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Permeability Estimation:

The Various Sources and

Their Interrelationships
Usman Ahmed, SPE, S.F. Crary, SPE, and G.R. Coates, * SPE,
Schlumberger Well Services

Summary. Rock-formation perme- Introduction cp flowing through a l-cm 2 cross-sectional

ability is one important flow parame- Of all the formation parameters that petro- area of rock in 1 second under a pressure
leum engineers use, permeability is one of gradient of 1 atm per 1 cm of length in the
ter associated with subsurface pro- direction of flow. This intrinsic rock prop-
the most important. In the oil and gas in-
duction and injection. Its importance dustry it is used to determine whether a well erty is called absolute permeability when the
is reflected by the number of avail- should be completed and brought on line. 1 rock is 100% saturated with one fluid phase.
Permeability is also essential in overall Permeability is also measured in reference
able techniques (well-log evaluation,
reservoir management and development to a fluid phase when the rock is saturated
core measurements, and well testing) (e.g., for choosing the optimal drainage with a multiple-fluid phase. Such a perme-
typically used to estimate it. The liter- points and production rate, optimizing com- ability is the effective permeability of the
ature is full of comparisons and corre- pletion and perforation design, and devising rock to the particular flowing fluid. (The
EOR patterns and injection conditions). ratio of effective to absolute permeability is
lations of permeability from these the relative permeability.) These definitions
Oil and gas companies use both accurate
sources. Too often these compari- and approximate permeability values. These are simple and straightforward when the
sons and correlations are used to values frequently are compared and correlat- measurement is performed in the laboratory.
ed without much attention to how each value When downhole rock permeability is-meas-
make important conclusions without
was determined. Such comparisons and ured, however, complications arise because
proper regard to the interrelation- correlations are then used to make impor- of lack of knowledge about the downhole
ships among them. Permeability esti- tant conclusions about formation flow poten- environment, the volume, and the measure-
mates by individual techniques within tial and for various aspects of reservoir ment method.
management and development. But estab- Almost every discipline within the oil in-
the various permeability sources can dustry has its own definition of permeabil-
lishing a correlation between unstressed core
vary with the state of rock (in-situ en- plug permeability and drillstem-testing ity. This inconsistency creates a significant
vironment), fluid saturation distribu- (DST) permeability and then using the cor- problem when permeability is to be used to
relation with other unstressed core plug per- defme the production performance of a par-
tion, flow direction, and the scale of
meabilities to evaluate the flow potential of ticular formation, reservoir, or well. A core
the medium under investigation. This other zones, for example, may be futile un- analyst's version of permeability may be an
paper reviews the commercially less the scale factor, measurement environ- accurate representation of the l-in.-dia-
available permeability-estimation ment, and physics are adequately consid- meter, l-in.-Iong core sample; however, the
ered. The scale factor considers the relative measured value may have no significant
techniques and discusses the impor" size of the volumes being investigated and bearing on the production characteristic of
tant factors that illustrate their interre- the nature of heterogeneity, and the meas- the formation represented by the core sam-
lationships. Knowledge of appropri- urement environment and physics consider ple. The core measures absolute permeabil-
the state of the rock environment, fluid satu- ity, but formation flow is governed by rela-
ate interrelationships among the
ration distribution, flow direction, and sen- tive permeability. Also, core permeabilities
various techniques allows meaningful sitivity of the measured or inferred varia- are influenced by the microscopic nature of
permeability comparisons and corre- bles that constitute permeability calculations. the measurement and the environment (ab-
lations. Usefulness of the interrela- To address the appropriate correlations sence of in-situ pressure, temperature, and
among techniques, we first define the vari- saturation conditions). At times, a combi-
tionships is demonstrated with field ous permeabilities that are measured by the nation of these influences may result in a
data. Also, the interrelationship con- various techniques. permeability that corresponds to the well
cepts presented are a cornerstone flow performance, but this is more a coin-
Permeability Definitions cidence than a planned result. Similar con-
for reservoir flow characterization.
The classic definition of permeability, as de- sequences are observed when petrophysicists
scribed by Darcy, 2 is the intrinsic charac- evaluate permeability with log-measured
teristic of a material that determines how values. Most log methods, except the repeat-
easily a fluid can pass through it. In the pe- formation-tester (RFTsM) method, measure
troleum industry, the darcy is the standard absolute permeability. Even though the pa-
unit of measure for permeability. It repre- rameters used to infer permeability from
sents 1 cm 3 of fluid with a viscosity of 1 logs are measured at in-situ conditions, the
complexity of rock structures and inadequate
'Now at NUMAR Corp. parameterization make the log-derived per-
Copyright 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers meability transforms nonuniversal. Log-

578 May 1991 • JPT

"Because of Increased
fluid production,
40 60 80 100
20 40 60 80
Swi (%) Swi(%) estimated during
superflow correspond
with the hydrocarbon-
0.4 related effective
permeability more than
<P with the Invaded fluid
0.2 movement."

