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Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds

- Collective Investment Schemes in Bermuda

and Luxembourg exchange. Such a listing gives

Collective Investment Scheme (CIS)
involves the pooling of cash from indi- access to the vast European market.
vidual investors for investment (for
In Bermuda the regulatory body is the Bermuda
example in equities, bonds, currency deposits,
Monetary Authority (“BMA”), a statutory author-
commodities or futures) according to declared
ity established by the Bermuda Monetary
investment objectives. 1]Advantages for the Authority Act 1969. This Act provides (in part)
investor include the creation of a pool of money that the principal objects of the BMA shall
“The off-shore CIS large enough to facilitate diversification, a spread include the supervision, regulation and inspection
of risk and the benefit of the on-going services of
may ... have as its of any “financial institution” 2]which operates in
a professional fund manager.
or from within Bermuda; the promotion of the
target market Many developed countries have available a vari- financial stability and soundness of financial insti-
sophisticated ety of “onshore” or domestically-domiciled tutions; the supervision, regulation or approval of
investment schemes. Investors will principally be the issue of financial instruments by financial

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expatriate or
nationals and residents (both individual and cor- institutions; and the fostering of close relations
institutional and porate) of the country concerned. Such schemes between financial institutions themselves and
corporate are characterised by being subject to demanding government.
(and often costly) regulatory procedures. Further,
investors.” where such procedures are long drawn out, a mar-
This whole question of the nature, degree and
effectiveness of regulation is fundamental. A
ket may be missed, or a competitor gain an edge,
responsible and responsive off-shore jurisdiction
during the compliance process. Income and gains
will present a prestigious regulatory environment
will be taxable and there may be strictures which
providing protection for investors (thereby
prevent diversification into certain geographic
enhancing credibility and the marketing benefits
areas and/or classes of investment vehicle.
which accompany this) without excessive compli-
The off-shore CIS may, by contrast, have as its ance costs or burdensome restriction. Bermuda
target market sophisticated expatriate or institu- offers the off-shore CIS:
tional and corporate investors. Such a scheme
may offer the opportunity to an investor
“ ... environmental in country A to invest in country B by b y R o b e r t M i l l e r* and Robin Todd
factors, and factors facilitating capital transfers from A - B
without tax or foreign exchange conse- Richards, Francis & Francis, Bermuda
specific to the
quences in the domicile of the CIS.
promotion, International asset management requires an
When choosing an offshore domicile
administration and for the establishment of mutual funds understanding of the nature and regulation
regulation of such and unit trusts, “environmental” factors, of Collective Investment Schemes: the
and factors specific to the promotion,
schemes must be rules and practice of Bermuda illustrates
administration and regulation of such
considered.” schemes, must be considered. The the principles
“environmental” factors include politi-
cal and economic stability, an estab- * Robert Miller - now of ZI Labuan Trust Company Sdn.
lished and effective infrastructure Bhd, Labuan, Malaysia
(including first-class legal, accounting,
banking and custodian services), acces-
sibility and sophisticated communications facili- 1. Nil liability under current legislation to
ties. The specific factors, dealt with further below, taxes or other financial imposts, permitting gross
may be characterised as appropriate legislation growth within the CIS, and the opportunity for
and sensible regulation. tax-free distribution. Under the Exempted
Undertakings Tax Protection Act 1966 the
SECURITY FOR INVESTORS Minister of Finance can issue a letter confirming
An appropriate level of investor protection should tax-free status up to 2016.
“This whole question
apply to an offshore CIS. Where twenty-five years 2. A greater opportunity for investors to
of the nature, degree ago lack of regulation offshore was considered a achieve their investment goals, in particular diver-
and effectiveness of virtue, the investor of today should demand rea- sification and estate planning through an off-shore
sonable, effective and enforced regulation as a
regulation is private trust or corporate investment vehicle. For
sine qua non. example an investor whose citizenship/domicile
Bermuda is a well established offshore mutual might preclude investment in an offshore CIS
fund domicile with some of the larger funds being directly (under the rules of the CIS itself) may be
quoted (for example) on the London and Hong able, quite legitimately, to invest for the benefit of
Kong Stock Exchanges. Further, a fund registered himself or his family through such an offshore
in Bermuda is acceptable for listing on the Dublin structure.

