"The University constituency was the last sector to be formally "4. The pertinent rules of Memo Circular No.3 on "NOMINA-
involved. Several years ago, the practice of the President of the TION PROCESS" consistent with the preceding, are hereby reite-
Universitv engaging the college faculties to nominate their deans or rated for emphasis, provided that either the OIC or senior faculty
directors started, member shall preside in the meeting of the nominating constituency
"Since 1975, this system was revised, so that: which shall be held on or before 27 March 1978.
a. the entire employee constituency was involved in the "Here reiterated from the previous Memo Circular is the provi-
nomination process, sion on 'Report of Results of Nominations':
b. the constituency was required to consider names of faculty 'The Officer-in-Charge of the College of Law shall submit to
members relative to the latter's contribution to the collective the Office of the President a complete report on the results of
discussion of the unit's mission and work program, and the nomination proceedings not later than the first working day
c. only participants in the unit's discussions were qualified following the date of the nomination proceedings. The nominees
to be nominated. shall be listed in alphabetical order.' {This report shall exclude
"II. Experience under the latest system has been mixed, al- any record of votes, if voting was resorted to.I
though the general situation is satisfactory. Some unit constituen- "Finally, and for your information, this Office will also receive
cies have erred in nominating people who did not participate in the nominations from the Law Student Government. It is fervently
discussions on unit mission, goals, and work programs. Some indivi- hoped that there will be some congruence in your, and their, percep-
duals have erred in campaigning for votes to be nominated, that is, tions of who amongst your faculty will be a good dean. Gcodluck
campaigning to be nominated even before the constituency discus- and best wishes.
sions - contrary to the spirit of the democratic consultation process "ONOFRE O. CORPUZ
that a person is to be considered for nomination solely on the basis President"
of his/her contributions to the unit discussions on mission/goals and 13 March 1978
work program. On the present system, one should campaign only by FOR THE PRESIOENT:
contributing to the good quality of his/her unit discussions, ctarttv- (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
ing vague issues, setting directions, raising alternatives.) Similarly, Executive Vice-President
some groups have erred in regarding the nomination as a purely
political issue, going through the constituency discussions merely
for the sake of form, then insisting that only one nominee be con- Memorandum Circular No.7: Publication of Professorial Chair
sidered - their nominee. lectures
"Generally, the Board continues to have sole authority to
appoint, and the President continues as the formal source of nomi- This is to invite comments on a proposal to publish in book form
nations. The President, in the present system, has decided that only every five (51 years the twelve (121 best Professorial Chair lectures
faculty members of a unit shall be nominated by him to the Board, in various fields. •
notwithstanding suggestions from friends of the University in behalf If this proposal is agreeable, we shall discontinue forthwith~r
of apparently qualified people, including alumni, not presently the individual publication of each Professorial Chair lecture. The
employed in the unit concerned. For this purpose, the President has reason for this is that, on the one hand, all lectures can be imme-
introduced the present system of democratic consultations, as an aid diately published in collegeJunit journals (each college/unit, too,
to him in the discharge of his nominating function. can take the initiative in putting out an inexpensive monograph
"III. As a supplement and clarification to govern the democratic series for these lectures and other faculty papers); on the other
consultations in the College of Law, the following are hereby hand, as professorial chan s increase in number, the cost for the
promulgated: separate publication of each lecture in a continuing series shall also
"1. Notwithstanding the certification of the OIC, on the basis of rise, apart from the fact that our U.P. Press would inevitably have,
his judgment in a relatively new system and in a somewhat charged as time passes, quite a backlog of manuscripts which might not see
situation, to the effect that the College of Law faculty meeting held light for longer and longer periods of time. For some lectures, be-
on 28 January 1978 constituted the unit discussion required in cause of their erudite specialization, the college/unit journal or
Memo Circular NO.3 of this Office dated 2 March 1978, it is hereby special monograph series would seem to be the more appropriate
required that a formal discussion of unit goats be conducted, in venue; for other lectures, however, because of their more general
accordance with Section I.A of Memo Circular No.3, s. 1978; that usefulness or application, their publication together in book form
this be convened by the OIC who shall either preside over the would seem to be desirable.
discussion or, if in his judgment it is desirable or necessary, request Please submit to this Office, on or before 14 April this year,
the body to designate a senior faculty member of the College of written comments on this proposal.
Law (full-time or part-time, regular or lectured to preside; and that
this be completed on or before 20 March 1978. 31 March 1978
"2. The discussion of unit goals referred to above shall include (Sgd.1 ONOFRE O. CORPUZ
the Law Center constituency, who may either go individually or President

30 U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 2

MEMORANDA I therefore hereby enjoin college authorities to apply strictly
the University rules on the submission of final grades."
6 Merch 1978
Memorandum No.3: Survey on Total Number of Facutty Members ISgd.1 OSCAR M. ALFONSO
and Staff who Travel Regularly in the Performance of their Duties Vice-President far Academic Affairs

The University of the Philippines is currently considering grant- Memorandum No. 15: Petition for the Retention of the Old Tuition
ing certain incentives to faculty members and staff who treset, with- Fee for Clinical Clerks
in the country and without, at least once a year in the performance
of their official duties. One of these is a group accident and health In response to the petition from the Class of 1978 of the College
insurance program proposed to be partly subsidized by the Univer- of Medicine for the retention of the old tuition fee for clinical clerks
sity to cover faculty and staff during their actual travel. which was in existence at the time of their enrollment on 14 and 15
In this connection, may we request your office to fill out the ... April 1977, the following pertinent guidelines for the payment of
form so that \'I,{! can determine the outlay needed to give life to this the new tuition fee are hereby cited:
proposal. 1. In accordance with the expanded financial assistance programs
Kindly return the form to the Office of the Vice-President for of the University, clinical clerks whose parents' annual gross income
Administration, University of the Philippines, on or before 15 Feb- is less than P21,20o.00 are entitled to from 60% to 1000/0 tuition fee
ruary 1978. discounts.
3 February 1978 2. Those who belong to families whose parents' annual gross
income is P21,200.00 or more shall pay an additional tuition
ISgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO (depending on their parents' income I of from P57.50 to P1,020.00.
Executive Vice-President Under these guidelines, clinical clerks who belong to the first

category do not have to pay any additional amount and are in fact
Last Day for Submission of Final Grades entitled to a refund of from P30.00 to P730.00 of the tuition fee
they paid in April, upon request and proper documentation. Please
Please note the last day for submitting final grades for this refer to the attached schedule of refundable amounts for the speci-
semester: fic gross income brackets. Only those students with annual family
1. For graduating students - 22 March 1978 incomes of P30,OOO.OO and above are required to pay the full
2. For all other students - 29 March 1978 amount
In this connection, kindly call the attention of your faculty to In order to accommodate those whose families were not able to
this excerpt from Memorandum No. 11 issued by President 0.0. Provide for such a contingency, for academic year 1977-1978,
Corpuz on 2 March 1977: clinical clerks who need to pay additional amounts may do so on or
"This Office views with deepest concern the ... failure of ... before 31 March 1978.
members of the faculty to submit their reports of final grades of Effective in the academic year 1978-1979, the fees (tuition.
students within the time prescribed therefor. laboratory and miscellaneous fees) for clinical clerkship in the U.P.
xxx College of Medicine shall be payable in two equal installments - one
University procedures affecting students relative to scholar- half of the total fees to be paid upon enrollment at the beginning of
ship grants, appointments of student/graduate assistants, grants- the clerkship period and the other half to be paid during the second
in-aid, registration, transcript generation, and more importantly, semester registration.
the graduation of students [are] prejudiced because of the tardy Please be guided accordingly.
submission of final grades. The University simply cannot blink 15 March 1978
its eyes to the hamstringing effects of the late submission of final ISgd.1 EMANUEL V. SOR IANO
grades upon many vital University programs and services. Executive Vice-President

D~CISDONS Of ill" nOAqD O~ R~Cdf~iS

898th Meeting, 23 February 1978 Professor of Plant Pathology (Virologyl, effective 1 January until 31
December 1978.
APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, RENEWALS OF Bonifacio C. Felizardo, additional assignment as PCRQF Asso-
date Professor of Soil Science (Plant Nutrition and Soil Fer tilitv l,
effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
SALARY, etc. Bernardo P. Gabriel, additional assignment as PCRDF Professor
The board approved the following appointments, reappoint- of Entomology (Biological Control). effective 1 January until 31
ments, etc.: December 1978-

Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Institute of Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman)
Elizardo A. Francisco, appointment as Consultant, Agricultural Amelia L. Bonifacio, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTECl, effective 1 date Professor IV to Professor I of English, effective 1 February
October until 31 December 1977. 1978.
Nieves B. Epistola, increase in salary from Professor I to II of
Agriculture, College of English, effective 1 February 1978.
Dante A. Benigno, additional assignment as PCRDF" Associate Alfonso P. Garcia. Jr., reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
• Philippine Coconut Research and Development Foundation.Jnc. Mathematics, effective 8 November 1977 until 14 January 1978.
February-March 1978 U.P. Gazette
Gideon C.T. Hsu, supplementary appointment as Professorial Tecdorlco F. Festin, change in title with increase in honorarium
Lecturer in History, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March for additional assignment from UPERDFI .... .Professor of Waste
1978. Utilization to PCRDF Professor of Chemical En~ineerjng, effective 1
Mabini L Juan, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Mathe- February 1978 until 31 January 1979.
matics, effective 25 February until 31 March 1978. Wilfredo I. Jose, additional assignment as UPERDFI Assistant
Pilar P. Marino, increase in salary from Associate Professor II to Professor of Waste Utilization, effective 1 February 1978 until 31
til of English, effective 1 February 1978. January 1979.
Artemio V. Mendoza, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Felisberto G. L. Reyes, additional assignment as Jorge M. Con-
Mathematics, effective 16 January until 24 February 1978. sunji Professor of Construction Management, effective 1 February
Leopolda Y. Yabes, change in title from Professor Emeritus of 1978 until 31 January 1979.
English and Comparative Literature to Professor Emeritus of litera- Norberta S. Vila, additional assignment as UPERDFI Professor
ture and Philippine Studies, effective 23 February 1978. of Applied Geodesy, effective 1 February 1978 until 31 January
Carminia A. veptenco. increase in salary from Associate Profes- 1979.
sor II to III of Enqllsh. effective 1 February 1978.
Prescillano M. Zamora, additional assignment as Jose Kabigting Forest Research Institute
Santos Professor of Botany, effective 1 July 1977 until 30 June Saturnina C. Halos, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer,
1980. effective 8 November 1977 until 29 March 1978.

Business Administration, College of Home Economics, College of

Remedios C. Balbin, renewal of appointment as Dean Con-ado Agerico V. Cruz, additional assignment as Artist-in-Residence in
Benitez Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 Theatre Production Design, effective 3 January 1978 until 31
March 1978 until 28 February 1979. December 1980.
Teresa F. Bernabe, renewal of appointment as SGV Foundation,
Inc., Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective ·1 Iloilo, U.P. College
March 1978 until 28 February 1979. Felicidad H. Jesena, promotion in rank and salary from Asso- . -
Romeo P. dela Paz, increase in salary from Associate Professor II ciate Professor III to Professor I of Education, effective 1 June
to III of Business Administration, effective 1 February 1978; renew- 1977.
al of appointment as Commercial Bank and Trust Company Asso-
ciate Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 March 1978 Medicine, College of
until 28 February 1979. Veronica F. Chan, additional assignment as Clinical Associate
Metodio N. Ganuelas, increase in salary from Associate Professor Professor, Department of Medicine, effective 1 February until 31
III to IV Ipart-timel of Business Administration, effective 1 January May 1978.
Niceto S. Poblador, increase in salary from Professor I to II of Music, College of
Business Administration, effective 1 January 1978. Lucio D. San Pedro, extension of appointment {beyond compul-
Rafael A. ROdriguez, increase in salary from Associate Professor sory retirement! as Professor III of Composition, effective 12 Feb-
II to III of Business Administration, effective 1 February 1978; ruary until 31 May 1978.
renewal of appointment as Commercial Bank and Trust Company Ramon P. Santos, appointment as Dean, effective 1 March 1978
Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 March until 30 April 1983.
1978 until 28 February 1979.
Eduardo T. Rondain, increase In salary from Associate Professor Public Administration, College of
II to III (part-time) of Business Administration, effective 1 January Manuel T. Corpus, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
until 31 May 1978. Professor V to Associate Professor II of Public Administration,
Emanuel V. Soriano, renewal of appointment as Dean Cesar E.A. effective 1 October 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Virata Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 March 1978
to 28 February 1979. General Administration
Emmanuel T. Velasco. renewal of appointment as Atlas Consoli- Beulah D. Nuval, additional assignment as Assistant Dean of
dated Mining and Development Company Associate Professor of Students, Office of Student Affairs, effective 1 February 1978 until
Business Administration, effective 1 March 1978 until 28 February 31 January 1979.
1979. Roman Serrano, appointment as Acting Chief (Range 11), Inter-
nal Audit Division, effective 1 February until 30 April 1978.
Davao, U.P. Extension Division
Santiago B. Simpas, additional assignment as Professorial Lec- TRANSFER TO PER~~ANENT STATUS
turer in Public Administration, effective 12 November 1977 until 31 The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
March 1978. status:
Amelia B. Alfonso as Assistant Professor I of Psychology. Col-
Engineering, College of lege of Arts and Sciences (Diliman]. effective 1 June 1977.
Jose C. Araneta, additional assignment as HRCC" Associate Pro- laureto P. Benauro as Instructor I in Practical Arts. U.P. Inte-
fessor of Energy, effective 1 February 1978 until 31 January 1979. grated School, effective 23 February 1978.
Ibarra E. Cruz, change in title with increase in honorarium for Ap%nio 8. Chua as Instructor IV in Filipino. College of Arts
additional assignment from HRCC Professor of Energy to PCRDF and Sciences (Dillman]. effective 1 February 1978.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 February 1978 Elena C. Cutiongco as Instructor I in Communication Arts (Eng-
until 31 January 1979. lish), U.P_ Integrated School, effective 23 February 1978.
Ruben M. Ducusin, additional assignment as Power Contractors,
tnc., Assistant Professor of Pollution Control, effective 1 February -Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation
1978 until 31 January 1979. "'*U.P. Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc.

32 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

Angelita M. del Mundo as Assistant Professor I of Human Nutri- annum from the earnings of a donation from Power Contractors,
tion and Foods, Institute of Human Ecology, effective 1 January Inc.; and
1978. tel The UPERDFI Professorial Chair in Applied Geodesy, to be
Ludivina S. de Padua as Assistant Professor I of Botany, College funded by a continuing support of P6,OOO.OO per annum from the
of Arts and Sciences (UPLB), effective 1 February 1978. earnings of the U.P. Engineering Research and Development Found~
Carmen N. Dionisio as Assistant Professor I of Nursing, College ation, Inc.
of Nursing, effective 1 June 1977.
Ma. Fe A. Domingo as Assistant Professor r of Psychology, Col- The Board approved the transfer of funding of the Jose Kabig~
lege of Arts and Sciences (Diliman), effective 1 March 1978. ting Santos Professorial Chair in Botany from the U.P. Endowment
Soledad C. Francisco as Instructor I in Communication Arts Foundation, lnc., to the U.P. Investment Portfolio. This will enable
(English), U.P. Integrated School, effective 23 February 1978- the incumbent of the chair to receive the honorarium appertaining
Marietta A. Jose as Instructor I in Biology, U.P. Integrated to the appointment, in view of the Foundation's inability to con-
Sch091, effective 23 February 1978.
Rita P. Laude as Instructor IV in Life Sciences. College of Arts
tinue funding the chair.
and Sciences fUPLB), effective 1 January 197R The Board approved the change in the donor and name of the
Lourdes L Matanguihan as Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School, following professorial chairs in the College of Engineering: (a) from
effective 23 February 1978. HRCC Professorial Chair (in Energy) to PCRDF Professorial Chair
MBrle B. Mendoza as Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School, effec- (in Mechanical Engineering); and (b) from UPERDFI Professorial
tive 23 February 1978. Chair (in Waste Utilization) to PCRDF Professorial Chair (in Chemi-
Zenaida G. Mocorro as Instructor III in Chemistry, U.P. Inte- cal Engineeringl.
grated School, effective 23 February 1978.
Lorenzo Q. Orill05 as Instructor I in Communication Arts (Fili- ORGANIZATION FOR THE U.P. COLLEGE BAGUIO
pino), U.P. Integrated School, effective 23 February 1978.
Macrina T. Zafaralla as Instructor II in Botany, College of Arts The Board approved the organization for the U.P. College
and Sciences (UPLBI, effective 1 February 1978. Baguio, the main features of which are as follows:
a. Text of the Organization for U.P. College Baguio. This docu-
SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS AND GIFTS ment defines the basic structure of the College, including the main
The Board accepted with appreciation the donation from the functions and interrelationships of structural subdivisions and key
Jorge B. Vargas Filipiniana Foundation, Inc., to the University of positions therein.
the Vargas Filipiniana library, museum, and art gallery consisting of b. Organization OIart This indicates in capsule form the basic
books and other publications, historical papers and documents, lines of authority, responsibility, and other interrelationships among
works of art, and numismatic and philatelic items, including the key positions, organizational SUbdivisions; and other bodies in the
memorabilia of Jorge B. Vargas, subject to the following conditions College.
proposed by the donor: c. General and Imptementing Guidelines
lal The donee shall construct and maintain a building within the (1) Pertinent and applicable provisions of the Revised Code of
campus to house the collection; the University, resolutions of the Board of Regents, administrative!
(b) Pending the construction of the building, the collection shall executive orders and other issuances by competent University
continue to be housed at the Kawilihan compound in Shaw Boule- authority, and other University policies or rules and procedures that
vard, Mandaluyong, rent-free, except for light, water, telephone, and are not inconsistent with the Organization for U.P. College Baguio
air-conditioning charges and other operating expenses which shall be referred to in a above, although not specifically included or men-
for the account of the donee; and tioned in the text thereof, shall continue to be applicable to and in
Icl The donee shall absorb and continue to employ the qualified force in the U.P. College Baguio.
. . .members of the administrative and technical staff of the donor- (2) Faculty members currently holding duly approved appoint-
... ments, on an additional assignment basis, to administrative positions
that are specifically provided for in the Organization for U.P. Col-
lege Baguio shall be allowed to resign therefrom if they so decide;
The Board accepted a grant in the amount of $37.000.00 from
the Kiwanis International Foundation for the rehabilitation of the provided, that their resignation shall not take effect earlier than the
Philippine General Hospital Building which shall be used by an date of approval of the appointments of their respective successors.
expanded Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. (3) Existing additional assignment appointments, if any, to
administrative positions that are not specifically provided for in the
The Board accepted a donation in the amount of P30,000.OO Organization for U.P. COllege Baguio shall be deemed terminated
from the Shell Chemical Co. lPhils.I, Inc., to be used in the acquisi- upon approval hereof.
tion of a gas chromatograph or other equipment for the Pesticide (4) In consultation with the Dean, the President shall adopt such
Residue Laboratory of UPLB. measures as may be necessary fbr the initial implementation hereof,
particularv. but not limited to, the filling of additional assignment
PROFESSORIAL CHAIR ENDOWMENT administrative positions and the definition of the composition and
functions of appropriate personnel committees therein; provided,
The Boau:l accepted the following professorial chair donations that the positions of COordinator for Division of Education and
through the U.P. Engineering Research and Development Founda- Chairman for Department of Professional Education shall not be
tion, tnc., in the College of Engineering, effective 1 February 1978: filled until the corresponding proposed program of professional
fa) The Jorge M. Consunji Professorial Chair in Construction education under the Department of Professional 'Education is finally
Management, to be funded by a continuing support of P6,OOO.OO approved by competent University authorltv: provided, further, that
per annum from the earnings of a donation from Mr. David M. the Principal of the High School Department shall be a member of
the College Executive Board and the College Academic Personnel
(b) The Power Contractors. Inc., Professorial Chair in Pollution Committee until a Coordinator for the Division of Education is
Control, to be funded by a continuing support of P6,OOO.OO per appointed.
February-March 1978 U.P. Gazette
Justification: of the Office of Academic Services shall serve as ex-officio secretary
The organization, essentially as designed and formulated by the of the Board. {Bracketed portion to be deleted, bold portions to be
constituency of the U.P. College Baguio as a whole, has been dis- added. I
cussed in a series of workshops. It is considered the best suited for
the attainment of the objectives of the College as well as for its ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE UNIVER-
Ample provision has been built into it for collective leadership in CODE OF BYLAWS
the execution and administration of the programs of the College, The Board approved the draft of the Articles of Incorporation of
and for a broad democratic participation in the development of the University of the Philippines Foundation, lnc., together with the
plans and objectives. Code of Bylaws, in order to establish and provide a private institu-
The faculty, under the joint leadership of the Dean, the Division tional medium to encourage, undertake, and/or underwrite pure and
Coordinators, and the Discipline Heads, will now be expected to fundamental and/or applied research in the natural, physical, social,
actively participate in planning the academic programs of the Col- or developmental sciences and/or the arts, through any of the fol-
lege. lowing activities:
(a) Financing projects and programs and encouraging and under-
CHANGE IN THE NAME OF U.P. EXTENSION DIVI- writing research studies in the areas enumerated above;
SION CLARK AIR BASE TO U.P. COLLEGE CLARK AIR (bl Establishing scholarships and professorial chairs in the above
BASE fields;
The Board approved the change in the name of U.P. Extension (cl Conducting, sponsoring, or underwriting seminars, training
Division Clark Air Base to U.P. College Clark Air Base to forestall sessions. and conferences dedicated to the promotion, propagation,
unintended connotations of "adult education" and "correspondence and enhancement of the indicated sciences;

school" carried by the term extension division and allav the fear of (dl Publishing and distributing, or causing to be published or
students Jest problems of accreditation for units earned therefrom distributed without profit, the research output or projects and
arise when they present their credentials to foreiqn educational research programs supported or undertaken;
institutions. (e) Assisting in strengthening the library, laboratory, and other
facilities and teaching and research capabilities of Public or private
institutions of like or similar objectives, alone or in conjunction
INSTITUTE INTO AN INSTITUTE OF OPHTHAL- (f) For the foregoing purposes, receiving and/or managing any
MOLOGY funds, trusts, donations, other assets and resources, entrusted and/or
The Board approved in principle the conversion of the Philippine given to the Foundation.
Eye Research Institute (PERl) into an Institute of Ophthalmology
in response to an earlier communication from President Ferdinand NEW SALARY SCALE FOR THE ASIAN INSTITUTE OF
E. Marcos directing the University to look into the feasibility of TOURISM HOTEL STAFF
establishing a glaucoma center within the Institute. Glaucoma now The Board approv:ed the adoption of a Salary Scale and Job
ranks sixth in terms of prevalence of eye problems and fourth as a Description for the hotel staff and other administrative positions at
cause of blindness in the Philippines; thus. Dr. Salvador R. Salceda. the Asian Institute of Tourism IAITl, the main features of which are
in consultation with his staff, proposed the conversion of PERI into specified below:
a comprehensive eye center (instead of just a glaucoma center) to be a SALARY SCALE FOR THE HOTEL STAFF OF AlT. This
called the Institute of Ophthalmology. document prescribes the class titles and corresponding salary ranges
for all administrative positions Ii.e., as distinguished from academic
CHANGE IN THE NAME OF THE COMMITTEE FOR positions) in the AIT hotel that are not and cannot be properly
THE REGIONAL UNITS TO PRESIDENT'S COMMITTEE covered by the existing position classification and salary plans for
FOR THE REGIONAL UNITS administrative personnel in the University. The number of personnel
or positions per class title indicated therein is merely indicative of
The Board approved the change in the name of the Committee
for the Regional Units to President's Committee for the Regional the normal or average personnel requirement based on a 24-hour
Units in order to clearly identify the organizational linkage of the operation 13 shifts) in accordance with standard hotel management
Committee, as agreed upon bv the regional deans during their meet- practices.
TRATIVE POSITIONS AT AlT. This defines in general terms the
duties and responsibilities of (1) all the various classes of positions
AMENDMENT IN THE COMPOSITION OF THE ACA- specified in the salary scale and (2) other administrative positions
DEMIC PERSONNEL BOARD that cannot be covered by the existing position classification plan or
The Board approved the amendment in the composition ot the index of classes for administrative personnel, but which, neverthe-
Academic Personnel Board such that the pertinent provision in the less, will be needed particularly, but not exclusively, for the opera-
Reorganization of the Central Administration. U.P. (approved BR tion of the laboratory facilities of the Institute.
789th Meeting, 25 November 1969) now reads as follows: c. IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES:
"The Board shall be composed of the Vice-President for Aca- (1) The same policies. rules, and procedures as are prescribed for
demic Affairs as Chairman and (four) six other members to be the administration of the University Salary Scale for Administrative
appointed by the President from the senior faculty; provided. that Personnel shall govern the administration of the SALARY SCALE
each member shall serve for a term of three years, except the first FOR THE HOTEL STAFF AT AlT. Similarlv, the same policies,
two appointees to the expanded membership, whose term shall rules, and procedures as are prescribed for the administration of the
expire on 30 April 1980; provided, further, that appointment to the University Position Classification Plan for Administrative Personnel
Board shall be without prejudice to renewal or reappointment; pro- (this refers to both the index of classes and the class specifications)
vided, finally. that the term of office shall be staggered in su ch a shall also govern the administration of the JOB DESCRIPTION
way that there will be two terms due to expire every year. The Chief FOR HOTEL STAFF AND OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE POSI·

34 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

TIONS AT AlT. (2) athletic fees collected from students shall accrue to the ath-
121 All other officially existing classes of administrative positions letic fund of the unit, to be disbursed in accordance with law and
not included in the JOB DESCRIPTION that are applicable to the auditing and accounting rules and regulations. A report thereof shall
Institute shall apply thereto. be made by the Dean to the President in the manner specified in b.
(3) Subject to confirmation by the Board of Regents, the Presi- 121 below;
dent shall determine the corresponding qualification requirements (3) position items funded by the Board of Athletic Affairs Fund
for all the classes of positions included in the JOB DESCRIPTION, shall be funded by the athletic fund of the respective unitts! where
consistent with prevailing hotel staff standards and upon recom- said positions are presently assigned;
mendation by the Dean. (41 in place of the University Athletic Association, each unit
(4) It is understood that the job description provided for is a shall have its own "athletic association," which shall be officially
general statement of duties and responsibilities, and does not limit known by that narne with the official nomenclature of the unit
the authority of the Dean of the Institute to determine specific prefixed thereto (e.q., U.P. College Baguio Athletic Association,
duties for individual positions as the needs of the service may re- U.P. College Cebu Athletic Association, etc.]: provided, that every
quire; provided, that the specific definition of duties shall conform student duly registered with the unit shall become a member of the
essentially with the general definitions herein prescribed. association upon payment of the athletic fee; provided, further. that
The new salary scale for the hotel staff is completely in con- the President shall determine the organization and appropriate
sonance with the existing Common Basic Salary Scale as adopted, mechanism for the administration of the association upon recom-
effective 1 November 1976. Specifically, the same number of salary mendation by the Dean of the regional unit.
ranges and salary steps in each range as are prescribed in the existing b. Insofar as units in the Dillman and Manila campuses are con-
University Salary Scale for Administrative Personnel have been cerned, the Institute of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation
incorporated in this new scale. The allocation of the various classes shall continue to be the lead unit in the development, planning, and
of positions to their respective salary ranges has been determined implementation of physical education and athletic programs, and
within the context of standard hotel management. However, in line shall administer the athletic fee collected from students, subject to
with University policy, no provision has been made for living allow- the following conditions and such others as the President may pre-
,• ances, representation privileges, and other fringe benefits normally scribe:
extended to hotel personnel. Only those classes of positions that (11 the Dean of the Institute shall consult with the deans of the
cannot be properly covered by the existing University Salary Scale other units in the design, development, etc., of physical education
and Index of Classes for Administrative Personnel have been in- and athletic programs;
cluded in the approved proposals. (2) the Dean of the Institute shall at the end of each semester
submit to the President a report on the administration of the ath-
letic fee, which report shall include, among others, the following:
BASE (a) expenditures incurred by programs or types of activities or proj-
The Board clarified its resolution (adopted at its 897th Meeting ects, [b] balance of the athletic fee fund, and (c) total collections
on 26 January 19781 approving an increase in the meal allowance of for the semester under review per college or unit; and
131 there shall be only one University Athletic Association for all
lecturers such that the same shall be applicable to all academic,
units in the Diliman and Manila campuses; provided, that every
academic non-teaching, and administrative personnel who are en-
student duly registered shall become a member' thereof upon pay-
titled to meal allowance in the performance of their duties.
ment of the athletic fee; provided, further, that the President shall
determine the organization and appropriate mechanism for the
SCHEME FOR CLASSIFICATION OF THE PHILIPPINE administration of the association upon recommendation of the
GENERAL HOSPITAL'S PATIENTS Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
The Board approved the Scheme for Classification of the Philip- c. The Chancellor of the University of the Philippines at Los
pine General Hospital's Patients and authorized the PGH Director to Banos shall determine the appropriate mechanism for the develop-
adjust/modify the said classification scheme or part thereof in res- ment, planning, and implementation of the physical education and
ponse to external as well as internal developments directly affecting athletic programs therein, for the administration of the athletic fee
the hospital and/or its clientele. collected, and for the organization of the athletic association; pro-
The approved classification scheme answers the need to (a) vided, that there shall be only one University Athletic Association
decongest the hospital by discouraging patients whose cases can be for the autonomous University.
handled adequately in other hospitals Or health centers and/or d. Articles 463 through 466 of the Revised University Code and
whose cases may not contribute satisfactorily to the hospital's traln- all other provisions thereof pertaining to the University Athletic
iog purposes; and (b) improve further the hospital's scheme for Association and/or the Board of Athletic Affairs and the Sub-Board
charging patients based on their capacity to pay. of Athletic Affairs, as .well as all memoranda, orders, and other
issuances regarding the aforementioned bodies are hereby repealed.
The Board approved the abolition of the Board of Athletic Af- The Board approved the institution of an M.S. in Wildlife Studies
fairs and the Sub-Beard of Athletic Affairs in view of the establish- and an M.S. in Mathematics at UPLB.
ment of the Institute of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation
which has been discharging their functions, subject to the following The Board approved the extension of the following financial
conditions: assistance to the Resident Assistants of the Ketavaan Residence
a. Insofar as the regional units are concerned - Hall, effective 1 January 1978:
Free tuition and other fees P 700.00/year (approx.I
(1) they shall enjoy autonomy in the development, planning, and
Free board and lodging 2,700.00/year (aoorox.I
implementation of their respective physical education and athletic
programs, as well as in the recruitment and selection of the faculty An allowance of P150,OO/month
for 10 months l,500.00/year
for physical education courses, in accordance with University poll-
P4,900.00/year (aoprox.I
des, rules, standards. and procedures on the appointment of faculty;

U.P. Gazette 35
February·March 1978
The resident assistants of the Kalavaan Residence Hall are U.P. Agriculture, College of
students who assist the dormitory personnel in implementing the Ricardo R. del Rosario, additional assignment as PCADF Asso-
psycho-social assistance program of Kalayaan, as well as in enforcing ciate Professor of Food Science, effective 1 January until 31 Decem-
the rules and regulations of the dormitory. They have proved quite ber 1978.
crucial to helping freshmen students, including the experimental Laures T. Empig, reappointment as Visiting Associate Professor
democratization students, adjust to the University environment of Agronomy, without compensation, effective 1 January until 31
academically, psychologically, and socially. December 1978.
The proposed financial assistance to be extended to the resident
assistants makes them comparable to graduate assistants. Being on Arts and Sciences, College of (Dillman)
call at all hours of the day and night, the resident assistants render Consuelo Damaso, promotion in rank and salary from Associate
more than one hundred (lOO) hours per month, which is allowed Professor VI to Professor II of English, effective 1 January 1978.
graduate assistants, and for which the latter receive P4.00 per hour Dionisia B. Hermosura, promotion in rank and salary from
or P4,OOO.OO over a 1Q.month period. Assistant Professor IV to Associate Professor I of English, effective
In this connection, effective upon the institution by the resi- 1 February 1978.
dence hall of a psycho-social assistance program and upon the Enrico V. Pirovano, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
appointment of resident assistants, the following financial assistance Sociology, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978.
for the resident assistants of other residence halls (chargeable to
their respective budgets) shall take effect: Arts and Sciences, College of (UPLB)
Antonio D. Bustrillos,. additional assignment as PCRDF Professor
Free tuition and other fees P 700.00/year tapprox.I of Blochemlstrv, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Free board and lodging 2,700.00/year (approx.I Ernesto J. del Rosario, additional assignment as PCRDF Profes-
An allowance of P75/month sor of Biotechnology, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
for 10 months 750.00/year William L Fernandez, additional assignment as PCRDF Professor
Total P4,150.00/year of Microbiology, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. \,
subject to the condition that a residence hall will be allowed to have Virginia PeBenito Samonte, additional assignment as Associate
resident assistants if, and only if. it has a definite psycho-social Professor of Soil Sciences (professorial chair), effective 1 January
assistance program for freshmen residents. until 31 December 1978.

The Board approved the termination of the Investment Advisory Education, College of
services Contract of the University with the Commercial Bank and Luis M. Alarilla, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Trust Company (approved by the Board of Regents at its 791 st Education, effective 8 April 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Meeting, 21 January 1970) in order to generate greater income from Matilde M. Valdes, automatic pre-retirement increase in salary
the funds in the Portfolio and in pursuance of the policy that from Professor VI to VIII of Education, effective 1 July 1978.
government funds should be invested in a government financial Fisheries, Collega of
institution. Rogalio O. Juliano, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective
12 April 1978 until 30 April 1983.
The Board noted the following:
Graduate School
fa} Financial Statements pertaining to the U.P. Commingled
Juan R. Francisco, increase in salary from Professor III to IV
Fund as of the quarter ending 31 December 1977.
(part-time) of Indology, effective 30 March 1978.
tbl Working Paper No. 78-17 entitled The University Reward
SVstem: An Overview (prepared by the Program Development Staff,
Human Ecology, Institute of
Office of the President) providing an overall framework against
Josefa Eusebio, automatic and selective/corrective promotion in
which to view and within which to further develop the reward
rank and salary from Assistant Professor II to Associate Professor II
system of the University.
of Human Nutrition and Foods, effective 28 October 1977.
Ie) Working Paper No. 78·37 entitled U.P. Faculty Fellowships:
An Attempt at Rationalization (prepared by the Program Develop-
Law, College of
ment Staff, Office of the President) rationalizing the criteria for
Froitan M. Bacuiigan, appointment as Dean, effective 1 April
awarding faculty fellowships, both local and foreign, within the
1978 until 30 April 1983.
overall framework of Concept Paper No. 78-17.
(d) Three proposals for a radically different academic calendar
Medicine, College of
beginning with the next academic year, as follows:
1. Academic calendar with the First Semester starting in August Benjamin Limson, promotion from Clinical Associate Professor
1978. and the Second Semester starting in January 1979; to Clinical Professor of Medicine (oart-tlrnel, without compensation.
effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
2. Academic calendar with the First Semester starting imme-
Felix B. Marcelo, Jr., transfer to part-time status as Associate
diately in January 1979; and
Professor I of Pathology, effective 1 March 1978.
3. Academic calendar based on the quarterly system.
(e) Copy of Presidential Decree No. 1295, dated 27 January
Philippine Executive Academy
1978, entitled Creating the National Engineering Center.
Carlos P. Ramos, renewal of appointment as Administrator,
effective 1 April 1978 until 30 April 1983.
899th Meeting, 30 March 1978
Public Administration, College of
APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTJl.1ENTS, RENEWALS OF Raul P. de Guzman, renewal of appointment as Dean. effective 1
April 1978 until 30 Aprit 1983.
SALARY, etc. Social Work and Community Development, Institute of
The Board approved the following appointments, reappcmt- Sylvia H. Guerrero, appointment as Dean, effective 1 May 1978
menta, etc.: until 30 April 1983.

36 U,P, Gazette Volume IX, Number 2


Dr. Vidal A. Tan took leave of us seven years after

he wrote his own elegy: "Death, be kind." How
fitting that he should lie in state at the Chapel of the
Hoiy Sacrifice: built during his stewardship asseventh
President of the University of the Philippines
(1951-1956). he often attended and even served Mass

there, the only President to have done so. And how
eloquently it speaks of his nobie simplicity that he
willed for his own body's resting-place rough and
unadorned casket which, even as he wished, was not
graced with the sombre flowers of mourning.

TWO PRESIDENTS: Foreign Affairs Secretary Carlos P. Romulo, himself a former University President, pays last
• respects to departed colleague laid in a box of unvarnished wood, a fulfillment of the wish Dr. Vidal A. Tan wrote in his
"Death, be kind" (shown above). .
•• This University must exert every effort to maintain and im-
prove its position of leadership in the field of scholarshir:>,--._

Religion was his "most priceless possession," the Like most great men, Dr. Tan believed th:
"greatest guarantee of happiness," a gift that, he once individual must gain a sense of life as a whol
said, he would pass on "If I Had a Daughter:' an translated this belief admirably into deed. He
address he delivered before the U.P. Women's Club on eminent essayist and playwright and author:
11 July 1951. So touching was this speech that the books on Mathematics. In 1967, when he was
University Community clamoured for a thousand sor Emeritus in Mathematics, he became the fir
copies. Later, President Tan did adopt a daughter, pient of the U.P. Faculty Association's Dakilan
Maria Teresa, and passed on his gift not only to her Award. A founding member of the Philippin
but to ali around him. demy of Science and Humanities, he was also a
trious member of various honor societies and n
bodies such as the Philippine Historical Comrr
the Art Council of the Philippines, the EXI
Board of the Boy Scouts of the Phili.F a
Board of Review for Moving Pictures; a'"
dency of the U.P.• he was appointed Chairman

National Science Development Board, and I

Councilor of Quezon City.

As U.P. President, his sense of life as a d\

unity inspired the academic community in eve
suit and controversy, For he was no stranger
academic vocation, having served the Univer
Student Assistant in 1912, and later, as Profess
Head of the Department of Mathematics, Dean
College of Engineering. Dean of the College of I
Arts and Sciences in Baguio, and Acting Dean a
he even had the singular distinction of being tl
faculty member to be appointed a member
Board of Regents. As President of U.P., '-nl\
as he humbly put it, "on the good w~ P
decessors." In his first speech to the University
cil on 12 June 1951, he gave notice that there
be "few, if any, astounding innovations." "Th
versity," he said, "must exert every effort to rn
and improve its position of leadership in the f
scholarsh ip." It must have made him proudly
in later years to see that his own vision of tt
has remained paramount with those who sue
him in the University. For, during his stewards
devoted himself with great energy and imaqina
the development of the faculty and staff, t
provarnent of curricular programs, and the
ment of campus life.

"Death, be kind" was his wish. And

! touched him not: but only "freed his soul the I
way" since the Eternal Master loved him. His \
3 while he dwelt among us, "nor made a pause, r
a void," and so, "still he fills affection's eye."
FLASHBACK: Dr. Vidal A. Tan is shown with noted guest, William Faulkner.
the •



he THE FAMilY: Dr. Vidal A. Tan is shown with wife Teresa Yulo and only son Vidal Jr., an army officer who saw action
as in Bataan. The young Vidal succumbed to heart attack in 1946; Mrs. Tan died in 1959.


py Dr. Nathaniel B. Tablante. Secretary of the Depart·
.P. ment of Social Service and Development (DSSD),
ed passed away on 28 March 1978. at age 53. He served
he the University in various capacities, including that of
to Dean of the Institute of Social Work and Community
m- Development and as Vice-President for Academic Af-
ch- fairs before he was appointed Undersecretary of the
DSSD in 1975.
He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture,
sth cum laude, from the U.P. in 1946 and joined the "
est faculty that year; he earned his Ph.D. from Purdue
ies, University in 1956.
He "IS survived by h"IS wife, Professor Isabel Lawas-
L-_ _~_--_J-[
Tablante, and three children.
Jorge B. Vargas deeds to his Alma Mater the
Vargas Filipiniana Foundation library consisting of
books, historical papers and documents, works of art,

numismatic and philatelic items, and his own memo-
rabilia as Executive Secretary of President Manuel L.
Quezon. ~ ~
~f ...

The most Distinguished Alumnus of 1937, Jorge

B. Vargas belongs to the first graduating classof U.P.
in 1911 as an A.B. graduate, and was class valedicto-
rian as an Ll.B. graduate in 1914. During the Japanese
Occupation, he was chairman of the Philippine Execu-
tive Commission. A prominent figure in sports and
civic movements, he was a founder of the Boy Scouts
of the Philippines and head of the Philippine delega-
tions to international sports competitions.

Dr. Ramon P. Santos was Director Froilan M. Bacufigan of Dr. Sylvia H. Guerrero will take
appointed Dean of the College of the Law Center has been appointed over as Dea n of the rO5titute of
Music, effective 1 March 197B until Dean of the College of Law, effec- Social Work and Community Devel·
30 April 1983 having succeeded Dr. tive 1 April 1978 until 30 April opment, effective 1 May 1978 until
Ruby K. Ma·ngahas.

1983, following the expiration of 30 April 1983, following the resig-
the term of office of Dean Irene R. nation of Dean Manuel F. Boni-
Cortes. facio.

University Health Service (UPLB) The Board authorized the increase of the pre-Bar Review fee
Antonio G. T.n, additional assignment as Acting Director, effec- from P220.00 to P250.00, exclusive of the P10.00 deposit, to cover
tive 1 March until 31 August 1978. the increased costs of operation by the U.P. Law Center. At its
865th Meeting, 25 September 1975, the President suggested return-
TRANSFER TO PER'~ANENT STATUS ing the responsibility for the pre-Bar Review to the College of Law,
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent with the Board's assurance that it would be prepared in this respect
status: to upgrade the fees. In this connection, the Board authorized the
Marita B. Abellera as Instructor I in Social Studies. U.P. Inte- President to see to the details and formulate the guidelines, for
grated School. effective 1 March 1978. submission to the Board.
Nelly G. Alviar'as Assistant Professor I of Agricultural Eco-
nomics, Institute of Agricultural Development and Administration. The Board authorized the Philippine Executive Academy to
effective 1 March 1978. increase the fee of participants to the senior Executive Develop-
Rosalinda R. Arenas as Instructor II in Engineering Sciences, ment Program from P9,800.00 to Pl0.500.00, to cover the in-
College of Engineering, effective 3 February 1978. creased costs of conducting the Session, effective January 197&
Eligio B. Barsaga as Assistant Professor 11 of Educational Income from participants' fees shall accrue to a special trust account
Administration, College of Education, effective 24 October 1977. against which shall be charged all expenses relative to the Session,
Roberto C. Bautista as Assistant Professor I of Agricultural subject to auditing and accounting rules and regulations.
Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,
effective 1 March 1978. The Board authorized the University Library to increase the rate
Ma. Luisa T. Camagay as Instructor III in History, College of charged to users (outside researchers) of microfilm readers from P1.00
Arts and Sciences [Dillman}, effective 1 March 1978. to PJ,OO for the first two hours or a fraction thereof, and Pl.00 fOf'
Danielito T. Franco as Assistant Professor II of Land and Water every succeeding hour beyond the initial two hours. Income from
Resources Engineering and Technology, Institute of Agricultural this fee shall accrue to a special trust liability account against which
Engineering and Technology, effective 1 February 1978. shall be charged expenses for maintenance and repair of equipment,
Concepcion B. Madamba as Instructor IV in Wood Science and such as microfilm bulbs (which used to cost P24.00 apiece but now

Tecbnoloqv, Col1ege of Forestry, effective 1 February 1978. cost Pt05.001.
Augustus C. Mamaril as Assistant Professor I of Zoology, College
of Arts and Sciences (Diliman), effective 1 August 1977. The Board approved the rental rates for academic costumes 'of
Josue C. Zuniega as Instructor V in Social Studies, Rural High graduating students, as follows:
School, College of Agriculture, effective 1 March 1978. Set of Bachelor's gown PiO.OO
Set of Bachelor's gown with hood 14.00
Set of Master's gown 16.00
The Board accepted a grant in the amount of $35,650.00 from The new rates will take care of both the increase in rental and
the International Development Research Center for the research dry cleaning/laundry costs.
project on legume processing, phase II, being undertaken by the
UPLB. The grant funds will be made available for a period of 24 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1978·1979
months, beginning 1 December 1977. The original grant for the first The Board approved the Academic Calendar for school year
phase of the project was accepted by the Board at its 854th Meet- 1978-1979 (similar to last year's calendar). It applies to all units of
ing, 17 December 1974. the University except the u.P. College Clark Air Base and the even-
ing graduate program of the College of Business Administration.
PROFESSORIAL CHAIR ENDOWMENT The Board deferred action on a proposed Academic Calendar for
The Board approved the change in the name of the U.P. Alumni 1978-1979, pending consultation with the National Board of Educa-
Annual Fund Professorial Chair for the Regional Units to Alu",ni tion.
•_ Professorial Chair in (name of the regional unit to be indicated as Note: The Executive Committee of the University Council dis-
part of the name of the chair). cussed three proposed academic calendars at its meeting on 20
March 197& When votes were called for, Calendar A (which
The Board approved the establishment of the Alfonso Calalang synchronizes the academic year with the fiscal year), received 26
Professorial Chair in Political Economy with an honorarium of votes; Calendar B (based on the previous year's academic calendar),
P12,OOO per annum. In this connection, the Manuel Roxas Chair in 14 votes; and Calendar C (the quarterly system), one vote. After
Political Science or Economics at P12,OOO.00 per annum; two (2) another round of discussion, Chancellor Abelardo G. Samonte pro-
chairs for the Division of Social Sciences, each at P6,OOO.DO per posed a modification which combined the features of both Calen-
annum for a period of three (3) years; and the Alfonso Calalang dars A and B. This modi'fied proposal. which was acceptable to the
Professorial Chair in Political Economy, shall take effect beginning Executive Committee, was submitted to the Board with Calendars
the first semester of the academic year 1978-1979. A. B, and C.
In the course of the Board's discussion, Regent Sicat made the
following comments: Having the same calendar year for all universi-
The Board authorized the Institute of Sports, Physical Education ties is of great importance, one reason being the need for synchroni-
and Recreation to increase the community recreation fee from zation of academic activities (inter-university activities such as
P50.00 to P10.00 per student, effective summer term of 1978, to oratorical contests, essay-writing, athletics); hence, a new academic
calendar is a concern of the National Board of Education and not
cover increased costs of operation.
only of the U.P. Board of Regents. Dividing the calendar into more
The Board, likewise, approved the increase in the honorarium of
than two major portions would also maximize the use of facilities,
the Community Recreation Instructor from P600.00 to P640.00,
their inadequacy being a problem inherent in the public sector, the
which is equivalent to the current honorarium rate for overload
Universltv system, and even the private sector. This is one other
teaching of an instructor in the day program (for handling a ~unit
good argument for the proposed calendar which could be considered
subject at P213.00 per unitl.
U.P. Gazette
February·March 1978
fIWorably in the National Board of Education. nation or fails to complete other requirements for the course, due
President Corpuz noted the generally favorable reaction of the to illness or other valid reasons. Removal of the deficiency must
academic staff to the proposed calendar and the meager reaction be done within the prescribed time by passing an examination or
from the studentrv. The Department of Education and Culture has meeting all the requirements for the course, after which the student
yet to comment on the proposed calendar. As it stands, the pre- shall be given a final grade based on his overall performance.
posed calendar is a move toward, rather than away from, synchroni- Newly approved amendment (words in bold prints to be
zation with the fiscal year. One advantage of the proposal is that added; word in brackets to be deleted):
students who fail to get admission into the tf.P. would have more The grade of "Inc." is given if a student. whose class standing
time to seek admission into other schools. throughout the semester is PASSING, fails to take the final exami-
With regard to the Quarterly system, the President said that a nation or fails to complete other requirements for the course. due to
number of units in the University cannot adopt this system because illness or other valid reasons. In case the class standing is not passing
professors prefer that courses in a continuous series and laborato',"Y and the student fails to take the final examination for any reason, a
courses should be taught on a semestral basis. Some units, however. grade of "5" is given. Removal of the [deficiency} "Inc." must be
may adopt the system, if beneficial, within the general framework done within the prescribed time by passing an examination or meet-
of the new Isemestral] calendar. ing all the requirements for the course, after which the student shall
The President also noted that some modifications may be appro- be given a final grade based on his overall performance.
priate assuming that the National Board of Education allows the
transition period, as in the proposed calendar, only in the first year.
The President stressed. however. that he is not unmindful of the
problems which might arise in regard to other institutions. Regent
The Board approved the Revised Residence Hall Rules and
Santos Cuyugan observed that, before adopting the proposed calen- Regulations, the salient features of which are:
dar. it would be wise to anticipate some problems arising from the
a, Admission of sophomores to senior students to Sampaguita
simultaneity of various activities that the Board wishes to encourage Residence Hall;
throughout the university system in the Philippines. b. Listing of priorities in the admission of students to reSidence.
halls and the International Center;
EXPANSION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO X.D.S. c. Advanced collection of transient fees;
STUDENTS ENROLLED DURING SUMMER d. Policy on key deposits;
The Board authorized the expansion of financial assistance e. Forfeiture of reservation fee upon failure to check in during
granted to the Experimental Democratization Students (X.D.S.l the prescribed period;
enrolled during summer terms to include a textbook allowance {as f. Requirement to sign out in the residence hall log book;
neededl. chargeable against the X.D.S. BUDGET. g. Prohibition on taking of meals inside one's room;
At present, the financial assistance granted to the X.D.S. in- h. Imposition of fine on unauthorized appliances;
cludes, aside from provisions for regular semesters, free tuition and i. Elevation of disciplinary cases in dormitories to the Student
other fees for those enrolled during summer terms. The new authori- Disciplinary Tribunal for formal investigation and decision; and
zation extends this assistance to include textbooks for thuse en- .i. Storage fees during summer vacation.
rolled during summer terms. The rationale for the amendments are as follows:
For academic year 1977-1978, this extension will mean an addi- a. Samnaquita Residence Hall, which has been classified as a
tional expenditure of at most 95 X P40.00::::: P3.800.00 which can dormitory for senior and qradutinq students, has found it difficult
be absorbed by the total Democratization of Admissions budget for to categorize who are senior and graduating students, resulting in
Fiscal Year 1978. unavoidable misinterpretation of this matter;
Extending financial assistance to X.D.S. enrolled during summer b. Due to lack of space in residence halls and the International
terms will in the long run prove less expensive for the University, Center, a orioritv system as regards admission has been formulated
because then they could finish their degree programs within a whereby students who come from distant areas of the country are
shorter residence in the University than otherwise. Granting given higher priority over those who come from, or have relatives in,
more financial assistance to them during summer terms other than the Metro-Manila area; the International Center gives preference to
tuition and other fees and book allowances, on the other hand, scholars and graduate students from foreign countries;
lNOuld be too far out of the ordinary for the financial assistance c. The policies on key deposits, transient fees, storage fees,
programs of the University. reservation fees, signing out in the log book, and fines on unauthor-
ized appliances are now clearly spelled out; the old rules were silent
on these aspects of residence hall administration;
AMENDMENT OF THE CODAL PROVISION ON GRADE d. The prohibition against taking of meals inside one's room is
OF "INC." intended to discourage unauthorized ambulant vendors who cater
The Board approved the amendment of the codal provision on food in food containers and pose problems in maintaining cteanu-
grade of "Inc." (Article 3691. as follows: ness in the residence halls; and
Old codal provision: e. The provision on disciplinary cases in residence halls is
"Inc." indicates that the work is incomplete. It is given if a amended so that such matters are now elevated to the Student
student whose class standing throughout the semester is passing, Disciplinary Tribunal for formal investigation and decision.
fails to appear for final examination due to illness or other valid
reasons. In case the class standing is not passing and the student fails AMENDMENT OF THE BOARD'S RESOLUTION ESTAB-
to take the final examination for any reason, a grade of "5" is given. LISHING THE NATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING
"Inc." is also given for work that is of passing Quality some part of CENTER FOR THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS
which is for good reason unfinished. The Board approved the amendment of its resolution (B/R
Amendment as approved by the Board of Regents (886th 850th Meeting, 30 January 1975) establishing the National Teacher
meeting. 28 April 1917): Training Center for the He-alth Professions such that:
The grade of "Inc." is given if a student, lIIIhose class standing a. The unit shall now be called National Teacher Training Center
throughout the semester is PASSING. fails to take the final exam i- for the Health Professions (NTTC-HP) instead of NTTC-H Sciences;

42 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

b. The Center shall be headed by a Director (not by an Advisory for management students and to charge a fee of P120.00 per
Board): and student. Income from said fees shall accrue to a special account
c. The Center shall have an Advisory Board with the Director of against which shall be charged expenses in connection with the
the NTTC-HP as Chairman and with representatives from the course.
Department of Education. the Department of Health, the Associa- The Board, likewise, authorized U.P. College Baguio to conduct
tion of Philippine Medical Colleges, the World Health Organization, a Printmaking Workshop during summer 1978 and to collect a fee of
and the health sciences sector, the dean of the medical school, and P50.00 per participant. Income from said fees shall accrue to a trust
the dean of the College of Education as ex-officio members. liability account against which shall be charged expenses for mate-


rials and other operating costs of the workshop.

The Board noted the Executive Summary/Progress Report on the

The Board approved the conferment of honorary degrees upon U.P. in the vtseves prepared by the UPV Project Development Team
Dr. Alfonso Calalang, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa; Dr. Tomas S. and transmitted to the Board by President Corpuz through his
Fonacier, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa: and Mr. Jorge B. Vargas, Memorandum, dated 27 March 1978.
Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. The President supplemented the said report of the UPV with tile
information that Tigbauan in Iloilo is the logical site for the UPV
because, among other considerations, the SEAFDEC {Southeast
TRAVEL AND LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR FACULTY Asia Fisheries Development Center] is located in Tigbauan. The
FROM DillMAN, MANILA, OR LOS BANOS ASSIGNED President also informed the Board that one problem about the
TO TEACH IN THE REGIONAL UNITS DURING Tigbauan site is the inadequate water supply which, however, is not
SUMMER 1978 really acute and would not involve too much expense on the part of
The Board approved the grant of travel and living allowances to the University to resolve because of water sources near the proposed
faculty members from Diliman, Manila or Los Banos who are as- site.
signed to teach in the regional units, except the U.P. College Clark Regent Sleet also suggested linking up the UPV with the Philip-
Air Base, during Summer 1978. The grant covers a living allowance pine Sugar Development Institute, a research agency for the im-
of P450.00 and a travel allowance equivalent to one round-trip fare. provement of the sugar industry. He noted that Panav and Negros
This is with the proviso that transportation, daily allowance, and are the seat of the Philippine sugar industry, and that the UPV
board and lodging, as provided for in 0 of the Classification and project could draw support from this Institute in the future.
Salary Plan for Part-time Teaching in the Regional Units (approved Note: At its 896th Meeting on 20 December 1977, the Board
by the Board at its 883rd Meeting, 26 February 1977) shall be created the Project Development Team for the U.P. in the Visayas
suspended for the duration of the summer term. for it to formulate the development plan of the UPV.
The preliminary draft of the UPV Project Study was discussed
by the Team with President Corpuz on 14 March 1978. During this
meeting, President Corpuz s\Jggested that an Executive Summary be
prepared for discussion by the Board of Regents. Comments by the
Board would provide the Team additional guidelines with which to
present the Project Study for eventual submission to various funding

The Board authorized the UPLB to use part of the earnings of
agencies including the World Bank.
the UPLB Faculty Development Fund to support the financial
requirements for professorial chairs.
The Board accepted the proposal of Sycip, Gorres, Velayo
The said Fund was originally earmarked for supporting faculty
and Co. to conduct a review of the status of implementation of the
fellowships and related activities, but with the increasing number of
organizational structure of the Philippine General Hospital, particu-
graduate scholarships at UPLB, the demand for faculty fellowships
larly in the area of health operations. As in previous engagements,
has decreased. The University is faced, instead, w~th. an increasing
the SGV is donating their professional services amounting to
number of highly trained staff whom it must retain In the face of
• P35,OOO.Oo.
strong competition from outside the University. Thus, adequate
rewards must be provided for the most productive and most deserv- The Board approved the classification under Trust Liability
ing among the staff. A professorial chair appointment is a most Account of income from admission fees (P15.00 per applicant) for
coveted incentive since it bestows upon the awardee not only finan- the Ph.D. Philippine Studies Program, the same to be available for
cial benefits but prestige in the academic community.
expenses incident to the administration thereof.

The Board authorized Miss Norma G. Pison, Property Custodian,

- to negotiate with the University to have her newly-constructed
house rented by the U.P. College Iloilo as the guest·house of the
The Board approved the increase in the daily rate for worker.. of
College, beginning 1 April 1978,. a~: monthly rental of P1,500.00.
the Quezon Land Grant from P8.80 to Pl0.00 per day, effective 1
March 1978. The increased rate will help the laborers, mostly family
The Board authorized the Asian Institute of Tourism to nego-
men, meet the spiralling cost of basic commodities which, with their
tiate directly with Maritess Garden. LG. Estrada Maintenance
present income, they can hardly obtain. Group, Redeemer Development Corp., Kabukiran Gardens, and
Rona's Gardens for trees, shrubs, ground cover, topsoil, and labor
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD for landscaping the AJT Complex, and to make progress payments
The Board noted the program details of the 67th General to suppliers/contractors on the ~:is.Of accomplishment.

Commencement Exercises to be held on 16 April 1978.
The Board noted a letter from some members of the faculty of
the College of Law urging appointment of the dean of the College
The Board authorized U.P. College Baguio to administer eve.ry
from among the regular faculty members thereof.
term, beol .
gInning Summer 1978 , a non-credit course in mathemattcs

U.P. Gazette
February-March 1978
The President approved the following appointments, reappoint- in Management Planning and Control, effective 2 November 1977
ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increases in salary, until 31 May 1978.
and other related matters: cesar S. Brillante, additional assignment as Acting Secretary,
effective 1 February until 30 April 1978.
l-Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman)-- -- Edgardo C. Camacho, appointment as Instructor II in Journal-
Cristina A. Austria, reappointment as Instructor I in Botany, ism, effective 15 November 1977 until the return of Remedios E.
effective 8 November 1977 until the return of Myrna Maranan from Rullan from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978.
leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978. Danilo C. Villegas, appointment as Guidance Associate, effective
Ponciano L 8ennagen, additional assignment as Officer-In- 2 November 1977 until the return of Carmen Abubaker from leave
Charge, Office of Student Affairs, effective 20 February until 31 of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978.
July 1978- -Business Administration, College of -~
Angelito G. Bernardo, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Soclol- Gabriel C. Alvarez, renewal of additional assignment from Acting
ogy, effective a November 1977 until 31 March 1978. Director to Director, Business Research and Publications Program,
lutgarda M. Castelo, transfer in item as Associate Professor II of effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
English, effective 1 February 1978. Victor C. Feliciano, increase in salary from Assistant Professor 1
Carmencita P. del Villar, reappointment as Instructor III in to 11 of Agribusiness, effective 1 January 1978: renewal of addi-
Speech, effective 8 November 1977 until the return of Benjamin tiona I assignment as Coordinator, Agribusiness Program, effective 1
Muego from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978. January until 31 December 1978.
Ma. Fe A. Domingo, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I Rafael A. Rodriguez, renewal of additional assignment as Direc--
to II of Psychology, effective 1 February until 31 May 1978. tor, Undergraduate Studies Program, effective 18 April 1978 u n t i l .
Eleanor C. Folke--Olsen, transfer to permanent status as Guid- 17 April 1979.
ance Counselor II, effective 1 January 1978. Melito S. Salazar. Jr., increase in salary from Assistant Professor
Gil G. Gotiangco, Jr. II, additional assignment as Assistant to the II to III of Business Administration, effective 1 January 1978; addi-
Chairman, Department of History, effective 25 March 1978 until 24 tional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, effective 6 March until the
March 1979. return of Emmanuel T. Velasco from leave of absence, but not later
lucille C. Gregorio, renewal of additional assignment as Senior than 26 March 1978.
Lecturer in Botany, effective 1 April until 31 May 1978.
Alice G. Guillermo, increase in salary as Senior Lecturer in I-Clark Air Base, U.P. Extension Division- - - - --
Humanities, effective 1 March until 31 May 1978. Emesto E. Agudo, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Philo-
Dionisio O. Liwag, reappointment to additional assignment as sophy, effective 6 March until 31 May 1978.
Senior Lecturer in Botany, effective 20 March until 31 May 1978. Aurora A. Minoza, renewal of additional assignment as Liaison
Felipe B. Miranda, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart- Officer as per inter-unit agreement with the College of Education,
ment of Political Science, effective 18 March 1978 until 30 April effective 1 August 1977 until 31 July 1978.
1981. Malaya C. Ronas, full-time detail from the College of Arts and
Caesar E. Ordonez, increase in salary from Instructor I to 11 in Sciences [Dillman] with increase in salary from Assistant Professor
Physics, effective 1 January until the return of Conchita Y. Ragasa II to IV of Political Science, effective 5 January 1978; additional
from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978. assignment as Assistant Dean, effective 5 January 1978 until 30
Jorshinelle T. $onza, reappointment as Instructor III in English, April 1979.
effective 9 January until the return of Lilia C. Alias from leave of
absence, but not later than 31 May 1978.
-·-Comprehensive Community Health Program --.
Lynn.,.Marie SyCip, increase in salary from Instructor I to II in Mona Lisa A. Hitalia, renewal of additional assignment as
Psychology, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Officer-in-Charge. Office of the Assistant to the Director for Rural
Yolanda V. Tomeldan, transfer in item as Associate Professor IV Services, effective 16 November 1977 until the return of Cynthia
of English, effective 1 February 1978. lansigan from sick leave, but not later than 31 March 1978.
Ruben C. Umaly. renewal of additional assignment as Program Fe M. Pantas; transfer from Regional Health Office No. 4·A,
Coordinator, Extramural Studies, effective 21 December 1977 until Department of Health and appointment as Assistant Professor 11 of
20 December 1978. Community Medicine, effective 1 February until the return of
Benedicta C. Villanueva, transfer in item with increase in salary Metodio Pelavpav from special detail, but not later than 31 May
from Instructor I to III in Psychology, effective 1 January until 31 1978-
May 1978,
-Ccrnputer Center-
--Asian Institute of Tourism-- - - -- Genaro A. Mocorro, additional assignment as Computer Pro-
Jose P. Mananzan, renewal of appointment as Associate Profes- grammer, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
sor IV of Tourism, effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May 1978.
-Dentistrv, College of - - - ~- -
-Asian Labor Education Center-- - - ,- Joaquin D. Ladao, Jr .. reappointment as Assistant Professor I
Dante G. Guevarre. appointment as Senior Lecturer in Compara- (part-time) of Prosthodontics, effective 6 February until 31 Mav
tive Labor Movement, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978.
-"Economics. School of·- -- - - , ----------
f-Baguio, U.P. College - -- --- Rolando A. Danao, renewal of additional assignment as Director
Felino SM Angeles,. Jr., additional assignment as Senior Lecturer for Finance, effective 1 April until June 1978.

44 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

Felice L Llamas, increase in salary as Computer Programmer I, until 31 March 1978.
effective 1 March until 31 December 1978. Editha M. Marcelo, renewal of additional assignment as Head, K
Yoshiaki Mild, reappointment as Visiting Research Associate. to Grade 2 Department, U.P. Integrated School, effective 1 June
without compensation, effective 1 March until 31 December 1978. 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Rosa Linda P. Tidalgo, reappointment tt? additional assignment Cristina F. Mencias, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in
as Officer-in-Charge, effective 3 March until the return of Jose the project entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathe--
Encarnacion from the U.S.A. and Indonesia, but not later than 11 matics and Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April
June 1978; renewal of additional assignment as Director for Fellow- 1978. (This supercedes her appointment as Test Item Writer in the
ships, effective 1 April until 30 June 1978. project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming
Students in Science Teaching".)
f-Education, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f Aida C. Portugal, promotion in rank and salary from Instructor
Eligio B. Barsaga. promotion in rank and salary from Instructor V to Assistant Professor I, U.P. Integrated School, effective 1
II to Assistant Professor II of Educational Administration, effective January 1978.
24 October 1977 until 31 May 1978. Julieta M. Savellano, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in
Myriam H. David, additional assignment as Research Associate, the project entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathe-
UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Communication matics and Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April
Arts, U.P. 'Inteqrated School, effective 14 June until 31 December 1978. (This supercedas her appointment as Test Item Writer in the
1977. project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming
Luz S. de la Cruz, additional assignment as Researcher/Sub- Students in Science Teaching.")
Project Leader, UPIS Curriculum Materials Development Project, Dana M. Sitompul, promotion in rank and salary from Instructor
Social Studies 7, U.P.ln-tegrated School, effective 15 August until III to Assistant Professor II I of Practical Arts, U.P. Integrated
21 October 1977.. School. effective 27 October 1977.
Doane R. Galila, appointment as Lecturer in Education, effective Constantino M. Torralba, renewal of additional assignment as
8 November 1977 until 18 March 1978. Business Manager, Publication and Information Office, effective 1
• Mildred S. Ganaden, additional assignment as Test Item Writer in January until 31 May 1978.
the project entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathe- Ruben N. Valdez, transfer to permanent status as Guidance
matics and Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April Associate, U.P. Integrated School, effective 1 February 1978.
1978. (This supercedes her appointment as Test Item Writer in the
project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming I-Engineering, College o f - - - - - -.-------~
Students in Science Teaching.) Rodolfo M. Casiple. renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Nemah N. Hermosa, renewal of additional assignment as Re- Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1 January
searcher in the research project entitled "Formulation of Two until 31 December 1978.
Forms of Standardized Tests Comparable to Diagnostic Reading Elmer C. Espiritu, renewal of additional assignment as Associate
Tests, Forms A and B, Grade 4 through 12 (Manhit), effective 1 Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1 January
January until 31 March 1978. until 31 December 1978.
Milagros D. lbe, additional assignment as Team Leader in the Teresita S. Fabile, promotion in rank and salary from Instructor
project entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathematics II to Assistant Professor II of Chemical Engineering, effective 17
and Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April 1978. (This October 1977.
supersedes her appointment as Team Leader in the project entitled Manuel V. Hernandez, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as
"Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming Students in Science Associate Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
Teaching.") January until 31 December 1978.
Georgina C. Lisk, additional assignment as Associate Editor, Vladimir P. Panlilio, renewal of additional assignment as Asso-
Education Quarterly, effective 1 June 1977 until 31 May 1978. ciate Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
... Nina D. L1obrera, renewal of additional assignment and change January until 31 December 1978. (This supercedes a similar ap-
. . , o f designation from Researcher to Project Leader, UPIS Curriculum pointment carrying different conditions.)
Materials Development Project. Social Studies 7. U.P. Integrated
School, effective 22 October until 31 December 1977. I-Environmental Planning, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - t
Adelina L Luna, additional assignment as Translator in the pro- Salvador J. Bagamasbad, appointment as Researcher I.
ject entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathematics and DPWTG-UPIEP Projects, effective 3 October until 31 December
Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April 1978. (This 1977.
supercedes her appointment as Translator in the project entitled Alex a. Cabanilla, transfer in item with reclassification from
"Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming Students in Science Research Associate to Instructor 111 in Environmental Planning,
Teaching.") effective 1 April until 31 Mav 1978.
Eduardo R. Madamba, additional assignment as Test Item Writer Eutemio P. Dacanav. appointment as Lecturer in Environmental
in the project entitled "Filipino Assessment Instruments for Mathe- Planning, effective 8 November 1977 until 29 March 1978.
matics and Science," effective 1 December 1977 until 30 April Marito H. Garcia, renewal of appointment with reclassification
1978. (This supercedes his appointment as Test Item Writer in the from. Research Associate IV to Project Officer II, OPWTC-UPIEP
project entitled "Perceptions and Expectations of Incoming Projects, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Jaime U. Nierras, additional assignment as Subject Coordinator,
Students in Science Teaching."1
Special Course in Urban/Regional Planning, effective 17 January
Eduardo P. Magno, reappointment to additional assignment as
until 15 March 1978; transfer in item with promotion in rank and
Instructor in Typing, U.P. Integrated School, effective 2 November
salary from Instructor IV to Assistant Professor' of Environmental
1976 until 31 March 1977.
Basilisa J. Manhit, renewal of additional assignment as Project Planning, effective 1 February until 31 Mav 1978.
Leader in a research project entitled" Formulation of Two Forms of
Standardized Tests Comparable to Diagnostic Reading Tests, Forms
-Fisheries, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
Arsenio S. Camacho, additional assignment as Director, Brackish-
A and B, Grade 4 through Grade 12 (Manhit)," effective 1 January

U.P. Gazette
February-March 1978
water Aquaculture Center, effective 3 January 1978 until 30 April Teodoro Bay, appointment as Member, Working Committee,
1981. special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative
Virgilio A. Duraza, additional assignment as Coordinator for Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
Extension and Administrative Services, 8rackishwater Aquaculture MB. Clara L. Campos, additional assignment as Contributing
Center, effective 1 March 1978 until 30 April 1979. Editor, Insurance, Philippine Jurisprudence Office, effective 1
Romeo D. Fortes, additional assignment as Coordinator for March until 31 December 1978.
Research, Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, effective 1 March Celia O. Carlos, reappointment as Research Associate, Law
until 30 April 1978. Research Council, effective 16 September 1977 until 15 September
David M. Morris, appointment as Research Associate, without 1978.
compensation, Institute of Fisheries Development and Research, Annadaisy J. Carlota, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Research Fellow, effective 1 April until 30 June 1978.
Ma. Haidea T. Solidum, additional assignment as Officer for Salvador T. Carlota, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Student Relations, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978. Research Fellow, effective 1 April until 30 June 1978.
Jacobo C. Clave, appointment as Chairman, Advisory Commit-
~ Home Economics. Collegeo f ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 tee, special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Adminis-
Josefa A. Oikitanan, reappointment to additional assignment as trative Code of 1917," without compensation, effective 1 February
Officer-in-Charge, effective 'Z7 February until the return of Aurora until 31 May 1978.
G. Corpuz from a conference in Tokyo, Japan, but not later than 8 Arturo M. de Castro, appointment as Member and Researcher,
March 1978. Commercial Law Codification Project, effective 16 February until
Josephine Evangeline C. Hung, reappointment as Instructor I 31 December 197&
[part-time} in Interior Design, effective 4 January until the return of Alfredo Oeza, appointment as Member, Working Committee,
IV1ethylene Filler from leave of absence, but not later than 31 March special- project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative
1978. Code of 1917:' effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
Flora R. Jacinto, appointment as Lecturer in Social Orientation, Genaro A. Eslava, supplementary appointment as Member
effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978. Advisory Committee, special project entitled "The Revision of th
Ma. Zenaida K. Manlapig, reappointment as Lecturer in Interior Revised Administrative Code of 1917," without compensation,
Design, effective 4 January until the return of Erlinda Pascual from effective 1 February until 31 May 1978; appointment as Executive
sick leave, but not later than 31 May 1978. Director, Working Committee, special project entitled "The Revi-
Alicia S. Pineda, increase in salary as Research Associate, Depart- sion of the Revised Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1
ment of Food Science and Nutrition, effective 1 January until 30 February until 31 May 1978.
June 197& Renata U. Galimba, appointment as Law Researcher I, effective
1 February until 31 July 1978.
~lIoilo. U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Jaime K. Ibarra, appointment as Member, Working Committee,
Arsenio S. Camacho, additional assignment as Chairman, Divi-
special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative
sion of Fisheries, effective 26 January 1978 until 30 April 1981.
Code of 1917:' effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
Aurora Carbonell, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in
Araceli A. Inocencio, appointment as Law Researcher I, effective
Public Administration, effective 15 January until 31 May 1978.
16 January until 15 July 1978.
Lawrence M. Fritz, appointment as Lecturer in Biological
Cata4ino Macaraig, Jr., additional assignment as Member,
Sciences, without compensation, effective 11 July 1977 until 31
May 1978.
Advisory Committee, special project entitled "The Revision of the
Revised Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 February until
1Itta. Lourdes S. Joves, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer
31 May 1978,
in Public Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
197& Pedro A. MarasigMl, appointment as Associate Executive Direc-
Salvador G. Valenzona, additional assignment as in tor, Working Committee, special project entitled "The Revision of
Financial Management, effective 15 February until 31 May 1978. the Revised Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 Februa
until 31 May 1978.
- Law C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j Jose A.R. Melo, appointment as Member, Advisory Committee,
Bonifacio A. Abaya, additional assignment as Associate Editor, special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative
Philippine Law Report, effective 6 March until 31 December 1978. Code of 1917," without compensation, effective 1 February until
Froilan M. Bacuftgan, additional assignment as Chairman, Work- 31 May 1978.
ing Committee, special project entitled "The Revision of the Ernesto Mendoza, appointment as Member, Working Committee,
Revised Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 February until special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative
31 May 1978; additional assignment as Member, Advisory Commit- Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
tee, special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Adminis-- Ngani Nico Nicolaus, appointment as Visiting Fellow, without
trative Code of 1917," effective 1 February untit 31 May 1978; compensation, effective 1 March until 15 September 1978.
additional assignment as Editor, Philippine Law Report, effective 6 Thelma A. Ponferrada, appointment as Member, Working Com-
March until 31 December 1978. mittee, special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised
Arturo E. Balbastro, supplementary appointment as Contribut- Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May
ing Editor, Transfer and Business Taxes, Philippine Jurisprudence 1978.
Office, effective 1 February until 31 July 1978. Apolinario Porta, appointment as Member, Working Committee,
Fernando T. Barican, renewal of appointment and change in special project entitled, "The Revision of the Revised Administra-
designation from Project Coordinator to Head, Philippine Juris- tive Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May 1918.
prudence Office, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Ramon C. Portugal, additional assignment as Consultant, special
Esteban Bautista, additional assignment as Member, Working project entitled "The Revision of the Revised Administrative Code
Committee, special project entitled "The Revision of the Revised of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May Elizabeth O. Rivera, appointment as Project Secretary, special
1978. project entitled "The Revision of the Administrative Code of

46 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

1917," effective 1 February until 31 May 1978. sian, but not later than 31 May 1978.
Gonzalo T. Santos, Jr., appointment as Contributing Editor, Pura Flor D. Isleta, appointment as Assistant Professor (part-
Income Taxation, Philippine Jurisprudence Office, effective 1 time) of Pediatrics, without compensation, effective 3 January until
February until 30 September 1978. 31 May 1978.
Joselito C. Jamir, additional assignment as Instructor (part-time)
- Law, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 in Otorhinolaryngology, without compensation, effective 3 January
Soledad C. de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- until 31 May 1978.
sorial Lecturer in law, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Salvador M. Laze, appointment as Instructor (part-time) in
Merlin M. Magallona, transfer in code as Associate Professor V of Family Medicine, without compensation, effective 16 April until 31
Law, effective 1 November 1977. May 1978.
Lope P. lukban, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Manila, U.P. College-------- --1 Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without
Lynda Angelica N. Reyes, increase in salary as Lecturer in compensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Humanities, effective 1 March until 31 May 1978. Celina A. Ponce, reappointment as Instructor I (part-time) in
Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective 3 January until the return of
Marine Sciences C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t Pacifico Marcos from detail with the Philippine Medicare Commls-
Lita V. Benitez, renewal of appointment with reclassification sion, but not later than 31 May 1978.
from Researcher to Consultant in the research project entitled "The Cirilo R. 'reeeta. Jr., additional assignment as Instructor (part-
Determination and Isolation of Pclvsaccharases from Sea Urchins time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 March until 31 May 1978.
and Other Predators of Eucheuma Seaweeds," effective 1 January Cleotilde A. Torres, reappointment as Research Associate, effec-
until 31 December 1978. tive 16 January until 31 December 1978.
Gloria Jeanne B. Cajipe, adjustment of honorarium for addi- Virginia F. Trinidad, supplementary appointment with promo-
tional assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective tion in rank from Instructor (part-time), without compensation, to
2 November 1977 until 31 May 1980. Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without COIl'l-
Gavino Trono, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Research- pensation, effective 1 February until 31 May 1978.
er, effective 12 December 1977 until 31 December 1978. Angela C. Umali, appointment as Instructor IV in Anatomy,
effective 1 February Until 31 May 1978.
r- Mass Communication, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - I Cynthia I. Valencia, promotion in rank and salary from Instruc-
Ernestina E. Sioco, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Journal- tor IV to Assistant Professor I of Pharmacology, effective 1 March
ism, effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978. until 31 May 1978.
Bridget R. Zubiri, promotion in rank and salary from Instructor Carlos C. Zapatos, additional assignment as Instructor (part-
IV to Assistant Professor t of Broadcast Communication, effective 1 time) in Family Medicine, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978.
February until the return of Monina Escalada from leave of absence,
but not later than 31 May 1978. -Music, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Josefina G. Bailen, increase in salary as lecturer in Voice, effec-
-Medicine, Collegeof - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j tive 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Rainerio S. Abad, transfer in item and to non-substlnrte status as Cor~on C. Dioquino, additional asslqnment as Chairman, COIl'l-
Assistant Professor I (part-time) of Obstetrics and Gynecology, position' and Theory Department, effective 1 March 1978 until 30
effective 1 January unti131 May 1978. April 1981; additional assignment as Director, Philippine Music
Benigno F. Agbayani, additional assignment as Copy Editor, Documentation Center, effective 1 March 1978 until 30 April 1981.
Acta Medica Philippina, effective 3 January until 31 December Reynaldo T. Paguio, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
1978. effective 10 March until the return of Ramon P. Santos from special
Carmelo A. Alfiler, transfer from Instructor (part-time), without detail in Bangkok, but not later than 20 March 1978.
.cornpensatlcn, to Instructor IV {part-time) in Pediatrics, effective 1 Eduardo G. Parungao, appointment as Lecturer in Winds, effec-
February until 31 May 1978. tive 8 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Adolfo B. Bellosillo, reappointment as Clinical Assistant Profes-
sor (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 September 1977 Natural Science Research Center -----------1
until 31 May 1978. Germelino Abita, increase in honorarium for additional assign-
Josefino R. Bobadilla, reclassification from Clinical Assistant ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1 March
Professor (part-time), without compensation, to Assistant Professor 1978 until 28 February 1979.
I (part-time) of Medicine, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Reynaldo dela Paz, increase in honorarium for additional assign-
Nelia CorteS"Maramba, renewal of additional assignment as ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1 March
Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, effective 16 January 1978 1978 until 28 Pebruarv 1979.
until 30 April 1981. Jorge G. delas Alas, increase in honorarium for additional assign-
Angeles P. Cruz, transfer in item and to non-substitute status as ment as Member, Advisory·Executive Council, effective 1 March
Assistant Professor I (part-time) of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1978 until 28 February 1979.
Gloria L Enriquez, renewal of additional assignment as Project
effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Leader, in the research project entitled ''Toxoplasma and Toxoplas-
Gerardo V. de Leon, reappointment to additional assignment as
mosis in the Philippines," effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Acting Dean, effective 1 March until the return of Florentino
Ester A. Garcia, increase in honorarium for additional assign-
Herrera. Jr. from special detail in France and the U.S.A., but not
ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1 March
later than 7 April 1978.
Rosalinda G. Guce, appointment as Instructor IV in Anatomy, 1978 until 28 February 1979.
Rufino Ibarra, additional assignment as Project Leader in the
effective 3 January until 31 May 1978. research project entitled "The Cranking Moment of Inertia in the
Erlinda O. Isidro, reappointment as Instructor I (part-time) in
Woods-Saxon Potential," effective 1 February 1978 until 31 Jan-
Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective 20 February until the return
of Pacifico Marcos from detail at the Philippine Medicare Commis- uary 1979.