0 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Swi (%) Swi (%)

Fig. i-Charts for estimating permeability from porosity and water saturation.

derived techniques can provide level-by- permeability was proposed in 1927 by Koze- lowing relationship:
level (foot-by-foot) permeability values. ny and modified by Carman 3 ,4:
k'h = 1001>e 2 [(I-Swi)/Swi], ....... (2)
Well-test permeability, however, is a direct
k=1>3/[5A g 2(1-1»2], ........... (1)
measurement of the flow that provides per- where 1> e = effective porosity. Determining
meability when the contributing interval is where A g = surface area of grains exposed Swi for rocks that are not at irreducible
known but that lacks foot-by-foot resolution. to fluid per unit volume of solid material. 3 water saturation is difficult, if not impossi-
During the well test, if more than one fluid Eq. 1 describes permeability in packs of uni- ble in some cases. Height above the water
phase is produced, then the calculated per- formly sized spheres, such as powder packs. table alters Sw;' so that even in a single li-
meability may not predict well performance This formulation breaks down in other thology, Swi may vary from top to bottom.
accurately. Unlike most core- and log- sands. The greatest drawback is that A g can In many reservoirs, however, the variance
measured permeability, well-test and RFT be determined only by means of core sam- in Sw; is small, especially if we consider it
methods measure effective permeability. ples, and then only with special care and to be bulk volume. Morris and Biggs 10 ob-
Detailed, accurate reservoir characteriza- equipment. However, this model notes that served that it is generally easier to predict
tion demands the use of various measure- porosity alone cannot reliably predict per- a rock's bulk-volume irreducible water,
ments. Therefore, we need to understand the meability and that it is somehow inversely Vbwi =1>( Swi' than the actual value of Sw;'
various permeability measurement tech- related to the exposed surface area. This requires a slight modification of Eq.
niques used by the industry. Not surprisingly, the first approach to 2, made by multiplying the numerator and
finding permeability from logs did not use denominator by total porosity, 1>( :
Permeability the surface area concept directly. Starting
Measurement Techniques with Tixier,5 Wyllie and Rose 6 conjec- kY2 = 1001>e2 ( 1>( - VbWi). .. ..... (3)
tured that grain surface area was related ap- Vbwi
The three major permeability measurement proximately to irreducible water saturation,
techniques are wireline-log analysis (includ- SWi' of clean sandstone. Timur 7 extended Fig. 1 compares the free-fluid model with
ing the RFT method), laboratory testing of Wyllie and Rose's empiricism on the basis previous versions. Note the differences in
core samples, and well testing. oflaboratory studies of 155 sandstone cores. curve patterns as Swi approaches 100%.
The derivations so far suffer from two Permeability correlations with Swi and 1>
Wireline-Log Measurements. Five meth- limitations: the difficulty of deriving Swi are of limited use in carbonates because of
ods are established for obtaining permeabil- from logs and yielding zero permeabilities low effective porosity (1)e is typically 5 to
ity from wireline tool measurements 1: (1) when Swi approaches 100% and when 20 porosity units), while permeability can
empirical correlation of permeability with porosity approaches zero. These derivations span 0.2 to 2,000 md. 1 Porosity in car-
porosity, 1>, and intergranular surface area; honor only the porosity limit for zero per- bonates may not be intergranular. There-
(2) measurement of producible formation meability approximation and disregard Swi fore, using surface areas from porosity does
fluid with the nuclear magnetism log approaching 100%. The derivation of Swi not work very well. New methods 11,12 cur-
(NMLsM); (3) estimate of mineral concen- from resistivity logs needs a more method- rently being developed for carbonate rocks
trations by the geochemical logging tool ical approach. use core data to define surface area and pore
(GLTsM); (4) correlation of permeability With the introduction of the Coates- path tortuosity better.
with Stoneley wave velocity by acoustic log- Dumanoir 8 relationship of the free-fluid NML Measurements. The NML provides
ging tools; and (5) pressure/time measure- model, a new equation was derived that en- two specific products that can be related to
ment of formation fluids with the RFT tool. sured zero permeability at zero porosity and formation permeability. 13-15 One is the
Empirical Correlations. The first equa- when Sw;=IOO%. Coates and Deno0 9 ac- free-fluid index, IFf' a measure of mova-
tion relating measurable rock properties with commodated the two conditions with the fol- ble fluid (oil and water but not gas). The

