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Strategy Research: Governance and Competence Perspectives

Author(s): Oliver E. Williamson

Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 20, No. 12 (Dec., 1999), pp. 1087-1108
Published by: John Wiley & Sons
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Strategic Management Journal
Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)

Walter A. Haas, School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, California,

Business strategy is a complex subject and is usefully examinedfrom several perspectives. This
paper applies the lenses of governance and competence to the study of strategy.
Both the governance and the competence perspectives have had the benefit of distinguished
antecedents. They have also had to deal with tautological reputations. I begin with the
governance perspective, with emphasis on the six key moves through which it has been
operationalized. I then examine the competence perspective in these same six respects.
Governance challenges the competence perspective to apply itself more assiduously to
operationalization, including the need to choose and give definition to one or more units of
analysis (of which the 'routine' is a promising candidate). The research challenges posed by
competence to which governance can and should respond include dynamic transaction costs,
learning, and the need to push beyond generic governance to address strategy issues faced by
particular firms (with their distinctive strengths and disabilities). A lively research future for
these two perspectives, individually and in combination, is projected. Copyright ? 1999 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Business strategy is an expansive enterprise. Not perspective gives greater prominence to eco-
only do all of the functional areas in the business nomics, in that choice among alternative modes
school relate, but strategy is, by nature, of governance is principally explained in trans-
interdisciplinary. All of the social sciences- action cost economizing terms, whereas the com-
especially economics and organization theory- petence perspective gives greater prominence to
plus contract law are implicated. Indeed, in the organization theory, where the importance of
high technology arena where some of the most process is especially featured.
difficult strategy issues reside, engineering and Because the governance perspective got an ear-
the law on intellectual property rights also have lier start and has been more fully operationalized,
a bearing. I begin with a sketch of the key moves out of
Of the various approaches to the study of which the governance perspective works. The
strategy, this paper focuses on the governance long-awaited operationalization of competence is
and competence perspectives. Both perspectives then examined with respect to the same six
combine economic reasoning with organization moves. Challenges posed by the competence per-
theory. As between these two, the governance spective for governance-some of which I
believe to be mistaken but the more important of
which are wholly constructive-are addressed
Key words: transactioncost; contracting;competence; next. Concluding remarks follow.
*Correspondence to: Oliver E. Williamson,Haas School of
Business, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-
1900, U.S.A.

CCC 0143-2095/99/121087-22 $17.50 Received 17 September 1998

Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Final revision received 17 June 1999
1088 0. E. Williamson

THE GOVERNANCE PERSPECTIVE (1969: 49)-where by transactioncost Arrow

had referenceto the 'costs of runningthe eco-
As I have discussedelsewhere(Williamson,1985, nomic system' (1969: 48).
1996, 1998), the governanceperspectivehas been These significantintellectualaccomplishments
the beneficiary of distinguished antecedents. and the intuitive appeal of transactioncosts not-
Prominentamongthese is RonaldCoase's classic withstanding, the concept of transaction cost
articleon 'The Natureof the Firm' (1937). Rather remainedvague and elastic.Therebeing too many
than describethe firm in technologicalterms (as degreesof freedom,any outcomecould be ration-
a production function), firm and market are alized after the fact by a suitablespecificationof
describedas alternativemodes of governance,the transactioncosts (Fischer, 1977).
choice betweenwhich was principallydecidedby Awaitingoperationalization, Coase's 1937 arti-
transactioncost differences. His later article on cle was 'muchcited and little used' (Coase, 1972:
'The Problemof Social Cost' (1960) introduced 67). The operationalizationof transactioncosts
the fiction of zero transactioncosts but empha- finally got underway in the 1970s. Once begun,
sized that choices, always and everywhere,had transactioncost economics has successively pro-
to be made between feasible alternatives.This gressedfrom informalinto preformal,semiformal,
emphasis on feasibility meant that the compara- and fully formal modes of analysis (Williamson,
tive institutionalaction turnedon positive trans- 1996: 18-20).
action cost features.John R. Commonslikewise Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz (1972)
eschewed technology in favor of the economics proposedthattechnologicalnonseparabilities were
of organization.According to Commons, 'The the key factor in supplantingmarketby internal
ultimate unit of activity ... must contain in itself organization.Such nonseparabilitiesexplain only
the three principles of conflict, mutuality, and small teams (Alchian and Demsetz, 1972; Marx,
order.This unit is a transaction'(1932: 4). Not 1967, Vol. 1, Chap. 3), however, and do not
only does transactioncost economics agree that engage contractingmore generally.1How do we
the transactionis the basic unit of analysis, but move beyond the employmentrelationto include
it views governanceas an economizingresponse complex contracting of other kinds? What
to the Commonstriple. explains the integrationof technologicallysepa-
Chester Barnard'sinsistence that organization rable stages of activity? What explains nonstan-
was importantand undervaluedwas likewise pre- dard forms of contracting,such as customerand
scient. Like FriedrichHayek, Barnardheld that territorialrestrictions,exchange agreements,and
adaptationwas the centralproblemof economic franchising?What explains the choice between
organization.But whereasHayek (1945) empha- alternativemodes of finance (debt and equity)?
sized spontaneousadaptationrealizedthroughthe What explains corporategovernancein the large
market, Barnard emphasized cooperative adap- corporation?What is the economic rationalefor
tationof a 'conscious,deliberate,purposeful'kind regulation/deregulation?How does governance
(1938: 4), working throughadministration.Key bear on the protection of intellectual property
elements in Barnard'stheory of internalorgani- rights?
zation included(1) a theory of authority,(2) the Directly or indirectly,these are all contractual
employmentrelation, (3) informal organization, issues-to which the lens of comparativecon-
and (4) economizing.Barnard'swork was a turn- tractingis well suited and in relation to which
ing point for organizationtheory,as subsequently issues of organizationare salient. My first trans-
developed by HerbertSimon (1947, 1957) and action cost article (Williamson, 1971) dealt with
related work at Carnegie (March and Simon, verticalintegration-or, in more mundaneterms,
1958; Cyert and March, 1963) as well as by with the make-or-buydecision. That turned out
Philip Selznick (1949). to be a prototypicalproblem.Variationson a few
The progressive development and refinement
of the marketfailureliteratureled KennethArrow
to observe that 'marketfailure is not absolute;it ' Geoffrey Hodgson holds that the 'contractual approach' is
is better to consider a broadercategory, that of preoccupied with monitoring and metering. That is more the
focus of the agency perspective (Alchian and Demsetz, 1972)
transactioncosts, which in general impede and rather than the governance perspective. For a comparison of
in particularcases block the formationof markets' these two, see Williamson (1975).

Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat.Mgmt.J., 20: 1087-1108(1999)
Strategy Research 1089

key themes followed. With the benefit of hind- portedby credible commitments,will not, there-
sight, transaction cost economics has been fore, be self-enforcing.
implemented through the six key moves But for opportunism,the courts would simply
describedbelow. ask witnesses to 'tell us what you know that is
germaneto our decision.' That is not, however,
the way testimony is taken. Witnesses are
HUMAN ACTORS requiredto take an oath to 'tell the truth, the
whole truth,and nothingbut the truth':don't lie,
If 'Nothing is more fundamentalin setting our don't conceal, don't mislead. The temptationfor
research agenda and informing our research witnesses to prevaricateis thus recognized and,
methodsthanour view of the natureof the human because perjuryin the courtroomcarries severe
beings whose behaviorwe are studying' (Simon, penalties,actively deterred.
1985: 303), then social scientists should be pre-
pared to name the key featuresof human actors
to which theirresearchprojectrelates.Transaction UNIT OF ANALYSIS
cost economics names three.
Transaction cost economics eschews hyper- Commons recommends that the transactionbe
rationality in favor of bounded rationality- made the basic unit of analysis.Transactioncost
accordingto which human actors are intendedly economics concurs.
rational but only limitedly so (Simon, 1961: To a first approximation,a transactionoccurs
xxiv). All complex contracts are unavoidably when a good or service is transferredbetween
incompleteby reason of boundedrationality.But technologically separable stages. Thus whereas
there is more. Are human agents myopic, in the thereis a presumptionthat nonseparableactivities
manner of the behavioral theory of the firm will be organized under unified ownership
(Cyert and March, 1963), or do they have the (perhaps a team of the Alchian and Demsetz
capacityfor foresight,whereuponthey look ahead (1972) kind), the possible joinder of separable
and reposition?George Schultz's views on eco- stages is not driven by technology but needs to
nomics supportthe latter: 'my training in eco- be derived.
nomics has had a major influence on the way I A basic move in the operationalization of trans-
think about public policy tasks, even when they action cost economics is to name the principal
have no particular relationship to economics. dimensions with respect to which significant
Our discipline makes one think ahead, ask about transactioncost consequences accrue. Three of
indirect consequences, take note of variables these key attributesare the frequencywith which
that may not be directly under consideration' transactionsrecur, the uncertainty(disturbances)
(1995: 1). The businessman Rudolf Spreckels to which transactionsare subject,and the degree
knew this in his bones: 'WheneverI see some- to which transactionsare supportedby transaction
thing badly done, or not done at all, I see an specific assets. A good deal of the explanatory
opportunityto make a fortune.' Those instincts, power of transactioncost economics turns on
if widely operative, will influence the practice this last.2
and ought to influence the theory of economic
organization. Transaction cost economics
ascribes foresight rather than myopia to DESCRIBING THE FIRM
human actors.
Another attributeof core importanceis that As KennethArrow observes (1999: vii):
of self-interest.Transactioncost economics goes
Any standardeconomictheory,notjust neoclassi-
beyond the orthodoxdescriptionof simple self- cal, starts from the existence of firms. Usually,
interest seeking to include strategic behavior- the firm is a point or at any rate a black box...
which manifestsitself as adverseselection, moral
hazard, and, more generally, as opportunism. 2 As it turns out, asset specificitytakes a variety of forms:
Accordingly,human actors will not reliably dis- physical, human, site-specific,dedicatedassets, brandname
and temporal.A conditionof bilateraldependencyis
close true conditions upon request or self-fulfill capital,
associatedwith all, but the governancestructureresponses
all promises. Contractas mere promise, unsup- differwith the asset specificityparticulars(Williamson,1996).
? 1999JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd.
Copyright Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
1090 0. E. Williamson