TRUSTS & TRUSTEES and International Asset Management Page 7

3. Reasonable costs and prompt dispatch of provide for the calculation of net asset value per
the incorporation/settlement process and compli- unit and set out the terms for issue and redemption
ance procedures, (and therefore enhanced gain of units. It will also provide for the administration
brought about by cost-saving). and management of the affairs of the unit trust,
including provisions for an annual meeting of
4. The opportunity to operate free of
unit-holders, voting rights, audit and financial
exchange controls.
statements. The Bermuda-resident trustee(s) acts
5. First class infrastructure thoroughly famil- as custodian of the assets of the trust in addition to
iar with a wide range of offshore products. exercising other fiduciary duties owed to the
“ This leaves room unitholders.
for the introduction A unit trust scheme is defined in the Stamp Duties
While a unit trust attracts no annual registration
fee, the Bermuda management company associat-
of some innovation, Act 1976 as meaning “any arrangements made for
ed with the unit trust is required to pay a fee of
in the trust deed ...” the purpose, or having the effect, of providing, for
BD$2,365 in respect of each unit trust scheme
persons having funds available for investment,
managed by it.
facilities for the participation by them as benefi-
ciaries under a trust, in profits or income arising General principles
from the acquisition, holding, management or dis-
A Unit Trust requires that the “three certainties”
posal of any property whatsoever”, and “unit”
(required of all trusts) of intention, object and
means, in relation to a unit trust scheme, a right or
subject matter be satisfied. Further, the same
interest (whether described as a unit, as a sub-unit,

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principles of fiduciary administration that apply to
or otherwise) or a beneficiary under the trust any trust will also apply. Unlike, say, a discre-
instrument. Differences in tax treatment of returns tionary trust, the manager of a Unit Trust is not an
and greater freedom of procedures, including agent or employee of the trustee. Because the pro-
those to redeem units can render the unit trust a moter of a unit trust offers his management skills
preferred vehicle over a mutual fund. While the to the public, the trustee cannot have the same
latter is strictly bound by Companies Act, there is range of discretions a trustee would have under a
no legislative regime for unit trusts at present in private trust.
Bermuda. This leaves room for the introduction of
some innovation in the Trust Deed for both public The trustee and the manager each supply a mea-
“A unit trust sure of supervision of the other for the protection
and private or restricted applications.
requires that the of unitholders.
... be satisfied” Unit Trusts Parties to the deed
The manager and the trustee.
International Investors Constitution
The manager pays the trustee an initial subscrip-
tion for units to be issued to the manager. Further
Units units are created when subscribers application
monies are added to the trust fund or when ven-
Unit Trust $ dors of property acquired by the trust receive units
in exchange therefore.
Declaration of trust

Manager Trustee The trustee formally declares it holds the fund

upon trust for the unitholders.
owns Limitation of unitholders liability
A unitholder’s only liability is to pay the sub-
“Unlike, say, a scription for each unit. Unitholders thereby gain
Assets similar limited liability as that enjoyed by share-
discretionary trust,
Managers holders of a limited company. The limitation,
the manager of a unit however, arises out of the unitholders position
trust is not an agent under the Trust Deed rather than statutory compa-
For most practical purposes a unit trust will oper- ny law.
or employee of the
ate and be regulated in the same manner as a Units
trustee.” mutual fund. The matters later discussed relative
to mutual funds apply equally to the establishment The units are declared to confer on unitholders an
of a unit trust. There is an argument that the sub- interest in the trust fund as a whole, without any
mission of a prospectus or explanatory memoran- interest in any separate part of the fund. Usually a
dum relating to a unit trust to the BMA is not maximum number of units is stated. Where units
required. The better practice is to assume that are listed on a stock exchange a restriction will be
imposed on the issue of new units other than to
such a document (as appropriate to a public or pri-
existing unitholders in proportion to their existing
vate offering) must in fact be filed.
units or as sanctioned at a unitholders meeting.
Unit trusts are established by a Trust Deed made The number of new units is arrived at by dividing
with a Bermuda-resident trustee. The deed will the addition to the trust fund by the issue price.

Page 8 TRUSTS & TRUSTEES and International Asset Management

Unitholders interest auditor. Where the trustee reasonably considers
that the manager has failed to carry out any of its
The unitholders interest consists of (i) a fraction
obligations to the prejudice of the unitholders the
of the beneficial ownership of all the trust assets
trustee may appoint a receiver of the undertaking
and (ii) rights compelling the manager to buy
of the manager.
units back.
Trustee liability
Unitholders passive
The deed will limit trustee liability (arising with-
Unitholders normally cannot interfere with, or
out negligence or default) to the extent of the trust
question, the actions of, the trustee or manager in
relation to the trust fund. Further, it is clear that
“The office of neither the trustee nor the manager is an agent of Amendment to the deed
the unitholders. Otherwise liabilities incurred by
trustee incorporates the trustee or the manager to third persons might Unit trust deeds commonly contain a provision
under which the deed may be altered; e.g. by the
many equitable be sheeted home to the unitholders thus prejudic-
ing their limited liability. trustee and the manager to satisfy the require-
duties.” ments of any new law. Other alterations are possi-
Trustees covenants ble, and a common provision is that the trustee
may seek the approval of unitholders in a general
The office of trustee incorporates many equitable
meeting to achieve any desirable alterations.
duties. In the deed however, the trustee further
covenants to exercise all due diligence and vigi- Winding up