JPT • May 1991 579

The GLT measurements are transformed illustrates a spherical flow pattern, a mix-
into mineral concentrations and substituted ture of horizontal and vertical flow with a
for the surface-area term in a logarithmic bias to the vertical. Buildup permeability
form of the Kozeny-Carman relationship measurements are reliable only in low-
(Eq. 1), as illustrated in Ref. 19: permeability formations ( < 50 md) because
of limitations in the resolution of the pres-
log lO k=Tm +310g lO («/»-210g lO (1-<</»
sure measurements. 28
+,£Bdi, ................. (6) During superflow, the pressure data are
In 18.fnch hole. _ in 18-1nch hole. ,., in caved hole. history-matched, taking into account the cu-
where Tm = textural maturity based on feld-
mulative fluid production. Because of in-
spar content, Bi=mineral constant (for
creased fluid production, permeabilities es-
clays, cements, and framework minerals),
timated during superflow correspond with
and fi = weight fraction of each mineral in
the hydrocarbon-related effective permea-
the solid rock. The surface-area term can bility more than with the invaded fluid
also be substituted in the Coates-Dumanoir movement.
free-fluid model. 8
Stoneley-Wave Attenuation and Disper- Core Permeability. Core analysis allows
sion. The Stoneley wave is acoustic energy direct measurement of permeability under
that travels predominantly along the bore- controlled laboratory conditions. For this
hole wall. It is generated when an acoustic reason, core-derived permeabilities are often
pulse from a sonic logging tool meets the considered to be the standard. This notion,
interface between the borehole wall and the however, can be misleading. Core permea-
borehold fluid. 20-22 If the borehole crosses

bility is an accurate representation of a par-
a permeable formation, the Stoneley wave ticular core sample under specific labora-
attenuates by moving fluid in the pores. It tory conditions. Using this permeability
is also dispersed, meaning that different fre- value to represent reservoir formation per-
(To Uppel (To Lower quency components are slowed at different meability can be incorrect. As long as the
Sample Semple
Chamber) Chamber)' rates. measurements are consistent over a partic-
This attenuation and dispersion relates to ular interval, however, the core permeabil-
the formation's permeability, matrix or na- ity can be very useful in completion design,
Fig. 2-RFT tool setup and schematic of tural fractures. Although correlations be-
sampling system. specifically in choosing the phasing and ver-
tween Stoneley behavior and permeability tical spacing of perforation.
other is spin-lattice relaxation time, tl, the have been observed in the field, a quantita- Cores are analyzed on four length scales.
time constant involving the alignment of pro- tive prediction of permeability from Stone- The smallest scale is the sidewall core anal-
ton spin axes along magnetic fields. ley energy measurements has eluded inves- ysis, in which samples < 1 in. long are taken
IFf typically is obtained by applying a
tigators. 23 ,24 Various investigations, how- from the wellbore. The scale of the core plug
large, polarizing magnetic field to the for- ever, continue to use Stoneley waves to is also very similar, in which samples 1 to
mation and then turning it off. Signal de- directly measure permeability and as a frac- 1 V2 in. long are taken from a full-diameter
cay in solids and bound fluids is too rapid ture indicator. 25 core every 6 in. These small sample sizes
for detection with the NML tool. Only de- RFJ'Measurements. The formation-tester can bias the sample in heterogeneous for-
cay in the free fluid can be measured, and tool samples reservoir fluids and measures mations, in which permeability can vary
IFf is proportional to the number of protons formation pressure vs. time at specific depth widely from one sample to the next. Full-
in free fluid. Thus, IFf is related to Swi by stations (see Fig. 2). With the RFT, three diameter core analysis tests 6-in. sections of
sets of data can be collected to quantify per- core and samples on the medium scale. The
Swi=I-(IFf lcp), ................ (4) meability. The first two (in association with largest-scale sampling is whole-core analy-
which can be applied to Eqs. 1 through 3. pretest) are relatively quick, and the last one, sis, in which cores up to 2 ft long are test-
fl is a property of the rock and fluid wet- called superjlow, can last several minutes. ed. The number of whole-core tests is limit-
ting its pore surfaces and thus relates to pore The tool is first positioned to allow mud ed, however, primarily because of the
size. Because permeability is proportionaJ. filtrate and formation fluids to fill a first difficulty in recovering such pieces.
to the square of pore size, it is reasonable _sample chamber at a controlled, low flow Two types of permeability can be meas-
to assume I6 ,17 that k is proportional to t12. rate (first pretest). This step is followed im- ured on core samples in the laboratory: ab-
On the basis of a study of 80 sandstone cores mediately by the filling of a second sample solute and relative core permeability.
from wells worldwide, Kenyon et at. 17 re- chamber at a controlled, high flow rate (sec- Absolute Core Permeability. Two com-
lated tl to k as follows: ond pretest). This phase of the test is called monly used techniques to measure absolute
drawdown. The subsequent phase of the test, core permeabilities are the steady-state and
k= 1.6 x 1O-9tI2.3cp4.3 . .......... (5) buildup, is a measurement of increasing the pulse-decay methods. 29 ,30 The pulse-
NML responses in carbonates differ from pressure once the chambers are filled. The decay method was introduced for low-
those in sandstones. It is not surprising, final phase, superflow, involves long-term permeability rocks where attainment of
therefore, that a reasonable correlation be- drawdown while measuring the cumulative steady state can take anywhere from days
tween tl and permeability has been found in volume and transient pressures. to weeks. In both techniques, air or water
only a few carbonates. 18 Both the drawdown and buildup tests pro- can be used as the fluid medium.
GLT Measurements. GLT measures the vide a permeability value that is often reflec- The cores are cleaned and dried before
concentrations of 10 elements in a forma- tive of near-wellbore fluid movement. 26 To they are measured. In the steady-state tech-
tion by borehole nuclear spectrometry. The calculate permeability, the pressure deriva- nique, air permeability, the most common
basis for obtaining permeability from tive 27 is first plotted to identify the flow measurement, is obtained by placing the
elemental concentrations is that any changes regime and is followed by specialized plots. core in a chamber and measuring the pres-
in mineralogy are accompanied by changes For drawdown pressures, where normal (10- sure differential and stabilized flow rate of
in the size, shape, and morphology of rock cm 3 ) pretest chambers are used, the flow air pumped through the rock. Permeability
grains. 19 These changes affect the pore pattern is typically hemispherical, a mixture is calculated for this single phase with the
system geometry, which directly influences of horizontal and vertical flow with a bias Darcy equation. In the pulse-decay method,
permeability . to horizontal. Buildup permeability typically the core is subjected to a pressure pulse, as