But firms are palpably not points. They have PURPOSES SERVED
internal structure.This internal structuremust
arise for some reason.
Transactioncost economics holds that economiz-
ing on transactioncosts is the 'main case'-
Transactioncost economics describesthe firm which is not to say the only case. The attributes
not in technological terms (as a production of human actors are centrally implicated.Thus
function) but in organizational terms (as a one productive way to think about economic
governance structure).Indeed, firm and market organizationis as a meansby which to economize
are alternativemodes of governancethat differ on boundedrationalityand mitigate the hazards
in discretestructuralways. Chief amongthe attri- that accrueto opportunism.Cognitivespecializa-
butes that describea mode of governanceare (1) tion, within and between firms, is a means by
incentive intensity, (2) administrativecontrols, which to economizeon mind as a scarceresource
and (3) the legal rules regime (Williamson, (Williamson,1999b). And governanceis an econ-
1991). These in turn give rise to differential omizing responseto the Commonstriple, in that
adaptivecapacity-in both autonomousand coop- governanceis a means by which to infuse order
erative adaptationrespects. Alternativemodes of in a relationwhere potentialconflict threatensto
governanceare internallyconsistentsyndromesof undo or upset opportunitiesto realize mutual
these attributes-which is to say each has distinc- gains.
tive strengthsand weaknesses. It is furthermoreinterestingthat evolutionary
One of the importantbyproductsof this exer- biology proceeds similarly.As RichardDawkins
cise is that studentsof organizationare forced to has observed, 'One unique feature of man... is
confront the Coasian puzzle, Why not organize his capacity for conscious foresight' (Dawkins,
everythingin one big firm? Thus if firms enjoy 1976: 200). Indeed,it is the 'capacityto simulate
advantagesin relation to markets, and if there the futurein imagination... [that saves] us from
are no offsetting burdens,then net benefits will the worst excesses of the blind replicators'
always accrue upon taking a transactionout of (Dawkins, 1976: 200). The worst consequences
the market and organizingit internally.That is to which Dawkins refers have their origins in
contradictedby the data: both the fact of many selfishness:'a predominantqualityof a successful
firms and the failures of socialism in Eastern gene is ruthlessselfishness'(1976: 2)-hence the
Europeand the formerSoviet Union speakto the title of his famous book, The Selfish Gene.
limits of centralplanning.Whatexplainsthe lim- Crediblecontractingis very much an exercise
its of firms/centralization? in farsightedcontracting,wherebythe partieslook
Transaction cost economics addresses this ahead,recognizehazards,and devise hazardmiti-
puzzle by joining two hypotheticalmoves: repli- gating responses-thereby to realize mutualgain.
cation and selective intervention.If two unified These safeguardsrarelytake the form of pecuni-
stages can always do as well as two independent ary bonds but involve instead mechanisms of
stages by instructingeach stage to conduct 'busi- governance-information disclosure, discussion,
ness as usual' when things go well (that is, by disputesettlementof a privateorderingkind (such
replication) and will intervene always but only as arbitration)-which permitthe partiesto work
when things get out of alignment (that is, will through their differences and get on with the
intervene selectively), then the unified firm can job. Having the courts available for purposes
never do worse (by replication)and will some- of ultimate appeal nevertheless delimits threat
times do better (by selective intervention). positions, thereby providing supportfor private
Transactioncost economics then examines the ordering. The efficacy of governance is thus
mechanisms of replication and selective inter- jointly determinedby local efforts (self-help to
vention and finds that both experienceproblems craft mechanisms)and as a functionof the insti-
of implementation(Williamson, 1985, Chap. 6). tutional environment(polity; judiciary; laws of
Accordingly,because of the added bureaucratic propertyand contract).
costs that unavoidablyattendthe decision to take More generally, transaction cost economics
a transactionout of the market and organize it worksout of the discriminatingalignmenthypoth-
internally,the firm is advised to integrateonly esis, accordingto which transactions,which differ
for 'compellingreasons.' in their attributes,are aligned with governance
Copyright? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
StrategyResearch 1091

structures,which differ in their cost and com- productmarket,finance,labormarket,knowledge,

petence, so as to effect an economizing result. regulation,etc.-can be passedthroughvariations
The simple contractualschema shown in Figure on this same simple setup and refutableimpli-
1 is illustrative. cations derived. To repeat, transactioncost eco-
Thus assume that there are two alternative nomics works out of a few key themes.
technologies for producing a good or service.
One is generic (k = 0), which leads to the ideal
transactionin both law and economics at Node EMPIRICAL
A. The secondrequirestransactionspecificinvest-
ments (k > 0) that cannot be redeployed to Some theories of economic organizationmake
alternativeuses and users withoutloss of produc- little effort to advance refutable implications.
tive value. These transactionspose hazards of Among those that do, few are empiricallytested.
bilateraldependency.Lackingsecurityfeatures(s Simon evidently believes that transactioncost
= 0), such transactionswill pose considerable economics is remiss in empiricalrespects:await-
risk, which risk will be priced out at Node B. If ing empiricaltesting, 'the new institutionaleco-
instead safeguardsare provided (s > 0), these nomics and related approachesare acts of faith,
can take eithermarketforms (Node C) or unified or perhapsof piety' (Simon, 1991: 27).
ownership (Node D). Because internal organi- Coase had registered similar concerns about
zation experiences added bureaucraticcosts, the the dearth of empirical work on contract and
firm (Node D) is usefully thought of as the organizationtwenty years earlier (Coase, 1972),
organizationform of last resort:try markets,try but that was before the operationalizationof
hybrids (long term contractual relations into transactioncost economics had begun and pre-
which security features have been crafted), and dicted alignments were advanced. Empirical
resortto firmswhen all else fails (comparatively). applications of transactioncost economics got
Node D, the firm, thus comes in only as trans- under way in the U.S. in the 1980s and have
actionshave especially high degrees of asset spe- grown exponentiallysince: the number of pub-
cificity and as added uncertaintyposes greater lished studies exceeds 400 and involves scientists
needs for cooperative adaptation.Problems of in Europe,Japan,India, Mexico, South America,
protecting intellectual property rights can also New Zealand,and the list goes on.
give rise to a Node D outcome (Teece, 1986; It could have been otherwise, but the theory
Liebeskind,1996). and evidence display a remarkablecongruity
With appropriateinterpretation,each class of (Masten, 1995: xi). Recent empirical surveys
transaction-intermediate product market, final include Howard Shelanski and Peter Klein

A ("Ideal'market)

* B (Hazard)

C (Hybrid)



