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Blood donation will help people feel good about themselves and has the power to
impact up to three people wo need the blood to survive. Knowing that they have made a
difference to the lives of others can make them mentally well or better about themselves
that they did before especially in reducing stress cause when giving blood, you are
reducing this viscosity and relieving any stress on your arteries that means it could
reduce the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular event that could
harm patient’s life.
Donating blood can also improve your emotional well-being cause according to
the Mental Health Foundation that doing good or contributing something that come from
you for others is also good for your human soul, mind and even your spirit. It can benefit
your physical health where by donating blood may help in improving cardiovascular
health and reducing obesity.
This will help get rid of negative feeling as well because this may be the key in
developing affective strategies to boost donor retention. And, the last one is that it
provides a sense of belonging and reduce isolation where the donor engage in creating
and maintaining meaningful friendships and joining in social activities to meet new
people as well as by donating blood they will learn something new.


First is “I’m afraid” because everyone’s scared the first time around but after one
donation you will even wonder why you have ever hesitated. Second is “it hurts” where
you will only feel a slight pinch on your arm, that’s it. Third is that “I’m too busy” so let’s
remember that a little of your time can mean a lifetime for someone. Fourth is “I’m
anemic” you will be checked before you even donate if your hemoglobin is low, you will
be temporarily deferred but you can always come back and try again. The last reason is
that “I’m afraid of getting AIDS and other disease” so there is no way you can be
exposed to AIDS by donating. All needles and other supplies are sterile and disposable.

Null, R. (2017). Advantages and disadvantages of donating blood. UK Ltd, Brighton,
UK, a Red Ventures Company.
Santos, A. (2019). The Benefits of Donating Blood. Healthline Media a Red Ventures

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