580 May 1991 • JPT

when a pressure transient is imposed. The
subsequent pressure-transient falloff is
measured and analyzed for permeability. End of impulse
With both techniques, three values are
usually established: the maximum horizon-
!t Pressure
tal permeability, kmax ; the permeability at
90° to kmax , k90; and the vertical permea-
bility, kv. Air permeability is higher than
liquid permeability and requires a correc-
tion in low-permeability formations. This
correction accounts for gas slippage (a gas
has a higher velocity near a grain surface
than does liquid), commonly known as the
Klinkenberg effect. 31 Derivative
Relative Core Permeability. Relative core
permeabilities are measured in several ways.
A common method is the steady-state tech-
nique, where the core is saturated with the
wetting phase (usually water) and oil and
Time (Log scaled)
water are flowed together in proportion to
maintain the desired water saturation. The Fig. 3-Typical IMPULSE test plot.
resulting flow rates and pressures determine
the relative permeabilities to each fluid. downs and buildups (pressure derivative for sition time function, which accounts for pro-
Another technique is to saturate the core flow-regime identification and specialized duction history.
with oil, then displace the oil with water plots to calculate permeability). Because of In these tests, the rate does not have to
while monitoring the pressure and the short test times, DST permeability esti- remain constant. In the case of varying flow
volumetric flow rates of the two fluids. This mates can be obscured by wellbore storage rate, accurate analysis can be performed as
permits calculation of the relative permea- and drilling mud invasion. 33 long as the bottomhole rate data are
bilities as functions of water saturation. The IMPULSE Testing. IMPULSE-testing available. 36
pulse-decay technique can also be applied techniques allow one to test the well after Advanced Test Techniques. These tech-
to measure relative permeability as long as a perforation job without making an extra niques go beyond the traditional single-layer
the pulsing pressure is lower than the capil- trip.34,35 The well is subjected to an instan- horizontal-permeability evaluation. Included
lary pressure of the saturating fluid. 30 taneous rate drawdown or injection for a in this group are layered reservoir testing,
couple of minutes and followed by a shut- vertical interference testing, and multiwell
Permeability From Well Testing. The in period long enough to achieve the desired interference testing.
many procedures that fall under well test- radius of investigation. Instant withdrawal Layered Reservoir Testing. With use of
ing can be classified into three categories: or injection of a unit volume of fluid causes regular production logging tools (equipped
(1) short-term tests involving DST, a change in pressure proportional to the with at least the pressure and flowmeter
IMPULSEsM testing, and transient-rate and derivative of the reservoir's pressure sonde), one can evaluate the permeability
-pressure testing (TRApsM) where the response. Therefore, the IMPULSE testing of individual layers by imposing a transient
radius of investigation is typically limited; plot (Fig. 3) allows flow-regjme identifica- at each layer and measuring the pressure and
(2) conventional tests-classic pressure tion similar to that of RFT tests. The test flow-rate response. This technique has been
drawdown (or injection test) and pressure data can then be type-curve-matched and/or applied successfully to several reservoirs and
buildup (or falloff test) involving single or plotted as a rate-normalized Homer plot 35 requires good, stable flow-rate data. 38,39
step rate; and (3) advanced tests involving to calculate permeability. Recently, low-flow-rate meters, like the in-
methods beyond the traditional single-layer TRAP. TRAP testing uses the transient flatable diverter flowmeter (IDFsM) tool,4O
horizontal-permeability evaluation, includ- downhole pressure and rate. 36 ,37 The tech- have been introduced to address low-
ing layered reservoir testing, vertical inter- nique was introduced in the early 1980's to permeability reservoirs.
ference testing, and multiwell interference combat the existence of variable flow rate Vertical Interference Testing. In vertical
testing. Although each technique has a during drawdown tests and to eliminate well- interference testing, a pressure transient is
different application, all involve making an bore storage effects. The elimination of applied to one horizon and pressure is meas-
abrupt change in flow-starting, stopping, wellbore storage is used here to shorten the ured at another horizon in the same well.
or abridging flow, injecting fluid, or chang- test duration. Even though the test takes less Vertical interference testing permits the as-
ing the flow from one value to another. than a couple of hours, the calculated for- sessment of presence and degree of vertical
Reservoir properties are deduced from the mation permeability is typically unaffected communication and vertical permeability.
well's response to these changes, measured by near-wellbore damage. Multiwell Interference Testing. In mul-
by bottomhole pressure (BHP) gauges and Conventional Testing. There are many tiwell testing, the transient is applied at one
bottomhole transient rates in TRAP and variations of conventional well-test methods. horizon in one well and the pressure is meas-
layered reservoir testing. 32 For the past 40 years, the two most straight- ured at the same horizon in another well.
Shori-Term Testing. This group includes forward ways to measure permeability have This can yield an average permeability /
techniques that require a relatively short test been drawdown and buildup tests, per- thickness value and indicate the horizontal
period; thus the radius of investigation is formed in fundamentally the same manner extent of the reservoir and whether the two
relatively shallow (typically < 100 ft). as RFT drawdown and buildup tests. The wells are in horizontal communication.
DST. Short-term DST typically is done in buildup test is more common than the draw-
open hole after drilling through a promis- down test because the flow rate is known Technique Interrelationships
ing zone. (Wells with unconsolidated rock when the well is shut in. Before shut-in, a More than a dozen techniques were identi-
formation, typically offshore wells, are constant flow rate is typically maintained for fied that provide rock or formation perme-
cased and cemented, and then cased-hole a period of time. For the buildup test, the ability estimates. The three most important
long-term DST is performed by means of pressure vs. time is measured continuously factors that differentiate between the in-
perforations.) DST involves two drawdowns beginning at shut-in. The same variables as dividual techniques are scale factor, meas-
with subsequent buildups. Interpretation in the drawdown test are used to obtain per- urement environment, and the measurement
steps are similar to those for RFT draw- meability, but the plot is BHP vs. superpo- physics.