Figure 1. Simple contracting scheme

Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
1092 0. E. Williamson

(1995), Bruce Lyons (1996), Keith Crockerand terminatinga program,then the requisiteconsent
Scott Masten (1996), and Aric Rindfleischand will be withheld. In that event, a preponderance
Jan Heide (1997). of political supportwill be needed to override
Not only has this researchbeen broadlycorrob- the status quo.
orativeof the predictionsof transactioncost eco- The presumedefficiency of an extant program
nomics, but the importanceof risk aversion to is neverthelessrebuttable.The issues are some-
commercialcontractinghas been placed in doubt. what involved and are discussed elsewhere
To be sure, transaction cost economics, like (Williamson, 1996, 1999a). Absent rebuttal,
everythingelse, will benefitfrom more and better remediablenessstands as a reminderthat it is
empiricalwork. I have no hesitation,however,in impossibleto be better than one's best.
declaring that transactioncost economics is an
empirical success story. Paul Joskow concurs:
'this empirical work is in much better shape THE COMPETENCE PERSPECTIVE
than much of the empirical work in industrial
organizationgenerally' (1991: 81). Richard Langlois and Nicolai Foss refer to a
small but growing list of authors who have
'begun self-consciouslyreferringto their work as
EFFICIENCY CRITERION lying within the confines of a 'capabilities,'
'dynamiccapabilities,'or 'competence'approach
Whereas I would describe the five foregoing (Langlois, 1992; Langlois and Robertson,1995;
moves as essential to the operationalizationof Kogut and Zander, 1992; Foss, 1993; Dosi and
transactioncost economics, the efficiency cri- Marengo,1994; Teece and Pisano, 1994)' (1997:
terion described here is more of a conceptual 13). Albeit complementaryto transactioncost
ratherthan an operationalmove. It is nonetheless economics (Langlois and Foss, 1997: 4), this
a conceptualmove with operationalsignificance. work is also different(Langlois and Foss, 1997:
Because all feasible forms of organizationare 15):
flawed, and because choice must be made from
the feasible set, hypothetical ideals are oper- A key implicationof the capabilitiesperspective
as it relatesto economic organizationis that, in
ationally irrelevant (Coase, 1964; Demsetz, the terminologyof G. B. Richardson(1972), the
1969). structure of complementarityand similarity
The remediablenesscriterion holds that an among the various capabilitiesin the economy
extant condition for which no feasible superior affects the patternof organization(includingthe
alternativecan be describedand implementedwith firm-marketboundary)in ways not fully explic-
able in termsof the costs of transacting.Indeed,
expected net gains is presumed to be efficient. the ability to transact(and thereforethe cost of
Considereach of the italicized features.
transacting)is itself a capability(Winter 1988),
Proposedforms of organizationthat make im- which suggests a blurring of the boundary
possible demands on limited rationalityfail the betweenproductionand exchange.
test of feasibility. Marginal cost pricing, for
example, is often infeasible because it makes Muchof this workdrawsinspirationfromEdith
impossibleinformationdemands.Even, however, Penrose's influentialbook on The Theoryof the
if a proposed superioralternativeis feasible, it Growth of the Firm (1959) and Joseph Schumpe-
may fail the test of implementation.Collective ter's earlier work on Capitalism, Socialism, and
action,for example,may be needed to implement Democracy (1942), especially as it relates to
the change, but the requisite agreementmay be technical and organizationalinnovation. George
impossibleto reach and/or enforce (by reason of Richardson's article on 'The Organizationof
bounded rationalityand opportunism).Note in Industry'(1972) is seminal.The book by Richard
this connectionthat a potentialgain may fail to Cyert and James March on A Behavioral Theory
be realized if agreementrequiresthe consent of of the Firm (1963) makes the case for a 'realism
those who currentlyenjoy an advantage(e.g., the in process' approachto the study of organization.
currentbeneficiariesof the U.S. sugar program). RichardNelson and Sidney Winter'sbook on An
If currentbeneficiariesdisbelieve implementation Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change (1982)
'promises' that they will be made whole upon is in this same spirit and has had a significant
Copyright? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
Strategy Research 1093

influence on the strategyliterature.In short, the to make its case. The influential article by C.
capabilities/competence perspective has dis- K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel on 'The Core
tinguishedantecedents,the overarchingtheme of Competence of the Corporation'(1990) helped
which is the importanceof process. Common to move the idea of core competence onto the
theme notwithstanding,it is not obvious how to agenda by ascribing greatercore competence to
bring the more importantprocesses togetherin a Japanesethan Americancorporationsduring the
coherentway. Not only is process analysis hard decade of the 1980s-especially contrastingthe
to do, but there are many importantprocesses. American firm GTE and its Japanese counter-
What are the priorities? part NEC. Whereas GTE plodded along, NEC
Every stream of research-orthodoxy, trans- moved ahead vigorously. More generally,
action cost economics, agency theory-has Japanese firms were believed to be flourishing
strengths and weaknesses and stands to benefit while their American counterparts were
from good critics and from taking stock. The languishing (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990: 81-
competenceperspectiveis no exception,yet com- 85). Ironically, considering the Japanese suc-
petence research has been curiously exempted cess at subcontracting,Prahaladand Hamel con-
from sustainedcritique.I do not attempta sus- clude that 'too many [American] companies
tained critiquehere but do pose two relatedcon- have unwittingly surrendered core com-
cerns: obscure and often tautologicaldefinitions petencies' by engaging in outsourcing(Prahalad
of key terms; and failures of operationalization. and Hamel, 1990: 84).
To be sure, 'The early versions of most new David Teece, Gary Pisano, and Amy Shuen
paradigmsare crude' (Kuhn, 1970: 156). Eventu- 'define those competences that define a firm's
ally, however,all would-becontendersneedto offer fundamentalbusiness as core. Core competences
a positiveresearchagenda(Kuhn,1970:77). There must accordinglybe derived by looking across
being manygood ideas in the competenceperspec- the range of a firm's (and its competitors)prod-
tive, what precludesoperationalization? ucts and services' (1997: 516). This is very nearly
As noted earlier, the concept of transaction circular,in thatit comes perilouslyclose to saying
costs, which is centralto the studyof governance, that a core competence is a competence that is
also suffered from a tautological reputation. core. Teece et al. add in a footnote that 'East-
AlthoughCoase respondedthat a tautologyis the man Kodak's core competence might be con-
'criticism people make of a propositionthat is sidered imaging, IBM's might be considered
clearly right' (1988: 19), that is not entirely integrated data processing and service, and
satisfactory.Sooner or later, a would-be theory Motorola's untethered communication' (1997:
must be asked to show its hand. 516, n. 4).
The concept of competenceis also important Both the Prahaladand Hamel and Teece et al.
and it too has acquireda tautologicalreputation concepts of core competence are expansive and
(Porter,1994;Mosakowskiand McKelvey, 1997). elastic. The ideas thatfirmspossess both strengths
Its obvious importanceand intuitive appeal not- (competences) and weaknesses (disabilities) and
withstanding, a relentless commitment to the thatthey are engagedin intertemporal competence
operationalizationof competence is needed lest tradeoffs (in relation to which the condition of
the study of competence experience the fate of competitionplays an importantrole) are, to say
AmericanLegal Realism and run itself 'into the the least, underdeveloped.There being no appa-
sand' (Schlegel, 1979: 459). Nicholas Georgescu- ratus by which to advise firms on when and
Roegen's view of the scientificenterpriseapplies: how to reconfiguretheir core competences, the
'The purposeof science in generalis not predic- argumentrelies on ex post rationalization:show
tion, but knowledgefor its own sake,' yet predic- me a success story and I will show you
tion is 'the touchstone of scientific knowledge' (uncover) a core competence.3 (Or show me
(1971: 37). There being many would-be theories
of the firm, there is a need to sort the wheat 3More informative, often, than success stories are stories
from the chaff. Predictions,data, and empirical about failure-especially the failures of once successful
tests provide the requisitescreen. enterprises to adapt to new circumstances. What is responsible
for the inability to adapt? It being the case that firms have
Awaiting such developments, the competence both competences and limitations, is the failure a predictable
perspective relies primarily on success stories consequence of the limitations to which the firm is subject?
Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
1094 0. E. Williamson