U.P. Gazette
February.March 1978
Honesto Nuqui, additional assignment as Project Leader in the the return of Enrique Esquivel from sick leave, but not later than 31
research project entitled "Pivot Equivalence Among Matrices," Mav 1978.
effective 1 February 1978 until 31 January 1979; increase in hcno- celina A. Ponce, reappointment as Attending Obstetrician and
rarium for additional assignment as Member, Advisory-Executive Gynecologist (part-time), without compensation, effective 3 Jan-
Council, effective 1 March 1978 until 28 February 1979. uary until the return of Pacifico Marcos from detail with the Philip-
Felipa E. Pablo, increase in honorarium for additional assign- pine Medicare Commission, but not later than 31 May 1978.
ment as Member, Advisory Executive Council, effective 1 March Joey Arcadia L. Santos, appointment as Fellow, without com-
1978 until 28 February 1979. pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978-
Segundo Roxas, increase in honorarium for additional assign- Guillermina J. Tabamo, appointment as Fellow, without com-
ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1 March pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1977.
1978 until 28 February 1979. Quintin G. Tan, reappointment as Technical Consultant to the
Prescillano Zamora, renewal of additional assignmeni and Director, effective 15 December 1977 until 30 June 1978.
increase in honorarium as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, Carlomagno D. Torres, appointment as Fellow, without compen-
effective 1 March 1978 until 28 February 1979. sation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Manuel C. Trinidad, appointment as Fellow, without compensa-
f- Pharmacy, College of -- tion, effective 9 November 1977 until 8 May 1978.
Marcia S. Jacinto, appointment as Assistant Professor III of Phar- uv.
Cezar S. appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
macy, effective 16 September 1977 until 31 May 1978. effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Walter K.T. Wong, appointment as Fellow, without compensa-
Philippine Eye Research Institute-----------l tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Jacinto U. Dy-Liacco, reappointment as Medical Researcher I, Ernestc R. Vizcarra, reappointment as Consultant in Preventive
effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Dentistry, without compensation, effective 1 July 1977 until 30
June 1978.
-Philippine General H o s p i t a l - - - - - - - - - - - - l
Araceli P. Yap, appointment as Fellow, without compensation,
Rainerio S. Abad, transfer in item and to non-substitute status as
effective 3 January until 31 July 1978.
Attending Obstetrician and Gynecologist (part-time). without com-
Tyrone Y. Yap Eng Ching, appointment as Fellow, without com-
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Manuel P. Acosta, appointment as Fellow, without compensa-
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
I- Population Institute-------------------1
Carmelo A. Alfiler, appointment as Attending Pediatrician (part-
Josefina Cabigon, renewal of additional assignment as Project
time), without compensation, effective 1 February until 31 May
Supervisor in the research project entitled "Study of Levels and
Determinants of Fertility," effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Alegria F. Bautista, appointment as Fellow, without compensa-
Zenaida E. Oulray. renewal of additional assignment as Project
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Supervisor in the research project entitled "Study of Levels and
Adolfo B. Bellosillo, reappointment as Attending Physician
Determinants of Fertility," effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
(part-time), without compensation, effective 1 September 1977
until 31 May 1978.
I-Public Administration, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - I
Josefino R. Bobadilla, reclassification to Attending Physician
Jose N. Endriga, additional assignment as Principal Investigator,
(part-timel, without compensation, effective 1 January until 31 May
in the case study on the Setting up of a Copper Smelting Plant in
San Juan, Batangas, effective 1 December 1977 until 28 February
Rogelio Han Ching H. Chua, appointment as Fellow, without
compensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Homer M, Hill, appointment as Visiting Research Fellow, with-
Angeles P. Cruz, transfer in item and to non-substitute status as
out compensation, effective 1 March until 31 December 1978.
Attending Obstetrician and Gynecologist (part-time), without com-
Benedict J, Kerkvllet, appointment as Visiting Research Fellow,
pensation, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
without compensation, effectlve 16 January until 31 December
Ernesto D. Cunanan, appointment as Fellow, wltnout compensa-
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978.
Jose luis J. Danguilan, appointment as Fellow, without com- Zenaida C. Leeson. additional assignment as Project Leader,
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Philippine Public Administration Bibliography Project, effective 1
Conrado G. de Gracia; appointment as Fellow, without compen- December 1977 until 30 November 1978.
sation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Arthur R. Williams, reappointment as Research Associate, with-
Josefa Ftores-Elavda, appointment as Fellow, without compensa- out compensation Local Government Center. effective 30 January
tion, effective 3January until 31 December 1978- until 31 December 1978.
Froilan P. Inocencio, appointment as Fellow, without compensa-
tion, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. -Public Health, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
Erlinda O. Isidro, reappointment as Attending Obstetrician and Caridad A. Ancheta, transfer from OAP and appointment as
Gy necologist (part-time), without compensation, effective 20 Assistant Professor III of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, effective 3
February until the return of Pacifico Marcos from detail with the January until 31 May 1978.
Philippine Medicare Commission, but not later than 31 May 1978. Teodora V. Tiglao, reappointment to additional assignment as
Pura Flor D. Isleta, appointment as Attending Pedlatnclan (part- Officer-in-Charge, effective 20 February until the return of Ben-
time), without compensation, effective 3· January until 31 May jamin D. Cabrera from special detail in Malaysia and Australia, but
not later than 15 March 1978.
lope P. Lukban, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Attending Obstetrician-Gynecologist (part-time), without compensa- I-Small-Scale Industries, Institute f o r - - - - - - - - - - - j
tion, effective 1 January until 31 May 1978. Romeo M. Bautista, additional assignment as Member, Research
Juanito G. Magbanua,. Jr., additional assignment as Acting Chair- and Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March until 31
man, Department of Pay Patient Services, effective 1 February until December 1978.

48 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2

Eleanor T. Elequin, additional assignment as Member, Research Rosa Ester T. Cuna, reappointment to additional assignment as
and Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March until 31 Officer-in-Charge, effective 15 March until the return of Benjamin
December 1978. M. Catane from special detail in Asia and the Pacific Region, but not
Gabriel U. Iglesias, additional assignment as Member, Research later than 9 April 1978.
and Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March until 31 Jaime Y. Tabbu, renewal of appointment and change to addi-
December 1978. tional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Community Development,
Raul R. Ingles, additional assignment as Member, Research and effective 1 January until 31 May 1978.
Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March until 31 Decem-
ber 1978. -University L i b r a r y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Romulo Rivera, reappointment as Consultant, without compen- Francine Virginia D. de Ana, transfer in item and promotion in
sation, effective 1 March until 31 December 1978. rank and salary from Librarian I to II effective 1 February 1978.
Emmanuel T. Velasco, additional assignment as Member, Nemesio Esquejo, transfer in item and to temporary status with
Research and Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March promotion in rank and salary from Senior Research Assistant to
until 31 December 1978. Research Associate, effective 1 February until 31 December 1978.
Leandro A. Viloria, additional assignment as Member, Research Luzviminda J. Matulac, transfer in item with promotion in rank
and Development Advisory Council, effective 1 March until 31 and salary from Librarian I to II effective 1 February until 31
December 1978. December 1978.
Ma. Divine Pascua, transfer in item with increase in salary as
-Social Work and Community Development, Institute o f - Librarian III, effective 1 February 1978.
Pedro R. Acierto, additional assignment as Researcher in the Natalia E. Pelayo, reclassification with promotion in rank from
research project entitled "A Study of Grants-in-Aid Program in Librarian I to II, effective 1 February 1978.
Selected Southern Tagalog Communities," effective 1 December Carmelita M. Simbulan, transfer in item with increase in salary as
1977 until 30 April 1978. Librarian II, effective 1 February 1978.
~ Mary Lou L Alcid. additional assignment as Senior Research
~sistant. in the project entitled" An Impact Survey of a Com- -Veterinary Medicine, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
munity Faced with Technological Change:' effective 8 November Maria Fe H. Constantino, additional assignment as Resident
1977 until 7 February 1978. Veterinarian, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effective 1
Josefina L Fronda, additional assignment as Senior Research August 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Assistant, in the project entitled" An Impact Survey of a Com- Rosie L Laudencta, additional assignment as Resident Veterina-
munity Faced with Technological Change," effective 8 November rian, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effective 1 August
1977 until 7 February 1978. 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Thelma L Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment with Fidelia G. Roldan, additional assignment as Resident Veterina-
increase in honorarium as Researcher in the project entitled "I ntrc- rian, Veterinary Hospital, effective 1 June 1977IJntii 31 May 1978.
duction to Social Work Phase II," effective 1 February until 30
September 1978. -General Administration------------_........j
Fermin O. Adriano, additional assignment as Program Develop-
Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute o f - - ment Assistant, Program Development Staff, Office of the President,
Mariano V. de la Cruz, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as effective! February until 30 June 1978.
Member, Board of Athletic Affairs, effective 1 January 1972 until Virginia L Aprieto, reappointment to additional assignment as
30 April 1977. Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,

.0 Rosalinda M. Kimpo, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,

Department of Service Physical Education, effective 1 April until
the return of Lourdes C. Saniel from sick leave, but not later than
April 1978.

- Statistical Center- - - - - - - -
Angeles R. Buenaventura, reappointment to additional assign-
effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Jose C. Araneta, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Electrical Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program,
Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Jose A. Azarcon, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Electrical Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program,
Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
ment as Otflcer-in-Charpe. effective 6 March until the return of Lourdes C. Brion, reclassification with promotion in rank and
Cristina P. Parel from special detail in the U.S.A., but not later than salary from Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate,
17 March 1978. Natural Science Research Committee, Office of Research Coordina-
Gloria C. Caldito, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, tion, effective 1 February until 31 December 1978.
effective 20 March until the return of Cristina P. Parel from special Arsenio S. Camacho, increase in honorarium for additional
detail in the U.S.A., but not later than 31 March 1978; renewal of assignment as Program -Devetopment Associate, PDS. Office of the
additional assignment as Training Specialist. effective 1 January President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
until 31 December 1978. Elizabeth J. Camacho. renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President. effective
I-Tacloban, U.P. College - ----------t 1 February until 31 May 1978.
Rodolfo M. Anota, transfer from U.P. College Cebu as Instructor Filomena M. Cantoria, reappointment to additional assignment
II in Mathematics, effective 2 November 1977 until 31 May 1978. as Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
Wilfred G. Barloso, transfer from Local Government Center, effective 1 February until 30 June 1978.
College of Public Administration with reclassification from Senior Angel F. Caringal, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Research Assistant to Instructor III in Public Administration, effec- Development Assistant, PDS. Office of the President, effective 1
tive 16 October 1977 until 31 May 1978. April until 31 May 1978_
Saturnino C. Camingao, Jr., transfer from the DAP, Tacloban Fortunato T. de la Peaa, reappointment to additional assignment
as Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
with reclassification from Senior Lecturer to Instructor II in Agri-
effective 1 February until 30 June 1978.
culture, effective" 1 October 1977 until 31 May 1978.

February-March 1978 U.P. Gazette
Lily T. de Leon, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Romeo L Manlapaz, additional assignment as Member, Univer-
Design Architect, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of sity Academic Personnel Board, effective 1 March 1978 until 30
the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. April 1980.
Miguel B. Escoto, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Jesus H. Monrov, Jr., renewal of supplementary appointment as
Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of the Senior Design Architect, Infrastructure Development Program,
President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Miguel T. Escoto, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Junior Vladimir P. Panlilio, renewal of additional assignment as Mechan-
Electrical Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, ical Design Engineer Consultant, Infrastructure Development Pro-
Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. gram, Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June
Horacia R. Estrada, renewal of additional assignment as Member, 1978.
University Academic Personnel Board, effective 1 March 1978 until Denise B. Pineda, supplementary appointment with increase in
28 February 1979. honorarium as Program Development Assistant, PDS, Office of the
Carazon R. Estrella, additional assignment as Director, Manage- President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
ment Information System Unit, Office of the President, effective 3 Evangel P. Quiwa, renewal of additional assignment as Program
January until 30 June 1978. Development Associate, POS, Office of the President, effective 1
Oscar L Evangelista, additional assignment as University Mar- April until 30 June 1978.
shall, effective 1 March 1978 until 30 April 1983. Benjamin L Ravena. reappointment to additional assignment as
Milagros V. Gregorio, renewal of additional assignment with Program Development Associate, PDS. Office of the President,
increase in honorarium as Program Development Associate, PDS. effective 1 February until 30June 1978.
Office of the President, effective 1 January until 31 March 1978: Noel V. Relucio, renewal of additional assignment as Junior
renewal of additional assignment as Program Development Asso- Electrical Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of
ciate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 April until 30 June the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
1978. Salvador F. Reyes, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Efren P. Hernandez, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of th
Design Architect, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Rafael A. Rodriguez, increase in honorarium for additional
Myrna V. Hong, reappointment to additional asslqnment as Pro- assignment as Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
15 January until 31 May 1978. Djonisia A. Bela, reappointment to additional assignment as
Felicidad H. Jesena, grant of honorarium for additional assiqn- Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President,
ment as Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the Presi- effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
dent, effective 1 February until 31 May 1978. Renato D. Saquing, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Aurelio T. Juguilon, renewal of additional assignment with Development Assistant, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1
increase in honorarium as Program Coordinator, Infrastructure April until 31 May 1978-
Development Program, Office of the President, effective 1 January Ma. Jocelyn S. Sonquit, additional assignment as Program Devsl-
until 30 June 1978. opment Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective 1 Feb-
Rogelio O. Juliano, reappointment to additional assignment as ruary 1978 until 30 April 1978.
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, Victor N. Ttotuvco, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. Design Architect, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of
Leonardo Q. liongson, renewal of additional assignment as Pro- the President, effective 1 January until 30June 1978.
gram Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, effective Romeo C Tomacruz, renewal of additional assignment as Secre-
1 April until 30 June 1978- tary and Property Officer, Infrastructure Development Program,
Elayda E. Mabunay, reappointment to additional assignment as Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, Lilia A. Torres, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-t
effective 3 January until 30 June 1978. Charge, Division of Counseling and Guidance, Office of the Vice
Jose M. Maceda, additional assignment as Member, University President for Academic Affairs, effective 16 March 1978 until the
Academic Personnel Board, effective 1 March 1978 until 30 April return of Esperanza R. Limcaco, from sabbatical leave, but not later
1980. than 15 March 1979.
Artemio P. Magabo, renewal of additional assignment as Junior Edwin M. Varona, renewal of additional assignment as Labora-
Electrical Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, tory Consultant, Infrastructure Development Program, Office of the
Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978. President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Priscila S. Manalang, reappointment to additional assignment as Ma Onva G. Zipagan, renewal of additional assignment as Secre-
Program Development Associate, PDS, Office of the President, tary of the Committee on Emeritus Appointments. effective 3
effective 1 February until 30 June 1978. March 1978 until 30 April 1979.

I 50 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 2 I

the univer .


Administrative Orders. Administrative Order No.6: Conference

Committee for the 1978 Faculty Conference, 55 • Administrative
Order No. 16: Designation as Members of the University Personnel
Board, 55 • Administrative Order No.7: rv'!embership in the Com-
mittee on University Housing Dillman Campus, 55 • Administrative
Order No.9: Committee on Signaliza'tion of Campus Intersections,
55 • Administrative Order No. 10: Implementation Phase of Re-
search Studies to be Carried Out by the Institute of Mass Com-
munication as Provided for in the Memorandum of Agreement
Between the University of the Philippines System and the Educa-
tional Development Projects Implementing Task Force {EDPITAFl,
Department of Education and Culture (DECI. 55 • Marnor.dum
Circulars • Memorandum Circular No.4: Summer Vacation
Calendar 1978, 56 • NISA Clearance as Requirement for Personnel
Actions, 56 - Memorandum Circular No.8: Publication of Profes-
sorial Chair Lectures, 57 • Memorandum Circular OSU-12 (78):
Coursing Through DFA All Communications To and From Foreign
Governments and International Organizations, 57 • Memorandum
Circular OSU·13 (7~): Nominations to the National Academy of
Science and Technology (NASTI, 57 • Memorandum Circular
OSU-l3-A (78): For: Whom the Bell Does Not Toll, Subject:
Hamlet in the Academic Grove, Purpose: As You Like It, 57 •
Memonmda • Memorandum No. 24: Free Period, 15 to 29 May
1978, 57 - On the Constitutions of the U.P. College Cebu Com-
munity Organization, Inc., and the U.P. College Cebu Faculty and
Academic Personnel Association, 58 • Memorandum No. 26: U.P.
Job Evaluation Study, 58 • Memorandum No.1: Initial Papers for
the Conference and Miscellaneous Information, 58 • Memorandum
No.5: Dios ti agnina, matsala, atbp., 59 • Memorandum No. 11:
Authority to Admit in the First Semester, 1978-1979, Additional
New Freshmen to the U.P. College Manila, 59 • Memorandum
AS-38 (1978): Missionaries Wanted I ,60


In his letter of invitation to Justice Cecilia Munoz·Palma or the
Supreme Court to be guest-speaker at the University graduation BOOth (Specill) Meeting, 12 April 1978 • Appointments, Reap-
rites, President 0.0. Corpuz said: "Our class of 1978 hold you in pointments, Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in
high esteem for your independence of mind and positive approach Salary, etc., 60 • Graduation of Students, 60 • Amendment of
to issues of change and order in a truly human society." Justice Paragraph Six of the Articles of Incorporation of the U.P. Founda-
Palma responded warmly with an inspirational talk, "Do Not Lose tion, lnc., 60 • Authority for the Asian Institute of Tourism lAin
Your Heritage of Freedom," receiving a most appreciative ovation )i?-Senle...wines -and...,=~q,JO_~...p.J 'fII 901st Meeting, 27 April 19711 •
from the 1978 graduates through an oft-applauded speech. Appointments, Reappointments, Renewals of Appointment, Promo-
Justice Mufioz-Palma received her Bachelor of Laws degree from tions, Increase in Salary, etc.. 61 -TrCllsfer to Permanent Status, 61
the University of the Philippines, in 1937. The high point in her • Professorial Chair Endowment, 61 • Collection of Fees, 62 •
distinguished career was her appointment as first lady Justice in the Departmentalization of the College of Fine Arts, 62 • Establishment
highest court of the land. In 1974, she was judged Most Outstanding of the UPLB Library Board, 62 • SEC Building Named After the
Alumna by the U.P. Alumni Association. Late Vidal A. Tan, 62 • Exemption of Certain AIT Positions from
In her celebrated speech. ~he urged the University to be "a living Existing University Poticv on the Hiring of New Employees, 62 •
exponent of democracy, freedom and justice" if it is "to continue in Institution of New Programs in the University, 71 - Extension of
its role of creating a broad base of highly-educated, resocnsible the Grants-in-Aid During the Summer Term, 71 • Other Matters
citizenry as its contribution to national development". She stated Considered by the Board, 71 - 902nd Meeting, 25 May 1978 •
that the University's graduates ever bring with them the "highest Appointments, Reappointments, Renewals of Appointment, Promo-
traditions of nationalism and patriotism," and that "nothing can be tions, Increases in Salary, etc., 72 • Transfer to Permanent Status,
72 • Professorial Chair Endowment, 73 • Collection of Fees,,73 -
more tragic than the spectacle of a citizenry or a people who
Development Plan of the U.P. in the Visayas, 73 - Exemption from
through apathy, indifference or fear, or. for sheer convenience and
the P5.00 Special Fee, 73 • Other, Matters Considered by the
material gain, or through compromise or surrender of principles lose
or bargain away their liberties and ideals."
The conviction expressed in President Corpuz's letter of invita-
tion to Justice Munoz-Palma that the class of 1978 would be RUBRICS OF SUMMER
"strengthened by your message" as they "go forth in the service of
our people", was fully realized as an exultant audience dispersed at Jubilate!, 63 • Choicest of Gems, 64 • Pact between the Mind and
sunset from the Commencement Grounds. the Plough, 67 • Apposite or Irrelative? , 68 _Writer_in~Exile? ,69
Cover photographv is by Riki T. Espana. • A Bequest, 70

U.P. Gazette 53
April-May 1978
Elementary School Teachers and Administrators, 78 • Memo-
PRESIDENTIAL DECISIONS,73 randum of Agreement with the National Nutrition Council (NNC)
Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Cultural Studies for Backyard
SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE Gardens." 78 • Memorandum of Agreement with the Livestock
Development Council (LDC) Regarding Its Contribution to Help
Defray Graduation Expenses. 78 .Memorandum of Agreement with
Resignations, 78 .Retirements, 78
the Jose Palma Marcelo Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (JPMSFI)
Regarding the Project "Evaluation of the Potential of ex Microbial
CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Cultures for Crop Production," 78 • Memorandum of Agreement
with the land Bank of the Philippines- (LBP) Regarding Integrated
Estate (Farmstead) Development Program, 78 • Memorandum of
Educational Service Agreement with the United States of America Agreement with the Luzon Development Bank (LOB) for the Estab-
Regarding Educationai Instruction at V.P. College Clark Air Base. lishment of the UPLB College of Agriculture Ramon Magsavsav
78 • Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Coconut Award Fund, 79 e Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of
Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (PCROF) Providing
Plant Industry Regarding Crop Production Training, Information,
For Joint Research Projects for the Development of the Coconut and Extension, 79 • Memorandum of Agreement with the U.S.
Industry, 78 • Memorandum of Agreement with the Division of Peace Corps/Philippines (USPC) Pertaining to a Joint Pilot Project
Aizal Regarding a Training Program and SeminarlWorkshop for
on Agro-Forestry Education and Rural Development, 79

BOARD OF REGENTS .The Honorable Juan L. Manuel. Chairman, Secretary ct '

Education and Culture e The Honorable Onofre D. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Pres;"
dent,. University of the Philippines .The Honorable Abelardo G. Samonte, Chan-
cettor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos .The Honorable Ruben Santos
Cuyugan, Chancellor, Philippine Center for Advanced Studies .The Honorable
Abraham F.- Sarmiento, President, V.P. Alumni Association • The Honorable
Tomas S. Fonacier • The Honorable Orlando J. Sacay • The Honorable Gerardo
p. SIca. • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronaldo B.
Zamora eOr. Gemino H. AbacI, Secretary


President. Dr. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President .Or.
Oscar M. Alfonso, Vice-President for Academic Affairs .Dr. Ramon
C. Portugal, Vice-President for Administration e Dr. Gemino H.
Abed. Secretary .Prof. Manuel P. Bendana, University Registrar
EDITORIAL BOARD. Dr. Gemino H. Abaci, Secretary of the
University, Chairman .Prof. Luis D. Bertran, Acting Director of the
University Press, Secretary e Prof. Manuel P. Bendana, Secretary of
the University Council e Dr. Gloria D. Feliciano, Dean of the tnstl-
tute of Mass Communication e Prof. Froilan M. Bacuiigan, Director
of the Law Center eOr. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P. Faculty Organization eMrs. Mav C. Dumlao, President of the
U.P. Supervisors' Association eMr. Alexander J. Poblador, Editor of
the Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF eG8mino H. Abad, Editor eRuben David F. Defeo, Associate Editor .Elpidio S. Caimoy. Managing Editor.
Rushan T. Jose. Assistant Editor .Riki T. Espana, Photo Editor eTonv M. dela Vega, Circulation Manager

54 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS The Chairman will notify them of the meetings of the Commit-
tee and its functions.
Administrative Order No.6: Conference Committee for the 1978 29 May 1978
Facu tty Conference ISgd.1 ONOFRE D. CORPUZ
Pursuant to the verbal authorization earlier given the Vice-
President for Academic Affairs to take charge of the preparations
for the 1978 Faculty Conference to be held 18-20 May 1978 at the
Administrative Order No. 10: Implementation Phase of Research
U.P. at Los Banos, and upon his recommendation, the following are Studies to be Carried Out by the Institute of Mass Communication
hereby constituted into the Conference Committee to continue
as Provided for in the Memorandum of Agreement Between the
making such preparations as have already been auspiciously started University of the Philippines System and the Educational Develop-
by them and which would make for a fruitful Conference: Dr. Oscar ment Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF), Department of
M. Alfonso. Chairman; Dr. Tito E. Contado, Co-Chairman; and
Education and Cutture (DEC)
Engr. Herminia Benaza. Mrs. Esperanza Susan Exconde, Prof, Felipe
B. Miranda. Mr. Antonio Moran, Dr. Benedicta A. Parker, Prof, In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement entered into

Francisco Roque, Dr. Ramon P. Santos, Dr. Eulalia Sa plaia , Dr. by and between the Unlversitv of the Philippines System and the

I Detfina M. Torreta, Miss Lualhati Yniguez, Miss Ma. Oliva G. Zipa-

gan, Members.
The Conference Committee is authorized to call upon any office
Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force
(EDPITAF) on 1 April 1978, the Institute of Mass Communication
is hereby directed to carry out the objectives of the Agreement as
r personnel to assist the Committee toward the efficient and sue- the implementing agency of the University in the Implementation
I cessful discharge of its duties and responsibilities. Phase of the Summative Evaluation of the Radio-Assisted Teaching
~ 28 April 1978 in Elementary Schools and the Continuing Education for Teachers
, (Sgd.) ONOFRE D. CORPUZ as well as in the Descriptive Evaluation of the Rural Educational
President Radio Study, and the Communication Technology for Rural Educa-
For this purpose, Dean Gloria D. Feliciano is hereby designated
Administrative Order No. 16: Designation as Members of the Uni- Program Officer to take charge of said Implementation Phase and
versity Administrative Personnel Board Prof. Raul R. Ingles as Disbursing Officer to be responsible for the
disbursement and proper accounting of funds made available by the
Pursuant to Executive Order No.5, s. 1973, as amended by
EDPITAF under the Agreement based on the estimated budget 1
Executive Order No.5-A, s. 1975, the following are hereby desig-
provided for therein, subject to the following conditions:
nated Members of the University Administrative Personnel Board,
I effective 1 April 1978 untJl30 April 1980: Mrs. Teresita S. Binaday, 1. The Program Officer and the Disbursing Officer shall see to it
that separate books or records of accounts shall be maintained by
representing UPSA; and Mr. Rodotfo Odulio, representing ONAPUP.
the Institute of Mass Communication exclusively for the aforemen-
The Chairman of the Board will inform them of the meetings of
tioned EDPITAF funds.
the Board. 2. Actual disbursements of funds shall be subject to prior ap-
13 April 1978 proval by the Program Officer.
ISgd.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO 3. The books of accounts and other records pertinent thereto
Executive Vice-President shall be subject to examination by the Vice-President for Adminis-

Administrative Order No.7: Membership in the Committee on
tration or his duty-authorized representative. as he may deem appro-
4. It is understood that auditing of funds as required under
University Housing Diliman Campus existing COA regulations will be done by the EDPITAF (DEC)
Atty. Pio P. Frago is hereby designated member of the Commit- The Program Officer is hereby authorized to organize the staff
tee on University Housing, Difiman Campus, effective immediately, and appoint the personnel and consultants who may be called upon
vice Mr. Teofilo Fontanilla, retired. The Chairman of the Committee to serve in the Implementation Phase for the nine-month period (1
will notify him of the meetlnps of the Committee. April to 31 December 1978) that the U.P.-EDPITAF Agreement will
8 May 1978 be in effect, subject to the following conditions:
ISgd.) TOMAS S. FONACIER a. Appointments/contracts issued shall be on a temporary basis.
Managing Regent b. In the issuance of appointments/contracts, existing class titles
or designations and the corresponding rates of compensation!
honoraria prescribed by EDPITAF shall be observed,
Administrative Order No.9: Commntee on Signalization of Campus c. The Program Officer shall forward copies {i.e., one copy per
Intersections employee) of appcl ntments or contracts issued to the Office of
General Services through the Office of Academic Services (in the
Effective immediately, the following are hereby constituted into case of academic personnel) or the Office of Administrative Person-
a Committee, with Director Salvador F. Reyes of the Transport nel Services (in the case of administrative personnel), as the case
Training Center as Chairman, to oversee the operation of traffic may be, within five working days following issuance thereof.
signals to be installed in the Dllirnan campus of the Univer:it y: The completed report on the Summative Evaluation of the
Professor Primitivo Cal, Prof. Manuel Jabson, Director Antomc P. Radio-Assisted Teaching in Elementary Schools and the Continuing
., Cruz· Captain Eduardo V. Bentain, and Atty. Andrew Arrieta. Education for Teachers as well as the Descriptive Evaluation of the
i . 55
I April·May 1978 U.P. Gazette
Rural Educational Radio Study, and the Communication Tech- leges and schools, grant to members of the facuttv whose services
nology for Rural Education, will be submitted to ~is Office on or are not required vacation leave in excess of one month during such
before 31 December 1978 for review before transmittal to the vacation periods; Provided, further, That in case of sickness for
EDPITAF. more than fifteen days during the regular class periods, vacation
31 May 1978 leave with pay not exceeding one month in lieu of the summer
ISgd.1 ONOFRE D. CORPUZ vacation may be allowed during the regular class periods; and
President Provided, finally, That the work of the members of the faculty to
whom such leave is granted is duly taken care of without the need
MEMORANDUM CIRCULARS of a new appointee.
Art. 226. Notwithstanding the provision of the next preceding
Memorandum Circular No.4: Summer Vacmion Calend. 1978 Article, the President may detail such members of the faculty as he
may consider necessary to teach during the summer sessions of-the
Hereunder are the guidelines for the Summer Calendar 1978: University, but such members so detailed and who actually teach
1. The second semester of the Academic Year 1977-1978 ends throughout the summer sessions shall be entitled to vacation
after the General Commencement Exercises on 16 April 1978. throughout the next succeeding summer.
2. The summer vacation for purposes of the teacher's vacation Art. 227. In the event of failure to render service as required in
leave of faculty members starts on 17 April and ends on 1 June the next preceding Article, without good reasons. the teacher in
1978. question shall not be entitled to the regular salary corresponding to
3. Members of the faculty shall begin regular service for the Ace- that summer session.
demic Year 1978-1979 on 2 June 1978.
Item 2 above does not apply to faculty members who will be
detailed to the 1978 Summer Session which starts on 19 April and NISA Clearance as Requirement for Personnel Actions
ends on 2 June 1978.
Members of the faculty who do not hold administrative positions Quoted hereunder is the text of Memorandum Circular No.1, " ,

and are not assigned to teach or do other work during the 1978 Series of 19.78, from the Acting Chairman, Civil Service Commission ,-
Summer Session may file application for teacher's vacation leave, for immediate compliance:
subject to existing rules and regulations.
Faculty members who apply for or are on teacher's vacation "Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circulars Nos. 3 and 5,
leave (as distinguished from the vacation leave of personnel, aca- both series of 1974, require NISA clearance for original appoint-
demic teaching and non-teaching, who are on cumulative leave ments and appointments by way of reinstatement.
status) shall not be required to submit any clearance as a pre- "This Commission believes that the above-mentioned require-
condition for the approval of their application for teacher's vaca- ment should likewise be made to apply to other personnel actions,
tion leave or for the payment of salaries during their teacher's vaca- such as, appointments by transfer and promotional appointments,
tion leave. and contractual appointments covering a period of at least six (6)
Subject to the requirements of the service, members of the facul- months, especially so when the employee concerned has not under-
ty may be recalled anytime during the summer vacation for special gc>ne any security check/investigation of any kind.
assignments. "In view thereof, the above-mentioned Memorandum Circulars
Below is a reproduction of Articles 224 through 227 of the Nos. 3 and 5, both series of 1974, are hereby amended in the sense
Revised Code governing teacher's leave for' the guidance of all that NISA clearance is herebv required not only for original
concerned. A'i stipulated in the first proviso of Article 225, the I appointments and appointments by way of reinstatement but also
Dean should recommend for teacher's vacation leave in excess of I for other kinds of personnel actions, such as, appointments by trans-
one month faculty members who, under existing rules, are entitled I fer and promotional appointments, and contractual appointments
to one-month vacation only but whose services may not be required I covering a period of at least six (61 months. •
between 17 May and 1 June 1978, before such faculty members can "Henceforth, any certification on the face of any appointment ?'
enjoy teacher's vacation leave in excess of thirty (30) days. made pursuant to Civil Service Commission Circular No.1 0, series .
13 April 1978 of 1975, is understood to include the requirement mentioned here-
Chapter 22 Leave Privileges ISgd,) JACOBO C. CLAVE
Acting Chairman
Sec. 2 Teacher's Leave March 2, 1978"
Art. 224. Teacher's leave shall be granted to full and part-time
members of the faculty who do not normally perform administra- Consistent with the foregoing circular, all recommendations for
tive functions. It shall consist of vacation and sick leaves, neither of original appointments, reinstatements, transfers, promotions, and
which shall be cumulative. contractual appointments should be accompanied by duly-accom-
Art. 225. Teacher's vacation leave shall consist of one month in plished Application Form for NISA clearance or Personal History
each academic year in addition to the usual Christmas vacation. Statement in addition to other prescribed requirements for the
Such vacation leave may be taken only during the regular vacation purpose. Submission of subject recommendations not later than one
periods of the University, except in the case of members .of the and one half months before the date of effectivity is hereby re-
faculty who are also members of the" staff of the clinical depart- quested in order that processing of papers may not be delayed.
ments of the College of Medicine and resident physicians in the Please be guided accordingly.
Philippine General Hospital who may be permitted to enjoy the 4 May 1978
same at any time during the year at the discretion of the President;
Provided. however, That the President may, in his discretion, on ISgd.1 RAMON C. PORTUGAL
recommendation of the deans and directors of the respective col- Vice-President for Administration

56 U.P. Gazene Volume IX, Number 3

Mlmorandum Circular No.8: Publication of ProflSSOrial Chair matics and in the social sciences as manifested by his publisned
lecrore. works in recognized scientific and technical journals; Provided,
that, in highly meritorious and extremely exceptional cases the
Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No.7 (31 March 1978) and foregoing doctoral degree requirement may be waived."
the favorable reaction to the proposal contained therein, it shall Right on, if you're sure of your ground. The deadline is not
henceforth be the practice that, starting with professorial chair dead, but alive and. well: 10 May.
lectures delivered June this year, only the twelve (12) best profes- 4 May 1978
sorial chair lectures in various fields shall be published in book form
(Sgd.1 G~MINO H. A8AO
every five (5) years.
Secretary of the University
The Vice-President for Academic Affairs shall see to the appro-
priate mechanism for the selection of the twelve (12) BEST Profes- Memorandum Circular OSU~13-A(781
sorial Chair lectures over a five-year period. It is suggested, more- For: Whom The Bell Does Not Toll
over, that deans, directors, and heads of units see, in the meantime, Subject: Hamlet in the Academic Grove
to the individual publication of Professorial Chair lectures in some Purpose: As You Like It
unit/college journal or other appropriate venue.
17 May 1978 Soliloquy
(by Philip H. DeTurk. Phi Oetta KlIPpan. April 19781
To be basic, or not to be basic; that is the question -
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind (and purse) to suffer
Memorandum Circular OSU·12 (78): Coursing Through DFA All The slings and arrows of outrageous complaint,
Communications To and From Foreign Governments and Inter- Or to take arms against a sea of critics,
national Organizations And by opposing silence them. To punish, to parse -
No more openness; and by that tedium to say we end
Please be reminded of existing laws, regulations and presidential The heartache, and the thousand natural faults
instructions designating the Department of Foreign Affairs as the That innovation is heir to; 'tis a life
I main channel through which all government agencies shall deal or That every teacher might devoutly wish. To punish, to parse -
otherwise communicate with foreign governments and international To parse, perchance to diagram, aye, there's the rub,
organizations. (The latest regulation is contained in Foreign Service For in that parsing of banality what dullness may come
Circular No. 12-77, dated 4 January 1977.) When we no longer have balance,
The intent of said policy is that "since such actions involve Must make us cautious; there's the respect
foreign relations and protocol, it is obvious and necessary that they That makes calamity of so much education,
be coordinated with the Department of Foreign Affairs." For who would bear the endless planning.
The ruling covers all communications, including project pro- Th' SAT scores, the consultant's advice,
posals and requests for technical assistance, to and from foreign The relentless love of children, the budget's delay,
governments; the United Nations, its specialized agencies, and The insolence of the front office, and the frustration
subsidiary bodies; and en other international organizations. Such That endless scrounging for new materials takes,
communications should be coursed through the Department of When he himself might his quietus make
Foreign Affairs. With an old workbook? Who would workshops bear,
Compliance with this ruling will spare all concerneo from un- To grow and sweat under continued training,
necessary delay. But that the dread of something after grammar,
4 May 1978 The undiscussed standardized world, where unmotivated students

(Sgd.) GEMINO H. A8AO Punctuate but don't communicate, puzzles the witl,
Secretary of the Universffy And makes us go on asking new questions,
Than wallow in a world of answers for instant gratification?
Memorandum Circular OSU·13 (78): Nominations to the National Thus conscience might make cowards of us all,
And thus Love, Enthusiasm, and Perception
1 Academy of Science and TechnoJogy (NASTI
Are sicklied o'er by the paler cost of facts and figures,
And the How, the Why, and the What
President Marcos has recently appointed members to the tem-
With this demand for Basics their currencies diminish,
porary Screening Committee and instructed it to evaluate all nomi-
And lose the name of Learning.
nees to NAST (created by PD 1003-A and placed under the adrnin-
16 May 1978
lstratlve supervision of the NSDB). (Sgd.1 GEMINO H. A8AO
Since the Screening Committee shall choose onty 10 initial Secretary of the University
members of the Academy - from all bright corners of our Archi-
pelago and from the natural and social sciences - nominations must MEMORANDA
be founded on the solid rock of the highest qualifications. Please
I submit nominations to the Office of the President of U.P., on or Memorandum No. 24: Free Period, 15 to 29 May 1978
before 10 May this year.
For information and guidance, Section 2 of PD 1003-A states Please be reminded that consonant to the practice initiated last
I the qualifications of members of the Academy: year, 15 to 29 May this year shall be for "rest and re-enerqlzlnq."
This means that all officers of Central Administration and all
"For the purpose of this Decree, a scientist shall be defined
as an individual who has earned a doctoral degree in any field of deans and heads of colleges and units are enjoined to loose them-
the sciences in an accredited University and has demonstrated selves from the sweet bondage of their duties from 15 to 29 May
this year. They may visit their stations from time to time, but
and earned distinction in independent research or significant
without anxiety, or assign officers:in-charge at their posts for the
innovative achievement in the basic and applied sciences, includ-
ing agricultural, engineering and medical sciences, in mathe- routinary transactions.

April-May 1978 U.P. Gazette
The governing "law" during this "Free Period" is that only sentatives from the three types of University personnel is in the
routine matters will be routed; no significant matter, unless critical, process of evaluating University jobs or positions for the purpose of
will be acted upon anywhere in the U.P. System. determining the relative salary levels commensurate to their respec-
The purpose for declaring 15 to 29 Maya "Free Period" is of tive responsibilities and qualifications. (For more information on
course quite obvious: we want our officers, deans. directors, and the study, please refer to Working Paper No. 78-77 entitled "Pro-
heads of units to free themselves, as it were, from a kind of self- legomena towards a U.P. Job Evaluation.")
imposed exploitation of their own innate resources and regain, if In this connection, the Committee will need a list of University
need be, their original cheer, their poise of mind, their sweetness of positions - not only of the currently existing and occupied ones,
temper, and (if it has somewhat been frayed) even their sanity. but also of those which may need to be created in the future, as well
24 April 1978 as those which, though currently existent, are at present unoccupied
(Sad.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO and no longer necessary and should therefore be abolished.
Exewtive Vice-President The preliminary lists of University positions were prepared by
the Committee on the basis of the Terminal Report of the Develop-
On the Constitutions of the U.P. Coli. Clbu Community Orglni- ment Academy of the Philippines Study Team (DAPST) which
zanon, Ine., and the U.P. Coli•• Cebu Faculty .nd Acad.mic worked in 1977 on the U.P. Job Evaluation Project. The University
hnonnel Association positions listed are categorized into the following:
This is in response to the requests earlier submitted to this Office 1) Currently existing and occupied University positions recom-
for approval of the constitutions of the University of the Philippines mended for continuation by the DAPST;
College Cebu Community Organization, Inc., and the University of 2) Currently existing but unoccupied University positions
the Philippines College Cebu Faculty and Academic Personnel Asso- recommended for continuation by the DAPST;
ciation, and for University recognition thereof. 3) Currently existing Unlversitv positions recommended for
There is no University policy or rule that (1) inhibits any sector
of the University constituency from forming or constituting an asso-
ciation or non-profit corporation on its own, or (2) limits the
number of such associations within a college.
The University's aim is to promote unity, not fragmentation,
abolition ·by the DAPST; and
4) Currently non-existent University positions recommended for
creation by the DAPST.
Kindly examine these lists and indicate:
1) Which of the currently existing but unoccupied positions
..J _~

among University personnel, especially within the same oollege. In you foresee will be needed by your College/Unit in the next five (5)
line with this aim, it would be to its best interest if the U.P. College years;
Cebu had only one association or organization comprising most of 2) Which of the currently existing positions recommended for
its faculty and other academic personnel. It would facilitate recogni-
abolition by the DAP you foresee will be needed by your College/
tion if the actual membership of a faculty and academic non-teach- Unit in the near future; and
ing personnel association/organization included at least 51%of the
3) Which University positions (either because the position is
faculty. In view of the temporary character of many faculty newly created or because it is still to be created) will be needed by
appointments, University recognition would not be permanent; your College/Unit in the near future.
rather, it would be given on a year-to-year basis, to insure comon-
ance with the 51%requirement. For each such "new" University position, kindly furnish a job
While University personnel are free to organize themselves, description.
subject to the pertinent laws of the land, an association without Kindly forward your comments. observations, recommendations
formal University recognition cannot be allowed to occupy any regarding Item Nos. 1-3 above to Dr. Romeo i... Manlapaz, Chairman
portion of University buildings or premises as its headquarters or of the U.P. Job Evaluation Committee, at the U.P. Computer
office, nor can it be allowed the use of any University facility. This Center, on or before 1 June 1978.
is in conformity with standard accounting and auditing regulations Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
12 May 1978
governing the use of government resources.
The guidelines outlined hereinabove are not intended to dis- (Sgd.1 OSCAR M. ALFONSO •
Officer-in-Charge ;,
courage you, much less to "scare" you. They are designed as supple-
mentary instruments for the attainment of your, and OUR, com- Office of the Executive Vice-President
mon objective of unity as one big family of intelligent, rational, and
socially educated personalities. Memorandum No.1: Initial Papers for the Conference and Miteel·
We hope, therefore, that you seriously consider forming only laneous Informll'tion
one association/organization, so that we can more effectively
contribute to the realization of your common aspirations as For information and guidance as regards the 1978 Faculty Con-
members of the constituency of the U.P. College Cebu. ference to be held 18-20 May at the U.P. at Los Banos, kindly take
For whatever they may be worth (at least in the formulation of note of the following:
the constitution and bylaws of the association you may envision), A. Travel Schedule
enclosed herewith for your consideration are copies of the com- 1. Trip to Los Banos on Thursday morning, May 18
ments by the Chief of the Office of Institutional Studies, dated 4 a. 5:30 - assembly at Quezon Hall
and 5 April 1978, respectively, on the constitutions and bylaws of b. 6:00 - departure for Los Banos
the University of the Philippines College Cebu FaoUtv and Aca- c. 8:00 - arrival and billeting at the Men's Dormitory and the
demic Personnel Association and the University of the Philippines Women's Dormitory
College Cebu Community Organization, tnc., respectively. d.8:20 - shuttle from dormitories to INSAET (Institute of
26 April 1978 Agricultural Engineering and Technology)
e. 8:30 - snacks (INSAET lobby)
1. 9:00 - opening plenary session (INSAET)
2. Trip from Los Banos on Saturday afternoon, May 20
Memorandum No. 26:. U.P. Job Evaluation Study a. 2:00 - Luggage pick-up and loading on buses
b. 2:30 - Departure for Diliman
At present, a U.P. Job Evaluation Committee consisting of repre- c. 4:30 - Arrival at Quezon Hall

58 U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 3

3. Punctuollty d. Jooo N. Endrlga, "University Structure in the Year 2,000"
a. Alpiratlon, prayer and pin: that punctuality shall mark the For Inqulrin rogoJ!llng tho F....1ty Conforonce~ P.... oonteet
Conference schedule in its various activities, consistently and admir- tho Offlca 01 the Vl......dent for Academic Affairs (Quezon Hall
ablV Room 209, PLOT 97-12-88,- - PABX 207 Dr 3251.
b. Entreaty: In parttcular, please come on time for the clepBrture 2 May 1978
of the Conference buses from Quezon Hall at 6:00 1I.m. sharp on JSod.1 OSCAR M. ALFONSO
Thundoy, May 18 ., Confersnce Chairman
8. COnfo...... Info
1. cOnf8iWnce- Themlll: "The University's Goals and Curricular Memorandum No.5: Dios ti agninl, matSlltI, atbp.
Programs: Apposim or Irrelative?"
a. "Goals" being taken here to mea'l also national goals The 1978 Faculty Conference, hold 18-20 May atthe U.P. trtt.os
2. SlUltlng: three to a room in most cases in the women's dormi- Baf'los, cannot be deemed in my mind to have really come to its
tory. for want of space Icondusion, or be safely tucked away in fond memory withoutthls
3. Towels: not 8Vailabie in the dormitories; so please bring your i final memorandum. .
own . 'There are many to thank tor many rememberable things that
4. Umbrellas/Rainco. .: convenient to hENe" with you if it does were done or that happened for, during or because of the Confer-
reln, so please bring at your option . ence; far too many. and enumerable only at the risk, given an under-.
5. Conference bag: to be sent to the participants' respective units taking as large as the Faculty Conference and invotving so many
about a week before......the Conference (pie. . daim at the Dun', people, of inad\rertently failing to mention some of them and
Office), "and to contain'the rest of the papers for the Conference; appearing to be unappreciative.
thr printed program (including the complete Conference schedule, I will Just say in gef!eral, therefore, that there were noteworthy
your assignment to discussion groups, and the Conference roster and contributions of aU kinds. of such variety, from so many, for which
billeting assignments); your 10 card and writing materials. I am most thankful and gnrtoful.
.• 6. Swimming pool lot UPL8 Soclal Halll end bowling alloys lot It was not truly a faculty conference, nor really a gathering of
UPLB Union): to be made available to the Conference participants. the faculty; it was rather, happily, better, a coming together of
C. Papers for the Conference ~ faculty, academic non-teaching personnel, administrative employees,
1. PI. . . Bring With You To Tho Conforonca Tho Copias 01 Tho and students in fruitful discussion and hopeful resolution of
Popers Wa Aro Sending You H....wlth. problems and issues.
Thoro Ate Only Umltod Capias 01 There Pepa.., And Repl_- The Conference will be remembered for its punctuelity. It
mont Copl.. Shall 80 Olfllcuit.To Coma By. proved that aspiration, hope and plea, with entreaty added on. rttake
2. Should you be unable to attend the Conference, please pass a winning combination. It did warm the cockles" of my heart to see
the papen on to your alternate. most of the delegates already assembled at Quezon Hall for the trip
3. We are sending you these papers this earty so you Ca"l read to Los Baf'los, sorne fifteen "mInutes before ·the scheduled depfl"tlir8
them before coming to the Conference. We hope this will make for early in the. morning of 18 May, and to see the Conference run
more stimulating and enriching discussions at the Conference. thereafter on schedule, consistently and admirably, in its various
4. Please find herewith the following: activities.
a. Papers for prelBntation sod diteuRion The Conference will be memorable for being conscientious,
(1) GermelJno F. Abita, "On Institutionalizing Curricular Re· responsive, insightful, full of good humor. Remarkably, the humor
view in the University of the Philippines" worked best when we could have been the drowsiest, in the scrnnc-
(2) Ruben C. Umaly, "The General Education Program at the lent afternoon hours of 18 May and 19 May.
College of Arts and Sciences (Dilima"l)" Conscientiousness, responsiveness, insight and good humor
(31 Leopolda V. Abis, "The College of Engineering Experience" carried the Conference through many good discussions and some
(4) Ernesto M. Pomla, "Where U.P. Graduates Go" '-thou(fltfui resolutions: v.elco!'"e demonstration, indeed, of President
(5) Ajh: Singh Rye, "The Role of the University Curriculum <;t.O. Corpu.z·, observation about the Faculty Conference as nascent
,• Committee" decision-making body. •
b. _wound p..,... on national and U.P.lIDaI. and pollcl.. For all that, and more, my appreciation - deep, warm, abiding.
(1) "Some National Goals and Pollcles" (excerpts from the Fill- 'DMay 1978
y_ Philippine Development Plan, 1978-1982 Including tho T_ lSod.1 OSCAR M. ALFONSO
Y_ Donfopmant Plan, '978-19871 Conference Chairman
(2) Presidential Decree No. 6·A on Educationat Development Memorandum No. 11: Authority to-Admit in the Fint Semester,
Projects _ 1978-1979, Additional New Freshmen to the U.P. College Manila
(3) Excerpts from speeches of President FerdJnaf1lll E. Marcos
U.P. College Manila, through Dean Raul P. de Guzman, is hereby
(a) "The Love for the Life of the Mind"
authorized to admit in the first semester, 1978-1979. new freshmen
(bl On Democratization of Admissions
to fill up its Quota of 250, provided that: .
tcl On the School of Economics and U.P. in Visayas
1. the student has not been admitted into any unit of the Univer-
(4) Pres. 0.0. Corpuz, "[Tho' U.P. and] The Self·L1beratlon of
sity throu(fl the 1978 UPCAT; 'I
the Filipino" (investiture address)
2 he took the UPCAT in December 1977 and obtained, an
(51 Excerpts from the Revised U.P. Coda
UPCAT score of at least 2.594, the U.P. ·College Manila eut-off
161 Excerpts from the U.P. Cherter
5. The following papers for presentation and discussion shatl 3. he is a high school graduate; end
come with your Conference bag, 1.8ter: 4. he has passed the NCEE.
a.11'tItitut8 of Health Sciences Committee. "The Institute of ' 31 Mev 1978
Health Sciences Program" . {Sgd.1 ONO.FRE O. CORPUZ
b. Arturo A. GomlR, "The UPLB Experience" (tentative title) President
Co NlrtJvidld J. Mun..rlz, "The Second Curriculum: Enrichment 'Edllor'. Nole IBl'ologiell 1o Emp,onj: cock/n, I.e., weed, mollusk, worl. bulge. hnler; therero...,.
hen". l.e.• weed. mtlllu8k, wan, bulge.lleel;".
of Student Life"

U.P. Gazetta 59
April-May 1978
Memorandum AS-38 (1978): Missionaries Wanted! It dawned on me, like the saints of old, that we have a mission. I
thought of a better way to concretize the slogan "Serve the People"
I just attended a convention of PASUC (Philippine Association than digging holes and planting rice in the name of Rural Service.
of State Universities and Colleges) and a live-in seminar of APCAS I am not asking you to thank the Lord (the one who holds the
(Association of Philippine Colleges of Arts and Sciences). These national purse) for our bounty. I am inviting you to join what vve
affairs did not tum out to be the enjoyable holidays that inost might call the "Liberal Arts Missionary Society." (Be not afraid, a
conferences are because I learnt a lot of things to disturb my vow of celibacy is optional I )
conscience. With your indulgence, I would like to share with you seriously, I am asking for volunteers, for faculty members with
my agony and involve you in the act of contrition. missionary zeal who are willing to give special lectures, offer extra-
We don't really get to know how lucky we are to be in U.P. until mural courses for teachers, serve as consultants, etc., in destitute
lJW hear our counterparts in other colleges and universities describe colleges of arts and sciences without extra compensation or load
their situation. We always feel miserable and deprived because we reduction. When I mentioned this plan to them, several deans were
only compare ourselves with the professional units of U.P., with most eager to avail of our services. That is why I am now compiling
PCAS, and even with universities abroad. But our complaints and a directory of volunteers.
grievances seem so trivial compared to the problems of other State I think this is a more noble way of returning the people's subsidy
universities and colleges and the private colleges of arts and sciences. than putting our brains in the service of affluent corporations,
government agencies, and sinister American and Japanese founda-
We gripe about the cut in our current budget, but do you know tions.
that what we have is many times bigger than what other colleges of This is an opportunity for us to lead in the revitalization of the
arts and sciences can ever hope to get? Do you know that our CAS liberal arts.
budget alone is bigger than the budgets of several universities? Yet And this will remove the strong enti-tf.P. feelings outside. (I did
our 8,200 students constitute a very tiny fraction of the total col- not realize the intensity of these feelings until I heard the thunder-
legiate student population in the country I ous applause for President Marcos when he promised to redistribut.~.~
On the first day of the APCAS seminar I tried consoling myself the funds for education at our expense.l .'
with the thought that the capitalists and priestly congregations who If there is a bit of a missionary in you, please fill in the form '
own the private schools are making lots of profit. They should be and return to my Office. Whenever schools will request for your
nationalized, I said to myself. But then I recalled the PASUC institu- services, I shall put them in touch with you. Negotiate a conve-
tions. They are no better endowed. They do not provide a convinc- nient arrangement with them but, please, do not expect an hono-
ing argument for nationalization. Before my mind drifted back to rarium, load reduction, or comfortable quarters.
the dangerous dream of a socialist revolution, I thought of what we 2 May 1978
can do, in the present context, to improve the lot of the vast major- FRANCISCO NEMENZO, JR.
ity of students outside this ivory tower. Dean, College of Am and Scisnces

D)a(D$DO~$ Ol? vaQ~ IiSOAijfi) Ol? w~C!laL'JV$ v

900th (Special) Meeting, 12 April 1978 the Board of Regents at its 898th Meeting, 23 February 1978, as

APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN "Sixth - That the number of directors of the Foundation
SALARY, ete.: shall be fifteen (151 who shall be known and designated as
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- the 'Trustees' thereof. The names and residences of the trustees
ments, etc.: of the Foundation who are to serve until their successors are
elected and qualified as provided by the Bylaws are as follows:"
Agricultural Engineeringand Technology, Institute of
Wiffredo P. David, reappointment to additional assignment as To:
SEARCA Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, effective "Sixth - That there shall be fifteen (15) directors, to be
1 January until 31 December 1978. known as trustees, of. the Foundation of which eleven (11) shall
be named herein and who shall serve as inoorporating directors
Forestry, College of until their successors are elected and qualified. Upon the election
Lucrecio L. Rebugio, additional assignment as Associate Prates- and qualification of their successors in accordance with the By-
sor of Forestry "Extension (professorial chair), effective 1 January laws, the number of trustees shall be increased to fifteen (15).
until 31 December 1978. Until the number is increased, the names and residences of the
eleven (11) trustees are as follows,"
It is the opinion of the Office of the University General Counsel
The Board approved the graduation of students who successfully that in the case of non-stock corporations, while the Corporation
completed the requirements for their respective degrees as of the Law allows at most fifteen directors, it limits the number of lnccr-
end of the second semester, 1977-1978. porating directors to at most eleven; hence, the amendment.

ATION,INC. The Board authorized the Asian Institute of Tourism to serve
The Board approved the amendment of Paragraph Six of the beer, wines, and hard drinks at its food and beverage outlets. The
Anieles of Incorporation of the U.P. Foundation, Inc., approved by AIT Cocktail Lounge shall serve as the training ground for its

60 U.P. Gazette Volume 9, Number 3

students in the matter of mixing drinks and other related activities. Law Center
The specialty dining and function rooms shall serve sophisticated O'escenciano J. Gonzaga, appointment as Law Researcher IV
cuisine during very important meetings and conferences; such cui- (part-time) in the project, "The Revision of the Revised Administra·
sine, however, requires a complement of wines and liquors at lunch tive Code of 1917," Division of Research and law Reform, effective
and dinner. The AIT House will also have a Faculty Club for inform- 1 February until 31 May 1978.
al caucuses of the U.P. faculty.
The AIT House, established to serve as the laboratory hotel of Public Administration, College of
the Institute, as well as to cater to the needs of the academic com- Perfecto L. Padilla, promotion in rank from Assistant Professor
munity of the University and government offices/agencies around VI to Associate Professor I of Public Administration; effective 1
the campus, shall start its operations very soon. The Institute is also April until 31 May 1978.
being seriously considered as the Diliman-based Center for Continu-
ing Education. The major target market of the AIT House has to do Social Work and Community Development, Institute of
with business meetings, conventions, conferences, seminars, etc. Sylvia H. Guerrero, promotion in rank and salary from Associate
Professor III to Professor I of Community Development, effective 3
901st Meeting, 27 April 1978 October 1977.


APPOI NTMENT, PROMOTIONS, I NCREASES IN Rudy H. Tan. promotion in rank and salary from Assistant Pro-
SALARY, etc. fessor " to Associate Professor II of Statistics, effective 24 January
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- 1978.
ments, etc.:
General Administration
Agriculture, College of Tomas S. Fonacier, appointment as Managing Regent, without
Edgardo C. Ouisumbing, reappointment as Visiting Professor of compensation, Office of the President. effective 2 May until the
Horticulture, without compensation, effective 1 January until 31 return of Onofre O. Corpuz from leave of absence, but not later
December 1978. than 15 or 16 May 1978.
Priscilla C. Sanchez, additional assignment as SEARCA Assistant Abelardo G. Samonte, renewal of appointment as Chancellor,
Professor of Food Science, effective 1 January 1978 until 31 University of the Philippines at Los Banos, effective 1 May 1978
December 1979. until 30 April 1983.

Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS

Ng Peng-Nung, appointment as Visiting Professor of Mathe-
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
matlcs. effectlve 1 April until 31 May 1978.
Ernesto P. Sonido, renewal of additional assignment as Jose Ma.
Felisita S. Blancaflor as Assistant Professor I of Zoology, U.P.
Feliciano Professor IV of Geology, effective 3 January 1978 until
College Iloilo, effective 1 October 1977.
31 December 1980.
Elizabeth J. Camacho as Assistant Professor r I of Public Admin-
istration, U.P. College Iloilo, effective 1 April 1978.
Arts and Sciences, College of (UPLB)
Pedro s. Castillo as Researcher III, Institute of Plant Breeding,
Edelwina C. Legaspi, reappointment to additional assignment as
College of Agriculture, effective 1 May 1978.
Dean, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 March 1983.
Cecilia P. Corral as Instructor 111 in Physical Education, U.P.
College Iloilo, effective 1 June 1978.
Business Administration, College of
Onilda B. Oasal as Instructor IV in English, U.P. College Iloilo,
Herminia R. 'Fajardo, transfer from the Institute for Small-Scale
effective 1 June 1978.
Industries and reclassification of position from Training Specialist
Cezar G. Oignadiceas Instructor IV in Mathematics, U.P. College
IV and Professorial Lecturer in Business Administration to Associate
Iloilo, effective 1 June 1978.
Professor II of Business Administration, effective 3 January until31
Florenda P. Espanola as Instructor III in Chemistry, U.P. College
May 1978.
Iloilo, effective 1 June 1978.
Flor Angel S. Hernandez as Instructor II in Comparative Litera-
Engineering, College of ture, U.P. College Baqulo, effective 27 April 1978.
Ruben A. Garcia, renewal of additional assignment as DCCD
Ester C. Regozo as Instructor IV in Mathematics, U.P. College
Professor of Refrigeration. effective 1 April 1978 until 31 March
Iloilo, effective 1 June 1978.
1983. Lucila P. Sobrepeiia as Assistant Professor I of English, U.P.
Vicente J. Hedriana, additional assignment as UPERDFI Profes- College Iloilo, effective 1 June 1978.
sor of Safety Engineering, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 March
Forestry, College of The Board approved the establishment of a UPEROFI Profes-
Marcia L Kelly, appointment as Visiting Instructor in Wildlife sorial Chair in SafetY Engineering in the College of Engineering, to
Ecology, effective 1 March 1978 until 28 February 1979. be funded bv a continuing support of P6,OOO.OO·per annum from
John Miller. appointment as Visiting Instructor in Forest Re- the earnings of the U.P. Engineering Research and Development
Foundation, tnc., effective 1 April 1978,
sources Management, effective 1 March until 31 December 1978.

Human Ecology, Institute of

The Board approved the establishment of professorial chairs in
Delfina M. Toreta, additional assignment as Associate Professor
the following fields, each with an honorarium of P6,OOO.OO per
of Resource Management {professorial chair}, effective 1 May 1978
annum, chargeable to the income of the U.P. Investment Portfolio:
until 30 April 1979.
U.P. Gazette
April-May 1978
(a) O...lopmont Education, (bl PsycholClllical' Foundlltion of The foregoing proposals are essentially the same as those pre-
Education, and (e) Rllding. viously acted upon by the College faculty as initially transmitted on
This will bring to four (4) the number of professorial chairs in 5 January 1978, and subsequently retransmitted on 16 February
the College of Education. The Francisco Benitez Professorial Chair 1978 On line with suggested revisions made by the Office of the
was established sarlier from the General Fund of the U.P. Invest- Vice-President for Academic Affairs) by the Associate Dean. Prof.
ment Portfolio. Virginia F. Agbayeni. 'NIlo gave her concurrence on behalf of the
Dean and the College.
The Board approved the collection of 'the journal fee of P6.00 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UPLB LIBRARY BOARD
. . ItUdInt for the Philippine Conegian in Diliman and Manila only, The Board approved the establishment of the UPLB Library
for Summer Term, 1978. Board to serve as a policy~determining body as regards the operation
This journal fee shall be collected avery Slmm. for purposes of and maintenance of the University library system at UPLB. in line
the Phifippine Collegian summer issues. with Article 137 of the Revised University Code.
Specifically, the functions of the UPLB Library Board shall be
ARTS 111 Formulate policies and plans for the development of an
The Board approved the depanmentalization of the College of effective library system that will complement the teaching, research,
Fine Arts, the main features of which are as follows: and extension prQgramsof the University;
8. Otganization Chart. This indicates the basic lines of authority, (2) Promulgate rules and regulations governing the use of the
responsibility, and interrelationships among key positions and the
(3) Help keep the library staff informed about instructional and
three new departments.
b. Creation of the following three departments, each to be research needs; and
headed by a chairman, and among which the various existing pro- (4) Coordinate the efforts of the library staff. the faculty, pro-
grams and fields of specialization of the College shall be distributed. fessional staff, and other constituencies of the University in promot-
(1) Art Theory, Department of; ing the development and full utilization of library resources.
(2) Visual Communication Arts, Department of; and The Library Board shall be composed of the Vice-Chancellor for
(3) Visual Studio Arts, Department of. Academic Affairs as ex officio chairman, the University Librarian as
c. o.finition of Functions of Key Positions: namely, Dean; ex officio member-secretary, a student representative, and eight
Associate Dean; Secretary; and Chairman of Department. faculty members representing the various disciplines. to be ap-
d. Irftpklmenting Guidelines: pointed by the Chancellor for a term of three years; provided, that
(11 The De.,. in consultation with the Associate Dean, the Chair- of the initial membership, three members shall serve for a term of
men of Departments. the Secreterv of the College, and the faculty. three years, three members for two years, and two members for one
shall determine the appropriate respective departments to which the year; provided. further that the student representative shall serve for
faculty shall be principally assigned, taking into account their res- one year.
pective appointments. expertise, and the needs of the service, sub-
ject to approval by the President: provided, that where the initial SEC BUILDING NAMED AFTER THE LATE DR. VIDAL
implementetion of the, foregoing proposals requires changes in the A. TAN
appointments without change in rank and/or salary of the existing The Board approved the naming of the Science Education Center
faculty tt.e., as distinguished from proposed original' appointees or Building after the late Dr. Vidal A. Tan, distinguished former Presl-
reappointees upon or after approval of these proposals), any such dent of the University of the Philippines.
change of appointment shall be deemed finally approved for all
intents and purposes upon approval by the President; provided,
further. that no change of appointment shall take effect earlier than EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN AIT POSITIONS FROM
the date of approval of these proposals. EXISTING UNIVERSITY POLICY ON THE HIRING OF ,
(2) The entire staff of the College, under the joint leadership of NEW EMPLOYEES
the Dean, the Associate Dean, and the Chairmen of departments, The Board approved the exemption of certain positions in the
shall review and redefine/define the general objectives of the College Asian Institute of Tourism from the existing University policy on
as vvell as those of the departments. subject to approval by the the hiring of new employees whereby the first step of salary range is
President; provided, that such definitions shall become an integral given as the starting salary of the new employee. and authorized the
pan of the organization of the Colle~ upon their approval by the Asian Institute of Tourism to hire personnel for these .positions
President. according to the range and step indicated herein: la) General Man-
(3) The Dean shall see to it that the faculty, academic non-teach-
ager. Range 12, Step 6; (bl Food and Beverage Manager, Range 11,
ing and administrative personnel of the College are properly Step 4; (cl Captain Waiter, Range 5, Step 4; (d) Bartender. Range 5,
oriented to the objectives and organization of the College. Step 7; Ie] Executive Chef. Range 12, Step 6; Ul Sous Chef, Range
11, Step 6; (g) Cook Saucier, Range 7, Step 4; (hi Cook Entre-
Justification: metier, Range 7. Step 4; iii Two Pantrvrnen, Range 5. Step 7; (j)
For a more effective implementation of the various programs of Baker-Patissier, Range 6. Step 7; and (kl Senior Desk Clerk. Range
the College, there is a need for departmentalization and detlneation 6, Step 5.
of respective areas of concern of organizational subdivisions and The AIT, however, is granted the aforestated authority provided:
responsibilities of key positions. This measure will not only enhance (al the persons to be hired fully satisfy the requirements of their
administrative supervision and coordination of curricular offerings posltlcns:
but elso serve as a !J.Iide to students in their choice of degree pro- (b) the qualifications required for the positions are peculiar to
warns and fields of specialization. Thus. the proposed departmen- the needs of the unit, and persons with such qualifications are not
taliiation is not anticipated to lead to "compartmentalization," as immediately available in the labor market:
existing links of coordination among the various programs will be (c) there are sufficient reasons to justify the giving of salary
strengthened. beyond the minimum requirement of the position; and

62 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3


The 67th Commencement Exercises of the University witnessed,
the graduation of four summa cum laude and 47 magna cum laude
holders among 224 honour graduates. Exactly 3,901 U.P. grad-
uates with their wealth of knowledge eagerly look forward to
serving our people at the close of 'V'-day, 16 Apri11978 .

