Uttam Galva Ratio

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Balance Sheet

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Share Capital 1422.60 1422.60 1422.60 1422.60 1422.60
Share Warrants & Outstandings 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Reserves 17874.30 10866.80 6712.70 -2132.00 -23399.80
Shareholder's Funds 19296.90 12289.40 8135.30 -709.40 -21977.20
Minority Interest
Long-Term Borrowings
Secured Loans 24771.60 23398.50 17021.40 1743.00 65169.20
Unsecured Loans 5314.80 1967.40 1935.50 1937.40 2998.70
Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities 2090.30 -2578.50 -4412.10 -4431.30 -4412.90
Other Long Term Liabilities 205.10 95.80 4157.30 5717.90
Long Term Trade Payables 9529.70 10173.70
Long Term Provisions 105.70 122.60 97.90 124.30 111.50
Total Non-Current Liabilities 32282.40 23115.10 14738.50 13060.40 79758.10
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 32535.50 42711.00 23265.80 484.30 568.10
Other Current Liabilities 7475.20 10916.10 20297.90 32707.40 6918.20
Short Term Borrowings 5197.40 12488.70 31407.50 31813.10 5.00
Short Term Provisions 89.90 372.90 596.40 592.00 581.00
Total Current Liabilities 45298.00 66488.70 75567.60 65596.80 8072.30
Total Liabilities 96877.30 101893.20 98441.40 77947.80 65853.20
Non-Current Assets
Gross Block 61437.40 73444.10 73802.80 73719.60 73666.20
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 14365.80 16648.50 19226.70 21751.30 24274.10
Less: Impairment of Assets
Net Block 47071.60 56795.60 54576.10 51968.30 49392.10
Lease Adjustment A/c
Capital Work in Progress 7988.60 1522.30 1540.60 1555.60 1177.00
Intangible assets under development
Pre-operative Expenses pending
Assets in transit
Non Current Investments 36.80 87.80 55.30 57.30 61.60
Long Term Loans & Advances 694.00 13142.70 13067.50 14530.30 7606.40
Other Non Current Assets 8.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Non-Current Assets 55799.70 71548.40 69239.50 68111.50 58237.10
Current Assets Loans & Advances
Currents Investments
Inventories 13563.70 9612.90 10761.60 4119.10 4025.90
Sundry Debtors 18433.90 18472.60 15678.30 1923.90 1583.70
Cash and Bank 1684.20 1018.40 639.00 464.60 287.60
Other Current Assets 2874.10 1080.10 1930.90 1713.70 1256.60
Short Term Loans and Advances 4521.70 160.80 192.10 1615.00 462.30
Amt Due from firm (directors interested)
Total Current Assets 41077.60 30344.80 29201.90 9836.30 7616.10
Net Current Assets (Including Curre -4220.40 -36143.90 -46365.70 -55760.50 -456.20
Total Current Assets Excluding Curr 41077.60 30344.80 29201.90 9836.30 7616.10
Miscellaneous Expenses not written of
Total Assets 96877.30 101893.20 98441.40 77947.80 65853.20
Income Statement

2015 2016 2017 2018

Gross Sales 88569.70 86700.30 55352.40 34924.00
Less: Inter divisional transfers
Less: Sales Returns
Less: Excise / GST 4244.60 3746.00 2649.80 740.70
Net Sales 84325.10 82954.30 52702.60 34183.30
Increase/Decrease in Stock -1359.70 2677.20 -1464.40 4127.60
Raw Material Consumed 73417.90 73176.70 45139.30 25643.90
Power & Fuel Cost 1892.70 1754.00 1411.10 1252.50
Employee Cost 1040.10 1163.20 1056.70 1021.00
Other Manufacturing Expenses 2038.90 1805.00 1604.10 1187.80
General and Administration Expenses 687.10 993.20 773.20 723.30
Selling and Distribution Expenses 1423.90 1230.90 1160.70 621.40
Miscellaneous Expenses 1.40 546.40 774.70 19.40
Less: Expenses Capitalised
Total Expenditure 79142.30 83346.60 50455.40 34596.90
Operating Profit (Excl OI) 5182.80 -392.30 2247.20 -413.60
Other Income 310.40 1019.10 639.20 729.20
Operating Profit 5493.20 626.80 2886.40 315.60
Interest 2779.40 5169.30 6213.10 6543.30
PBDT 2713.80 -4542.50 -3326.70 -6227.70
Depreciation 2251.50 2828.10 2864.00 2584.90
Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items 462.30 -7370.60 -6190.70 -8812.60
Exceptional Income / Expenses -10.10 -7178.10
Profit Before Tax 452.20 -14548.70 -6190.70 -8812.60
Provision for Tax 254.50 -4034.30 -1816.00
Profit After Tax 197.70 -10514.40 -4374.70 -8812.60

