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Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:933–936 933

Eye injuries in children: the current picture

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.83.8.933 on 1 August 1999. Downloaded from on 27 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Caroline J MacEwen, Paul S Baines, Parul Desai

Abstract consultant and sent to a central base at the

Aims—To investigate the current causes audit unit at the Royal College of Ophthal-
and outcomes of paediatric ocular mologists and entered into a dedicated data-
trauma. base. Data were collected on the demographic
Methods—A prospective observational characteristics of patients, the cause, mech-
study of all children admitted to hospital anism, and place of injury. Duration of hospital
with ocular trauma in Scotland over a 1 stay was recorded and the final visual acuity in
year period. the injured eye was documented. All patients
Results—The commonest mechanism of were followed up for a minimum of 3 months.
injury was blunt trauma, accounting for
65% of the total. 60% of the patients were
admitted with a hyphaema. Injuries ne- Results
cessitating admission occurred most fre- A total of 415 patients, who were Scottish resi-
quently at home (51%). Sporting activities dents, were admitted to hospital with an ocular
were the commonest cause of injury in the injury during the study period, and of these 93
5–14 age group. There were no injuries (22%) were children less than 15 years of age.
caused by road traYc accidents or fire- Sixty seven (70%) of the children were male
works. Patients were admitted to hospital and 26 (30%) were female. Fifteen (16%) chil-
for a mean of 4.2 days (range 1–25 days). dren were aged 4 years or less and 78 (84%)
One (1%) child had an acuity in the “visu- were in the 5–14 age group.
ally impaired” range (6/18–6/60) and one The injury involved the left eye in 43 (46%)
(1%) was “blind” (6/60) in the aVected eye. cases, the right eye in 48 (52%) cases, and both
No child was bilaterally blinded by injury eyes in two (2%) cases. The overall incidence
and none required blind or partial sight for hospitalised ocular trauma was 8.85/
registration. 100 000 of the population in 1 year in the 0–14
Conclusion—This study has shown that age group (compared with an overall incidence
the incidence of eye injuries aVecting chil- of 8.14/100 000 for the total population2).
dren has fallen. The outcome of ocular
trauma has improved significantly, and
for the first time paediatric injuries MECHANISM OF INJURY

appear to have a better prognosis than The mechanisms of injury sustained are shown
injuries aVecting adults. in Table 1. The commonest type of injury was
(Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:933–936) blunt trauma, accounting for 65% (n=60) of
the total and penetrating injuries without
retained foreign bodies were next (24%,
Eye injuries are an important cause of ocular n=22), with all other types of injury being very
morbidity in children, being a leading cause of rare. Fifty six (60%) of the patients who were
non-congenital unilateral blindness in this age admitted had a hyphaema.
group.1 Such injuries cannot always be pre-
vented, but by identifying any underlying Table 1 Mechanism of injury
factors in the aetiology of serious injuries, it
may be possible to determine the most effective Age group (years)
methods of reducing the incidence of visually 0–4 5–14 Total
damaging trauma.
This study was carried out as part of a larger Blunt trauma 7 (47%) 53 (68%) 60 (65%)
Department of Penetrating 5 (33%) 17 (22%) 22 (24%)
Ophthalmology, study in order to (1) identify the current causes IOFB* 0 (0%) 4 (5%) 4 (4%)
Ninewells Hospital and of severe eye injuries in children in this Chemical 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Medical School, country, (2) determine their outcome, and (3) Other 2 (13%) 2 (2.5%) 4 (4%)
Dundee DD1 9SY Unknown 0 (0%) 2 (2.5%) 2 (2%)
C J MacEwen
explore any possible methods of reduction. Total 15 78 93
P S Baines *Intraocular foreign body.

University of Methods Table 2 Place of injury

Southampton, This study formed part of a larger prospective
Southampton General observational study of all patients admitted to Age groups (years)
Hospital, hospital with ocular trauma in Scotland over a
Southampton 0–4 5–14 Total
SO16 6YD 1 year period, the full methods and results of
P Desai which have been published elsewhere.2 3 The Home 11 (73%) 36 (46%) 47 (51%)
entire population of Scotland constituted the School 0 (0%) 13 (17%) 13 (14%)
Sport/leisure 0 (0%) 9 (12%) 9 (10%)
Correspondence to: study population and for the purposes of this Pavement/street 1 (7%) 8 (11%) 9 (10%)
Dr MacEwan.
study all children of 14 years or under were Other 2 (13%) 6 (8%) 8 (8%)
Unknown 1 (7%) 6 (8%) 7 (7%)
Accepted for publication included in the analysis. All data were collected Total 15 78 93
15 March 1999 on standardised proforma by the admitting
934 MacEwen, Baines, Desai

Table 3 Cause of injury Discussion

There have been no recent studies into the pat-
Age groups (years)