JPT • May 1991 581

averaging applies when megascopic log data Measurement Environment and Physics.
are compared. Because these factors are interrelated, they
Megascopic-Scale Data- Wireline-Log are discussed together.
Data. Here we examine the volume of rock The transient well test is the only method
that wireline logs (specifically permeability- that allows formation capacity or diffusivity
estimation logs) encompass. The typical in- (a product of average formation permeabil-
vestigation depth of permeability-related ity and the thickness of the responding for-
logs (neutron-porosity, density, and gamma mation, kfh) measurement at a truly in-situ
ray) from 6 to 12 in. (conservatively). We condition. Most wireline logging methods
use 9 in. in our calculation. The appropri- satisfy all in-situ requirements, with the pos-
ate permeability estimate deduced from sible exception of reservoir fluid saturation
wireline logs measuring 2 ft of rock at a time (owing to mud filtrate invasion). Superflow
about 9 in. into the formation (assuming conditions in an RFT test, however, are an
wellbore diameter of 77's in.) encompasses exception to this rule. Most core analyses
a log volume, V LOG ' of roughly 6.6 ft3. are performed at standard bench conditions.
The ratio oflog-to-core volume, VLOGlVc , Certain tests are performed at simulated in-
is then ""9,660. situ effective stress (overburden minus pore
Haldorsen's41 and Collins'42 work in pressure) and possibly temperature; satura-
statistically homogeneous reservoirs regard- tion is rarely simulated correctly.
Fig. 4-Conceptual scales associated ing the normal or Gaussian form of porosity Core Testing. Simulation of appropriate
with porous media averages (from Ref. distribution could be applied to log-perme- in-situ temperature does not significantly af-
41). ability distribution. The permeability stan- fect permeability measurement. 29 There-
dard deviation, (lk, ofthe permeability dis- fore, availability of appropriate temperature
Scale Factor. Haldorsen 41 makes a good tribution can then be shown to vary inversely simulation capability is not highly sought.
attempt to conceptualize scales of averag- as the square root of the volume per sample: Pressure effects, however, are significant.
ing volumes into four groups for porous me- Absence of in-situ pressure conditions can
dia averages. (lk =.JVJ; (kf ) . ................. (7)
make laboratory permeability values orders
1. Microscopic relates to pores and sand Thus, to relate log and core permeabilities, of magnitude higher. 30 Simulation of
grains. Scalewise, all the techniques dis- the theoretical standard deviation of per- downhole saturation is not a small feat.
cussed here pertain to a larger volume, so meabilities estimated from wireline logs, Techniques like the pulse-decay method 29
this category is not discussed in detail. (lk(LOGlc)' is given by can allow one to measure permeability at a
2. Macroscopic relates to conventional particular simulated downhole fluid satura-
(l k(LOGlc) = "';'(""Vc-)/"-(""VL-O-G-) kc
core-plug scale. tion by imposing a pressure pulse smaller
3. Megascopic relates to the scale of grid- =1.021 x 10 2 k c . ........ (8) than the capillary pressure. The complicated
blocks in simulation models and is repre- nature of the test makes it unusable. A prac-
Also, the theoretical standard deviation of
sented by the wireline-Iog measurement tical way to incorporate the saturation ef-
core-measured permeability, (lk(clLOG)' to
scale. log permeability is fect in the core-analysis method (to report
4. Gigascopic relates to total formation or effective permeability at a certain fluid satu-
regional scale and is represented by well- (lk(clLOG) =98.38kLOG· .......... (9) ration) is to combine absolute-permeability
test area of investigation. measurements at in-situ pressure with rela-
Fig. 4 illustrates the scale concept. Gigascopic-Scale Data-Well-Test Data. tive-permeability data.
Macroscopic-Scale Data-Core Analysis. Gigascopic permeability estimates are pos- Wireline-Log Analysis. All wireline-log
Dimensions of typical core plugs retrieved sible with transient-pressure testing, espe- permeability techniques discussed except