a failure and I will show you (uncover) a HUMAN ACTORS

missing competence.)
Giovanni Dosi and Teece more recently The cognitive assumptionout of which the com-
describe the competence perspective as follows petenceapproachworksis thatof boundedration-
(1998: 284; emphasisin original): ality, althoughthat is sometimes implicit rather
than explicit. Plainly, boundedrationalityis fea-
...a firm's distinctive competenceneeds to be turedin the behavioraltheory of the firm (Cyert
understoodas a reflectionof distinctiveorgani-
zational capabilitiesto coordinateand to learn. and March,1963), which is an importantforerun-
By 'organizationalcapabilities' we mean the ner to the work on evolutionaryeconomics by
capabilitiesof an enterpriseto organize,manage, Nelson and Winter (1982). Competence-based
coordinate,or govern sets of activities.The set research,moreover,ascribes great importanceto
of activitiesthat a firm can organizeand coordi-
nate better than other firms is its distinctive learningand implicitly assumes incompletecon-
competencies. Posed differently, a distinctive tracting, both of which owe their origins to
competenceis a differentiatedset of skills, com- boundedrationality.
plementary assets, and organization routines As between myopia and foresight, the com-
which togetherallow a firmto coordinatea parti- petence perspective mainly emphasizes the for-
cular set of activitiesin a way that providesthe mer.6 In the behavioraltheory of the firm, for
basis for competitiveadvantagein a particular
marketor markets. example, search is local and 'simple-minded,'
learning takes the form of trial-and-error,and
This is in the expansivetraditionto which I refer adaptationsare induced by crises (so the firm
above and covers a lot of ground: competence resemblesa fire departmentmore than a strategic
entails coordinationand learning, is based on actor). The literature from experimental psy-
skill, assets, and routines,and is judged in com- chology (Kahneman,Slovic, and Tversky, 1982)
is often cited in supportof myopia, especially in
parisonwith rivals.
relation to the learning and evolutionarylitera-
Big ideas often take a long time to take on
definition. Thirty five years expired between tures (Dosi, Marengo,and Fagiolo, 1996).
Coase's 1937 article and efforts to oper- The competenceliteratureis chary on the sub-
ationalize transactioncosts in the early 1970s. ject of self-interest.Foss, ChristianKnudsen,and
Dating the origins of competence is arbitrary, Cynthia Montgomerymake no mention of self-
but one candidate is Richardson's 1972 article interest whatsoever in their examination of
in which 'capabilities' are introduced.If a 35- behavioralassumptions(1995: 12-13) and others
treat it gingerly. Self-interest in the Carnegie
year gestation interval is added to 1972, the
birth year for competence, after which oper- setup admits to subgoal pursuit, but Simon
ationalization will progress rapidly, will be eschews opportunismin favor of 'frailties of
2007.4 On the possibility that the six-part pro- motive' (1985: 304). Indeed, much of the com-
gram throughwhich transactioncost economics petence literaturedisplays an active aversion to
works has relevance for competence, I examine opportunismand places emphasison what Diego
how competence relates or could relate to these Gambettahas referredto as 'the elusive notion
same six moves.5 of trust' (1988: ix).
Whereasthe competenceperspectiveconcedes
the need to economize on mind as a scarce
resource, it is curiously reluctantto treat trust
Are those limitations remediable? If not, the 'failure' is the in a calculative way. The concept of credible
product of the syndrome of attributes that describe the firm. commitment,for example,which implies a calcu-
Having gone down a path to which highest expected net
gains were projected at time t, the firm has to live with the
lative approachto contract and plays a crucial
(path dependent) consequences at time t + T.
4 The other obvious candidate is Penrose's 1959 book. In that
event, the birth year of competence, given a 35-year gestation The resource-based approach associated with Penrose, how-
period, would be 1994. ever, views strategy as having a strongly intentional element
5 That could be an unfair comparison, in that competence is (Foss, Knudsen, and Montgomery, 1995: 12). As Sidney
asked to play on transaction cost turf. I can understand, Winter puts it, 'The heart of the normative guidance offered
therefore, if competence scholars propose a different basis for by the resource-based view lies in the idea of leveraging the
comparison. A parallel comparison across these same six idiosyncratic profit opportunities in existing resource endow-
moves is nonetheless instructive. ments' (1995: 148).

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Strategy Research 1095

role in the economics literature,usually goes 14). Three kinds of routines are distinguished:
unmentioned.By contrast, both mind and trust short run routines that determine the firm's
(the absenceof opportunism)are scarceresources operatingcharacteristics;investmentroutines;and
under the transaction cost economics setup, routineswhich 'modify over time variousaspects
whence the cost-effective development and of the operating characteristics' (Nelson and
deploymentof both mind and trustare projected. Winter,1982: 16-17). These routinesinform 'the
dynamic processes by which firm behavior pat-
terns and marketoutcomesare jointly determined
UNIT OF ANALYSIS over time' (Nelson and Winter,1982: 18), which
is the core concernof evolutionarytheory.
Foss et al. hold that the routineis the basic unit If routinesare to economic organizationwhat
of analysis for evolutionarytheory whereas the genes are to biology, then we are evidently onto
resourceis the basic unit of analysisfor resource- something very basic. As Dosi et al. put it,
based theory(1995: 10). Sidney Winterevidently routinesare 'foundational'(1996: 10). But how,
agrees and discusses resources and routines as then, does the routine get implemented?The
follows (1995: 149; emphasisin original): departmentstore pricing study by Cyert and
March (1963, Chap. 7) is the most fully
[According to] Wernerfelt(1984)... the term developed illustrationof the explanatorypower
'resources' embraces 'anything that could be
termed a strength or weakness of a given of routinesof which I am aware.
firm...-(tangible and intangible) assets which As against the orthodox prescriptionto set
are tied semi-permanentlyto the firm.' Sub- prices on the basis of marginalcosts and demand
sequent discussion in the literaturehas empha- elasticities,Cyert and Marchmaintainthat prices
sized the resources that underlie competitive are set by simple routines.Exclusive items and
advantage('strengths'),and has sought to iden-
tify the characteristicssuch resourcesmust have import items excepted, the standarddepartment
if success is to be sustained.The term 'routine' store markuprule is simple: 'Divide each cost
has been used in evolutionaryeconomics in a by 0.6 (1-mark-up)and move the result to the
similarlyexpansive fashion. Nelson and Winter nearest $.95' (Cyert and March, 1963: 138).
(1982) say that '...most of what is regularand Other (more extensive) routines apply to sale
predictableabout business behavioris plausibly
subsumedunderthe heading 'routine.' pricingand mark-downs(Cyertand March,1963:
140-145). The predictivepowers of these three
Joseph Mahoney and Rajendran Pandian routineswere thereaftertested with the following
observethat 'The essentialtheoreticalconceptfor results (Cyert and March, 1963: 147):
explaining the sustainability of rents in the
resource-based framework is "isolating (1) normal pricing: from a random sample of
mechanisms"'(1992: 371). A list of eleven such 197 invoices, 188 were correctlypredicted;
mechanismsis then developed,to which they ask, (2) sales pricing: from a random sample of 58
'what is the generalizeableinsight' (1992: 371)? items, 56 were predictedcorrectly;
Their response that 'isolating mechanismsexist (3) mark-downpricing: from a sample of 159
because of asset specificityand bounded ration- items selected, 140 were correctlypredicted.
ality' (Mahoneyand Pandian,1992: 373; empha-
sis in original) is very much in the spirit of The criterionfor judging a successful prediction
transactioncost economics. Arguably, however, in all three cases is that prices must be correctly
the concept of resources is more composite, in predicted'to the exact penny.'
that it refers to a cluster of related transactions. Although they contend that their computer
In that event, the challenge is to define and model 'lends itself to further elaboration and
dimensionalizeclusters. testing' (Cyert and March, 1963: 148), few
Accordingto Nelson and Winter,'routinesplay organizationtheorists and almost no economists
the role that genes play in biological evolutionary have followed that empiricallead.7Nelson never-
theory' (1982: 14). Routines are persistent,heri-
table, and selectable 'in the sense that organisms 7 Many potential units of analysis never take on sufficient
with certain routinesmay do better than others' definition to be broadly useful. Simon, for example, refers to
and grow relatively (Nelson and Winter, 1982: the sociological concept of role as a potential unit of analysis,

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1096 0. E. Williamson

theless maintains that routines inform the idea of coevolution between corporate patterns of knowl-
core competence (1991: 70): edge distribution and mechanisms of coordination
and governance' (Coriat and Dosi, 1998: 116).
The notion of a hierarchyof organizationalrou- So conceived, routines are a much more com-
tines is the key buildingblock underour concept
of core organizationalroutines... If the lower- posite concept than the pricing rules to which
orderroutinesfor doing varioustasks are absent, Cyert and March refer. Indeed, Taylorism and
or if...there is no practicalhigher-orderroutine Ohnism are more akin to the organization form
for invokingthem [as needed]..., then the capa- distinctions that I made when examining the
bility to do thatjob lies outsidethe organization's organization of work (Williamson, 1980). This
extantcore capabilities.
latter entailed the comparison of six work
The pricing rules to which Cyert and March modes-putting-out, federated, communal-emh,
peer group, inside contracting, and authority
refer are presumably the lower-order routines in
relation-across product flow attributes, job
such a scheme of things, while the routines for
assignment attributes, and incentive attributes.
switching among pricing rules are higher-order. The Coriat and Dosi
But while there is no disputing that department groupings (knowledge distri-
bution; mechanisms of coordination; governance)
stores with better lower-order and higher-order
are related but different. Might these be worked
pricing routines will perform better than those in such a way as to operationalize the study
with worse, the possession of such a core com- up
of work organization more fully and effectively?
petence does not take us very far in describing Still another
the overall competitiveness of this or any other possibility is to operationalize the
concept of routine by appealing to the cognitive
department store. What are the questions to which science notion of
the concept of routine is permitting us to give 'script' (Nooteboom, 1999b).
answers? What are the attributes with respect to
which routines are described?
Implementing this last would be tantamount to
treating the routine as the counterpart of the The
transaction. But there is another possibility: rou- competence perspective also rejects the idea
of the firm as a production function and empha-
tines are a way by which we describe organi-
sizes management and organization features
zation forms. Such a concept is suggested by
instead. Starting from the basic unit of analysis,
Benjamin Coriat and Dosi, who distinguish that the firm is described as the aggre-
between 'two archetypal sets of routines..., suppose
gation of those basic units for which internal
namely 'Tayloristic' and 'Ohnistic' (loosely
organization enjoys a comparative advantage. The
speaking, 'Japanese') production methods' (1998: firm then is a bundle of related resources
116). It is their position that 'particular sets the resource-based a bundle of rou-
[clusters?] of routines can be traced back to the tines
(from the evolutionary perspective), and a
bundle of transactions/contracts (from the trans-
action cost economics perspective).
but observes that 'the term has never been given sufficiently
precise definition' (Simon, 1961). He thereafter goes on to According to Geoffrey Hodgson, the com-
nominate the decision premise as the unit of analysis: petence perspective can answer the same key
'Behavior can be predicted ...when the premises of the of the existence, structure, and bound-
decision are known (or can be predicted) in sufficient detail' questions
(Simon, 1961). The decision premise as the unit of analysis
aries of the firm 'at least as well as the transaction
for the study of organization has yet to be shown to have cost and other contractariantheories' (1998: 181).
broad applicability. He thereafter argues that the principal factor
The same applies to the concept of capabilities, which
Richardson introduces with the observation that the functional 'explaining the existence, boundaries, nature and
activities in an industry need to be 'carried out by organi- development of the firm is the capacity of such
zations with appropriate capabilities, or, in other words, with an
organization to protect and develop the com-
appropriate knowledge, experience, and skills' (1972: 888;
emphasis in original). He subsequently concedes that the petences of the groups and individuals contained
'notion of capability is no doubt somewhat vague' (1972: within it, in a changing environment' (Hodgson,
888) and refers to Penrose on how capabilities slowly evolve 1998: 189). But while he follows this with a series
(Richardson, 1972: 888). The operationalization of capabilities
has also been slow to evolve, which may explain the replace- of interesting remarks about formal and informal
ment of the term capabilities by competence. relations, tacit knowledge, mental models, organi-
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Strategy Research 1097

