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 Project management
 What is the process of building a new product

 Round table poll of all stakeholders what they want to build; Designers;
Engineers; Launch
 BPM (Business process Management / BPM) processes (level 1,2 and 3)
 Business landscape diagram / application landscape diagram
Application landscape diagrams are very useful tools for describing a
current application portfolio and can be used to highlight applications
that are not fit-for-business purpose, out of support as well as other
application constraints and risks

 Business model canvas

Step 1 — Document your plan A

15. The Lean Canvas

Problem Solution UVP Unfair Customer

Advantage Segments

Existing Key High-level Channels Early
alternatives Metrics concept adopters

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

A one page business plan that is fast, concise and portable. Your
product is the combination of the nine blocks, not just the
product that is described under Solution.

The Lean Canvas helps to deconstruct your business model into

nine distinct sub-parts that you can systematically test.

Only once you have tested all of the assumptions and changed
any that proved to be incorrect can you be sure you have a
business model that could work.

"No business plan survives first contact with a customer"

Steve Blank, author The Four Steps to Epiphany
Step 2 — Identify the highest risks

26. What are the Risks?

Problem Solution UVP Unfair Customer

Advantage Segments

P P P 0

Existing Key High-level Early

alternatives Metrics concept adopters

0 P P C C
Cost Structure Revenue Streams

0 0

High risks are assumptions which have not been tested and which,
if proven to be wrong, could make the business model unviable,
or at least require the original idea to be significantly changed

A startup has three broad categories of risk:

Product/technology/invention risk: Can we make the

product work?
Customer risk: Does our product solve a customer
problem? Can we identify and reach our customers?
Market/business risk: Will enough customers adopt our
product (Scale)? Can the business be profitable?

"Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in w o small
jumps" - David Lloyd George, British PM

 SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)

o VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS - Disaggregates the organisation into
strategically relevant primary activities (i.e competencies) in order to
understand the behavior of costs and potential sources of

o External environment analysis

 PESTLE Analysis (Political, economic, socio-cultural, technological,
legal, international, environmental (ecological))
o MOST analysis Or variant VMOST (vision, mission, objectives,
strategy, tactics)
o Mission - The rationale and direction for the organisation
o Objectives – The goals that the organisation wants to achieve
o Strategy- The medium/long-term plans and actions that will
enable the organisation to achieve its objectives
o Tactics- The detailed, short-term plans and actions that will
deliver the strategy
o SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
o Porter’s five forces
o Competitive landscape
business analysis which identifies direct or indirect competitors and at the same time, it permits
the comprehension of their mission, vision, core values, niche market, strengths and
weaknesses.[1] Based on the volatile nature of the business world, where companies represent a
competition to others, this analysis helps to establish a new mind-set which facilitates the
creation of strategic competitiveness.[

o Enterprise resource planning is the integrated management of
core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by
software and technology.
 Belbin team

 Risk Management (using likelihood/consequence risk evaluation matrix,

Onion Protection analysis, bow tie risk assessment, and (AS/NZS ISO
31000:2009 risk assessment framework) or Roadmap Details
 Gantt Chart (project management steps in a timeline using Microsoft
 IT Governance
o Agile Manifesto / Scrum
Note: Porter five forces

1. Barriers to Entry (the ease with which new firms can enter the industry)
2. Bargaining Power of Buyers (the relative power of customers and other
3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers (the relative value of vendors and other
4. 4. The Availability of Substitute Products (the “uniqueness” of the firm’s
5. 5. The Nature of the Rivalry Among Firms (the rationality of competition
in the industry)

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