2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Profit 452.20 -14548.70 -6190.80 -8812.60 -21460.10
7568.10 CFO 3839.50 12058.00 3480.00 2152.10 2002.60
CFF 882.30 -9742.00 -3509.70 -2326.60 -2226.80
CFI -4413.60 -2981.80 -349.80 0.20 47.10
Opening 1376.00 1684.20 1018.40 638.90 464.60
7568.10 Closing 1684.20 1018.40 638.90 464.60 287.50



Condensed BS

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Equity 19296.90 12289.40 8135.30 -709.40 -21977.20

NCL 32282.40 23115.10 14738.50 13060.40 79758.10
CL 45298.00 66488.70 75567.60 65596.80 8072.30

NCA 55799.70 71548.40 69239.50 68111.50 58237.10

CA 41077.60 30344.80 29201.90 9836.30 7616.10
TA 96877.30 101893.20 98441.40 77947.80 65853.20

Capital Employed 51,579.30 35,404.50 22,873.80 12,351.00 57,780.90

COGS 77349.50 76735.70 48154.50 28084.20 6842.30
OPEX 2111.00 2224.10 1933.90 1344.70 441.20
Condensed IS

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Sales 84325.10 82954.30 52702.60 34183.30 7568.10
Other Incomes 310.40 1019.10 639.20 729.20 168.30
Total 84635.50 83973.40 53341.80 34912.50 7736.40
Gross Profit 7286.00 7237.70 5187.30 6828.30 894.10
PBDITA 5493.20 626.80 2886.40 315.60 -505.60
PBIT 3241.70 -2201.30 22.40 -2269.30 -3034.60
PBT 452.20 -14548.70 -6190.70 -8812.60 -21460.10
PAT 197.70 -10514.40 -4374.70 -8812.60 -21460.10
Data to be collected from Prowess
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Balance Sheet
Total Current Assets 25,717.70
Stock 13,659.80
Debtors 7,256.80
Cash 0.9 1.2 2.1 4.8 4.5 4.2 0.8 675.9
Others 2,671.70
Total Current Liabilities 4,215.60 5,354.60 6,580.00 11,216.40 14,921.70 15,536.50 11,705.30 26,697.00
Creditors 2,573.90
STL 17,484.70
Debt (Borrowings) 18,726.40
Capital 749 860.3 879.3 1,082.90 1,154.70 1,139.70 1,222.60 1,222.60
Reserves 783.3 1,778.90 2,557.00 4,412.00 5,955.70 7,099.40 7,755.40 8,247.90

Equity 1532.3 2639.2 3436.3 5494.9 7110.4 8239.1 8978 9470.5

Income Statement
Sales 12,244.50 21,553.50 18,974.30 26,830.60 32,559.50 45,530.40 46,961.80 53,298.40
Total Expenses 12,533.00 20,745.60 18,531.20 25,429.50 33,147.60 44,123.40 46,649.00 56,054.70
PBIT 754.3 1793.5 1670.7 2555.5 2822 3271 3201.7 3196.6
PAT 238.8 943.5 743.3 1,199.30 1,238.70 1,001.70 571.3 706.5
COGS 9,831.20 17,812.10 15,094.00 21,959.80 27,292.00 38,504.90 39,320.80 45,019.80
OPEX 11,444.30 19,569.60 17,223.50 23,582.60 30,915.90 40,929.20 42,438.20 52,308.50
Dep 304 322 379.9 490.2 647.6 923.7 1,127.00 1,194.10
Amortisation 30.9 0.1
Interest 499.9 769.5 854.1 1,223.40 1,437.80 2,257.40 2,130.40 2,122.40
Other exppenses 26.7 32 37 36.4 65.7 102.9 123.4 91.2
no of sharess


