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Gravitation Newsdon's Law of Gravitation - Tt stotes thet every bedy in the universe attracts every thin body with o force whieh jd clivectly propotdionial 40 the preduct of thar masses and id Inversely proportional ty the squone of the Asgtanu behoan them. FF Feaemm. and F wt, @H Se Faw MM <_< r—— +E | F = Gums [[G = Universal Grettational Gna} ] G = 667 xi! noted Bimensionms of GQ = CHET The valut of G ds tame hout the universe, G does net dapend on the natu Size of the bedies and Rotunt of Hu medium behoten the heolies. Vector Form of Newton's Law o Let Fy and Fy, ane ditpacummt Vectors fyrom om, te ma and m, to m, respectively. Also Fis ane Far ane qewitationa) fev exerted on m, by mi and on m, by m, vespeetively. Then gravitediona) fovee. In vector form ia Hew Negative sig shows tat the gravitational farce i ottactive In nature. Note— AJ Gravitational foras ane certtral forces O45 thay act odong the Line joining the Centres of tw boolles. 2) The gravitational forees One Conservative fares, , So work cle by gravitational force claes mot clpends luiben path Sd The dotat gravitational force om one particle dus to fumber of otha. particles iA tne renultant ely forces of aktmeton exerted on the given pevuiicle clue 4p inchivielcal pasteles - FsFo+h4¢ oF Hence it follows ‘Principle ofp Superposition’. Accetentction dus ty Gravity- (9) The forte. of acttracton exeated by the earth on a body ia Called grewity- The acceteaction producect in the mation of a body Unelin the effect of gravity 4s callid acceleration cue to gravity s it ts cltnoted by ‘9°. let masa m, byl one suntlasll ty went, wn Grovitetione) Force. F> ohm WhuAk M and R ane ma ond radius of the earth yesbechvely. T+ @ is aceelination due to gravity, +hon the force on the boely a a0 enadth ib = mg [Fores = mass « acceleration’) vem >[a oe | R* R In -form of clensity g= & (Seer) or g = BupaR P= denity of exdh Note- Ay ac Acceleration duc ao gmavity Jy oo vector quankiy is | a@ vector quantity and its olirection |s always towards | the centre of the planet. | 2) The accelmstion clu. to gravity is mdzpenclent of mass, Shape and size of the body byt clepencds upon mars racdivs and clansitty of the earth. Vexlotion In gravitational eecelnation 'g'— Aj Dus. to altitude Cheight) - Acceleration dus 4p gravity at the Surface ob eonth a+ Sh Accelerastion cut 20 qravidy ot height h from the Surface of Fhe conth to @ = Gene tonee 9 = 8 (gn) —2. or at = 9 (Bah) > gea(t+pye By Binomial theorem | @ = a[4 -2n Note — The above formula 44 valid ip h wu upte 5% of earth yadius (320 Km). Ip A i greater then 8% of ennth radius we use ony 24, Dus to ckpth ‘d’ insicle tre eanth- Accelaation dur do gravity ab the Surface of torth ge Se | oer g = ¥npar ) Acceleration dus to gravity at : clepth di from the Bikpls Ot coat g's $1 PGCR-d) sie] -ESea) Note ~ LJ TRe velue of @ cleereases tr geing below tre Surjace of the enath. At tHe Contre fa = RB) and gize ie. the acceleanton dus do gravity becomes, Zeya at the Cente oh the eanth. 2.) The rade of clecrease of gravidy outsids the earth lik hee R) is double to thot of insice the enrth. BS) Dus to Rotation of Earth - As the enath totes, a body Placect om its surface exberientes a centrifuge! form, olue to it the Obbanent weight of the boday olecreases. Ts the becly of mass m lying oat point P, Whore Jahiude is A,then dus fe rotation of tonth its apparent weight Con mar = me + ee [ F=mu*y = mubRcesd | er mg! = (mg) 4+ Fe 4 amg fe Coa (180A) mag! = (gy + (uta coaa) + amg. (rut ResA) Coosa} by Shy me Note. - A) The Lotthide ata point on the surface ofy the earth id depined as the angle, which He line jeining the peint 4o the centre of earth makes with equatorial plane. T+ ia canoledl by A- For Peles Az Go and for equator A= o'. 2) Mass of the eanth M = 5-98xJo% Rs 4 1c kg, Density of the conth P = Su7a-4 Kg/m> Comparicon betwten Mass and Weight — Lt 4s 9 quantity of matter | I+ ib tre attractive force Cantolrd in a 4 eutated by earth on the body. Tits value eloes not chin Ts value cha ith wlth g: mae ee Ce Tts value can newiy be zea] At infinity and ab the for Gny moderial portiele. | Centre of earth its value a4 Terg- TH dt a Scalar quanHty. | T+ ia a vecter quantidy. Tas unit ig Kilogram (kg). | T+ unit is Meoton (N)- SSS Gravitodional Field — The Space Surrounding a material becky in which gravitational force of attrection can be exbedenceol. la called its qravitaHenal Held. Gravitatimal Field Intenalty— TA dd elthined as the gravitedional force experienced by @ unit mana plated at an Pomt in the gravitational field of a body. Lat a det mass m ata peint in a graviqatimal field Test Mand experienus a force F then m Gravitational Field Tatentity % Tet @) Oy oy = GMM REN RA ™ SL unit - Ni/kq or ms» Dimensions - Cott?) a] T+ das @ vector quantity and Jd ahaays clivected tums the Cente * gravity of the bedy vohoce gravitational Gel is Const . 2) As by defination T=E ie. Pe mY ,S0 force on a polmt mast im) js multiplication of intensity oF field and mass of the point mars 3] Intemity of qrvitetional field is cere ot infinity. lie. y= oo). 4) Gravitotionas fie interurty clue te differant point Mame Can be Calculated by vector Sum of olf Heumnt iwenaities. = => 3S) As T= GM? and alec gz GM/R= a. Les Thus te intensity of qrartational field of a point in the field id equal 4p aeceleantion of dest mars Placect at that point. Gravitational field intensity jor oli ffeunt Bodles— Outside the suAface (¥>R) | Outside the suedace (Y>R) r= SM De aa On the Surface Cr=R} On the surface (T=R) = GM t RE Tnside the Surface Cr

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