zationallearning,trust,dynamiccorporateculture, the decisionto buy in the marketratherthanmake

and the like, we are never told why these effects to one's own needs is not between zero firms
work better (or worse) in a unified firm (AB) (market)and a single firm(produceinternally)but
ratherthanin two autonomousfirms (A and B). ratheris between(at least) two firms(supplierand
Relatedly, Hodgson (and the competence buyer) and one firm (produceinternally).Given
perspective)never addressthe limits to firm size that all firms are repositoriesof knowledge and
issue-except, perhaps,in the limits to growthto that all firms learn and develop interpersonal
which Penrose(1959) refers.Thus althoughHodg- relations,the questionis when is this best done in
son avers that 'Firm competenceshave limits of separatefirms ratherthan in one. That issue is
scale and scope' (1998: 192), the supportinglogic never addressed,much less workedthrough,in a
is not developed.The burdensof bureaucracyare comparativeinstitutionalway.
curiouslyslightedby the competenceliterature. A related issue has, however, been posed by
This does not, however, mean that the com- Teece (1986) and subsequentlyaddressedby Julia
petence perspectiveis unneeded.One possibility, Liebeskind(1996) in the contextof weak property
which I discuss later, is that transactioncost rights for knowledge. If interfirm contracting
economics informsthe generic decision to make- exposesa firmto the leakageof proprietary knowl-
or-buy while competence brings in particulars. edge (because the knowledgecannotbe patented,
That is broadly congruent with Dosi's view possiblybecausethe knowledgedisclosedis much
(quoted by Hodgson (1998: 195)) that 'the broaderthan that which can be patented,and/or
boundariesof the corporationneed to be under- patentscannotbe effectivelyenforced),then a firm
stood not only in terms of transactioncost con- will take self-protectivemeasuresto reduce the
siderations,but also in terms of learning, path leakage of such knowledge. Goods or services
dependencies, technological opportunities, se- which,in a regimewhereproprietary knowledgeis
lection, and complementaryassets' (Dosi, 1994: secure,wouldbe contractedout will be undertaken
231). Evidentlycomposite transactions(clusters) by the firm instead(Teece, 1986).
and process considerationsneed to figure more As Liebeskindpoints out, that implies that the
prominently.I do not disagree but would urge mechanismsfor protectingknowledge internally
that thereis a need to breatheoperationalcontent are superiorto those that attend interfirmcon-
into such competencefeatures. tracting.Albeit intuitively'obvious,' thatintuition
needs to be workedthrough.What,precisely, are
the mechanisms through which this differential
PURPOSES SERVED protection is realized? As Liebeskind develops
(1996), the comparative institutional action
Accordingto Penrose,the distinctivecompetence resides in interfirmand intrafirmdifferences in
of the firm resides in making better use of its the mechanismsof governance.
resources (1959: 24). Sidney Winter similarly That, in effect, is a transactioncost argument.
describes firms as 'repositories of productive She particularizesit, however, by observingthat
knowledge' (1988: 175), to which MartinFrans- 'not all firms may be equally competent at
man agrees (1994: 715). Differential learning deployingtheir institutionalcapabilitiesto protect
within and between firmsis evidentlykey: 'firms theirknowledge'(Liebeskind,1996: 104). I agree
exist because they can more efficientlycoordinate and would urge that a second move be made:
collective learningprocesses than marketorgani- Which firms are more and which are less com-
zation is able to' (Foss, 1996c: 18). Hodgson petent in deploying their institutionalcapabilities
concursthat firms enjoy efficiency advantagesin to protecttheirknowledge?If and as this question
relationto marketsbecause of 'the relativeinten- is addressed,we begin to operationalizethe com-
sity and longevityof interpersonalrelationswithin petence perspective.
the firm and the group and institution-based
characteristicof much of the learningand knowl-
edge within that organization'(1998: 193). EMPIRICAL
This line of argumentfinessesthe question,how-
ever, of when to learnin a single, combinedfirm As discussed above, much of the competence
ratherthanin two or moreautonomousfirms.Thus perspective entails ex post rationalizationsfor
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1098 0. E. Williamson

success and has been remiss in predictive judged by comparingan actual conditionwith a
respects. Yasemin Kor and Joseph Mahoney hypotheticalideal). Thatis in the zero transaction
neverthelesscontend that 'resource-basedtheory cost traditionof Pigou with which Coase (1960)
has begun to generate a substantivestream of took vigorous exception. A feasible criterionfor
statisticaldata analysis' (1998: 28) and list nearly judging dynamic efficiency is never proposed.
50 articles of this kind. Many of the hypotheses Remediablenessconsiderationsare never reached.
to which they refer test for the 'importanceof
various resources-of which unique resources,
Challenges posed by the competence
organizationalfactors,competencies,and property
perspective for transaction cost economics
rights are prominently included. The generic
hypothesisis that 'more' of the resourcesnamed Thereare manyrespectsin which the competence
have a positive influence on the growth and and transactioncost perspectivesare congruent.
performanceof the firm.Whether,however,more Both take exception with orthodoxy, both are
resources are really better than less should be boundedrationalityconstructions,and both main-
judged comparatively-in that some resources tain that organizationmatters.Also, as discussed
will be put to more productiveuse if the firm above, they deal with partlyoverlappingphenom-
accesses them throughoutsourcing.No such com- ena, often in complementaryways. But there are
parativeassessmentis attempted. real differences and some tensions between the
That moves the issues onto transactioncost two. I deal here with competencechallenges of
turf, but they can be returnedto the more com- two kinds:those thatI regardas largelymistaken,
posite competence perspective by repeatingthe and those which pose researchopportunities.
strategyreferredto above: Whichfirmswith what
organizationalattributeswill deploy what types
of resourcesto moreproductiveadvantage?Issues MISTAKEN CRITIQUES
of an organizationform kind, akin to those dis-
cussed earlier (Coriat and Dosi, 1998; William- Transactioncost economics needs good critics,
son, 1980), are implicated. but some of the criticismsthat have been made
One way of looking at the researchopportunity are, I think, overdrawnor mistaken. The three
is to view transactioncost economics as feeding criticisms on which I focus here are that (1)
into the competenceperspectivein muchthe same opportunismdoes not have the organizational
way as organizationtheory is grist for the study consequencesthat have been ascribedto it, (2)
of governance(where the latter is examined in transactioncost is a static concept and needs to
Williamson(1996, Chap. 9)). Albeit underdevel- be made dynamic,8and (3) governancedoes not
oped, the relationbetween governanceand com- engage the issues of management.These are not
petence is beginning to take shape and would new criticisms.That I have been 'misunderstood'
appearto hold promise. on these mattersis disconcerting.Authors have
an obligationto make themselvesclear.