Choicest of Gems
Theirs must surely be lives of great fulfillment in the service of
their country. The University conferred the degree of Doctor of
Laws, honoris causa, upon:

Don Alfonso CaIaIang, for his "sagacity and bold decisions as

Governor of the Central Bank," restoring "public confidence in
our country's financial system".

Mr. Jorge B. Vargas, for his distinguished career as public ser-
vant, civic leader, sportsman, philantrophist and keeper of the
mysterious secret of youth." As Chairman of the Philippine

• Executive Commission. during the Japanese occupation, he

"spared us from more grievous misfortune than befell us."

Dr. Tomas S. Fonacier, for his "inspiring lifework as a scholar,
academic leader, and a man of great practical wisdom and high
spirits." Serving the University of the Philippines for more than
six decades he "helped shape (it) into the outstanding institution . '
it is today."
Pac)' be1ween 1he fiJ1ind and 1he Plough
D.P. researchers hold a dialogue at grassroots level with their

. countryside brothers during a 4-day exchange held in Bicol, 17-21
April 1978 .



L- _. __=========---:-------rrr
A~site or Irrelative?
In verdant U.P. at Los Banos, the annual Faculty Conference
examines "The University's Goals and Curricular Programs", 18-20
May 1978. The restructuring of the University's curriculum com-
mittee and the restoration of the position of Student Regent were
among some of the resolutions presented. .'

N.V.M. Gonzalez, former faculty member of the University and
noted fictionist now residing in the U.S.A., was writer-in-residence

• at the U.P. Writers Summer Workshop, 1978. Young writers from

all over the country met with established writers and artists.
A Bequest
Mrs. Carmen J. Vda de Fonacier, widow of the late Bishop San-
tiago A. Fonacier, in a simple ceremony on 16 May 1978 donated
P100,OOO.OO to the V.P. for a professorial chair in Filipino and
Philippine languages in honour of his loving commitment to our
national language.

ldl such authority as herein granted applies only to the eleven The Board authorized the Institute of Library Science to con-
(111 positions mentioned hereinabove, and is exercised on a purely duet a one-week summer institute on Information Science 8-12
case-to-ease basis as an exception to the existing policy. May 1978. and to collect a registration fee of P250.00 per participant.
Income shall accrue to a special trust account.
VERSITY The Board authorized the College of Music to conduct a summer
The Board approved the institution of the following programs workshop on Movement and Elementary Dance Education to be
under the units herein indicated: UPLB Graduate School- Master conducted by Miss Heidi Weidlick of Bremen, Germany, and to col-
of Professional Studies and Master of Professional Studies in Food lect a fee of P25.00 per participant. Income shall accrue to a trust
and Nutrition Planning; School of Allied Medical Professions - liability account.
Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology; U.P. College Baguio _ • ••
Certificate in Physical Education and B.S. Psychology IGeneral or The Board authorized the Philippine General Hospital to credit
leading to Medicine); Institute of Health Sciences. Certificate in income from fees collected by the unit for cobalt irradiation and
Community Health Nursing; U.P. College Iloilo • 'Bachelor of electroencephalograph examination to a trust liability account
Science in Food Technology; U.P. College Tacloban • B.S. in Agri· against which shall be charged costs of supplies and materials and
Business and B.S. in Development Communication; College of other necessary incidental expenses. including equipment and other
Engineering. Master of Engineering (Engineering Education); and facilities needed for the improvement of the quality of such services.
College of Arts and Sciences (Oilimen) • A.B. Humanities (Pre-Med) • ••
and A.B. Theater Arts. The Board authorized the College of Public Administration to
conduct the following courses over the next three years, and to col-
lect the corresponding fees, income thereof to accrue to a trust fund
SUMMER TERM against which shall "be charged expenses pertinent to these courses:
(a) Course A - Project Development and Management (7 weeks)
The Board approved the extension of the grants-in-aid during the
Tentative schedule: 1978 (15 May - 30 June); 1979 and 1980
summer term, with only tuition and other school fees as benefits,
(16 April-15 June)
such that categories 1-10 (tuition fee discount from 10% to 100%)
Fee per participant: Pl,800.00
will remain unchanged while categories 11-44 will be entitled to
(b) Course B - Project Design and Development (3 weeks)
100% single fee discount, on condition that the grantees meet the
academic requirement. • Tentative schedule: October of each year
Fee per participant: P800.00
The Board. likewise. approved the exemption of the grants-in-
lc) Course C - Managing Project Implementation (3 weeks)
aid, U.P. Government scholarship. and tuition-fee discount appli-
Tentative schedule: October of each year
cants from payment of the certification fee of P5.00; e.g., certifica-
Fee per participant: PooO.CO
tion of academic standing, grades, good moral character, etc., since
they are applying for financial assistance. The above courses, which are full-time and non-residential, have
been designed in response to the growing critical need for develop-
ing or upgrading the capacity of project managers and key line and
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD staff personnel of social. economic and infrastructure projects in the
The Board authorized the College of Arts and Sciences to country.
conduct a review and staff development seminar on "Theories. • ••
Methods, Issues, Trends, and Related Concerns in Sociology" from The Board authorized the Asian Institute of Tourism to enter
3 February to 30 April 1978. to prepare the graduate Ph.D. and/or into various agreements with utility companies (such as the Manila
M.A. students for qualifying and/or comprehensive examinations in Electric Co. arid the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co.I for
Summer 1978 and to update the knowledge of the faculty in the the speedy installation of utilities in the new AIT building. Author·
field. ity, likewise, is granted to effect immediate payment of investments,
usually in the form of Preferred Shares (instead of cash advance),
In this connection. the Board approved the change in title of
which are all standard requirements of utility companies and sanc-
"one-shot-lecturer" to guest lecturer. and authorized the College to
pay guest lecturers in the seminar P250.00 each, for their lectures. tioned by the government.
• ••
review questions, and consultation.
• •• The Board noted the comments of the Chief, Office of Institu-
tional Studies. on the implication of Prof. Froilan Bacuiigan's
The Board authorized the U.P. College Baguio to conduct a
appointment as Dean of the College of Law. The 015 Chief opined
Drama Workshop during the Summer Session 1978, and to collect a
that Dean Bacuriqan should forego his current appointment as
fee of P30.00 per participant. Income shall accrue to a trust liability
Director of the U.P. Law Center in view of the following provision
The Board authorized the Department of Educational
of the Revised Unlversltv Code: "Art. 80. The functions of the
Dean or Director shall be to act as presiding officer of the faculty .•.
No Dean or Director shall serve as academic head of any depart-
Administration of the College of Education to conduct the 1978
ment or div~sion in his college, school, or institute." (Underscoring
Superintendent Examination Review Course 2-31 May. and to col-
lect a seminar fee of P500.00 per participant. Income shall accrue to supolled.I
The rationale for this Codal provision, eecording to the 01S
a trust liability fund.
The Board authorized U.P. College Iloilo to conduct WorkshoPs
Chief, is to forestall any possibility of a dean developing a special or
unwarranted concern for the division or department he heads. ov~r
his concern for the other departments or divisions in hIS
in Creative Arts, Floriculture for Hobbyists. Recreation for Physical an d a boll. ' di . . f
college. The U.P. Law Center is not only a department or IVISlon a
Fitness, and Food Preservation Technique during the sumr:n~r ses.-
the College of Law but a sub-unit thereof. . , ..
. 1978 and to charge the following fees from each parttcment: The Board. however. confirmed the Preslde;nt s pas,l,tlon th~t
sian , . ~OO.and
Creative Arts. P60.00: Floriculture, P80.00: Recreation, '1' b''I' Prof. Bacungan is Director of a non-academic unit, NOT academic
' P 6 0 .00. Income shall accrue to a trust ra I Ity
Food Preservation, head of any department or division."
April-May 1978 U.P.Gazette
The Board noted the letter of Mr. Pedro M. Carbonell, II, of the Atfonso G. Pacquing, transfer in item and increase in salary from
Ceferino Padua Law Office, 1'8 a disciplinary case concerning Mario Professor I to II of Educational Administration, effective 1 May
Rilles, appealing the decision of the U.P. President to the Board of 1978.
Regents; in this connection, a draft reply, to be,signed by the Presi-
dent for the Board of Regents and attested -by" the"Secretary, was Forestry, College of
approved. Dioscoro S. Rabor, renewal of appointment as Special Consult-
ant in Wildlife Biology and Management, effective 1 July until 31
902nd Meeting, 25 May 1978 December 1978.


APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN Dionisia A. Rola, renewal of additional assignment as Alumni
SALARY, etc.: Professor of English (professorial chair}, effective 1 January until 31
December 1978.
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint-
Lea S. Zapanta, reappointment to additional assignment as Pro-
ments, etc.:
fessorial Lecturer in Management, effective 1 April until 31 May
Agriculture, College of
Severino S. Magst, reappointment as Visiting Assistant Professor Medicine, College of
of Horticulture, without compensation, effective 1 March until 31 M.E.A. EI Kh.adly, appointment as Exchange Professor, with-
December 1978. out compensation, Department of Surgery, effective upon report for
duty, for a period of one (1) month.
Arts and SCiences, College of (Dlllman]

Jose V. SilBO, Jr., transfer to full-time status as Professor II of
Emerenciana V. Aleellana, additional assignment as Manuel
Orthopedics, effective 1 January 1978.
Roxas Professor of Political Science (professorial chair), effective 1
June 1978 until 31 May 1981. Marine ScienceS Center
Prosp9l'O Covar, additional assignment as U.P. Endowment Pro- Edgardo D. Gomez, renewal of appointment as Director, effec-
fessor of Anthropology (professorial chaltl, effective 1 June 1978 tive 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1981.
until 31 May 198,.
Emesto .P. $onida, additional assignment as Jose Ma. Feliciano Nursing, College of'
Professor IV of Geology (professorial chalr] , effective 3 January Teodcre A. Ignacio, appointment as Dean, effective 1 June 1978
until 31 December 1977. until 30 April 1983.
Ricardo Zarco, additional assignment as U.P. Endowment Profes-
sor of Sociology {professorial chair], effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Philippine Generel Hospital
May 1981. Jose V. Silao, Jr., transfer to full-time status as Attending Ortho-
pedic Surgeon, effective 1 January 1978.
Arts and SCiences, College of (UPLB)
Ce'sar P. Madamba, additional assignment as Professor of Zoo I· Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute of
ogy (professorial chair}, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. Margaret D. Shea, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Pecre-
etten, effective 21 April 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Asian tabor Education Center
Rene E. Mendoza, additional assignment as Professorial Lecturer Tacloban, U.P. College
in Special Problems in Manpower Development, effective 12 Novem- Rosa Ester T. Cuna, reversion to permanent status and reclassifi-
ber 1977 until 31 March 1978. cation of position from Senior Lecturer to Assistant Professor V of.
English, effective 1 January 1978.
Business Administration, College of Semuel J. Yap, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Manage--
Remedios C. Balbin, increase in salary from Associate Professor ment for Small Industries (Graduate Studies}, effective 14 June
III to IV of Business Law, effective 1 January 1978: until 31 October 1977.
Oscar C. Ventanilla, Jr., increase in salary from Associate Profes-
sor II to III (part-time) of Business Law, effective 1 January 1978.
Cebu, U.P. College The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
Nestor M. Nisperos, additional assignment as Alumni Professor status:
of Public Administration (professorial chairl, effective 1 January Ana Marie L. Areenas and Ms. Milagros C. Bautista, both as
until 31 December 1978. Instructor IV in Biochemistry. College of Medicine, effective 1 June
Econom ics, SChool of Anicia H. del Corro as, Instructor III in Linguistics, College of
Romeo M. Bautista, promotion in rank and salary from Asso- Arts and Sciences (Dillman), effective 25 May 1978.
ciate Professor IV to Professor I of Economics, effective 1 June Haydee S. Gaduspan as Assistant Professor I of Food Science
1978. and Technology, U.P. College Iloilo, effective 1 October 1977.
Gonzalo M. Jurado, promotion in rank and salary from Associate Della A. lbabao as Assistant Professor I of Chemistry, High
Professor IV to Professor I of Economics, effective 1 June 1978. School, U.P. College Iloilo, effective 1 June 1977.
Wilfredo I. Jose as Assistant Professor t of Chemical Engineering,
Education, College of College of Engineering, effective 1 June 1978.
Nelia G. Casambrs, transfer in item and increase in salary from Mater G. Mascariiias as Assistant Professor II of Biological
Professor II to III of Language Teaching, effective 1 May 1978. Sciences, High School, U.P. College Iloilo, effective 1 June 1977.
Basilisa J. Manhit, transfer in item and Increase in salary from Domingo A. Mateo as Instructor IV in Biological Sciences, U.P.
Professor IV to V of Reading, effective 1 May 1978. College Tacloban. effective 1 June 1978.

72 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3

. Orlondo R. Nt.....o as Assistam Profassar I of program, Philippine Veterans study grants, and UP. student and/or
Sclanees, College of Engineering, affactiva 14 June 1977. graduate assistantships; and
GIOrgi.. A. Reyes as Assistant Professor I of Journalism, Insti- (d) Certification of enrollment ~nd/or true copy of grades for
tute of MassCommunication, effective 1 June 1978. purposes of the .,.lIippfne CoI"n examination, college council
T.estta L. ROIII'io 8S Assistant Professor III of Ornamental elections, and Jolni~g Varsity and/or Intramural athletic teams.
Crops Honiculture, College of Agriculture, effective 1 January
The Board ac:cepted the Marine Sciences Center seaweed labora-
PROFESSORIAL CHAIR ENDOWMENT tory Pilot Processing Plant, oonstructed wh:h. funding from the
The Board accepted a grant in the amount of P6,OOO.OO per Department of Natural Resources u nder the management of the
annum from the AnBkan Lumber ComJ*lYlfor the estab'-ishment of U.P. Business Research Foundation, Inc.
the Anobn Lumber Company _ r i l l Chair in Forntry in the • ••
College of Forestry. The Board authorized the Agricultural Credit and Cooperatives
••• Institute to grant an out-of-station allowanoa of PJOO.OO per month
lin lieu of the regular per diem) to research personnel In connection
The Board accepted 8 donation in the amount of Pl00,OOO.OO
with the research project "Comparative Case Studies on Three
from the family of the late Bilhop SontillllO A. FonEIer for the Types of Cooperatives: Member-Participation, Stability, and Pros-
establishment of a Professorial Chair in Filipino and Philippine
LanlJJSgE!'S in the College of Arts and SCiences.
pect for Growth:'
The Board authorized the College of Forestry to pay an out-of-

COLLECTION OF FEES station allowance equivalent to 20% of their basic pay to academic
non-teach i ng personnel of the Department of Forestry Extension
The Board authorized the College of Education to charge rent
assi!Jled to the Northern Luzon Regional Forestry Extension Office,
for the _use of the Benitez Theater, Continuing Education Room,
it being understood that said allowance shall be discontinued the
Audio-visual Room, and equipment. Income shall accrue to a trust
moment they are reassigned to their relJ.llar s~~n-.!..-
liability account. Central administration-sponsored activities shall be
.treated similarly as College of Education and UPIS activities.
The Board IUthorized the College of Arts and Sciences (DilimlFl)
to credit under the University trust liability account remittances
received from private companies (such as Mobil Oil, BISCOM,
The Board appraY8d the development plan of the UP. in the
United Laboratories, etc.I fOr the administration and Interpretation
VilllYas as an autonomous member of the U.P. System, and its of aptitude, scholanhip, end p'Y.hologicoi tests.
implementation according to the timetable presented in The UPV
S1x.y_ Dovolopinorrt Pion, Saction XVI, Volume II (Tho Doteilod • ••
~). The U.P. in the Visayas shall be formally established on 1 The Board noted the following:
January 1979. The Board, likewisa, opplopriotod P950,OOO.OO to lal Memorandum, dated 26 April 1978, from President Corpuz
finance all activities to be undertaken prior to its establishment. to the Dean, the facUlty, academic non-teaching, and administrative
personnel of the U.P. 'College Cebu in response to the request for
approval and University recognition of the constitutions of the U.P.
College Cebu Community Organization, Inc., and the U.P. Coltege
The Board approved the exemption of the following services Cebu Faculty and Academic Personnel Association; and
from the. P5.00special fee (this special fee, authorized by the Board
of Regents at its SOOth Meeting, 20 December 1977, was for any or {bl Memorendum No. 26, dated 12 May 1978. from the Offioer·
III of the following services at Iny one time: certification, clearance, in-eharge, Office of the Executive Vice-President, to deans, direc-
• copy of grades, honorabte dismissal, and permit to transfer): tors, and heads of units, on the UP. Job Evaluation Study being
la) Certification (for graduation purposes) on the oompletion of undertaken by a V.P. Job Evaluation Committee for the purpose of
Social Orientation, the Physieat Education requirement, and the determining the relative salary levels oommensurate to responsl-

Military Science (CMT) requirement; bilities and qualifications for University positions.
(bl True oopy of grades and clearance for graduation purposes;
(c) Certification of enrollment' andlor true oopy of grades for The Board decided that unless the Phlllppine Center for
purposes of government scholarship andlor financial asistance such AdvlFlced Studies (PCAS) submits to the Board of Regents its aJ..rI:
lIS GIA, V.P. Govemment Scholarship, GSIS Scholership, NSOB OJlar offerings/degree programs, the University shatl no longer want
Scholarship, State Scholarship, government study·now-pay..Jater academic degrees to PeAS graduates.

The President approwd the following appointments, re.,pointo- -Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) - - - - - - - - - - j
mants, reneWals of appointment, promotions, Incruses In ~ary. Beta P., reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in zoor~
.,d other related matters: ogy. effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
Nelly I. Cuber, reappointment to additional assignment -
- Architecture, College of ---------------1 Officer-in...charge, Department of Filipino and Philippine {,iterature,
Geronimo V. Mt......, reappointment to additional assignment effective 1 April until the return of PIrtronUo Bn. D8IVY from
as Offlcer-irt01arge, effective 17 April until the return of Aurelio T. attending workshops and research seminars, but not later than 28
Jugullon from leave of absence, but not later than 15 Mav 1978. April 1978.

U.P. Gazette 73
April·May 1978
FrIdIgutto Dlwkf, additional assignment as Coordinator, 1978 Production, effective 27 Februery 1978 until 31 May 1979.
First Summer Institute, Division of Social Sciences, effective 3 April Napoleon S. Roque, renewal' of appointment as Professoriel
until 31 May 1978. - Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 January until 31
Zenelell B. Dpm.~ increase in salary fmm Instructor I to II in May 1978.
Physics, effective 16 April until the return of Tens/lB Megtoto from
f- Cabu, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
I..., of ebsence, but not leter then 31 May 1978.
-RitlEstr"., additional assignment eeCccrdlnetor, 1978 First
i Summer Institute, Division of Social SCiences, effective 3"April until
Erllnda B. Bergonlo, renewal pf additional assignment from
lecturer to Instructor in Filipino, High School Division, effective 1
31 May 1978. Januery until 31 Mey 1978.
Mlrtln V. GregorIo, ren~ of ackIitionat assignment 8S Secre- Denurtrie C. Ylaya, renevval of additional assignment as Chair-
tary, effective 1 Mey 1978 until 30 April 1979. man, Graduate Studies Division. effective 1 May until 31 December
.... ClnnII'I C. Jimenez, promotion in rank and salary from 1978.
Instructor-IV to As_t Professor -I of Psychology, effective 16 Comprehensive Community Health Program --------1
AprIl until 31 May 1978.
Mona Usa A. Hilalia, renawal of additional assilJ'lment as
V~ ·R~· Jot6, additional assignment as Assistant Chairman,
Officer-in-charge, Office of the Assistant to the Director for Rural
ciep"nment of Chemistry,-Jto",iW-, April 1978 until 31 Merch
Services, effective 1 April until the return of Cynthia lanIigan from
EiIIl P. Jurado. reappointment to additional assignment as leBYe"Irma of absence, but not later than 30 April 1978.
L. Pmljas, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant to
Offlcer·in~8rge, Office of the Associate Dean, Division of Social
the Dj~ctor for Rural Training and Research. effective 1 May 1978
Sciences, effective 2 May until the return of Ofelia R. Angangco.
until 30 April 1979.
from sick leave, but n01 later than 9 June 1978; additional assign-
ment 8S Coordinator, 1978 First Summer Institute, Division of f- Davao, U.P. ExtenSion Division - - - - - - - - - - - - - /
Social Sciences, effective 3 April until 31 May 1978. Virginia Abiad, additional assignment as Senior lecturer in Eco-
Daniel A. Lagunzad, reappointment as lecturer in Botany, effec- nomic Analysis, effective Summer 1978.
tive 21 April until 31 May 1978. Leonar M. "Briones, additional assiWlment as Professorial
WlllTen E. Petenon, renewal of appointment as Visiting Assistant Lecturer in Fiscal Administration, effective Summer 1978.
Professor, without compensation, effective 1 April until 31 May
Dentistry, College of -----~----------l
Sofronio P. Sin Jusn, reappointment to additional assignmen't as
Enrico V. Pirovano, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Offlcer-jn-charge, effective 2 May until the return of Nestor P. Perez
Sociology,effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
from a trip abroad, but not I~r than 22 May 1978.
Fe N. R8y., renewal of additional assllJ'lment as Assistant to the
OI.lrman, Department of Mathematics, effective 1 May 1978 until - Economics, School of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
30 April 1979.
William E. James. appointment as Visiting Researcher. wfthout
Segundo E. Romero, reappointment as Lecturer in Political
compensation. effective 1 March utrtll S'l December 1978.
Science, effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
Joseph Anthonv Y. Lim, appointment as Instructor IV in Eco-
JUIn P. Tapales, renewal of additional essilJlment as Assistant to
nomics, effective 17 April until the return of Amado A. Castro from
the Chairman, Department of Politicat Science, effective 1 May
leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978.
1978 until 30 April 1979.
Ernesto M. Pemia, renew81 of additional assignment as Director
Elmll P. VerzDIl!I, renevval of additional assilJ'lf!'lent as Secretary,
Dlvltion of Naturat SCiencesand Mathematics, effective 1 May 1978
! for Research, effective 1 Mav until 30 June 1978.
I Norma A. Tan, reappointment as Researcher I (part-time], effee-
until 30 April 1979.
! tive 3 October until 31 December 1977.
LaIgu~1 S. Venkataramanan, renewal of appointment as Visiting
-8oguio, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Professor of Economics, without compensation, effective 1 A~ril
Lourdes C. AblIIIra, renevval of additional assignment as Acting
until 31 May 1978.
Coordinator for Social SCiences, effective 1 Apri! until the appoint-
ment of a relJ.l1ar incumbent. but not later than 30 June 1978.
Reynaldo A. Alhambra, reappointment as lecturer in Politiesl
Science, effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
SI!IImUII P. GaabuCIIYan, appointment as Senior lecturer in Pubtic
Administration. effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Antonio MabeIa. additional assignment as Dratna Workshop
Director for Summer 1978, effective 19 -April until 31 May 1978.
Purlta P. Pal....... reappointment to additional assignment as
Offic:er4n-charge, High School Division, effective 16 February until
the retum of Belle L. Queafto from study leave. but not later than
16 March 1978.
Mtrotyn A. Puriflcecion. reappointment as Lecturer in Eco-
nomiCS, effective 21 April until 31 May 1'978.
Cllro V. Rabago, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Public
Administration, eff&ctive16 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.

I- Bu,in ess Administration, College of -------~-~

Ely.... M. Ab.., reclassification with increase In sal.-y from
Rese.'Ch Assistant to Instnlctor I in Quantitative Methods, effective f- Engineering, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
1 April until 31 Mey 1978. Fehciana S. del ROMrio, appointment" as Senior lecturer in.
~rI~ J. ~ia, reappointment as ~nior lecturer in Industrial Engineering, effective 21 April 1978 untfl 31 May 1979.

74 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3

Teresita S. Fabile, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II Germelina V. Lising, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
to IV of Chemical Engineering, effective 16 April 1978. man, Department of Family Life and Child Development, effective
Manuel Jabson III, additional assignment as Faculty-inoCharge of 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979.
Civil Engineering Laboratories, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 May
1979. I- Iloilo, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Rufino C. Lirag, Jt., renewal of temporary status -as Professor I Arthurine R. Breckenridge, reappointment as Visiting Lecturer
(part-time) of Chemical Engineering, effective 1 May until 31 Octo- in Economics, without compensation, effective 17 April until 15
ber 1978. June 1978.
Rogelio A.. Panlasigui, renewal of additional assignment as Elizabeth camacho, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi-
Officer-in-Charge, Department of Chemical Engineering, effective 1 nator for Graduate Studies, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April
April until 31 October 1978. 1979.
Amado A. san Mateo, additional assignment as Officer-in- Jose N. Endriga, reappointment to additional assignment as Pro-
Charge, Department of Industrial Engineering; effective 3 April until fessoriat Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 7 November
the return of Luis Pascual from vacation leave, but not later than 31 1977 until 31 May 1978.
May 1978. Teodoro B. Ledesma, additional assignment as Acting Chalrmet,
Division of Social Sciences, effective 17 April until the return of
'- Environmental Planning, Institute of - - - - - - - - - j Nenita Cabalfin, from study leave, but not later than 31 May 1978.
Oscar M. Alfonso, renewal of additional assig1ment as Con- Benjamin L. Ravena, renewal of additional assignment as Head,
sultant, DPWTC-UPIEP Joint Project. effective 1 January until 31 Department of Physical Education, effective 1 May 1978 until 30
December 1978. April 1979; renewal of additional assignment as Faculty Supervisor
Primitivo C. Cat, renewal of additional assignment as Consultant, for Security, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979.
DPWTC-UPIEP Joint Project, effective 1 January until 31 December Emesto· J. Soledo, reappointment as Lecturer in Philosophy,
1978. effective 17 April until 1.6June 1978.
.. Gerardo S. Calabia, renewal of additional assignment as Director, Luzviminda Tancangco, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer
Graduate Studies, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. in Public Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
Ramon C. Portugal, renewal of additional assignment as Consult- 1978. (This supersedes her appointment as Lecturer, effective 7
ant, DPWTC-UPIEP Joint Project, effective 1 January until 31 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.1
December 1978.
• I- Law Center - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
~ Fisheries, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j Rosa Maria J. Bautista, additional assignment as Project Chair-
Gaudiosa J. Almazan, transfer in item with promotion in rank man of the research project on "Certain Aspects of the Child and
and salary from Research Assistant to Researcher I, Institute of Youth Welfare Code," effective 21 March until 31 December 1978.
Fisheries Development and Research, effective 1 January 1978. Florante A. Cipres, increase in salary as legal Education Officer
Rena" M. del Rosario, transfer from U.P. College Clark Air Base r I, effective 16 April 1978.
with reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor I in Fisheries, effec- Alejandro F Espana, increase in salary as Research Associate,

tive 24 April until 31 May 1978. effective 16 April 1978.

Daniel F. Leary, renewal of appointment as Visiting Assistant Cresoenciano 'J. Gonzaga, appointment as Law Researcher IV
Professor of Aquaculture, without compensation, effective 1 April (part-time) in the project entitled "The Revision of the Revised
until 30 September 1978. Administrative Code of 1917," effective 1 February until 31 May
Rodolfo F. Ventura, transfer in item with promotion in rank and 1978.
salary from Senior Research Assistant to Researcher I, Institute of Amaryllis T. Torres, additional assignment as Researcher, effec-
Fisheries Development and Research, effective 1 January 1978. tive 1 March until 31 December 1978.

- Graduate School - - - - - - - - - -----1- Manila, U.P. College

• Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, additional assignment as Secretary, Jose N. Endriga, reappointment to additional assignment as
effective 16 May until 31 December 1978. Officer-in-Charge, effective 5 April until the return of Raul P. de
Guzman from study/observation trip in the U.S.A., Europe and
I-- Health Science., Institute of (Tacloban)--- Asia, but not later than 6 May 1978.
Lydia M. lbarrientos, appointment as Lecturer in Health Arno V. Sanidad, appointment as Lecturer in Political Science,
Sciences, effective 30 January until 31 May 1978. effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
Vioteta S. S8bornido, appointment as Lecturer in Nursing, effec-
tive 16 February until 31 May 1978.
l- Marine Science. Center - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Viole1a O. Silvano, appointment as Lecturer in Nursing, effective
Gloria Jeanne Cajipe, re..pointment to additional assi~ment as
28 April 1978 untit 31 May 1979.
Officer-in-01arge, effective 16 May until the return of Edgardo D.
l- Home Economies, College of ~ -- Gomez from vacation leave, but not later than 13 June 1978.
Estrella F. Alabastro, additional assignment as Officer-ln-Charqe,
effective 19 May until the return of Aurora G. Corpuz from special Mas. Communication, Institute of ---~--------j
detail abroad, but not later than 30 May 1978. Delia R. Barcelona, increase in salary from Instructor 11 to IV in
Martha Elizabeth M. Buenaventura, additional assignment 85 Communication, effective 16 April until 31 May 1978.
Otflcer-ln-Charge, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, effec- Maria Luisa P. TUBSon, reappointment to additional assiglnlent
tive 26 April until the return of Miflora Gatchalian from sceclal as Otflcer-ln-Charpe, effective 1 May until the return of Gloria D.
detail in Singapore, Holland and the U.S.A., but not later than 31 Feticiano from study trip in the People's Republic of China and
July 1978. Paris, France, but not later than 20 May 1978.
Miflora M. Gatchalian, renewal of additional assignment from Vietor T. Valbuena, supplementary appointment 85 Consultant
Acting Chairmen to Ch'airman, Department of Food Science and to Trainees of PCF/IDP, effective 2 November 1977 until 31 March
Nutrition, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1981. 1978.

April-May 1978 U.P. Gazette 75

r-Medicine, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - P o p u l a t i o n I n s t i t u t e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
Antonio O. Cabral, appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor Eliseo A de Guzman, increase in salary from Instructor IV to V
(part-time), without compensation, effective 1 April until 31 Octo- in Demography, effective 1 January until 31 May 1"978.
ber 1978. Dionisia R. de Is Paz, transfer in item with increase in salary
Edgardo J. Lim, appointment as Instructor IV in Anatomy, from Instructor V to VI in Demography. effective 1 January until
effective 1 February until 31 May 1978. 31 May 1978.
Agusto Manato, additional assiglment as Offlcer-ln-Charge. Zelda C. Zablan, transfer in item with increase in salary from
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective 3 April until Assistant Professor II to 111 of Demograp'hy, effective 1 January
the return of Nora ICJlacio-Silao from vacation leave, but not later 1978; renewal of additional assignment as Secretary, effective 1 May
than 29 May 1978. until 15June 1978.
Eleazar O. Sarmiento, supplementary appointment with promo-
tion in rank from Instructor (part-time], without compensation, to Press, U . P . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without com- Ambrosio R. Blanco, reappointment to additional assignment as
pensation, effective 1 February until 31 May 1978. Officer-in-Charpe, effective 16 April until the return of Luis D.
Beltrar from rural service, but not later than 30 April 1978.
f>-Music, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,
Leticia G. del Valle, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge. -Public Administration, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Department of Music Education, effective 1 April until the return of L.edlvina V. Carino, reappointment to additional assignment as
Juan P. Ramos from study/observation tour in the U.S.A., but not Officer-In-Charge, Research and Publications Program, effective 5
later than 30 June 1978. April until the return of Romeo Ocampo from observation trip in
the U.S.A. and Europe, but not later than 30 April 1978.
-Natural Science Research Center------------j Gabriel U. Igles~as, reappointment to additional assignment as
Priscilla M. Matias, increase in honorarium for additional assign- Officer-in-Charge, effective 24 April until the return of Raul P. de
ment as Member, Advisory-Executive Council, effective 1 March Guzman from studv/observatlon trip abroad, but not later than 6
1978 until 28 February 1979. May 1978.
Felipe V. Oamar, reappointment to additional esstcunent as
-Nursing, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Officer-in-Charge, effective 17 April until the return of Raul P. de
Teodora A. 1SJ'I8cio, renewal of additional assignment as Acting Guzman from study/observation tour abroad, but not later than 23
Dean, effective 1 May until the return of Leonor M. Aragon from April 1978. •
sabbatical leave, but not later than 31 May 1978. Nestor N. Pilar, reappointment to additional assignment as
Josefina Jael-Santos, renewal of additional assignment as Acting Otflcer-ln-Charpe, effective 4 April until the return of Raul P. de
Secretary, effective 1 May until the return of TeDdora Ignacio as Guzman from study/observation trip abroad, but not later than 16
Acting Dean, but not later than 15 May 1978. April 1978.

~Ophthalmolo9Y, Institute of - - - ---------f-Public Health, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Manuel B. Agutto, transfer from Phlllpplne General Hospital and Virgilio C. Canlas, reappointment to additional assignment as
recfassification from Chief Resident Physician. Trainee to Research Offlcer-in-Charpe, effective 17 April until the return of Benjamin D.
Associate, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978. Cabrera from leave of absence, but not later than 30 April 1978.
Ildefonso T. Cruz, reappointment to additional assignment as
r-Pharmacy, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - ---1 Otflcer-ln-Charqe, effective 17 May until the return of Benjamin D.
Natividad F. de Castro, reappointment to additional assignment Cabrera from rural service, but not later than 31 May 1978.
as Officer-in-Charge; effective 16 May until the return of Jesul8 A.
Concha from vacation leave, but not later than 31 May 1978; renew- -Science Education Center---------------l.
al of additional assignment as Secretary, effective 1 May 1978 until Jose F. Asperilla, additional assignment as Consultant in the •
30 April 1981. project entitled" An Evaluation of Selected Aspects of NSOB-PNC
Experimental Project on Curriculum Innovations," effective 1 Feb-
r Philippine Executive Academy- - - - - - - - - - - i ruary until 30 June 1978.
Elias D. Banquillo, additional assignment as Member, DirectIng Milagros D. lbe, additional assignment as Principal Investigator in
Staff of Session 20, effective 16 April until 15 July 1978. the project entitled An Evaluation of Selected Aspects of

Placido M. Manalo, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as NSDB-PNC Experimental Project on Curriculum Innovations,"
Director of Studies, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 December 1979. effective 1 February until 30 June 1978.
Josefina C. Fonacier, additional assignment as Consultant in the
f-- Philippine General Hospital---------------j project entitled" An Evaluation of Selected Aspects of NSDB-PNC
Antonio O. Cabrat, appointment as Attending Surgeon (part- Experimental Project on Curriculum Innovations," effective 1 Feb-
time), without compensation, effective 1 April until 31 October ruary until 30 June 1978; renewal of additional assi91ment as
1978. Assistant Director, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979.
Jose Rizal B. Fonacier, appointment as Fellow, without com- Danilo C. Villarin, appointment as Research Associate, effective
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. 1 February until 30 June 1978.
Pilar A. Perez, appointment as Fellow, without compensation.
effective 1 March until 31 December 1978. I- Social Work and Community Development, Institute o f -
Juan L. Dy Quianuc.o, Jr., appointment as Fellow, without com- Mary Lou L. Alcid, additional assignment as Senior Research
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1977. Assistant in the project entitled" A Proposal to Document the Rural
Alejandro Glenn S. Salonga, Jr.,.appointment as Fellow, without Social Work Laboratory in Llan, Batengas.' effective 1 March until
compensatlcn. effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. 31 AuguS1 1978.
Gilda Raquel D. Versales, appointment as Fellow, without com- Greer B. A1forque, additional assignment as Senior Research
pensation, effective 3 January until 31 December 1978. Assistant, in the project entitled "A Proposal to Document the

76 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3

Rural Social Work Laboratory in Lian, Satangas," effective 1 March Luiaito S. Pablo, appointment as Instructor I in 'Veterinary
until 31 August 1978. Anatomy. effective 2 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Teresita S. Palacios, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, Mildred A. Padilla, appointment as Instructor I in Veterinary
Department of Social Work, effective 1 May until the return of Extension Services, effective 2 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Thelma Lee-Mendoza from rural service and vacation leave, but not Edulrdo B. Torres, appointment as Instructor I in Veterinary
later than 31 May 1978. Anatomv, effective 2 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ma. Corazon Veneracion, additional assignment as Secretary,
effective 2 May 1978 until 30 April 1981. I-General Administration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Oscar M. AIfonlD, additional assignment as Offlcer-ln-Charpa,
- Spon" Physical Em.cation and Recreation ------~ Office of the Executive Vice-President, effective 2 May until the
Jaime O. Caguiat, reappointment as Coach, Tennis Varsity Team, return of the Executive Vice-President from an official trip outside
without compensation, effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. the country.
ADrian M. Flores, renewal of additional assignment as Coach, Edilberto Dizon, additional assignment as Offlcer-in-Charqe,
Men's Volleyball, effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. Division of Counseling and Guidance, Office of the Ylce-Presldent
Siegfried GuerT8ro, renewal of additional assignment as Coach, for Academic Affairs, effective 16 May until the return of Lilia A.
Basketball (Menl, effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. Torres from rural service, but not later than 31 May 1978.
Artemio O. Isidro, renewal of additional assignment as Coach, Jose N. Endriga, additional assignment as Member, Board of
Varsity Baseball team,effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. Jud~s, Philippine Collegian, effective 1 April until 31 May 1978.
David Perez, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Coach, Amante A. Mangaser, renewal of additional assig1ment as Junior
Women's Basketball Team, effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. Electrical De5i~ Engineer, Infrastructure Development PrOgram,
Renato S. Umali, renewal of additional assignment as Coach, Office of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
U.P. SOccer Team, effective 1 May until 31 December 1978. Beulah D. Nuval, additional asslprment as ·Officer-in-Charge,
Office of the Student Affairs, effective 24 April until the retum of
Statistical C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f OSCIIr l. 'Evangelista from special detail abroad, but not later than 6
Angeles R. Buenaventura, renewal of additional essignment as June 1978.
Secretary, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1981. Felisbel10 G.L. Reyes, renewal of additional assignment as
Senior Design Engineer, Infrastructure Development Program, Of·
- Tacloban, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - j fica of the President, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Conrado G. Marty, appointment as Instructor IV in Business
Administration, effective 3 January until 31 May 1978. The following appointments etc. were approved in the Manage-
Lysander A. Padilla, transfer from U.P. Colle~ Clark Air Base ment Information Systems Unit:
from Instructor II to 111 in Development Communication, effective
IlBgBni O. Henares, appoi ntment as Computer Programmer I,
1 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
effective 16 February until 31 December 1978.
Minda A. Padiernos, reappcintrnent as Computer Programmer I,
f-Unive"ity Library - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
effective 16 February until 31 December 1978.
Yolanda Granda, transfer in item with increase in salary as Libra-
rian II, effective 16 April 1978. The following appointments etc. were approved in the Program
Perla C. Patacsil, transfer in item witb increase in salary as Libra- Development Staff, Office of the President:
rian II. effective 16 April 1978.
Osc.. M. Alfonso, additional assignment as Offlcer-ln-Charge,
f-Veterinary Medicine, College of-----~----, effective 2 May until the return of Emanuel V. Soriano from an
Veronica S. Alejandro, reappointment as Instructor I in Pathol· official trip outside the country.
ogy, effective 2 May 1978 until 31 May 1979. Teodorico P. Calica, renewal of additional assignment as Program
Gerardo S. Esguerra, appointmentas Instructor I in Veterinary Development Associate, effective 1 April until 30 June 1978.
Medicine and Sur~ry, effective 2 May until 31 May 1978. Manuel G. Lacuesta, additional assignment as Program Develop-
Caferino P. Maala, renewal of additional assignment with reclassi- ment Associate, effective 16 March until 15 June 1978.
fication from Otflcer-in-Charpe to Chairmen, Department of vetari- Robel1o E. Magno, additional assignment as Program Develop-
nary Anatomy, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1981. ment Associate, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978.
Joseph S. Masangkay, renewal of additional assignment as Facul- Perla C. Patacsil, additional assignment as Program Development
tv-in-Charge, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effective 1 May Assistant, effective 16 December 1977 until 16 June 1978.
1978until30 April 1979. Denise Pineda, supplementary appointment with increase in
Julian E. Mesina, renewal of additional assignment as Chelrmet, honorarium as Program Development Assistant, effective 1 Mav
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, effective 1 Mav until 30 June 197&
1978 until 30 April 1981. Aiit Singh Rye, additional assignment as Program Development
Maximino M. Montenegro, additional assignment as Facultv-ln- Associate, effective 16 March until 15 June 1978.
Charge, Veterinary Extension Services, effective 1 May 1978 until Reynaldo B. Vea, renewal of additional assi~ment as Program
Development Assistant, effective 1 April until 31 May 1978.
30 1979.

I April-May 1978 U.P. Gazette

sm fji)~Iill£ 'ilD @~ s [}~@~ 'ilCfla $aQ~U~a
Resignations Evelina Pangalangan as Secretary, Institute of Social Work and
Community Development, effective 1 May 1978.
Rene Ramos as Librarian, University library, effective 3 April
Rolando Ablanida as Library Assistant, University Library, effee-
tive 16 April 1978.
Ellerie Sipin as Food Plant Officer, College of Home Economics,
Rex Alobba as Research Assistett, Office of Academic Services,
effective 30 April 1978.
effective 1 May 1978.
Rommel Blanco as Gardener, Office of Research Coordination,
effective 15 May 1978.
Linda Bell050 as Research Assistant, College of Public Adminis-
tration, effective 1 May 1978.
Rebecca Cabugao as Clerk, University Health Service, effective Estanjslao del Rosario as Supervising Security Guard, Security
30 April 1978. Division, effective 16 May 1978. (optional)
Rolando Custodio as Instructor, College of Engineering, effective Leon Flores as Senior Cook, University Food Service, effective
30 April 1978. , 1 April 1978.
Susana Garcia as Laboratory Attendant, Colle{J! of Home Eco- Lope Lingo as Laboratory Attendant, College of Home Eco-
nomlcs, effective 1 April 1978. nomics, effective 24 April 1978. (due to death)
Armando GU8Ysrra as Clerk-typist, College of Business Adminls- Hilario Magayones as Custodial Worker, Physical Plant Office,

tration, effective 24 April 1978. effective 16 May 1978. (due to death]
Pacrta M.ctroilo as Senior Research Assistant, Institute for Eveline Mendoza as Instructor, College of Education, effective
Small-Scale Industries, effective 1 May 1978. 17 M.y 1978. 10ptiQnail
Bernabe Mariano as library Assistant, University Library, effec- Toribio Vaprt as Custodial Foreman, Physical Plant Office, effec-
tive 30 April 1978. tive 14 April 1978.

(@L\1'ii'~A('ii' s A~II) j4 C!J III I!I!M I!t\'I 'ii' s

The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at 4. Memorandum of Agreement with the National Nutrition Council
its 901st Meeting, 27 April 1978: (NNe) Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Cultural Studies for Back-
vard Gardens'"
1. Educlltionll Service ~ment with the United Stftes of Amer- A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
icB Reglrding Educationallnstruetion.t U.P. College Clark Air Base NNe and the UPLB whereby the College of Agriculture shall under-
An educational service agreement was entered into between the take the project entitled "Cultural Studies for Backyard Gardens"
United States of America and the University of the Philippines under an NNC grant amounting to P150,9·00.00. The contract is for
whereby the University shall provide instruction with standard one (1) year.
offerings of courses available to the public and receive payment of
services rendered in accordance with its schedule of tuition and fees 5. Memorl!f1dum of Agreement with the Liyestock Development
applicable to the public Md in effect at the time the services are Council (LDC) Regarding Its Contribution to Help Defray Gndua·
performed. tion ExpentBs
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
2. Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Coconut Re-
LOC and the UPlB whereby the LOC binds itself to contribute I
search and Development Foundation, Inc. fPCRDF) Providing for P5,OOO.OO to help defray the graduation expenses of 100 particl-
pants in the scnocl-on-the-alr program, while UPLB agrees to repro-
Joint Research Projectl for the Deyelopment of the Coconut Indus-
duce the text of said program and provide LDC with 100 copies
The agreement stipuJates that research projects hereinafter sub- thereof.
mitted by UPLB and subsequently approved by the PCROF for
funding shall take effect immediately upon approval and as soon as 6. Memorandum of Agreement with the Jose Palma Marcelo Schol·
funds for the projects are remitted by PCRDF to UPLB, without the -ship Foundation, 'nco IJPMSFI) R8glrding the Project "Evalua-
necessity of executing a memorandum of agreement but subject to tion of the Potential of ex Microbial Cuftures for Crop Prcductkm"
standards and procedures and other terms and conditions of the A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
I JPMSFI and the UPLB whereby the College of Agriculture shall
undertake a research project on the "Evaluation of the Potential of
3. Memontndum of Agreemllnt with tit. Divilion of Rizal Regarding ax Mlcroblal Cultures for Crop Production" under a financial sup-
a Training Program ~d Semmlr{Wof1(shop for Elementary School port from the JPMSFI in the amount of P205,OOO.OO. The agree-
T9BChers and Admini.rators ment is for three (31 years.
A memorandu m of agreement was entered into between the
Division of Rizel and the University whereby the College of Educe- The Board confirmed the following contracts and agreements at
. .
tion shall undertake a month-long traFnIOQ program for 40 selected Its 902nd Meeting on 25 May 1978.
elementarv school teachers in communication arts and mathematics
and a three-day seminar/workshop for 40 school administrators,
during the period 2 to 31 May 1978. The Division of Ri,.1 shall pay
the cost of the project in the amount of P29,039.00.
I 1. Memorandum of Agreement with the Land Bank of the Philip-
pines (LBP) RlIIlllrding In18grot.d en... (F.rm....d) Development
- .~ .
78 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 3
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and the UPLB pertaining to a 3. Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Plant Industry
project entitled "UPLB Technical Assistance to the Land Bank- Regarding Crop Production Training, Information, and Extension
supported Integrated Estate (Farmstead) Development Program." A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
The project covers the conduct of research and training and provides Bureau of Plant lndustrv (BPI) and the UPLB whereby the two
for consultancy services through a technical assistance group which parties jointly pledge to establish and support a cooperative working
shall be constituted and maintained by UPLB (through its Center scheme that will integrate existing, or crystallize future, plans on
for Policy and Development Studies) from among its senior sped at- crop production training, information, and extension. The agree-
ists in various disciplines. The LBP binds itself to providing funds ment also provides for the creation of a Crop Production Coordinat-
for the project in the total amount of P873,464.00. ing Committee to assure coordination of the activities of the Nation-
al Crop Protection Center, the Regional Crop Protection Centers,
2. Memorandum. of Agreement with the Luzon Development Bank and other organizations interested in crop protection.
(LOB) for the Establishment of the UPLB College of Agriculture
Ramon Magsaysay Award Fund
A memorandum of Agreement was entered into between the 4. Memorandum of Agreement with the U.S. Peace Corps/Philip-
Luzon Development Bank (LOB) and the UPLB, through the Col- pines (USPCI Pertaining to a Joint Pilot Project on Agro-Forestry
lege of Agriculture, establishing the UPLB College of Agriculture Education and Rural Development
Ramon Magsaysay Award Fund from the cash award of
P148,946.00 to the College as recipient of the 1977 Ramon Mag- A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the U.S.
saysay Award for International Understanding. The College shall Peace Corps and the UPLB, through its. College of Forestry, where-
deposit the amount with the LOB for at least three years, the inter- by the two parties agree to pursue a joint pilot project on egro-
est of which shall be utilized to support its fellowships/study grants forestry education and rural development in selected municipalities
~nd vital academic needs, beginning with the first semester, aca- in the Philippines. The agreement is for two (2) years, effective
~demic year 1978-1979. January 1978.

• \. (

I April-May 1978
U.P. Gazette 79 I

The University of the Philippines Gazette is published bimonthly by the Information and Publications Office, Office of the Secretary of
the University, University of the Philippines, OHiman, Quezon City, Philippines.
The typeface used in this journal is Univers medium, but for pictorial captions which are in Aldine Roman, both set in two-point ledds at
the Science Education Center. The unit headings are in Tabasco bold caps, while cover and pictorial headings are in Optima and Avant
Garde Gothic, respectively.
The two-color printing in offset lithography is by the University of the Philippines Press.
The Information and Pubtications Staff Bureau includes Marivel T. Arc, Anunciacion G. Ayo, Elpidio S. Carmov, Ernestc A. Oavabvab,
Edwin P. Oaiwev. Ruben David F. Defeo, Cayetano M. de la Vega, Ricardo T. Espana, A. Oliver Flores, Roshan T. Jose, Angioline A.
Loredo, Rowena M. Lumen, Rosalinda V. Pineda, Vietor T. Quinto. Rodolfo San Diego, Billie G. Soriano. Renata O. Villanueva, and
Carlos A. Yap.
the uoiver


Administrative Order. Administrative Order No. 11: Constitution

of a Search Committee for the Selection of the First Chancellor of
the Health Sciences Center, 83. Memorandum Circulars. Memo-
randum Circular No.1 0: Rural Service, 83. Memorandum Circular
No. 8: Off-Campus Housing, 83 • Memorandum Circular No.
EVP·78-10: Off-Campus Housing, 83. Memorandum Circular No.
11: Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the University, 84-
Memorandum No. 30: Programme for the Reception for New
Faculty Members, 84. Memorandum Circular OSU-15 (78): Unit
Correspondence for U.P. Oiliman Wall News and U.P. Perspectives -
To Secure Cooperation by Gentle Reminder or Dire Threat, 84 •
Memorandum Story OSU-16 (78): One Day in the Life of Miss
Matapat, a Telephone Operator - To Show Why a Telephone May
Ring Forever and Yet be Dead, 84. Memorandum Circular OSU~ 17
(78): Format of Requests, Apposite or Irrelative - To Bridge Com-
munication Gaps and Attain Academic Bliss,85


'. 903rd Meeting, 29 Jun. 1978 • Appointments, Reappointments,

Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, etc., 85
• Transfer to Permanent Status, 86. Scholarships, Fellowships,
Grants and Gifts, 86 • Professorial Chair Endowment, 86. Amend-
ments to the Schedule of Honoraria and Guidelines for Thesis Advis-
ing, 87. Amendment of the Board's Resolution Exempting ~in
Positions in the AIT from Existing University Policy on the Hiring
of New Emplovees, 87 • Organization of the Asian Institute of
Tourism, 88 Other Matters Considered by the Board, 88. 904th
Meeting, 27 July 1978. Appointments, Reappointments. Renevvals
of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, etc., 88 • Transfer
to Permanent Status, 90 • Professorial Chair Endowment, 90 •
Collection of Fees, 90 • Establishment of the College of Develop-
THE COVER ment Economics and Management, 90 • Institution of a Policy
Napoleon Veloso Abu8Va is the man who shall cast the die in the Studies Program in the College of Public Administration, 90 •
College of Fine Arts for the next five veers. (See centerfold for Creation of the Office of Research and the Office of Community
oathtaking plcture.) , and Extension Services in the College of Home Economics, 91 •
What a fitting recognition the University has accorded himl Adoption of Policies Regarding Admission of Patients and Payment
So long as the Dillman campus shall green, his name shall shine. of Hospital and Professorial Fees in the UPLB Health Service, 91.

For as the visitor passes through University Avenue, he sees the U.P. Expansion of the Composition of the Law Research Council, 91 •
e, hewn bV Abueva as a tribute to higher learning. Increased Rates for the Fine Arts Models, 92 '. Other Matters
President Onofre D. Corpuz mused during his speech on U.P.'s Considered bV the Board, 92
70th anniversary: "It is as if our Universitv had an inner life and
wilful soul of its own." Abueva, who has spent the best of his 47
veers in this "center of uncluttered thought," seems to have lived PRESIDENTIAL DECISIONS, 92
.this image through his wondrous creations on our campus and other
national sites. TURNING POINTS
Abueve started his love affair with the University as a student of
sculpture in the then School of Fine Arts where he obtained his Happy Birthday, U.P.! 97. Out of the Mouths of Babes, 98.
BFA in 1953. After his master's degree from Cranbrook Academy Right On! 98. Out of Lethe, 99. Return to Roots, 100
of Arts, he joined the College of Fine Arts as instructor and rose to
the rank of professor over the years. SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE
The nation also recognized Abueva as National Artist for sculp-
ture in 1976. For the stream of accolades, one miltlt expect a
distancia amigo between him and his fellowmen. But his serene face, Resignations, 112. Retirements, 112
quiet confidence and gracious manners .a~ once set.on~ a~ ease,
Abueva is married to Sergie, a practicing psvchlatrtst: they have a CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS
daughter, Amihan. and a son. Mulawin, who, a sculpture student.
mav yet succeed Abueva. What cheer and serenity must pervade the Memorandum of Agreement with the Educational ~~velopm~nt
life of the Abuevas. rs still Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF) Pertalntnq to ~It(
And what great benison for us that for Abueva, many yea Allocation on Campus for the Construction of an ~~P~TAF Build-
stretch ahead iIn wh'IC h he might , through those wondrous labors of ing 113. Memorandum of Agreement with the Phlllpplfte Coco~ut
his heart and hand, enrich us all. R~earch and Development Foundation, Inc. (PCRDF) Regarding
Cover photography is by Riki T. Espai\a.
U.P. Gazette
June-July 1978
Implementation of the Project Entitled "The Establishment of a the California Manufacturing Co., Inc., (CMCI) Regarding a Re-
Makapuno Culture Laboratory and Nursery for Mass Production," search Project Called "Development of Cucumber and Other
113 - Confirmation of an Amendment to the Agreement with the Selected Vegetables for Processing," 113 - Memorandum of Agree-
Overseas Agricultural Development Corporation Regarding Logging ment with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Pertaining
Operations in Besllan. 113. Memorandum of Agreement with the to "Masaganang Kaqubatan" Program, 113 • Memorandum of
NSDB Pertaining to the Project "Evaluation of the Integrated Pro- Agreement with the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAil Providing for
gram in Science Education for Development of Levte-Samar the Establishment of UPCT-BAI Forage Nursery Station in Tacloben
Region," 113. Memorandum of Agreement among UPLB, the City, 113. Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Animal
EDPITAF, and the visevas State College of Agriculture (VISCAI Industry IBAI) Providing for the Establishment of the BAI-U.P.
Pertaining to a Project "Production and Utilization of Forestry Man- Tacloban Dairy Project, 113
power in the Philippines," 113 - Memorandum of Agreement with

BOARD OF REGENTS -The Honorable Juan L Manuel, Chairman, Secretary of
Education and Culture - The Honorable Onofre O. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Presl-
dent, University of the Philippines - The Honorable Abelardo G. Samonu, Chan-
cellor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos -The Honorable Ruben santos
Cuyugan, Chancellor, Philippine Center for Advanced Studies. The Honorable
Abraham F. sarmiento, President, U.P. Alumni Association. The Honorable
Tomas S. Fonacier • The Honorable Orlando J. Sacay • The Honorable Gerardo
P. Sicat • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronaldo B.
Zamora. Dr. Gemino H. Abed, Secretary


President. Dr. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President. Dr.
Oscar M. Alfonso, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Ramon
C. Portugal, Vice-President for Administration. Or. Gemino H.
Abad, Secretary •.Prof. Manuel P. BandaRa, University Registrar
EDITORIAL BOARD. Dr. Gltmino H. AbC, Secretary of the
University, Chairman. Prof. Lui. D. Beltran, Acting Director of the
University Press, Secretary. Prof. Manuel P. Bendana, Secretary of
the University Council. Dr. Gloria O. Feliciano, Dean of the lnstl-
tute of Mass Communication. Prof. Froila" M. Bacungan, Director
of the Law Center. Dr. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P. Faculty Organization. Mrs. May C. Dumlao, President of the
U.P. Supervisors' Assoc:iation • MissDiwata A. Reyes, Editor of the
Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF. Gemino H. Abad, Editor. Ruben David F. Defeo, Associate Editor. Elpidio S. Caimoy, Managing Editor.
Roshan T. Jose, Assistant Editor. Riki T. Espana, Photo Editor. Tony M. dela Vega, Circulation Manager

82 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER which could be staggered rather than made consecutive, and within
Metro Manila. University personnel, however, may opt independ-
Administnrtwe Order No. 11: Constitution of a search Committee ently of the unit plan to render rural service in the manner pre-
for the selection of the First Otancellor of the Heatth Sciences scribed by LOI No. 559; i.e., in some areas outside Metro Manila
center and for fifteen (15) consecutive days.
We are sending herewith copies of LOI No. 606 (on community
The following shall constitute themselves into a search Commit· programs of State Colleges and Universities) and the report of the
tee for the selection of the first Chancellor of the Hearth Sciences President's Committee on Rural Service which might be helpful in
Center, with Secretary Clemente Gatmaitan as Chairman and Dean the preparation of your unit plans. Please submit to this Office,
Raul P. de Guzman as Secretary: Dr. Pacifico E. Marcos, Dr. Alfredo after every semester, a brief report on your unit plan and its imple-
R.A. Bengzon, Dean Francisco Nemenzo, Jr., Dr. Andres l. Reyss, mentation.
Dr. Salvador R. Salceda. Professor Emeritus Julita V. Sotejo, and Untit LOI 559 is amended, all personnel covered by it shalt
Dr. Vietor C. Valenzuela, members. render the required service except barangay officials who are
As "the operationalization of the Office of the Chancellor" is, as exempted under LOI No. 623. Provisions of previous issuances from
aptly pointed out by the Health Sciences Center Project Implement- this Office not inconsistent with this Memorandum Circular shall
ation Team, "of the first moment, and deserving of prior attention," continue to be observed.
the appointment of a Chancellor must be the very first step in the 7 Jun. 1978
implementation of the resolution of the U.P. Board of Regents, (Sgd.1 ONOFRE O. CORPUZ
dopted at its 893rd meeting on 29 September 1977, establishing President
he Health Sciences Center as an autonomous member of the
University of the Philippines System.
Memorandum Circular No.8: Off-Campus Housing
The Search Committee is requested to assist the U.P. President in
selecting not later than 15 July 1978 at least three (3) but not more A land developer is offering houses and lots at the North Fair-
than five (5) suitable nominees for the Chancellorship. view Park Subdivision located at Capitol Site, Quezon City, adjacent
The Search Committee may consider the criteria suggested by a to the National Government Center. The subdivision has a total area
"guidelines committee" as embodied in the 2 May 1978 memo- of 800 hectares and is not very far from the Diliman campus of the
randum submitted to this Office by the Chairman of the Health Untversttv.
Sciences Project Implementation Team, and such other criteria or From 300 to 500 hcmesltes with a minimum area of 300 square
guidelines as the Committee may deem appropriate. meters each are available to qualified U.P. personnel. The developer
To enable the Committee t9 discharge its function, the vrce- is also in a position to arrange construction of bungalow-type houses
President for Academic Affairs, the Vice-President for Adminis- on the lots, the floor areas of which would range from 55-60 sq. m.
tration, and the Secretary of the University are hereby instructed for a two-bedroom unit to 70-90 sq. m. for a three-bedroom unit.
and authorized to act accordingly, individually or jointly, to make Package prices (house and lot) would range from approximately
available, or make arrangements for, such" facilities, equipment, and P84,OOO.OO to P109,OOO.on, assuming cash terms, with end-user
personnel assistance as the Search Committee may need or request. financing to be provided by the Government Service Insurance
In line with Board policy, it is desirable that the deliberations of System or the National Housing Authority, should appropriate
the Search Committee be held in the strictest confidence, even after arrangements be made.
the Committee shall have submitted its recommendations. The project site is already subdivided and land development is
June 1978 nearing completion. Housing construction could thus be acccm-
c (Sgll.l ONOFRE O. CORPUZ plished within a relatively short time frame. Assuming full financial
President support, the developer hopes to deliver 50 housing units every
month commencing on the third month from start of construction.
It is important to note that there should be at least 300 applt-
MEMORANDUM CIRCULARS cants for the project to qualify for GSIS or NHA financing; other-
wise, the project cannot be pursued on a group basis.
Memorandum Circular No. 10: Rural Service Those who are interested are requested to accomplish the reply
form and submit it to this Office not later than 30 June 1978.
The Office of the President of the Philippines has allowed state
colleges and universities to devise their own plan for the rural service 22 June 1978
of members of the faculty or teaching staff. Since the principal (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
mission of these schools is to teach, pulling the faculty out of their Executive Vice-President
classrooms would interrupt this vital function. (Memorandum for
the President, University of the Philippines, and barangay officials Memorandum Circular No. EVP·78-10: Off.·Campus Housing
concerned,' from the Presidential Executive Assistant, 1 February
Please be informed that 866 University personnel have signified
1978), Earlier. employees of the University had been authorized to
interest in the proposed housing project at the North Fairview Park
choose certain areas in Metro Manila which the Metro Manila Com-
Subdivision at Capitol Site, Quezon City.
mission considers "depressed areas" for the required service. (Letter Inasmuch as we anticipate that the minimum requirement of 300
from the National Secretariat, Paglilingkod: Bagong Lipunanl. applicants to qualify for GSIS and NHA financing under ~ass
In the light of the above authorization, please design your own housing will eventually be met, we are now making representa~tons
unit plan for the rural service of your staff. Such pla~ Sh.oul~ with the developer for the reservation of a specific area exc~ustvely
conform to the spirit of Letter of Instruction No. 559 which msn- for University personnel, in their subdivision. At the same tl~e, we
tutel the government extension program called Paglilingkod: Bagong have had preliminary discussions with NHA and GS1S authortttes on
Upunen; e.q., service for fifteen (15) days during one calendar year,
U.P. Gazette
June.July 1978
qualifications of applicants and possible terms of payment. Both the Oiliman Wall News and the U.P. Perspectives will now
Further details on the on-goi ng negotiations with parties con- take the place of the original U.P. Newsletter.
cerned regarding this housing project will be relayed as they become Now, here are the second little bits of help we are asking from
available. you (which will not harm your budget):
17 JulV 1978 (1) Please assign someone in your college, department, or oHice
(Sgd.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO - as the case may be - really someone who will regularly get
Executive Vice-President information on events/activities concerning your college, depart-
ment, or office, and send this information regularly to our Informa-
tion and Publications Office either in writing or even only by phone
Memorandum Circullr No. 11: cetebration of the 70th Annivwury
(tel. 961572 or 986780, or loc. 223. 259, 301, or 2221; really
of the University
courageously get through the telephone line.
In observance of the 70th anniversary of the University, there Alasl and Woel Since our memo last 21 April, only our College
will be a simple ceremony to be held in front of Quezon Hall at of Law and our Law Center have informed us, in a beautiful letter
7:30 a.rn. on 29 June 1978, eleven days after the actual date of the the following day, that Miss Dalisay Sta. Ines will always keep us
foundation of the University (18 June). informed about all matters lawful and newsworthy.
After the flag-raising, Dr. Juan L. Manuel, Minister of Education (2) Please also encourage members of your staff to submit
and Culture and Chairman of the U.P. Board of Regents; Dr. Onofre articles to the U.P. Perspectives - maski na letters lang to the editor
D. Corpuz, President of the University; and Ms. Oiwata Reyes, - and to suggest in writing via telephone ways of improving or
editor of the Philippine Collegian,.will deliver short speeches. enriching the U.P. Perspectives and Diliman Wall News.
I personally urge you to join us in this simple commemoration of And now, dear friends, do please be threatened: unless someone
the University's 70th Anniversary. Should it rain, we shall weather - some definite person - in your college, department, or office
it. Come prepared. feeds us information, there may be no news about your activities (or
21 June 1978 the news will be inadequate). and we shall go hungry. As you know ;
(Sgd.l EMANUEL V. SORIANO we do not have enough people to cover all colleges, departments,
Officer·in-Charge and offices of the University.
The Oiliman Wall News and U.P. Perspectives will soon serve
you. We're comingl - so please don't hang loose.
Memorandum No. 30: Programme for the Reception for New
14 June 1978
Faculty Members
Enclosed is a copy of the programme for the welcome reception Secretary of the University
for the new members of our faculty on Thursday, 29 June, 3 p.m.,
Executive House. Please note that a part of the program is the
Memorandum Story OSU018 (78):
introduction of the new faculty members to the U.P. President by
One Oay in the Lif. of Mill Ml'tapat, I Tefephone Operator
their respective deans.
To Show Why I Telephone May Ring Forever and Vet be Dead
We have sent you earlier the President's invitation for the new
members of your faculty. We trust that you will personally be there Mr. Veri Sore is a member of the prestigious University of the
with them. Philippines in the prestigious Republic of Diliman. All his actions,
22 Jun. 1978 words, and especially time are important. Everything, animate or
ISgd.! EMANUEL V. SORIANO inanimate, man or machine, should bow to his every wish. Every
Executive Vice-President service unit, including the telephone system, of the Oiliman
Republic, must serve him immediately, efficiently, effectively,
Memorandum Circular OSU·15 (781 courteously, etc. Yes, Sirl That is how important Mr. Sore is.
Unit Correspondents for U.P. Oilimln WIll and U.P. Per- Mr. Sore lives of course in a first-class suburban village. His hous
spectives (palace to us) is equipped with modern necessities and conveniences
To Secur. Cooperation by Gentle Reminder or Dire Threat (luxuries to usl including a PLOT telephone. Every now and then he
calls his office or associates in the Oiliman Republic from his house.
This is to follow up M.C. OSU-11 on the U.P. Newsletter (now One day, after getting up from a mid-afternoon siesta, he
called Diliman Wall Newsl and U.P. Perspectives. We cannot improve prepared to call his office. He lifted the handset of his PLOT
these publications - and serve you well - if you're chary of extend- receiver and listened for the PLOT dial tone. Then he dialed
ing to us little, very little bits, of help. 97-6~61. While in the act of dialing, his telephone receiver was
Please be reminded: every week (soon! ) we shall come out with sending impulses to the PLOT exchange or central. These impulses
the U.P. Oiliman Wan News. This will consist essentially of news activated some switches, relays, selectors, connectors, and what have
briefs {no ambiguity intended} and - only if you make it possible- you. Since one of the PLOT trunk lines going to the U.P. exchange
a weekly calendar of events which may enrich the quality of cur was not busy at the time, a device at the PLOT central obediently
mortal cells. The Diliman Wall News will be posted on appro· sent ring-back tones-to Mr. Sore. At the same time, the device at the
priate/strategic walls (within the College and such places as waiting PLOT central was also sending impulses to the U.P. exchange
sheds) to make these walls/blank spaces look intelligent. through the trunk line to activate or light a particular bulb on the
May we then request the Dean or Director to assign someone in U.P. switchboard. Unfortunately, there was a break somewhere
his administrative staff to receive copies of Oiliman Wall News and between the PLOT device and the U.P. switchboard, and so, there
to post them, please, at appropriate places noted for their reading was no light on the U.P. switchboard, although the ring-back tones
crowds? were being received by Mr. Sore.
This is the first little bit of help we are asking from you. Having just awakened from a pleasant dream, the patience of Mr.
Every month also {soonI I we shall come out with the U.P. Sore was sorely tried. He banged his handset onto its cradle and
Perspectives. This will consist essentially of in-depth reports on imagined a villainous U.P. operator: "That operator is sleeping on
significant events. policies and programs, essays, features, letters to his job. The U.P. telephone is ringing. I can hear itl Tomorrow
the editor. etc. morning, I will report her to the authorities in the OHiman

84 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

Republic. What a poor operator! .. form of communication should really open the door to your
But the poor operator, faithful to her job, answered all trunks request: state directly and clearly what it is, precisely, that you are
which lighted. Every now and then, she also checks the unlighted requesting.
trunks. When in doubt about the condition of the trunk and lor its 2. The next paragraph (if necessary) should state clearly the
bulb, she calls the U.P, technician on duty who makes a thorough reason or justification for the request.
test. If the trouble is at the U.P. end of the trunk, repair is imme· 3. Thank you (optional).
diately done; on the other hand, if the trouble is outside the U.P. This format is simple and yet, by saving each one's dayli!11t, it
Central, a report is immediately made to the PLOT Central. Based would promote a delightful health in communication. As you know,
on experience, troubles within the PLOT Central are also imme· a reader may not read on if, after the first paragraph, he has to
diately repaired, but outside plant repair work usually takes a longer scratch his head for a divine revelation; in such a case, he may well
time. return the letter to its sender for enlightenment about its mysterious
For the normalization of the blood pressure of Mr, Veri Sore, burden,
this story is issued. Any coincidence with fact is purely intentional. Most of the time, of course, the communications we receive are
15 June 1978 in spanking good health. But not rarely, they are infected by viruses
ISgd.1 GEMINO H. ABAO of vagueness, ambiguity, redundancy, other disabling disorders. In
Secretary of the University acute cases, no one can tell what the request is about, or why, or
how much. More commonly, an indorsement just says. "whatever is
Memorandum. Circuler OSU·17 (78) attached here is self-explanatory." or words to that effect. Fortu-
Formn of Requests. Apposite or Irrelative nately, however, since 1908, our University has been spared an
To Bridge Communication Gaps and Attain Academic Bliss epidemic of these and similar incommunicabula.
23 Jun. 1978
May we suggest that you adopt the format below for any request
. o u send to Quezon Hall. (Sgd.1 GEMINO H. ABAO
1. The opening paragraph of your letter, indorsement, other Secretary of the University

903rd Meeting, 29 June 1978 Federico V. Magdalena, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in

Sociology, effective 21 April 1978 until 31 May 1979.
APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, RENEWALS OF IlIgani Medina, additional assignment as U.P. Alumni Professor
APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN of History, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1980.
SALARY, etc. Paulino B. Zsfaralla, additional assignment as Assistant Professor
of Humanities (professorial chair}, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- MaV 1979.
ments, etc.:
Asian Institute of Tourism
Agricultural Development and Administration, Institute of Pepita F. Amisola, appointment as General Manager, AIT House
Donato B. Antiport8, additional assignment as SEARCA Assist· (Range 12), effective 1 April until 31 December 1978.
ant Professor of Agricultural Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until
31 Mav 1979. Baguio, U.P. College
Cristina C. David, additional assignment as SEARCA Assistant Mariano J. Guillermo, additional assignment as Professorial lec-
Professor of Agricultural Economics, effective 1 March 1978 until turer in Public Administration, effective 3 April 1978 until 31
28 February 1979. March 1979.