for routine core analysis result in volumes, cially through long-term drawdown and RFT superflow calculate permeability based
VC ' on the order of6.82xlO- 4 ft3. buildup tests. For most well tests, the radius on 100% invaded-fluid movement. Thus,
A single core-plug permeability, kC' is of investigation varies from hundreds to the calculated permeabilities are closer to
used to represent 1 ft of core. This 1-ft-Iong thousands of feet and normally engulfs invaded-fluid absolute permeabilities as op-
larger volume (assuming a core diameter of large-scale heterogeneities. The horizontal posed to effective permeabilities. To relate
4 in.) represents a volume of 8.7xlO-2 permeability calculated from such a test is absolute to effective permeability, use the
ft3. The ratios between these two volumes essentially a gross average over the vast relative-permeability concepts developed by
'volume and correctly represents total reser- Jones 43 and later modified by Coates and
is on the order of 130. Therefore, even with-
voir flow behavior. For a test in a 100-ft- Deno0 9 as follows:
in the core-analysis perspective, the core-
thick sand with a 1,Ooo-ft radius of investi-
plug permeability represents only 1/13Oth
gation, the volume is ,.,,3.14x10 8 ft3. krw=[(Sw-Swi)/(l-Swi)]3 ...... (12)
of the 1-ft full-diameter volume. Hence, it
Where all 100 ft of sand is fully cored, and krh =(1-Sw)2.1 1(1-Sw;)2, .... (13)
can be risky selecting one randomly drawn taking one core plug from every foot would
sample to represent the average permeabil- result in a volume of6.8xlO- 2 ft3, and where krh = hydrocarbon relative permea-
ity of a rock volume 130 times larger. the well-test/core-volume ratio would then bility.
When permeabilities from larger volumes be 4.6 x 10 9 . Furthermore, the well- All wireline-log techniques except RFT
(i.e., whole cores of varying lengths) are test/log volume ratio would then be infer permeability. Any inference-based
compared with kc, the volume is repre- 9.33x10 5 . technique is always biased to local environ-
sented as product of the number of whole- The scale relationship between the well- ment. Permeability from wireline logs has
core feet and the volume of a 1-ft whole test and other permeabilities can be further been successful in local basins where repeat-
core. As the size of the averaging volume established through the standard-deviation ed use of the techniques has allowed these
increases beyond the whole-core range, we concept illustrated in Eq. 7. Therefore, the biases to be overcome. Even in the presence
begin to encroach into the megascopic scale. theoretical standard deviations of core- of bias, the wireline permeability calculated
These megascopic core volumes cannot be measured and log-inferred permeabilities to every foot may not agree quantitatively with
directly measured, but are arrived at by well-test permeability can be expressed as another direct measurement; however, it
arithmetic, harmonic, or geometric averag- follows: presents an excellent relative value for cor-
ing of the macroscopic core-plug mea- relating between layers or zones.
(lk(clwt) =2.14 x 10 3 k wt ......... (10)
surements available within the prescribed Well Testing. Transient-well-test interpre-
megascopic volume. This same principle of and (lk(LOGlwt) =9.66x 10 2 k wt · .... (11) tation provides formation capacity or diffu-

582 May 1991 • JPT

sivity. Therefore, to calculate a permeabil-
ity, we need to ascertain the thickness of the POROSITY PRODUCTION
formation that responds to the perturbation
during the test. Typically, openhole logs
(gamma ray, spontaneous-potential,
porosity-development) are used to ascertain
formation thickness. The contributing for-
mation thickness during the test may not cor-
respond to the log-estimated formation
thickness. The only way to solve this prob-
lem accurately is to have a production pro- UP RUN S
file (Fig. 5) of the layer(s) available during
drawdown and production. A gradual slope
of the cumulative production curve (from --t---
bottom to top) indicates uniform production J ;."
through a zone, and an abrupt change
reflects a thin heterogeneous producing lay-
er. With the flow-profile-per-depth informa-
-,- -,--

tion, the transient-diffusivity equation for a

.J--- ::::==-0_-
drawdown test can be modified as follows.