The core competence literature frequently
describestransactioncost economics as static and Opportunismis so familiarthat we often fail to
avers that competence deals with dynamic acknowledge it and its consequences when we
efficiency, where dynamic efficiency 'is essen-
tially about learning and innovation' (Hodgson,
1998: 188). This 'emphasis on dynamics and
learningin an out-of-equilibriumcontext enables 8 Another
frequent criticism of transaction cost economics that
a more satisfactoryaccommodationof the real I do not address here is that both production and transaction
world of firm heterogeneity' (Hodgson, 1998: costs matter. I agree. My paper with Michael Riordan exam-
189). Path dependencyis often implicated,some- ines these issues and concludes that most, but not all, of the
that obtain when production costs are
qualitative predictions
times with a claim that path dependency is held constant survive when production cost differences are
responsiblefor inefficiency(where inefficiencyis introduced (Riordan and Williamson, 1985).
Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
Strategy Research 1099

see it.9 The legal oath to which I referredearlier nor and Prahaladdescribe.The general effect of
is one illustration,but there are many others. presumingthe absence of opportunismis that we
Absent opportunism,all of the following would enterthe world of what Frankand FritzieManuel
vanish:moral hazard,adverseselection, shirking, describe as 'utopian fantasies' (1979: 1). As I
filtering,undisclosedsubgoal pursuit,distortions, have developed elsewhere (Williamson, 1999b),
and all other strategic deceits. If, moreover, as the ideal forms of organization that will be
hitherto stated, governance arises (in part) to observed under zero opportunismwill take the
mitigate these hazards, then to assume the form of a peer group (if every memberhas the
absence of opportunismwill miss much of the same ability) or ideal merit assignment(if abili-
action. Our understandingof economic organi- ties differ). But a somewhatdifferentand more
zation would be needlessly impoverishedas a operationalway to put it is that the incentive,
consequence. control, and contractlaw differences that define
To concede opportunismis not, however, to alternative modes of governance (Williamson,
celebrateit. Some economists have nevertheless 1991) all vanish if opportunismis zeroed out.
been heard to say-often in jest, but not Thus (1) no incentive differences will appear
always-that 'avariceis the only reliable human among modes because all members of every
motive.' Thatis a cynical and unhelpfulconstruc- group subscribe to the same 'general clause'
tion. Many students of organizationare under- (Williamson, 1975: 237, 91-93; 1985: 64-67)
standablyput off by opportunism(Ghoshal and and implementthe same objectivefunctionin the
Moran, 1996; Kogut and Zander, 1996; Hodg- same fully committedway; (2) all cost-effective
son, 1998). regularities(practices and procedures) that are
Kathleen Connor and C. K. Prahalad(1996), adopted by one group will also be adopted by
in an influential and thoughtful critique (with another-whatever the nominal form of organi-
which, however,Foss (1966a, b) takesexception), zation (private firm, public bureau, nonprofit,
concede that opportunismhas a massive influence autonomousmarket) from which they start; and
on economic organizationbut insist that many (3) contract law differences serve no purpose
interesting problems of organizationare posed among groups all of which share the same pur-
even in the absence of opportunism.They take pose and convergeto the same form. Note, more-
the position that informationasymmetry, in a over, that the conflict and haggling to which
world of boundedrationality/zeroopportunism,is Connor and Prahaladrefer will never appearin
a candidatecondition upon which to constructa opportunism-freegroups, it being the case that
'knowledge-basedtheory of the firm' (Connor every such group will work out its differences
and Prahalad,1996: 484). A key part of their instrumentally.
argumentis that because 'some of each person's There is, however, a caveat-especially to
knowledge remains private' (Connor and Pra- my argument that control differences vanish.
halad, 1996: 483), 'honest persons may disagree The above argument assumes that initial con-
as to the best allocation of individualresponsi- ditions do not matter. If the organizationform
bilities, or whether a particulararrangementof that is prescribedfor a task is 'nearly optimal'
decision roles has the potential to generate net for one group but far from optimal for another,
gains,' whence markets may need to be sup- then the second will need to undergo greater
plantedby an authorityrelation,therebyto avoid change, which will place it at an initial
disagreement,haggling, and discord (Connorand disadvantage-which disadvantage could be
Prahalad,1996: 483). compounded by differential learning. But this
My main response to this argumentis that does not imply that the firm is the superior
zeroing out opportunismhas differentand more form. Thus although Connor and Prahalad
pervasive organizationalconsequencesthan Con- ascribe authority (centralization) benefits to
firms, there will be other transactionsfor which
markets (decentralization) will be the favored
9 To deny or suppress opportunism in the study of economic form.
organization is tantamount to staging Hamlet without the The possibility that initial conditions can be
Prince of Denmark-which, however, is not to say that such
a play/theory of organization could not be staged. (Team more consequentialthan they are usually treated
theory (Marschak and Radner, 1972) is illustrative.) by transaction cost economics is nevertheless
Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
1100 0. E. Williamson

well-taken. I return to this issue in my discussion I have no problem with the argument that
of strategy and learning, below. vertical integration can arise in response to ex
ante investment concerns as well as in antici-
pation of ex post contracting problems. Indeed,
DYNAMIC TRANSACTION COSTS the explanation that Langlois ascribes to Teece
is one that I had made previously. I see no
A common critique is that transaction cost eco- reason, however, to refer to ex post contracting
nomics is static because it works out of an equi- as a static construction and ex ante as dynamic.
librium contracting setup. Richard Langlois Both are intertemporal arguments and are
(1992) takes this position in his paper on 'Trans- consonant with the basic transaction cost eco-
action-Cost Economics in Real Time.'1 Accord- nomics thesis-namely, that problems of
ing to Langlois, dynamic transaction costs are 'the organization are not predominantly technologi-
costs of persuading, negotiating, coordinating, and cal but have their origins in the attributes of
teaching outside suppliers' (1992: 113). So con- transactions on the one hand and of human
strued, dynamic transaction costs are 'the costs actors on the other.
of not having the capabilities you need when you As an examination of my original statement
need them' (Langlois, 1992: 113). More generally reveals,12 incomplete long term contracts will pro-
'these costs of persuasion... [are] costs of coordi- spectively fail to anticipate and/or make correct
nating separate stages of production. David Teece provision for future contingencies (the March and
encapsulates the argument nicely' (Langlois, Simon argument), while classical market con-
1992: 115), whereupon Langlois quotes Teece as tracting will not reliably effect convergent expec-
follows (Langlois, 1992: 115):1 tations (the Malmgren argument). The first of

If there is a high degree of interdependence 12

My initial treatment (since reproduced in Markets and
among successive stages of production,and if Hierarchies(1975: 87-88)) is as follows (Williamson,1971:
occasions for adaptationare unpredictableyet
common,coordinatedresponsesmay be difficult [I]f there is a high degree of interdependenceamong
to secure if the separatedstages are operated successive stages of productionand if occasionsfor adap-
independently.Interdependence by itself does not tationare unpredictable yet common,coordinatedresponses
cause difficultyif the patternof interdependence may be difficultto secureif the separatestagesare operated
is stable and fixed. Difficultiesarise only if pro- independently.Marchand Simon (1958: 159) characterize
gramexecutionrestson contingenciesthatcannot the problemin the following terms:
be predictedperfectly in advance.In this case, Interdependence by itself does not cause difficultyif the
coordinatedactivity is requiredto secure agree- patternof interdependenceis stable and fixed. For, in
this case, each subprogramcan be designed to take
ment about the estimatesthat will be used as a accountof all the subprogramswith which it interacts.
basis for action. Vertical integrationfacilitates Difficulties arise only if programexecution rests on
such coordination. contingencies that cannot be predicted perfectly in
This argumentalso reduces, at least in some advance.In this case, coordinatingactivityis requiredto
respects, to a contractual-incompleteness argu- secure agreementabout the estimatesthat will be used
ment. Were it feasible to stipulate exhaustively as the basis for action,or to provideinformationto each
the appropriate conditional responses, coordi- subprogramunit aboutthe activitiesof the others.
nation could proceed by long-term contract. How- This reduces, in some respects, to a contractualincom-
ever, long-term contracts are unsatisfactory when pletenessargument.Were it feasible exhaustivelyto stipu-
late the appropriateconditional responses, coordination
most of the relevant contingencies cannot be could proceedby contract.This is ambitious,however;in
delineated. Given these limitations, short-term the face of a highly variable and uncertain environ-
contracts are likely to be considered instead... ment,...long-termcontracts[can be expectedto experience
Even if short-term contracts are defective neither strainand] verticalintegrationmay be indicated.
on account of investment disincentives nor first- But what of the possibilityof short-termcontracts?It is
mover advantages, the costs of negotiations and here that the convergenceof expectationsargumentis of
the time required to bring the system into adjust- special importance.Thus assume that short-termcontracts
ment by exclusive relianceon marketsignals are are not defectiveon accounteitherof investmentdisincen-
tives or first-moveradvantages.It is Malmgren's(1961)
apt to be greaterthan the costs of administrative contentionthat such contractsmay neverthelessbe vitiated
processes under vertical integration. by the absenceof structuralconstraints.The costs of negoti-
ations and the time requiredto bring the system into
adjustmentby exclusive relianceon market(price) signals
'OThe argumentis repeatedin his paperwith Foss (Langlois are apt to be great in relationto that which would obtain
and Foss, 1997). if successivestageswere integratedandadministrative proc-
" The originalappearsin Teece (1976: 13). esses employedas well or instead.

Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
Strategy Research 1101

these has reference to timely adaptations(ex MANAGEMENT

post), the second to timely convergence(ex ante).
Both are intertemporalapplicationsof transaction Coase contendsthat both productionfunctionand
cost reasoning. governance structure theories of the firm are
But my majorpoint is this: intertemporalcom- remiss in managementrespects (1988: 38):
plicationsare not merelyincidentalbut are central ...economists have tended to neglect the main
to the transactioncost economics project-which of a firm, runninga business... [This
is hardly what one expects from what Langlois neglect] has tended to submergewhat to me is
describes as a static construction.The most fa- the key idea in 'The Nature of the Firm': the
miliar of these is the FundamentalTransfor- comparison of the costs of coordinatingthe
mation, which argument takes issue with the activitiesof factorsof productionwithinthe firm
with the costs of bringingabout the same result
atemporalproposition that 'competitionfor the by markettransactionsor by meansof operations
market'will assuredlyyield an efficient outcome taken within some other firm.
if large numbersof qualifiedbidderstenderbids
at the outset. What was missing but needed to Although I do not claim that the firm-as-
be introducedwas an examinationof contracting governance structuremakes adequate provision
in its entirety-to include contractexecutionand for management,it certainly makes significant
contractrenewal. If, in effect, what had been a provision for management.For example, trans-
large numbersbidding condition at the outset is action cost economics took exception with the
thereaftertransformedinto a small numberssup- proposition that markets and hierarchies have
ply relation (when the transactionin question is identical access to fiat (Alchian and Demsetz,
supportedby nontrivialinvestments in durable, 1972) from the very outset (Williamson, 1975).
nonredeployableassets), then intertemporalcon- Provision was also made for 'informal organi-
tractual complications appear. More broadly, zation' (Barnard,1938) as a factor that supports
intertemporalconsiderationsalso enter into the added compliance and cooperationwithin firms
transactioncost economics setup in the following as compared with markets (Williamson, 1975,
respects:governancestructuresare predominantly 1990) and for differential bureaucraticcosts
instrumentsfor adaptation,it being the case that between markets and hierarchies (Williamson,
adaptation(of both autonomousand cooperative 1975, Chap. 7; 1985, Chap. 6). More generally,
kinds) is the centralproblemof economicorgani- adaptationis taken to be the centralproblemof
zation; organizationhas an intertemporallife of economic organization,in relationto which firms
its own, which has special ramifications for enjoy the advantageover marketsin cooperative
bureaucracy;the efficacy of reputationeffects are but not in autonomous adaptation respects.
subject to intertemporal limits; the remedi- Indeed, the firm is described as a syndromeof
ableness criterion casts a very different inter- 'managerial' attributes (Williamson, 1991) in
temporal interpretationupon path dependence; which (comparatively) low-powered incentives,
and disequilibrium contracting complications extensive administrativecontrols, and its own
are posed by real time events in the high tech- dispute settlement machinery are combined
nology arena. (specifically, courts will often refuse to hear
That transactioncost economics engages these intrafirmdisputes,the effect of which is to make
intertemporalissues is not to say that it has the firm its own court of ultimateappeal (which
worked all of these out in a satisfactoryway. I contributesto the differential access to fiat to
entirely agree that transactioncost economics which I refer above)). More recently, consider-
stands to benefit from more fully dynamic con- ations of differentialprobityhave been examined
structions.But whereas saying dynamicsis easy, in the context of transactionswhere failures of
doing dynamicsis hard. Always and everywhere loyalty and real time responsivenesscould under-
the need is to work through the mechanisms mine integrity (Williamson, 1999a). And the
of economic organizationin a 'modest, slow, importanceof cognitive specializationhas also
molecular,definitive' way.13 been featured(Williamson, 1999b).
To repeat, however, significantprovision for
13 The
phrase 'modest, slow, molecular, definitive work' orig- management does not imply adequateprovision
inates with Peguy. See Williamson (1996: 13, n. 9). for management. Cognitive specialization is
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1102 0. E. Williamson

underdeveloped.Our understandingof bureau- actionhas been incorrectlyspecified.Thatapplies

cracy is still imperfect. Entrepreneurshipcon- also to contractualnonseparabilities.
tinues to elude our understanding.
Venturecapital Such effects are easy to correct in principle:
poses many puzzles. Knowledge-basedand learn- redefinethe transactionto take these effects into
ing-basedtheoriesmay have significantcompara- account. In practice, that may require deeper
tive institutional ramifications. As between knowledge of how the system actually works
focused critiquesthat deal with managerialparti- (Nickerson, 1997) and/or a sensitivity to subtle
culars and sweeping critiquesthat are vague and but lurkingstrategicfeatures(Williamson, 1985:
unspecific,the formerare much more useful. 318-319).
A more troublesomeargumentis that of aggre-
gation. Taking a more holistic view, the firm as
RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES a whole is differentfrom and largerthanthe sum
of the parts.15The economics of atmosphereis
Although I group the above critiquesunder the intended to reflect such considerations. That
heading of mistaken, these are probably better bringsin informalorganizationand flags the lim-
describedas 'unfocused'or 'overdrawn.'Plainly, its of calculativeness (Williamson, 1993). But
researchopportunitiesreside in all of them. My there is more to it than that. Appealing to the
purposehere is to addressthreemore constructive Coriat and Dosi (1998) suggestion that organi-
critiquesthat are raised by the competenceper- zation form is the way we describe clusters of
spective to which governance,in varyingdegrees, routinescould well turn out to be an instructive
can respond. way by which to uncover and better understand
systems considerations.Inasmuchas transaction
cost economics purportsto be interestedin all
BEYOND PIECEMEAL regularitieswhatsoever,it stands to benefit from
researchin the competencetraditionon holistic
Transactioncost economics is a microanalytic consequences.
exercise in which transactionsare aligned with
alternativemodes of governanceso as to effect
an economizingoutcome. That can be illuminat- BEYOND GENERIC GOVERNANCE:
ing but may also lead to incorrect predictions STRATEGY
if interactioneffects are missed or if holistic
consequencesare glossed over. RichardRumelt,Dan Schendel,and David Teece
The practiceof examiningtransactions'as if observe that 'Of all the new fields of economics,
they were independentwill not do if there are the transactioncost branchof organizationaleco-
significant interaction effects between them nomics has the greatest affinity with strategic
(Nickerson, 1997).14 The neglect of technological management'(1991: 14). They also observe that
nonseparabilitiesmeans, in effect, that the trans- 'strategicmanagementis about coordinationand
resource allocation inside the firm' (Rumelt et
al., 1991: 19; emphasis in original). And they
14 The qualifier 'significant' is consequential. If the argument
challenge strategyscholarsto supply 'a coherent
is that transaction cost economics has focused too much on of effective internal coordination and
the immediate effects of strong interactions to the neglect of theory
weak interactions which, in the long run, are consequential, resourceallocation,of entrepreneurship and tech-
I would appeal to the two main theoretical findings of the nical progress' (Rumelt et al., 1991: 19).
literature on nearly decomposable systems (Simon, 1962: That is a tall order. One way in which trans-
(a) in a nearly decomposable system, the short-runbehavior
of each of the component subsystems is approximately
15 For
independent of the short-run behavior of the other compo- example, if the bureaucratic costs of managing a trans-
nents; (b) in the long-run, the behavior of any one of the action internally vary with the size and complexity of the
components depends in only an aggregative way on the firm, then whether the firm should integrate transaction N+1
behavior of the other subcomponents. will not be independent of the fact that N-Q transactions have
Near decomposability is a widely observed design principle already been internalized (where Q is the number of out-
in complex social systems and reflects respect for the cognitive sourced transactions). I conjecture that such aggregation
overload (bounded rationality) and ability to shrug responsi- effects are of second order importance, but others could be
bility (opportunism) that beset fully connected systems. more consequential.

Copyright? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
Strategy Research 1103