Agriculture, College of Cebu, U.P. College

Lyle E. Nelson, appointment as Visiting Professor of Soil Demetria C. Vlaya, reversion to permanent status as Assistant
Science, without compensation, effective 15 August 1978 until 14 Professor of Public Administration. effective 1 April 1978.
August 1979.
Alexis S. Tan, appointment as Visiting Professor of Development Dairy Training and Research Institute
Communication, effective 1 June until 31 August 1978. Nobuhiro Tachibana, appointment as Visiting Technician, Milk
Collection Program, effective 17 April until 31 December 1978.
Architecture, College of
Aurelio T. Juguilon, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective Davao, U.P. Extension Division
20 July 1978 until 30 April 1983. Abdon M. Mendigorin, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Dolores Q. Perez, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Land- Fiscal Administration. effective Summer 1978.
scape ArChitecture, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Economics, School of
Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) Rolando A. DanBO, increase in salary from Associate Professor
Fredegusto David, additional assignment as U.P. Alumni IV to Vof Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
Casimiro V. Miranda. Jr., increase in salary from Associate Pro-
Professor of Psychology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 198?
Dolores T. Gicaro, increase in salary as Professorial Lecturer In fessor I to II of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
Ernesto M. Pernia, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
Mathematics effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. .
Professor IV to Associate Professor I of Economics, effective 1 June
Teodosio A. Lansang, appointment as Professorial Lecturer In
Filipino and Russian, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1978.
U.P. Gazene
June.July 1978
Rosa Linda P. Tidalgo, increase in salary from Associate Profes- Adoracion T. Aranez as Assistant Professor IV of Botany, Col-
sor II to III of Economics, effective 1 June 1978. lege of Arts and Sciences {Dillman}, effective 1 June 1978,
Evelyn V. Baldeviso as Instructor IV in Mathematics, High
Education, College of
School. U,P. College Iloilo. effective 1 June 1978.
Thelma G. Abiva, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
Angelita C. Camacho as Instructor IV in Community Medicine,
Professor II to Associate Professor I of Counselor Education, effec-
Institute of Public Health, effective 1 July 1978.
tive 1 May 1978.
Erlinda F. Camara as Instructor II in Special Education, College
Felicidad V. Pineda, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
of Education, effective 1 June 1978.
ciate Professor V to Professor II of Language Teaching, effective 1
Adoracion B. Concepcion as Instructor II in Pharmacy, College
May 1978.
of Pharmacy, effective 1 June 1978.
Severino V. Gervacio as Assistant Professor IV in Mathematics
Environmental Planning, Institute of
and Physics, College of Arts and Sciences (UPLB), effective 1 June
Gerardo S. Calabia, increase in salary from Associate Professor II
to III of Environmental Planning, effective 1 June 1978,
Zenaida A. Manalo as Assistant Professor I of Environmental
Benjamin V. carHio, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
Planning, Institute of Environmental Planning, effective 1 July
ciate Professor V to Professor I of Environmental Planning, effective
1 Jun. 1978.
Jose P. Manenzan as Associate Professor IV of Tourism, Asian
Tito C. FirmaHno, increase in salary from Associate Professor III
Institute of Tourism, effective 1 June 1978.
to IVot Environmental Planning, effective 1 June 1978,
Angeles Padilla·Cruz as Assistant Professor I (part-time) of
Federico B. Silao, increase in salary from Associate Professor II
Obstetrics and Gynecology, College cf Medicine, and Attending
to IV of Environmental Planning, effective 1 June 1978.
Obstetrician and Gynecologist (part-time), Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 April 1978.
Fine Arts, College of
Cesar G. Saldana a; Assistant Professor I of Finance. College Of.·...
Napoleon V. Abueva. appointment as Dean, effective 20 July
Business Administration, effective 1 June 1977.
1978 until 30 April 1983.
Antonio C. Silverio as Assistant Professor I of Education, College
of Education, effective 1 June 1978.
Human Ecology, Institute of
Cecilia V. Tomas as Assistant Professor III of Physiology, College
Pilar A. Garcia, appointment as Visiting Professor of Human
of Medicine, effective 1 June 1978.
Nutrition, without compensation, effective 15 June until 31 Decem-
ber 1978. t-----------------------i
Junio Norberta M. Ragragio, reappointment as Professorial SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS AND GIFTS
Lecturer in Environmental Planning and Analysis, effective 13 June The Board approved the release of P30,000.OOto the Population
until the end of the 1st semester 1978-1979. Institute from the earnings of the Population Institute Endowment
Fund with the U.P. Investment Portfolio, amounting to a total of
Ubrary Science, Institute of P162,668.96 as of 23 May 1978, for the support of the fellowship
Angelina A, Tamests, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in program of the Institute for the coming school year.
Library Science, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979,

Los Banos, U.P. at The Board approved the amendment to scholarship grants
Diogenes G. Dayan, promotion in rank and salary from Legal (approved by the Board at its 895th Meeting, 29 November 1977)
Counsel (Range 8) to Chief Legal Counsel (Range 111. effective 1 for the Institute of Health Sciences students, as follows:
July 1978. From To
Stipend P 50.00/month P 50.00 Ino change)
Medicine, College of
Board and Lodging 200.00/month 288.00/month
Eiji Kita, appointment as Visiting Fellow, without compensa-
Uniform SO.OO/year Actual Expenses
tion, Postgraduate School, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Books 340.00/y.a, 340.00 (no change)
Transportation as No change
Music, College of
needed and other
Mary Placid C, Abejo, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
privileges of scholar-
Music Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
ship assistance
Gordon A. England, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Choral Conducting, effective 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979. The scholarship allowances based on 1976 and early 1977 prices
are not sufficient to cover living and other expenses of students.
Public Health, Institute of Uniform expenses fluctuate from year to year. from program to
Arturo C. Reyes, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in program; e.g.• Barangay Health Worker students need less uniform
Epidemiology and Public Health Administration, effective 3 July allowances than Community Health Worker or Community Health
1978 until 31 May 1979. Nursing students,
. ..
Science Education Center The Board approved the updated Guidelines in the Recruitment
Ctementina J. Esguerra. increase in salary as Science Education of U.P, Institute of Health Sciences OHS) Scholars.
Specialist III, effective 1 June 1978.
Vivien M. Talisayon, increase in salary as Science Education PROFESSORIAL CHAIR ENDOWMENT
Specialist II', effective 1 June 1978, The Board accepted a donation of P12,OOO.OO (AS Check No.
C469811 from the U.', Alumni Annual Fund, through the Office of
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS Alumni Relations, for the establishment of two (21professorial chairs,
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent each with an honorarium of P6.000,OO per annum, for the Division
status: of Social Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences [Diflman].

86 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

The Board accepted a check in the amount of PJO,OOO.OO (Far case inclusive of the adviser and the reader:
East Bank and Trust Company Check No. FE 294857) from Mrs. 8. Doctoral panel - not more than seven but not less than five;
Victoria B. Castro, representing her second contribution for the b. Masteral panel - not more than five but not less than three;
Melquiades M. Castro Professorial O1air in Educational Adminis- c. Baccalaureate panel - not more nor less than three, l.e.,
tration in the College of Education.
... where the thesis has to be defended in an oral examination.
3. Honoraria of Panel Chairman, Adviser, and Reader - [If the
chairman of a doctoral program also serves as a member of the
The Board accepted the amount of P6,OOO.00 (Filman Bank
Check No. 179210 deposited with the Universltv under Account panel, he shall be paid the corresponding honorarium of panel
Code 9612300401) representing the initial remittance of the U.P. member instead of the honorarium for chairman.] The chairman of
Endowment Foundation, Inc., to support. the following chairs the panel shall receive P200.00; a panel member, P150.00. The
(established by the Board at its 899th Meeting, 30 March 1978) in adviser is entitled to the honorarium for adviser only; as a corollary,
the College of Arts and Sciences IDitlmanl for the academic year if the reader also serves as a member of the panel, he shall be paid
1978-1979: (a) Manuel Roxas Chair in Political Science at P12,OOO.OO the corresponding honorarium for reader only.
per annum; (b) Professorial Chair in Anthropology at P6,OOO.OO per 4. Budgetary Allotments - Within the limitations set in B, 2 and
annum; and (c) Professorial Qlair in Sociology at P6,OOO.OO per 3 above, the various degree programs may be allowed flexibility in
annum. determining the number of panel members in a panel; provided, that
The Board, likewise. approved the following guidelines to govern the total allotment per panel, inclusive of chairman of the panef,
the selection of nominees (faculty members.of the Unlversitv] to adviser, reader. and panel members, shalt not exceed as follows:
the Alfonso calalang Professorial Qlair in Political Economy (estab- a. Doctoral panel - P2,250.00
lished by the Board at its 899th Meeting, 30 March 1978): b. Masteral panel - 875.00
1. The faculty member shall preferably be an associate profes- c. Baccalaureate panel - 200.00
sor'. 5. Payment of Honoraria - In addition to the foregoing guide-
' . 2. The faculty member has a graduate degree, preferably a lines, payment of honoraria for graduate and undergraduate thesesl
doctorate in Political Economy, or has published books or journal special problems [thesis advising] (as defined in B, 1 above) shall be
articles requiring or showing competence in both politics and subject to the following rules and procedures:
economics; and 8. The rates of honoraria prescribed in A above shall be under-
3. The faculty member will teach at least one course each year stood as rates per dissertation/thesis/special problem.
for the duration of the chair, in either Political Science or Eco- b. The corresponding honoraria for the [chairman] adviser and
nomics or Business Economics; such a course should be oriented to reader may be paid only upon completion of the dissertation/
public policy and the analyses should involve political and economic thesis/special problem; provided, that the dissertation/thesis/special
issues. problem shall be deemed completed for purposes of payment of
t--------------------------1 honoraria by the time the entire manusq'ipt has been accepted by
AMENDMENTS TO THE SCHEDULE OF HONORARIA the Dean of the unit where the student is enrolled upon favorable
endorsement by the adviser. the reader, and the department chair-
man, and by the time the student has submitted to the Dean seven
The Board approved the follOWing amendments to the schedule
or five or two unbound copies of his doctoral dissertation, or
of honoraria and guidelines for thesis advising (approved by the
masteral thesis/special problem, or baccalaureate thesis/specill
Board at its 880th Meeting, 23 December 1976) as follovvs (words in
problem, as the case may be, both conditions satisfied; provided,
bold prints to be added; words in brackets to be deleted):
further, that where a baccalaureate thesis/special problem is to be
Schedule of Faculty Honoraria and Guidelines for Graduate and
defended in an oral examination. three unbound copies thereof shell
Undwgraduete Theses/Special Problems [Thesis) Advising
be submitted; provided. finally, that the chairman of the panellnd
A. SChedule of Honoraria
tho panel members las distinguished from [the cheirrnan) the
[Panel D1airman of Panel! Idvlser, and the reader) in an oral examination may be paid their
[Chairman] Adviset' Reader member] Pl!lnelAnember
honoraria only after the oral examination, subject to a certification
1. Doc:toral [Pl00.00] [Pl00.00] P500.00 ['150.00) Ch.i,m", P200.00
Panel Member: Pl50.00 of attendance issued by the adviser.
2. Matteral N.A. 500.00 150.00 75.00 c. A certification of acceptance of dissertation/thesis/special
J. Baccalaureate N.A. 100.00 N.A. 50.00 problem issued by the Dean of the unit where the student is
enrolled shall be required for purposes of payment of honoraria of
B. Guidelines the [chairman] adviser, and reader.
1. Scope. - The schedule of faculty honoraria and guidelines
prescribed herein shall apply to graduate and undergraduate th.iII
special problems [thesis advising] (this term to be construed as AMENDMENT OF THE BOARD'S RESOLUTION
inclusive of service as chairman of the panel, adviser, reader, and EXEMPTING CERTAIN POSITIONS IN THE AIT FROM
panel member) under any of the following categories and instances EXISTING UNIVERSITY POLICY ON THE HIRING OF
a. doctoral program: The Board amended-its resolution (approved at its 901st Meet-
b. masteral program where a formal thesis or special problem (as ing, n April 1978) exempting certain positions in the AIT from
distinguished from [special problem] term paper or any other similar existing University policy on the hiring of new employees (whereby
the first step of the salary range is given as the starting salary of the
paper) is prescribed; and
c. baccalaureate program where a formal thesis or undergraduate new emptovee), by including therein the following positions with
given steps and salary ranges according to which the Dean is given
thesis or special problem las distinguished from [special problem]
term paper or any other similar paper) is prescribed. regardless of authority to hire the needed personnel:
whether the thesis or special problem is to be defended in an oral Position Range Stop
8. Gerde Manger 6 4
examination or not.
2. Size of Panel - Membership in a panel shall not be less than b. Cook Reliever or Tournsnt 6 4
c. Cook 5 4
the minimum or more than the maximum prescribed below, in any

U.P. Gazette
June.July 1978
d. Cook Saucier Helper 3 ~ The Board approved the naming of professorial chairs funded by
e. Cook Entrernetler 3 3 the U.P. Endowment Foundation after chairmen of the Board of
f. Butcher 2 5 Regents who qualify under the following proposed criteria: (a) must
g. Baker Patissier Helper 3 7 have been secretary (not Acting) of Education; Ib) must be
h. Purchasing Officer 6 6 deceased; and (c) must be Filipino.
1. Accountant 7 6 The Board, likewise, approved the naming of professorial chairs
J. Assistant Food & Beverage funded by the U.P. Alumni Association and/or the U.P. Alumni
Manager 9 6 Annual Fund after presidents of the U.P. Alumni Association.
k. Personnel Clerk 4 7
I. Desk Clerk 5 3
904th Meeting, 27 July 1978
m. Receptionist 1
n. Head Houseman 3 5
q. Executive Housekeeper 8 4 SALARY, etc.
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint-
The above positions were .approved subject to the following ments, etc.:
a. The recommendee's salary with his former employer is at Agricultural and Engineering Technology, Institute of
least aqual, or nearly equal, to the one being proposed; Donald O. Kuethiilr, appointment as Visiting Senior lecturer in
b. The job opening; have been properly advertised through avail- Agricultural Power and Machinery, without compensation, effective
able media at least one month prior to the actual hiring of person- 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
net, thus giving equally qualified personnel an opportunity to apply Otarles J. Moss, appointment as Visiting Senior lecturer in Agri-
for the position; . cultural Power and Machinery, without compensation, effective 1
c. The recommendees meet the basic requirements prescribed by June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
the University for the positions or for comparable positions:
d. The qualifications required for the position are peculiar to Agriculture, College of
the needs of the service and the persons with such qualifications are Ibarra S. Santos, appointment as Visiting Professor of Horti-
not immediately available in the labor market; and culture, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
e. The authority herein granted should be exercised on a purely 1979.
cese-to-cese basis as an exception to existing policy.
Arts and Sciences, College of (Dillman]
Andres L. Abejo, automatic pre-retirement increase in salary
ORGANIZATION OF THE ASIAN INSTITUTE OF from Professor II to IV of latin, effective 1 July 1978.
TOURISM Leticia M. Asuzano, supplementary appointment as Professorial
The Board confirmed its action in a referendum. 7 June 1978.
lecturer in Psychology, effective 15 June 1978 until 31 March
approving the organization of the Asian Institute of Tourism.
Amelia L. Bonifacio, extension of term as Playwright-in-
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BYTHE BOARD Residence, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
The Board confirmed the graduation of students from the College Maria Lourdes A. Carandang, reappointment as Professorial
of Arts and Sciences (OHiman) and Ipproved the institution of the lecturer in Psychology, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) Program in the U.P. College Cebu. 1979.
Claro R. Ceniza, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Phi"IOS-•
ophv, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. ..
The Board confirmed the institution of the following degree
programs in the Philippine Center for Advanced Studies: M.A. in Domingo G. Landicho, extension of term as Playwright-in-- ~
Asian Studies, A.B. Islamic Studies, M.A. in Islamic Studies, Master Residence, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 July 1979.
in Philippine Studies, M.A. in Philippine Studies. and Ph.D. in Josefa C. Leve, promotion in rank from Associate Professor VI
Philippine Studies.
... to Professor I of Humanities, effective 1 April 1978.
Antonio Mabesa, additional assignment as Stage Director-in-
Residence, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
The Board confirmed the draft-tetter of President Onofre D.
Corpuz to Minister of the Budget Jaime C. Lava in reply to the Anastacio J.L. Montes, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
latter's communication, dated 21 June 1978, inviting the Univer- Spanish, without compensation, effective 15 June 1978 until 31
sity's comments on the proposal of some members of the Batasang May 1979.
Pambansa for the budget of state universities and colleges, the U.P. Luzvisminda U. Rivero. appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
in particular, to be specifically earmarked in terms of the amount to Chemistry, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
be allotted for each regional branch.
Arts and Sciences, College of (UPLB)
Enrique P. Pacardo, renewal of additional assignment as
The Board noted the transfer of funds from the Commercial
SEARCA Assistant Professor of Plant Physiology, effective 1 Octo-
Bank and Trust Company to the U.P. Investment Portfolio, and
ber 1978 until 30 September 1979.
approved the inclusion in the Portfolio of the University's invest-
Bruce A. Stone, appointment as Visiting Professor of Bio-
ment in Central Bank certificates 19% Stabilization Certificates of
chemistry, without compensation, effective 1 November 1978 until
Indebtedness' amounting to P100,OOO.OO) issued on 16 December
31 March 1979.
1974 and maturing on 16 December 1979.
Asian Institute of Tourism
The Board approved the Principal Special Budget of the DPWTC- Mariano B. Bumanlan. Jr., appointment as Executive Chef, AIT
UPIEP Joint Projects for Calendar Year 1978. House, effective 21 May until 31 August 1978.

88 U.P. Gazene Volume IX, Number4

Lazaro N. Villanueva, appointment as SOUl Chef, AfT House, Mario C. Berbano, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. Engineering Sciences, effective 21 April 1978 until 31 May 1979.
luis F. Diaz, appointment as Visiting Professor of Environ-
Asian Labor Education Center mental Engineering, without compensation, effective 13 June until
Marie E. Aganon, reversion to permanent status as Assistant 31 October 1978.
Professor I of Industrial Relations, effective 1 June 1978. Leonardo Q. liongson, renewal of additional assignment as
Selvador P. Aquino, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in NWRC Assistant Professor of Water Resources Engineering, effec-
Industrial Relations, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1981.
Evangel P. QUiW8, renewal of additional assignment as NWRC
Business Administration, College of Associate Professor of Water Information Systems, effective 1 June
Magdaleno Albarracin, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as 1978 until 31 Mav 1981.
IBM (Philippines), Inc., Professor of Business Administration, effec-
tive 1 Julv 1978 until 30 June 1979. Graduate School
Ernesto Pineda, renewal of additional assignment as SGV Found- Alejandro M. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as
ation, Inc., Associate Professor of Business Administration, effective Elpidio Quirino Professor of International Relations, effective 1
1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. September 1978 until 31 August 1979.
Niceto S. Poblador, renewal of additional assignment as Paper
Human Ecology, Institute of
Industries Corporation of the Philippines Professor of Business
Thelma M. Luther, appointment as Research Fellow in Human
Administration, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
Nutrition and Foods, without compensation, effective 26 June until
Juan B. Uy, renewal of additional assignment as Jose E. vet-
31 December 1978.
monte Professor of Business Administration, effective 1 July 1978
until 30 June 1979. Iloilo, U.P. College
Edward M. Masa, reappointment to additional assignment as
'.Baguio, U.P. College Professorial Lecturer in Management, effective 15 June 1978 until
Sophie M. Catbegan, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective
31 May 1979.
30 August 1978 until 30 April 1983; additional assignment as
Lea 5. Zlipanta, additional assignment as Professorial Lecturer in
Alumni Associate Professor of Speech and Drama, effective 1 July
Management, Extension Program, effective 18 April until 6 June
1978 until 30 June 1979.
Cebu, U.P. College Ubrary Science, Institute of
Ruben D. Almendras, appointment as Professorial lecturer in Ursula G. Picache, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective 1
Finance, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. August 1978 until 30 April 1983.
Perfecto L. Padilla, additional assignment as Professorial lec-
turer, Graduate Studies Division, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Los Banos, U.P. at
1979. Edilberto D. Reyes, renewal of additional assignment as Director I
Dolores M. Recio, additional assignment as Professorial Lecturer of Research, Office of the Director of Research, effective 1 July
in Nursing, Graduate Studies Division, effective 21 April 1978 until 1978 until 30 June 1979.
31 May 1979.
Manila, U.P. College
Davao, U.P. Extension Division Bonifacio E. lapade, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Raul P. de Guzman, additional assignment as Professorial lec- Botany, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
turer in Ecology of Administration, effective 1 June until 31 Octo-

£e ber 1978.
Perfecto L. Padilla, additional assignment as Professorial Lec·
turer in Public Personnel Administration, effective 1 June until 31
Mass Communication, Institute of
Angel. V. Colet, reappointment to additional assignment as
Professorial Lecturer in Communication, effective 13 June 1978
October 1978. until 31 May 1979.

Economics, School of Medicine, College of

Florian A. Alburo, transfer to non-substitute status with promo- Jose V. 5i18O, Jr., increase in salary from Professor II to III of
tion in rank and salary from Assistant Professor IV to Associate Orthopedic Surgery and Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (PGH),
Professor I of Economics, effective 1 June 1978. effective 1 July 1978.
Romeo Bautista, change in designation to Leonides S. Virata
Professor of Development Economics, effective 1 June 1978, with- Music, College of
out term (for the duration of his active service in the University), Extension of term of the following Members, String Ouartet-ln-
Alejandro N. Herrin, appointment as Visiting Associate Professor Residence, effective 1 July 1978 to 30 June 1979:
II of Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Aizalina E. Buen8ventura
Edits A. Tan, increase in salary from Professor I to II of Sergio Z. Esmlll., Jr.
Economics, effective 29 June 1978. Herminia A. llano
Rizal V. Aeyes
Lucio D. San Pedro, extension of appointment after compulsory
Education College of
Felix P. Sentos, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Educa- retirement witt! reclassification from Professor II' to Professorial
tional Administration, effective 11 April 1978 until 31 May 1979. Lecturer in Composlticn, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 MaY 1979.

Engineering, College of Press. U.P.

Luis D. Beltran, full-time detail as Acting Director, effective 1
Herminio A. Abcede, renewal of additional assignment as Jesus
July 1978 until the return of Pacifico ·Aprieto from detail with
J. Vergara Assistant Professor of Power Systems Engineering, effec-
EDPITAF, but not later than 30 June 1980.
tive 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1981.
June.July 1978
U.P. Gazette
Benedicta C. Villanueva as Instructor II in Psychology. College
Increase' in salary of the following, effective 1 July 1978: of Arts and Sciences IDilimanJ. effective 27 July 1978.
Caridad S. AJfonso, from Professor IV to V of Public Adrnlnis-
Leonor M. Briones, from Associate Professor I to II of Public
The Board accepted the offer from FILIPRO, Inc., to establish a
Nestle ProfesSorial Chair In Infant Nutrition in the College of Medi-
Jose N. Endriga from Associate Professor I to III of Public
cine under a permanent grant of P1OO,OOO.00 to be held in perpe-
tuity, which will provide the holder of the chair a monthly nonora-
Mariano J. Guillermo, as Training Specialist III.
. rium of P1,OOO.00.
Gabriel U. Iglesias, from Professor I to II of Public Administra-
Romeo B. Ocampo, from Associate Professor III to V of Public COLLECTION OF FEES
Administration. The Board approved the institution and revision of laboratory
Nestor N. Pilar, from Associate Professor I to III of Public fees in the Institute of Mass Communication, effective first semes-
Administration. ter, academic year 1978-1979. as follows:
Santiago S. Simpas, from Associate Professor II to III of Public Course Laboratory Fee
Administration, From To
Amelia P. Varela, as Management Specialist III,
B·102 (Broadcast Speech and Performance) P75.00 P50.00
Public Health, Institute of B·133 (Broadcast Journalism) - P75.00
Virgilio C. Canlas, increase in salary from Professor I to II of B-260 (Educational Broadcestlnql - P75.00
Hospital Administration, effective 1 April 1978. B·124 (Television Speech and Performance) - P75.00.
Veronica F. Chan, promotion in rank and salary from Associate * * * \
Professor IV to Professor I of Medical Microbiology. effective 1 The Board authorized the College of Education to collect from
each student of the U.P. Integrated School (UPIS) K to Grade 8, in
April 1978.
Teodora V. Tigtao, increase in salary from Professor II to III of behalf of the UPIS-PTA, the following fees per semester, to help
defray the cost of reproducing new instructional materials and
Public Health Administration, effective 1 April 1978.
revising existing ones:
K to Grade 6 P30.00 per semester
University Health Service Grades 7 to 8 P35.00 per semester
Leonila B. Juinio, increase in salary as Physician from rank of The Board, likewise. epproved the waiver of the payment of
Associate Professor I (part-time) to II (parHime). effective 1 July tuition fee in the case of American Field Scholars who seek enroll-
1978. ment in the U.P. Integrated School. Filipino students. particularly
Feliciano M. Padlan, increase in salary as Physician from rank of from UPIS. sent to the United States under the same program have
Associate Professor V to VI, effective 1 July 1978. been given the same privilege.


The Board approved the transfer of the foU6wing to permanent MENT ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
status: The Board approved the establishment of a College of Develop-
ment Economics and Management in the U.P. at Los Banos. Its
Concepcion L. Acosta as Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School,
effective 1 June 1978. organization is still to be worked out.
Amelia B. Aguila as Instructor V in Tourism, Asian Institute of
Rachel Y. Aliling as Assistant Professor III of Home Economics, THE COLLEGE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
College of Home Economics, effective 15 May 1978. The Board approved the institution of a Policy Studies Program
Nilda B. Almonte as Assistant Professor I of Tourism, Asian in the College of Public Administration, effective 1 September
Institute of Tourism, effective 1 April 1978. 1977.
Donato B. Antiporta as Assistant Professor V of Agricultural Implementing Guidalines:
Economics, Institute of Agricultural Development and Administra- 1. Appropriation (as a basis for expenditure of funds and as
tion, effective 22 June 1978. distinguished from acceptance of funds or donations) of funds for
Eliseo S. Contreras as Assistant Professor I of Veterinary Public the Policy Studies Program contributed or donated by other agen-
Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 June 1978. cies, public or private. local or foreign, shall be approved by the
Ma. Victoria de Santos as Instructor IV in Biochemistry. College Board of Regents or the President, as the case may be, consistent
of Medicine, effective 1 JUly 1978. with the authority to approve special budgets delegated to the Presl-
Ma. Carmen Jimenez as Assistant Professor I of Psychology, dent by the Board at its 862nd meeting on June 28. 1975. Similarly,
College of Arts and Sciences [Dlliman], effective 16 April 1978. acceptance of funds or donations by the President and/or the Board
Zosima S. Medrano as Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School, effec- of Regents shall not necessarily constitute appropriation thereof.
tive 1 June 1978. (NOTE: At its 894th meeting on October 28. 1977, the Board of
lole F. Rabor as Assistant Professor III of Pediatrics (part-time), Regents accepted the initial grant of $108,300.00 from the Ford
College of Medicine. and Attending Pediatrician (part-time). Philip- Foundation in support of the policy studies program of the College
pine General Hospital. effective 1 September 1978. of Public Administration. Grant funds have been made available
Carmelita C. Reyes as Instructor I, U.P. Integrated School. effec- over a period of three years, beginning September 1, 1977.)
tive 1 June 1978. 2. The program of activities with regard to curricular develop-
Cristina E. Torres as Assistant Professor I of History, U.P. Col- ment shall be regarded as merely descriptive or indicative of possible
lege Manila, effective 1 June 1978. directions that the College of Public Administration may pursue.

90 U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 4

Revision/abolition of existing courses (as distinguished from degree lares the College's thrust, priorities, and plans in the area of com-
programs) and institution of new ones in the College, as elsewhere in munity and extension services.
the University, therefore, shall be undertaken in accordance with 2. Implements policies, plans and programs as approved by the
existing University policies and procedures, subject to final approval College Advisory Committee.
by the President, as per authority delegated to him by the Board of 3. Plans, coordinates, and supervises community extension
Regents in February 1973. Approval of this proposal, in other projects undertaken in the College, including its continuing educe-
words, does not constitute approval likewise of the proposed cur- tion programs and rural service activities.
ricular changes indicated in the program of activities. 4. Takes charge of the College's liaison with other units in the
3. Consistent with University policy as enunciated by the Board University or outside entities concerning cooperative ventures!
of Regents, the College of Public Administration shall coordinate linkages in community and extension services.
and cooperate with other units concerned in degree/course offerings 5. Prepares progress reports on the CES Programs of the College.
and related activities, particularly in the areas of infrastructure 6. Prepares the budget and financial reports of all College CES
development, urban and regional development, housing and human Programs.
settlements, as well as education, health care, welfare. and agri- 7. Promotes community and extension service activities of the
cultural development. Unnecessary duplication of objectives and College in collaboration with other University units and outside
activities shalt be avoided, agencies,
4. Requests for financial assistance from any agency, public or
private, outside the University, as well as for any form of assistance ADOPTION OF POLICIES REGARDING ADMISSION OF
from foreign agencies or institutions shall be coursed to the Presi- PATIENTS AND PAYMENT OF HOSPITAL AND
5. For purposes of such activities of the Policy Studies Program SERVICE
scheduled up to December 31, 1978 as cannot be supported by the The Board approved the adoption of policies regarding admission
ord Foundation grant already received, the Dean of the College of of patients and payment of hospital and professional fees in the
ublic Administration is hereby authorized to assign such savings in UPLB Health Service, as follows:
the 1978 budget of the College as he may determine, subject to 1. Patients who are not constituents of the Universltv should be
prior clearance with the Budget Director of the University. admitted to the UPLB Health Service only if it will not prejudice
6. The President may approve the appointment of the first the University constituents. (While the main clientele of the UPLB
Director retroactively, but not earlier than September 1,1977, and Health Service consists of students and employees, there ~e in-
determine the reckoning of the first term of the first Director as he stances when public service requires the admission of patients who
may deem appropriate, notwithstanding the three-year term stipu- are not University constltuents.]
lated in the proposal. 2. The hospital fee should be made an 'Income of the UPLB.
3. the Professional fee should be distributed in accordance with
CREATION OF THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND THE the same rules for Medicare adopted by the Board for the U.P.
OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND EXTENSION SERVICES System at its 870th meeting on 24 March 1976. Since the UPLB
IN THE COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS Health Service Staff renders additional time and effort, it is only fair
The Board approved the creation of the Office of Research and that the Medicare rules be adopted.
the Office of Community and Extension Services in the College of Note: The Board, at its 870th meeting, approved the sharing of
Home Economics, with their respective functions indicated herein- fifty percent of the professional fees paid by Medicare patients
below: among the medical staff, the other fifty percent being converted
into the non-medical staff common fund. Specifically, the Medicare
resolution reads as follows:
A. Research Policies and Priorities "Fifty (50%) per cent of the professional fees paid by Medl-
1. Implements research policies for the College in collaboration
care patients attended to by the full-time medical staff of the
ith the College Advisory Committee. hospital, including the part-time consultant, shall be converted
2. Formulates research directions and priorities for the College
into the medical staff common fund which shall be divided
in consultation with the College Advisory Committee. equally among members thereof, including the chief of the
B. Research Planning hospital; and fifty {500/ol per cent of the professional fees of
1. Initiates plans/designs college-wide research projects. Medicare patients shall be converted into the non-medical staff
2. Formulates mechanisms/criteria for evaluating projects for common fund which shall be divided equally among the
purposes of incorporation into college-wide projects/programs. members, to be held in trust and managed by the hospital direc-
3. Screens research projects pri...r to submission to funding agen- tor and its members."
4. Prepares the budget for college research. EXPANSION OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE LAW
C. Research Implementation and Coordination RESEARCH COUNCIL
1. Coordinates research projects in the College, including the use The Board approved the expansion of the composition of the
of research facilities. Law Research Council to include two (2) additional members, one
2. Assists individual faculty members in preparing project from the faculty of the College of Law and the other from among
proposals and seeking financial support from funding agencies. the academic personnel of the Law Center.
3. Promotes research collaboration with other University units As approved by the Board at its 789th Meeting, 25 November
and outside agencies. 1969, the composition of the Council is as follows: Dean. College of
4. Makes regular pro\7e5s reports to the College. Law, Chairman; "Director, Law Center, Vice-Chairman and Executive
5. Conducts regular activities for the dissemination of re- Director; Head. Division of Research and Law Reform, Law Center,
searches. ex officio Member; and one faculty member of the College of Law,
one senior member of the research staff of the Law Center, and
OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND EXTENSION SERVICES (CES) three senior faculty members representing various fields in the social
1. In consultation with the College Advisory Committee, tormu-. sciences, as Members.
June.July 1978 U.P. Gazette
INCREASED RATES FOR FINE ARTS MODELS account of her research projects funded by the National Research
Council of the Philippines.
The Board approved the increase in the rates of compensation
given to life models in the College of Fine Arts, as follows: ...
From To The Board approved the recommendation of the University
Nude Models P8,OO-P15,OO/hou r P30,Oo-P40,OOlhour Legal Counsel that the petition of Mario Rilles for reconsideration
Draped Models P5,OO-P 8,OOlhour P20,OO·P30,OOlhour be denied and that. pending final decision on the charge, he be
allowed to enroll in the University.
The Board authorized the Asian Institute of Tourism to conduct
The Board approved the following guidelines regarding the Bar
jointlv with the Law Center a seminar on "Laws Relevant to the
Review Institute in the College of law:
Tourism Industry" from 8 to 12 May 1978, and to collect a fee of
PSOO.OO per participant. Income from fees shall accrue to a trust 1. The College of Law shall formally be in charge of the Bar
liability account against which shall be charged expenses in ccnnec- Review Institute but, as in activities of the College such as those of
tion with the seminar, including honoraria for lecturers at P200.00 the Office of Legal Aid, Philippine Law Journal, and Law Library,
each per hour. This is with the proviso that of the P500.aO partlcl- the Law Center shall continue to give its assistance (particularly
pant's fee, the amount of PB5.00 shall be remitted to the Law administrative and clerical) to the Bar Review Institute.
Center. 2. Earnest efforts shall be exerted to have the faculty members
of the College of Law be the bar reviewers. If for some reason or
The Board authorized the Law Center to conduct a short course another they cannot be the bar reviewers, then only the best from
on "Restatement of the Law: Principles and Trends" from 6 Septem- the other law schools shall be invited to be the bar reviewers.
ber to 7 December 1978, and an "Institute on Trial Techniques," 3. Special attention shall be given by the Bar Review Institute to
and to collect a registration fee of P350.00 and P100.00 per partici- U.P. graduates who are preparing for the bar examinations. In addi.,
pant, respectively.
... tlon to the automatic priority that they shall enjoy regarding thel
enrolment in the Bar Review Institute, they shall also have these
The Board noted the following status reports on the U.P. Invest-
ment Portfolio: (a) Report from the Philippine National Bank on a. faculty members of the College shall be requested to make
the Status of Securities and Income for the period 13 March to 30 themselves available to U.P. graduates who seek their advice on the
June 1978; and Ibl Consolidated Financial Statements for the bar examinations;
quarter ending 30 June 1978, prepared by the U.P. Accounting b. requested materials on recent developments in law and [uns-
prudence shall also be produced and made available to U.P. grad·
On the PNB Placements totalling P11,072,480.00, Professor uates:
Filomena M. Cantoria, Consultant to the Finance Committee, c. the students in the College shall be encouraged to undertake
reported that the University earned P222,451.00 or 9% of average so-called "bar operations" which have for iheir purpose giving assist·
funds. Low profitability was due to the continued investment in ance to U.P. graduates preparing for the bar.
money market instruments, despite University instructions to seek 4. The Bar Review Institute shall be self-financing. Should its
higher-yielding term securities. receipts (fees collectedl be in excess of expenses (fees for bar
The Board appointed Prof. Filomena M. Cantoria as interim reviewers, honoraria for staff, cost of reproducing review materlats),
Manager of the U.P. Investment Portfolio, and authorized the the excess shall be utilized by the College to further strengthen its
President to approve all matters pertinent to the management of the resources to undertake the bar review.
The Board noted the following: •
The Board commuted the penalty of expulsion meted out on 11 1. Recommendation of the Search Committee for the selectio ~_
May 1976 to Reynaldo M. Blanco and Francisco F. Tinio. Jr., for of the first Chancellor of the Health Sciences Center; -
serious deception in relation to their studies to suspension for a 2. Certificate of Registration of the U,P. Foundation. Inc., by
period of two (2) years, effective June 1976, provided the said the Securities and Exchange Commission;
students write and sign individual statements in which they under- 3. Letter to the President, dated 14 July 1978, from Prof.
take not to re-enroll in any unit of the University System.
... Leopoldo V. Vabes, Professor Emeritus of Literature and Philippine
Studies, transmitting the view expressed by the Academic vtce-
The Board granted cumulative leave status to Dr. Carmen C. President of De La Salle University concerning Prof. Yabes' proposal
Velasquez. Professor of Zoology, for the years 1970 to 1978. on for the adoption of the trimester system in the University.

The President approved the following appointments, reappoint- from Assistant Professor I to III of Speech Pathology, effective 1
ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increases in salary, June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
and other related matters: Aida M. Gonzales, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II
f-Allied Medical Professions, School o f - - - - - - - - - - I to III of Physical Therapy, effective 1 June 1978.
J. Keith Coisher, appointment as Lecturer in Occupational Ma. Eleanor A. Jacinto, increase in salary from Instructor II to
Therapy, without compensation, effective 3 January until 28 Feb- III in Physical Therapy, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979:
ruary 1978. additional assignment as Acting Secretary, effective 1 June until the
Rozella O. de Jesus, renewal of appointment and transfer from return of Susan B. Villegas from study leave, but not later than 15
the College of Arts and Sciences (Diliman) with increase in salary October 1978.

92 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

Antonio Perlquet, renewal of supplementary appointment as Veronica C. Blasquez, appointment as Instructor I in Chemistry,
Assistant Professor (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 effective 15 June until the return of Virginia Monje from leave of
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. absence, but not later than 30 June 1978.
Kathleen A. QUigley, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Speech Antoinette B. 801."01, appointment as Instructor I in Chemis-
Pathology, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 try, effective 1 July 1978 until the return of Ma. Socorro Sumabat
May 1979. from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Susan B. Villegas, reappointment to additional assignment as Pablo K. Botor, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
Acting Chairman, Department of Occupational Therapy, effective Department of European Languages, effective 15 June until the
16 April 1978"until the return of Zielfa Maslin from research leave, return of Ulia G. Laurel from special detail in Mexico and the
but not later than 15 April 1979. U.S.A., but not later than 15 August 1978.
Vael Grace Z. Cadiz, appointment as Lecturer in Mathematics,
-Architecture, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - I effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Uly T. de Leon, reappointment to additional assignment as Act- Nancy C. Canauay, appointment as lecturer in Philippine Insti·
ing Secretary, effective 1 July until the retorn of Geronimo V. tutions, effective 13 June until the return of Rosario VU from sick
Manahan from assignment as Officer-in-Charge, but not later than leave, but not later than 31 October 1978.
31 July 1978. Aida V. Castillo, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Horacia C. Dimanlig, appointment as Lecturer in Landscape lecturer in Botany, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Architecture, effective 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Verma A. Cayabyab, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Botany,
Geronimo V. Manahan, reappointment to additional assignment effective 8 November 1977 until 31 March 1978.
as Officer-in-Charge, effective 1 July until the return of Aurelio T. Susan B. Cipres, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Juguilon from special detail in the U.S.A. and Asian countries, but substitute status as Instructor I in Psychology, effective 1 June 1978
not later than 31 July 1978. until 31 May1979.
IIdalfonso P. Sln105, Jr., renewal of appointment as Professorial Renato Constantino, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
';• Lecturer in Architecture, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Ml'IY 1979. Political Science, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Randolf S. David, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
-Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman)'--------i effective 15 June until the return of Francisco Nemenzo, Jr. from
Vivencio N. Abastillas, Jr., increase in salary from Assistant special detail in the People's Republic of China.
Professor I to II of Physics, effective 1 June 1978; renewal of addi- Lenore A. de la Llana, renewal of appointment and trans"r "to
tional assignment as Assistant to the Chairman, Department of non-substitute status as Instructor I in Psychology, effective 1 June
Physics, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. 1978 untll 31 May 1979.
Patricio N. Abinales, reclassification from Research Assistant to Reynaldo de la Paz, additional assignment as Editor. Natural and
Lecturer in Philippine Institutions, effective 1 June until the return Applied Science Bulletin, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
of Patricia Cruz from an NSDB research grant, but not later than 31 Guillermo P. Ponce de Leon, reappointment as Instructor II in
October 1978. Physics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Virgilio C. Aganon, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Geo- Gregorio H. E. del Pilar II, reappointment as Instructor I in
graphy, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Psychology, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Maria Rosario C. Aguinaldo, renewal of appointment with reclas- Romuatdo M. del Rosario, reappointment as Professorial lec-
sification from Instructor IV to Senior Lecturer in French, effective turer in Botany, effective 14 November 1977 until 31 March 1978.
1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Carmencita P. del Villar, renewal of appointment and transfer to
Catalino P. Alcances, Jr., renewal of appointment as Professorial non-substitute status as Instructor III in Speech, effective 1 June
Lecturer in Meteorology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Celia M. Antonio, additional assignment as Assistant to the Teresita P. Doble, appointment as Instructor III in Speech, effec-
. Chairman, Department of Anthropology, effective 1 July 1978 until tive 1 June 1978 until the return of Sonia ValenciaftO from special
<.• 30 April 1979. detail, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Acloracion T. Are;;ez, renewal of appointment and to non- C8r1omagno O. Elinon. increase in salary from Instructor I to II
substitute status as Assistant Professor IV of Botany, effective 1 in Physics, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Jaime P. San-
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tiago from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Marilou B. Alual, reclassification from Instructor III to Lecturer Rita D. Estrada, additional assignment as Program Coordinator
in Physics, effective 13 June until 24 October 1978. for the Refresher Course in Social Sciences for Secondary School
Juan F. Asuncion, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Teachers, effective 21 April until 26 May 1978.
Meteorology, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Uliosa C. Fajardo. increase in salary from Instructor I to II in
Carlos O. Aureus, appointment as Instructor II in English, effec- Physics, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Eliseo Chan from
tive 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Beta P. Balagot, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Zccl- Cipriano C. Ferraris, renewal of appointment as Professorial
ogy, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Lecturer in Meteorology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Pedro F. Baraoidan, renewal of supplementary appointment as Jesus F. Flor•• renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
Professorial lecturer in Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 in Meteorology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
May 1979. Alfonso P. Garcia, Jr., reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Antoinette V. Bass, appointment as Instructor I in Speech, effec- Mathematics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March 1979.
tive 1 June 1978 until the return of Belinda Gutierrez from local Alma Carmen Garcia, renewal of appointment and transfer to
faculty fellowship. but not later than 31 March 1979. non-substitute status as Instructor I in Mathematics, effective 1 June
Paneiano L. Bennagen, additional assignment as Coordinator, 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1978 First Summer Institute, Division of Social Sciences, effective 3 Dante E. Garrido, reappointment as Instructor I in Physics,
April until 31 May 1978; reappointment from Offlcer-ln-Charge to effective 21 June 1978 until the return of Theta C. Ponce from leave
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Jasmin A. Gevino, reappointment to additional assignment as
May 1979.
June.July 1978 U.P. Gazette
Professorial Lecturer in Sociology, effective 13 June until 31 Octo- Mathematics, effective 13June 1978 until 31 March 1979.
ber 1978. Azucena T. Miranda, reappointment as Lecturer in Political
Visitacion V. Gervasio, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Geol- Science, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
ogy, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Elena R. Mirano, transfer from U.P. College Manila as Instructor
Dolores T. Gicaro, renewal of appointment as Professoriat Lec- III in Humanities, effective 1 June 1978.
turer in Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Consuelo B. Morales, additional assignment as Assistant to the
Q'lristopher B. Gomez, renewal of appointment and transfer to Chairman, Department of European Languages, effective 1 June
non-substitute status as Instructor I in Physics. effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1979.
1978 until 31 May 1979. Filipinas F. Natividad, reappointment to additional assignment
Mauro Gonzales. reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Geol- as Officer-in-Charge, Department of Zoology, effective 1 May until
ogy, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. the return of Flor Lacanilao trcrn leave of absence, but not later
Grace R. Gorospe, renewal of appointment and transfer to non- than 1 June 1978.
substitute status as Instructor I in Political Science, effective 1 June Fiel Angela V. Ocampo, appointment as Lecturer in Botany,
1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Lucille C. Gregorio, reappointment to additional assignment as Nilo S. Ocampo, reappointment as Lecturer in Philippine Insti-
Senior Lecturer in Botany, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. tutions, effective 1 June until the return of Patricia Cruz from an
Fernando L Gutierrez, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in NSDB research grant, but not later than 31 October 1978.
Geology, without compensation, effective 1 June until 31 October Jovita H. Orara, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
1978. Lecturer in Filipino. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Dionisia B. Hermosura, renewal of additional assignment as Teresa Z. Ortigas, renewal of transportation allowance as Emeri-
Assistant to the Chairman, Department of English and Comparative tus Associate Professor, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Literature, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 Apri11979. Edgardo P. Paat, appointment as Instructor I in Political Science.
Gideon C.T. Hsu, renewal of supplementary appointment as effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Malaya Ranas from detail
Professorial Lecturer in History, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May at U.P. College Clark Air Base, but not later than 31 May 1979.
1979. Raul C. Pangalangan, appointment as Instructor I in Political
Reynaldo C. neto, reclassification from Professorial Lecturer to Science. effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Enrico David
Assistant Professor IV of History, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
May 1979. Rogelio E. Pe, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Reynaldo R. Interior, renewal of appointment and transfer to substitute status as Instructor I in Psychology, effective 1 June 1978
non-substitute status as Instructor I in Zoology, effective 1 June until the return of Ma. Carmen Jimenez from local faculty fellow-
1978 until 31 May 1979. ship, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Anthony M. Juan, Jr., transfer from the Film Genter and renewal Irma U. Peneyra, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in linguis-
of appointment with reclassification from Senior Lecturer to tics, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Instructor III in Speech, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Jose C. Portugal, appointment as Lecturer in Spanish, effective
Mabini L. Juan, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Mathe- 22 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
matics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March 1979. Linda S. Posadas, increase in salary from Instructor' to II in
Sonia M. Juan, increase in salary from Instructor II to III in Physics. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Physics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Norman R. Ramos, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Geology,
Eliseo Rodrigo L. Kintanar, reappointment as Professorial lec- effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
turer in Geology. effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Joselito R. Ruaya, appointment as Instructor I in Chemistry,
Violet A. Lagmay, renewal of appointment and transfer to non- effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Carmelita Jao from study
substitute status as Instructor I in Psychology, effective 1 June 1978 leave, but not later than 31 May 1979.
until 31 May 1979. Ma. Severa Fe M. Samaniego, reappointment as Lecturer in
Marissa A. La Madrid, reappointment as Instructor I in Physics, Botany, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Jose C. Martinez from Josephine P. San Pablo, renewal of appointment and transfer to
leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979. non-substitute status as Instructor I in Zoology, effective 1 June
Rogelio laraya, appointment as Senior lecturer in Geology, 1978 until 3, May 1979.
effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Ramon L. Sicam, transfer to non-substitute status as Instructor I
Eden L. layda, reappointment as Lecturer in Bahasa Indonesia! in Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Malay, effective 13 June until 14 October 1978. Horacio T. Sison, additional assignment as Faculty Counselor-
Lucita S. Lazo, reappointment as Instructor V in Psychology, Facilitator, effective 15 June until 31 December 1978.
effective 1 April until the return of Fe A. Domingo from research Jorshinelle Sonza, reappointment as Lecturer in English, effec-
leave, but not later than 31 May 1978. tive 16 June 1978 until 31 March 1979.
Eddie L. Listanco. appointment as Instructor I in Geology, effec- Ma. Vivian M. Tan, reappointment as Instructor I in History,
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 7 June 1978 until the return of Wilfreda Tamayo from
SBlvador P. Lopez, reappointment as University Professor, effec- local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 March 1979; reap-
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 Mey 1979. pointment as Instructor I in History, effective 16 June 1978 until
Gilbert G. Lozada. reappointment as Lecturer in Political the return of Luisa T. Camagay from leave of absence, but not later
Science. effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. than 31 May 1979.
Regina Irene S. Macalbay, renewal of appointment and reclassi- Roberto D. Tangco, appointment as Instructor I in Philosophy,
fication from Lecturer to Instructor II in French, effective 1 June effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1978 until 31 May 1979. Justo B. Valbuena, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Chartes Lean-Henri MacDonald. reappointment as Visiting Lecturer of Meteorology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Research Associate, without compensation, effective 5 July 1978 lIumlnado G. Valencia, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
until 30 June 1979. Botany, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Artemlo V. Mendoza, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Rlzillina M. Valencia, reappointment as Lecturer in Filipino,

94 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. cast Communication, effective 1 June 1918 until the return of Faith
Benedicta C. Villanueva, renewal of additional assignment as V. Barros from tocal faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May
Faculty Counselor-Facilitator, effective 1 June until 31 December 1979.
1978. Godofrado A. Lanuza. appointment as Instructor I in Psychol-
Patricia Andrea C. Vinoya, appointment as Lecturer in Botany, ogy, effective 1 June 1918 until the return of Lydia L. Dacanay
effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. from local faculty fellowship. but not later than 31 March 1979.
Maria Teresa C.M. Vitus, appointment as Lecturer in Antnrc- Lauro O. Lasquite, renewal of appointment with reclassification
pology, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. from Lecturer to Instructor I (part-time) in Spanish, effective 1
Reynaldo E. Vaga, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant June until 31 October 1978.
Secretary, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. Crisostomo J. Mage, appointment as Instructor I in Physics and
Armando C. zacarias, appointment as Instructor I in Physics, Matt'tematics, High School, effective 1 June 1918 until the return of
effective 9 June until the return of Melecio Magno from special Minerva G. Par from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May
detail, but not later than 31 May 1979. 1979.
Antonio C. Mendoza, appointment as Instructor I in Speech,
-Asian Institute of Tourism --------------1 effective 1 June 1918 until the return of Araceli C. Santos from
Amelia B. Aguila, increase in salary from Instructor IV to V in local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Tourism, effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1979. Josefina Nate, reappointment as Instructor II in Sociology, effec-
NUda R. Almonte, promotion in rank from Instructor VI to tive 1 June 1978 until the return of lorelei Crisologo from leave of
Assistant Professor I of Tourism, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
May 1979; renewal of additional assignment from Acting Secretary, Perfecto L. Padilla, reappointment to additional assignment as
to Secretary, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 May 1979. Professorial Lecturer in Public Administration, Extension Program,

Ie Eloisa V. Jacinto, transfer from the Office of Student Auxilliary

Services and reversion to temporary status with reclassification from
Residence Head to Instructor III in Tourism, effective 26 April
effective 2 November 1977 until 31 October 1978.
Federico Paragas, appointment as Lecturer in Accounting, effec-
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1976 until 31 May 1979. Grace L. Patricio, appointment es Instructor I in Speech Com-
Vietorico R. Lardizabal, renewal of appointment and transfer to munication and Theater, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of
part-time status as Instructor IV in Accounting, effective 1 June Una Q. Santiigo from local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31
1978 until 31 May 1979. Mav 1979.
Rowena M. Reyes, appointment as Instructor I in History, effec-
f-Asian Labor Education Center -----------t tive 1 June 1978 until the return of Raidis S. Jose from leave of
Benito C. Gonzales, reappointment to additional assignment as absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Senior Lecturer in Labour Disputes Settlement, effective 20 April Elena L. Slmonta, reappointment as Lecturer in Psychology,
1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 21 April until 31 May 1978.
Manuel C. Inoc, additional assignment as Lecturer in Industrial C8rldad Tobia Stitharan, additional assignment as Senior
Relations, effective 5 July until 31 October 1978. Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 April 1978 until 31
Pilar C. Quintos, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Industrial March 1979.
Relations, effective 13 June 1978 untit 31 May 1979. Raoul L. Velasquez, reappointment as Instructor I, High School,
Ruben O. Torres, transfer from the Ministry of Labour and effective 21 June until 31 October 1978.
renewal of appointment with reclassification from Prcfesscrlal Denilo C. Villegas, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Lecturer to Assistant Professor VI (part-time) of Industrial Rela- substitute status as Guidance Associate, effective 1 June until 31
tions. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. December 1918.
Paterno V. Viloria, reappointment to additional assignment as
Professorial Lecturer in Philippine Business Environment, effective -Business Administration, College o f - - - - - - - - - 1
20 April until 30 May 1978. Cecilia Allado, reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer for Student Relations, effective 1 June 1918 until 31 May
-8oguio, U.P. C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1979.
Virgilio Aviado, supplementary appointment as Senior Lecturer Gabriel Alvarez, renewal of appointment as Associate Professor
in Printmaking. effective 25 April until 25 May 1978. II of Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until the retur-n
Annic M. Bagamespad, renewal of appointment and transfer to of Manuel Alba from detail at NEDA, but not later than 31 May
non-substitute status as Instructor I in History, effective 1 June 1979.
1978 until 31 Mav 1979. Remedios C. Balbin, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge.
Virgilio C. Bautista, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Business Department of Business Economics, Law and Marketing, effective
Management, effective 21 April 1978 until 31 May 1979. 19 June until the return of Niceto Poblador from leave of absence,
Ullian S.L. Bayquen, appointment as Instructor I Ipart-tlme) in but not later than 12 July 1978.
Spanish, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Pedro F. Baraoidan, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Avelino P. Bandad, appointment as Lecturer in Spanish, effec- Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
tive 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Mav 1979.
Memerto C. Canlas, Jr., appointment as Instructor I in History, Terese F. Bernabe, reappointment to additional assignment as
effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Soledad Jotic-Go from Acting Chairman, Department of Accounting and Finance, effective
leave of absence, but not later than 31 March 1979. 16 May 1978 until the return of Filomena M. Cantoria from detail
Geoffrey M. Carantes, appointment as Lecturer in History, effec- at Commission on AUditing, but not later than 31 March 1979.
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Dominador A. Clemente. Jr., additional assignment as Coordi·
Marquez O. Go, appointment as Lecturer in Economics and nator for the Agribusiness Program, effective 5 July 1978 until 30
Political Science, effective 1 June 1918 until 31 March 1979. June 1979.
Jorge P. Hernandez, transfer from the Don Mariano Marcos Romeo V. Cnlz, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Business
Memorial State College and appointment as Instructor I in Broad- Administration. effective 27 February until 31 May 1918.

U.P. Gazette
June.July 1978
Agustin O. Eurtaquio, appointment as Lecturer in Finance, MI. Concepcion 8. Barba, appointment as Lecturer in Mathe-
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. matics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Jose Maria H. Hilario, appointment as Instructor I in Marketing, Purita B. Belmonte, reappointment to additional assignment as
effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Nancy G. Uy from leaveof lecturer in Guidance, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
absence. but not later than 31 May 1979. Erlinda B. Bergonio, renewal of additional assignment as Instruc-
Mercedes B. Kimwell, appointment as Senior Lecturer in tor in Filipino, High School, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Accounting. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979.
Ramon A. Madrid, renewal of appointment as Professorial John Cobonpue, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 in Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 untit 31 May 1979.
May 1979. Primitivo G. Ereno, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi-
Anlc:ordita H. Magno, appointment as Instructor I in Account- nator, Language and Social Sciences Program, High School, effective
ing, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Roberto E. Magno, additional assignment as lecturer in Produc- Tecla Espiritu, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
tion. effective 13 June until 31 December 1978. in Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Eduardo R. Magtoto, Jr., renewal of appointment as Professorial Felisa U. Etemadi, transfer from PCAS and appointment as
Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Senior Lecturer in History and Political Science, effective 1 June
May 1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Cynthia A. Manlapig, appointment as Lecturer in Accounting, Amelia A. Gegato, appointment as Instructor I in Home
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Economics. High School, effective 1 June until the return of Feli-
George 8. Olivar, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I cidad Merced from leave of absence. but not later than 31 October
(part-time) to II (part-time) of Business Administration, effective 1 1978.
January until 31 May 1978. Teodoro A. Gonzales, appointment as Lecturer in Management,
Elizabeth H. Palma, reclassification from Instructor III to effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. •.
Lecturer in Business Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Zosimo A. Jadloc, renewal of additional assignment as Cocrdi- .
Ernesto Pineda, renewal of additional assignment as Director of nator. Student Development Services, Undergraduate Studies Divi-
Extension Services, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. , sion, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Vicente R. Ricaslo, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Finance, l Julian M. Jumalon, renewal of appointment as Professorial
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Lecturer in Fine Arts, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Eduardo Rondain, renewal of appointment as Associate Profes- I Jose Lardizabal, renewal of appointment as Professorial lecturer
sor III (part-time) of Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 . in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
until 31 May 1979. I 1979.
Melito Salazar, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Assistant Aurora A. Lim, renewal of additional assignment as Coordinator,
Director of Graduate Studies, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Science and Technology Program, High School, effective 1 June
1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ignacio G. Salcedo, Jr., renewal of appointment as Professorial Francisco 8. Lopez, Jr., appointment as Lecturer in Finance,
Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 effective 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
May 1979. Rosetta F. Mante, renewal of appotntment as Professorial
Gerardo Z. Sison, appointment as Lecturer in Accounting, effec- Lecturer in English, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
tive 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Antonio B. Mayo, appointment as Lecturer in Physics, effective
Emma V. T80doro, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Business 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Administration, effective 1 June 1978 untit 31 May 1979. lIuminada M. Mercado, appointment as Instructor I, High
Romeo C. TomaCfuz, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- School, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
sor.ial Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 Angeles L. Ruiz, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi-
until 31 May 1979. nator, Professions Program, Graduate Studies Division, effective 1
Edgardo L. Tordesillas, renewal of appointment as Associate June until 31 December 1978.
Professor III (part-time) of Business Administration, effective 1 EsteUta F. Somera, additional assignment as Coordinator, Train-
June 1978 unt1l31 May 1979. ing Program, Center for Regional Development Operations, effective
Luis Q.U. Uranza, renewal of appointment with increase in 1 June until 31 December 1978.
salary as Professorial Lecturer in Marketing, effective 1 June 1978 Leonides Tan, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Economics,
until 31 May 1979. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Alma P. Villadolid, appointment as Lecturer in Accounting, Aurelio Tiro, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Dominador T. vmeee. Jr., appointment as Senior Lecturer in Selvador G. Valenzona, renewal of additional assignment from
Business Administration, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Coordinator, Training Program, to Coordinator, Research Program,
Nestor Luis A. Virat8, renewal of appointment as Professorial Undergraduate Studies Division, effective 1 June until 31 December
Lecturer in Business Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 1978.
May 1979. Ma. lelani E. Verdan. additional assignment as Principal, High
School, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 December 1980.
-Cebu, V.P. College'-·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l Federico S. Villahermosa, renewal of additional assignment as
Martino A. AbeilaRB, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Lecturer in Fine Arts, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. May 1979.
Lucille C. Agas, renewal of additional assignment as Coordinator, Virgilio R. Yap, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts,
Humanities Program, Undergraduate Studies Division, effective 1 effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Visitacion A. Yap, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi-
Ampero G-. Balili, reappointment as Lecturer in Nursing, effec- nator, Professions Program, Undergraduate Studies Division, effec-
tive 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.

96 V.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

~urning POin~8

In his message to OUt Alma Mater during

no~~~ Oln~~o~, U.OI the observance of her 70th anniversary, Prime

Minister Ferdinand E. Marcos said: "The
mind loves simplicity for it is the essence of
truth and beauty." And simplicity indeed
marked the rites at the foot of the Oblation as
the Tricolour unfurled and rose in quiet dig-
nity morning of 29 June.
om Of
t~[ mo~m)
Of Oa~o
Seventeen-year old
sophomore of the College
of Arts and Sciences,
Diwata A. Reyes is in-

ducted as new editor of
the Philippine Collegian
for academic year
1978-1979; the youngest
ever in its history. She is
only the second woman
editor, the first being
Miriam Defensor-Santiago
in 1968-1969.
Rlkl T. Espa....

Professor Teodora A. Ignacio (left) was appointed

Dean of the College of Nursing, effective 1 June 1978
until 31 May 1983, to succeed Dean Leonor M.

Professor Napoleon V. Ahueva (right) takes his

oath of office as Dean of the College of Fine Arts,
effective 20 July 1978, for a term of five years, as he
succeeds Dean Jose T. Joya, Jr., who served the col-
lege for two terms.
History is set right with the inclusion of Dr.
Antonio G. Sison in the roster of University
Presidents. Mr. Jorge B. Vargas pointed out to
central administration that Dr. Sison, Dean of
the College of Medicine during the Japanese
Occupation, was also President of the Univer-
sity at the time.


Emle A. Caya.tryab

Alumni residing abroad responded to the
Balik-V.P. program hosted by the U.P.
Alumni Association in July. They were
oriented on recent University plans and pro-
grams and invited to participate more actively
in the life of the University.
~Citizen Military Training, Department o f - - - - - - - - 4
Flultlno M. dell Cruz, appointment as Assistant Commandant,
Ma. luI- F. Mler, appointment 8S Instructor I in Dentistry,
effective 1 Juna 1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 1 June 1978 until recalled by the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, but not later than 31 May 1979. Myrna L. Molina, reclassification with increase in salary from
Research Assistant to Instructor III in Nutrition, effective 1 June
GRIper O. Laynesa, appointment as Military Instructor, effective
1978 until 31 May 1979.
5 July until recalled bY the Armed Forces of the Philippines, but
not later than 31 December 1978. Sofranio P. Sen Juan, renewal of additional assignment as Secre-
tary, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1981.
f-Clark Air Base, U.P. COliege------- L
Alejandro M. remandez. renewal of additional assignment as
Economics. School o f - - - - - - - --1
Acting Dean, effective 15 June until the return of Romeo V. Cruz Armando C. Armas, Jr., renewal 0' appointment with increase in
from research detail abroad, but not later than 29 August 1978. satary trom Assistant Professor II to III of Economics, effective 1
Sog un d0 E. Romero, reappointment to supplementary appoint- June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
ment as Lecturer in Political SCience, effective 6 March until 31 May Dante B. CanlBS, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II to
1978. III of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
Rolando A. 08080, renewal of additional assignment as Director
f-COmprehensive Community Health Programl-- _ for Finance, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Teresita M. Camiling, renewal of appointment and transfer to Ricardo O. Ferrer, renewal of appointment with increase in
non-substitute status as Instructor II in Occupational Therapy, salary from Instructor V to VI in Economics, effective 1 June 1978
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. until 31 MaV 1979.
Lourdes R.L. Cruz, renewal of appointment and transfer to non- Eduardo D. Gamboa, renewal of appointment and transfer to
substitute status as Instructor I in Community Nursing, effective 1 non-substitute status with increase in salary from Instructor V to VI
une 1978 until 31 May 1979. in Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ma. Sarah SR. Domingo, increase in salary from Instructor II to Lido P. Gonzalo, renewal of appointment with increase in salary
IV in Health Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. from Instructor IV to V in Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until
Fe M. fantas, additional assignment as Assistant to the Director the return of Manuel Montes from leave of absence, but not later
for Rural Services, effective 1 May 1978 until the return of Cynthia than 31 May 1979.
Lansigan from leave of absence, but not later than 30 April 1979. Jeanne Frances I. lIio, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in
Auriel A. Tan, appointment as Instructor II in Community, Economics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Medicine, effective 15 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Gonzalo M. Jurado, renewal of additional assignment as Direc-
tor, Public Affairs Program, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May
f-Oavao, U.P. Extension Oivision------- ---1 1979.
Adelwisa Agas, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Felipe M. Medalla, renewal of appointment with increase in
Statistical Methods in Administration, effective 1 June until 31 salary from Instructor IV to V in Economics, effective 1 June 1 ~8
October 1978. until 31 May 1979.
Efigenla B. Magaro, reappointment to additional assignment as casimiro V. Miranda, additional assignment as Director for
Senior Lecturer in Statistical Methods in Administration, effective 1 Fellcwshlps, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
June until 31 October 1978. Solita C. Monsod, increase in salary from Assistant Professor IV
Santiago S. Simpas, reappointment to additional assignment as to V of Economics, effective 1 June 1978: renewal of additional
Professorial Lecturer in Ecology in Administration, effective 1 June assignment as Secretary, effective 3 until, 30 June 1978.
until 31 October 1978. Honorata A. Moreno, increase in salary from Assistant Professor
Luzvlmlnda Tancangco, additional assignment as Lecturer in IV to V of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
COI0 9Yin Administration, .e.ffective ~ June until 31 October 1978. Susan S. Navarro, additional assignment as Acting Secretary,
Proserplna Tapales, additional assIgnment as Senior Lecturer in effective 21 June 1978 until 30 April 1979.
Ecology in Administration, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Harry T. Oshima, renewal of appointment as Visi,ting Professor
Ma. Oliva Zipegan, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in of Economics, without compensation, effective 1 June until 31
Organization and Management, effective 13 June until 31 October December 1978.
1978. Vicente B. Paqu80, increase in salary from Assistant Professor III
to IV of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
I-Oentistry. College of - - - - ---., Emesta M. Per"l., renewal of additional assignment as Director
Mildred P. Anfi., appointment as Instructor I in Dentistry. for Research, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. John H. Power, renewal of appointment as Visiting Professor of
Cor.zon J. Atienza, renewal of appointment and promotion in Economics, without compensation, effective 1 June until 31 Decem-
rank and salary from Instructor [part-time] to Assistant Professor I ber 1978.
(part-time) of Dentistry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Victoria E. Power, renewal of appointment as Visiting Assistant
Joaquin D. Ladao, Je., renewal of appointment and transfer to Professor I of Economics, effective 1 June until the return of
non-substitute status with increase in salary from Assistant Professor Amado Castro from leave of absence, but not later than 31 Decem-
I (part-tlmel to II (full-time) of Prosthodontics. effective 1 June ber 1978.
1978 until the return of Leah D. Perez from leave of absence, but Gerard R. Rlkken, appointment as Visiting Senior Lecturer in
not later than 31 May 1979. Economics, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Luz C. Macapanpan, renewal of supplementary appointment as May 1979.
Consultant in Orthodontics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Gwendolyn R. Tecson, increase in salary from Assistant Profes-
1979. sor II to III of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
laid. S. Manuel, appointment as Instructor I in Dentistry, effec- NUda D. Vasquez, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Eco-
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. nomics, effective 21 April until 31 May 1978; renewal of appoint-
Georgina V. Mercado, appointment as Instructor I in Dentistry, ment with reclassification from Senior Lecturer to Assistant Profes-
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Mey 1979. sor I of Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Amado

June.July 1978 U.P. Gazette 101

Castro from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979. Milagros Ibe, additional assignment, effective 3 April,
Lalgudi S. Venkataramanan, reappointment as Visiting Professor Alfonso G. Pacquing, additional assignment, effective 1 Feb-
of Economics, without compensation, effective 1 June until 31 ruary,
October 1978. Paz G. Ramos, additional assignment, effective 2 May, and
Minda C. Sutaria, supplementary appointment, effective 2 May.
I-Education, College 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , The following appointments were approved in the U.P. lnte-
Leticia M. Azusano, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in grated School:
Education, effective 13 June until 24 October 1978. Helen R. Abadiano, transfer to non-substitute status as lnstruc-
Eligio B. Barsaga, additional assignment as Project Leader, tor I in English, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
NSDB-U.P. Project 7804 Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Pablo F. Arceo, additional assignment as Head. Practical Arts
March 1979, Department, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Rose O. Bautista, renewal of appointment with increase in salary Flora G. Cruz, renewal of additional assignment as Head, Office
as Senior Lecturer in Educational Administration, effective 1 June of Research and Development, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April
1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979,
Emma F. Bernabe, renewal of appointment with increase in Herminigildo R. Cuenca, transfer from Division of City Schools
salary as Professorial Lecturer in Language Teaching, effective 1 and appointment as Instructor I in Physical Education, effective 14
June 1978 until 31 March 1979. June 1978 until the return of Aurora C. Gaeeta from local faculty
Josefina R. Cortes, additional assignment as Project Director, fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979.
NSDB·U.P. Project 7804 Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Loreto I. Danao, reappointment as Commandant, Citizen Army
March 1979. Training, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March 1979.
Ofelia G. Endrinal, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Guidance, Leticia V. de la Paz, renewal of appointment and transfer to
effective 21 April until 25 May 1978. non-substitute status as Instructor I in Home Economics, effective 1 .
Sergia G. Esguerra, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in June 1978 untit 31 May 1979.
Special Education, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Saturnino C. Dimaculangan, reappointment to additional assign'
lIuminada G. Espino, renewal of appointment with increase in
ment as Officer-in-Charge, Department of Practical Arts, effective 2
salary as Professorial Lecturer in Educational Administration, effec-
until 31 May 1978.
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Laida A. Flores, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Fe C. Garcia, transfer from the Division of City Schools, Manila
substitute status as Instructor I, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
and appointment as Instructor II in Health Education, effective 26
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Leticia P. Ho, additional assignment as Head, Student Services
Georgina C. Lisk, additional assignment as Faculty Consultant,
Department, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Education Quarterly Indexing Project, effective 16 June until 30
September 1978; renewal of additional assignment as Associate Ceferina G, Juanson, additional assignment as Head, K to Grade
Editor, Education Quarterly, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 2 Department, effective 1 June 1978 untit 31 May 1979.
Aurora A. Lianko, renewal of additional assignment as Head,
Cristina F. Mencias, transfer from UPIS as Assistant Professor I Department of Science, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
of Science, effective 1 April 1978, Melita J, Mangali, transfer to ncn-substiture status as Instructor I
Natividad J, Munarriz, additional assignment as Offfcer-in- in Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Charge, Office of the Director of Graduate Studies, effective 16 Lerma S. Matta. additional assignment as Head, Department of
June until the return of Aurora A, Minoza from sabbatical leave, but Health and Physical Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
not later than 31 August 197B. 1979.
Minda C. Sutaria, renewal of appointment with increase in salary Gracia A. Milo. appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics,
as Professorial Lecturer in Educational Administration, effective 1 effective 14 June until the return of Felicia de los Santos from local
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 March 1979.
Constantino M. Torralba, renewal of additional assignment as Rabecca R. Ortega, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Business Manager, Publication and Information Office, effective 1 substitute status as Instructor I in Social Studies, effective 1 June
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1978 until 31 JV1ay 1979,
Lilia A. Torres, reappointment to additional assignment as Pre- Judith C. Pambid, additional assignment as Head, Department of
tessorial Lecturer in Guidance, effective 21 April until 25 May Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1978, Aida C. Portugal, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant
Ruben N. Valdez, additional assignment as Lecturer, in Guid- Principal for Administration, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 May
ance, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979,
The following renewals of additional assignment as Researcher Leonila T. Reyes, appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics,
were approved in the project entitled "FULCRUM," effective 1 effective 14 June 1978 until the return of Anunciacion V. Lara
June until 31 December 1978: from fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Nemah N. Hermosa, Catalina S. Selazar, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
Basillsa J. Manhit, Project Leader, and substitute status as Instructor I in Health, effective 1 June 1978
Natividad A. Santos. until 31 May 1979.
The following were eppolnted as Consultant/Resource Person in Maxima J, Velasquez, renewal of additional assignment as Head,
the 1978 Superintendent Examination Review Course, effective as Department of Communication Arts (Filipino), effective 1 May
indicated until completion, but not later than 2 June 1978: 1978 until 30 April 1979.
Narciso B. Albarracin, reappointment, effective 2 May, Mary Lou A. Ver, renewal of additional assignment as Head,
Nestor R. Balmores, additional assignment, effective 1 February, Department of Communication Arts (English), effective 1 May 1978
Eligio B, Banaga, additional assignment, effective 1 February, until 30 April 1979,
Rose 0, Bautista, supplementary appointment, effective 2 May, Rolando E. Villablanca, renewal of appointment and transfer to
Josefina R, Cortes, additional assignment, effective 3 April, non-substitute status as Instructor I in Science, effective 1 June

102 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

1978 until 31 May 1979. Fidel C. Pederes, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Asso-
Socorro L. Vln.lobus, additional assignment as Assistant Princi- ciate Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1
pal for Academic Programs. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1979. Nora Monina Panlilio, appointment as Lecturer in Engineering
Sciences, effective 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
'- Engineering, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Perlito C. Reyes, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lec-
Leopolda V. Abis, additional assignment as Acting Executive turer in Civil Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Director, National Engineering Center, effective 1 June 1978 until Vietor H. Sandoval, renewal of appointment as Professorial
31 May 1979. Lecturer in Computer Science, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Edgardo G. Al8bastro, renewal of appointment as Professorial 1979.
Lecturer in Environmental Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until Amado San Mateo, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-
31 May 1979. in-eharge, Department of Industrial Engineering, effective 1 June
Peter Paul M. Castro, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Engi· until the return of Luis Pascual from sick leave of absence. but not
neering Sciences, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. later than 31 October 1978.
Samuel R. Coran, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Engineer-
Antonio A. Sumague, appointment as Instructor I in Engineering
ingSciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ernesto S. de Castro, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Mario T. Tabucanon, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Lecturer in Civil Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
lecturer in Industrial Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
May 1979.
Maximo R. de Vera, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Benito L. Tanhehco, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Lecturer in Water Resources Engineering. effective 1 June 1978
Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
until 31 May 1979.
May 1979.
Mark A. Dumol. appointment as Instructor I in Mechanical
Rowena J. Torres, reappointment as Instructor I in Engineering
Engineering. effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Rene E.
Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Abarcar from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Rufino L. Valiente, renewal of additional asslqnment as Lecturer
Romeo A. Estanero, renewal of appointment as Professorial
in Shop Courses, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
lecturer in Civil Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Juan G. Veracion, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
1979. Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1 June
Ruben A. Garcia, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Graduate Studies, effective 11 July until the return of lbada Cruz Norberta S. Vila. renewal of additional assignment as Senior
from special detail in the U.S.A. and Asian countries, but not later Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center. effective 1 Juqe
than 31 August 1978. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Thelma T. Garrucho, renewal of appointment as Professorial Francisco L. Viray, increase in salary from Assistant Professor III
Lecturer in Industrial Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 to IV of Electrical Engineering, effective 1 June 1978.
May 1979.
Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, appointment as Instructor I in Engineer- -Environmental Planning, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - I
ing Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Manolita L. Adsya, increase in salary as Research Associate,
Manuel C. Jabson, III, promotion in rank and salary from effective 1 July untit 31 December 1978.
Instructor IV to Assistant Professor II of Civil Engineering, effective L1ena P. Buenvenida, reversion to temporary status with reclassi-
1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. fication from Research Associate to Instructor IV in Environmental
Hans Emil Kolb, reappointment as Visiting Associate Professor Planning, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
of Petroleum Technology, without compensation, effective 5 July Primitivo C. Cal, transfer to non-substitute status with increase
ntl131 October 1978. in salary from Assistant Professor IV to V in Environmental Plan-
John Y. Lei, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer in ning, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Civil Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Dolores A. Endriga, increase in salary from AssistanfProfessor II
Raymundo C. tesam. additional assignment as Associate to III of Environmental Planning, effective 1 July 1978.
Research Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 1 July until Yolanda M. Excande, promotion in rank from Instructor VI to
31 December 1978. Assistant Professor I of Environmental Planning. effective 1 July
Evelina L. Lastrilla, appointment as Instructor I in Engineering 1978.
Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. ROll8rio D. Jimenez, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I
Angel Lazaro III, renewal of appointment as Associate Professor to II of Environmental Planning, effective 1 July 1978.
III of Civil Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Leandro A. Viloria, renewal of additional assignment as Project
Leonardo S. Leopando, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Director and Senior Consultant. DPWTC·UPIEP Joint Projects,
Nuclear Engineering, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Bernardino Q. Malabed, renewal of additional assignment as
Senior Lecturer in Shop Courses, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 I-Fine Arts, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Rafael H. Asuncion, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Visual
May 1979. . . .
Danilo C. Mangaoang, appointment as Instructor I In Engmeermg Communication, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Alice G. Guillermo, reappointment to supplementary appoint-
Genaro T. Marzan, transfer from full-time to part-time status as ment as Senior Lecturer in Art History and Art Theory. effective 1
Associate Professor II of Phctoqramrnetrv, effective 1 June 1978; June until the return of Rodolfo P. Perez from leave of absence, but
reappointment to supplementary appointment as Senior Rese~rch not later than 31 October 1978.
Engineer, Industrial Research Center, effective 5 July 1978 until 31
I-Fisheries, College of .
May1979. . Lita V. Benitez, supplementary appointment as Senior Lecturer
Marvel V. Obnamia, renewal of additional assignment as Lecturer
in Aquaculture, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
in Shop Courses, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
U.P. Gazette
June.July 1978
Hiralal Chaudhuri', appointment as Senior Lecturer in Aqua- I Miriam M. Covar, reappointment as Instructor II (part-time) in
culture. without compensation, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May Family Ufe and Child Development, effective 1 June 1978 until the
1979. return of Helen Abellera from leave of absence, but not later than
Victor K. Embuscado, appointment as Instructor I in Marine 31 MaV 1979
Fisheries, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Nestor S. David, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Liwayway M. Engte. reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Aqua- Lecturer in Interior Design, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
culture. without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1979. Ma. Luisa P. Dayrit, appointment as Instructor I in Clothing,
Norma R. Fortes, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Textiles and Related Arts, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Lecturer in Aquaculture. Extension Program, effective 1 June 1978 Clarissa E. Fausto, supplementary appointment as Instructor I
until 31 May 1979. (part-time) in Family Life and Child Development. effective 1 June
David M. Morris, supplementary appointment as Senior Lecturer until the return of Helen C. Abellera from leave of absence, but not
in Fisheries, without compensation, effective 19 April until 30 May later than 31 October 1978.
1978. Natividad G. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as
Julian N. Patolot, renewal of additional assignment as Senior '. Lecturer in Food Science and Nutrition, effective 1 June 1978 until
Lecturer in Marine Fisheries. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 31 March 1979.
1979. Matilde P. Guzman, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Rolando R. Platon, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Aqua- Lecturer in Food Science and Nutrition, without compensation,
culture, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1979. Flora R. Jacinto, reappointment as Lecturer in Social Orienta-
Cecily S. Quebral, appointment as Instructor I in Inland Fish· tion, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
eries, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Pura L. Madlansacay, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Food
Leonor M. Santos, renewal of additional assignment as Secretary, Science and Nutrition, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1981; renewal of additional Edith L. Oliveros, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Clothing,
assignment as Advisor to PCARR Scholars, effective 1 May 1978 Textiles and Related Arts, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
until 30 April 1979. Helen A. Pedro, renewal of additional assignment as Lecturer in
Food Science and Nutrition, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
DIaries R. Thomas, appointment as Instructor in Inland Fish-
eries, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
1979. Ma. Zeneida S. Santamaria, appointment as Instructor I in
cesar T. Villegas, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Aqua- Family Ufe and Child Development, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
culture, without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Mav 1979.
1979. Lourdes Cornelia Tiambeng, renewal of appointment and
transfer to non-substitute status as Instructor II in Family Life and
f-Fisheries Development and Research, Institute of - - - - - l Child Development, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Erlinda T. Banalhln, reclassification with promotion in rank Marisse G. Vap, appointment as lecturer in Clothing and Tex-
and salary from Research Assistant to Research Associate. effective tiles, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May lS79.
16 April 1978.
Joel R. Canl., reclassification with promotion in rank and salary I-lioilo, U.P. C O l i e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
from Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate. effective 16 Venancio A. AJiglen, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
April 1978. man, Division of Biological Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 30
April 1981.
f-Graduate SChool-------- -1 Felino S. Angeles, renewal of additional assignment as Senior I V. ArcelI8n1, additional assignment as Officer-in- Lecturer in Business Management, effective 1 June 1978 untit 3 1 .
Charge, effective 17 May until the return of Joventino D. Sorimo Mev 1979.
from abroad, but not later than 31 May 1978; additional assignment Ma. Alexandrina R. Benedicta, appointment as Instructor I in
as Secretary, effective 15 May until 31 December 1978. (This super- Development Communication, effective 1 June 1978 until the
sedes her appointment as Secretary, effective 16 May until 31 return of Hope Villanueva from local faculty fellowship, but not
December 1978.) later than 31 March 1979.
Ernesto S. Borrom80, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
-Health Sciences, Institute of (Taclobanl--------1 Lecturer in Statistics, Extension Program. effective 1 June 1978
Brenda S. Sanzo", appointment as Instructor I in Physiology, until 31 May 1979. .
effective 18 April until 31 May 1978. Elizabeth J. Camacho, renewal of additional assignment as
Julio E. Dolorico, renewal of additional assignment as Chairman, Senior Lecturer in Management, Extension Graduate Program, effec-
Division of Surgery, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Adela S. Esper_, transfer from Leyte State ·Collegeand appoint- Joy Rosary M. Castro, renewal of appointment and transfer to
ment as Instructor I in English, effective 2 until 31 May 1978. non-substitute status as Instructor I in Biological Sciences, effective
1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
-Home Economics, College of~----------_l Benjamin M. Catene, renewal of additional assignment as Profes-
Caroline B. Aromin, appointment as Instructor I (part-time) in sorial Lecturer in Business Management. effective 1 June 1978 until
Family Life and Child Development, effective 1 June 1978 until the 31 MaV 1979.
return of Emily Mlao from leave of absence, but not later than 31 Claro S. Cristobal, additional assignment as Lecturer in Eco-
Mev 1979. nomics, Extension Graduate Program, effective 2 until 31 May
Demetria C. Bon... reappointment to additional assignment as 1978.
Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Secretary, effective 21 June until May D. Daquilan". reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor I
the return of Margarita dela Paz from special detail in the Nether- in Statistics. effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Ivanna J.
lands, but not later than 4 August 1978. Guillergan from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.