+IOg( __ k 2 )3.2275+0.86859Fs J. ZONE"

c!>P.C t rw
................ (14)
Such a formation assumes that the skin
factor is relatively uniform throughout the ZONES
test interval. A plot of flowing BHP vs. the
logarithm of flowing time should be a
straight line with slope m, where

= 162.6BJi :, qi
m I.J ....•..... (15)
k i=! hi

162.6BJi) :, qi
or k= ( I.J - •.•.••.• (16)
m i=! hi
The calculated permeability represents the
formation thickness that responds to the
pressure and rate transients. If necessary,
use an ith-Iayer q and h to evaluate the per- Fig. 5-Productlon profile.
meability of the specific zone (provided that
no formation crossflow exists). wireline logs may then be related to the well- found in basins where enough data have
Table 1 summarizes the relationships test formation diffusivity if a means of per- been generated to establish a good value for
among the various permeability techniques. meability averaging is chosen. Whether the the constants in the geophysical equation
averaging should be arithmetic or geometric, (Eqs. 1 through 3). The standard deviation
Interrelationship. The objective of the in- or even harmonic, eludes various reservoir in the 8,850- to 8,950-ft interval, however,
terrelationship presented here is to allow engineering studies. For layers, however, is not good.
meaningful comparisons of permeabilities. the arithmetic average is preferred. 44.45 Note that the wireline-Iog values repre-
The discussions on scale factor, measure- For vertical wells, use of the layer concept sent the hydrocarbon effective permeability
ment environment, and physics show how is an accepted model. Therefore, we pre- at in-situ conditions, whereas the core values
to account for differences in permeability es- sent the following arithmetic averaging represent the absolute permeability at stan-
timates. Here, we develop a simple relation- model to relate core and log permeability
ship that allows meaningful correlations dard conditions. The question to ask is, had
to well-test permeability. we compared apples to apples, would the
among well-test and core and log permea-
N quality of correlation through the 8,850- to
bility measurements.
The strength of the wireline-Iog permea- E Fikih i · .......... (17) 8,950-ft interval be improved? Fig. 6 also
bility data lies in their capability to provide i=! represents the comparison where the core-
continuous permeability throughout a par- data measurements were corrected for in-
ticular interval. In a particular basin, the Field Example. situ pressure conditions 29 and a 0.7
ratios of permeability between various zones Example 1. Fig. 6 compare wireline-Iog relative-permeability effect to calculate
and layers are more valuable than the abso- values (from empirical correlation and Eq. hydrocarbon effective permeability. The
lute values. Such ratios can be used to corre- 12 for effective permeability) and laboratory quality of comparison has certainly im-
late with core permeability as long as the measurements at standard ambient condi- proved throughout all the intervals, especial-
scale factor, environment, and physics are tions. The quality of comparison (standard ly through the 8,850- to 8,950-ft interval.
adequately addressed. The layer-by-layer (or deviation) through the 8,550- to 8,700-ft in- The average zone well-test permeability is
foot-by-foot) permeability from cores and terval is good. Such comparisons are often indicated by the bar. With use of produc-

JPT· May 1991 583

the superflow permeability (238 md). as
Also, the superflow RFT permeability

Environment & PhysIcs should be closer to the typical well-test per-
meability. The well-test permeability of the
Pressure &
Technique Scale Temperature SaIu'- ....hod QuantIty zone of interest in the entire basin averages

Ambient· """"...
near tOO md. This indicates good basin-wide
agreement. Any agreement, however, be-
tween relatively macroscopic/megascopic
measurement (superflow RFT) and giga-
scopic measurement (well-test) occurs if the
formation or zone is homogeneous. Open-
GLT In-sltu AbsoIuto Indirect Permeability hole logs suggest that the formation is






homogeneous, at least vertically (see Fig. 7).