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.83.8.933 on 1 August 1999. Downloaded from on 27 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tern of ocular injuries in children in the United
0–4 5–14 Total Kingdom. Most of the recent work has
concentrated on specific types of injury4–7 or on
Sport 1 (7%) 14 (18%) 15 (16%)
Assault 0 (0%) 13 (9%) 13 (14%)
the epidemiology in other countries,8–14 which
Toy 4 (27%) 7 (9%) 11 (12%) may not reflect our own experience, although
Tools 3 (20%) 7 (9%) 10 (10%) the studies from North America may be the
Missile (stone) 0 7 (9%) 7 (7%)
Stick 1 (7%) 4 (5%) 5 (5%)
most relevant. The pattern of ocular injury in
Fall 1 (7%) 4 (5%) 5 (5%) adults is known to have changed significantly
Glass 1 (7%) 3 (4%) 4 (4%) with a reduction both in occupational trauma,
Airgun 0 3 (4%) 3 (3%)
Domestic chemicals 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%) which predominated in the first part of this
Other 3 (20%) 16 (20%) 19 (20%) century,15 and injuries occurring in road traYc
Total 15 78 93 accidents which became commoner latterly.16–18
These changes have occurred because of a
Table 4 Final visual acuities combination of a changing socioeconomic
climate with education to increase awareness of
Visual acuity No (%)
risk and legislation. Such factors may also
>6/12 82 (88) influence childhood injuries although an excess
6/18–6/60 1 (1) risk of severe trauma among the very young has
<6/60 1 (1)
Unknown 9 (10) been recognised in many studies with more
Total 93 than one third of all eye injuries occurring in
the paediatric age group.9 10 19–23 The larger
study, of which this formed a substudy, found
PLACE OF INJURY that 22.3% of those with serious eye injuries
The place of injury is shown in Table 2. Over- were in the 0–14 age group (this age group
all, injuries necessitating admission occurred makes up 18.8% of the entire population24).
most frequently at home (n=47, 51%), and in The incidence was 8.85/100 000 of the paedi-
the 0–4 age group 73% (n=11) occurred at atric population which represents a reduction
home. of at least 50% in the rate of injuries aVecting
children compared with previous work.8 25
CAUSE OF INJURY Other studies have identified that boys tend
The causes of injury are many and varied and to be aVected more commonly than
no one cause can be identified as being girls,6 8 10–15 21 25 26 which is in keeping with our
predominant, especially in the younger age findings. This probably reflects boys’ more
group. Sporting activities and, rather worry- adventurous or possibly aggressive behaviour.
ingly, assaults were the commonest causes in School aged children are more susceptible than
the 5–14 age group (Table 3). No injuries were the younger age group as, although they are
caused by road traYc accidents or fireworks. still relatively immature, these children are
slightly more independent which may make
them more vulnerable.8 10
The commonest location for an injury to
Forty five children (48%) required surgical take place was the home, accounting for more
management, 36 (39%) were treated medi- than 50% of all accidents. This was almost
cally, and nine (10%) were simply observed. exclusively the place for preschool children
There was no further information on the injuries, but was also very common in school-
remaining three (3%) patients. It was not pos- children, which reflects both the amount of
sible to obtain this information as the data were time that all children spend at home and the
collected anonymously and there was, there- risks around the home. Many of these risks
fore, no method of collecting data missed at the remain unrecognised as most of the younger
time of collection. age group were injured by toys or domestic
Patients were admitted to hospital for a utensils which are found in any home. The
mean of 4.2 days (range 1–25 days, mode 4 domestic setting has previously been recog-
days). Nine patients were admitted for more nised as potentially dangerous, particularly
than 1 week and of these six (67%) required with regard to penetrating injuries,6 but the
surgery. incidence of injuries in the home in this study
is significantly higher than found
OUTCOME previously.9 10 12 21 This may be due to the
The final visual acuities were taken at time of climate in the United Kingdom, diVerent
final discharge. One (1%) child had an acuity standards of living or customs, or a change in
in the aVected eye in the “visually impaired” pattern of injury.
range (6/18–6/60) and one (1%) was “blind” Toys are a common cause of injury in the
(<6/60) in the aVected eye (Table 4). The child younger age group. In many cases the mech-
who was rendered visually impaired had been anism of injury is not clear, but may be due to
assaulted, sustaining a penetrating injury, and inappropriate use of the toy, such as throwing
the child who was blinded in the aVected eye it! However, toys are made to be used by chil-
had fallen over at home and suVered a retinal dren and, as such, inappropriate use should be
detachment. No child was bilaterally blinded considered and taken into account when devis-
by injury and none required blind or partial ing safety standards for the manufacture of
sight registration. toys. Toys should be made safer and should be
Eye injuries in children 935

sold only if they comply with the appropriate which had similar patterns of injury.12 13 15 24 An
British standard. alternative explanation for this improved prog-