action cost economics can participate in this strategic situation (actual and potential rivalry;
project is to push beyond the generic level at actual and potential market niches) of which it
which it now operates to consider resource/ is a part or to which it can relate?'
capability/endowmentparticulars.Rather, there- A sixth move would be to go beyond value
fore, than ask the question 'What is the best realization to include strategizing, where the
generic mode (market, hybrid, firm, or bureau) object is to deter and disciplineactualand poten-
to organize X?', which is the traditionaltrans- tial rivals.This introducesissues with which game
action cost query, the question to be put instead theory is especially concerned.
is 'How should firm A-which has pre-existing Each of the foregoing moves is summarized
strengthsand weaknesses(core competencesand in Table 1. Transactioncost economics relates
disabilities)-organize X?' productivelyto all, of which the first three are
In effect, the traditionaltransactioncost query the easiest to implement. That is gratifying in
assumes that the specialized investmentsneeded that, although many strategy scholars aspire to
to support a transaction (or related set of push out the time horizonto work on problemsof
transactions)have not yet been made-either by the last threekinds, a huge numberof interesting
the firm or by potential outside suppliers. If, strategy issues surface at levels one through
however, either the firm or potentialoutside sup- three.16
pliers have made pre-existing investments, of a This exercise neverthelessoperates at a very
(largely) nonredeployablekind, that are well- high level of generality. At best I offer added
suited to supportthe transactionin question,then perspective.Awaiting operationalizationof com-
the alignmentcalculus will be tilted in favor of petences (where I expect that asset specificity
the formthatpossesses such specialized,underuti- will continue to play an importantrole) and of
lized capacity-at least temporarily(until the niches (where marketingand populationecology
investment renewal decision comes up for have a lot to offer), there are no refutableimpli-
consideration)and possibly longer. Path depen- cations.
dency considerationsthus arise in this way.
Taking an inventory of pre-existing invest-
ments, by the firm and its potentialsuppliers,is LEARNING
tantamountto including previouslyomitted vari-
ables. Such shouldhelp to reducethe unexplained Although transaction cost economics made
variancein simple tests of the generic alignment earlyprovisionfor the differencebetweenexplicit
hypothesis. Considerations of learning (see and tacit knowledge (Williamson, 1971) and
below) are also implicated. thereafter developed the contractual/organi-
Yet anothermove would be to make allowance zationalramificationsof firm-specifichumancapi-
for competition,taking the market niche to be tal, in that both workerand firm have incentives
served (say al) as given. The question here is, to craft added contractualsafeguardsas human
How do the pre-existingstrengthsand weaknesses asset specificity builds up (Williamson, 1975,
of firm A comparewith those of its extantrivals Chap. 4), it makes only limited contact with the
with respect to marketniche a,? subject of learning.Learningbeing a large sub-
Still furthermoves can be contemplated.The ject, it is not possible to relieve this lapse here.
firm and its extant and potential rivals can be I will, however, relate learningto foresight and
examinedin relationto a varietyof niches: How examinethe ramificationsfor some of the myopic
do the pre-existingstrengthsand weaknesses of biases to which learningis subject.
firmA comparewith those of extantand potential
rivals with respectto marketniches describedby
161 conjecture that level 5 will often be
(atl, Oa2; P1, 2, P3; Y)? implemented piece-
An even more ambitious move would be to meal rather than as a comprehensive plan (in which mergers
and acquisitions, investments, contracting, finance, marketing,
repositionthe firm, to build up core competences etc. are all considered simultaneously). Be that as it may,
and/or relieve disabilities (Shapiro and Varian, transaction cost economics could have an important role to
1999). The questionat this level is, 'How should play in taking an inventory of a firm's assets (and those of its
rivals) and in assessing the hazards associated with alternative
firm A, with its pre-existingstrengthsand weak- planning scenarios. Jackson Nickerson describes such an
nesses, repositionfor the futurein relationto the undertaking in his dissertation (1997).

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1104 0. E. Williamson

Table1. Transactioncost economicsand strategy

level 1: generic
How do alternativegenericmodes (markets,hybrids,firms,bureaus)comparefor purposesof
level 2: particular
How should firm A, with its pre-existingstrengthsand weaknesses(core competenciesand
level 3: fixed niche
How do the pre-existingstrengthsand weaknessesof firm A comparewith those of its extant
rivals with respectto marketniche otl?
level 4: variableniche
How do the pre-existingstrengthsand weaknessesof firm A comparewith those of its extantand
potentialrivals with respectto niches describedby (ot, ox2;P1, 3,P3; y)?
level 5: repositioning
How should firm A, with its pre-existingstrengthsand weaknesses,repositionfor the futurein
relationto the strategicsituation(actual and potentialrivalry;actualand potentialmarketniches)
of which it is a partor to which it can relate?
level 6: strategizing
If firm A possesses monopolypower, how can it best deter and disciplineactualand potential

As stated at the outset, transaction cost eco- adaptations are required. Both parties learn better
nomics assumes that economic actors have the about the nature of the contractual hazards and
capacity to look ahead and recognize contractual of their abilities to communicate and their propen-
hazards and investment opportunities. Often, how- sities to cooperate. Learning also takes place with
ever, the requisite recognition will come as a respect to the nature of the specialized invest-
product of experience. Whether positive or nega- ments needed to support the transaction.
tive, the basic proposition is that, once the rel- Such learning will have a bearing on contract
evant features have been disclosed, the firm will renewal. Are the disturbances and associated haz-
react to such knowledge by taking actions that ards greater or less than projected? Are the com-
mitigate future hazards and more fully realize munication needs great or little? Are the bilateral
future gains. Learning through experience-by mechanisms for working through the problems
discovering more about the environment and sup- adequate? Serious dissatisfaction on the part of
pliers and rivalry, after which appropriate adap- either buyer or seller could result in nonrenewal.
tations are worked out-is more ambitious than Even if, moreover, the parties are satisfied in
merely trial-and-error learning but is less these respects but the requisite new investments
ambitious than the idea of farsighted contracting in nonredeployable assets are especially great,
to which I referred earlier. reaching a new agreement for continuing outside
Consider the issue of level 2 strategy, where supply could be difficult. More generally, the
both the firm and its suppliers have pre-existing point is this: a predictive theory of economic
strengths and weaknesses for producing a good organization will be enriched by making more
or service. Assume, in particular, that the firm prominent provision for the many ways in which
has not yet made the requisite specialized invest- learning influences the intertemporal governance
ments itself and that outside suppliers are partly choice calculus.
qualified in this respect. Out of considerations of Transaction cost economics also has a bearing
timeliness and the costs of self-learning, the firm on the 'biased learning' issues that are dealt with
decides to procure from one of these outsiders. in recent articles by James March (1991) and by
A contract of medium duration is agreed to. Daniel Levinthal and March (1993), where I will
The parties are then faced with unanticipated put emphasis on the latter (which builds upon
disturbances during contract execution to which the former). Both articles illustrate how the lens
Copyright? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
Strategy Research 1105

of organizationtheory can and should apprise incentive to free-rideon the efforts of others is
economists about importantphenomenathat are an example (Levinthaland March, 1993: 104):
ignored or undervaluedin the usual economic
approachto economic organization. ...the best strategy for any individual organi-
Levinthaland Marchbegin with the proposition zationis often to emphasizethe successfulexplo-
that 'The effectiveness of learning in the short rationsof others.Such a strategy,if followed by
all, produces no innovationsto imitate and a
run and in the near neighborhoodof current downwardspiralof refiningexistingtechnologies
experience interferes with learning in the long and strategies.The system as a whole underin-
run and at a distance' (1993: 97). They then go vests in exploration.
on to describe the major learning mechanisms
that organizations employ, the problems of Overcoming failures of a systems kind nor-
myopia that arise, and the tradeoffs that are mally involves collective action.Albeit the 'obvi-
posed. They observe with reference to the first ous' move, such actionis sometimesprohibitively
that (1993: 97; emphasisin original): expensive (Arrow, 1969). In the event that it is
too costly to effect a merger among the auton-
Organizationsuse two major mechanisms to omous parts,if cooperationis too costly to effect
facilitate learning from experience.The first is throughcontract,and if correctivepublic policy
simplification.Learningprocesses seek to sim- is beset with problemsof its own, then the fact
plify experience, to minimize interactionsand thatthe 'system as a whole underinvestsin explo-
restricteffects to the spatialand temporalneigh-
borhood of actions. The second mechanismis ration'is simply a conditionwith which we need
specialization.Learningprocesses tend to focus to come to terms.
attentionand narrowcompetence. The propensity to overlook failures arises
because 'Organizational learning produces...a
Unsurprisingly, these learning mechanisms biased history.... As learners settle into those
come at a cost, of which myopiais salient.Three domains in which they have competence and
myopic tendencies are distinguished:(1) ignore accumulateexperience in them, they experience
the long run,(2) ignorethe largerpicture,and (3) fewer and fewer failures. Insofar as they gen-
overlook failures. Regardingthe first, 'normally eralize that experienceto other domains,they are
sensible forms of specialized adaptation'some- likely to exaggerateconsiderablythe likelihood
times produce 'dysfunctional second-order of success' (Levinthal and March, 1993: 104).
effects...: A strategicproblem is created by the Inasmuch as 'organizationspromote successful
fact that learningin one domain is likely to be people to positionsof power and authority,rather
rewarding in the short run, but it leads to a thanunsuccessfulones, it is the biases of success
longer-runpotentialdecay of adaptivecapability that are particularlyrelevantto decision making'
in other domains' (Levinthal and March, 1993: (Levinthal and March, 1993: 105). As with
102). Also, organizationalpower that is used to underinvestments in exploration, however,
exercise control over an environment, which whether such promotion biases are remediable
yields short-runadvantage,can come at the cost turns on whether a superior alternativecan be
of 'atrophyof capabilitiesto respondto change' devised.
(Levinthaland March, 1993: 102). The upshot is that while competenceresearch
As with all unanticipatedconsequences,trans- on learning and path dependency is especially
action cost economics responds by (1) making good at uncoveringbiases, the lens of transaction
note of these previouslyunrecognizedregularities cost economics (with special emphasis on the
and (2) asking what lessons for more efficient remediableness criterion) affords comparative
organizationaldesign reside therein. Once dis- institutionalperspective.Both are needed.
closed, dysfunctionalconsequencesand otherlong
run propensitieswill not be mindlessly repeated
or ignored.Upon being apprisedof costly biases, CONCLUSIONS
lapses, or distortions,the object is to mitigatethe
effects in question in cost-effective degree. The competence perspectiveis attunedto good
Myopia of the second kind involves subgoal issues and challenges both orthodoxy and the
pursuit at the expense of the largerpicture.The governance perspective to be responsive. As
Copyright ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 20: 1087-1108 (1999)
1106 0. E. Williamson

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