Well-test Gigascoplc In this study, we concentrated our efforts
Short Relative Oirect Conductivity on defining the correlation axioms between
Classic Relative Direct Conductivity the various permeability sources. Identifi-
""""nood In-situ Relative 0;"", Conductivity cation of areas where the various techniques
stand out uniquely and where any correla-
tion attempt may be futile was not part of
the discuss ion. For example, zone-by-zone
tion profile data, the correlation can be com- log and the RFT pertain to in-situ conditions; permeability from geophysical logs and/or
pleted with Eq. 17, as shown in Fig. 6. however, the pretest RfT technique re- cores may not be quantitatively representa-
sponds to invaded fluid movement and the tive of the formation flow potential and in
Example 2. Fig. 7 pertains to wireline-Iog- supe rflow test pressures respond to places may be uncorrelatable, but these
derived permeability using volumetric anal- hydrocarbon fluid movement. For this rea- values have unique applications (e.g., in the
ysis. RFT data at 6,887 ft includes pretest son, the wireline-log average oil effective decision process to identify the perforation
drawdown and buildup and subsequent long- permeability (265 md), when compared to interval, perforation density, or perforation
term superfJow data. Both the geophysical the RfT results, should correlate better with phasing). We recommend that future studies
concentrate on uncorrelatable sources to
identify unique applications for them. Also,
considering the vastness of the technical area
discussed here, we suggest that studies be
performed to enhance the interrelationships
among the various sources (e.g., in forma-
tions with nonuniform layers or zones).

I. The interrelationships among the geo-
physical wireline-log, core-analysis, and
weJl-test permeabilities depend on three im-
portaru factors: measurement scale, environ-
ment, and physics.
2. Too many correlations are made
wilhout proper regard to these factors, re-
sulting in inadequate answers. Integration
of available information pertaining to these
factors enhances correlation between the
various techniques.
3. Transient well-test data provide the best
quantitative formation permeability if pro-
duction proftle of the formation is available
and single-phase flow is maintained.
4. Geophysical-log and core-analysis per-
meabilities define layer-by-layer (or foot-by-
foot) permeability profiles.

.... _ _ 10 toil '.0.00

A g "" surface area of grains exposed
....... _ _ _ ... k. t-l .... w. ... to fluid per unit volume of
solid material
•• f----------------- Bi = mineral constant
c r = system lotal compressibility,
psi - 1
e _Unru--I. Co... P_bWty ( ...d)
Ii "" weight fraction of each
"" . Str-d Co ... Efre<:tmo P_blUty (lDd)
mineral in solid rock
F "" correction factor for Zone i.
Fig. 6-Geophyslcallog interpretation summary, Example 1. dimensionless (can be

5.< May 1991 eJPT

Interpretation Summary

Zone Name: BIG:I

Zone Depth: 6850.0 to 6950.0

:"<et Pay 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.0 Feet

Gross Sand Count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69.0 Feet
Reservoir Hydrocarbons in Place 1433 bblJ/ AcreoFt
Average Porolity 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.7 %
Average Water Saturation 0 0 33.3 %
A verage Intrinsic Permeability 494.6 Millidarcies
A verage Oil Permeability 264.6 Millidarcies
Average Water Permeability 0 7.0 Millidarcies
Cwnulative Porosity 0 0 0 0 0 3.3 Feet
Cwnulatin Hydrocarbon Filled Porolity 0 2.:1 Feet
Cumulative Intrinsic Permeability 0 5935 Millidarcy·Feet
Cwnulative Oil Permeability 0 0 3175 MillidarcyoFeet
Cumulative Water Permeability 0 • 84 MillidarcyoFeet

InllQratad Parm Porosity


•• _

0 011 1'" lOa ~"'4." '. ,", ~.
WATEII oL, ~---,~- ...•., Bound Wst&r
D • , " I- ~ _G.!.'l"!... ~O_ Hydrocarbon IWatlf Matrix
r .. 0.-.. -8 ICAL-BS) 12
>; '- I- .... Silt
Gamma Ray : Watar Saturation Effactlve
ci 0 160 10" 0.1 laO "
0 60 " 0

[< '.' r~·' -r-....~­

b 1<·
./j,;.V~ ....

, [0. j:':-:- I'

I L·:
l.o' I
::::: ~::. : :.:
::: I,
:..-: ,:: -.::-.- i' ,)

I'- /
I!. ..-:: la
t:3: ___
!) I

-, , I.... \.

Fig. 7-Geophysical log interpretation summary, Example 2.

determined by regression kc = core plug permeability, md k90 = permeability at right angles to

analysis; however, this term is kLOG = log-derived permeability, md maximum permeability, md
1 when well-test h is based on k max = maximum horizontal kf = average formation permeability ,
permeability, md md
production profile)
krh = hydrocarbon relative
kj = average core or wireline log
Fs = van Everdingen-Hurst skin
permeability of Zone i, md
factor, dimensionless permeability, fraction
kR = average reservoir
h = formation thickness, ft krhh = relative permeability thickness- permeability, md
~ = thickness of zone representing averaged by hydrocarbon, kw! = average well-test permeability,
corresponding k j fraction md
permeability, ft krw = water relative permeability, m = slope of linear portion of semilog
IFf = free fluid index fraction plot of pressure-transient data,
k = permeability, md kv = vertical permeability, md psi/cycle

JPT • May 1991 585

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JPT • May 1991 587

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