104 U.P,·Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

Raul P. d. Guzman, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- Lecturer in Management, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
sorial Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until Nicolas P. Tan, renewal of appointment with reclassification
31 Mav 1979. from Senior Lecturer to Instructor IV in Statistics, effective 1 June
Perla D. de los Santos, transfer to non-substitute status as 1978 until the return of Clarissa Marte from leave of absence, but
Instructor I in Accounting, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May not later than 31 May 1919.
1979. Nida R. Ty, reappointment as Instructor IV in Economics, effec-
Eleanor T. Elequin, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
sorial Lecturer in Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Salvador G. ValeOlona, transfer from U.P. College Cebu with
1979. promotion in rank and salary from Instructor V to Assistant Pro-
Jose N. Endriga, renewal of additional assignment as Professorial fessor II in Business Management. effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979; reappointment to additional assignment as Senior Lee-
Mav 1979. turer in Business Management, Extension Graduate Program, effec-
Henry F. Funtecha, transfer to non-substitute status with tive 15 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
increase in salary from Instructor II to III in History, effective 1 Ramon V. Zamora, Jr .• appointment as Instructor I in Political
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Science, effective 15 June 1978 until the return of Abraham Castillo
Felicidad H. Jesena, renewal of additional assignment as Chair- from local faculty fellowship, but not later than 23 April 1979.
man, Division of Professional Education, effective 1 June 1978 until
The following appointments were approved in the High School,
30 April 1981; renewal of additional assignment as Professorial
U.P. College Iloilo:
Lecturer in Educational Management, Extension Graduate Program,
Zenaida Buenaflor, additional assignment as Coordinator for
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Social Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Roy M. Laglagaron, appointment as Instructor I in Development
Neva A. Jardenil, additional assignment as Acting Principal,
Co mmunicatio n, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 17 October 1977 until the return of Mildred J. Gonzales
Gilda N. Loya, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-
• from fellowship. but not later than 1a March 1978; reappointment
substitute status as Instructor I in Zoology, effective 1 June 1978
to additional assignment as Acting Principal effective 17 April until
until 31 May 1979.
the return of Mildred J. Gonzales from leave of absence. but not
Elayda E. Mabunay, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
later than 15 June 1978; reappointment to additional assignment as
man, Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics. effective 1
Coordinator for Communication Arts. effective 1 June 1978 until
June 1978 until 30 April 1981.
30 April 1979.
Sergio D. Mabunay, renewal of appointment with increase in
Abelardo B. Nobleza, reappointment to additional assignment as
salary as Lecturer in Business Law, effective 1 June 1978 eunt it 31
Coordinator for Youth Development Training, effective 1 June
Mav 1979.
1978 until 31 Mav 1979.
Josefa B. Manalon, transfer from Romblon School of Fisheries
Ester C. Reguzo, additional assignment as Coordinator for
and appointment as Instructor III in English, effective 13 June 1978
Natural Sciences, effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1979.
until 31 MaV 1979. Estela M. Soriano, reappointment to additional assignment as
Edward M. Masa, reappointment to additional assignment as
Coordinator for Practical/Creative Arts, effective 1 June 1978 until
Professorial Lecturer in Management, Extension Graduate Program, 30 April 1979.
effective 1 April until 31 May 1978. Alodie M. Torres, appointment as Instructor I in English, etfec-
Renee Bella R. Padilla, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
English. effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March 1979.
Jose J. Piamonte, renewal of appointment with reclassification I-Law C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
from Sports Consultant to Basketball Coach, effective 1 June 1978 Lutgarda R. Elvina. reappointment as Researcher I, effective 21

unt il 31 Mav 1979.
Ma. Dolores V. Ramos, automatic promotion in rank and salary
from Instructor III to Assistant Professor III of Physical Education,
February until 31 December 1978.
leonardo A. Quisumbing, supplementary appointment as Co-
ordinator, Project on Legal Education, effective 1 June until 31
effective 16 June 1978. December 1978.
Tomas A. Sajo, renewal of appointment with reclassification Flerida Ruth Romero, reappointment to additional assignment
from Senior lecturer to Assistant Professor IV of Public Adminis- as Officer-in-Charge, effective 19 June until the return of Frailen M.
tration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979; reappointment to Bacuftgan from official tri~ abroad, but not later than 11 July 1978.
additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Management, Extension cesar C. san Diego, appointment as Research Consultant, effec-
Graduate Program, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 17 April until 15 October 1978.
Ell. . S. Saldaft8, renewal of additional assignment as Chairman.
Division of Humanities, effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1981. -Law Collegeof -----------------i
Carmancite S. Simpes, renewal of additional assignment as Esteban B. Bautista, renewal of additional assignment as Profes-
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May sorial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1979. Soledad C. de Castro. renewal of additional assignment as Pro-
Ernesto J. Soledo, reclassification from lecturer to Instructor I fessorial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
in Social Sciences, effective 1 June until the return of Moises Jose F. Espinosa, reappointment to additional assignment as
Ponteras from local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 Octo- Officer-in-Charge, effective 19 June until the return of Froilan M.
Bacui\gBn from official trip abroad, but not later than 11 July 1978.
ber 1978.
Ma. Easter L. Solis, reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor I Myrna S. Feliciano, renewal of additional assignment as Profes-
in Chemistry, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Manita H. sorial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Pima from local faculty fel1oMhip, but not later than 31 March PurifiC8cion V. Quisumbing, renewal of additional assignment as
Professorial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Albert S. Sumergido, reappointment to additional assignment as 1979.
Vicente M. Santiago. Jr .• reappointment as Professorial Lecturer
Sports Consultant, effective 16 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
un. E. T.beldo, renewal of additional assignment as Senior in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.

U.P. Gazette 105

Junlhluly 1978
Alfredo F. Tadiar, renewal of additional assignment as Director, f-Mass Communication, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - I
Office of Legal Aide, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. leofilo D. Agcaoili, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Teodorico C. Taguinod, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer Film Criticism, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. leothiny S. Clavel, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Haydee B. Yorae, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- Mass Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
sorial Lecturer in Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Carlitos R. Cruz, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Mass
Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Mario J. de los Reyes, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in
t-Library Science, Institute 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Broadcast Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October
Juan C. Buenrostro, Jr., transfer from PNC and appointment as
Instructor III in Library Science, effective 16 June 1978 until 31
Vivencio C. Esteban, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Jour-
May 1979.
nalism, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
NBmnama P. Hidalgo, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Danilo A. Goza, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Broadcast
Lecturer in Library Science, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Melba P. Maggay, appointment as Lecturer in Journalism, effec-
tive 13 June until 15 October 1978.
f-Manila, U.P. C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Ma. Teresita G. Mendoza, reappointment as Lecturer in Broad-
Atilio V. Alicio, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant to cast Communication, effective 13 June until 15 October 1978.
the Dean for Working Students, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April Orlando S. Mercado, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Broad-
1979. cast Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Evelyn C. Almira, reappointment as Lecturer in Mathematics, Orlando R. Nadres, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Broadcast Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October
Ma. Teresa S. Buencamina, additional assignment as Officer for 1978.
Student Relations, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Georgina A. Reyes, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I
Jose N. Endriga, reappointment to additional assignment as to III of Journalism, effective 1 June 1978.
Officer-in-Charge, effective 19 June until the return of Raul P. de Vietor T. Valbuena, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Guzman, but not later than 2 July 1978. Journalism, effective 13 June until 15 October 1978.
Lucille C. Gregoria, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Lecturer in Natural Science, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May f-Medicine, College 01- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
1979. Nenita l. Alberto, renewal of appointment and transfer from
Atilano B. Kalagayan, renewal of additional assignment as Senior Instructor (part-time), without compensation, to Instructor IV
Lecturer in Accounting, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. (part-time) in Medicine, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ma. Milagros C. Laurel, additional assignment as Coordinator, Ruben P. Arafiles, renewal of supplementary appointment as
YCAP Program, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, without compensa-
Valentina R. Perez, renewal of additional assignment as Senior tion, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Lecturer in English, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Ana Marie l. Arcenas, promotion in rank from Instructor VI to
Assistant Professor I of Biochemistry, effective 1 June 1978.
Rosella Jean M. Puna. reappointment as Senior Lecturer in
Cecilia Arellano-Isaac, appointment as Assistant Professor (part-
English, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
time) of Pharmacology, without compensation, effective 13 June
Emelyn N. Relucio, appointment as Lecturer in Economics,
1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ma. Milagros C. Bautista, promotion in rank from Instructor VI
Clara L, Rosete, renewal of appointment and transfer to substi-
to Assistant Professor I of Biochemistry, effective 1 June 1978. .,
tute status as Instructor I in Botany, effective 1 June until the
Yasmyne S. Castillo. appointment as Instructor IV in Bio-
return of Ma. Ofelia C. Maglipon from study leave, but not later
chemistry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
than 30 November 1978.
Troadio B. Castro, renewal of appointment as Clinical Assistant
Marian R. Romano, appointment as lecturer in Mathematics,
Professor (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June 1978
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
unlil31 May 1979.
Angelica G. Vasquez, additional assignment as Acting Chairman,
Florencia R. Chavez, additional assignment as Clinical Associate
Division of Physical and Biological Sciences, effective 16 June 1978
Professor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
until the return of Teresita D. Suselo from leave of absence, but not
Evelyn R. Cortes, renewal of additional assignment as Clinical
later than 31 March 1979.
Assistant Professor {part-tlmel, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Eleanor D. Vigilia, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Mathe-
matics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Augustus C. Damian. transfer from ACWP as Associate Profes-
sor III of Physiology, Department of Physiology, effective 1 June
-Marine Sciences Center --------------~ 1978.
earl J. Ferraris, Jr., transfer from U.P. at Los Banos with rectasel- Estanislao de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as lnstruc-
flcaticn from Visiting Instructor, to Research Associate, without tor (part-time) in Surgery, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
compensation, effective 1 April until 31 December 1978. Alejandro S. de leon, renewal of additional assignment as
Nemesio E. Montano, promotion in rank and salary from Senior Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until
Research Assistant to Research Associate, effective 1 June until 31 31 May 1979.
December 1978. Esperanza J. de Ocampo, additional assignment as laboratory
Reynita L. Veray, reclassification with promotion from Re- Supervisor, Department of Pharmacology, effective 1 June 1978
search Assistant, without compensation, to Research Associate, until 31 May 1979; renewal of additional assignment as Consultant
effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. in the project entitled "Studies on the Pharmacological and Behav-
Thomas C. Walter, appointment as Research Associate, without ioral Effects of the Philippine Marijuana:' effective 1 June 1978
compensetton. effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. until 31 May 1979.

106 V.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

Odita Oungo- Yatco, renewal of appointment and transfer from ' Pedro P. Solis, renewal of appointment as Professoriat Lecturer
Assistant Professor (part-time), without compensation. to Assistant in Medical Jurisprudence, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Professor I (part-time) of Psychiatry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Clemente O. Sta. Romana, renewal of appointment with rectessl-
May 1979. fication from Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time) to Assistant
Fe Enrile-Bascal, renewal of appointment and transfer from Professor (part-time) of Surgery, without compensation, effective 1
Instructor (part-time). without compensation, to Instructor IV June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
(part-time) in Medicine, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Julia P. Sy, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-substi-
Emesto T. Espiritu, additional assignment as Instructor (part- tute status with increase in salary from Instructor I to Instructor IV
time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. in Pathology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Lorenzo M. Farolan, renewal of appointment as Clinical CirHo R. Taeata, Jr.. renewal of additional-assignment as Instruc-
Assistant Professor (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 tor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979.
Natividad G. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as Nelia S. Tan, renewal of appointment and transfer to non-substi-
Clinical Assistant Professor, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May tute status as Instructor IV in Pathology, effective 1 June 1978 until
1979. 31 May 1979.
Emesto V. Ferreol, renewal of appointment as Clinical Associate Severino L. Tanbonliong, reappointment to additional assign-
Professor of Pathology, without compensation; effective 1 June ment as Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978
1978 until 31 May 1979. until 31 May 1979.
Mario B. Geronilla, additional assignment as Instructor (part- Myrna Tuazon-Mendoza, transfer from Instructor (part-time),
time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. without compensation, to Instructor IV {part-tlmel in Medicine,
Esperanza Icasas-Cabral, renewal of supplementary appointment effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
IS Clinical Assistant Professor, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Mario J. Valenton, renewal of additional assignment as Clinical
979. Assistant Professor {part-tlmel, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Carmen L1. Intengan, renewal of appointment as Professorial 1979.
Lecturer in Biochemistry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Antonio H. Villalon, renewal of appointment as Instructor
Eiji Kita, appointment as Visiting Fellow, Postgraduate School, (part-time) in Medicine, without compensation, effective 1 June
without compensation, effective 1 June 1978.untit 31 May 1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Benjamin Legada, Jr., renewal of supplementary appointment as Copernico Villaruel, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as
Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 June Intil 31 Instructor Ipart-timel in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
October 1978. May 1979.
Raymundo W. La, transfer to non-substitute status with increase The following renewals of supplementary apootntment , as
in salary from Instructor I to IV in Pathology, effective 1 June 1978 Lecturer/Preceptor were approved in the Anesthesiology Center
until 31 May 1979. Western Pacific, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979:
Manuel P. Macapinlac, reappointment to additional assignment Lourdes Africa,
as Officer-in-Charge, Department of Biochemistry, effective 8 June Magpuri Bataclan,
until the return of Solita F. Camara-Besa from vacation leave, but Nestor S, Bautista, renewal of additional assignment,
not later than 7 July 1978. Braulio De Castro Jr., also as Deputy Director, effective 1 Jan-
Eligio A. Manto, renewal of additional assignment as Lecturer in uary until 31 December 1978,
Medical Jurisprudence, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Quintin L Kintanar,
Cynthia Joy Maxino-Uy, appointment as Instructor IV in Phvsi- Leonor F. Rivera, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979,
ology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Manuel V. Sileo, and
Rex Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor cecilia V. Tomas, renewal of additional assignment.
rt-time] in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May The following renewals of additional assignment as Assistant
1979. Project Director were approved for the World Medical Assembly
Quintin F. Oropilla, renewal of supplementary appointment as Project, effective 1 June until 30 November 1978.
Assistant Professor {part-time] of Rehabilitation Medicine, without Armando F. Bonifacio,
compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Horacia R. Estrada.
lole E. Rabar, renewal of supplementary appointment and Florentino B. Herrera, Jr. as Project Director, and
transfer from Assistant Professor Ipart-tirne) , without compensa- Alberto G. Romualdez, Jr.
tion, to Assistant Protesspr III (part-time) of Pediatrics, effective 1
June until 31 December 1978. -Music. College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t
William B. Riley, Jr_, appointment as Visiting Professor of Eliseo C. Oamor, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Surgery, without compensation, effective 23 until 29 May 1978. Percussion, without compensation, effective 13 June 1978 until 31
Me. Consuela Salazar, renewal of additional assignment as May 1979.
Instructor (part-ttme] in Psychiatry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Bevani M. de Leon, appointment as Instructor III in Composi-
May 1979. tion and Theory, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Francisco
Salvador Salceda, renewal of additional assignment as Clinical Feliciano from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Associate Professor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Pablo F. Javier:J, Jr., appointment as Lecturer in Flute, effective
1979. 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ricardo Salonga, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor Emmanuel Q. Laureola, transfer from Philippine High School for
(part-time) in Medicine, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. the Arts, CCP, and appointment as Instructor III in Composition
Laureen P. San Agustin, additional assignment as Instructor and Theory, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Carmencita
(part-time) in Psychiatry, effective 5 July until 31 October 1978. Arambula from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Ester Santos, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor Jose Ma. R. Pellicer, renewal of appointment as Professorial
(part-time) in Medicine, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. Lecturer in Strings, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.

V.P. Gazette 107

June-July 1978
Reynaldo G. Reyes, renewal of appointment as Professor II of r,08dio B. Castro, supplementary appointment as Attending
Piano, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Radiologist (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June
Perla Z. Suaca, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Piano, effec- 1978 until 31 May 1979.
tive 1 June until 31 October 1978. Evelyn R. Cortes, renewal of additional assignment as Attending
Ophthalmologist [part-time}, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
>-Natural Science Research Center -------------1 1na !
Germelino F. Abita, renewal of additional assignment as Project '8. de Leon, renewal of additional assignment as
Leader in the research project entitled "Computer Modelling of Attending Ophthalmologist (part-time). effective 1 June 1978 until
Solar Energy Conversion System," effective 1 July 1978 until 30 31 May 1979.
June 1979; reappointment to additional assignment as Officer-in- Serla F. Duller, renewal of appointment and transfer from part-
time to full-time status as Instructor IV in Nursing, effective 1 June I
Charge, effective 18 July 1978 until the appointment of a new
1978 until 31 May 1979.
Lorenzo Chan, additional assignment as Project Leader in the Odita Dungo-Yatco, renewal of appointment as Attending
research project entitled "Study of Quark Dynamics," effective 5 Psychiatrist (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June
July 1978 until 30 June 1979. 1978until31 May1979.
Fe Enrile-Bacsal, renewal of appointment as Attending Physician
Gloria Enriquez, renewal of additional assignment as Project
(part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Leader in the research project entitled "Studies on the Biology of
Sapsep Leiognathus sp.." effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. May 1979.
Ernesto T. Espiritu, additional assignment as Attending Ortho-
Ester A. Garcia, renewal of additional assignment as Project pedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Leader in the research project entitled "Unsaturated Sugars, Lorenzo M. Farolen, supplementary appointment as Attending
Synthesis and Reactions of 2,3:3, 4 and 5, 6 Unsaturated Sugars," Radiologist (part-time), without compensation. effective 1 June
effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979. •
Prescillano lamora, renewal of additional assignment as Project Jose V. Francisco, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Leader in the research project entitled "Morpho-Systematic Studies Consultant in Oral Surgery, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June
of Philippine Drynarioid Ferns," effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
1979. Lina L1. Guadiz, reappointment to additional assignment as
Consultant (part-tirnel in Public Health Education, effective 1 May
~Nursing, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , unti I 31 December 1978.
Estela V. Palomares, increase in salary from Instructor I (part- Benjamin Legada, Jr., renewal of supplementary appointment as
time) to Instructor III (part-time) in Nursing, effective 16 April Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 June until 31
1978 until the return of Leticia S, M. Lantiean from local faculty October 1978.
fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979. Avelino A. Macasaet. additional assignment as Consultant in
Josefina J, Santos, reappointment to additional assignment as Restorative Dentistry, effective 3 January until 31 December 1977;
Secretary, effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April 1981. renewal of additional assignment as Consultant in Restorative
Dentistry effective 1 January until 30 June 1972.
-Pharmacy, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Rex Mendoza, renewal of additional assignment as Attending
Elnore A. Cabalfin, transfer from NSDB-Assisted U,P. Integrated Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Research Program and appointment as Assistant Professor I of lole F. Rabor, renewal of supplementary appointment as Attend·
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
ing Pediatrician (part-time). without compensation, effective 1 June
until 31 December 1978.
Apolonio R, OIavez. Jr .• reappointment of Professorial Lecturer
Salvador Salceda, renewal of additional assignment as Attendin.
in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence and Ethics. effective 13 June 1978
Ophthalmologist (part-time). effective 1 June 1978 until 31 Ma
until 31 May1979.
Adoracion B. Concepcion, increase in salary from Instructor II
Sofronio P. San Juan, renewal of additional assignment as Chair-
to IV in Pharmaceutical O1emistry, effective 1 June 1978.
man. Department of Hospital Dentistry, effective 1 May 1978 until
Lilian V. Cuanang, reappointment to additional assignment as
30 April 1979.
Lecturer in Chemical and Medical Bibliography, effective 1 June
Clemente O. Sta. Romana. renewal of appointment as Attending
until 31 October 1978.
Surgeon (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June 1978
Natividad F. de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as until 31 May 1979.
Officer-in-Charge, effective 1 June until the return of Jesusa A. Severino L. Tanbonliong, reappointment to additional assign-
Concha from UNESCO Workshop/Seminar abroad, but not later ment as Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), effective 1 June
than 9 June 1978. 1978 until 31 May 1979,
Carina T. de Santos, appointment as Instructor I in Pharmacy. Mario J. Valentan, renewal of additional assignment as Attend-
effective 16 June until the return of Ludivina K. Ebido from leave ing Ophthalmologist {pert-time}, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
of absence, but not later than 31 October 1978. 1979.
Thelma A. Rivera. increase in salary from Instructor I to II in Antonio H. Villalon, supplementary appointment as Attending
Pharmacy, effective 1 June 197B until 31 May 1979. Physician (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June 1978
until 31 May 1979.
>-Philippine General Hospital------------~ Copemico Villaruel. Jr., renewal of additional assignment as
Nenita L Alberto, renewal of appointment as Attending Physi- Attending Orthopedic Surgeon [part-time], effective 1 June 1978
cian (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 June 1978 until until 31 May 1979.
31 May 1979. The following appointments as Fellow. without compensation,
Araceli O. Balabagno, renewal of appointment and transfer from were approved:
part-time to full-time status as Instructor IV in Nursing, effective 1 Reynaldo F. Cariaga. effective 3 January until 31 December
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1977,

lOB U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

Haydee Blanca T. Flor, effective 16 January until 31 December Oominador B. Capili, renewal of appointment as Professorial
1978, Lecturer in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978
Romulo J. Javier, effective 1 February until 31 December 1978, until 31 May 1979.
Marie Consuelo I. Salazar, supplementary appointment, effective Nl!tividad S. O1ipongian, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer
5July 1978 until 31 May 1979. in Occupational Health. effective 5 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ruben W. Engel: renewal of appointment as Professorial Lee-
-Population Institute-----------------l turer in Nutrition, without compensation. effective 1 June 1978
Josefina V. Cabigon, reclassification from Research Associate to until 31 May 1979.
Instructor V in Demography, effective 1 June 1978 until 30 April Juan M. Flaviar, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
1979. in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Imelda Z. Feranil, additional assignment as Secretary, effective 1979.
16 June 1978 until 30 Aprtl1979. Zenaida O. Ludovice, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Nellie V. Mangubat, transfer' from UPPI-USAID Project as Com- Epidemioloy and Biostatistics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
puter Programmer II, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. 1979.
Ciriaca a. Manalo, reappointment as Assistant Professor IV of
r-Public Administration, College o f - - - - - - - - - - i Public Health Administration. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Amelia C. Ancog, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in 1979.
Public A'dministration, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Luelle B. Rabuco, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
Ledivina V. Carifto, additional assignment as Director, Research Department of Nutrition, effective 16 July until the return of
and Publications Program, effective 2 May 1978 until 30 April Clrmencita Loyola from leave of absence, but not later than 30
1979; additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, effective 19 June August 1978.
until the return of Raul P. de Guzman. but not later than 2 July Pedro P. Solis, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
978. in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Baltazar E. Gelvezon, additional assignment as Lecturer in Public 1979.
Administration, effective 21 April until 31 May 1978. Henedina P. Suanes, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Ma. Lourdes S. Joves, reappointment to additional assignment as Lecturer in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978
Senior Lecturer in Public Administration. effective 13 June until 31 until 31 May 1979.
October 1978. Julio P. Valera, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Perla E. legaspi, increase in salary as Researcher II, L~cal Epidemiology and Biostatistics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Government Center. effective 1 July 1978. 1979.
Rosemarie P. Leviste, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Public
Personnel Administration, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
t-Science Education C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,
Felipe V. Oamar, renewal of appointment as Associate Professor
Lanniene S. Capa'ad, increase in salary as Researcher I, effective
V of Public Administration. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
1 June 1978.
1979. Fe S. de Guzman, increase in salary as .Researcher I. effective 1
Perfecto L. Padilla, renewal of appointment as Associate Profes-
June 1978.
sor I of Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Jasmin A. Gavino, increase in salary as Science Education
1979. Specialist II, effective 1 June 1978,
Eleanor M. Paray, increase in salary as Management Specialist I,
Marcelita C. Magno, increase in salary as Science Education
Local Government Center, effective 1 July 1978; additional 65s19O-
Specialist II, effective 1 June 1978.
ment as Senior Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 17 April
Leonarda B. Pascua, increase in salary as Researcher I, effective 1
until 30 June 1978.
. June 1978.
. . Nestor N. Pilar, rene.wat of additional a~signmen~ as Director of Violeta L. Rodriguez, increase in salary as Research Associate,
~raduate Studies, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. effective 1 June until 31 December 1978_
Amelia P. Varela, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in
Vivien M. Talisayon, additional assignment as Principal Investi-
Public Administration, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
gator in the project entitled" An Evaluation of Selected Aspects of
NSDB-PNC Experimental Project on Curriculum Innovations,"
-Public Health, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - i
effective 1 February until 30 June 1978.
Francisco N. Aguilar, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Merla C. Tan, increase in salary as Researcher I, effective 1 June
Lecturer in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June' 1978
until 31 May 1979.
Ricardo L. Alfonso, renewal of appointment as Professorial
Lecturer in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978 r-Small-Scale Industries, Institute f o r - - - - - - - - - - - i
Leticia E. Aquino, reclassification with increase in sa~ary from
until 31 May 1979.
Maria del Rosario F. Ames, appointment as Instructor IV in L.ibrarian II to Training Specialist I, effective 1 June 1978.
Eduardo Q. Canela, promotion in rank and salary from Training
Parasitology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Associate to Training Specialist I, ettecuve"t June until 31 Decem-
Jesus C. Azurin, renewal of appointment as Professorial Lecturer
in Public Health Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May ber 1978.
Redentor C. Oak8h8Y. additional assignment as Officer-in-
1979. Charge, Pilot Extension Office, effective 3 January until 31 Decem:
Sibilina B. Bibera, additional assignment as Ottlcer-ln-Charge, ber 1978: promotion in rank and salary from Research Assistant to
Department of Nutrition. effective 1 June until the return of Research Associate, effective 1 January until 31 December 1978.
Carmencita Loyola from vacation leave, but not later than 15 July
Arnulfo F. Itao, increase in salary as Training Specialist II, effec-
H.J. Leslie Burgess, renewal of appointment as Professorial tive 1 Ju ne 1978.
Serenidad F. Lavador, promotion in rank and salary from Train-
Lecturer in Nutrition, without compensation. effective 1 June 1978
ing Specialist I to II, affective 1 June 1978.
until 31 May 1979.

U.P. Gazette 109

June.July 1978
Tomas J, Ranada, promotion in rank and salary from Manage- Orlando T. Cabanlig, renewal of supplementary appointment as
ment Specialist I to II, effective 1 June 1978. Senior Lecturer in Statistics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Rudolfo O. Sumicad, reappointment to additional assignment as 1979.
Officer-in-Charge, effective 10 June until the return of Paterno Pilar G. Cardenas, transfer from Philippine Sugar Commission
Viloria from special detail in the U.S.A., but not later than 25 June and appointment as Instructor II in Statistics, effective 1 June 1978
1978; reappointment to additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, until 31 May 1979.
effective 16 July until the return of Paterno V. Viloria from rural Joseph B. Kadane, appointment as Guest Lecturer, effective 10
service, but not later than 31 July 1978. until 15 July 1978.
Zenaida O. Ticsay, transfer to permanent status as Research Lamberto C. Nieves, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Statis-
Associate, effective 14 July 1978. tics. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979,

-Social Work and Community Development, Institute of--i-Tacloban, U.P. CoII~g.--------------l

Amanda C. Bueno, transfer from NHA and appointment as Protasia C. Abellar, appointment as Senior Lecturer In Manage-
Instructor I in Community Development, effective 1 June 1978 ment for Small Industries. effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
until 31 Mav 1979. 1978.
Bethel D. Diokno. appointment as Instructor III (part-time) in Wilfred G. Barloso, appointment as Coordinator for Graduate
Social Work, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Studies, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
Gloria A. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi- Gloria Caldito. additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in
nator, Office of Research and Publication, effective 1 June 1978 Public Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
until 31 May 1979. 1978.
Michael M. Gonzalez, transfer from the College of Music with Melchor O. Caiiete, Jr., appointment as Senior Lecturer in Public
reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor III in Community Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
Development, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Aida J. Capucion, appointment as Senior Lecturer in PUbli.
Antonio A. Hidalgo, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Corn- Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
munity Development, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978, Me. Aurora Carbonell, renewal of additional assignment as
Flora C. Lansang, additional assignment as Coordinator, Depart- Senior Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 January until
ment of Social Work's Field Instruction Program, effective 1 June 31 May 1978.
until 30 October 1978. Rosa Ester T. Cuna, reclassification from Senior Lecturer to
Angelito G. Manalili, transfer from LGC, with reclassification Assistant Professor Vof English, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
from Research Associate to Instructor III in Community Develop- 1979; appointment as Coordinator for Arts and Sciences, effective 1
rnent, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. June until 31 December 1978.
Amaryllis T. Torres, renewal of additional assignment as Coordi- Servillano C. de la Cruz, Jr., appointment as Senior Lecturerdn
nator. Office of Continuing Education, effective 1 June 1978 until Public Administration, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
31 May 1979. 1978.
Luz Maria V. Sobreviiias. transfer from Samar Integrated Rural Vietor A. Domingo, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Business
Development Project and appointment as Instructor II in Com- Management, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May 1978.
munity Development, effective 15 June until the return of Rosario Saturnino L. Fernandez. additional assignment as Coordinator,
Lorrin from leave of absence, but not later than 31 March 1979. Extension and Community Relations Program, effective 1 June until
Lourdes S. Sumagaysay, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer 15 November 1978.
in Social Work, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Mariano J. Guillermo, renewal of additional assignment as
Professorial Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 January
-Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute of~ until 31 December 1978,
Ma, Louella N. Caces, appointment as Instructor I in Physical C8lixto M. Hindang, appointment as Coordinator for Manage:
Education, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. ment and Technology, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
Adina R. Ferrer, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Albino C. Lumen, appointment as Coordinator for Student
Physical Education, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Affairs, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
HedV T. Garcia, appointment as Instructor I in Swimming, effec- Domingo A. Mateo, appointment as Coordinator for Research
tive 16 May 1978 until the return of Leila C. Arias from leave of and Publications, effective ,1 June until 31 December 1978.
absence, but not tater than 30 March 1979. Edgardo B. Mendoza, appointment as Senior Lecturer in
Ernesto Presss, reappointment as Consultant in Arnis, effective 1 Business Management, effective 7 November 1977 until 31 May
June until 31 December 1-978, 1978.
Remedios V. Pinon, reappointment to additional assignment as Vicente A. Quiton, additional assignment as Coordinator for
Officer-in-Charge, effective 1 June until the return of Aparicio H. Agricultural and Rural Development, effective 1 June until 15
Mlqui from research leave, but not later than 31 July 1978, November 1978.
Fortunato C. Roque, additional assignment as Lecturer in Golf, Vicente H. Sydiongco, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in
without compensation, effective 1 October 1977 until 31 March Public Administration, effective 7 November t977 until 31 May
1978. 1978.
Cynthia Abad Santos. reappointment to additional assignment as Miriam R. Tinampay, renewal of additional assignment as Secre-
Officer-in-Charge, effective 29 June until the return of Aparicio H. tary. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Mequi from special detail abroad, but not later than 31 Julv 1978.
[This automatically terminates the appointment of Remedios V. -Transport Training Center ----------------i
Pinon as Officer-in-Charge. effective 29 June 1978.) Metelo E. Arias, temporary detail from the Western Police
District and appointment as Consultant, effective 1 February until
I-Statistical C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 3 1 December 1978.
Agnes Caroline G. Aguas, appointment as Instructor II in Statis- Carlos G. Fernandez, temporary detail from Headquarters
tics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Constabulary Highway Patrol Group and appointment as Consult-

110 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4

ant, effective 1 February until 31 December 1978. -General Administration --.,
Melchor R. Mlngobe, temporary detail from Department of Virginia M. Baas, transfer to permanent status as Resident
Public Highways and appointment as Consultant, effective 1 Feb- Advisor, Kalayaan Residence Hall, Office of Student Auxiliary
ruary until 31 December 1978. Services, effective 1 July 1978.
Elizabeth L. Salazar, transfer from the University .Librarv as Francisca L. Cruz, transfer from Bulacan College of Arts and
Librarian II, effective 1 July 1978. Trades and appointment as Guidance Counselor I, Division of
Counseling and Guidance, Office of the Vice-President for Academic
-University Health 5 e r v i c e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I Affairs, effective 16June until 31 December 1978.
Juana G. Cruz, promotion in rank and salary as Physician, from Corazon R. Estrella, renewal of additional assignment as Direc-
rank of Instructor V to Assistant Professor II, effective 1 July 1978. tor, Management Information System Unit, Office of the President,
Wllfrido de Leon, Jr" increase in salary as Consulting Patholo- effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
gist, from rank of Assistant Professor V to VI, (part-time), effective Priscilla S. Manalang, renewal of additional assignment as
1 July 1978. Member, President's Committee on Fellowships and Assistantships,
Benjamin T. Gutierrez, promotion in rank and salary as Dentist, effective 1 July 1978 until30June 1979.
from rank of Instructor VI to Assistant Professor II, effective 1 July Romeo L. Manlapaz, renewal of additional assignment as
1978. Member, President's Committee on Fellowships and Assistantships,
Fllicillno M. Padlan, renewal of additional assignment as Assist- effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
ant Director, effective 1 May until 24 November 1978. Beulah D. Nuval, renewal of additional assignment as Director,
International Students Program, Office of Student Affairs, effective
~UniYersity Library----------------! 1 May 1978 until 30 June 1979.
Vyva Victoria M. Aguirre, reappointment as Librarian II, ettec- Eliseo M. Pajaro, renewal of additional assignment as Special
ive 1 June until 31 December 1978. Assistant to the President on Cultural Affairs, effective 1 June 1978
Lirio Antonio, reclassification from Research Assistant to Asso- until 31 May 1979.
ciate Computer Programmer (part-time), effective 13 June until 31 Eduardo G. Sabat, reclassification from Bookkeeper to Associate
December 1978. Computer Programmer, Accounting Division, Office of the Vice-
Altagracia Balane. increase in salary as librarian II, effective 1 President for Administration, effective 1 July 1978.
Joventino D. Soriano, renewal of additional assignment as
June 1978.
Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs,
Lourdes T. David, increase in salary as Librarian II, effective 1
effective 8 July 1978 until the return of Oscar M. Alfonso from
June 1978.
special detail in the People's Republic of China.
Rosita C. Matro, increase in salary as Librarian II, effective 1
Preciosa Villaroman, promotion in rank and salary from Senior
July 1978.
Research Assistant to Research Associate, Program Development
Elena W. Revatoris, increase in salary as librarian II, effective 1
Staff, Office of the President, effective 17 April 1978.
July 1978.
Ma. Oliva Zipagan, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant
to Vice-President for Academic Affairs, effective 1 July 1978 until
-Veterinary Medicine, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - I 30 June 1979.
Eduardo M. Calo, renewal of additional assignment as Resident
The following additional assignments as Program Development
Veterinarian, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1919.
Assistant were approved in the Program Development Staff, Office
Maria Fe H. Constantino, renewal of additional assignment as
of the President:
Resident Veterinarian, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effec-
Presentacion N. Alcid, effective 15 June until 15 November
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Erwin D. David, additional assignment as Resident Veterinarian,
Wilfred G. Barloso, effective 15 June until 15 November 1978.
eterinary Hospital, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Virgilio A. Dureza, renewal, with increase in honorarium, effec-
Severino R. Hermosura, renewal of additional assignment as tive 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Editor-in-Chief, Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine, effective Reynaldo Imperial, effective 15 June until 15 November 1978.
1 May 1978 until 31 May 1979; renewal of additional assignment as Domingo A. Mateo, effective 15 June until 15 November 1978.
Editor-in-Chief, Veterinary Medicine Bulletin, effective 1 May 1978 Bienvenido P. Nito, effective 15 June until 15 November 1978.
until 31 March 1979. Perla PBtacsil, renewal, effective 17 June until 31 December
Gregorio V. Llaguno, additional assignment as Extension 1978.
Veterinarian, effective 3 April 1978 until 31 March 1979. Denise B. Pineda, renewal, effective 1 July until 31 December
Mauro F. Manuel, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart- 1978.
ment of Veterinary Parasitology and Protozoology, effective 6 June lldefontp B. Sadsad, effective' 15 June until 15 November 1978.
1978 until 30 April 1981. The following renewals of additional assignment as Program
Joseph S. Masangkay, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, Development Associate, Program Development Staff, Office of the
Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Pathology, and Public President, were approved:
Health, effective 1 May until the return of Rudolfo Paneyra from Gemino H. Abed, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
rural service and le&t:e of absence, but not later than 31 May 1978. Venencio A. Aligaen, reappointment, effective 1 July until 31
October t978.
Jose a. Molina, additional assignment as Extension Veterinarian, Nestor R. Balmor., effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
effective 2 May 1978 until 30 April 1979. MBnuel P. Bendaiie. effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Fidelja G. Roldan, renewal of additional assignment as Resident Arsenio S. Camacho, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Veterinarian, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Leticia L. Castillo, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
Mario S. Tongson, additional assignment as Associate Dean, Geronimo M. Collado, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
effective 6 JURe 1978 until 30 April 1979. ROil Ester T. Cuna, .additional esslgnment, effective 15 June
Maria Clara T. Uv, appointment as Instructor I in Veterinary until 15 November 1978.
Medicine and Surgery, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Concepcion p. Dadulfalza, with increase in honorarium, effec-

U.P. Gazelle 111

June.July 1978
tive 1 July until 31 October 1978. Emet8ria P. Lee, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Fortunato T. do PoRo,offectivo 1 July until 31 October 1978. Albino C. Lumen, additional assignment, effective 15 June until
Vtcente G. del Rosario, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978. 15 November 1978.
Htrmenegildo C. Dumlao, effective 1 July until 31 December
Elayda E. Mabunay, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Helen N. Mendoza, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
Jose N. Endriga, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Virginia R. Moreno, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Co,azon R. Estrella, effective 1 JulV until 31 December 1978.
Natividad J. Munarriz, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
Oseer L. Evangelista; effective 1 June until 31 October 1978.
Victoria A. Quiton, additional assignment, effective 15 June
Winifrede A. Evangelista, effective 1 June until 31 October
until 15 November 1978.
Lydia H. Flores, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Benjamin l. Ravena, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Joseflna C. Fonacier, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Georgina A. Reyes, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Eduardo D. Gamboa, effective 1 April until 31 October 1978. Rafael A. Rodriguez, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Milagros V. Gregorio, effective 1 until 31 July 1978. Oionisia A. Rola, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Felicidad H. Jesena, effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Josefina A. Salvafta,effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.

Resignation. effective 29 June 1978.

leonid Perez as Nurse, Comprehensive Community Healt.
Luzviminda B. Abantao as Research Aide, University Library, Program, effective 1 July 1978. . .
effective 29 June 1978. Gamatiel Quilantip as Security Guard, Security Division, effec-
Milagros M. Angeles as Stenographer, College of Arts and tive 16 July 1978,
Sciences IDiliman), effective 15 July 1978. Erwin Ramiscal as Training Specialist I, Institute for Small-Scale
ROIIrio Aricheta as Senior Clerk, ~llege of Fisheries, effectjve 1 Industries, effective 8 June 1978.
June 1978. Mauricio Rayea as Instructor, Department of Chemistry, College
Jesus Arranz as Instructor, College of Engineering, effective 1 of Arts and Sciences (Dlllmanl, effective 1 July 1978.
June 1978. Semuel Reyes as Emergency Security Guard, Security Division,
Marilou B. AIlIal as Instructor, Department of Physics, College effective 10 July 1978. \
of Arts and Sciences (Diliman), effective 13 June 1978.. Denver Sabaoan as Security Guard, U.P. College Baguio, effec-
Ana Marie A. Barredo as Research Assistant, Institute of Social tive 1 June 1978.
Work and Community Development, effective 16 June 1978. Judy Carol C. Sevilla as Instructor, Department of Phvsics.
.Josephine Bartiana as Utility Man, University Library, effective 4 College of Arts and Sciences [Diliman], effective 1 June 1978,
June 1978. Olivia M. Sison as Research Assistant, Institute of Social Work
Agustin Belen, Jr. as Associate Professor, College of Medicine, and Community Development, effective 30 June 1978.
. effective 1 June 1978. Antonio Zaldivar as Food Service Worker, University Food
Ger.rdo S. Cs'.bia as Director, Graduate Studies, Institute of Service, effective 13 June 1978.
Environmental Planning, effective 16 June 1978.
MelaliCorcuera as Senior Assistant, U.P. College, Manila. Rotirements
MKrina M. Fuentes as Instructor IV, U.P. College Cebu, effec-
tive 15 June 1978. Asuncion Albert as Assistant Professor, College of .Arts a n _
Judy T. Go as Instructor, U.P. Integrated School, effective 1 Sciences [Dillman},effective 1 June 1978.
Juno 1978. Salvador Camba as Food Service Worker, University Food
Romeo Maya as Gardener, Campus Landscaping Office, effective Service, effective 28 July 1978. (Death)
18 June 1978. catalina Gaspar ~s Driver, College of Engineering, effective 24
Teresita Palacio as Assistant Professor,'Institute of Social Work June 1978. {Death)
and Community Development, effective 1 July 1978. Pedro M. lapresca as Grounds Equipment Foreman, Physical
Arthur l. Palisoc as Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences Plant Office, effective 29 June 1978.
COiliman), effective 21 June 1978. Florinda Lesaca as Assistant Professor, U.P.I.S., effective 10
Anne Bella J. P8tag as Research Assistant, School of Economics, June 1978. (Optional)
effective 3 June 1978. lucio Sen Pedro as Professor, College of Music,effective 1 June
Virgilio Paulino as Emergency Security Guard, Security Division, 1978.

112 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 4 I
- <b(Q)~'ii'ij~~V s £~@ ~ C!J Iii ~ IU\4 ~ ~ 'ii' s
The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at
its 903rd Meeting, 29 June 1978: its 904th Meeting on 27 JulV 1978:

1. Memor.ndu m of Agreement with the Educational DeVitlopmlnt 1. Memorandum of Agr.. ment whh the NSOB PllUining to the
ProjlCtl Implementing Force IEDPITAF) Pwtaining to Sit, Project "Evatultion of the Integrated Program in Science EduClition
Allocation on Campus for the Construction of In EOPITAF for Development of Levte-Samar Region"
Building The project shall be carried out bv the University with financial
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the assistance from NSDB in the amount of P8S,200.00.
EDPITAF and the University whereby the latter allots a site' on
campus upon which the EOPITAF shall construct a building for the
joint purposes of the EDPITAF and the U.P. Science Education 2. Memor.ndum of Agreement among, UPLS, the EDPITAF. and
Center (SEC). The EDPITAF shall bear the cost of construction and tINt Visey.. State Coli. of Agriculture (VISCA) Plrtaining to a
relocatio~ of University personnel, giving the University the sum of
Proiect "Production and Utilization of Forenry Manpower in the
P1,200,OOO.OO. The EDPITAF shall likewise grant SEC, rent-free, Philippines"
office, conference, and storage space; the latter, however, shall bear This one-year project will be conducted jointly by the UPLB and
its own electricity, water and security charges. VISCA under the administration of the UPLB Director of Research,
The EDPITAF shall own and manage the building for the next with financial assistance from the EDPITAF in the amount of
en (10) years, following the signing of the agreement on 31 May P146,781.60.
978, after which ownership and management shall automatically
pass to the University. 3. Mlmorandum of Agreement with the Cllifomia Manufacturing
Co.. tec., ICMCII Rogording I R_rdl Project Called "Oevelop·
ment of Cucumber and Oth8f' Selected Veaetables for Processing"
2. M, mar.ndum of AlJreem8l'1t with thl Philippine Coconut
The project shall be undertaken by UPLB and financed by CMCI
ReMlrch .nd Development Foundation, Inc. (PCRDF), Regarding in the amount of P150,360.20 for a period of tlNO (2) years.
ImpJementation of the Project Entitled "The &teblishment of a
Mak.puno Culture Laboratory and Nursery for Mass Production"
4. Memorandum of Agreement with the Oepartm.,t of Natural
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
Resources (DNRI Pertaining to "Mesaganang Kagubatan" Program
PCRDF and the UPLB whereby the PCRDF shall finance the project
The DNR and the UPLB shall share the financial requirements of
from grants-in-aid for developmental projects. The UPLB may make
the project which is in support of the Program for Forest Ecosystem
necessary adjustments in the project schedules and/or budget,
Management IPROFEM) developed under LOI NO. 423.
provided these shall not exceed the total budget originally approved.
The results of the project, including patents, shall be the joint
5. Memorandum of ~.ment with thf Bureau of Animal Industry
property of the PCRDF and the UPL8. The project is for five (5)
(BAil Providing for thl Estlblilhmont of UPCT·BAI Forego Nunery
Statton in Taclobln City
The project shall be for a period of five (51 years, the U.P.

3. Contl'motlon of In A _......t to thl A . . . - t with till 0-.
Agricultural Dovolopmont Corporation R_ding lowing
Operations in Basila"
The Board confirmed the follOWing amendment to the agree-
ment between the Overseas Agricultural Development Corporation
College Tacloban making svailabfe a two-hectare area and the BAI
providing financial and technical assistance.

6. Memorandum of A,elment with the Bu....u of Anim.llndustry

and the University regarding operations in the rubber plantation in IBAIl Providing for till Establishmlnt of till BAI-U.P. Tacl_n
Basilan: provided, that the CONTRACTOR guarantees that at the Dairy Project
The UPCT shall provide a 50-hectare area for the dairy farm and
end of 31 March 1979, portions that are not completely cleared of
processing plant which shalt be operated and maintained by the
all standing trees and debris shall bear liquidated damages at the rate
BAI. The SAl shall give technical assistance on dairy livestock
of P100.OO per hectare per day for a period of thirty (30) days. If
after the 3o-day period the entire area has not been cleared, the prodJetion and milk technology for instructional and research
purposes. This contract shall remain in force for fifty (50) years,
AGREEMENT shall be deemed rescinded and the CONTRACTOR'S
surety bond forfeited to the University. subject to extension.

I June.July 1978
U.P. Gazette 113 I

The University of the Philippines Gazette is published bimonthly by the Information and Publications Office, Office of the Secretary of
the University. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
The typeface used in this journal is Univers medium, but for pictorial captions which are in Aldine Roman, both set in two-point tedds at
the Science Education Center. The unit and pictorial headings are in Tabasco bold caps and Linear, respectively. Cover and pictorial
subheadings are in Camellia.
The two-corer printing in offset lithography is by the University of the Philippines Press.
The Information and Publications Staff Bureau includes Marivel T. Arc, Anunciacion G. Ayo, Elpidio S. Cetmov. Ernesto A. Cavebvab,
Edwin P. Delwev, Ruben David F. Defeo. Cayetano M. de la Vega, Ricardo T. Espana, A. Oliver Flores, Roshan T. Jose, Angioline A.
Loredo. Rowena M. Lumen, Rosalinda V. Pineda, Victor T. Quinto. Aodolfo San Diego, Belinda G. Soriano, Renata O. Villanueva, and
Carlos A. Yap.



Administrative Orders. Administrative Order No. 13: Creation of

an Inventory Team to take stock of Collection donated by Jorge
Vargas Foundation, 119 • Memor.ndum Circulars -Memorand
Circular No. 15: Additional Guidelines on the 15-day Aural serv~:
Pursuant to LOI 559, 119 -Memorandum Circular No. 12: Septem-
ber ~USiC Festival, 119 • Memorandum Circular No. 18: Attend-
ance In the Agency Crash Program in Master in Public and Business
Management, 119 -Memorandum Circular No. 20: Extension of the
Rural service Year to 31 December 1978, 120 • Memorandum
Circular OSU-22 (78): Submission of Copy of Government Con-
tracts and supporting Documents to Commission on Audit 120 •
Memoranda • Memorandum No. 35: Economy of Papa; Time
Words, Energy and Other Apposite Items, 121 .Memorand~m No.
16: Immediate Reporting of Students with Pending Disciplinary
c;ases, 121 -Memorandum: Requests for Financial Assistance, 121
Memorandum No, 36: Odd Hours of E.V.S., 1·15 September
1978, 121 -Memorandum No. 33: Procedures in the Preparation of
Budgets and Disbursement of Funds of College Councils and Unit
Publications by UPS central Administration, 122


905th Meeting, 31 August 1978 -Appointments, Reappointments,

Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, etc., 123 - Transfer to
Permanent Status, 125 - Scholarships, Fellovvships, Grants and
G~fts, 125 - Collection of Fees, 125 -Delegation of Authority to
Vice-President for Administration, 126 -Organization of CODEM
126 - Creation of Class Title of Photo Editor, 126 - A Site fo;
PCROF on Diliman Campus, 126 • Other Matters Considered By
the Board, 126 - 906th Meeting, 28 September 1978 -Appoint-
merits. Reappointments, Promotions, etc.. 127 -Transfer to Parma-
THE COVER nent Status, 128 -~cholarshrps, Fellowships, Grants and Gifts, 128
The Transport Training Center InC) was quietly inaugurated on
.Collection of Fees, 128 .Creation of Scholarships and Financial
1 September 1978 by Shin Saku Hogen, President of the Japanese
Assistance Division" at UPLB, 128 • Authority for AIT Dean to
International Cooperation Agency (JICAl, the Honorable Baltazar enter into and sign Contracts, 128 -Occupational Hazard Differ-
Aquino, Minister of Public Highways, and the Honorable Alfredo ential of P40"for Therapists at PGH, 128 .Other Matters Con-
Juinio, Dean of the College of Engineering and Minister of Pubtlc
sldered by the Board, 128
Works and Communication,
Decreed by LOI 428 on 12 June 1976, the TIC functions under

the umbrella of the National Engineering Center. Governed by a PRESIDENTIAL DECISIONS, 137
five-man steering committee, members of which come from the
Ministries of Public Highways, Public Works and Communication, PASSAGES
the National Economic Development Authority, the Constabulary
Highway Patrol, and the University of the Philippines System, the
Konichi Wa, 129 .Stop••• Look•.•Amble, 130 .One House of Intel-
Center manifests U.P.'s commitment to government programs.
lect, 131 -U.P. Gazette Crystal Ball, 132 -More Power, 134 -A
Seminar training courses of 24 weeks duration for government
Neighbour Comes A-Visiting, 135 • No Mere Token of Affection
employees directly concerned with traffic control and for planning
136 '
agencies like the Metro Manila Commission, were begun on 5 June
1918. There are presently three courses: traffic planning, a total or
systems approach; traffic engineering, which deals with flow theo- SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE
ries applied to analysis and design of roads; and traffic management.
Collaboration with the College of Engineering to credit units Resignations, 144 -Retirements, 144
earned at the TIC for engineering postgraduate courses is being
planned. Extension servicesof the Center will include setting up and
monitoring of computerized traffic signals along main arteries of
Metropolitan Manila.
The TIC has been a joint undertaking of the Japanese Inter- Memorandum of Agreement with UNESCO Pertaining to a Teacher-
Training Project in Kabul, Afghanistan, 145 - Memorandum of
national Cooperation Agency IJICAl and the U.P., with an lmpres-
Agreement with Bicol Unlversltv College of Agriculture Pertaining
sive donation of equipment from JICA which includes the already
to UPLB Integrated Crop and Livestock Farming Project, 145 ~
visible traffic signal systems around the Dillman campus (see center-
Memorandum of Agreement with Ministry of Education and Culture
fold). Under a four-year program, Japanese experts compose part of"
Pertaining to a two-year Project known as "Development of Agro-
the staff at the TTC to ensure thorough transfer of technology and
Forestry Education Program in Elementary and Secondary Schools,"
oversee the training of TIC staff. 145 • Memorandum of Understanding with National Food and
Cover photography is by Riki T. Espana.
U.P. Gazette
August-September 1978
AgriOJlture Council Providing "NFAC Graduate and Undergraduate Pertaining to a Study of Philippine Seaweeds, 145 e Memorandum
Fellowship Study Grants, 145 • Memorandum of Agreement with of Agreement with the Foundation from Philippine Progress, Inc.
the Philippine Training Centers for Rural Development re: Support Pertaining to a Research Project "Biology of Edible Frogs and their
and Operation of TrainingCenters, 145 .Memorandum of Agreement Commercial Production, 145 • Memorandum of Agreement with
with CVIT, MSAC, VISCA, USM Pertaining to Establishment of the Philippine Coconut and Research Foundation, Inc., Pertaining
Four Regional Training Centers for Rural Development, 145 • to Research Project "Synthesis of Certain Derivatives of Coconut
Memorandum of Agreement with De La Salle University re: Courses fatty Acids:' 135 • Memorandum of Agreement with EDPITAF
Under the Experimental Master in SCience Teaching Program, 145 • Regarding the Implementation of World Bank-supported Educa-
Memorandum of Agreement with Filipinas Foundation, Inc., tional Development Programs at UPLB, 146

BOA~D OF REGENTS • The Honorable Juan L Manuel, Chairman, secretary of

Education and Culture eThe Honorable Onofre D. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Presl-
dent, Unlversltv of the Philippines .The Honorable Abelardo G. Samonte, Chan-
cellor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos eThe Honorable Ruben Santos

Cuyugan. Chancellor, Philippine Center for Advanced Studies e The Honorable
Abraham F. sarmiento, President, U.P. Alumni Association • The Honorable
Tomas S. Fonacier • The Honorable Orlando J. Sacay • The Honorable Gerardo
P. Sieat • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronalda B.
Zamora .Or. Gemino H. Abad, secretary


President. Or. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President. Dr.
Oscar M. Arfonso, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Ramon
C. Portugal, Vice-President for Administration • Dr. Gemino H.
Abad, Secretary • Prof. Manuel P. Bendafia. University Registrar
EDITORIAL BOARD. Dr. G8mino H. Abad, Secretary of the
University, Chairman. Prof. Luis D. Beltran, Acting Director of the
University Press, secretary. Prof. Manuel P. 8endafia, Secretary of r
the ·University Council. Dr. Gloria D. Feliciano, Dean of the lnsti-
tute of Mass Communication. Prof. Froilan M. Bacuftgan, Director
of the Law Center. Or. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P. Faculty Organization. Mrs. May C. Dumlao. President of the
U.P. Supervisors' Association • Miss Diwata A. Reyes, Editor of the
Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF .CUmino H. Abad. Editor. Ruben Devid F. Defeo, Associate Editor. Elpidio S. Caimoy, Managing Editor.
Roshan T. Jose. Assistant Editor. Riki T. Es~fi8, Photo Editor .Tony M. dela Vega, Circulation Manager

118 U.P. Gazene Voiume IX, Number 5

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Memor.ndum Circular No. 12: September Music Festivil

Administrative Order No. 13: Creation of an Inventory Team to As you know, our College of Music is holding a Music Festival all
CoIllClion donoted by till Jorlll B. VI"", Found·
t8lc1 ItaCk of .... of September as its contribution to the celebration of U.P:s 70th
atJon.lnc. anniversary.
The following are hereby constituted into an Inventory Team, This Festival consists of ten (101 major musical events expressing
effective 1 september 1978, with Mr. Mauro Garcia as Chairman, to man's ideals and aspirations. Th~r1 are various musical forms in this
make a complete inventory of all the items appearing in Annexes Festival from the simplest or "unsophisticated" to the most com-
A", "B", "C" and "0", attached to and made integral parts of the
JI plex, from the profane to the sacred. Some are traditional rituals
Deed of Donation executed between the Jorge B. Vargas Filipiniana from minority nationalities, others from the rich Chinese, Indian,
Foundation, tnc., and the University of the Philippines System on 1 and Indonesian musical heritage. Western symphonic and chamber
March 1978: Mr. Ricardo Galvea, Mrs. Yolanda Granda, and Mr. music and opera, conternccrarv Filipino popular music, and experi-
Leopolda Imbang. The end product of the inventory should be in mental music also enrich the Festival.
the form of separate listings of items corresponding to the Annexes We are therefore inviting the University community to celebrate
(A through 01 referred to in the Deed of Donation, Each item listed with us, at this Festival, the University's commitment to the endur-
should be described properly, following standard techniques of ing spirit of Man in all those musical forms which he has created.
inventory. 5 September 1978

'i.e The Chairman shall see to it that the inventory is completed and
the final report. signed by all the members, submitted on or before
30 September 1978.

It shall be understood that items inventoried, including records

....._dum CIrcular No. 18: Attendo_ In Agency Crosh Pro-
thereof, may be inspected by the Office of the Auditor of the
grim In Malter in Public and Busin. . Management
University as may be determined by the head thereof.
4 September 1978
Quoted hereunder is Memorandum Circular No.1 074 from the
Office of the President of the Philippines on the above subject for
President your information and guidance.