CFO 1,004.30 2,413.20 1,980.50 2,234.50 2,818.50 4,840.20 1,646.60 4,510.30

CFF -481.7 145.5 1,713.90 2,334.40 -74.1 2,820.00 2,522.30 -1,406.30
CFI -507.4 -2,033.80 -2,280.00 -4,479.80 -4,520.90 -6,449.00 -4,136.60 -3,990.40
Market Capitalisation

s Name of the company

2012 2013 2014 Profitability 2015

ROCE 0.0628489
24,542.80 29,557.50 31,716.20 ROE 0.1389709
10,851.40 10,372.40 7,947.50 EPS 2.16
5,596.10 6,878.00 9,870.60 Dupont Ratios
1,312.60 1,696.40 532.8 ROE =PAT/Equity 0.0102452
4,361.90 6,949.40 9,905.50 PAT/Sales 0.0023445
23,779.80 33,266.30 36,085.40 Sales/TA 0.870432
453.5 2,658.00 2,945.00 TA/Equity 5.0203556
14,266.60 18,175.20 23,447.20 Analysis of PAT/Sales
Tax Burden = PAT/PBT 0.4371959
21,336.80 21,230.50 25,624.80 Interest Burden = PBT/PBIT 0.1394947
1,222.60 1,422.60 1,422.60 Opex Burden = PBIT/Sales 0.0384429
9,027.50 11,043.00 11,396.20 Analysis of Opex Burden

10250.1 12465.6 12818.8 COGS /Sales 0.9172773

Operating Expenses/Sale; 0.0250341
Depreciation/Sales 0.0267002
54,753.80 62,523.40 57,545.60 Other Expenses/Sales 0.024179
50,922.50 64,118.50 57,136.50 Analysis of investment Decisions
4266.5 4482.1 3691.3 Sales/NCA 1.5112106
779.6 615.5 353.2 Sales/CA 2.0528244
45,802.20 52,731.00 48,397.40 Sales/Cash 50.068341
46,160.00 58,426.10 50,266.60 Sales/Debtors 4.5744579
1,273.70 1,825.80 2,148.20 Sales/Stock 6.2169688
Sales/Other CA 29.339654
2,856.50 3,128.80 2,890.90 Analysis of Financing Decisios
86.2 113.5 126.7 TA/Capital 68.098763
TA/Reserves 5.4199213

Debt/Equity 1.686048
6,887.10 8,642.60 8,619.70 CE/TA 0.5324188
-1,523.20 -3,125.20 -106.1 Debt/TA 0.3358423
-4,727.20 -5,133.60 -9,677.20 Equity/TA 0.1991891
Reserves/TA 0.1845045
PBIT/Interest 1.1663309

Working Capital (CA-CL) -4220.40
Current Ratio= CA/CL 0.9068303
Liquid Ratio = (CA-Stock)/CL 0.6073977
Absolute Cash Ratio =Cash/CL 0.0371804
Average Debtors/Sales 0.2186051
Average Creditors/Purchases
Average Stock/ COGS 0.2994326

Market Based Ratio

Price to Book Ratio 0.48
Price to Earnings Ratio

2016 2017 2018 2019

-0.062176 0.0009793 -0.183734 -0.052519
-7.390974 -3.075144 -6.194714 -15.08513
-73.61 -31.3 -61.4 -149.46

-0.855567 -0.537743 12.422611 0.9764711

-0.126749 -0.083007 -0.257804 -2.835599
0.8141299 0.5353703 0.4385409 0.1149238
8.2911452 12.100525 -109.8785 -2.996433

0.7227037 0.7066568 1 1
6.6091401 -276.3705 3.8834002 7.0718052
-0.026536 0.000425 -0.066386 -0.400973

0.9250358 0.9137025 0.8215766 0.9040975

0.0268111 0.0366946 0.0393379 0.0582973
0.0340923 0.0543427 0.0756188 0.3341658
0.021759 0.0304368 0.034748 0.0985981

1.1594152 0.7611638 0.5018727 0.1299532

2.7337237 1.8047661 3.4752193 0.9936976
81.455518 82.476682 73.575764 26.314673
4.4906673 3.3614997 17.767711 4.778746
8.6294771 4.8972829 8.2987303 1.879853
76.802426 27.294319 19.947074 6.0226802

71.624631 69.198229 54.792493 46.290735

9.3765598 14.664949 -36.56088 -2.814263

3.4754341 2.8598577 -0.68269 -0.02585

0.3474668 0.2323596 0.1584522 0.8774198
0.4191742 0.2363416 0.0062131 0.0086268
0.1206106 0.082641 -0.009101 -0.33373
0.1066489 0.0681898 -0.027352 -0.355333
-0.425841 0.0036053 -0.346813 -0.323608

-36143.90 -46365.70 -55760.50 -456.20

0.4563903 0.3864341 0.1499509 0.9434857
0.3118109 0.2440239 0.0871567 0.4447555
0.0153169 0.008456 0.0070827 0.035628
0.2226841 0.2974863 0.0562819 0.2092599

0.1445795 0.1424102 0.0627942 0.4987302

0.75 3.76 -0.22 -0.07

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