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.83.8.933 on 1 August 1999. Downloaded from on 27 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
The injuries in the older age group were the nosis may be better trauma management in the
result of a very diVuse number of causes, form of surgical techniques and medical treat-
although participation in sports was the ments. Better management may be a factor,
commonest cause of injury (Table 3). With especially compared with studies carried out
increased time available for sport and leisure many years ago, but this is only part of the
activities and more emphasis on fitness, sport is answer as this paediatric subgroup had a better
already recognised as being a leading cause of outcome than that of the entire population
serious eye injury in Britain.26 27 Sport associ- which was studied.2 3 Thirteen per cent of the
ated eye trauma is largely preventible and has entire population had a poor visual outcome
been previously highlighted as a major cause of (2.5% with final acuities of 6/18–6/60 and
serious eye injury in the young age group.10 21 10.7% with acuities of < 6/60)2 compared with
Protective eye wear is available for a number of only 2% of the children. The paediatric popu-
sports, although there are certain barriers to lation would be oVered similar management
this such as poor education in this area and options as the rest of the population, and
many sports are played on an informal and therefore modern treatment cannot be entirely
unsupervised basis by children. This explains responsible for the improved outcomes.
why sport is the commonest cause of injury Previous studies identified that most ocular
(Table 3) but sports/leisure facilities are not the injuries in children take place in outdoor
commonest places for an injury to occur (Table locations,8 9 14 21 whereas in this study the
2). home, followed by school, is the most common
Assaults have been recognised as a frequent location for a paediatric ocular injury to take
cause of eye injury in the young.10 15 28 Al- place. These areas tend to have an adult
though the term assault suggests malicious presence with some degree of control and the
intent, injuries in this category may be improved prognosis for this age group may
unintentional, usually aiming at another part of simply reflect the current increased awareness
the body or a genuine accident. Children are of child safety which has resulted in more
not always aware of the possible consequences supervision.
of their actions and eVective countermeasures
for injuries caused by assaults are very diYcult
to devise as the circumstances are not well METHODS OF PREVENTION
delineated. Prevention of injury depends, firstly, on identi-
In this series blunt injuries predominate, fying the cause and, secondly, targeting this by
most children being admitted because of education and legislation. Some causes of ocu-
hyphaema. This represents further evidence lar trauma are particularly conspicuous by
that there is a trend of increased incidence of their absence in this series, indicating that pre-
blunt trauma in children8–10 compared with ventative strategies have been eVective in
perforating injuries which were more common certain areas. There were no injuries due to
in the past.9 15 29 This is a pattern to be road traYc accidents and these seem to have
welcomed as penetrating injuries, in general, been eVectively eliminated as a cause of eye
carry a poorer prognosis as those who suVer injury in the young (and in adults) owing to
from penetrating trauma are more likely to successful implementation of legislation re-
require surgery and to suVer from long term garding the use of seat belts in the front and
visual impairment.9 However, penetrating inju- back seats of cars.16–18 Fireworks, similarly,
ries were still a significant problem, accounting caused no injuries and this is probably the
for 24% of cases which required admission. result of a combination of legislation regarding
Other types of injury were rare, with very few the sale of fireworks to those younger than 14
intraocular foreign bodies (IOFBs) or chemical years of age and education, which has in-
burns. Injuries caused by IOFBs usually creased the number of organised displays.
produce significant intraocular damage and Airgun injuries have a poor prognosis owing
have a dismal prognosis. Chemical injuries are to the extensive damage caused by the high
commonly bilateral and consume resources velocity pellets and often result in loss of vision
owing to initial intensive treatment and the or even enucleation.30 Legislation alone is not
need for prolonged topical therapy. The always successful, in that it is illegal for those
outlook for serious chemical burns is also poor. under 17 years of age to handle firearms unsu-
pervised by an adult, and airguns were respon-
OUTCOME sible for 3% of injuries in this series. Until
Two children (2%) in this series suVered from recently this has been a very low profile area,
a serious loss of vision in one eye but no eye although the new firearms legislation in the
required to be enucleated. This is a better out- light of the Dunblane tragedy may now
come for children’s injuries than previously completely eliminate these injuries. In con-
reported, where the outcome of paediatric trast, there is no legislation regarding the safe
ocular trauma has been noted to be particu- keeping of domestic chemicals. However, they
larly severe.9 10 12 13 15 22 This may reflect chang- have been identified as dangerous, mainly
ing mechanisms of injury, with more blunt because they are sometimes accidentally in-
trauma and fewer penetrating injuries and gested, and parents are aware that they must be
intraocular foreign bodies than seen previously. stored safely away from children; this is
However, on closer inspection the visual reflected in the small number of chemical
outcome is better than that found in studies burns found in this study.
936 MacEwen, Baines, Desai

Sports have frequently been reported as a study could not have been conducted; Miss Kate Bullock and
Miss Marisa Tomlinson at the Royal College of Ophthalmolo-
source of major ocular trauma in all age gists; and Mrs Lynda Rose at Ninewells Hospital Ophthalmol-
groups, but especially the young.21 26 Clear cut

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.83.8.933 on 1 August 1999. Downloaded from on 27 April 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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play. The recent introduction of a British gists, London, to conduct this study.
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