"To: All Heads of Departments and Agencies
Mlmorlndum Circular No. 15: Additional Guidllin. on !hi 1!H:1av ··AUTHORIZING ATTENDANCE IN AGENCY CRASH PROGRAM
In accordance with the Memorandum Circular from the Execu- SEPTEMBER 1978.
tive Director, Paglilingkod: Bagong lipunan National Secretariat, "La Salle University, in collaboration with the University of the
dated 16 June 1978, and a directive from the same office. dated 10 Philippines and the Civil Service Commission, and approved by the
August 1978, the following are hereby prescribed: Ministry of Education and Culture will start conducting a practical
1. For newly appointed officials and employees, only those who crash program for a Masteral Degree in Public and Business Manage-
- - - - . have completed one (1) year of service in the government are reo ment starting September J978, for g-aduates of Junior Executive
,.., quired to render the 15-day rural service pursuant to LOI 559. Training, Supervisory Training for Effective Administrative Manage-
2. In order to facilitate submission of rural service reports to the ment, Career Executive Service Development Program, and AFP
national Secretariat, all officials or employees who have rendered Officers Senior Training Programs.
rural service work should submit their respective report of comple- "The MPBM Course aims to enhance the managerial capability of
tion of Rural Service to the appropriate Personnel Offices not later government officiels, develop them for higher responsibility and
than Thursday, 20 September 1978. Those who would still render prepare them for better opportunities after retirement so that they
rural service are likewise enjoined to submit certification of such will not become burdens to the government and society.
completion not later than five (5) days after the last day of the rural "The course will be conducted for a period of "one and a half (1
service period. 1/2) years, at least ei(#lt (8) hours per week, for a fee of three
In accordance with a Memorandum, dated 8 June 1978, of the thousand pesos (P3,OOO.OO) per participant, the amount to be
Chairman, Sub-Cabinet Committee, Paglilingkod: B890ng Lipunan advanced by the agency concerned and which may be deducted later
clarifying LOI No. 623, granting exemption from rural service of through monthly deductions from the salary of the participant. In
barangay officials, only local government officials and employees of case the participant is prevented by circumstances beyond his
Metro Manila holding such positions are contemplated. Officials and control from refunding the said fee thru monthly deduction, the
employees of the University who are barangay officials, therefore, same may be taken from his retirement payor from any other
are not exempted from rural service. For this purpose, per arrange- money due him in the course of his employment. A parrlclpant who
ment with the National Secretariat, Paglilingkod: 8&9Ong Lipunan, continually maintains hig-. scholastic record shall not be required to
they are hereby given until 31 December 1978, to render their rural refund the money advanced by the agency as a form of recognition
for his exemplary academic performance.
service. "The MPBM Course gives accreditation to JET, STREAM,
Please be guided accordingly.
CESO, CGSC and NDCP graduates.
25 August 1978 "The agency concerned shall provide physical facilities like train-
ing room, chairs, tables and blackboards, and subject to availability
Executive Vice-President
U.P. Gazette
August-September 1978
of funds, provide merienda for participants. him no time to scrutinize the provisions thereof minutely and to act
"Participants shalJ be required to render service in any branch of on the claim within 24 hours. Obviously, there is no definite dead-
the government for a period of at least two (2) years for every line provided for submlsslon of contracts executed upon which pay-
academic year of scholarship enjoyed by him under this Circular. ments are based. This gives rise to delay in such payment. Accord-
"At no instance during the course shall the participants be en- ingty, in order that vouchers relating to government contract'S may
titled to collect overtime pay for the time spent while in class be acted upon with dispatch, the following procedures are hereby
attendance. ,prescribed for the guidance of all concerned:
ISGD.I JACOBO C. CLAVE "1. Contracts:
"Presidential Executive Assistant "a. Within five l51 days from the execution of a contract by the
"Manila, 11 August 1978." government or any of its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities,
6 september 1978 including government-owned or controlled corporations, for a
public works project of major repair, improvement or construction,
as well as those for public service and/or the furnishing of supplies,
Office of the Executive Vice-President
materials and equipment, a copy of said contract and each of all the
documents forming part thereof by references or incorporation, if
Mtmorandum Circul. No. 20: Extension of the Ruq( Service Vear any such as the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders,
to 31 December 1978 Abstract of Bids, Award, General Conditions, Specifications,
Proposal and Contract Book, Certificate of Availability of Funds,
Quoted hereunder is a memorandum of the Paglilingkod: Bagong etc. shall be furnished the unit or agency auditor irrespective of
lipunan National Secretariat, dated 23 August 1978, for your
amount. The Regional Director shall also be furnished a copy if the
information and gUidance;
amount involved is more than P50,OOO,00 but less than
"To; All Government Agencies/Offices, Including Government-
P100,OOO.00, aside from the unit or agency auditor the Commission
Owned and Controlled Corporations
proper shall also be furnished a copy of the contract. This procedure
"Subject; Extension of the Rural Service Year to 31 December
also applies to supplementary agreements, change orders and extra
work orders.
"1. In view of the suspension of rural service schedules resulting
"b. Within five (5) days from receipt, the unlt or agency Audit-
from the recently concluded referendum, registration of voters and or, the Regional Director or the Commission on Audit, as the case
the election, most government agencies/offices were not able to
may be, shall call the immediate attention of management regarding
field their employees for their scheduled rural service under LOI
defects and/or deficiencies of the contract and suggest such correc-
559. tive measures as are appropriate and warranted to facilitate the
"2. In order to accommodate these employees and for them to processing of the claim upon presentation.
comply with requirements, all government agencies/offices including "2. Letter/Purchase Orders:
government-owned and controlled corporations, are hereby author- "A copy of any letter/purchase order, irrespective of amount,
ized to field them for rural service until 31 December 1978. They and each of every supporting documents, shall, within five (5) days
will only be credited for compliance with LOI 559 for the first rural from issuance thereof, be submitted to the unit or agency Auditor
service year and not for the second rural service year which will start concerned, who shall, likewise, within a period of five l5) days from
16 september 1978 to 15 September 1979. receipt point out to management defects and/or deficiencies there-
"3. All agencies/offices, induding government-owned and con- of. In case of doubt as to the reasonableness of the price of the
trolled corporations, are requested to submit a separate report of items purchased, the unit or agency Auditor shall conduct a canvass
their employees accommodated under this extension (16 September thereof or, at his discretion, refer the matter to the proper govern-
to 31 December 1978) not later than 30 September 1978, for ment agencies.
record purposes. "3. Consummated Contracts:
"4. For dissemination and compliance. "The unit or agency Auditor shall maintain a file copy of can- ~


summated contracts and letter/purchase orders, including related.
"By: supplementary agreements, change orders and extra work orders,
entered into or issued, as the case may be, within the past two (21
"Exacutive Director years from the effectivity of this circular.
"4. Payment:
Please be guided accordingly. "Claims representing first partial payment are not to be allowed
19 september 1978 in audit .unless a copy of the contract and the other documents
(Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO herein referred to are first submitted as provided in this circular.
Executive Vice-President "5. Filing:
"For easy reference and record purposes, tl:le documents herein
Momonncklm Circu'" 050·22 (7BI: Submiolion of Copy of referred to shall be filed in chronological order by the unit or
Government ContrKtl mel Supporting Docunwltl, Including agency Auditor and in accordance with the nature or classification
L.etter/PuRhase Orde,., to the Commillion on Audit of the project or undertaking (road, bridge, building, port, harbor,
airport, waterway, dike, irrigation, river control work, ate.I by the
Please be enli~tened and guided by the Circular within this Regionel Director/Commission proper. At the end of the fiscal year,
Circular. While the date is 1976, beware: it has teeth. the records should be bound and provided with an index.
"15 July 1976
"COMMISSION ON AUDIT CIRCULAR NO. 76-34 "This Circular shall take effect immediately. •
"It has been observed that in most Auditing Units of the Com- ISGD.1 FRANCISCO S. TANTUICO. JR.
mission on Audit the files of consummated contracts are incom- "lIed" "Acting Chairman
plete. Likewise, there have been requests for payment for work 13 Soptember 1978
already accomplished although the contract itself, which is the basis (Sgd.) GEMINO H. ABAD
of payment, had just been submitted to the Auditor, thus ellowing Secretary of the University

120 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 5

MEMORANDA resolved.
Delays in reporting regarding these cases seem to \\'Ork for
Memorandum No. 35 students concerned who, on the same day of the incident, or
Subject: Economy of Paper, Time, Words. Energy, Other Apposite immediately thereafter, work for clearance to leave. If the Unlver-
Items sity Registrar and the Dean of Students are not immediately noti-
Purpose: For compliance, each one according to his own initiative, fied of their pending cases, their applications for clearance are given
imagination, and awareness of atrophy due course.
We ought to correct this situation.
This is to enjoin your cooperation in matters of great paper The U.P. Police Force, aside from filing the complaint directly
weight: with the Student Discipllnarv Tribunal and furnishing copies of its
1. Please type only the necessary number of copies in regard to report to the Office of the President, should also furnish copies of
any communication. (Read pleasethe clarificatory note below.) the same to the following units: (a) the College in which the student
2. Use only half sheets whenever possible. is enrolled at the time of the incident: (bl the Dean of Students; and
a. Make all communications as brief as possible. (Warning: brief, lei the University Registrar. Such Police Report is sufficient for
yes, but not incomplete or lnadequate.l purposes of listing the name of the students in the Registrar's List of
b. Both basic communication and all accompanying indorse- Students with Pending Disciplinary Cases.
ments can exist comfortably on one and the same page. The Deans and Directors of academic units ought also to follow
3, Revise format of your letter, indorsement, and other forms of the same or a similar procedure as outlined above,
communication such that you state directly, clearly, and concisely The usual procedure of notifying the Registrar's Office and the
your subject and any matter pertinent to it. Dean of Students of the decisions in disciplinary cases ought to
{Read, please, the examples below.I continue.
In the meanwhile, no clearance will be issued to any such
Clarificatory Note on Number of Copies to Type student unless so certified by the Unit Dean/Director or the Chair-
:,. 1. This number depends on (a) the number of offices the com- man of the SOT that the pending case is dismissed or that the
munication will go through and fbi whether it is needful for such or student has been appropriately penalized if found guilty.
such an office to keep a file copy. 8 August 1978
2. Hence, indicate to your typist the number of copies to type (Sgcl.l ONOFR E D. CORPUZ
based on (1I above. President
3. As a rule, there ought not to be any Xeroxing for a file copy,
since this is more expensive than typing.
Example (of an indorsementl: Memorandum: RaqUlll1l for Additkmll FiNlna.l AIItt8nce

1st Indorsement (Original) The President's Committee on Fellowships notes that requests
4 August 1978 for financial assistance sometimes come piecemeal, thereby causing
Respectfully forwarded to the President, through the Vice- frequent alterations in the programming and allocation of funds and
President for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines, delays in the processing of requests.
recommending approval of the proposed modification of the author- The Committee is henceforth constrained therefore not to enter-
ity granted to the Dean, College of Music, to offer a seminar-work- tain requests for additional financial assistance after the submission
shop on music pedagogy for the youth from 15 July to 5 August of the original request, except in palpably justifiable circumstances.
1978 to be conducted by Prof. Ernesto V. Epistola, with an honora- 9 August 1978
rium of P4,OOO.OO such that the duration of the seminar shall be 15
July to 29 July 1978 with a solo concert on 25 July 1978, with ISgcl.) OSCAR M. ALFONSO
corresponding reduction in the honorarium to P3,OOO.OO for both Chairman
President's Committee on Fellowships
.,seminar and concert.
1st Indorsement (revised) Memorandum No. 36
4 August 1978 To: All Who May Wonder Where I Be
For: Vice-President Alfonso Re: Odd Hours of E.V.S.
Recommending approval of modification of authority previously 1-15 September 1978
granted such that now:
1. the Dean of Music may offer a sarninar-workshop on music
pedagogv, 15 to 29 July 1978 (instead of 15 July to 5 August), with
solo concert on 25 July, and On 1-15 September 1978, I will be on official leave. to serve in
2. the honorarium of Prof. E.V. Eplstola, who will conduct the some other realm (rural service). and hence, will not be visible duro
seminar, shall be P3,OOO.OO (instead of P4,OOO.OOl. ing the usual office hours.
(Signed) I do intend to drop by Quezon Hall from time to time, either
7 August 1978 during the noon break, or after 5 o.rn•. not to exorcise but to keep
(Sgd.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO the spirits of these hallowed halls company while keeping informed
Executive Vice-President on what is going on.
Matters and messages for me may be left as usual where I am
most likely to see them and, through them, add excitement to my
Memorandum No. 16: Immediate ReltOrting of Students with Pend-
ing Disciplinary 30 August 1978
Our attention has lately been called to the fact that s~me (Sgcl.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO
students who have pending disciplinary cases are nevertheless .glven Executive vtce-Prestdent
clearances to leave the University even before their cases are finally
U.P. Gazette
August.September 1978
MI __ ldum No. 33: ....-.. . In tho "'_ion of IIudgota ond bursernents. If there are supplies and/or materials purchased out of
the cash advance, these shall be reported, through the telephone, to
llIobu........ of Funds of CoIIOlJll Councllo Ind Collop/Unit Public·
Illons CoIIIClld by tho UPS Cen,rol Admin_on the Auditor's Office and a certification that the items have been
reported shall be made on the General Voucher. The person who
1. Preparation of Budgets of College Councils and College/Unit received the items shall sign on the appropriate box in the General
Publications Voucher. The documents shall then be submitted to the Accounting
There shall be separate budgets for College Councils and Cot- Division for liquidation of the cash advance. If the total of the
lege/Unit Publications. settlement is less than the cash advance, the difference shall be
In the preparation of these budgets, the student councilor deposited with the Cashier's Office after the proper code is indl-
publication fees collected for individual colleges. schools or units cated by the Accounting Division on the official receipt. If, on the
shall be taken into consideration. Information on the collections other hand, the settlement is more than the cash advance, the differ-
may be obtained from the U.P. Accounting Division, local 317. The ence shall be reimbursed from the available funds.
budget of each College Council and College/Unit Publication shall Accounting and Auditing Regulations:
be approved by the University President upon endorsement of the 1. Cash advances shall be settled within 60 days from the date
Dean or Director of the 'College of Unit. they were granted. In case of failure to do so, the guarantors shall
2. Contributions to UPMMSWB assume the responsibility for their settlement.
Each College Council shall determine, by majority vote of all its 2. Purchase of supplies and/or materials in amount exceeding
members, the amount of its contribution for the support of the P100.00 but not exceeding P500.00 shall be supported by a canvass
University student council, otherwise known as the UPMMSWB, of prices from at least three (3) reputable suppliers and shall be
when the same is established, provided that no council shall vote or accompanied by a taxpayer's certificate issued by the seller. Pur-
contribute for this purpose more than fifty (50%) per cent of the chases in excess of P500.00 shall be made through the issuance of a
total of student fees paid by its constituent students. Purchase Order and General Voucher {POGVI by the Property Divi-
In colleges, schools or units where college councils are not organ- sion which shall prepare the document from a duly apprOVed.
ized, the Dean or Director shall assign to the UPMMSWBan amount Requisition (Type OS) that shall first have to be submitted to the :-t"""/
from the students' fees vvhich shall be a similar percentage of such Accounting Division for availability of funds.
fees as the average percentage of the individual council contribu- 3. For disbursements involving payment for contractual services
tions relative to the college council funds. of over P10a.00, a percentage tax equivalent to 3% of the gross
The UPMMSWB, when organized, shall manage these contribu- amount shall be withheld. In case of failure to withhold the 3%tax,
tions of individual college councils as a fund to finance the specific the Accounting Division shall deduct the amount from the settle-
programs and projects as embodied in its annual work plan. It shall ment and the same shall be remitted to the Bureau of Internal
prepare an annual budget which shall, if in proper form, be endorsed Revenue. The recourse shall be against the person or company
by the Dean of Student Affairs, and become effective once ap- which rendered the services.
proved by the University President and disbursements shall conform 4. A list of guests shall accompany expenditures for food.
to University accounting and auditing regulations and the rules here- S. The use of taxis shall be evidenced by reimbursement receipts
in specified. (See Memo. No. 22, a.p. 30 May 1977]. and shall be justified.
3, Disbursement of Funds of College Councils and College/Units b. Reimbursement of Expenses
Publications Expenditures of the college councilor publication paid out of
Upon approval of the College Councilor publication budget, funds advanced by council officials or publication staff shall be
disbursements, which shall be subject to existing laws and University reimbursable out of councilor publication funds. A duly approved
accounting and auditing procedures, may commence to be charged General Voucher (Type 34), supported by receipts which shall be
against the approved budget. reported to the Auditor's Office if they involve the purchase of
Disbursement of College Council and College/Unit Publication materials and/or supplies, shall be submitted to the Accounting Divi-
funds may be made for the following: sion for certification as to availability of funds. After the approval.-
a. Cash Advance by the Vice-President for Administration, payment shall be made by: .
e.t Request for Cash Advance - a cash advance, in an amount the University Cashier in cash if the amount is less than PSOO.OO and
not exceeding P1,999.00, may be requested for miscellaneous by check if the amount exceeds P500.00.
expenses of a College Council or Publication. A General Voucher The accounting and auditing requirements are similar to those
(Type 34) and a Requisition (Type OS) shall be prepared indicating mentioned under settlement of cash advances.
the name of the applicant as well as the purpose of the cash ad- c. Requisition for Supplies Available at U.P. Storeroom
vance. These documents shall be approved by the Chairman or A Storeroom Issue Voucher (Type 121 shall be prepared and
Editor endorsed by the Dean of the College and submitted to the shall be priced by the U.P. Storeroom. After the document shall
Accounting Division which shall certify to the availability of funds. have been duly approved. it shall be submitted to the Accounting
A check shall then be prepared by the Cash Division, to be signed by Division for certification as to availability of funds. The document is
the '(ice-President for Administration and countersigned by the then returned to the U.P. Storeroom for the release of the supplies.
University Auditor. The documents are returned to the Cash Divi- d. Request for Printing Services
sion for the release of the check. A Printing Request Form shall be accomplished and shall be
Accounting and Auditing Requirements - submitted to the U.P. Press for evaluation and pricing. The U.P.
1. The cash advance shall be limited to an amount not exceeding Press shall indicate the cost estimate on the document and its action
P1.999.00. on the request by checking any of the following:
2. The applicant shall sign a promissory note to settle the cash 1. Accepted for production
advance within 60 days from the date it was granted. 2. Bidding to be conducted by the U.P. Press Board of Manage-
3. To ensure the settlement of the cash advance, a guarantor, ment
who is a regular employee of the University, shall be required if the 3. Endorsed to Property Division for bidding
applicant is a student. 4. Returned to requesting office for canvassing or bidding
a.2 Settlement of Cash Advance - a duly approved General After the document has been duly approved, the same shall be
Voucher IType 34) shall be supported by receipts evidencing dis- submitted to the Accounting Division for-availability of funds.

122 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 5

When the job is accepted by the V.P, Press or when the bidding President for Administration and countersigned by the U.P, Audit-
is to be conducted by the V.P. Press Board of Management the or. The documents are returned to the Cash Division for the release
Accounting Division shall forward the document to the U.P. Press. of the check.
Payment shall be effected through the Interdepartmental Journal Accounting and Auditing Requirements -
Voucher (Type 14) which shalt be prepared by the V.P. Press. This A 3% tax shall be deducted by the Accounting Division from the
shall be approved by the Chairman of the councilor editor of the gross amount of the company's invoice and shall be remitted to the
publication and the College Dean and shall be returned to the U.P. Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Press for the approval of the Director. The document shall then be e. Payment of Allowances to Staff Members and Honoraria to
submitted to the Accounting Division which shall charge the Advisers of College/Unit Publications.
amount to the account of the College Council, college/unit publica- If the budget of a college/unit publications includes allowances
tion and shalt credit the same to the account of the U.P. 'Press. to staff members and 'honorarium to the adviser, payment shall be
If the V.P. Press action calls for the Property Division to conduct made by preparing an ALH Voucher (Type 37). This shall be
the bidding, the Accounting Division shall forward the Printing approved by the editor and the adviser. It shalt then be forwarded to
Request Form to the Property Division. Based on a bidding that the Payroll Section of the Accounting Division. A token withhold-
shall be conducted, the Property Division shall prepare a Purchase ing tax equivalent to 1% of the honorarium of the adviser shall be
Order and General Voucher (POGV). deducted and shalt be remitted to the BIR. After the Chief Account·
Payment shall be made upon completion of the job. The printed ant shall have certified as to availability of funds, the voucher shall
materials shall be inspected by representatives from the Property be approved by the Vice-President for Administration. The voucher
Division and the Auditor's Office. The POG\{, together with the shall then be submitted to the Cash Division for encashment.
invoice and the inspection reports of the two offices mentioned, 4. Accounting Reports
shall be submitted to the Accounting Division for certification as to Every month, or as often as requested, the U.P. Accounting
availability of funds. If the amount involved is less than P10,OOO.00, Division shall furnish the chairmen of the different College Councils
the POGV shall be forwarded by the Accounting Division to the and editors of college or unit publications with status of funds
.5:• Cash Division for preparation of the check. The check shall be statements which shall show the balances of their respective funds
signed by the University Cashier and countersigned by the Vice- after deducting from the total approved budget the expenditures
President for Administration. The documents are then returned to which shall be classified as to object of expenditures such as travel,
the Cash Division for release of the check. If the amount involved is supplies and materials and sundry.
P10, or over, from the Accounting Division, the POGV is Please be guided accordingly. Thank you.
forwarded to the Office of the Vice-President for Administration for 31 August 1978
approval and to the Auditor's Office for pre-audit, before a check is ISgd.) EMANUEL V. SORIANO
prepared by the Cash Division. The check is signed by the Vice- Executive Vice-President

Igmidio T. Corpuz, additional assignment as SEARCA Professor

905th Meeling, 31 August 1978
of Soil Science, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Rafael P, Creencia, renewal of additional assignment as PCRDF
Assistant Professor of Horticulture (Coconut Production and
Management), effective 1 August 1978 until 31 July 1979.
SALARY, etc. Emerita V. de Guzman, renewal of additional assignment as
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint-
PCRDF Professor of Hortic1Jlture (Coconut Tissue CUlture), effec-
ments, etc.: tive 1 August 1978 until 31 July 1979"
Agrarian Reform Institute Arsenio 0, Gagni, renewal of appointment as U.P. Associate
Amanda M. OaUsay, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer, Professor of Agricultural Education, effective 1 July 1978 until 30
effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. June 1979.
Ely D. Gomez, renewal of additional assignment as PCRDF
Agriculture, College of Associate Professor of Development Communication, effective 1
Teodoro A. Abilay, appointment as McMicking Assistant Profes- August 1978 until 11 November 1979.
sor of Animal Physiology, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. Emil Q. Javier, renewal of appointment as Director, Institute of
Cecilio R. Arboleda, additional assignment as SEA RCA (South- Plant Breeding, effective 1 July 1978 untit 30 June 1981.
east Asian Research Center for Agriculturel Associate Professor of Jerry Pat Crill, appointment as Visiting Professor of Plant Pathol-
Animal Breeding, effective 1 June 1978 untit 31 May 1979. ogy, without compensation, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June
Felicitas C. Argaiiosa, appointment as San Miguel Foundation 1983.
Associate Professor of Animal Science, effective 1 July 1978 until Basilio B. Mabbayad, additional assignment as SEARCA Asso-
30 June 1979. ciate Professor of Crop Production, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Clare R, Baltazar, appointment as Ayala"Professor of Entomol- May 1979.
ogy, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. 4 Remedios C. Orozco, additional assignment as SEARCA Profes-
Oiosdado A. Carandang, additional assignment as McMicking sor of Development Communication, effective 1 June 1978 until 31
Associate Professor of Soil Science, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 May 1979.
June 1979. Florendo C. Quebral, renewal of appointment as V.P. Professor
Juan T. Carlos, Jr., renewal of appointment as PCRDF (Philip- of Plant Pathology, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
pine Coconut Research and Development Foundation, lnc.l Asso- Teictte H. Quimio, additional assignment as SEARCA Assistant
ciate Professor of Horticulture, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 Professor of Plant Pathology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
July 1979. 1979.

U.P. Gazette 123

August-September 1978
Leoncio C. Raymundo, additional assignment as Ayala Associate Finance, effective 1 February 1978, for the duration of his service
Professor of Food Science, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June in the University.
1979. Mahar K. Mangahas, additional assignment as San Miguel Corpo-
Ernesto M. Rigor, additional assignment as SEARCA Professor ration Associate Professor of Economics, effective 1 February 1978,
of Animal Physiology, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. for the duration of his service in the University.
Tito J. Rimando, additional assignment as San Miguel Founda- James H. Stapleton, appointment as Visiting Professor of
tion Assistant Professor of Ornamental Horticulture, effective 1 July Economics, without compensation, effective 13 June 1978 until 31
1978 until30June 1979. March 1979.
Fernando F. Sanchez, additional assignment as Leopoldo 8. Edita A. Tan, increase in honorarium for additional assignment
Uichanco Professor of Pest Management, without compensation, as SGV Foundation Professor of Economics, effective 1 February
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1978, for the duration of her service in" the University.
Suraphol Sanguiansri, additional assignment as Visiting Professor Rosa Linda P. Tidalgo, additional assignment as peED Associate
of Agricultural Education, without compensation, effective 15 July Professor of Economics, effective 1 February 1978. for the duration
1978 until 14 July 1979. of her service in the University.
Ruben L. Villareal, reappointment as Visiting Professor of Horti-
culture, without compensation, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 Education, College of
July 1979. Josefina R. Cortes, additional assignment as Professor of Devel-
opment Education (professorial chair), effective 1 August 1978
Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) until 31 July 1979.
Ester Albano-Garcia, additional assignment as PCRDF Associate Basilisa J. Manhit, additional assignment as Professor of Reading
Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 August (professorial chair), effective 1 August 1978 until 31 July 1979.
1979. Aurora A. Minoza, additional assignment as Professor of Psycho.
logical Foundations of Education (professorial chair), effective 1
Arts and Sciences, College of (lJPLB) September 1978 until 31 August 1979.
Severino V. Gervacio. additional assignment as SEAACA Assist-
ant Professor of Applied Mathematics, effective 1 June 1978 until Engineering, College of
31 May 1979. "Jose Ma. de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as
Ramon L. Samaniego, additional assignment as SEARCA Profes- UPERDFI (U.P. Engineering Research and Development Founda-
sor of Chemistry, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. tion, tnc.l Professor of Structural Engineering, effective 1 July 1978
until 30 June 1982.
Business Administration, College of Fortunato T. de 18 Pefie, renewal of additional assignment as
Filomena M. Cantoria, renewal of" additional assignment as UPERDFI Professor of Industrial Engineering, effective 1 July 1978
Stephen Fuller Associate Professor of Business Administration, until 30 June 1982.
effective 1 July until 15 August 1978. Miguel B. Escoto, renewal of additional assignment as UPERDFI
Professor of Structural Mechanics, effective 1 July 1978 until 30
Cobu, U.P. College June 1982.
Ruben C. Umaly, additional assignment as Professorial Lecturer
in Biology, Undergraduate Division, effective 13June until 31 Octo- Forestry, College of
ber 1978. Enriquito O. de Guzman, renewal of additional assignment as
Naslplt Lumber Co. Professor of Forest Biological Sciences, effec-
Clark Air Base, U.P. College tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.

Romeo C. Tomacruz, reversion to permanent status as Associate Reynaldo E. dela Cruz, additional assignment as Ramon Arevalo
Professor of Business Economics, effective 1 September 1978. Assistant Professor of Tree Physiology, effective 1 July 1978 until
30June 1979.
Davao, U.P. Extension Division Romulo A. del Castillo, additional assignment as Nicanor Lalog o

Manuel T. Corpus, appointment as Director, effective 1 May Professor of Forest Biochemistry, effective 1 July 1978 until 30
1978 until 30 April 1981. June 1979.
Domingo V. Jacalne, additional assignment as Anakan Lumber
Economics, School of Co. Associate Professor of Silviculture, effective 1 July 1978 until
Romeo M_ Bautista, additional assignment as Lecnides S. Virata 30 June 1979.
Associate Professor of Development Economics, effective 1 Feb- Celso B. Lantican, additional assignment as Dean, effective 1
ruary 1977, for the duration of his service in the University. September 1978 until 31 August 1983; renewal of additional assign-
Amado A. Castro, increase in honorarium for additional assign- ment as Florencio Tamesis Associate Professor of Wood Science and
ment as Central Bank of the Philippines Professor of Monetary Technology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Economics, effective 1 February 1977 for the duration of his service Domingo M. Lantiesn, additional assignment as Guillermo Ponce
in the University. Professor of Wood Seasoning, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June
Jose Encarnacion, Jr.. increase in honorarium for additional 1979.
assignment as Miguel Cuaderno. Sr.. Professor of Political Economy, Romeo S. Raros, additional assignment as SEARCA Associate
effective 1 February 1977, for the duration of his service in the Professor of Forest Entomology, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June
University. 1979.
Gonzalo M. Jurado, additional assignment as PCED (Philippine Adolfo "V. Revilla, Jr., additional assignment as SEAACA Asso-
Center for Economic Development) Associate Professor of Eco- ciate Professor of Forest Resources Management, effective 1 July
nomics, effective 1 February 1977 for the duration of his service in 1978 until 30 June 1979.
the University.
Agustin Kintanar, Jr., increase in honorarium for additional Graduate School (UPLB)
assignment as DBP Professor of Public (formerly Development) Pieter Dijkhuizen, appointment as Visiting Associate Professor of

124 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 5

Food end Nutrition Planning, without compensation, effective 1 SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS AND GIFTS
June until 31 December 1978. The Board accepted a scholarship grant of $72,000.00 from the
Faustino T. Orillo, additional assignment as Dean, effective 1 Nellie Kellog Van Schaick (NKVSI Charitable Trust to support the
June 1978 until 31 May 1983. Institute of Health Sciences Tacloban Program of the College of
Medicine. The Board, likewise, authorized the College to administer
Health Sciences Center the funds intended to cover full tuition, room, board, and book
Florentino Herrera, Jr., appointment as Chancellor-designee, costs of 85 students for academic year 1978-1979.
effective 31 August 1978 until the appointment of a regular Chan-
cellor. As Chancellor-designee, he shall take charge of the organiza-
tional and operational planning of the Health Sciences Center. This The Board accepted a donation of P20,OOO.00 from the Teleng·
appointment shall be concurrent with his appointment as Dean of tan Foundation, me., in furtherance of the Foundation's commit-
the College of Medicine. ment to support "Research and Development for Training Programs
of Rural Health Service Personnel," a project of the Institute of
Iloilo, U.P. College Health Sciences, College of Medicine.
Corazon G. Defensor, increase in salary from Associate Professor
I to II, effective 1 July 1978.
Yang-Chan Kim, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Busi-
ness Management, effective 1 April until 31 May 1978. The Board authorized the Asian Institute of Tourism to collect a
laboratory fee of PlOD.DO per student per semester for the non-
Los Banos, U.P. at credit course in French, or some other foreign language, as required
Obdulia F. Sison, additional assignment as Director of Exten-
sion, effective 15 August 1978 until 14 August 1981.
in the B.S. Tourism curriculum.

The Board authorized the School of Allied Medical Professions
Mass Communication, Institute of to charge a minimum fee of P5.00 and maximum of Pl0.00 for
Gloria D. Feliciano, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective 1 treatment of patients in the Physical Therapy Clinical Center. This
September 1978 until 30 April 1984. modifies a previous authority to charge a nominal fee based on the
schedule of rates (B/R 841st Meeting, 31 January 1974), but carries
the same proviso that indigent patients witl be treated free of
PoliCY and Development Studies, Center for charge.
Amanda M. Dalisay, renewal of appointment with increase in
honorarium and change in designation from Fellow to Consultant, The Board authorized the College of Home Economics to collect
effective 1 July until 31 December 1978. andlor increase current laboratory fees for the following courses,
effective second semester, 1978-1979:
Public Health, Institute of
Generoso B. Roman, automatic pre-retirement increase in salary Course No. and Title Existing Proposed
from Professor I to 11 of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, effective 1 FS 111 P 14.00 P 30.00
September 1978. Food Biochem.
FS 215 28.00 40.00
Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute of FS 195 14.00 30.00
Merla N. Oteyza, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Physic- FS16 14.00 40.00
al Education, effective 17 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. FN 12 14.00 20.00
FN 22 28.00 30.00
FN 125 10.00 15.00
University Health Service (UPLBj
FN 15 14.00 20.00
Antonio G. Tan, additional assignment as Director, effective 1
FN 16 14.00 20.00
September 1978 until 31 August 1981.
HRA 111 30.00 40.00
HRA 105 30.00 40.00
Veterinary Medicine, College of
HRA 174 None 10.00
Salvador H. Escudero, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective
1 September 1978 until 30 April 1984. HRA 175
None 10.00

The Board approved the revision of the application of the

TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS semestral fees for 4th year students in the College of Medicine such
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent that P2OD.DO of their regular tuition fee wi.11 cover their living attow-
ance in connection with their field practicum in community health.
Gabriel C. Alvarez as Associate Professor II of Business Adminis-
tration, College of Business Administration, effective 1 July 1978. The Board authorized the Institute of Sports, Physical Education
Eugenio A. Demigillo, Jr., as Instructor IV in Philosophy, Col- and Recreation to collect from the UAAP Board Pl0D.OO per play'
lege of Arts and Sciences [Dilirnanl, effective 1 June 1978. ing day as rental for the use of the gym during UAAP Volleyball
Primitivo G. Erena as Instructor IV in Filipino, U.P. College competitions.
Cebu. effective 1 August 1978.
Vietor M. Macaliiiga as Instructor IV in Agronomy. College of
The Board modified a resolution adopted at its 893rd Meeting,
Agriculture, effective 1 August 1978.
29 September 1977, so as to include authority for the Dean of the
Daniel T. Nellas as Instructor IV in Practical Arts, High School,
U.P. College Tacloban to charge P50.00 per person per month (for
U.P. College Cebu, effective 1 June 1978. .
faculty members and transients} for lodging only in the U.P. guest
Aurora C. Rojas as Assistant Professor I of Public Health Admin-
istration, Institute of Public Health, effective 1 August 1978. house.

August-September 1978 U.P. Gazene
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY The Board noted Presidential Decree No, 1437 entitled "Defin-
The Board delegated authority by the President to the Vice- ing the Composition and Powers of the Governing Boards, the
President for Administration to act and sign in the President's and Appointment and Term of Office of the President of Chartered
the Executive Vice-President's behalf all contracts of lease involving State Unlversltles and Colleges, and For Other Purposes," particular-
housing units and commercial stalls of the University. ly the following stipulations - Section 3, b, c, h, and i for possible
extension to the U.P.:

ORGANIZATION OF CODEM "Section 3. Subject to the provisions of Section 2 hereof, the

The Board approved the internal organization of the new College governing boards shall have the following specific powers and duties
of Development Economics and Management (eODEM) in the in addition to the general powers as provided in Section Thirteen of
UPLB, established by the Board at its 904th Meeting, 27 July 1978. Act Numbered Fourteen Hundred Fittv-Nlne, as amended, other-
wise known as the Corporation Law:


The Board approved the creation of the class title of Photo "b. To receive and appropriate to the ends specified by law such
Ednor in the Index of Non-Academic Classes. subject to the follow- sums as may be provided for the support of the university or col-
ing conditions: a) this class shall be allocated at Range 7 in order to lege.
maintain the present hierarchical level of classes of Editor of official "c. To import duty-free essential commodities and materials for
publications of the University; and b) re-evaluation of the position advanced educational or technological programs as an exception to
may be effected upon completion of the Job Evaluation Study. existing laINS, provided such commodities or materials are not avail-
able locally; and to receive in trust legacies, gifts, and donations of
real and personal property of all kinds, to administer the same for
A SITE FOR PCRDF ON DillMAN CAMPUS the benefit of the university or college or for aid to any student in
The Board granted the request of the Philippine Coconut accordance with the directions and instructions of the donor, and in
Research and Development Foundation, lnc., for a site on the default thereof, in such manner as the governing boards may in their
Dillman campus for a research laboratory building to provide discretion determine. Such donations shall be exempt from all taxes
coordination and integration of studies and serve as a venue for and shall be considered as deductible items from the income tax of
forums and conferences on the needs and problems of the coconut the donors.
industry, by allocating an area behind the Natural Science Research
Center for this purpose, subject to the following terms and condi- "h. To fix tuition fees and such other necessary school charges as
tions: the governing boards may deem proper to impose. Such fees and
a. The Foundation shall be given the use, not the ownership, of charges, including other incomes generated by the university or
the area requested; college, shall constitute a special trust fund for the exclusive use of
b. It shall bear the cost of designing and constructing the build- the university or college, any provision of existing laws to the
ing(s) whose design shall be subject to approval by the University; contrary notwithstanding.
and "I. To authorize the construction or repair of its buildings,
c. The ownership and management of the bulldinqts}. and machineries, equipment, and other facilities and the purchase of
improvements and fixtures of a permanent nature, shall automatic- necessary supplies, materials, and equipment, any provision of law
ally vest in the University after a period of ten years from the to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, however, that the funds
signing of a memorandum of agreement for the purpose. After this for the purpose shalt come from the authorized appropriation of the
to-veer period, the occupancy of the premises by the Philippine
Coconut Research and Development Foundation, lnc., shall termi-
university or college,"
· ..
nate or be renegotiated for another term not exceeding ten years. The Board approved the compromise agreement between the
Note: The Foundation is willing to share its laboratory facilities University of the Philippines (plaintiff) and the Villafuerte Con-
with units of the University with which it has linkages, such as the struction Co., Inc., et al. (defendants) under Civil Case No. 19358
Department of Chemistry and some departments in the College of whereby the plaintiff withdraws all its claims against the defendants.
Engineering. It also intends to involve University scientists in the
work of the Foundation, ·..
The latter likewise withdraws its counterclaims against plaintiff.

The Board noted the revision of the Code of Bylaws of the


University of the PhHippines Foundation, Inc.

The Board authorized U.P. College Iloilo to conduct an Oriente- The Board noted the following:
tlcn Course for School Administrators (29 August - 1 September 1. Letter, dated 16 August 1978, from Minister of Education
1978t and a Training Program for Guidance Counselors in the Rural Juan L. Manuel to Col. Jose Almonte, Officer-In-Charge. Philippine
Areas (21-23 September, 19-21 October, and 16-18 November Center for Advanced Studies, informing the latter of the designation
1978l, and to charge seminar fees of P200.00 and P300.00 per by President Marcos of Dr. Aomualdo B. Tadena as Acting President
participant, respectively, to be collected and disbursed by the Col- of the University of Northern Philippines, effective 11 August 1978.
lege, subject to the usual auditing and accounting rules and regula- 2. Dratt-Aqreernents, as follows:
tions. al A project agreement on research and training in health plan-

... ning and management: a collaborative effort between the University

of the Philippines, through the Institute of Public Health, and the
The Board approved the following standard agreements entered World Health Organization/Western Pacific Regional Office; and
into between the Asian Institute of Tourism, through the Univer- b) A tripartite agreement between the University of the Philip-
sity, and the following public utility/service companies: al Philip- pines, through its Institute of Public Health, the University of
pine Long Distance Telephone Company governing the installation Queensland, and the Nutrition Center of the Philippines/United
of PLOT facilities at the AIT; and b) Manila Electric Company for Nations University: World Hunger Program, concerning a course
subscription/purchase of Manila Electric Company Preferred Stocks. leading to the degree of Master of Community Health (Nutritionl.

126 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 5

906th Meeting, 28 September 1978 September 1978 until 31 May 1979.


APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN Leothiny S. Clavel, supplementary appointment as Professorial
SALARY, etc. Lecturer in Education, effective 13 June until 14 October 1978.
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- Eleanor T. Elequin, increase in salary from Professor V to VI of
ments, etc.: Educational Foundations, effective 1 September 1978.
Ofelia G. Endrinal, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Agricultural En9ineering and Technology, Institute of Guidance, effective 21 April until 25 May 1978. (This supersedes
Reynaldo M. Lantin, additional assignment as Dean, effective 1 her appointment as Senior Lecturer With the same effectivity as
October 1978 until 30 April 1984. hereinabove, issued on 19 June 1978.)
Manuel G. Lacuesta, increase in salary from Professor I to II of
Agriculture, College of Education, effective 1 September 1978.
Eric T. Craswell, appointment as Visiting Assistant Professor of Guillermo R. Lazaro, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
Soil Science, without compensation, effective 1 September 1978 ciate Professor IV to Professor I of Professional Education, effective
until 31 August 1979. 1 September 1978.
Renata R. Gonzales, reappointment as Visiting Assistant Profes- Natividad J. Munarriz, increase in salary from Professor II to III
sor of Food Science and Technology, without compensation, effec- of Counselor Education, effective 1 September 1978.
tive 1 September until 31 December 1978. Isabel L. Tablante, increase in salary from Associate Professor II
HaruD Mikoshiba, appointment as Visiting Scientist, without to IV of Professional Education, effective 1 September 1978.
compensation, effective 21 September 1978 untit 20 September Constantino M. Torralba, promotion in rank and salary from
1979. Associate Professor III to Professor I of Professional Education,

Jata S. Nanda, appointment as Visiting Professor of Agronomy . effective 1 September 1978.
without compensation, effective 23 August 1978 until 22 August Consuela G. Vigilar, increase in salary from Associate Professor I
1979. to III of Health Education, effective 1 September 1978.

Arts and Sciences, College of [Dilirnan] Environmental Planning, Institute of

Bayani C. Rivero, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in Appointment of the following as U.P. Planning and Development
Physics, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Research Foundation Associate Professors of Environmental Plan-
Rogelio R. Sieat, additional assignment as Writer-in-Residence. ning, effective 9 November 1978 until 8 November 1979:
effective 2 October 1978 until 30 September 1981. Gerardo S. Calabia; and Tito C. Firmalino.

Asian labor Education Center Fine Arts, College of

Jose C. Gatchalian. promotion in rank from Assistant Professor Constancio A. Bernardo, automatic pre-retirement increase in
VII to Associate Professor II of Industrial Relations. effective 1 salary from Professor II to IV of Fine Arts, effective 1 September
September 1978. 1978.
Carlos P. Valino, additional assignment as Painter-in-Residence.
Baguio, U.P. College effective 2 October 1978 until 30 September 1981.
Carnay C. Oemetillo, additional assignment as Painter-in-
Residence, effective 1 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. Fisheries, College of
Patricia T. Arroyo, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
Business Administration, College of Professor IV to Associate Professor I of Fisheries Technology, effec-
Horacio C. Lava, renewal of additional assignment as Leonides S. tive 1 April 1978.
Virata Professor of Business Economics, without compensation, Arsenio S. Camacho, increase in salary from Associate Professor
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. I to II of Inland Fisheries, effective April " 1978.
Juan T. Lim, increase in salary from Associate Professor I to II Prudencia V. Conlu, increase in salary from Associate Professor
of Business Administration, effective 1 July 1978. II to III of Inlarid Fisheries, effective 1 April 1978.
Anselmo O. Matias, increase in salary from Associate Professor
Comprehensive Community Health Program III to IV of Marine Fisheries, effective 1 April 1978.
Leoncio P. de la Cruz, reversion to permanent status as Instruc- Zosima T. Vicencio, increase in salary from Associate Professor
tor V in Public Health, effective 1 September 1978. II to III of Inland Fisheries, effective 1 April 1978.

Development Economics and Management, College of Forestry, College of

John C. Flinn, appointment as Visiting Associate Professor of Chozaburo Temarl. appointment as Visiting Scientist. without
Agricultural Economics, without compensation, effective 1 Septem- compensation, effective 6 September 1978 until 31 March 1980.
ber 1978 until 31 August 1979.
law, College of
Maria Clara L. Campos, renewal of additional assignment as
Economics, School of
Benito Lopez Professor of Law, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
Felisa O. Fernandez, transfer from the Commission on Audit and
reappointment as Associate Professor I of Economics, effective 1 1979.
Enrique M. Fernando, renewal of supplementary appointment as
August until the return of Mahar Mangahas, but not later than 31
Malcolm Professor of Constitutional Law, effective 1 June 1978
August 1978; and effective 1 September 1978 until the return of
Rolando Canao from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May until 31 May 1979.
Perfecto V. Fernandez, renewal of additional assignment as U.P.
1979. College of Law Alumni Foundation Professor of Jurisprudence,
Alejandro N. Herrin, reclassification from Visiting Associate
effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
Professor II to Associate Professor II of Economics, effective 1
August-September 1978 U.P. Gazette
Los Banos, U.P. at (General Administration) The Board abolished the PO. 50 fee for Women's Club throughout
Florentino librero, additional assignment as Acting Director. the University.
National Training Center for Rural Development, effective 1 Octo-
ber 1978 until 30 September 1979.
The Board approved the recommendation of the Executive
Vice-President that the U.P. Central Administration be relieved of
National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions the burden of collecting the Sinag fee of P1.00 per semester from
Geoffrey G. Saville, appointment as Visiting Professor of Medical every student in the College of Arts and Sciences. [Djlimanl, effec-
Education. without compensation, effective 26 June until 25 tive the second semester of AY 1978-1979. This allows the Sinag
August 1978. staff to devise their own approach in coll~ting funds for the public-
ation, and frees Central Administration from irresponsible accusa-
Philippine Executive Academy tions from certain sectors regarding its role in the handling of the
Gloria M. de Guzman, increase in salary as Executive Develop- said fees.
ment Officer II, effective 1 August 1978.
Gabriel P. Fabella,Jr., increase in salary as Executive Development
Science Education Center The Board Ipproved the creation of the SCholarships and Finan-
John Baker May, appointment as Visiting Professor of Science cial Assistance Division in the Office of Student Affairs at UPlB.
Education, without compensation, effective 6 until 25 August 1978.
Geoffrey Thomas Wain, appointment as Visiting Professor of
Mathematics Education, without compensation, effective 16 until AUTHORITY FOR THE AIT DEAN TO ENTER INTO
25 August 1978. AND SIGN CONTRACTS
The Board approved the amendment to its resolution (B/R Meet-
Social Work and Community Development, Institute of ing 763rd, 19 October 1967, as amended at its 863rd Meeting, 31
severina M. Santos, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in July 1975) so as to include in its scope authority for the Dean of
Social Work, effective 13June until 31 October 1978. the Asian Institute of Tourism to enter into and sign contracts not
exceeding P75,OOO.OO in behalf of the University in matters involv-
ing the purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment, repairs of
TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS permanent improvements and equipment, and matters like opening
The Board approved the transfer of the followin9- to permanent
an account or credit line; provided, that each transaction is reported
to the Office of the President for information and record purposes.
Florian A. Alburo as Associate Professor I of Economics, School
Further funds needed to cover obligations arising out of the transac-
of Economics, effective 1 June 1978.
tion shall be duly certified as available by the Chief Accountant. It
Araceli O. Balabagno, as Instructor IV in Nursing, Philippine
is understood that this approval covers only hotel operations.
General Hospital, effective 1 October 1978.
Leith B. Casel, as Instructor II in Linguistics, College of Arts and
Sciences {Dillman}, effective 1 September 1978.
Saris F. Duller, as Instructor IV in Nursing, Philippine General
Hospital, effective 1 October 1978.
The Board approved an amendment to its resolution (approved
Ma. Edna M. Jimena, as Instructor IV in Endodontics, College of
at its 851st Meeting, 29 August 1974) so that occupational thera-
Dentistry, effective 1 September 1978.
pists of the Psychiatry Department in the Philippine General Hos-
MB. Lucia M. Magallona, as Instructor V in Physical Therapy,
pital are entitled to an cccucenonat hazard differential of P40.00 a
Comprehensive Community Health Program, effective 1 September

The Board accepted a feltcwship grant from the Makati Garden The Board authorized the Department of Sociology, College of
Qub in the initial amount of P5,200.00 for the establishment of the Arts and Sciences (Diliman), to conduct a second Review and Staff
Makati Garden Club, lnc., Undergraduate Fellowship Grant for Development Seminar, the purposes of which are to prepare Ph.D.
junior B.S. Agriculture students majoring in horticulture in the andlor M.A. students for qualifying examinations, and to update the
College of Agriculture, effective the 1st semester, AY 1978-1979. faculty and other students on "Theories, Methods, Issues, Trends,
The fellowship grant which shall be funded yearly likewise includes and Related Courses in Sociology," and to pay guest lecturers a flat
P850.00 for one (1) summer session and P600.00 for thesis support rate of P300.00 each.
and graduation expenses.

The Board authorized U.P. College Iloilo to conduct a series of

COLLECTION OF FEES residential and non-residential seminar-workshops in the teaching of
The Board approved the increase in the subscription rates to the
Social Studies in Filipino on 23-25 October and 2-4 November
Philippine Law Journal, as follows:
1978, respectively, and to collect a fee of P170.00 and P70.00 per
From participant, respectively.
a. Local subscription:
- per year P 30.00 P 40.00 The Board authorized the U.P. Law Center to hold a worker's
- price per copy 6.50 10.00 education project on 6 October 1978, to be known as "Worker's
b. Foreign subscription: Institute on Labor Law," to implement a Memorandum of Agree·
- per year $ 12.50 $ 20.00 ment entered into between the University and the Ministry of Labor
- price per copy - 5.00 on 25 March 1976.

128 U.P. Gazene Volume IX, ~!umber 5

T.T.C. marker symbolizes international amity and the involve-
ment of U.P. in national development programs .

This exercise at campus crossroads hopefully will temper the
aspirations of jeepneys and buses plying the V.Po' asphalt to be
King of the Road, which in the past led to accidents.

\~ .:
The old elementary and high schools merge into the U.P.
Integrated School with this new building inaugurated on 5
August 1978. Housed within one compound, the UPIS may now
pursue its program of training our young with greater efficiency
and comfort.

......_------'------'''''"'""'''''----- 1
.. Salvador F. Reyes of the College of Engineer-
ing was appointed Director of the Transport
Training Center, 1 February 1977 until 31 January

.. Reynaldo M. Lantin was appointed Dean of
the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Tech-
nology, UPLB, 1 October 1978 until 30 April
1980 .
... Manuel T. Corpus was appointed Director of
the newly established V.P. Extension Division
Davao, 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1980.
Prime Minister Pham Van Dong of Vietnam spoke before
U.P. officials and faculty about our common heritage and
problems when he called on the University 17 September 1978.
The Prime Minister stressed that a country must love her inde-
pendence and be proud of her heritage since, otherwise, other
countries will seek to enslave her.
No MERE TokEN of AffECTioN
A grateful University remembers its loyal staff for years of •
dedicated service in simple rites on 18 August 1978. More than
300 were awarded bronze and silver plaques of appreciation. For
them, no demeaning twilight.


The Board confirmed the Management Contract entered into institutional improvements, research, student services, and cultural
between the University and the U.P. Foundation, Inc.
The Board accepted the offer from the U.P. Foundation, Inc., to The Board noted the Eighth Progress Report of the Program
assist the University of the Philippines System in the following areas: Development Staff (PDS) of the Office of the President.

The President approved the following appointments, reappoint- Social Sciences and Humenities Review, effective 1 August 1978
ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increases in salary, until 31 July 1979.
and other related matters: Jermelina Linor R. Garibay, appointment as Instructor I in Zool-
ogy. effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Generoso Torres
- Allied Medical Professions, School of ---------1 from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Kathleen Boettigheimer, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Antonio A. Hidalgo, supplementary appointment as Senior
Speech Pathology, without compensation, effective 13 June 1978 Lecturer in Political science, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March
until 31 May 1979. 1979.
Marisol R. Jacinto, appointment as Instructor I in Physical Marissa E.B. Hlpcl, appointment as Instructor I in Zoology,
Therapy, effective 16 June 1978 until the return of Nimh Trias effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Fernando Josef from
from local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 March 1979. local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979.
'. Policarpio M. Magpili, reappointment to additional assignment as Vivencio R. Jose, additional assignment as Editor, Philippine
Acting Secretary, effective 1 August 1978, until the return of Susan Social Sciences and Humanities Review, effective 1 August 1978
Villegas from leave of absence, but not later than 15 April 1979, until 31 July 1979.
Ma. Theresa N. Perdon, increase in salary from Instructor II to Daniel A. Lagunzad, reappointment as Instructor I in Botany,
III in Physical Therapy, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 May 1979, effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Rosario M. Quedado from
leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
- Architecture, College of -------------1 Ma. Irene P. Lirios, appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics,
Lily T. de Leon, additional assignment as Officer·in-Charge, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Office of the Secretary, effective 1 September until the return of Leonor G. Lorica, appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics,
Geronimo V. Manahan from leave of absence, but not later than 30 effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
September 1978. Mary Lou U. Ongiatco, appointment as Instructor I in Psychol-
Prosperidad C. Luis, rectassificatlon from Lecturer to Instructor ogy, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
II in Architecture, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Edward Ca8SBr E. Ordonez, transfer to non-substitute status as Instructor
Wong from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979. II in Physics. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Shirley S. Oyog, reappointment as Instructor I in Physics, effec-
- Arts and Sciences, College of (OWman) -------1 tive 1 August 1978 until the return of Melacio S. Magno from detail
Pedro R. Abraham, Jr., transfer from U.P. at Los Banos as with the NSDB, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Instructor 11 'In Humanities, effective 1 June 1978 until the return Ana V. Papa, appointment as Instructor I in English, effective 5
of Rosa Maria Icagasi from leave of absence. but not later than 31 July 1978 until the return of Ma. Lilia Reahibit from local faculty
May 1979. fellowship. but not later than 31 May 1979.
Erlinda A. Arcipe, appointment as Lecturer in Mathematics, Vietor U. Revilla, appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics,
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 13 June 1978 until the appointment of a regular incum-
Pablo K. Bator, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-in- bent, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Charge, Department of European Languages, effective 16 August Estela Anna F. Reyes, appointment as Instructor II in English,
until the return of Lilia H. Laurel from special detail abroad, but effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Lilia O. Alias from leave
not later than 15 September 1978. of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Rosalina T. Summy, reappointment as Instructor I in English, Mary Eloisa T. Rowshangah, reappointment as Instructor III in
effective 19 June 1978 until the return of Helen E. Lopez from Zoology. effective 13 June 1978 until 3t May 1979.
local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979. Domingo C. Salita. reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer-in-Charge. Department of Geology and Geography. effective
Annadaisy J. Carlota, additional assignment as Assistant to the
24 July until the return of Ernesto Sonido from special detail
Chairman, Department of Psychology, effective 1 June 1978 until
abroad, but not later than 10 August 1978.
31 May 1979. Horacia T. Sison, transfer to non-substitute status as Instructor I
Cecilia O. Concepcion, reclassification from Graduate Assistant
in Physics, effective 16 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
to Instructor I in Physics, effective 1 August 1978 until the return
Liane L. Talaue, appointment as Instructor I in Zoology, effec-
of Caesar E. OrdoRez from leave of absence, but not later than 31
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 Mav 1979.
May 1979. Cesario R. Torr., transfer from PCAS as Instructor to Assistant
Emelita L. Cruz. additional assignment as Officer-in-Cherge,
Profaescr I of Political Science, effective 1 August 1978 until 31
Department of Linguistics and Asian Languages, effective 24 July
May 1979. .
until the return of Jonathan Malicsi from special detail abroad. but Ma. Teresa C. Valeiia, appointment as Instructor I in Mathe-
not later than 31 August 1978. matics, effective 13 June 1978 until the return of Rogelio Sarral
Maria C. De' Mundo, reappointment as Instructor II in Botany, from local faculty fellowship. but not later than 31 May 1979.
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Larry C. Villarta, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Mathe-
Virgilio G. Enriquez, additional assignment as Editor, Philippine
August-September 1978 U.P. Gazetta
matics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. until 31 May 1979.
Ricardo M. Zsreo, reappointment to additional assignment as Bienvenido P. Tapang, Jr., transfer to non-substitute status as
Officer-in-Charge, Department of Sociology, effective 17 July until Instructor II in Economics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
the return of Ester de la Cruz from rural service, but not later than 3 1979.
August 1978. Anne Margaret A. Tauli, appointment as lecturer in Physics,
Angel S. Zonaga, Jr.• appointment as lecturer in Mathematics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Celfin L. Tolentino, Jr., additional assignment as Coordinator.
Division of Humanities, effective 17 July 1978 until 31 May 1979,
,.. Asian Institute of Tourism - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Benedicto Seliric, appointment as Senior lecturer in Tourism, >-Business Administration, College of ----------1
effective 13June until 31 October 1978. Ernesto Atienza, Jr. increase in salary from Instructor I to III in
Business Administration, effective.1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
>-Asian Labor Education C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - l Ma. Belen L. Barias, appointment as lecturer in Accounting,
Manuel C. Inoe, increase in salary as Training Specialist I. effec- effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
tive 1 July 1978. Alma V. Castillo, increase in salary from Instructor III to IV in
Business Administration, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 May 1979.
>-.Baguio, U.P. College-------------~ Niceto S. Poblador, reappointment to additional assignment as
Virginia G. Abiad, additional assignment as Coordinator, Divi- Officer-in-Charge, effective 12 September until the return of Emma-
sion of Social Sciences, effective 17 July 1978 until 31 May 1980. nuel T. Velasco from special detail in France, but not later than 28
Cesar S. Brillante, additional assignment as Principal, High September 1978.
School, effective 17 July 1978 until 31 May 1980. Maeario G. Sevilla, transfer from the Commission on Audit with
Amando P. Castro, reappointment as Senior lecturer in Physics, appointment as Assistant Professor IV of Accounting. effective 1
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Honor T. Castro, appointment as Instructor I in Chemistry,
effective 1 June 1978 until the return of Elsie C. Jimenez from local -- Cebu, U.P. C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = i
faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979. Helen V. Banez, additional assignment as Secretary. effective 25
Manuel Corpus, renewal of additional assignment with promo- January 1978 until 31 December 1980. (This supersedes her
tion in rank and salary from Senior lecturer to Professorial lecturer appointment as Secretary. effective 3 January 1978 until 30 April
i.n Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1981.1
Teresa Wilma G. Cunanan, appointment as Instructor I in Biol- Airlin S. Espina, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Zoology.
ogy, effective 1 June until the return of Celia M. Austria from local effective 13 June 1918 until 31 May 1979,
faculty fetlcwship, but not later than 31 October 1978. Efigenia B. Magaro, renewal of additional assignment as Co-
Raul P. de Guzman, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- ordinator, Management Program, Graduate Studies Division, effec-
sorial Lecturer in Public Administration, effective 1 June 1978 until tive 1 June until 31 December 1978.
31 May 1979. Manolo O. Vano, automatic promotion in rank and salary from
Purificacion G. Delima, reappointment as lecturer in English, Instructor IV to Assistant Professor III of Philosophy. effective 1
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979, April 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Estrellita T. de Luna, additional assignment as Secretary, effec- Lydia M. Ybanez, additional assignment as Chairman, Under-
tive 1 August 1978 until 31 April 198L graduate Studies Division. effective 3 January 1978 until 31 Decem-
Francisca L. Erece, additional assignment as Coordinator, Divi- ber 1980. (This supercedes her appointment as Chairman, Under-
sion of Management Sciences, effective 17 July 1978 until 31 May graduate Studies Division, effective 3 January 1978 until 30 April
1980. 1981.l
Abraham D. Esteville, reappointment as Senior lecturer in
Mathematics. effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. --Citizen Military Training, Department of .'
Corazon C. Estavillo, renewal of additional assignment as lec- Zosimo A. Pascua, appointment as Military Instructor. effective
turer in library Science, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979, 1 August 1978 until recalled by the Armed Forces of the Philip-
Manuel S. Ogena, appointment as Lecturer in Geology, effective pines,
13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979,
Rose Marie G. Pacquia, appointment as Instructor I {part-time) ~Clark Air Base, U.P. C O l i e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - "
in Music, High School, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979, Atilano R. Kalagayan, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Edmundo C. Pastoral, renewal of appointment with increase in lecturer in Business Administration. effective 30 August 1978 until
salary as Senior Lecturer in Geology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 31 August 1979.
May 1979. Flordeliza Y. Lagbao, appointment as lecturer in Psychology,
Nestor Pilar. reappointment to additional assignment as Profes- effective 5 June until 29 August 1978.
sorial lecturer in Public Administration, effective 13 June 1978
until 31 May 1979. .. Comprehensive Community Health Program- - - - - - -
Teofina A. Rapanut, additional assignment as Coordinator, Divi- Ligaya M. de Guzman, transfer from Provincial Health Office.
sion of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, effective 17 July 1978 Sta. Cruz, Laguna, with appointment as Instructor II in Community
until 31 May 1980. Nursing, effective 15 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Jocelyn A. Robles. appointment as Instructor I in Biology, effec- Reylinda De Guzman, reappointment to substitute status with
tive 1 June until the return of Reynaldo H. Rosales from leave of increase in salary from Instructor II to V in Community Nutrition,
absence, but not later than 31 October 1978, effective 1 July 1978 until the return of Lorna Labaye from leave of
Bernice A. See, appointment as Instructor I (part-time) in Mathe- absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
matics, High School, effective 7 June 1978 until 31 May 1979, Ma. Lucia M, Magallona, increase in salary from Instructor II to
Luzviminda Tancangco. reappointment to additional assignment V in Physical Therapy. effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979.
as Senior Lecturer in Public Administration. effective 25 July 1978 Ronaldo O. Rogel, increase in salary from Instructor III to IV in

138 U.P. Gazette Volume I X, Number 5

Community Development, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. Barbara L. Wong, renewal of additional assignment as Lecturer in
Guidance, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
~ Computer Center - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . , The folloWing were given additional assignments as Consultant in
Luis Alarilla. Jr .• renewal of additional assignment as Systems the U.P.·NSDB research project entitled "A Study of the Status of
Programmer II, effective 1 July 1978 until30June 1979. the BS Degree Programs in Science and Mathematics offered in
Evangel P. Quiwa, renewal of additional assignment as Computer Colleges and Universities," effective 5 July 1978 unt1l31 March 1979:
Programmer, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. Blenvenido F. Nebres, reappointment in Mathematics, effective 1
fooDavao, U.P. Extension Division--------------l Clara L. Syllaoco. and
Aida C. Ali. additional assignment as Lecturer in Public Adminis- serafin D. Talisayon, in Physics.
tration. effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. The following appointments in the U.P. Integrated School were
Felino Angeles, Jr., additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in approved effective 14 June until 31 October 1978:
Marketing Management and Managerial Accounting and Control, luzviminda B. Canlas as Instructor I in Mathematics,
effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. Eduardo P. Magno, reappointment to additional assignment as
Arlene Eleanor E-. liberal, additional assignment as Senior Instructor in Typing,
Lecturer in Marketing Management, effective 13 June until 31 Octo- Ethel S. Miraflores as Instructor I in Filipino. until the return of
ber 1978. Demetria UmaIV. but not later than the above mentioned date.
Nestor M. Nisperos, reappointment to additional assignment as
Professorial lecturer in Human Behaviour, effective 1 June until 31 -Engineering, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
October 1978. Manuel V. Hernandez. Jr., increase in salary from Instructor 11 to
III in Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 May
- Dentistry, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1979.
Sofronio P. San Juan, reappointment to additional assignment as Meliton U. Ordillas, Jr .• renewal of additional assignment from
icer-in-Charge, without compensation, effective 1 September Officer·in-Charge to Acting Chairman, Department of Mining and
until the return of Nestor P. Perez from rural service, but not later Metallurgical Engineering, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of
than 15 September 1978. Perfecto K. Guerrero from detail with NSDB, but not later than 30
leoncio A. Tech, appointment as Instructor I in Dentistry, effec- April 1979.
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Narciso C. Silverio, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Indus-
trial Engineering, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
- Economics, School of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Francisco B. Sta. Ana, additional assignment as Associate
Romeo M. Bautista, reappointment to additional assignment as Research Engineer. U.P. Industrial Research Center, effective 12
Officer-in-Charge. effective 16 August until the return of Jose September until 31 December 1978.
Encarnacion, Jr., from rural service, but not later than 30 August
1978. - Environmental Planning, Institute of - - - - - - - - - - - - l
Hans-Paul Burkner, reappointment as Visiting Research Asso- Delia R. Alcalde, increase in salary as Research Associate, effec-
ciate. without compensation, effective 1 until 30 September 1978. tive 1 August 1978.
Alejendro N. Herrin, additional assignment as Director for Natividad P. Reyes. reclassification with promotion in rank from
Finance, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979. Training Associate to Training Specialist I, effective 15 August
Victoria S. licuanan, appointment as Senior lecturer in 1978.
Economics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Ernesto M. Serete, reclassification with increase in salary from
Rosita S. Orbos, increase in salary from Instructor IV to V in Research Associate to Instructor II in Environmental Planning,
Economics. effective 31 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 1 August 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Edits A. Tan, reappointment to additional assignment as Dlrec- Federico B. Silao, reappointment to additional assignment as
or for Finance, effective 16 August 1978 until 31 May 1979. Officer-in-Charge, effective 1 September until the return of leandro
A. Viloria from rural service, but not later than 15 September
f-Education, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1978.
Felisa B. Aiionuevo. renewal of additional assignment as Officer-
in-Charge, Office of the Director for Undergraduate Studies, effec- -Fine Arts, College of----------------l
tive 21 August 1978 until the return of Leonardo de la Cruz from Virginia B. Deneen, appointment as lecturer in Sculpture, effec-
leave of absence. but not later than 20 August 1979. tive 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979.
lorna L. De Vera, increase in salary from Instructor V to VI in Rogelio M. Pagarigan, renewal of appointment with reclassifica-
Health Education, effective 1 September 1978. tion from Lecturer to Instructor III in Visual Communication, effec·
Ofelia G. Endrinal, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Guid- tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
ance, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Josefina C. Fonacier, renewal of additional assignment as Profes- - Fisheries, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
sorial lecturer in Science Teaching, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 l.melda E. de Mesa, reappointment as Senior lecturer in Inland
May 1979. Fisheries, without compensation, effective 13 June until 31 Mav
Leticia P. Ho, renewal of additional assignment as Senior lec- 1979.
turer in Guidance, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Antonio B. Mines, additional assignment as Secretary, effective 7
Gloria M. Parina, increase in salary from Instructor III to IV in August 1978 until 30 April 1981; additional assignment as Super-
visor, PCARR Scholarship Program, effective 7 August 1978 until
Art, UPlS, effective 1 September 1978.
Ma. Fe G. Sanchez, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II 31 Julv 1979.
to IV of Health Education, effective 1 September 1978. -Health Sclesces, Institute of ITacloban) ---------i
Waldetrudes M. Sison, additional assignment as Chairman,
Estrella P. Gonzaga, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II
Department of Special Education. effective 19 July 1978 until 30 to IV of Community Medicine, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May
April 1981.
U.P. Gazette
August·September 1978
1979. searcher to Consultant, Commercial Law Codification Project, effec·
T80filo E. Tupaz Jr., appointment as Instructor I in Sociology, tive 1 September until 31 December 1978.
effective 1 June until 31 October 1978. Fortunato Gupit, Jr. renewal of supplementary appointment as
Luz H. Yringco, transfer from the Department of Health with Contributing Editor, Civil Procedure and Special Action, effective 1
appointment as Instructor 1 in Nursing, effective 22 June until 31 August until 31 December 1978.
October 1978. Benjamin V. Lorenzo, reclassification with promotion in rank
and salary from Law Research Assistant to Legal Education Officer
I- Home Economics, College of ----------~ I, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
Estrella F. Alabastro. reappointment to additional assignment as E. Arsenio Manuel, reappointment to supplementary appoint-
Officer·in-Charge. effective 4 September until the return of Aurora ment as Senior Research Fellow, without compensation, effective
G. Corpuz, from special detail in Bangkok, Thailand, but not later 31 July until 31 December 1978.
than 13 September 1978. Purificacion V. Quisumbing, additional assignment as Member,
Sonia Y. de Leon, additional assignment as Chairman, Office of Law Research Council, effective 1 August until 31 December 1978.
Research, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 July 1981.
Leonora N. Panlasig..i, additional assignment as Chairman, Office -LBw, College of ----------------i
of Community and Extension Services, effective 19 July 1978 until Renewals of additional assignment of the following two
18July 1981. Grantees, U.P. Law Alumni Foundation, tnc., were approved:
Two renewals of additional assignment to the PAEG-GIA 1·7601 Eduardo A. Labitag, effective 11 April 1978 until 31 March
U.P. Project of the College were approved: 1979.
Estrella F. Alabastro, as Project Leader, effective 1 June 1978 ,Carmela V. Sison, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April 1979.
until 31 May 1979.
Mereedita J. de' Valle, as Co-researcher, effective 1 July 1978 - Manila, U.P. College - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i
until 30 June 1979. Elizabeth R. Bahena, reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Secretary, effective 28 August until
Hloilo, U.P. College ------.,...------~ the return of Lourdes Abadingo from sick leave, but not later than
Zenaida P. Buenaflor, increase in salary from Instructor I to III 18 September 1978.
in Social Sciences, High School, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May Ferdinand K. Constantino. appointment as Lecturer in Eco-
1979. nomics, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Eva C. Bustamante, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Business Raul P. de Guzman, reappointment to additional assignment as
Management, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Acting Dean, effective 8 until 27 September ~978.
aNilda B. Oasal, additional assignment as Guidance Counselor. Jose Endriga, reappointment to additional assignment as
High School, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 May 1979. Officer-in-Charge, effective 17 July until the return of Raul P. de
Jose P. Ledesma, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Business Guzman from special detail abroad. but not later than 31 August
Administration, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1978.
Rosemarie G. Lim, renewal of additional assignment as Instruc- Amado M. Mendoza, Jr., appointment as Lecturer in Social
tor in Guidance and Counseling, High School, effective 13 June Sciences, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
1978 until 31 May 1979. Lynda Angelica N. Reyes, reclassification from Lecturer to
Laura Bella Y. Paredes, appointment as lecturer in Statistics, Instructor I in Humanities, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May
effective 13 June 1978 until 31 March 1979. 1979.
Evelyn A. Patifio, increase in salary from Instructor II to IV in Mar~ S. Reyes, appointment as Lecturer in Spanish, effective 13
Biological Sciences, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 May 1979. June 1978 until 31 May 1979,
Paula O. Pitpitan, increase in salary from Instructor I to III in Ma. Luz M. Sor9SC8, appointment as Lecturer in Spanish, effec-
Filipino, High School, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 16 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. •
MB. Dolores V. Ramos, additional assignment as Chairman, Divi- Cristina E. Torres, renewal of additional assignment as Chairman,
sion of Professional Education, effective 1 August 1978 until 30 Division of Social Sciences, effective 1 May 1978 until 30 April
April 1981. 1981.
Carmencita S. Simpss, renewal of additional assignment as
Coordinator, Student Personnel Services, without compensation, -Marine Sciences Center ----------------1
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Gloria Jeanne Cajipe, reappointment to additional assignment as
Eunice G. Torres, appointment as Instructor III in English effec- Officer-in-QIarge, effective 1 August until the return of Edgardo O.
tive 13 June 1978 until the return of Emmelina Ledesma from local Gomez from rural service, but not later than 30 August 1978.
faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 March 1979.
- Mass Communication. Institute of - - - - - - - - - - - i
I-LBw Center-----------------~ Jose L. Castro, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in Jour-
Arturo R. Balbastro, renewal of supplementary appointment as nalism, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Contributing Editor, Transfer and Business Taxes, effective 1 Laura F. Cua, appointment as Lecturer in Communication
August until 31 December 1978. Research, effective 13 June until the return of Herminia M. Atfonso
Salvador T. Carlota, renewal of additional assignment as Senior from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. but not later than 8 August 1978.
Research Fellow, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978. Lourdes I. lIustre, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Broadcast
Irene R. Cortes, reappointment to additional assignment from Communication, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Chairman to Member, Law Research Council, effective 1 August Melina S. Pugne, additional assignment as Lecturer in 'Corn-
until 31 December 1978. munication Research, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Noel V. de Guzman, reappointment as Consultant Programmer,
Survey of the legal Profession Project, effective 5 July until 31 -Medicine, College of -----------------~
October 1978. Marimin Abad·Lapuebla, appointment as Instructor IV in
Simeon M. Gopengco, reclassification from Member and Re- Anatomy, effective 13July 1978 until 31 May 1979.

140 U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 5

Alfredo C. Acosta, renewal of supplementary appointment as effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Instructor (part-time) in Surgery, without compensation, effective 1 Ruby R. Lantin~ul, appointment .as Instructor (part-time)
June until 31 December 1978. in Rehabilitation Medicine, without compensation, effective 1 June
Rossina Lydia T. Alejo, renewal of additional assignment as 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Clinical Instructor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Salvador M. Lazo, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor
1979. (part-time] in Family Medicine, effective 1 June until 31 December
Melendre V. Areos, renewal of supplementary appointment as 1978.
Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without compensation, Benjamin Limson, renewal of supplementary appointment as
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Clinical Associate Professor (part-time), without compensation,
Cornelio Ban889, Jr., reappointment to additional assignment as effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Officer-in-Charge, Department of Psychiatry, effective 30 August Arturo C. Ludan, renewal of supplementary appointment as
until the return of Lourdes L. Ignacio 'from special detail in Cali, Assistant Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without compensation,
Columbia, but not later than 1 October 1978. effective 1 June until 31 Deember 1978.
JimmV F. C8bfit, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor Lope P. Lukban, renewal of supplementary appointment as
(part-time) in Surgery, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time), WIthout compensation,
Bienvenido Cabrel, renewal of additional assignment as Clinical effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Assistant Professor (part-time), effective 1 June until 31 December Oscar A. Mayo, renewal of additional assignment as Assistant
1978. Professor Ipart-timel of Family Medicine, effective 1 June until 31
Emilio B. Cadayona, renewal of supplementary appointment as December 1978.
Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, without compensa- Antonio M. Montalban, renewal of supplementary appointment
tion, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Orthopedics, without com-
Olivia B. Carino, appointment as Instructor II in Physiology, pensation, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
effective 24 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. Elias M. Nadal, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Alberto R. Casimiro, renewal of supplementary appointment as Instructor (part-time) in Surgery, without compensation, effective 1
• Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without compensation, June until 31 December 1978.
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Pecite Ramos-safceda, renewal of additional assignment as
Leonida C. Castillo, renewal of supplementary appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until
Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, without compensation, effec- 31 May 1979.
tive 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Rosie Reyes-Noche, renewal of additional assignment as Clinical
Nelia Cortes-Maramba, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Project Leader, Dangerous Drugs Board Project, effective 1 June Ida R. Sangalang, additional assignment as Instructor (part-time)
1978 until 31 May 1979. in Orthopedics, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
Augustus C. Damian, Jr., additional assignment as Lecturerl Corazon H. Santos, transfer from NSDB-Assisted UPS Integrated
Preceptor, Anesthesiology Center Western Pacific, effective 1 June Research Program with reappointment as Research Associate, effec-
1978 until 31 May 1979. tive 1 September until 31 December 1978.
lsagani M. Darvin, additional assignment as Instructor (part-time) Eleazar O. Sarmiento, renewal of supplementary appointment as
in Rehabilitation Medicine, effective 1 June until 31 December Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without com-
1978. pensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979,
Conrado Dayrit, renewal of supplementary appointment as Domingo Tablan, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Clinical Professor (part-time), without compensation, effective 1 Instructor (part-time) in Surgery, without compensation, effective 1
June 1978 until 31 May 1979. June until 31 December 1978.
Gerardo V. de Leon, reappointment to additional assignment as Orlino O. Talens, renewal of supplementary appointment 8S
Officer-in-Charge, effective 4 September until the return of Floren- Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without compensation,
. tina Herrera, Jr., from special detail in Alma Ata, U.S.S.R., but not effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
• later than 15 September 1978. Virginia V. Trinidad, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Ernesto R. de los Reyes, renewal of supplementary appointment Assistant Professor (part-time) of Family Medicine, without com-
as Assistant Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without compensa· pensation, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
tion, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978. Melecia A: Velmonte, renewal of supplementary appointment as
Pacifico V. de Ocampo, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Assistant Professor II (part-time) of Medicine, effective 1 June 1978
Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until until 31 May 1979.
31 May 1979. Carlos C. Zspetos, renewal of additional assignment as Instructor
Jacinto U. Oy-Li,acco, additional assignment as Clinical Instruc- Ipart-timel in Family Medicine, effective 1 June until 31 December
tor (part-time) in Ophthalmology, effective 1 June until 3.1 Decem- 1978.
ber 1978.
Horacia R. Estrada, renewal of additional assignment as Co- I- Music, College of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
researcher, Dangerous Drugs Board project, effective 1 June 1978 Leticia G. del Valle, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-
in-Charge, Music Education Department, effective 1 July until the
until 31 May 1979.
Oliver D. Ferrer, additional assignment as Instructor (part-time) return of Juan Ramos from leave of absence, but not later than 31
in Orthopedics, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. December 1978.
Cerezon C. Dioquino, reappointment to additional assignment as
Rosa Maria J. Hipolito, additional assignment as Instructor
Officer-in-Charge, effective 16 July until the return of .Ramon P.
(part-time) in Pediatrics, effective 1 June until 31 December 1978.
Santos from rural service, but not later than 31 July 1978.
Pur. Flor Isleta, renewal of supplementary appointmen~ as
Herminia A. llano, additional assignment as Acting Secretary,
Assistant Professor (part-time) of Pediatrics, without compensation,
effective 17 July until the return of Reynaldo T. Paguio fr~m
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. special detail as Music Director of the U.P. Concert Chorus dUring
Orpha Kwan-Abrigo, renewal of supplementary appointmen.t as
their international tour, but not later than 3 October 1.978.
Instructor (part-time) in Family Medicine, without compensation,
U.P. Gazette
August-September 1978
a..rita J. Pizarro, transfer from Philippine Coconut Authority MoIoclaA Velmonta;
with appointment as Instructor III in Composition and Theory, As Attending SurQeon (part-time), until 31 December 1978.
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Alfredo C. Acosta,
Serafin S. Hilvano, until 31 May 1979,
- Nursing, College of -------------....-f EliasM. Nadal, and
Ma. Estela M. Layug, appointment as Instructor I in Nursing, Domingo Tablan.
effective 1 August 1978 until the return of Herminia Nueva Espafta
from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979. - Public Administration, College of - - - - - - - - - - ;
Adelwila L. Ages, increase in salary as Researcher I, local
I-Pharmacy, College of ---------------1 Government Center. effective 1 August 1978: additional assignment
Natividad F. de Castro, reappointment to additional assignment as Senior lecturer in Public Administration, effective 13 June until
as Officer-in-Charge. effective 2 August until the etum of Jesusa A. 31 October 1978.
Concha from special detail in Korea, Taiwan and Hongkong, but not Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler, increase in salary from Assistant
later than 11 August 1978. Professor 11 to IV of Public Administration, effective 1 Jury 1978
William V. Estacio, transfer to non-substitute status as Instructor until 31 May 1979.
I in Industrial Pharmacy, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. Mariano J. Guillermo, reversion to temporary status and reclassi-
fication from Training Specialist III to Assistant Professor III of
I-Philippine Eye Research Institute---------..., Public Administration, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Noel G. Chua, appointment as Research Associate, effective 1 Alejandro B. Ibay, increase in salary as Management Specialist II,
March until the return of Ester Lee from leave of absence, but not Administrative Development Center, effective 1 July 1978.
later than 31 December 1978. Ma. Lourdes S. .loves, reclassification with promotion in rank
and salary from Research Associate to Researcher I, effective 1
- Philippine General Hospital - - - - - - - - - - - - ; August 1978. •
Carlita C. O1avez, increase in salary as Medical Researcher I, Honesto R. Mendoza, reappointment as Professoriat lecturer in
effective 1 August 1978. Public Administration, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
Joaquin D. Lad80, Jr., additional assignment as Consultant in Romeo B. Ocampo, additional assignment as Director, Policy
Prosthodontics, effective 5 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. Studies Program, effective 3 January 1978 until 31 December 1980.
Juan E. Quejada, reappointment as Consultant in Orthodontics, Remlgio Ed. D. Ocenar, transfer to permanent status as Research
without compensation, effective 5 July until 30 June 1979. Associate, local Government Center, effective 1 August 1978.
Ofelia B. Te, appointment as Officer-in·Charge, Medical Records Nievelena V. Rosete, reappointment as Senior lecturer in Public
Division, effective 16 August until 31 December 1978. Administration. effective 13 June until 31 October 1978.
The following were appointed as Fellow, without compensation: Lydia delos Santos-Vergara, appointment as Training Specialist I,
Aquilina Comia-Sioson, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June local Government Center, effective 17 July until the return of
1979. Zenaida Ocampo from leave of absence, but not later than 31 Octo-
Jose E. de 18 Cruz, effective 6 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. ber 1978.
Julieta L. Lorenzo, effective 17 July 1978 until 16 July 1979. Ma. Clarlsa R. Sia, Increase in salary as Research Associate,
Cecilia S. Roque, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. Administrative Development Center, effective 1 July until 31
Marjorie Zambrano-GatchaliBn, effective 1 August until 31 July December 1978.
Renevvalsof additional assignment of the following were approved -Public Health, Institute of -------------1
Oliver D. Ferrer as Attending Orthopedic Surgeon (part-time), Nanette L. Jueco, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart-
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. ment of Parasitology, effective 1 September 1978 until 30 April
Avelino A. Macasaat as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, 1981.
effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979. Nidia M. Manuson, reversion to temporary status and reclassifica-
Pacita Ramos-Salceda as Attending Psychiatrist (part-time), tion from Senior Research Assistant to Instructor III in Medical
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Microbiology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
The following appointments as Attending Ophthalmologist Evelina C. Morales, appointment as Instructor IV in Environ-
(part-time), effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979 were mental and Occupational Health, effective 5 July 1978 until 31 May
approved: 1979.
Rossina Lydia T. Alejo, Honoria N. Navarro, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
Bienvenido Cabral, until 31 December 1978, Department' of Nutrition, effective 31 August until the return of
Pacifico V. de Ocampo, Jr .• and Carmencit8 B. Loyola from leave of absence, but not later than 15
Rosie Reyes-Noche. October 1978.
The following renewals of supplementary appointments on a Ely Anthony R. Quano, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer
part-time basis were approved, without compensation, effective 1 in Environmental Health, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May
June: 1979.
Ern85to R. de los Reyes as Attending Pediatrician, until 31 Amanda V. Valenzuela, reappointment to additional assignment
December 1978. as Officer-in-Charge, effective 24 August until the return of Ben-
Arturo C. Ludan as Attending Pediatrician, until 31 December jamin D. Cabrera from special detail in Geneva, Switzerland, but not
1978. later than 6 September 1978.
Lope K. Lukban as Attending Family Physician, until 31 May
1979; I-Small-Scele Industries, Institute for ----------1
As Attending Physician {part-time! until 31 May 1979: Virgilio H. Acain, transfer from Mindanao State University with
Conrado Dayrit, appointment as Training Associate, effective 15 August until 31
Orpha Kwan-Abrigo. December 1978.
Benjamin Limson, and Humildad V. Lopez. promotion in rank and salary from Manage-

142 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 5

ment Specialist I to II effective 1 June until 31 December 1978, 1979.
Eliseo S. Contreras, additional assignment as Faculty-in-Charge,
-Social Work and Community Development, Institute o f - Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effective 1 September 1978
Greer B. Alforque, additional assignment as Senior Research until 30 April 1979.
Assistant in the project entitled "Study of Needs and Problems of Erwin D. David, increase in salary from Instructor I to II in
Social Work Schools Outside Metro Manila," effective 1 July until Veterinary Parasitology, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May
31 December 1978. 1979.
Eulogia P. detos Reyes, additional assignment as Researcher in Elito F. Landicho, increase in salary from. Instructor I to II in
the project entitled "Social Work Practice Realities: Interviews with Veterinary Physiology, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
DSSD Field Practitioners," effective 5 July until 30 November 1978. Rosie L. Laudencia, renewal of additional assignment as Resi-
Gloria A. Fernandez, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I dent Veterinarian, Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, effective
to II of Community Development, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979;,increase in salary from Instructor I
May 1979; additional assignment as Researcher in the project en- to III in Pubtic Health, effective 1 May 1978 until 31 May 1979.
titled "A Preliminary Annotated Bibliography of Philippine Reset- Joseph S. Masangkay, reappointment to additional assignment as
tlement Programs," effective 5 July until 31 December 1978. Officer-in-Charge, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Pathol-
Michael M. Gonzalez, additional assignment as Research Asso- ogy and Public Health, effective 1 September 1978 until the return
ciate in the research project entitled "Visual Ethnography of Rural of Rodolfo Peneyra from study leave abroad, but not later than 30
Life/Culture: A Coconut Growing Community," effective 5 July April 1979.
1978 until 31 May 1979, Mildred A. Padilla, additional assignment as Extension Veteri-
Flora C. Lansang, additional assignment as Researcher in the narian, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979.
project entitled "Social Work Practice Realities: Interviews with Fidelia G. Roldan, increase in salary from Instructor I to II in
DSSD Field Practitioners," effective 5 July until 31 October 1978. Veterinary Medicine, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Romeo C. Quieta, appointment as Lecturer in Social Work effec-
• tive 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. - General Administration----------------l
Ma. Corazon Veneracion, additional assignment as Researcher in Oscar M. Alfonso, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
the project entitled "Study of Needs and Problems of Social Work Office of the Executive Vice-President and Program Development
Schools Outside Metro Manila," effective 5 July until 31 December Staff, effective 1 September until the return of Emanuel V. Soriano
1978. from rural service, but not later than 15 September 1978; renewal
The following additional assignments as Co-Project Director, of additional assignment from Coordinator to Program Coordinator,
Social Work Training Laboratory in Lian, Batangas were approved, NSDB-Assisted UPS Integrated Research Program, effective 1
effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979: September 1978 until 31 August 1980.
Mary Lou L. Alcid, renewal, Jose V. Basug, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
Greer B. Alforque, renewal, and Campus Landscaping Office and Arboretum, effective 1 until 15
Eulogia P. delos Rayes. September 1978.
Lolita S. Bitanga, transfer from Division of City Schools, Manila
I- Sports, Physical Education and Recreation -------i with appointment as Resident Advisor, Office of Student Auxiliary
Cynthia V. Abed-Santos, renewal of additional assignment as Services, Office of Student Affairs, effective 1 June until 31 Decem-
Officer-in-Charge, effective 1 August until the return of Aparicio H. ber 1978.
Mequi from research leave, but not later than 8 August 1978. Filomena M. Cantona, renewal of additional assignment as
Remedios V. Pinon, reappointment to additional assignment as Consultant, Finance Committee of the Board of Regents, effective 1
Officer-in-Charge, effective 9 August until the return of Aparicio H. Julv 1978.
Mequi from research leave, but not later than 31 August 1978; Fredegusto G. David, additional assignment as Director of

Ie renewal of additional assignment as Offlcer-ln-Charpe, effective 1

September until the return of Aparicio H. Mequi from rural service,
but not later than 15 September 1978.
Research Evaluation and Treasurer, NSDB-Assisted U.P. Integrated
Research Program, effective 29 June until 31 December 1978.
Vicentita M. Cervera, transfer from Marikina Institute of Science
Benjamin P. Sarmiento, appointment as Consultant in Scuba and Technology with appointment as Research Associate, Division
Diving, effective 13 June until 31 October 1978. of Counseling and Guidance, Office of the Vice-President for
Academic Affairs, effective 15 August until 31 December 1978.
- Statistical Center ---------------~ Pia P. Frago, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, Office
Gloria C. Caldito, renewal of additional assignment as Director, of the Vice-President for Administration, effective 16 August until
Undergraduate Studies, effective 1 April 1978 until 31 March 1979_ the return of Ramon C. Portugal from rural service, but not later
than 31 August 1978.
Anthony M. Juan, Jr., additional assignment as Consultant,
f- Tacloban, U.P. College- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ,
The following additional assignments as Consultant in Animal President's Council of the Arts, effective 5 July until 31 December
Science Program were approved in the College, effective 1 June until 1978.
Alfred A. Yuson, reappointment as Editor of Publications,
31 December 1978: President's Council on the Arts, effective 17 July until 31 December
T80doro A. Abilay, and
Perla L. Lopez In the Infrastructure Development Program, Office of the Presi-
dent, the fo11owing renewals of additional assignment were ap-
_ University Library -----------------1 _proved, effective 1 January until 30 June 1978:
Patricia Evangelista, increase in salary as Librarian I, effective 1
Jose Ma. de castro, Consulting Design Engineer,
July until 31 December 1978. Ruben A. Garcia, Senior Design Engineer,
Vicente Hedriana, Mechanical Engineer Consultant,
-Veterinary Medicine, Collegeof ------------1 Ernesto Tabujara, Senior Design Engineer, and
Maria Fe H. Constantino, increase in salary from Instructor I to Mario O. labat, Senior Design Engineer.
II in Veterinary Microbiology, effective 1 August 1978 until 31 May
U.P. Gazette
AU9ust-September 1978
As Senior Design Architect: Fermin D. Adriano as Program Development Assistant, effective
Norma B. Chico, 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Christopher Stonewall P. Espina, Luis M. Alarma, Jr., effective 1 July until 31 December 1978.
Honrado R. fernandez, renewal of supplementary appointment, Jose C. Arann, effective 1 August until 31 December 1978.
Honorato Paloma, and Garonimo M. Collado. with increase in honorarium, effective 1
IIdsfonso P. Santos, Jr. July until 31 December 1978.
The following renewals of additional assignment were approved Soledad C. de Castro, effective 2 May until 31 December 1978.
in the Management Information Unit, Office of the President effec- Patrocinio M. de los Reyes, effective 15 June until 15 November
tive 1 July until 31 December 1978: 1978.
Roberto E. Magno, from Program Development Associate to Carol B. De Raedt, additional assignment, effective 2 May until
Program Development Assistant, and 30 September 1978.
Honesto G. Nuqui, Program Development Associate. Josefina C. Fonacier, with increase in honorarium, effective 1
On the President's Committee for Regional Units, the following May until 31 October 1978.
renewals of assignment, effective 1 July until 31 December 1978 MilagrosV. Gregorio, effective 1 until 31 August 1978.
were approved: Sylvia H. Guerrero, effective 2 May until 30 September 1978.
Nestor R. Balmores, Senior Executive Assistant, and Rogelio O. Juliano, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Georgina A. Reyes, Secretary. Amalia L. Perez, reappointment as Research Associate, effective
The following additional assignments as Program Development 1 August until the return of Bernadette R. Clay from leave of
Associates were approved in the Program Development Staff, Office absence, but not later than 31 December 1978.
of the President: Ernesto Parnia, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.
Germilino F. Abito, effective 1 July unti130 September 1978. Francisco H. Roque, effective 1 July until 31 October 1978.

Resignations Purita B. Hipol as Assistant Professor, UPIS, College of Educa-

tion, effective 1 August 1978.
Aida Judilla as Utility Man, U.P. College Clark Air Base, effective

Chelito Agbisit as Senior Clerk, 1551, effective 1 August 1978.
Samuel Almazan as Property Custodian, 1551, effective 1 26 August 1978.
September 1978. Rodelio L. Labit as Research Assistant, College of Fisheries,
Carlito ARonuevo as Research Assistant, ALEC, effective 15 effective 16 August 1978.
August 1978. Alma Manalang as Bindery Helper, University Library, effective
Rene F. Arambulo as Student Assistant, U.P. College Manila, 26 September 1978.
effective 1 August 1978. Arnsl Maricaban as Houseman, AIT, effective 23 August 1'978.
Vicente C. Banagale as Assistant Professor, U.P. College Baguio, Presentacion B. Moran as Research Assistant, College of Engi-
. effective 1 August 1978. neering, effective 15 August 1978 .
Aurelio Raymond Barrios as, Utility Man, University Book Belinda Parentela as Assistant Professor, UPIS, College of Educa-
Center, effective 11 August 1978. tion, effective 1 September 1978.
Ma. Cristina L. Baticados as Research Assistant, College of Anita Reyes as Utility Man, ISSI, effective 18 September 1978.
Engineering, effective 15 August 1978. Jane Sabio as Library Aide, University Library, effective 25
Tessie Beltran as Emergency Bindery Helper, University Library, August 1978.
effective 1 September 1978. Cesar Saldana as Assistant Professor, College of Business Admin-
Emmo Cancino as Utility Man, 1551, effective 1 September effective 1 August 1978.
1978. Caridad Tobia-Srithara~ as Researcher, College of Public Admin-
Lilian Cruz as Bar Attendant, AIT, effective 15 September 1978. istration. effective 13 September 1978.
Ma. Evangeline de Castro as Research Aide, College of Home Ma. Luisa Valdez-Plana as Senior Research Assistant, 1551, effec-
Economics. effective 1 September 1978. tive 1 August 1978.
Gonzalo C. de Guzman as Instructor, College of Arts and Eric Velasco as Dispatcher, 1551, effective 1 August 1978.
Sciences (Difiman}, effective 1 August 1978. Reynaldo ViII.anueva as Clerk, Institute of Sports, Physical
Lucia Diaz as Locker Attendant, AIT, effective 25 September Education and Recreation. effective 15 August 1978.
Edmundo Enderez as Research Assistant, College of Fisheries, Retirements
effective 16 August 1978.
Veronica Fenhc as Instructor, College of Engineering, effective 1 Elena AguU. as Supervisor, University Food Service, effective
September 1918. 18 August 1978.
Melanita Galang as Clerk-Typist, Law Center, effective 16 Godofredo Valledo as Chief, Auxilliary Services Section, College
August 1978. of Public Administration, effective 1 August 1978.
Carmen Galman as Graduate- Assistant, Office of Academic Carmen Velilaquez as Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
Services, effective 14 September 1978. (Diliman), effective 7 August 1978.

U.P. Gazette Volume I X, Number 5

C@t'J'i7~£~V s £~~ ~ (h/ffi ~ ~ rv'iI g~ ts
The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at PTe·RD and the UPLB whereby the National Coordinating Office
its 905th Meeting, 31 August 1978. (NCO) of PTe·AD shall continue to operate mainly from the UPLB
campus and utilize its edministrati'(8 facilities while administrative
arrangements for the operation of the various training centers are
1. Momorondum of Agroomlllt with UNESCO Pertoining tol being worked out.
Tacher Training Project In Kabul, Afghanistan
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
UNESCO end thl Univenity wherebv the College of Educetion 'hell 6. Memorandum of Agreement with the Qlgayan Valley Institute of
provide instructoR for the UNESCO Teacher Training Project at the Technology (eVIT). Mountain State Agricultural College (MSACI.
Academy for Teacher Educators in Kabul, Afghanistan, for a period VisiV. Stat. College of Agriculture IVISCAI, and the University of
of three (3) yean. Southern Mind.nao IUSM) Pertaining to the Establishment of Four
Region.1 Training Centers for Rural Development
The four Regional Training centers for Rural Development shall
2. MooiKlf.ldum of Agr"""';t with the Bicol Univonity Coil. of be esteblished in CVIT. MSAC. VISCA. end USM under the Philip-
AgrIculture (BUCA) Portolning to the UPLB Intogretod Crop end pine Training Centers for'Rural Development IPTC·RDl. These
livestock Farming Project institutions shall continue to avail of the administrative machinery
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the end business procedures of UPLB until. such time as they can evolva
8UCA end the UPL8 whereby the letter ,hall underteke the Inte· their own system of administering their respective regional centers.
grated Crop and Livestock Farming Project in the: Province of Albay Tho egreement remains in force until 31 December 1978. subject to
• for a period of three (3) yean. extension by mutual consent.

3. Momoo .ldum of .-.-.... witIl the Miniotry of Educetlon Ind 7. MooolOr.ldum of Atr-t witIl De Lo Solll Univnlty (DLSUI
Culture (MEC) Portoining to I Two-y_ Project Known IS "Devol- Repding Cou_ u _ the Exporl_ _ In _ Toech-
oprnent of Agroforeotty Education Pr..... In thl Elementory end ing (MST) Pr.... m
Socondory School," A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the OLSU and the University VoJhereby Science Education Center (SEC)
MEC end the UPL8 wherebv the College of Forestry end tho Col· specialists shell handle four to five courses per year under the
lege of Agriculture shall provida pilot schools with adequate mate- experimental Master in Science Teaching (MST) progrem.
riels in forestry and agriculture, and make available the appropriate The MST (Phy,ical Sciences) Progrem et OLSU end the MAT/MS
expertise. The MEC shall authorize the use of some elementary and degree programs at the University shall be administered as one
secondary schools In Region IV·A end provide mechanisms for inta- project by one project director from SEC, under NSOB Project No.
grating egroforestrv in the elementary and secondary agriculture 7003 Ed.

8. Mooo_m of Ac;reomlllt witIl the Fllip/... Foundotion, Inc.,

4. Moo'_.....m of UrwIeoiteildlng with thl Notional Food .,d Agri-
PwtIining to I Study of Philippine Sa",eeds
cultuno Council Providing "NFAC Grldum end UrwIeo.Id.m
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the
Fellowship StudY Grants" Filipin. Foundation, tnc., and the University, whereby the letter
The National Food and Agriculture Council INFAC) shall make
throuW1 the Marine Sciences Center shall undertake 8 study of
available the following graduate and undergraduate fellowship study Philippine seaweeds under a budget of P190,OOO.00 to be providad
grants in the UPLB: by the Foundetion. The project ,hell be for e period of three (31
(al A graduate felloV\lShip study grant in the UPLB Graduate
School. effective the beginning of the first semester, 1978-1979. It
provides full scholarships (including P9,759.00 for basic yearly
expenditures and P1,575.00 for thesis support, gr~duation,
9. lo1oo'ww.ldum of ~ wi.... the Foundetion for Philippine
and honoraria for the graduate guidance committee) for qualified " , - , Inc. (FPPII Portoinlng to • R_rch Project, "BIoI_ of
graduate students until completion of graduate work leading to any Edible Frogs and their Commercial Production"
existing degree to be specified periodically by NFAC.
(b) An undergraduate fellO'NShip study grant in the College of The project ,hall be implemented by UPLB with financial assist·
A 'culture and in the Institute of Agriculturel Development and ance from FPPI In the total sum of P152,242.50 for a period of
A~~inistration effective the beginning of the first semester. three (31.years.
1978-1979. It 'provides fellowships (including P5,400.00 for beslc
yearly expenditures and P600.00 for thesis support and graduate
expenses) for ten qualified high school graduateS until compl.etlan of 10. Mlrnor8ftdum ctf Agreement with the Philippine ~
~ Ind DevelopmltRt Foundation, Inc. (PCROF) Perulnlng to
undergraduate \/YOrk in agriculture, food technology, agncultural
• R~ Proiect. "SyntheUs of Certain Derivatives of Coconut
economics. or egribusiness.
Fetty Acids"
The project shall be undertaken by Dr. Ester Alblno·Garct. and
tel m of Agreement with the Philippine Training Cent.... P f R sendl G Lork:8 and financed by PCADF under a grant of
5 Memoran u . th Support and
f~ Rural Development (PTC·RD) Reganhng • ":,8~.OO. The' project shell be for a period of two (2) yean,
Operation of Training Centers d . t between the beginning 1 August 1978.
A memorandum 0 f 8greement was entere In 0
U.P _ Gazotte
August-September 1978
The Boerd confirmed at Its 806th Meeting, 2B September 197B, UPLB and thl EDPITAF providing for the extension of the Project
a MtmOl'1lndum 01 A_mInt with thl Edueatlonol Development Implementing Unit IPIU) for six months, ending 31 December
ProjocU Implementing Tosk Fo IEDPITAF) Regarding the Impll' 197B, end support of PllB,OOO.OO from EDPITAF to defray the
mentation af the Wortd Bank pported Educational Development cost of maintaining said unit. The PIU was established in July 1977
Pragrornt at UPLB (original agreement 1/V8S confirmed by the Board at its 8915t Meet-
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the ing, 25 Augu.t 1977.1

U.P. Gazette Volume IX. Number 5 I


\~ j

The University of the Philippines Gazette is published bimonthly by the information and Publications Office. Office of the Secretary of
the University, University of the Philippines. Diliman. Quezon City, Philippines.
The typeface used in this journal is Univers medium, but for pictorial captions which are in Aldine Aoman, both set in two-point ledds at
the Science Education Center. The unit and pictorial headings are in Tabasco bold caps and Dynamo. respectively. Pictorial subheadings are
in Peignot Light.
I,() The two-color printing in offset lithography is by the University of the Philippines Press.

I 'I

Adminirtnrtlve Orders • Administrative Order No. 17: Recons-

titution of the President's Advisory Committee on Campus Planning
and Development, 151 • Administrative Order No. 19: Transport
Training Center Unit Library Organization Committee, 151 •
Administrative Order No. 74: Ad Hoc Committee to Survey Exist-
ing Stores and Housing Units on the Dillman Campus, 151 • Admin-
istrative Order No. 75: Constitution of a Special Administrative
Body. 151 • Memoranda. Memorandum: XOS Performance in
Second Semester, 1977·1979,151 -Memorandum No, 42: Furnish-
ing U.P. at Los Banos Copies of University Communications/Drafts
of Recommendations Involv1ng Policy Changes for SIR Action, 152
• Memorandum: Tracking Officer to Monitor Processing Vouchers,
152 • Memorandum No. 19: Nomination to Membership in the
Board of Judges for the Philippine Collegian. 152 • Memorandum
No. 50: Water Shortage. 153


907th Meeting, 26 October 1978. Appointments, Reappointments,

I'" ,'HE COVER Renewals of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, etc.,
• It may be said of him that he died in action; and for those ~ho 153 • Transfer to Permanent Status, 154 • Scholarships, fellow-
die in action a special place is reserved in the annals of Man. Durmg ships, Grants and Gifts, 154 • Collection of fees, 154 • Establish-
the season of revelry and rest, Chancellor Abelardo G. Semonte ment of the U.P. Continuing Education Center, 155 • Rules and
passed away on Christmas Day, 1978. At the young age of 50, he Regulations Governing the Philippine Collegian, 155. Authority for
left a void in the University which he served truly and well. the President to Rectify Expiration Date of the Appointment of
His academic record alone is enviable. A Bachelor of Arts (cum Deansand Directors, 155 .Order of Implementation for the College
laude, 19511, Bachelor of Laws (19531, Master of Public Adminis- of Development Economics and Management, 155 • Implementa-
tration (Wayne University, 19551 and Master of Ar:ts and Ph.D. in tion of Teacher's leave Privilege for the Faculty of the U,P. College
Political Science (Princeton University, 1958 and 1959), he at- Clark Air Base, 155 .Standardization of Out-of-Station Allowances
tended the Institute of Economic Development at Vanderbilt for UPLB Personnel, 156 • Types of Official Publications for the
University (1954) and the noted executive development course in Science Education Center and Honoraria for Commissioned Writers,
the Administrative Staff College in Henlev-on-Thames, England 156 • Other Matters Considered by the Board, 157 • 908th Meet·
119531. ing, 7 December 1978 • Appointments, Reappointments, Renewals
He served his Alma Mater as instructor in the College of Liberal of Appointment, Promotions, Increases in Salary, etc.. 157 .Trans-
Arts in 1953 until he became full professor in 1966 in the Institute fer to Permanent Status, 158 • Scholarships, fellowships, Grants
of Public Administration. From 1963 to 1968, as Director of
and Gifts, 158 • Collection of Fees, 158 • Transfer of Site for the
Studies and Research in the Philippine Executive Academy, he U.P. in the Visayas,158 ·Transfer of the Administration of Quezon
contributed immensely to the development of its course of studies. Land Grant to the UPLB, 158 • Establishment of the U,P. Creative
On 25 November 1969, he was appointed Vice-President for Writing Center, 159 • Service Agreement Between the University
.~ .cademlc Affairs. In 1972, after U.P. at los Banos had become an
and the U.P. Foundation, tnc., 159 • Amendment to the Rule on
.onomous unit of the U.P. System, he was named its first Chan- Guarantors Relative to the Student Loan Board, 159 • Other Mat-
cellor and member of the U.P. Board of Regents. ters Considered by the Board, 159 .909th Meeting, 20 December
Various national and international bodies were also enriched by 1978 • Appotnrments. Reappointments, Renewalsof Appointment,
his generous and expert services: the Presidential Commission to Promotions, Increases in salary, etc., 160 • Transfer to Permanent
Survey Philippine Education (1970), the Presidential Commission Status 160. Creation of the Position of Restaurant and Banquet
on Reorganization of which he was executive director (1969·1973), Man~r at AIT, 173 .Other Matters Considered by the Board, 173
the SEARCA, the Regional Trainihg Program on Food and Nutri-
tion Planning of the Netherlands Universities Foundation for Inter-
national Cooperation, to mention only a few. In the Office of the TRANSITIONS
President, he was Coordinating Officer for Program Execution
(COPE) in Government Reorganization. Even the Civil Service Com- A New Steward, 161 -They Served Long. , • And Well, 162 - A
mission was touched by the wand of his wide experience when, in Tribute, 164 • A Man of Parts, 165 -The Final Curtain Call, 166 -
the early '70's, he was active in the review of civil service rules and Economics Complex, 168 - Hooray for Tourism! , 169 - Maliga-
the performance audit of the Commission itself. yang Pasko! ,170 -Tying the french Knot, 172
In recognition of his outstanding \o\IOrk in public administration,
Dr. Samonte was named one of Ten Outstanding Young Men
(TOYMl in 1963 and received the Professional Award of the U.P. PRESIDENTIAL DECISIONS, 173
Alumni Association in 1973,
He authored Philippine Government and Civil Service (196B), SEPARATIONS FROM THE SERVICE
co-authored several books on public administration, and wrote
numerous articles in professional journals.
Resignations, 181 -Retirements, 181
Cover photography by Boy Yniguez.
October-Decembar 1978 U.P. Gazette
CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS with the NSDB Perteining to e Project on "The Sociology of Land
Tenure and Management System in Lands Devoted to Tobacco and
Memorandum of Agreement with the Dangerous Drugs Board Abace", 182 • Memorandum of Agreement with CIBA-GEIGY S.E.
IDDB} Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Pharmacologic Contents Asia Pertaining to 8 Project on "Evaluation of eGA 48-988 Seed
and Toxicity Level of Datura Metel (Talumpay}", 182. Memo- Treatment Fungicide for the Control of Phfllppine Corn Downy
randum of Agreement with the U.P. Tennis Club Regarding the Mildew", 182 • Memorandum of Agreement with the World Health
Management and Operation of Tennis Courts on Campus, 182 • Organization (WHO) Pertaining to a Research on Microbial Patho-
Contract Agreement with the Commission on Population gens, 182 • Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Banos School
(POPCOM) Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Study of Levels and of Fisheries (LBSF) Regarding Construction of Temporary Class-
Determinants of Fertility in central Luzon and Metropolitan rooms, 182. Supplementary Agreement with the National Research
Manila", 182 • Contract Agreement with the Commission on Council of the Philippines (NRCP) Pertaining to a Project on "The
Population (POPCOM) Pertaining to a Project Entitled "UPPI~ Establishment of a Makapuno Culture Laboratory and Nursery for
POPCOM Work Agreement", 182 • Memorandum of Agreement Mass Production, 182

BOARD OF REGENTS. The Honorable Juan L. Mlnuel, Chairman, secretary of

Education and Culture. The Honorable Onofre D. Corpuz, Vice-Chairman, Presi-
dent, University of the Philippines. The Honorable Abelerdo G. Samonte, Chan-
cellar, University of the Philippines at Los BaRos. The Honorable Ruben SBntos
Cuyugan, Chancellor, Philippine center for Advanced Studies. The Honorable

Abraham F. Sermiento, President, U.P. Alumni Association • The Honorable c
Tomas S. Fonecier. The Honorable Orlando J. S8c8y • The Honorable Gerardo
P. Sicat • The Honorable Ambrosio F. Tangco • The Honorable Ronalda B.
ZeIT.ora • Dr. G6mino H. AbacI, Secretary


President. Dr. Emanuel V. Soriano, Executive Vice-President • Dr.
Oscar M. Alfonso, Viee--President for Academic Affairs • Dr. Ramon
C. Portugal. ViorPresident for Administration • Dr. G6mino H.
Abad, Secretary • Prof. Manuel P. Bandafta, University Registrar
EDITORIAL BOARD. Dr. G8mrno H. Abaci, Secretary of the
University, Chairman • Prof. Luis D. Beltran, Acting Director of the
University Press, Secretary • Prof. Manuel P. Bendafla, Secretary of
the University Council • Dr. Gloria D. Feliciano, Dean of the lnstl-
tute of Mass Communication • Prof. Froilan M. BacuRgan, Director
of the Law Center • Or. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana, President of the
U.P. Faculty Organization. Mrs. May C. Dumlao, President of the
U.P. Supervisors' Association. Miss Dlwata A. Reyes, Editor of the
Philippine Collegian

EDITORIAL STAFF. G6mlno H. Abad, Edito. • Ruben Dovid F. Deleo, Associate Editor· Elpidio S. Caimoy, Managing Editor·
Roshan T. J0s6, Assistant Editor. Rikl T. Photo Editor • Tony M. dela Vega, Circulation Manager

150 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS laws of the land as lfoJell as University rules and regulations on the
establishment of these stores and occupancy of these housing units:
Captain Eduardo V. Sentain, Chairman, and Miss Manuela A. Pag&-
Adminiltritivi Order No. 17: Reconstitution of the Presidlot', rigan, Director Antonio P. Cruz, Mr. Modesto G. Estrada, and Cap_
Advisory Committee on Campus Planning 8nd Development tain Nestor C. Madrigal, members.
The Chairman will notify the members of the schedule of the
The President's Advisory Committee on Campus Planning and survey.
Development is hereby reconstituted with Dean Aurelio T. Juguilon
Please submit to this Office a report of the survey not later than
as Chairman, Prof. Romeo C. Tomacruz as Secretary, and Dean
15 December 1978.
Leandro A. Viloria, Director Salvador F. Reves. Director Antonio P.
27 November 1978
Cruz, and Director Dionitio O. L1wag, members. The Committee
shall take charge of the official records and implementation, as well
as recommend desirable changes or modifications, of the Master Executive Vice-President
Development Plan for the Dillman Campus approved by the Board
of Regents. Adminirtr~ive Order No. 75: Constitution of • Speci.l Admin-
This Committee will elsa be responsible for advising the Prest- istrative Body
dent on the adoption of appropriate policies, rules, and regulations
on the physical development of the campus. In this regard, the Pursuant to Budget Memorandum Circular No. 147·A and in
Chairman may call upon the assistance of other officials of the response to the need of the National Engineering Center (NECI,
University for pertinent information necessary for the able perform- University of the Philippines, for a special administrative body to
! ance of the Committee's work. handle its fiscal transactions meanwhile that a regular administrative
The Committee will meet twice a month with special meetings to staff at NEC has not been set up yet, the following are hereby
scheduled by the Chairman as the need arises. dasignated to compose this special administrative body effective 27
10 October 1978 November 1978 until 26 November 1979: Dr. Ramon C. Portugal,
Mrs. Arlinda O.V. Ruiz, Mrs. Ermelina B. Kalagayan, Mr. Jose
Antonio, Ms. May L. Huntington, Mr. Adriano Cabal, Mrs. Violet8
Pametmat, and Atty. Salvador Vasquez.
Administrative costs to cover this additional assignment shall be
Adminirtrative Order No. 19: Transpon T,.ining center Unit Libr.- borne by individual projects pursuant to Budget Memorandum
ry Organization Committee Circular No. 147-A and as the budget of the National Engineering
Center may provide.
The following are hereby constituted into a committee, with the 28 November 1978
University Libraria'n as Chairman, Miss Ma. Oliva G. Zipapn as (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
Secretary, and the Director, Transport Training Center, Miss May L. Executive VicB"President
Huntington, the Budget Director, the Chief Accountant, and the
Officer-in..charge, Property Divlslcn, members, to formulate, subject
to approval by this Office, rules and other guidelines for the setting
up and operation of a unit library in the Transport Training Center,
within the context of existing University Library System policies, ftI1emorandum: XDS Performance in Second Semester 1977·1978
rules, and procedures as provided for in The Revised University 1. The 94 members of the 1977 XOS group were enrolled in the
Code (Articles 132 througf11381. the 9 August 1961 memorendum English Learning Assistance Coune; 78 of them in Mathematics
. . the then Acting Business Executive and Acting Budget Officer, courses; 80 in Asian Civilizations; 88 in Spanish; 29 in Philippine
Wnd the 27 November 1961 memorandum of former President History; four in Filipino 13;six in Natural Science I; three in Natutat
Vicente G. Sinco, 81 well as such other existing pertinent rules and Science II; and 29 in Natural Science Ill. Except for English II,
procedures issued by competent University authorities and/or Mathematics 14, and two sections of Spanish II, which vvere exclu-
bodies. sively for the XDS group, all the courses were mixed classes.
In case the Director of the Center, the Budget Director, and the 2. Professors Concepcion D. Daclufalza and Winifrede A. Evan-
Chief Accountant cannot attend the meetings or deliberations of the gelista both spoke highly of the marked improvement in the per-
committee, for any unavoidable reason, they should designate their formance of their students in the English Learning Assistance
respective representatives; provided, that the foregoing officials shall Courses. It is to be noted in this connection that these students
attend the first two and the last two meetings at least. went through a rigorous phase of work, which paid off handsomely
The committee should submit its report and recommendations in terms of their performance.
not later than the last working day of next month. In Professor Dadufalza's classes, out of a total of 47 students,
17 November 1978 two got "1.75" (her highest grade in the first semester was 2.25);
(Sgd.1 ONOFRE D. CORPUZ five . "2"; six _ "2.25"; thirteen - "2.5"; twelve - "2.75"; six - "3";
President three _"Inc.". Of Professor Evangelista's 47 students, one got a "2";
one _ "2.25"; six _ "2.5"; nine - "2.75"; nventy-one - "3"; four -
"4"; and five - "Inc.".
Administrative Order No. 74: Ad Hoc Committee to Survey Exist- 3. There were three Mathematics courses: Mathematics 14
ing Stores end Housing Units on the Diliman c.mpus (regular) handled by Dr. Romeo L. Manlapaz for those who had
gotten grades of "2" and above in the Mathematic~ 11 Learning
The following are hereby constituted into en ad hoc Committee Assitance Course during the first semester; MathematiCS 14 (Learn-
to conduct 8 survey of ell existing stores end housing units on the ing Assistance Course) hand18d by Professor Leticia L. Castillo; and
Diliman campus for the purpose of determining violations of the
U.P. Gazette
October-December 1978
Mathematics 11 (regularl taught by Professor Lvdia H. Flo... for Since 1972, when the U.P. at Los BaRos was made an autonomous
the four students who flunked the course last semester and for member of the University System, it has, at times, been inadvert-
regular students. ently omitted from the mailing and routing list of central adminis-
In Or. Manlapaz's class, eleven got "1"; seven . "1.25"; tive . tration.
"'.5"; nine - "1.75"; three . "2"; four - "2.25"; one - "2.5"; tcur . As a matter of procedure, therefore, kindly see to it that the
"2.75"; two - "3"; one . "5". In Professor Castillo's class of 28 Office of the Chancellor and UPLB heads of units are furnished
students, the highest grade was "1.25" obtained by two students; copies, through the Office of the University Secretary, of all Univer-
three got "4"; another three got "5"; and the rest received passing sity-wide communications (memos, memo circulars, administrative
marks. Finally, of the four repeaters in Prof. Flores' class, one got orders, etc.], particularly those affecting UPLB operations.
"4", while the rest passed the course. Matters to be submitted to the Board of Regents, especially
4. Sixty-one xes students were enrolled in Professor Oscar L. those involving recommendations on policy changes, should also be
Evangelista's two Asian Civilization classes. Finding themselves in referred to the UPlB for comment, while still in the draft 8tage.
mixed classes, many of the XDS students shied away from participa- 20 October 1978
tion in class. But there were some standouts from the beginning. At (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
mid-semester, nine were failing but they rallied in the subsequent Executive Vice-President
quizzes, with only one of them getting a "4" at the end of the
semester. They obtained the following final grades: two - "1"; three-
MtmorMldum: Tracking OffiClr to Monitor of Vouchers
"1.25"; three - "1.75"; ten - "2"; eight - "2.25"; sixteen - "2.5";
two . "2.76"; sixteen - "3"; one - "4".
With a view to expediting the processing of vouchers end avoid-
Professor Donata V. Taylo had 19 XDS students in one of her
ing the possibility of the IOS8 or misplacement of some supporting

Asian Civilizations classes. Their final grades were: three - "2"; one-
documents, all vouchers for payment in the University shall be
"2.25"; three - "2.75"; seven - "3"; three - "4"; one - "5"; and one-
..Inc.", monitored by a tracking officer strategically stationed at the
Accounting Division without the need for representatives of
5. Of the 88 students who took Spanish II, Professor Rosario
different units and other offices of the University or private perties J
Estanislao had one; Professor Normelita Villajuan - three; Professor
personally following up these vouchers. r
Trinidad Regala - 26; Professor Consuelo Morales- 28; and Professor
The tracking officer shall perform the following functions:
Pacita Martinez - 30. Their final grades were: two - "1"; six -
a. Monitors the flow of the vouchers from the time they are
"1.25"; eidlt . "1.5"; twelve - "1.75"; fifteen - "2"; nine - "2.25";
received at the Accounting Division up to the tIme that the same are
twelve - "2.6"; thlrteen . "2.75"; six - "3"; one - "4"; one - "5";
paid by the Cashier's Office;
three - "Inc.". The grades of "1" and "4" 'Nere given by Professor
b. Receives all inquiries and releases information regarding the
Martinez; "Inc." by Professor Morales; and "5" by Professor
vvhereabouts of vouchers; and
c. Informs the units, offices or parties concerned, either by
6. Misses Luisa Camagay and Elizabeth Pastores handled the
phone or in writing, of any problems in the vouchers which may
Philippine History classes. All 29 students passed the course, the
eventually cause the delay of their processing.
highest grade being "1.5" and the lowest grade a "3".
All concerned are therefore requested not to personally follow
7. All four students passed Filipino 13 with high grades.
up their vouchers. Instead, they can check with the tracking officer
8. All six students passed Natural Science I with the following
personally or by phone fPABX 317), He will be available to enewer
grades: two • "2"; cne "2.25"; and three "2.5". Of the three

your inquiries and help thresh out problems regarding the processing
students in Natural Science II, one got "2.25"; one - "2.5"; and one
of vouchers. Inquiries in writing should be addressed to: The Track-
- "5". Only one out of 29 students enrolled in Natural Science III
ing Officer, Accounting Division, University of the Philippines,
got a failing mark ("4"). The highest grade was "1.75".
Oiliman, Quezon City.
9. Thirty-seven of the 94 students carried a load of 15 units,
Thank you for your cooperation.
while atl the rest had 12 units. Basis for giving the 15-unit load was a
7 Novamber 1978 ,
grade of "2" or better in Mathematics 11, and "2.75" or better in
English I. Of the 37 with 16-unit load, 12 had average grades higher ISgd.1 RAMON C. PORTUGAL. . .
Vice-President for Administr8ti~
than "2", with one becoming a university scholar and three, college
The general weighted everage of all 94 participants is "2.39". Memorll1dum No. 19: Nominltion to Membership in the BCNlrd of
10. Twentv-cne had one failing mark or "Incomplete." distrib Judges for the Philippine Collegilll
uted as follows: seven with "Inc."; nine with a "4"; and five with a
"5". All 15 were, however, still in good standing based on 60% Please submit, on or before 29 November.
scholastic rule in the College of Arts and Sciences. (al to the Office of the President, Quezon Hall, the name of one
11. Five had two or more failing marks or "Incomplete." Of this (1) faculty member, if any, and his/her btodeta: andlor
number, three worked on their deficiencies and lifted their status (bl to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, Vinzons Hall,
from "dismissed" to "good standing" by the opening of the first the name of one (1) student, if any, and his/her biodata.
semester 1978-1979. Article II, Sec. 6, of the new Collegian Rules (approved by the
Only two therefore lost their XDS grants for the first semester, Board of Regents last 26 October) provides:
1978-1979. "The Editor of the Philippine Collegian shall be chosen by a
17 October 1978 Board of Judges which shall be composed of a Chairman and four
(Sgd.l OSCAR M. ALFONSO members. The Chairman of the Board shall be the Dean, Institute of
Chairman Mass Communication. There shall be two swdent members who
XDS Committee shall be chosen in accordance with Section 7, below, and two facul-
ty members who shall be chosen from among those nominated by
Memorandum No. 42: Furnishing U.P. at Los Banos Copies of the Deans of various colleges. The Chairman and members shall be
University Communications/Drafts of ftecommendations Involving appointed by the President.
Policy Changes for BIR Action "The Board of Judges shall have the following functions:

152 U.P. Gazetta Voluma IX, Numbar 6

"8. To choose the editor of the Philippine Collegian in the Finally, Sec. 8 of the same Article stipulates that "The Board of
memer prescribed in these rules; Judges shall serve for a term of one year." The term of the Chair·
"b. To decide all protests relating to the selection of the editor man, however, is coextensive with his/her term as Dean of the
of the Philippine Collegian subject to the powers of the President as Institute of Mass Communication.
specified in pertinent provisions of the Code of the University. 22 November 1978
"c. To recommend to the President of the University the ap- (Sgd.1 ONOFRE D. CORPUZ
pointment of an interim editor as defined in these rules, should the President
need arise.
"d. To conduct preliminary and formal investigation of cases Mlmorendum No. 50: Wmr Shortage
involving the editor as respondent arising from his/her actions or
There has been observed a noticeable improvement in the water
acts of omission as Editor/Publisher, and cases involving the staff supply in some areas in the campus as the Metropolitan and Water
members of the Philippine Collegian arising from their actions or Sewerage System gradually increases the presssure of water piped
acts of omission, and to recommend appropriate disciplinary action. into the campus. Per the MWSS, the supply of water for the campus
"e. To formulate such guidelines and additional rules as are
should soon be normalized. Still, MWSS has to control the supply
necessary to implement these rules, subjec:: to approval by the Presi-
and in preparation for the summer months; otherwise, the situation
dent. All such implementing guidelines and rules so promulgated by
may be worse then.
the President shall form part of these rules."
In the meantime, the University continues with its water distri-
sec. 7 of the same Article, which concerns student members, bution to the different areas through the fire truck and water tanker
provides: of the Security Division. If the water supply does not reach certain
"The student members of the Board shall be chosen by the areas at the time specified in the schedule listed in Memorandum
President from nominees submitted by the Dean of Student Affairs. No. 44 of this Office, dated 13 November 1978, this is due to the
"The Dean of Student Affairs shall submit not more than five breakdown of either or both of the vehicles. The immediate repair
,. 15) nominees to the President. The five nominees shall be selected of the trucks is being attended to. The University is also exploring
~~m a list submitted by the University Student Council, proVided, the possibility of hiring private water tankers to help deliver water
Wat the Council shall not nominate any of its memben or officers; to campus residents.
and from the nominees of Deans of degree-granting colleges and The new water pipes being installed in the campus by the Philip-
institutes in Metropolitan Manila. The Dean of Student Affairs' pine Infrastructure, Inc. (PIO, are now 90% completed; however,
nominees shall each have had at least one year residence in the they will still have to be jointly tested by the manufacturer, con-
University, be a regular student carrying the regular load in a degree tractor, MWSS, and the U.P. and disinfected before they can replace
program, and shall not have been found SPJilty in any student disci- the present system.
plinary action for which the penalty is one-week suspension or In the meantime, all residents are urged to continue exercising
graver. prudence in the use of water.
"A student member of the Board while serving in that capacity 19 De1:ombor 1978
shall maintain the qualifications required for appointment in order (Sgd.1 EMANUEL V. SORIANO
to continue serving in office." Executive Vice-President

907th Meeting, 26 October 1978 Humanities, effective 9 November 1978 until the return of Deanna
Recto, but not later than 21 March 1979.
Asian Institute of Tourism
APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN Jovita V. Castro, transfer from the College of Arts and Sciences
SALARY, etc. with promotion in rank and salary from Assistant Professor IV to
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint- Associate Professor II of European Languages, effective 17 June
ments, etc.: 1978.
AgriCUlture, College of Busine.. Administration, College of
Emerald B, Anderson. appointment as Visiting Lecturer in Agri- Mervyn G. Encanto, promotion in rank and salary from Senior
cultural Education, without compensation, effective 3 November Lecturer to Professorial Lecturer in Business Law, effective 1 June
1978 until 31 March 1979. 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Gil G. Divinagracia, additional assignment as SEARCA Associate
Professor of Plant Pathology, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Economics, School of
1979. Rosa Linda P. Tidalgo, increase in salary from Associate Profes-
Emil Q. Javier, renewal of additional assignment as Dioscoro L. sor III to IV of Economics, effective 1 December 1978; additional
Uman Associate Professor of Plant Breeding, effective 1 July 1978 assignment as Isabalo de los Reyes Associate Professor of Labor
until 30 June 1981. Economics, effective 1 February 1977. (This supersedes her ap-
Adolfo C. Neeesito, additional assignment as Julio and Fioren- pointment as PCED Associate Professor of Economics with the same
tino Ledesma Associate Professor of Agronomy, effective 1 Jutv effectivity. )
1978 until 30 June 1979.
Education, College of .
Josefina E. Angeles, renewal of additional assignment WIth
Arts and Sciences, College of (Diliman) promotion in rank and salary from Senior Lecturer to Professorial
Hilario S. Francia. Jr., appointment as Professorial Lecturer in
U.P. Gazette
October-December 1978
Lecturer in Science Teaching, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May Social Work and Community Development, Institute of
1979. Flora C. Lansang, promotion in rank and salary from Associate
Celeste O. Botor, promotion in rank and salary from Associate Professor IV to Professor I of Social Work, effective 1 September
Professor V to Professor II of Educational Foundations, effective 1 1978.
September 1978.
Josefina R. Cortes, promotion in rank and salary from Associate Statistical Center
Professor V to Professor II of Educational Administration, effective Pawel J. Szablowski, appointment as Associate Professor, effec-
1 September 1978. tive 5 October 1978 until 30 September 1979.
Luz S. de la Cruz, increase in salary from Professor I to II of
Social Studies, effective 1 September 1978.
Ma. Alodia C. Fontanilla, promotion in rank and salary from
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
Assistant Professor III to Associate Professor I of Health Education,
effective 1 september 1978.
Rainerio S. Abad as Assistant Professor I of Obstetrics and
Rosario e. Maminta, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
Gynecology (part-time), College of Medicine, and Attending Obste-
ciate Professor IV to Professor I of Language Teaching, effective 1
trician-Gynecologist (part-time), Philippine General Hospital, effec-
September 1978.
tive 1 January 1978.
Evelina A. Mejillano, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
Marianne F. Agbayani as Instructor IV in Family Life and Child
ciate Professor III to Professor I of Health Education, effective 1
Development, College of Home Economics, effective 1 October
September 1978.
Aurora A. Minoza, increase in salary from Professor VII to VIII
Manuel G. lim as Assistant Professor I of Otorhinolaryngology
of Educational Foundations, effective 1 September 1978.
(part-time I, College of Medicine, and Attending Otorhino-
Josefina L1. Pabellon, renewal of additional assignment with
laryngologist (part-time). Philippine General Hospital, effective 1
promotion in rank and salary from Senior Lecturer to Professorial
Lecturer in Science Teaching, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May September 1978. •
Valerio S. Nofuente as Instructor IV in Filipino, College of A
Josefina S. Patron, appointment as Professorial Lecturer in and Sciences (Dillman), effective 1 April 1978. y
Professional Education, effective 13 June until 24 October 1978.
Lily Rosqueta-Rosales, increase in salary from Professor I to 11 SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS AND GIFTS
of Counselor Education, effective 1 September 1978. The Board accepted a donation of scientific equipment from the
Natividad A. Santos, promotion in rank and salary from Asso- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, to the Department
ciate Professor 1V to Professor I of Reading, effective 1 September of Zoology, College of Arts and Sciences (Dillman). The equipment
1978. amount to more than P250,000.00.
Julieta M. Savellano, increase in salary from Professor II to III of •••
Science Teaching, effective 1 October 1978. The Board accepted a grant in the amount of P179,G50.DO from
Nenita U. Socrates, promotion in rank and salary from Associate the Bread for the World Foundation for the rehabilitation of the
Professor III to Professor I of Educational Foundations, effective 1 Institute of Social Work and Community Development Annex and
September 1978. purchase of equipment.
Forestry, College of
David M. Kummer, appointment as Visiting Instructor, without COLLECTION OF FEES
compensation, effective 1 November 1978 until 31 October 1979. The Board authorized the Director of the Philippine General
Law, College of Hospital to (a) charge laboratory determinations; and (b) increase
Ruben F. Ba18l1e, renewal of additional assignment as Jose B.L. the charges in the urinary steroids determinations of the Steroids t
Reyes Associate Professor of Civil Law, effective 1 November 1978 Laboratory, as follows: .
until 31 Oetoberl979. a. laboratory Semi-Privatel Private/Su ite I
Jose C. Campos, Jr., reappointment as Ernesto Y, Sibal Profes- Determinations OPO Pay
sorial Lecturer in Corporation Law, effective 2 November 1978 ANA P85.00 PI 00.00
until 31 March 1979, Triglycerides 50.00 60.00
Phospho!ipids 85.00 100.00
Medicine, College of Cholesterol 20.00 25.00
Marita T. Reyes, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
Professor III to Associate Professor I of Biochemistry, effective 1 b. Proposed
January 1978. Present semi-Privatel Private
Manuel T. Rivera, increase in salary from Professor I to II of Rates OPD Pay Suite
Orthopedics (part-time), effective 16 September 1978. Urinary 17 OH
r-tBlecia A. Velmonte, supplementary appointment as Assistant Cortecosteroids P35.00 P75.00 P90.00
Professor II of Medicine (part-time), effective 1 October 1978, Urinary 17
Ketogenics 35.00 75.00 90.00
Philippine General Hospital
Urinary 17
Manuel T. Rivera, increase in salary as Attending Orthopedic
Surgeon (part-time), effective 16 September 1978.
Steroids 50.00 85.00 95.00
Malecia A. Velmonte, supplementary appointment as Attending
Physician (part-time), effective 1 October 1978,
Income generated from the above charges shall accrue to a trust
Science Education Center liability account against which shall be charged expenses for the
Carolina V. Perez. promotion in rank and salary from Science purchase of necessary supplies and equipment for the hospital labor-
Education Specialist II to III, effective 1 August 1978. atories.

154 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6


ESTABLISHMENT OF THE U.P. CONTINUING EDUCA- the ectivities of both lnstltutas shall be pursued through program
TIONCENTER areas, in place of the departments and/or divi,ions which are hereby
The Board approved the establishment of the U.P. Continuing abolishad; and provided. further. that the Chancallor of the U.P. at
Education Center. The rationale provides coordination of the Los BaRos is authorized to effect such changes and improvements I"
various programs of colleges and units not only to minimize un- the internal organization and administration of said institutes,
necessary duplication and COS1J, but more so to enhance their effec- including such personnel reclassification or reassignments as may be
tiveness and responsiveness both as individual offerings and 85 a necessary.
concerted University effon. The Center likewise provides leadership Section 4. The Agrarian Reform Institute end the Agricultural
and support In the development and conduct of continuing educa- Credit and Cooperatives Instituta shall each be headed by 8 Director
tion activities. who shall be directly responsible to the Dean of the College; pro·
Operating expenses in the amount of P25,OOO.OO shall be con- vided, that any incumbent director of either institute shall be made
sidersd In the CV 1979 budget of the Univarsity. to serve the balance of his current term under the reorganized sat-
up. Qualified academic staff of the two institutes may be appointed
RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE concurrently as faculty members of the College. All other academic
non-tEaching and administrative personnel of the two institutes shall
The Board approved the Rules and Re~latlons governing the continue with their present appointments and/or designations unless
Philippine Collegi... to supersede all existing rules and regulations. subsequently covered by the personnel reclassification or reassign-
ment referred to in Section 3.
section 5. To anain more effectively the purpose of this reorgan-
AUTHORITY FOR THE PRESIDENT TO RECTIFY ization, the Chancellor of the U.P. at Los Banos may promulgate
EXPIRATION DATE OF THE APPOINTMENT OF such rules or orders as may be necessary for the mergIng or pooling
DEANS AND DIRECTORS of resources, facilities and offices as well as for the streamlining of
The Board authorized the President to rectify the expiretion organizational and coordinative relationships within and/or among
dBte of the appointment of some deans and directors in implementa- the College and the two institutes.

* 'on of the policy adopted to synchronize the terms of office of

ens and directors las provided for in Article 79a of the University
Codel, such that all appointments shall axpire on 30 April, subject
to the following guIdelines:
a. The term of office of a dean shall be five years plus such
number of months and days as is necessary to fix the expiration
The Board approved the implementation of the teacher's leave
privilege for the faculty of the U.P. College Clark Air Base, provided
thersol at 30 Aprii.
b. The term of office of a director of a non..cfegree..granting unit for in the Revised Code of the Univenity, subject to the following
shall be three years plus such number of months and days as is conditions:
necessary to fix the expiration thereof at 30 April; and a. The full-time and the part-time (in the sense of half-time)
c. In no case shall the term of a dean of a degreeilranting unit or members of the faculty principally based in the U.P. College Clark
the director of a non-degree-granting unit be less than five years or Air Base (j.e., as distinguished from full-time and part-time faculty
three years, respectively. teaching in that college but principally based in or belonging to
other colleges or unitsl who are not covered by cumulative leiNe
privilege as defined in Article 230 of The Revised Code of the
ORDER OF IMPLEMENTATION FOR THE COLLEGE University shall be granted teacher's leava with pay, which shall
OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT consist of vacation and sick leaves, neithar of which shall be cumula-
The Board approved the following Order of Implementation as a tive; provided, that they shall be enjoyed in the academic year in
•. means to carry Out its decision establishing the College of Develop- which they are earned, except as provided for in d below in the case
[ ment Economics and Managemant at its 905th Meeting, 31 August of vacation leave.
_ b. Teacher's vacation leave shall conlitt of thirty (30) calendar
section 1. The InstItute of Agricultural Development and days, in addition to the usual Christmas vacation, for each academic
Administration is hereby reorganized and renamed as the College of year of service, which shall be reckoned, for purposes of these rules
pevelopment Economics and Management, hereinafter referred to as except as specified otherwise In h below, as covering the period
the College, to provide a broader economics and management base beginning the first day of classes In First Term until the last day for
for the integration of perspectives and contributions of agriculture, submission of gradas in the Third Term. Such vacation leave may be
forestry, agrarian reform, credit and cooperatives, as well as the taken only during the Fourth Term, which is hereby designated as
natural and social sciences and the arts, to the process of social the reSJ.llar vacation period for the faculty of the U.P. College Clark
change and national development. Air Base; provided, that the President may, in his discretion, on
Section 2. The Collega, to be headed by a Dean, shall have four recommendation of the Dean of the U.P. College Clark Air Base,
departments, namely: la) Agrarian and Cooperatives Studies; (b) grant to memben of the faculty It.e., those covered by teacher's
Agricultural Economics; (c) Economics; and (d) Management; pro- leave as defined in these rules) whose services are not required dur-
vided, that the Incumbent dean and department chairmen of the ing any regular vacation period vacation leave In excess of thirty
Institute of Agriculturel Development and Administration shall be (30) calendar days during said vacation period; provlded, further,
that the President shall determine the start of the regular vacation
made to serve out the balance of their respective terms under the
period in each academic year.
reorganized set-up. c. Teacher's vacation leave credits earned by those with less than
Section 3. The Agrarian Reform Instituta and the Agricultural
one (1) academIc year of service as of the end of the academic yeer
Credit and Cooperatives Institutes are retained as institutes, under
as reckoned in b above shall be computed on the ratio of one (11
the administrative supervision and coordination of the College, to day leave credit for every nine (9) calendar days of actual service
serve as major program centers for research and extension with rendered; provided, that any leave without pay other than sick or
partlculer focus on the national program thrusts of agrarian reform, matemity leave shall not be considered actual service rendered for
rural credit, and cooperatlv81l deVelopment; provldld, however, that
U.P. Gazatte
October·December 1978
purposes of computation of teacher's vacation leave credits earned; immediate family; provided, that the term "member of Immedi8'te
provided, further, that teacher's sick leave credits esmed by those family" as used herein shall be undentood as defined in the Civil
with less than one (11 academic year of service as of the end of the Servico Aul..; provided, further, thot on applleotJon for 'ick laOllo
academic year also as reckoned in b above shall be computed on the for more than two (2) working days shall be supported by a medieat
ratio of one (1) day leave credit for every eighteen (18) calendar certificate.
days of actual service rendered, inclusive of le8\l'es of absence with- Note: Rulo XVI, Section 16, paragraph (b) of tha Civil Sorvlce
out pay; provided, finally, that no vacation/sick leave credits shall Rules defines "immediate family" as follows:
accrue, or be earned, for service during the Fourth Term. "The term 'immediate family' includes ·any relative liVing under
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of b above, the Dean of the the same roof and dependent upon tha employee for support."
U.P. College Clark Air Base may assign such members of the faculty k. It is proposed that the foregoing rules take effect starting the
as he may consider necessary to teach during the Fourth Term; current First Term (19781 in the U.P. College Clark Air Base, to the
provided, that such faculty members so assigned and who actually effect that the first day of classes in said Term shell be considered as
teach throughout the Fourth Term shall be entitled, if granted vaca- the starting date for creditable service rendered for purposes of
tion leave, to sixty (60) calendar days of vacation leave during the teacher's leave'privileges in that College.
succeeding Fourth Term, subject to the provisions of c above;
provided, further, that no faculty member covered by teacher's
leave shall be required to render service for more than three con-
secutive Fourth Terms.
The Board approved the standardizatIon of out-of-statlon allow-
e. In the event of failure to render service during a particular ances for UPLB personnel such that faculty. academic non-teaching.
Fourth Term as required in d above, without valid reasons, the and administrative personnel who are assigned to work In stations
faculty member involved shall not be entitled to his regular salary away from Los Banos, for periods exceeding thirty days, be given
corresponding to that Fourth Term. allowance in accordance with the following schedule:
f. Teacher's sick leave shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) Place of Assignment Out.of-Station Allowance
days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, for each aca-
demic year of service, which privilege may be enjoyed any time of
Chartered Citi.. P300.00 por month iJ...
Municipalities 250.00 per month •
the year in case of illness; provided, that the full fifteen (15) days In cases where personnel assigned outside the UPLB are provided
shall be given, regardless Qf the number of days of actual service vehicles or motorcydes, the aforementioned allowances shall be
rendered during the academic year if the illness extends for such reduced by P50.00 per month, regardless of place of assignment.
period as require the enjoyment of fifteen (151 days sick teeve,
These allowances shall be given in lieu of per diems and daily
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; provided, further, that
allowance, prescribed undor COA Ganaral Circular No. 127, doted
in case of sickness for more than fifteen (15) days lt.e., excluding
27 Novomber 1973.
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidaysl dUring any term other than the
Fourth Term additional (t.e., beyond the aforementioned fifteen
days) sick leave with pay not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days TYPES OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE
may be granted in lieu of the thirty (301 calendar days vacation SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTER AND HONORARIA
leave during the regular vacation period; provided, finally, that any FOR COMMISSIONED WRITERS
unused balance of the thirty (30) days vacation leave credits shall be The Board approved the types of official publications of tha
enjoyed during the regular vacation period, subject to the provisions Science Education Center, together with the guidelines, and a polley
of d and c above. regarding commissioned writers, as follows:
g. In case of illness during the regular vacation period of a facul- a. Official Publications of the Science EducBtfon Center

ty member actually enjoying vacation leave, such illness shall be All publications of the center falling under any of the following
classified as sick leave only to the extent that his unused teacher's types or categories shall be considered official publications of the
sick leave credits, if any, will allow, and shall be chargeable to said Science Education Center:
unused teacher's sick leave credits. but in no case exceeding fifteen 1. Textbooks and teacher's guides/manuals for elementary .+;"
(15) days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; provided, school, high school, and teacher education;
that the vacation leave initially granted him shall be adjusted accord- 2. Resource materials for teachers;
ingty to the effect that he shall enjoy Just the same the full vacation 3. Enrichment/remedial materials for students;
leave due him. but in no case beyond the day immediately preceding 4. Monographs; and
the first day of classes in the First Term. 5. Textbooks for science teachers (undergraduate/graduate
h. In cese of illness during the regular vacation period of a f8CUI~ education) .
tv member assigned to render servlce during said regular vacation, he b. Criteria end other Guidelines for the Determination of Official
shall be granted sick leave with pay chargeable to his unused teach~ Publication. of the Science Education Center
er's sick leave credits, if any, and unused teacher's vacation leave Publications of the Science Education Center falling under any
credits; provided, that the vacation leave credits shall be applied in a of the foregoing categories shall be certified to as official publica-
manner inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; provided, tions thereof by the President upon recommendation of the Direc-
further, that only the remaining balance, if any, of his teacher's tor of the Center, sublect to the following conditions:
vacation leave credits shall be carried over to the succeeding aca- 1. The publications have been prepared by, or under direction
demic year which shalt be reckoned, for purposes of the precedIng of, the ScIence Education Center staff on official time, with the use
clause, from the Firrt Term throuftl the Fourth Term. of the Center's funds, services, facilities, and other resources.
i. Absence due to illness for more than two (2) working deys at a 2. All royalties shall accrue to the Center, not to individuel staff
time shall not be approved as sick leave unless a medical certificate members thereof.
is submitted. or unless the physical appearance of the tecuttv mem- 3. The publications shall not be copyrighted by individuals but
bar concerned clearly shows that he has been sick or seriously india- shall be covered by Presidential Decree No. 49.
posed. c. Payment of Honoraria to Commieioned Write,.
J. A faculty member shall likewise be entitled to sick leave as Commissioned writers who are not re(pJlar staff mambers of the
provided for in these rules by reason of illness of a member of his Science Education Center r:rlBy be paid such honoraria as the Direc-

156 U.P. Gazeno Volumo IX, Number 6

tor may deem appropriate, subject to approval by the President; The Board approved the amendment to Article VII (Payments)
provided, that UniverSity personnel principally assigned to principal of the agreement between the UNESCO and the University on the
units other than the Center who are involved in the publications Teacher Training Project at the Academy for Teacher Educators in
work thereof on a project, or off-and-on, basis shall not be con- Kabul, Afghanistan (approved by tha Board at its 906th Maetin9, 31
sidered regular staff members of the Center. AU9ust 19781.
Justification - The proposed action is needed to confirm the
official character of the publications of the Center and to establish 908th Meeting,7 December 1978
appropriate criteria and guidelines therefor, which action has been
merely implied or assumed since the Center's establishment by the APPOINTMENTS, REAPPOINTMENTS, RENEWALS OF
Board at its 728th meeting on November 20, 1964. APPOINTMENT, PROMOTIONS, INCREASES IN
SALARY, etc.
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint-
The Board confinned the graduation of students who had com- ments, etc.:
pleted the requirements for their respective degrees in the V.P. Col-
lege Cebu and the U.P. College Oar\: Air B.... Agricultural Engineerin9 and Technology, Institute of
Emmo P. Lozada, renewal of additional assignment as PCRDF
• ••
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, effective 1 August
The Board approved the institution of the following programs:
197B until 31 Julv 1979.
B.S. in Business Management program - U.P. College Tacloban;
B.S.B.A. (HonorsIlM.B.A. program - Graduate School, Collage of
Agriculture, College of
Business Administration; Master of Fine Arts - College of Fine
Rhodelia L. Gabriel, additional assignment as Professorial Lec-
Arts; Master of Science in Nutrition and Doctor of Philosophy in
turer in Agricultural Education, effective 3 November 1978 until 31
Nutrition - College of Home Economics; M.S. (Hospital Pharmacy)
March 1979.
program - College of Pharmacy; Doctor of Public Health program-
Patricia A. St~. TomllS, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
...l..~nstitute of Public Health; Master of Arts (Philippine Regional Development Communication, effective 1 November 1978 until 31
.tudiesl program - regional units; and Ph.D. in History program-
March 1979.
Division of Social Sciences, Graduats School. ObduliB F. Sison, reappointment as U.P. Professor of Agri-
The Board, likewise, approved the abolition of the Master of cultural Education, effective 1 July 1978 until 30 June 1979.
Science in Food and Nutrition program in the College of Home
The Board authorized the President of the University to enter
Arts and Sciences, College of [Dllirnan]
Aurea R. Aparato, additional asssignment as Abreu-Morelcs
Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 December 1978 until 30 Novem-
into an Investment Management Contract with the U.P. Foundation, bar 1979.
Inc. "Nenita R. casimiro, temporary transfer to part-time status as
• •• Associate Professor IV of Chemistry, effective 1 November 1978.
The Board authorized UPLB to subscribe to a minimum of 30% Roger R. Posadas, reappointment as Associate Professor II of
of computer time with the Agricultural Resources Center (ARC), a Physics, effective 2 October 1978 until the return of Segundo Roxas
computer center at Los BaPios which operates an IBM 370, model from special detail, but not later than 31 May 1979.
136, at a cost of about P366,467.00 for the vaar 1978 cmv. (Charge- Caridad N. Singson, increase in salary from Associate Professor I
able to the UPLB's current operating bUdget or the assessments from to II, effective 1 March until 31 August 1978; automatic pre-retire-
various research projects which were pooled into a trust fund.) ment increase in salary from Associate Professor II to IV, effective 1
In succeeding years, UPLB is further authorized to pay its obliga- Saptambar 197B.
tions to the ARC using the same sources of funds mentioned above.
) • •• Arts and Sciences, College of (UPLB)
• • The Board authorized the Philippine Executive Academy to con- Nona L. Calo, reappointment as Associate Professor III of
duct a seminar on Financial Management in Public Enterprises for Chemistry, effective 2 November until 31 December 1978.
three weeks, from 20 November to 9 December 1978, at the AIT
House in DiUman, and to charge a participant's fee of P3,5OO.OO. Business Administration, College of
The Board approved the payment from University funds of the
Fabian A. Tiongson, reappointment to additional assignment as
Castle and Cooke Professor of Agribusiness Administration, effec-
tive 1 September 1978.
amount of P16.971.40 advanced by the Basllan Land Grant for
expenses incurred for nine (9) deceased workers and their depend- Clark Air Base, U,P. College
ents in the land mine explosion of 17 September 1977. The Univer- Romeo C. Tomecruz, Increase In salary as Associate Professor of
sity will therefore reimburse the amount of P1,885.71 only for each Bus1ness AdministratIon, effective 1 September 1978.

of the deceased workers and their dependents.
Davao, U.P. Extension Division
Manuel T. ~rpus, promotion in rank and ~Iary .from Sen~or
The Board confirmed Its referendum, dated 16 October 1978, on
Lecturer to Professorial Lecturer in Public Administration, effective
temporary relief for female graduate residents at Narra Residence
1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Hall who have been ordered by the Office of the President to trans-
fer to Yakal Extension between 20 to 25 October this year; such o.velopmant Economicsand Management, College of ..
relief shall allow these residents to pay Yaksl Extension the same Narciso R. Oeomampo, additional assignment as PCRDF (Philip-
fees which they have been paying at Narra, provided that this special pine Coconut Research and Development Foundation) Associat~
consideration shall hold only for the second semester of AY Professor in Agricultural Economics, effective 1 August 1978 until
1978-1979, and that this shall not affect the duly·approved fees for
31 Julv 1979.
the other residents at Yakal.
U.P. Gazette
October-December 1978
Economics, School of Fanacier, founding dean of the U.P. College Iloilo. To be known as
J0s6 Encarnacion, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective 1 Tomas S. Fonacier Scholarship, it shall be awarded to a junior
January 1979 until 30 April 1984. student in the social sciences in U.P. College Iloilo, effective
Eugenio A. Ocampo, Jr., appointment as Professorial Lecturer in academic year 1979. The U.P. CollelJ';! Iloilo rules on private scholar-
Economics, effective 15 August 1978 until 31 May 1979. ships shall apply.
Home Economics, College of The Board approved the increase in monthly living allowance of
Aurora G. Corpuz. renewal of appointment as Dean, effective 7 U.P.-Govemment Scholan from P250.00 to P350.00, effective
December 1978 until 30 April 1984. second semester, 1978-1979.
The increase in living allowance will mean restricting the number
Law, College of of scholars for any given year to 175; the group most affected
Alfredo F. Tadiar. addlticnal assignment as Judge Guillermo B. would be the freshmen since the number of slots available to new
Guevara Professor of Penal Science and Criminology. effective 1 incoming students would be reduced to about 40 per year. But since
August 1978 until 31 July 1979. there ware only 176 scholars lastsemester, the reduction will not be
critical; most needy students now apply for grants-in-aid because the
Medicine, College of academic requirements are easier to meet.
ROSalio R. Garcia, change from salaried to non-salaried status as To enable the U.P.-Government Scholarship fund, which has an
Associate Professor (part-time), effective 17 October 1978. annual allocation of P1 M through A.A. 5549, to absorb the pro-
posed increase, the tuition fees of U.P.-Government scholars shall be
National Teacher Training Center for the Health Professions charged to the University, as is being done with the Grants-in-Aid,
Angeles Tan Alora, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant and not anymore against the Scholarship Fund heretofore. The
Professor 111 (part-time) to Associate Professor I (part-time) of amount involved is about P87,OOO.OO.
Medical Education, effective 1 November 1978.
Natural Science Research Center The Board authorized the College of Veterinary Medicine t f
Germelino F. Abito, additional assignment as Director, effective
increase the schedule of fees charged for services rendered by the
1 December 1978 until30 April 1982.
Veterinary Hospital. Its income reverts to the University.
Philippine General Hospital
Rogelio R. Garcia, appointment as Attending Obstetrician- TRANSFER OF SITE FOR THE U.P. IN THE VISAYAS
Gynecologist (part-time), effective 17 October 1978. The Board approved the transfer of the site for the U.P. in the
Matikle C. Poblete, automatic pre-retirement increase in salary Visayas from the municipalities of Tigbauan and Guimbal, Iloilo, to
from Associate Professor II to I V of Nursing, effective 1 October the municipality of Miag-ac, Iloilo.
1978. The principal reason for the transfer of site is that Miag-oo en-
tails fewer relocation and other social problems than Tigbauan-
Statistical Center Guimbal. Subsequent surveys showed that a very significant major-
Cristina Parel, renewal of appointment as Dean, effective 1 ity of the people in the TIgbauan-Guimbal area likely to be dis-
January 1979 until 30 April 1984. located or otherwise affected are not supportive of the idea of
locating the University in that area. On the other hand, most of the
University Health Service people in Miag-aostrongly eercome the location of the University in
Feliciano M. Pedlan, one-step merit increase in salary as Physi- that munlcloalltv.
cian with rank from Associate Professor V to VI, effective 1 March The IBP assemblymen from Region VI strongly support Miag-ao
until 31 August 1978; two-step automatic pre-retirement increase in as the University site.
salary as Physician with rank from Associate Professor VI to VIII, In this connection, the Board also authorized the President:
effective 1 September 1978.


prepertv, under such terms and conditions the President may
appropriate and most beneficial to the University. for the site of
(a) To negotiate and enter into contracts for the purchase of rea~

the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, in the municipality

The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
of Miag-ao, province of Iloilo.
Bemardino M. Agustin as Assistant Professor I of Medicine lb) To retain the services of legal counsel in Iloilo for the above-
(part-time), College of Medicine, and Attending Physician (part- stated purpose, under such terms and conditions and such rate of
time), Philippine General Hospital, effective 1 October 1978. compensation as the President may deem appropriate.
Ma. Fe A. Domingo as Assistant Professor II of Psychology, (c) To accept and disburse such sums of money as may be made
College of Arts and Sciences (Diliman), effective 1 March 1978. available by the EDPITAF for the purchase of real estate for the
(This supersedes her permanent appointment as Assistant Professor I U.P. in the vtsevas. The contracts and disbursements made pur-
approved by the Board, 898m meeting, 23 February 1978l. suant to this authority shall be subject to the reporting require-
Denis B. Perez as Instructor V, Undergraduate Studies Division. mentS laid down by a resolution of the Board of Regents (802nd
U.P. College Cebu, effective 1 November 1978. meeting, 19 November 1970).
Xenia Tigleo·Tigno as Assistant Professor I of Physiology, Col-
lege of Medicine. effective 1 November 1978.
SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, GIFTS, AND GRANTS The Board approved the transfer of the administration of
The Board aecepted a donation from Mrs. Rosario Juarez Quezon Land Grant from U.P. in Diliman to U.P. in Los BaRos. The
GU8l1zon in the amount of P10,OOO.OO (P6,OOO.OO of which has UPLB is best able within the U.P. System to look after forest
already been paid) for a scholarship in honor of Regent Tomas S. management, ecology, etc. The transfer shall be made under terms

158 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

to be proposed later to the Board, and shall be effective upon ap. may be made responsible for all textbooks written by the different
proval thereof. curriculum development centers, The President also noted that the
Textbook Development Program could be a continuing program,
rather than a project; thus, a Textbook Development Center could
conduct seminars on textbook development in addition to curri-
culum development.
The Board eatablished the U.P. Creative Writing Center to stlmu-
late writers from all parts of the Philippines to contribute to nation-
al cultural development and assert the leadership of the University The Board approved the amendment to the Investment Manage-
in the field of creative writing. ment Contract betvveen the University and the U.P. Foundation,
The Center shall have. three principal objectives, to wit: (1) the Inc., approved by the Board (907th meeting, 26 October 1978), by
conduct of courses and workshops on creative writing for students deletion of the following stipulation under Section 2.02 (Specific
and other invited participants and auditors; (21 the institution of Powers of the Investment Managed:
literary scholarship as a necessary part of the writing discipline and "m] To delegate any or all of the POlIWrs herein granted or ccn-
critical assessment of results; and (3) the orientation of writing to its ferred in favor of third persons, natural or juridical, whom the ln-
audience, which is much neglected. vestment Manager may appoint and/or designate for the purpose."
The Center, to be headed by a Director drawn from within the
ranks, shall have a regular staff of at least three (3) members who,
The Board authorized expenses incurred during luncheon/dinner
drawn from the imaginative writing faculty, shall represent drama,
meetings of faculty committees in various colleges, subject to avail-
fiction, and poetry. ability of funds in the budgets of the units concerned. This in effect
The Center shall begin operations during the first semester,
repeals a previous resolution of the Board (757th meeting, 14 April
1979. Until an appropriate place for it is found within the Unlver- 1967).
sltv, it shall temporarily exist under the Office of the President. • ••
The Board approved the increase in allowance of members of the
.,ERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY Student Disciplinary Tribunal, Office of Student Affairs, effective 1
The Board authorized the President of the University to enter
September 1978.
The Board confirmed the Presidential authorization granted the
into agreement with the U.P. Foundation, tnc., with a view to
realizing the objectives of the Universltv in providing facilities Philippine General Hospital to classify income from X-ray examina-
end services supportive of its academic and research programs; tion and laboratory tests under trust liability account and utilize
provided, that the President of the University shall submit such such income for the purchase of supplies, materials, and X-ray and
agreements to the Board for its information and notation at the laboratory equipment and other instruments, for the improvement
meeting immediately following their execution. of facilities, and for other incidental expenses relative to services.

• ••
AMENDMENT TO THE RULE ON GUARANTORS The Board authorized the Philippine General Hospital to con-
RELATIVE TO THE STUDENT LOAN BOARD duct the Undergraduate Program IPracticum in Hospital Dietetics)
The Board amended the rule on guaraltors relative to the and the Dietetic Residency Program, and collect a fee of P40.00 and
Student Loan Board, to wit: P400.00 per student, respectively, the income thus generated to
a. The guarantor can be any U.P. faculty member or employee, accrue to a special account against which expenses (including meals,
or any of the official superiors in the agency where they are em- honoraria of lecturers and staff, supplies, materials, and equipment
ployed in the case of student borrowers who are practising protes- needed by the Department of Dietary Services) shall be charged.

i o n al s ; and
• ••
" b. A statement shall be secured, duty signed by the student bor- The Board approved the request of the UPlB Student Organi-
wer and attested to by the guarantor, authorizing deduction from zation to transfer to it the balance of the Women's Club fee,
the former's monthly salary of an amount so pro-rated that the full amounting to P7,839.72. One-hal f of this will augment funds of the
amount of the loan is paid for at the end of the semester. Textbook Exchange and Rental Center, and the other half, support
In this connection, the Board approved the request of U.P. ccr- development projects.
lege Iloilo concerning graduate students who are practising profes- Note: The UPLB ceased collecting the Women's Club fee since
sionals, mostof whom are employed in various government agen- the second semester, 1978-1979, pursuant to the Board's decision
cies. abolishing it (9ooth meeting, 28 September 1978).
• ••
OTHER MATTERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD The Board authorized the negotiated purchase of FABRI-TEK,
The Board confirmed the graduation of students who had com- Mod 40!Type/Model T604Q-64/256 in the University Computer
plated the requirements for their respective titles and degrees as of 1

May 1978 and end of the first semester, 1978-1979.
The Board noted the status report of the U.P. Investment Port-
folio for the thild quarter, 1978.
The Board authorized the President of the University to use
1978 savings from some approprtata source for some form of allow.
ance or incentive for all U.P. personnel.
The Board considered favorably the request of Dr. Consuelo S.
... Blanco, a former professor in Professional Education at the College
of Education and now President of the Mariano Marcos State
The Board confirmed the site for the Textbook Project buildings
University (who has been on leave of absence from the U.P.l. that
to be located in the area bounded by the Pag-asa Observatory and
her record reflect her resignation from the University, effective 21
Kamia Dormitory. The President observed that the building could be
renamed Textbook Development Center Building. Such a center December 1976, with regrets.

October-December 1978 U.P. Gazette
Note: Dr. B~anco had served as President of the Pamantasan "g until 30 November 1979.
Lungsod ng Maynile for five-and-a-half years before her appoint- Juan L. Bala, Jr., additional assignment esu.P. Alumni Engineers
ment as President of the Mariano Marcos State University. Assistant Professor of Hydraulics, effective 1 November 1978 until
31 October 1979.
The Board authorized the President to allow Philippine National
Bank to construct or expand its facilities on campus. Medicine, College of
lole F. Rabar, additional assignment as Nestle Assistant Profes-
sor of Infant Nutrition, effective 7 December 1978 until 6 Decem-
909th Meeting, 20 December 1978 ber 1979.

Music, College of
Ramon P. Santos, increase in salary from Associate Professor I to
IV of Composition, effective 1 December 1978.
SALARY, etc.
The Board approved the following appointments, reappoint-
Nursing, College of
ments, etc.:
Joseflna A. Jael-Santos, increase in salary from Associate Profee-
sor II to III of Nursing, effective 1 December 1978.
Agrarian Reform Institute
Lede L. Layo, promotion in rank and salary from Assistant
Jesus M. Montemayor, additional assignment as Director, effec-
Professor IV to Associate Professor I of Nursing, effective 1 Decem·
tive 1 January 1979 until 31 December 1981.
ber 1978.
Dolores Recio, increase in salary from Associate Professor III to
Agricultural Credit and Cooperatives Institute
IV of Nursing, effective 1 December 1978.
Rodolfo M. MBtienzo, additional assignment as Director, effec-
Phoebe O. Williams, increase in salary from Associate Professor ~
tive 1 January 1979 until 31 December 1981.
II to III of Nursing, effective 1 December 1978.
Agriculture, College of l
Ophthalmology, Institute of
lsao Kusakabe, appointment as Visiting Associate Professor,
Salvador R. Salceda, increase in salary from Associate Professor
without compensation, effective 1 December 1978 until 31 October
III to V of Ophthalmology, effective 1 December 1978.
Philippine General Hospital
Arts and Sciences, College of (Dillman!"
Josefina T. Fermin, increase in salary as Assistant Director for
Germelino F. Abita, increase in salary from Associate Professor
Administration (Aange 12l, effective 1 January until 31 December
II to IV of Physics, effective 1 December 1978.
Edgardo D. Gomez, promotion in rank and salary from Associate Antonio J. Gonzaga, increase in salary as Assistant Director for
Professor III to Professor I of Marine Biology, effective 1 December
Health Services (Aange 121, effective 1 January until 31 December

Asian Labor Education Center Press, U.P.

Manuel A. Dia, increase in salary from Associate Professor I to Luis D. Beltran, renewal of additional assignment as Acting
IV of Industrial Betatrons, effective 1 December 1978. Director, effective 1 Ju,¥ 1978 until the return of Pacifico N.
Aprieto from detail with EOPITAF, but not later than 30 April
Asian Institute of Tourism 1980. (This supersedes his appointment as Acting Director, effective
Jose P. Mananzan, increase in salary from Associate Professor IV 1 July 1978 until 30 April 1980. approved by the Board at its 904th t
to VI, effective 1 December 1978. Meeting. 27 July 1978.) ,

Business Administration, College of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation, Institute of

Emmanuel T. Velasco, promotion in rank and salary from Asso- Aparicio H. Mequi, increase in salary from Associate Professor I
ciate Professor IV to Professor I of Business Administration, effec-
to IV of Physical Education, effective 1 December 1978.
tive 1 December 1978.
General Administration
Comprehensive Community Health Program
Andres I. Fernandez. renewal of detail assignment with increase
Sergio S. Gasmen. increase in salary from Associate Professor I
in allowance as Chairman, Student Disciplinary Tribunal, Office of
to IVof Community Medicine, effective 1 December 1978.
Student Affairs, effective 23 November 1978 until 22 November
1979, subject to the following conditions: tel He shall revert to his
Economics, School of
permanent position as Assistant Professor IV, Asian Labor Educa-
Mahar K. Mangahas, promotion in rank and salary from Asso-
tion Center, upon termination of this appointment; and (b) He shall
ciate Professor IV to Professor I of Economics, effective 6 Decem-
maintain a teaching load of not more than six (6) units.
ber 1978: additional assignment lis San Miguel Corporation Profes-
Nora V. Cabreza, increase in salary as Supervising Fiscal Analyst
sor of Economics, effective 6 December 1973.
(Aange 11l, Administrative and Auxiliary Units Division, Office of
the Budget Director, effective 1 September 1978.
Education, College of
Leticia M. Asuzano, reappointment as Associate Professor II of
Education, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. TRANSFER TO PERMANENT STATUS
The Board approved the transfer of the following to permanent
Engineering, College of status:
Rosalinda R. Arenas, additional assignment as NWAC Assistant Ma. Concepcion P. Alfirer as Assistant Professor IV of Public.
Professor of Water Control Management, effective 1 December 1978 Administration, College of Public Administration. effective 1

160 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

... :.. .

Dr. Nestor N. Pilar was appointed dean of U.P. College

Manila, effective 28 September 1978 until 30 April 1984. Dr.
Pilar is among the first alumni of the College which was estab-
lished in 1951.

F.rn;~ A. C~yabY8b


TIl~;U.P:··~~alFrk~s them as they now enjoy'

cjiii~i' leisili:e~'iifter'~I~ii.g) and loyal service to the

.~;":<':~T·· ;.<;
~:.,.-:.:;;\t,;':;;·,:~· i~
{-".:" :0,-"
"c . t
.;" ~t


•.• professor Dominador I. Ilio of Engineering Sciences,
. ah(W"Professod1ora Lansang of Social Work and Com-
. muriiry-Development

.. ,
,.. . .

\ '" .
-.. ~ .·40/

On 11 October, the Education Development Center was

named Vidal A. Tan Hall in honour of the 8th President of the
University of the Philippines. During his administration, Dr. Tan
devoted his energies to the improvement of curricular programs.
The Vidal A. Tan Hall houses the Science Education Center and.
the Social Studies Center.
Chancellor Abelardo G. Samonte of the U.P. at
Los Banos succumbed to a heart attack at the age
of 50 on 25 December 1978.
. Aurelio Estanislao, baritone nonpareil, recipient
of numerous awards, professor of Voice, History,
and French, bade the world adieu after a lingering
ailment, at the young age of 52 years, on 14
November 1978.
At the necrological services sponsored by the
College of Music - the College he loved and served
so well-he was eulogized by his peers and friends,
admirers all who drew inspiration from his brilliant
career and the traditional values he uphel.d~s
career, said President Onofre D. Corpuz, s~ed
that he was a member of a "highly motivated
generation of Filipinos."
He reaped academic honours from the begin-
ning: he was sahrtatorian in elementary school,
valedictorian from Arellano High School in 1946,
A.B. (major in History), magna cum laude, from
U.P. in 1950, and a Master of Arts in Modern
History from the University of Paris in 1953.
In France, he also studied French and took a
course in Voice Culture at the Conservatoire
National de Musique de Paris, becoming the first
Filipino to win the Premier Prix de Chant in 1952.
While this added a bright new dimension fO' is
studies, it is to his credit that despite his sue in
the world of music, he never abandoned the isci-
pline of history for which he was originally spon-
sored for training by his Alma Mater.
In 1953, he went to the Internationale Sommer
Akademie (Mozarteum) in Salzberg. Austria, where
teachers and savants found in him a possible "bari-
tone Verdi" because of the range and timber of his
voice which "are so rare." In a letter to President
Vidal A. Tan asking for an extension of his study
1966. Ren was the King of Siam in the production of the leave, he wrote, "I believe that my Salzberg stay
broadway hit, "The Kingand I" will determine my place in the world of music."
The young baritone then won accolades for himself
and his country in various concerts in Salzberg,
llLlI Switzerland, and Paris.
Photos from the Family Album
He was a TOYM awardee in the field of music in
1959, the year this national award was established.
International recognition came through member-
ship in honour societies and performances abroad
where he was also recording artist for European
and American recording companies.
Our people looked to him as a national artist. He
enjoyed a special place in our country's cultural·
scene since he enriched it with song and dramatic
performances. But through it all, he faithfully
served his Alma Mater as professor of history and
voice culture.
Professor Esranislao has passed to his reward,
but his spirit shall live on to inspire us all.

~. A family portrait shoWi Vsmaela, mother, and

_liD, father, in the first row; second row shoWi Reli
with three sisters and brother-in-law, from right 10 left,
Maura, Adoracion, Candida, and husband Jose. Righthand
photo captures a candid moment with Reli.
Prime Minister and Mrs. Ferdinand E. Marcos were guests of
honor at the inauguration of the economics building complex on
30 October 1978. The Philippine Center for Economic Develop-
ment intends use by the University of the building complex and

Rikl T. Elpalla
. ,. ..
• ~ _< CDCDllClaIl'Y
The Asian Institute of Tourism held its house blessing on 17
November 1978 with Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos as speaker
and guest of honor. The AIT degree program is the first of its
kind in Southeast Asia.

-v •

Christmas festivities on campus began early December with

various units holding individual get-togethers. The climax was a
unique event on the afternoon of 19 December when U.P. per-
forming groups brought Christmas cheer to the Main Library,
Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Economics, and Quezon Hall.
These groups were the Ramayana, Teatrong Mulat, Filipiniana
Dance Troupe, U.P. Staff Chorale, and Saringhimig. Late after-
noon on the same day, a Christmas Concert at Abelardo Hall
featured the Philippine Youth Orchestra, the Madrigal Singers,
the U.P. Concert Chorus, and the Cherubim and Seraphim.

.lasko sa Nayon was the theme of this year's well-attended
parade when cultural roots Were reme~bered. Motorless
floats were the order oftheday when-oxen and horses paraded
the University quadrangle in a.fesrivefour-hour program.
PresLg!;11~QnC?~~;J~~-\!~.a12,~WJ.~IicJ#!Y.7Y~~~4~.windfail "
as the.: ye~ ,of. PClClr~0}"l.!1.~.te<i,f..a;lt~~'!!;:Y1,.$· ..e,te!}!-~~y .. Th..e
cashiers, of the. UniY~~!J'f;p.t?,:e?!r~~~f.~~~~~kl!;g},or;g h?t i.
hours tornake sllreey~yJi£,gy.r!J~d.a',~:-'pp};C:hrisv~as.. '. . "

President Onofre D. Corpuz and H.E. Ambassador Raphael
Leonard Touze, both Honorary Chairmen of the D.P. Philippine-
French Committee (UPPFC), launched the program' which shall
promote fruitful interaction between D.P. and relevant institu-
tions in France.

Erni~ It. Cayabyab

November 1978. standard operations of all food and beverage outlets and function
Erlinda G. CambayoDona as Dentist (with rank of Instructor VI, rooms in the AIT House.
University Health Service. effective 1 January 1979.
Zenaida D. Evangelista as Instructor II in Physical Education, OTHER MAnERS CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD
U.P. College Baguio, effective 1 December 1978.
The Board authoriZed the College of Home Economics to con-
Estelita S. Gonzales as Instructor I in Filipino, U.P. Integrated
duct short-term courses: Cooking for the Holidays and Food Pre-
School, effective 1 December 1978.
servation, which are both self-liquidating.
Enedina B. GUBvarra as Instructor I in Filipino, U.P. Integrated •••
School, effective 1 December 1978.
The Board approved the reconstitution of the membership of the
Gloria G. Madamba as Dentist (with rank of Instructor VI,
Board of Trustees of the Jorge B. Vargas Filipiniana Foundation,
University Health Service-, effective 1 January 1979.
Inc. Regent members of the Board are Ambrosio F. Tangco,
Amelia P. Mapa as Instructor I in Science, U.P. Integrated Abelardo G. Samonte, Orlando J. Sacav, and Ruben Santos
School, effective 1 December 1978.
Cuyugan. The President of the University is ex officio Chairman of
Bella L. au8aAo as Instructor III in Integrated Science, V.P. the Board and the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, ex officio
College Baguio, effective 1 December 1978.
Jhonita D. Rivero as Instructor I in English, U.P. Integrated
School, effective 1 December 1978.
The Board noted the following:
Niava L. Subong, as Instructor I in Mathematics, U.P. Integrated 1. Withdrawal of P1 million from the U.P. Investment Portfolio
School, effective 1 December 197B. for partial payment of the obligation of the University with the C.P.
Proserpina D. Tapates as Assistant Professor IV, College of Public Guinto Construction and Development Corporation, contractor for
Administration, effective 1 December 1978. the construction of the College of Business Administration;
2. Report on the Performance of the Experimental Democratiza-
tion Students (XDS) for the first semester 1978-1979;
.REATION OF THE POSITION OF RESTAURANT AND 3. Letter of the Officer-in-Charge, Quezon Land Grant, express-
,ANQUET MANAGER AT AIT ing the reactions and feelings of the management of the Grant re its
The Board approved the creation of the position of Restaurant transfer from the Office of the President to the Office of the
and Banquet Manager at the Asian Institute of Tourism. The occu- Chancellor, University of the Philippines at Los Banos; and
pant of the said position shall be responsible in assisting the Food 4. Progress Report on the acquisition of the site of the U.P. in
and Beverage Manager in ensuring most efficient service and up-to- the Visayas.

The PresIdent approved the following appointments, reappelnt- t-Arts and Sciences, College of (Dilimen) --------1
ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, Increases In salary, Maria Aurora M. AG0St8, appointment as Lecturer in Psyche-logy,
and other related matters: effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
J.mln AcuA.Glvlno, reappointment to additional assignment
as Professorial Lecturer in Psychology, effective 13 June until 31
-Allied Medical Professions, School o f - - - - - - - - - ; October 1978; reappointment to additional assignment as Profes-
Ruth O. Beft,.n, trander from fUll-time to part-time as Instruc- sorial Lecturer in Sociology, effective 9 November 1978 untll 31
tor II In Occupational Therapy, effective 1 November 1978 until 31 Merch 1979.
J.iley 1979. Josefina A. Agravante, renewal of additional assignment as see-e.
_ The following two Increases In salary from Instructor) to II were tarv, Division of Humanities, effective 13 December 1978 until 12
approved,effective 1 October 1978 until 31 Mey 1979: December 1979.
Rhodara C. Bernal, in Practical Arts; and Grace H. Agullint, appointment as Instructor I in Psychology,
Filnara F. Escobart., In Physical Therapy. effective 6 November 1978 untl131 May 1979.
Edna O. Angeles, reappointment as Instructor I In Geology,
The following reappolntmentJ were IpproVed, effective 9 effective 2 November 1978 until 31 March 1979.
November 1978 until 31 May 1979: Fe R. Arcinas, additional assignment 8S Training Coordinator for
Eugenio M. lnocentes, Jr., as Professorial Lecturer In Hand the SemlnerlWorkJhop on Social Science Research, effective 15
Surgery; August until 15 December 1978.
Bernardino Q. Millabad, to additional assignment as Senior ....Ull T. Arroyo, appointment as Lecturer In Psychology, effec-
Lecturer In TherapeutIcs; tive 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Jose Pujalte, as Professorial Lecturer In Traumatology; Jose Ma. F. Bartolome, reappointment as Instructor lin Psy.chol.
Clemente Sta. Ramlna, to supplementary appoIntment es effective 6 November 1978 until the return of Cecil .. G.
Professorial Lecturer In P.lasticSurgery; from le've of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Deogrnlls Tablan, to supplementary appointment as Profes- Pablo K. Botor, reappointment to additional a5Slgnmen~ as
sorial Lecturer In Neurology; and Officer-in-Charge, effective 30 October until the return of FrancISCO
Priscilla J. Tlblan, as Profenorlsl Lecturer In Thoracic cceet- Nemenzo, Jr. from special detail In Australia, but not later than 9
tlons, November 1978. .
Rachel R. BuensuC8lD, appointment as Instructor I to Mathe-
mattes, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.. ...
~Architecture, College of ------------1 Elizabeth B. Carreon, reappointment as Lecturer' to Flhptno,
Honrado R, Fernandez, transfer from part-time to full-time as
effecti",e 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Instructor III, effective 1 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
U.P. Gazette
October-December 1978
Aida V. Castillo, reappointment to supplementary appointment August 1978 until the return of Natalil M. Morales from leave of
as Lecturer in Botany, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
1979. Neon C. Rotell, additional assignment as Chairman, Department
Renato M. Daquiz, temporary transfer from full-time to part- of Zoology, effective 12 September 1918 until 30 April 1981.
time as Assistant Professor II of Psychology, effective 2 November Jesucita L.G. Sodurta, additional assignment as Training Coor-
1978. (Reversion to full-time status shall be effective 1 June 1979). dinator for the Refresher Course in Social Sciences for College
Faustino A. Daria, Jr., reappointment as Lecturer in Botany, Teachers, effective 15 August until 31 December 1978.
effetive 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. Adriano O. Solis, promotion in rank and salary from Lecturer to
Randolf S. David, reappointment to additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, effective 13 June 1918 until 31
Officer-in-Charge, Division of Social Sciences, effective 23 October Mav 1979.
1978 until the return of Ofelia R. Angangco from sick leave and Arturo M. $y, reappointment as Lecturer in Physics, effective 9
special detail in the U.::i.A., but not later than 30 December 1978. November 1918 until 31 March 1919.
Danilo C. de Guia, reappointment as Lecturer in Filipino, effec- Abraham B. Velasco, reappointment 85 Senior Lecturer in
tive 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. Psychology, effective 13 June 1918 until 31 March 1919.
Aerne B. Dimanlig, appointment as Instructor I in Mathematics, Samuel P. Vera Cruz, additional assignment as Assistant Pro-
effective 13 June untit 31 October 1978. gramme Coordinator, Extra-Mural Studies Programme, effective 3
Rita O. Estradl, reappointment to additional assignment as April until 31 December 1918.
Training Coordinator for Refresher Course in the Social Sciences for
secondary School Teachers, effective 15 August until 31 December -Asian Institute of Tourilm---------------j
1978. Melissa R. Ungson, appointment as Lecturer in Tourism, effec-
Angel P. Florentin, Jr., renewal of appointment with reversion to tive 13 June until 31 October 1978.
full-time substitute status as Instructor I in Chemistry, effective 1
November 1978 until the return of Virginia Monje from vacation f-Asian Labor Education C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - ; i I
leave, but not later than 31 May 1979. May L. Huntington, reappointment to additional assignment a
Marinette S. Forbes, appointment as Lecturer in Mathematics, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Relations, effective 13 June until 3
effective 13 June until the return of Vicky Saw from maternity October 1978.
leave, but not later than 31 October 1918. Rene E. Ofreneo, increase in salary as Training Specielist I, effec-
Rolando .G. Garcia, additional assignment as Assistant to the tive 1 October 1978.
Chairman, Department of Zoology, effective 2 October 1978 until
30 September 1979. f-Ba9uio, U.P. C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
Lucille C. Gregorio, reappointment to additional assignment as Hermogenes O. Abedania, additional assignment as Head, Disci-
Senior Lecturer in Botany, effective 9 November 1918 untll 31 pline of Biology, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
March 1979. effective 15 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Alice G. Guillermo, reappointment ali Senior Lecturer in Human- Anavie M. Bagamapad, additional assignment as Head, Disci-
ities, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. pline of History, Division of Social Sciences, effective 12 October
Elsa P. Jurado, reappointment to additional assignment as 1978 until 31 Mev 1979.
Project Coordinator, 1919 Second Summer Institute, effective 16 earmelit8 Bar.lona, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
August until 31 December 1918; renewal of additional assignment College Guidance Office, effective 1 September 1918 until the
as Secretary, Division of Social Sciences, effective 22 December return of Nelly Alabanza from special detail abroad, but not later
1978 until 30 November 1979. than 31 Mav 1979.
Eden L. Layda, reappointment as Lecturer in Bahasa Indonesial Arturo V. Beana, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Public
Malay, effective 9 November 1918 until 31 March 1919. Administration, effective 18 November 1978 until 31 May 1919.
Johnson C. lim, appointment as Instructor I in Physics, effective Avelino P. Bucaoto, additional assignment as Officer for Student 'j.
2 November 1918 until the return of Meleclo Magno from special Relations, effective 4 September 1978 until 31 May 1919.
detail at NSDB, but not later than 31 May 1979. Edgardo C. Camacho, additional assignment as Head, Dlsciplln
Cecille S. Longid, appointment as Lecturer in Botany, effective 9 of MalS Communication, Division of Humanities, effective 12 Octo-
November 1978 until 31 March 1979. ber 1978 until 31 Mav 1979.
Leonor G. Lorica, renewal of appointment with reclassification Josefina A. Camanag, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Busi-
from Instructor I to Lecturer in Mathematics, effective 1 November ness Management, effective 13 June 1918 until 31 May 1919.
1978 until 31 Mav 1979. Francisca L. Erece, additional assignment as Senior Lecturer in
Mary Lou U. Onglateo, renewal of appointment and transfer to Education (Extension Program), effective 13 June 1918 until 31
substitute status as Instructor I in Psychology, effective 1 November Mav 1979.
1978 until the return of Amelia B. Alfonso from leave of absence, Zanaida O. Evangellsta, additional assignment as Head, Discipline
but not later than 31 May 1979. of Physical Education, High School, effective 12 October 1978 until
Grace O. Orteza, appointment as Lecturer in Psychology, effec- 31 Mav 1979.
tive 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1919. Bella L. Fernandez, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Public
Irma U. Peneyra, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in linguis- Administration, effective 13 June 1918 until the return of Geraldine
tics, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1919. Maeya from local faculty fellcwshlp, but not later than 31 May
Bayani C. Rivero, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in 1979.
Physics, effective 9 November 1918 until 31 March 1979. Theodore M. Gabriel, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Busi-
Segundo E. Romero, renewal of appointment with reclassifica- ness Management, effective 15 June 1978 until 31 May 1919.
tion from Lecturer to Instructor in Political Science, without corn- Reynaldo T. GenerOlO, reappointment as Instructor I in Physics,
pensation, effective 1 June until the return of Natalia M. Morales effective 2 November 1978 until 31 May 1919.
from leave of absence, but not later than 31 July 1918; transfer Arlene Eleanor E. Liberal, additional assignment as Senior
from the CAP with renewal of appointment from Instructor. with- Lecturer in Business Management, effective 11 June 1978 until 31
out compensation, to Instructor IV in Political Science, effective 1 May 1979.

174 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

Ma. Rosario C. Lucero, additional assignment as Head, Discipline Manolita S. LUB, reappointment to additional assignment as
of Comparative Literature, Division of Humanities, effective 12 Coordinator, Social Sciences Program, Undergraduate Studies Divi·
October 1978 until 31 May 1979. slcn, effective 8 November until 31 December 1978.
Ma. Vertudez D. Macapanpan, additional assignment as Head, Rafael J. Maval, appointment as Lecturer in Economics, effec-
Discipline of Filipino and Philippine Literature, Division of Humani- tive 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
ties, effective 12 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. Ramonesa R. Ricardo, appointment 8S Instructor I in Chemistry,
Evangeline L. Martinez, additional assignment as Head, Disci- effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
pline of Psychology, Division of Social Sciences, effective 12 Octo- Manalo O. Vaf\o, automatic promotion in rank and salary from
ber 1978 until 31 May 1979. Instructor IV to Assistant Professor III of Mathematics, effective 1
Antonia C. Mendoza, additional assignment as Head, Discipline April 1978 until 31 May 1979; additionaJ assignment as Coordi-
of Speech Communication and Theater, Division of Humanities, nator, Natural Sciences Program, Undergraduate Studies Division,
effective 12 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. effective 2 November until 31 December 1978.
Julius D. Mendoza, additional assignment as Head, Discipline of
Philosophy, Division of Humanities, effective 12 October 1978 until
31 May 1979. -Citizens Military Training, Department o f - - - - - - - - l
Josefina V. Nate, additional assignment as Head, Discipline of Florentino D. Ocampo, appointment as Military Instructor,
Sociology, Division of Social Sciences, effective 12 October 1978 effective 2 October 1978 until recalled by the Armed Forces of the
until 31 May 1979. Philippines, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Bella L. Queaf'io, additional assignment as Head, Discipline of
Natural Sciences, High School, effective 12 October 1978 until 31 >'-Clark Air Base, U.P. COliege-------------1
May 1979. Cecilia D. Allp, increase in salary from Assistant Professor III to
Henrv J. Ramos, additionaJ assignment as Head, Discipline of IV of Education, effective 1 July 197a
Physics, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, effective 12 Edna N. Becanl, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I to
October 1978 until 31 May 1979. II of History, effective 1 July 1978.
Rufino L. Rebudal, transfer from Pines City High School with Ma. Angeles C. Guanzon, increase in salary from Instructor IJ to
Wppointment as Instructor I in Filipino, High School, effective 2 III in Psychology, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979.
November 1978 until the return of Corazan Evangelista from local Violeta S. Ignacio, promotion in rank and salary from Instructor
faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 March 1979. IV to Assistant Professor I of History, effective 1 July 1978.
Ma. Luz D. Ruiz, additional assignment as Head, Discipline of Dolore. C. LiWinag, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I
Communication Arts (English), High School, effective 12 October to II of English, effective 1 July 1978.
1978 until 31 May 1979. Mildred B. Oliveros, increase in salary from Assistant Professor II
Lilia P. Salazar, reeopolntment as Lecturer in Psychology, effec- to III of Biological and Physical Sciences, effective 1 July 1978.
tive 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. Jaime C. santos, supplementary appointment as Lecturer in
Bienvenido P. Tapang, additional assignment as Head, Discipline Philosophy, effective 5 september until 29 November 1978.
of Economics, Division of Social Sciences, effective 12 October Csterina T. Yepez, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
1978 until 31 May 1979. Sociology, effective 5 September 1978 until 31 May 1979.

r-Business Administration, College of---------l~COmprehensive Community Health Program------l

Ma. Victoria E. Aftonuevo, additional assignment as Acting Shirlev C. Arqulza, appointment 85 Research Associate, effective
Secretarv, effective 3 October until the return of Emerlinda R. 18 September until 31 December 1978.
Roman from maternity leave, but not later than 2 December 1978. Irma L. Parajaa, reappointment to additional assignment as
MeHIlS8 R. Aquino, appointment as Instructor I in Accounting,,g8, effective 2 December until the return of Sergio S.
effective 14 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. Gasmen from special detail in Thailand, but not later than 21
Milagros V. Gregorio, increase in salary from Assistant Professor December 1978.
11 to IVof Accounting, effective 1 October 1978.
Leonora S. Rieza, reclassification from Instructor III to Senior
Lecturer in Accounting, effective 1 October 1978 until 31 May -Dayao, U.P. Extension D i v i s i o n - - - - - - - - - - - I
1979. Ma. Oliva G. ZiPlQln, reappointment to additional assignment as
Thelma Y. Tevl!l, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Account- senior Lecturer in Organization and Management, effective 12
ing and Finance, effective 16 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. November 1978 until 31 March 1979.
Lina J. Valcarcel, increase in salary from Assistant Professor III
to IVof Accounting, effective 1 October 1978. -Dentistry, Collegeo f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \
Alms P. Villadolld, reclassification from Lecturer to Instructor I The following increases in salary from Instructor I to II in Den-
in Accounting, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. tistry were approved, effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979:
Roy C. Ybaftsz, increase in salary from Instructor III to IV in Elizabeth G. de Castro, with transfer in item;
Accounting, effective 1 July 1978 until 31 May 1979. Nall8tte E. Dominguez, with transfer in item; and
Ma. Cristina I. Olivares.
-Cebu, U.P. C O l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Dulce C. Anacion, appointment as Instructor I in Fine Arts, -Economics, School of----------------;
effective 13June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Elmer A. Abueg, supplementary appointment as Professorial
Apolonio M. Dedamo, Jr., appointment as tnsrructcr in CAT, Lecturer in Economics, effective 11 November 1978 until 31 May

H'I gh School , effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. • h

1979. d I
ROIl Linda P. Tldelgo, additional assignment as lsabelo e cs
EI.· .. G. Lapa, transfer from Philippine Normal College Wit Reyes Associate Professor of Labour Economics, e ff ecnve
. 1 Feb-
appo int ment as Instructor I in Mathematics, High School, effective ruary 1977.
1 June 1978 unti131 May 1979.
U.P. Gazette
-Education, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 National Hydraulics Research Center, effective 1 November 1978
Doane R. Gallla, reappointment as Lecturer in Professional until 30 April 1981.
Education, effective 11 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. Gerard T. Cafteba, reappointment as Instructor I in Engineering
Carmen G. Kanlpi, appointment as Consultant in the U.P.-NSDB Sciences, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Project #7804 Ed., effective 1 August 1978 until 31 March 1979. Radolfo M. Casipl., reversion to full-time status as Professor V
Beulah D. Nuval, reappointment to additional assignment as of Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 November 1978.
Senior Lecturer in Guidance, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May Jenny L. Chua, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Engineering
1979. Sciences, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Ester A. Reyes, reappointment to additional assignment as Rita J. Consunji, appointment as Instructor I in Industrial Engi-
Lecturer in Guidance, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. neering, effective 9 November 1978 until the return of Luis A.
Benjamin G. Tayabas, appointment as Consultant in the U.P.- Pascual from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
NSOB Project #7804 Ed., effective 2 November 1978 until 31 Gilda L. Dans, appointment as Lecturer in Industrial Engineer-
March 1979. ing, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Lillie A. Tomtl, reappointment to additional assignment as Fortunato T. dela PePia, additional assignment as Assistant to the
Professorial Lecturer in Guidance, effective 13 June 1978 until 31 Executive Director, National Engineering Center, effective 1 July
Mav 1979. 1978 until 30 June 1979.
Matllde M. Valdez, reappointment after ccmpulsarv retirement Bienvenido S. Dimaano, reappointment to additional assignment
as Professorial Lecturer in Education, without compensation, effec- as Senior Research Engineer, Training Center for Applied Geodesy
tive 20 JuIV 1978 until 31 MaV 1979. and Photogrammetry, effective 1 December 1978 until 31 May
The following appointments etc. were approved in the U.P. 1979.
Integrated School: Richard F. Domingo, appointment as senior Lecturer in Water
Amelia P. Abundo, transfer In item and to non-substitute status Resources Engineering, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May
as Instructor I, effective 1 september 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979.
Cornelius B. Arandez, reappointment as Instructor I in Physical Miguel B. Escoto, Sr., additional assignment as officer-in-eharge~i
Education, effective 4 September 1978 until the return of Dana M. Office of the Associate Dean, effective 6 November until the retur
Sitompul from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979. of LeopOldo V. Abis from special detail in Japan, but not later tha
Anita M. C81dran, appointment as Instructor 1 in English, effec- 20 November 1978.
tive 7 November 1978 until the return of Aura ... C. Gaceta from Elmer C. Espiritu, transfer in item with increase in salary from
local faculty fellowship, but not later than 31 May 1979. Instructor I to II in Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 October
Julieta M. Dal_y, transfer In item and to non-substitute status 1978 until 31 May 1979.
as Instructor I in Filipino, effective 1 september 1978 until 31 May Ulpiano P. Ignacio, Jr., reappointment as Instructor I in Civil
1979. Engineering, effective 9 November 1978 until the return of Alfredo
Sstumino C. Dim.culangan, transfer in item with promotion in L. Juinio from detail at the DPWTC. but not later than 31 May
rank and salary from Instructor II to Assistant Professor I of Indus- 1979.
trial Education, effective 1 September 1978. Raymundo C. lasam, transfer in item and to non-substitute
Ludivina C. Marin, transfer in item with promotIon in rank and status in Instructor I in Mechanical Engineering, effective 1 October
salary from Instructor IV to Assistant Professor I of Communication 1978 until 31 Mav 1979.
Arts (Filipino), effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979. Leonardo Q. liongson, additional assignment as Officer-in-
Flora A. Pascual, transfer In item and to non-substitute status as Charge, Department of Engineering Sciences. effective 23 October
Instructor I, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979. until the return of Edgardo Pacheco from special detail in the
In the UP1S, the following increases in salary were approved, U.S.A., but not later than 31 December 1978.
effective 1 september 1978 until 31 May 1979: Rufino C. Lirag, Jr., reversion to full-time status as Professor lof
Merita B. Abeltera, from Instructor I to III in Social Studies; Chemical Engineering, effective 1 November 1978.
Nina S. Liobrer8, from Assistant Professor II to III of History; Ragelio A. Panlaslgui, renewal of additional assignment from
Felicitas R. Manacsa, from Assistant Professor II to III of Fili· Officer-in-Charge to Chairman, Department of Chemical Enginee
pino; ing, effective 1 November 1978 until 31 October 1981.
Lourdes L. Matanguihan, from Instructor I to II; Nestor O. Rafieses, transfer in item and to non-substitute status
Lorenzo Q. Orillas, from Instructor I to III in Communication as Instructor I in Industrial Engineering, effective 1 November 1978
Arts (Filipino); until the return of Alfredo Juinio from datal! at DPWTC, but not
Gloria M. Parina, from Instructor III to IV in Art; later than 31 May 1979.
and the following Increases in salary with same effectivity, were Amado San Mateo, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-
approved with transfer in item: in-Charge, Department of Industrial Engineering, effective 1 Novem-
Laureto B. SenBuro, from Instructor I to Iii in Industrial Educa- ber 1978 until the return of Luis Pascual from sick leave, but not
tion; later than 30 April 1979.
Elena C. Cutiongco, from Instructor I to III in Communication Rizalino G. Santos, transfer from the Infrastructure Develop-
Arts (English); ment Program with reclassification from Research Assistant to
Angelita M. dels Pena, from Instructor II to IV in Health Educa- Instructor I in Electrical Engineering, effective 2 November 1978
tion; until the return of Perfecto Guerrero from leave of absence, but not
Marietta A. Jose, from Instructor I to III in Science; and later than 31 May 1979.
Ceferina G. Juanson, from Assistant Professor I to III. Alejandro M. Serrano, additional assignment as Associate Re-
search Engineer, U.P. Industrial Research Center, effective 16 Octo-
I-Engineering, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ber until 31 December 1978.
Luis M. AlarillI. Je., renewal of additional assignment as Chair- Arjun J. Sacco, reappointment as Instructor I in Mechanical
man, Department of Electrical Engineering, effective 1 November Engineering, effective 9 November 1978 until the return of Rene
1978 until 31 October 1991. Abarcar from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May 1979.
Angel A. Alejandrino, renewal of detail assignment as Director, luis M. Sosa, appointment as Senior Lecturer in Water Re-

176 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

sources Engineering, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. Professor I of Statistics, effective 1 June 1978 until the return of
Mario R. To'entlno, additional assignment as Associate Research Clarissa Marte from leave of absence, but not later than 31 May
Engineer, Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogram- 1979.
merrv, effective 1 December 1978 until 31 May 1979. Angelita A. Torres, reclassification from Research Assistant to
Armando G. Torres, reappointment as Lecturer in Engineering Instructor II In Education, effective 31 October 1978 until 31 May
Sciences, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. 1979.
Ruben C. Umaly, reappointment to additional assignment as Pro-
I-Environmental Plenning, Institute o f - - - - - - - - - - - I fessorial Lecturer in Biological Sciences, effective 9 November 1978
Zenaida A. Ms1a1o, additional assignment as Director of Re· until 31 March 1979.
search and Publications, effective 2 November 1978 until 31 May The following appointments were approved, effectIve 9 Novem-
1979. ber 1978 until 31 Merch 1979:
Jaime U. Nierras, additional assignment as Director of Training, Rodolfo M. C'aparols, reappointment as Lecturer in Journalism;
effective 2 October 1978 until 30 September 1979. Ruben C. GU8Varr&, as Lecturer in Developmental Journalism:
Leandro A. Viloria, renewal of additional assignment as Project end
Director, Regional Development Study Center, effective 1 Septem- Jessica C. Salas, as Senior Lecturer in Business Management.
ber 1978 until 31 August 1979. The following additional assignments were approved, effective 9
November 1978 until 31 May 1979:
I- Fine Arts, College of ----------------l Evelyn V. Baldevlso, as Lecturer in Education (Extension Pro-
Lauro Z. Alcala, additional assignment as Chairman, Department graml;
of Visual Communication Arts, effective 23 August 1978 until 30 Benjamin H. Clrvantes, as Senior Lecturer in Theater, until 31
April 1981. March 1979;
Roberto R. Chabet, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart- Corszon G. Defensor, as Professorial Lecturer in Education
ment of Art Theory, effective 23 August 1978 until 30 April 1981. (Extension Program);
Alice G. Guillenno, renewal of supplementary appointment as Mildred J. Gonzales, as Senior Lecturer in Education (Extension
nior Lecturer in Fine Arts. effective 1 November 1978 until 31 Programl;
av 1979. Peg. . J. Javier, as Professorial Lecturer in Education (Exten·
Carfos P. Valino. Jr., additional assignment as Chairman, Depart- sion Program);
ment of Visual Studio Arts, effective 23 August 1978 until 30 April Elayda E. Mabunay, 81 Professorial Lecturer In Education
1981. (Extension Program);
Ma. F.licitas R. Zabellero, appointment as Lecturer in Fine Arts, Ma. Dolores V. Ramos, as Senior Lecturer in Education (Exten-
effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979. sion Program): and
Lucila P. SobrepeAa, as Senior Lecturer in Education (Extension
"-Fisheries, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Program).
Prudencla V. Conlu, reappointment to additional assignment as
Officer-in-eharge, effective 18 December until the return of Rogelio I-Law C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
Juliano from special detail in Bangkok, Thailand and from vacation Esteban B. Bautll1ll, additional assignment as Acting Head, Divi-
leave. but not later than 29 December 1978. sion of Research and Law Reform, effective 1 September 1978 until
Enrico P. Villoso, additional assignment as Chairman, Depart- the return of Sulplcio Guevara from sick leave, but not later than 7
mant of Marine Fisheries, effective 10 November 1978 until 31 May September 1979.
Manuel F. Bonifacio, renewal of additional assignment as Senior
Research Fellow. effective 1 October until 31 December 1978.
I-Home Economics, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - i Robert A. Butkln, appointment as Visiting Fellow, without com-
Miriam M. Covar, transfer in item and to ncn-substltuta status as pensation, effeetiw 16 September 197B until 15 August 1979.
Wltfredo A. Clemente II, supplementary appointment as Consult-
Instructor II (part-time) in Family Life and Child Development,
ant, without compensation, effective 16 November until 31 Decem-
ctive 1 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Josephine Evengeline C. Hung, reappointment as Instructor I ber 1978.
Merlin M. Magallon., renewal of additional assignment as Senior
(part.time) in Interior Design, effective 2 November 1978 until 30
Research fellow, effective 1 October until 31 December 1978.
April 1979. Flenda Ruth P. Romero, reappointment to additional assign-
Alici. S. Pineda, renewal of appoIntment with increase in salary
ment as Officer-in-Charge, effective 23 October until the return of
as Research Associate in the PAEC-GIA 1·7601 U.P. Project, effec-
Froil.. M. Bacuftpn from vacation leave, but not later than 31
tive 1 July until 31 Dacember 1978.
Lourdes W. Santol, temporary transfer from full-time to part- December 1978.
time status as Assistant Professor I of Family Life end Child Devel-
cement, effective 1 November 1978. (Reversion to full-time status
I-Law, College of . '
Jose F. Espinola, reappointment to eddltlonai BSSl{J'\ment as
shall be effective 1 June 1979,) Officer-in-Charga, effective 23 October until the return of Frollan
M. Bacuftpr'l from vacation leave, but not later than 31 December
L-lioilo, U.P. College Co
1978. P' . I Lee
Lourdn V. de Castro, renewal of additional assignment as .- Ricardo L. Pronova. Jr., increase In salary as ro eSSOrl8 -
ordinator, Visayan Studies Program. effective 16 October 1978 until . Le effective 1 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
turer In w,
15 October 1981. Co rdi
Felickled H. Jesenl, renewal of additional ~Ignment as °97~ I-Manila U.P.College .
netcr. Office of Continuing Education, effective 16 October 1 Bahena, renewal of additional assignment as Officer-
. -Ch Office of the Secretary, effective 19 September until the
until 15 October 1981. Senior Lecturer in Sociot- In arve,'L __ Abadi ftllft from sick ieese. but not later than 19
Ledl Layo additional assignment as return 0 ou~ ..-
effective 18 November 1978 untn 31 May 1979. November 1978.
ogy, I I" ~on from senior Lecturer to Assistant
Nicolas P. Tan, rec ass teen
U.P. Gazette
October.December 1978
Bernardo C. Bernardo, appointment as Lecturer in Speech, effec- May 1979.
tive 1 September until 31 October 1978. carmela I. Villa, promotion in rank from Instructor (part-time)
Myrna Y. Espiritu, appointment as Lecturer in Economics, effec- to Assistant Professor (part-time) of Surgery, without compensa-
tive 13 June until 31 October 1978. tion, effective 1 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Gideon C.T. Hsu, increase in salary as Professorial Lecturer in The following additional assignments as Paper Writer, IHS.worid
Social Sciences. effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979. Medical Assembly Project, effective 3 January 1977 until 30 Decem-
Pilar B. Ignacio, appointment as Lecturer in Speech, effective 22 ber 1978, were approved:
August until 31 October 1978. Armando F. Bonifacio;
Cristina E. Torres, reappointment to additional assignment as Augustus C. Damian, Jr.;
Otticer-ln-Charqe, effective 2 October until the return of Nestor N. Horacio R. Estrada; and
Pilar, but not later than A October 1978. Alberto G. Romualdez, Jr.

f-Marine Sciences Center--------------I-Music, College o l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l

The following appointments as Research Associate, without Carmencit8 Arambula, temporary transfer to part-time status as
compensation, were approved, effective 2 October until 31 Decem- Assistant Professor III of Composition and Theory, effectIve 9
ber 1978: (Memo of Understanding with Peace Corps, dated 5 Octo- November 1978. (Reversion to full-time status, effective 1 June
ber 19761 1979.1
Marti Ellen Cowan, Andrea O. Veneracion, additional assignment as Officer-in-
John William McManus, and Charge, Voice and Music Theatre Department, effective 14 Novem-
Edward Oliver Murdy. ber 1978 until the appointment of Chairman. but not later than 31
May 1979.
I-Mass Communication, Institute 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Laura F. CUB, reappointment as Instructor I in Communication, l...National Teacher Training Center forthe Health Professions-
effective 9 November 1978 until the return of Modesto Lagman, Bella C. Tan, appointment as Instructor III (part-time) in SOCiOli,t~
from leave of absence, but not later than 31 March 1979. ogy, effective 1 september 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Victor T. Valbuena, reappointment as Professorial Lecturer in
Journalism, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. -Natural Science Research Center------------!
Bellaflor Gonzales, reclassification with promotion in rank and
-Medicine, College 01---------------1 salary from Research Associate to Researcher I, effective 1 October
Alfredo C. Acosta, promotion in rank from Instructor (part- 1978.
time) to Assistant Professor (part-time) of Surgery, without com-
pensation, effective 1 November until 31 December 1978.
Leonardo L. Arenas, transfer from Assistant Professor (part-
- Nursing, College 01 ---------------l
Carmencita Abaquin, transfer from the SchOOl of Nursing, PGH,
timel to Assistant Professor I of Surgery, effective 16 September with promotion in rank and salary from Instructor V to Assistant
1978. Professor I of Nursing, effective 1 December 1978.
Zenaida G. Bagabaldo, renewal of additional assignment as Chair- Mary Constancy C. Barrameda, appointment as Instructor I in
man, Department of Physiology, effective 1 October 1978 until 30 Clinical Nursing, effective 9 November 1978.
April 1981. Naomi A. David, appointment as Instructor I (part-time) in
lIuminada T. Camagay, transfer from Assistant Professor (part- Clinical Nursing, effective 8 November 1978,
timel, without compensation, to Assistant Professor t (part-time) of Luz B. Tungpalan, increase in salary from Assistant Professor I
Anesthesiology, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May 1979. to II of Nursing, effective 1 December 1978.
Ma. Victoria de Santos, promotion in rank and salary from
Instructor IV to Assistant Professor I of Biochemistry, effective 1
until 30 June 1978; transfer to permanent status as Assistant Protes- -Pharmacy, College 01------------......;
scr I of Biochemistry, effective 1 July 1978. Lilian V. Cuanang, renewal of additional assignment as Lec!urea.
Romeo R. Gutierrez, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, in Chemical and Medical Bibliography, effective 1 November 197_
Department of Surgery, effective 12 October until the return of until 31 March 1979.
George G. Eufemio from special detail in the U.S.A., but not later
than 12 November 1978. -Philippine General H o s p i t a l - - - - - - - - - - - - - !
Serafin C. Hilvano, supplementary appointment with promotion The following supplementary appointments as Attending Sur-
in rank from Instructor (part-timel, without compensation, to geon, (part-time). without compensation, were approved, effective 1
Assistant Professor (part-time) of Surgery, without compensation, November until 31 December 1978:
effective 1 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. Alfreda C. Acosta;
Benjamin O. Legada, Jr., renewal of additional assignment as Serafin C. Hilvano, effective 1 October 1978 until 31 May 1979;
Instructor (part-time) in Orthopedics, effective 1 November until 31 Beniamin D. Legada, Jr., as Attending Orthopedic Surgeon;
December 1978. Elias M. Nadal; and
Elias M. Nadal, supplementary appointment with promotion in Carmela I. Villa.
rank from Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time) Two additional assignments were approved effective 1 January
of Surgery, without compensation, effective 1 November until 31 until 31 December 1978, in the Philippine Medical Center Project:
December 1978, Gabriel G. Carreon, as Project Director; and
Norma M. ana, supplementary appointment with transfer from Rosal M. Gomez, as Computer Programmer I.
Clinical Assistant Professor (part-time), without compensation, to Two reappointments as Attending Anesthesiologist {part-time],
Clinical Assistant Professor I (part-time), effective 1 August 197B without compensation. were approved:
until 31 May 1979. Leonardo L. Arenas, effective 16 September 1978; and
Deogracias J. Tablan. reappointment as Clinical Assistant Profes- lIuminada T. Camagay, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 May
sor, without compensation, effective 1 September 1978 until 31 1979.

178 U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6

f-Press, U.P. ----------------1 Management Specialist I, effective 1 October 1978.
Raul R. Ingles, reappointment to additional assignment as zenaida S. Macaspac, reclassification with promotion in rank and
Officer-in-Charge, effective 8 November until the return of luis salary from Senior Research Assistant to Training Associate, effec-
Beltran from special detail in Bangkok, Thailand, and the U.S.A., tive 1 October 1978.
but not later than 28 November 1978. Zenaida C. Madrofto, transfer in item with promotion in rank
and salary from Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate,
-College of Public Administration --------------1 effective 1 October until 31 December 1978.
The following additional assignments were approved: Edna P. Nable, transfer in item with increase in salary as Training
Ramon M. Garcia, as Director, Administrative Development Specialist I, effective 1 October 1978.
Center, effective 15 November 1978 until 30 April 1982; Ma. Zenaida O. Ticsay, increase in salary as Research Associate,
Amelia P. Varela, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Public effective 1 October 1978.
Administration, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979.
Ma. Oliva G. Zipagan, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Public ~Social Work and Community Development, Institute o f -
Administration, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 March 1979. Karina C. David, additional assignment as Project Director,
The following were transferred to permanent status effective 1 "Community Organization Research and Documentation ICORDl
October 1978: Program", effective 1 June 1978 until 31 May 1979.
lourdes O. CrUZBt8, as Management Specialist II, Administrative Sylvia H. Guerrero, renewal of additional assignment as Re-
Development Center; searcher in the project entitled "CO & SW Approaches and Meth-
Catalina T. Garcia, as Research Associate; ods: Focus on the Practitioners' Experiences and Viewpoints," with-
Elena T. Marcelino, as Research Associate; and out compensation, effective 16 May 1978 until 28 February 1979.
Ma. Clarisa R. Sia, as Research Associate, Administrative Devel- Soledad A. Hernando, reappointment as Professoriat Lecturer in
opment center. Social Work, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Evelina A. Pangalangan, additional assignment as Researcher in
•. -Public Health, Institute of -------------1 the project entitled "Teaching Social Policy in the MSW Program:
Blanche C. Barbers, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, An Indigenous Experience," effective 5 July until 31 December
Department of Public Health Administration, effective 3 October 1978.
1978 until the return of Julita I. VabfJs from leave of absence, but Ma. Corazon J. Veneraci.:m, transfer in item with increase in
not later than 9 November 1978. salary from Assistant Professor I to III of Social Work, effective 1
Veronica F. Chan, reappointment to additional assignment as October 1978.
Officer·in..charge, effective 6 November 1978 until the return of
Benjamin D. Cabrera from special detail in Indonesia and Geneva, -Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, Institute o f -
but not tater than 29 November 1978. Remedios V. Pinon, reappointment to additional assignment as
Lilian A. de las L1agas, reappointment as Instructor I in Parasi- Officer-in-Charge, effective 4 December until the return of Aparicio
tology, effective 16 October 1978 until 31 May 1979. H. Mequi from special detail in Bangkok, Thailand, but not later
Lorenzita G. Gabor, additional assignment 85 Officer-in-Charge, than 22 December 1978.
Department of Nutrition, effective 16 October 1978 until the return
of Carmencita Loyola from leave of absence, but not later than 30 -Statistical C e n t e r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j
November 1978. Edwin R. Reoliquio, appointment as Lecturer in Statistics, effec-
Francisco S. Sy, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge, tive 9 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Department of Parasitology, effective 25 September 1978 until the
return of Nonette L. Jueeo from field trip to Irosin, Sorsogon, but -Tacloban, U.P. C O l i e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
not later than 21 October 1978. Perpetua Socorro A. Francisco, reappointment as Instructor I in
Teodora V. Tiglao, reappointment as Officer-In-Charge, effective Fisheries, effective 3 November 1978 until 31 May 1979.
....29 September until the return of Benjamin O. Cabrera from special Ursula C. Quiban, reappointment as Senior Lecturer in Manage-
W*'tail in Italy and Japan, but not later than 19 October 1978. ment for Small Industries, effective 9 November 1978 until 31 May
-Small-Scale Industries, Institute f o r - - - - - - - - - 1
Juliet R. Abon, transfer in item with promotion in rank and -University Health S e r v i c e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ,
salary from Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate, effec- Salustiana M. Braganza, additional assignment as Assistant Direc-
tive 1 October 1978. tor, effective 27 November 1978 until? June 1979.
Crispina B. Almonte, transfer in item with increase in salary as
Training Specialist I, effective 1 October until 31 December 1978: -University Library - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
transfer to permanent status, effective 1 November 1978. linda K. Miranda, transfer to permanent status as Librarian III,
Sonia T. Aquino, reappointment to additional assignment as effective 1 October 1978.
Officer-in-Charge, effective 16 November 1978 until the return of
Paterno V. Viloria from special detail in Sri Lanka and the U.S.A.,
I-Veterinary Medicine, College o f - - - - - - - - - - - - i
Juan R. Goltiao, appointment as Instructor I in Veterinary Medi-
but not later than 15 January 1979.
cine and Surgery, effective 16 October 1978 until 31 May 1979.
Antonio A. Bravo, transfer in item with promotion in rank and
Mario S. Tongson, additional assignment as Officer-in-Charge,
salary from Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate, effec-
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, effective 20 November 1978
tive 1 October 1978. until the return of Ceferino P. Maala from study leave, but not later
Corazon A. Cabungcal, promotion in rank and salary from
Senior Research Assistant to Research Associate, effective 1 Octo- than 30 April 1979.

ber 1978. f-General Administration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i

Ofelia A. Cipriano, transfer to permanent status with increase in
Abraham S. CataeUtan, reclassification from Residence Head .to
salary as Research Associate, effective 1 October 1978. Head Resident Advisor, Office of Student Auxiliary Services, Office
Arlene E. liberal, transfer in item with increase in salary as
U.P. Gazette
October.December 1978
of Student Affairs, effective 1 June 1978. Alma V. Castillo, effective 16 October until 31 December 1978;
Noel C. David, appointment as Computer Programmer I, Manage- Virgilio A. DUnlIza, renewal, effective 1 November until 31
ment lntcrrnation System Unit, effective 1 September until 31 December 1978;
December 1978. Renewals of additional assignment as Program Development
Hermenegildo C. Dumlao, renewal of appointment as Assistant Associate, effective 1 November until 31 December 1978:
to the President, Office of the President, effective 12 October 1978 Germelino F. Abita, effective 1 October 1978;
until 11 October 1979. Victoria A. Bautista, additional assignment, effective 2 Novem-
Ramon M. Garcia, additional assignment as Consultant in the ber 1978;
Seminar-Workshop Series on the New Performance Appraisal Manuel P. Bendena;
System, Office of Administrative Personnel Services, effective 1 leticia L. Castillo;
September until 31 December 1978. Concepcion D. Dadufalza;
Priscila S. Manalan;, renewal of additional assignment as Assist- Soladad C. de Castro;
ant for Faculty and Curriculum Development, Office of the Presi- Fortunato da la PeAa;
dent, effective 1 October 1978 until 30 September 1979. Carol B. De Reedt, effective 1 October 1978;
Clara L. Sylianco, additional assignment as Project Director, Jose N. Endriga;
U.P.-NSDB Project 2.28.1, Graduate Manpo\Wr Training Program, Oscar L. Evangelista;
effective 1 December 1978 until 30 June 1979. Winlfreda A. Evangelista;
Ruben C. Umaly, renewal of additional assignment as Member, Lydia H. Flores;
University Academic Personnel Board, effective 1 November 1978 Josefina C. Fonacier;
until 31 October 1979. Milagros V. Gregorio, reappointment, effective 15 November
Approvals in the Program Development Staff, Office of the Presi- Sylvia H. Guerrero, effective 1 October 1978;
dent: Felicldad H. Jessne;
Rosella S. Lorenzo, reappointment as Researcher II (part-time), Rogelio O. Juliano;
effective 29 June until 31 December 1978; Emeteria P. Lee;
Of additional assignment as Program Development Assistant: Eleyda E. Mabuney;
Fermin D. Adriano, renewal, effective 1 November until 31 Helen Mendoza;
December 1978; Benjamin L. Ravena: and
cecilia Allado, effective 15 September until 31 December 1978; Francisco H. Roque.

U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6 I

Resignations Domlnador Sabiona as Senior Officer, U.P. College Cebu, effec-
tive 1 November 1978.
Paterno Abellara as Assistant Professor, College of Education, Antonio Saclolo as Messenger, Institute for Smell-Scale Indus-
effective 1 November 1978. tries, effective 1 December 1978.
Maria Rosario Aguinaldo as Senior Lecturer, College of Arts and Juliet Salas as Personnel Aide, Office of Administrative Person-
Sciences (Diliman), effective 19 October 1978. nel Services, effective 1 October' 1978.
Sslvacion Bailon as Assistant Professor,Collegeof Nursing, effec- Rosario Sudeno as Clerk-Typist, Institute of Haalth Sciences
tive 16 November 1978. ITaclobanl, effective 24 October 1978.
Esmeralda Bautista as Stenographer, U.P. College Tacloban, Romulo Ten as Assistant Professor, College of Business Adminis-
effective 24 October 1978. tration, effective 17 October 1978.
Filomena Borbo as Clerk-Typist, College of Education, effective Joseph Tupaz as Engineering Assistant, Infrastructure Develop-
16 November 1978. ment Program, Office of the President, effective 11 October 1978.
Jose Brlllantes as Doormen, Asian Institute of Tourism, effective Arturo Valdez as Busboy, Asiar. Institute of Tourism, effective
21 October 1978. 21 October 1978.
Samuel Buligan as Laboratory Attendant, College of Arts and Carlos A. Yap as Illustrator (part-time}, Information and Publica-
Sciences (Diliman), effective 16 November 1978. tions Office, Office of the Secretary, effective 1 November 1978.
Violeta Burgos as Accountant, Accounting Division, effective 1 Angel Zonllll8, Jr. as lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences
December 1978. (Diliman), effective 1 November 1978.
~ Victoria B. Csjipe as Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences
~i1iman), effective 1 November 1978.
' . DanUo Catacutan as Captain Walter, Asian Institute of Tourism,
effective 7 December 1978.
Eliezer Cruz as Driver, U.P. College Clerk Air Base, effective 26 Andres l. Abejo as Professor IV, College of Arts end Sciences
December 1978. (Dllimanl, effective 17 October 1978. .
Angeles DaJalos as Senior Clerk, Office of Alumni Relations, Jose F. Alperill. as Professor VIII, College of Arts and SCiences
effective 5 October 1978. (Dillman), effective 29 November 1978.
Ma. Regina T. Dlaz as Research Assistant, College of Home Constaneio A. Bernardo as Professor II, College of Fine Arts,
Economics, effective 16 October 1978. effective 23 December 1978.
Dionato Espino as Emergency security Guard, Security Division, Teresita Binaday as Chief, University Food Service, effective 28
effective 23 December 1978. December 1978.
Danny Fonbusn. eli Emergency Security Guard, Security Divi· Ad(,lracion Borja as Chief, Secretarial Section, Office of General
slon, effective 27 December 1978.
Services, Office of the Secretary, effective 1 December 1978.
Adoreclon Frencisco as Emergency Utility Man, Physical Plant Jose Borjal as Cook, Uniyertity Food Service, effective 22
Office, effective 24 October 1978.
December 1978.
Concepcion Fuentes as Clerk-Typist, Institute of Health Sciences Elle Cabrell as Library Assistant, University Library, effective 2
I'reclebenl, effective 24 October 1978.
October 1978.
Noel Jardeleza as Instructor, College of Fisheries, effective 7 Juan 6.stro as Utility Man, U.P. Integrated School, effective 27
November 1978.
December 1978.
Benedleto G. Jim. as Research Assistant, Institute for Small·
M81~io Dime"'Q as Duplicating Machine Operator, Colle~ of
Ie Industries, effective 1 October 1978.
Engineering, effecti~ 1 November 1978.
Pauline latlpr as Clerk-Typist, U.P. College Teclcban, effective
Dominador I. lIio as Professor, College of Engineering, effective
1 December 1978.
5 November 1978.
Robecce Maloyo as Utility Man, Film Center, affective 1 Novem- Flora C. Lan~g as Professor I, Institute of Socia' Work and
ber 1978. Community Development, effective 1 November 1978.
Aid. Man. . .le as Research Assistant, College of Business
Antonio Mercado as Carpenter, security DivIsion, effective 27
Administration, effective 1 October 1978. .
Klthleen Quigley as senior Lecturer, School of Allied MedIcal December 1978.
F.liciano M. Padlan as Physician. Unlversitv Health Service,
Professions, effective 1 November 1978. .
effective 26 November 1978.
Delio V, Rom.. as Clerk-Typist, U.P. Collego Clark A" Base,
Gener~so B. Roman as Professor I, Institute of Public Health,
affective 1 October 1978. . , effective 25 necember 1978.
Arnold l. River. as Instructor, College of Engineer1nQ, effective Caridad N. Singsor'! _ A~soclete Professor I, College of Arts and
1 November 1978. Scienc~ (Diliman),effective 18 November 1978. .
Jesse Rivei'll as Driver, Law Center, effective 1 December 1978. Rafael Ticzon @$ Custodial Worker, Yakel Resl~n~ H~Il, effec-
Delfin Rosales as Resaarch AiSoclate, Institute of Ophthalmol- tive 28 October 197~.
ogy, effective 27 December 1978.

I October-December 1978
U.P.Ga._ 181 I
CON'fi'i'iACV" IU\~1f) ~C!J~ IU~M~~'fi'''
The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at
This project is an extension of contract AID 492·1019, approved
its 907th Meeting, 26 October 1978:
by the Board (B76th Meeting, 2 september 19761. POPCOM ,hall
make available the amount of P278,292.00 over a period of nine
1. Memorandum of Agreement with the Dangerous Drugs Board months.
(DDBI Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Pharmacologic Contents
and Toxicity Level of Datura Metel (Talumpay)"
A memorandum of agreement was entered into between the 3. Memorandum of Agreement with the NSDB Pertaining to 8
DOS and the University whereby the latter shall undertake a re- Project on "The Sociology of Land Tenure and Management System
search project on "Pharmacologic Contents and Toxicity Level of in Lands Devoted to Tobacco and Abaca"
Datura Metel (Talumpayl" with Dr. Nelia Maramba of the College Under this agreement, studies shall be undertaken by the Agr8~
of Medicine as Project Director. rian Reform Institute and financed bV the NSDB In the total
DOB shall make available the amount of P20,OOO.OO tor a period amount of P100,OOO.OO. This project i, for a period of fifteen
of six months, starting 1 September 1978 until 28 February 1979. months, beginning 1 October 1978.

4. Memorandum of Agreement with CIBA·GEIGY S.E. Asia Pertain-

2. Memorandum of Agreement with the U.P, Tennis Club Reglfding ing to a Project on "Evaluation of CGA 48·988 Seed Treatment
the Management lind Operation of Tennis Courts on Campus Fungicide for the Control of Philippine Corn Downy Mildew"
A memorandum of agreement was entered Into between the U,P. A memorandum of agreement was entered Into between the
Tennis Club and the University whereby the Club shall menage and UPLB and the eGA whereby the College of Agriculture ,hall under- i.
operate all tennis court facilities of the University in Dillman. The take the ressearch for CGA who, in turn, shaH finance it in ~
Club shall Initiate and conduct, In cooperation with the Institute of amount of P2S.BS2.oo. The agreement I, for one (1) vear,
Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation, programs intended to
promote tennis in the University community, including the holding
5. Memorandum of Agreement with the World Health Organization
of clinics and tournaments as ......ell as local, regional, and natIonal
WHO) Pertaining to a Research on Microbial Pathogens
competitions. This agreement is for e period of five (51 yean, renew- A memorandum of agreement was entered into benwen the
able for like periods.
UPLB and the WHOwhereby the College of Agriculture 'hall under-
take research on microbial Pathogens affecting Insects of medical
The Board confirmed the following memoranda of agreement at importance in the Philippine,. WHO ,hall provide the sum of
its 900th Meeting, 7 December 1978. $10,000.00 for 197B and a ,imllar grant for 1979,

1. Contract Agreement with the Commission on Population 6. Memorandum of Agreement with the Los Banos School of Fish·
(POPCOMI Pertaining to a Project Entitled "Study of Levels and eries (LBSFI Regarding Construction of Temporary Classrooms
Determinants of Fertility in Central Luzon and Metropolitan The UPLB allows LBSF to construct temporary classrooms on
Manila" UPLB property near the LJmnological Station" at Barrio Mayoridon,
This project between the Commission on Population and the Los Ba"08, These ctessrecms, to be used by LBSF until 31 Deeern-
University, in behalf of the Population Institute, is an extension of ber 1975, shall eventual IV become UPLB property.
Contract No. AID 492-1207, approved bV the Soard (886th
ing. 28 April 1977), The Commission $h@11 make available the
amount of P381,OOO.OO for this project over a period Qt nine 7. Supplamentarv Agreement with the National Research counCil.
months. the Philippines (NRCP) Pertaining to a Project on "The Establis '
ment of a Makapuno Culture Laboratory and Nursery for Mass
2. Contract Agreement with tho Commission on Population Production"
(POPCOMI Pertaining to a Project Entitled "UPPI·POPCOM Work The principal agreement had been previously confirmed by the
Agreement" Board {903rd Maoting, 29 June 1975I.

U.P. Gazette Volume IX, Number 6 I

The Univenity of the Philippines Gazette is published bimonthly by the information and Publications Office. Office of the Secretary of
the University, University of the Philippines, Oiliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
The typeface used in this journal is Unlvers medium, but for pictorial captions which are in Aldine Roman, both set in two-point ledds at
the Science Education Center. The unit and pictorial headings are in Tabasco bold caps and Binner, respectively. Pictorial subheadings are
in Annlie Extra Bold.
The two-color printing in offset lithography is by the University of the Philippines Press.

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