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lance, including the supervision of the manager.
This duty might not (in the absence of such a The deed will provide for winding up the trust.
covenant) otherwise arise, since the manager is Public unit trusts have a limited life. The trustee
not in general subordinate to the trustee. and the manager frequently have power to wind
up the trust in the event that conditions arise in
Manager covenants which to continue the trust would be undesirable
from the unitholders’ viewpoint.
The manager covenants to discharge its business
in a proper and efficient manner. As promoter the MUTUAL FUNDS
manager owes fiduciary duties generally equating
to the statutory duties of promoters of companies. A mutual fund is defined as a company limited by
shares and incorporated for the purpose of invest-
“The manager is Manager as buyer or redeemer of units ing the monies of its members for their mutual
also removable by benefit having the power to redeem or purchase
Unitholders need a market for their units The deed
the trustee ...” for cancellation its shares without reducing its
will contain a covenant binding the manager, on
authorised share capital and stating in its memo-
request, to buy units from the holder at a price cal-
randum that it is a mutual fund.
culated pursuant to the provisions of the deed.
Manager as administrator
Mutual Fund
Administration rests with the manager rather than
the trustee, and includes handling all investments, International Investors
borrowings and liabilities of the trust fund. The
trustee, as holder of trust property, must follow
the lawful directions of the manager. The manag-
er will also keep or cause to be kept a register of Redeemable
Shares $ Subscribe
unitholders, and will issue and administer unit
Registrar &
Change of Manager Transfer Agent
Retirement on notice is provided for, and a
“Investor- Fund) Promoter
unitholder meeting may cause removal. The man- Auditors Mutual Fund
protection requires ager is also removable by the trustee, for example, Company Investment
that the trust fund where the manager goes into liquidation, ceases to Manager
carry on business or has, to the prejudice of Classes of Shares
should be vested in unitholders, failed in its duty to unitholders. The
a trustee rather manager is in a fiduciary relationship with the
than the manager.” unitholders and thereby liable to the extent the
trust deed does not properly exonerate it.
Custodian Assets
Trustee as titleholder
Investor-protection requires that the trust fund
should be vested in a trustee rather than the man-
ager. This provides an independent check on the Almost invariably, “exempted” companies,
conduct of the manager. The trust deed will nor- (formed in Bermuda to carry on business outside
mally give the trustee a range of powers over the Bermuda) are employed. 3]Section 156C(2)(b) of
trust property, including power to appoint custo- the Companies Act permits a mutual fund compa-
dians and sub-custodians. The manager will make ny to redeem its shares out of realised or unre-
available its books to the trustee or a company alised profits by reference to Net Asset Value.

TRUSTS & TRUSTEES and International Asset Management Page 9

Shares so redeemed by a mutual fund may subse- Exchange purposes and are free to acquire, hold
quently be re-issued to new subscribers. It is now and sell any foreign currencies and securities with-
some time since it was necessary to incorporate a out restriction.
Bermuda mutual fund by Private Act. The
Companies Act 1981 (“the Act”) now facilitates
the formation and operation of mutual funds The Board of Directors is responsible for the man-
through an incorporation process saving time and agement of a mutual fund. Day-to-day administra-
costs. The Companies Act also permits the forma- tion is normally contracted to the management
tion of a Limited Duration Company (terminating company which, in turn, may subcontract.
on a specific event occurring or through lapse of a
specified period). This vehicle can provide tax The bye-laws of the MFC will provide for the cal-
advantages on the “transparency” principle. culation of net asset value per share, and the terms
“a Mutual Fund and conditions upon which issues and redemptions
CAPITAL will be effected. The initial subscription price is
Company (MFC)
The minimum issued share capital of any Bermuda usually set by directors. Section 35 of the Act pro-
must normally have vides that if the minimum subscription is not
company is US$12,000 or equivalent in another
associated with it currency. The power to redeem will be restricted achieved within 120 days, the funds received must
so that the aggregate value of outstanding shares be repaid.
a management
will remain at least $12,000. An alternative is to
company incorpo- Where a fund continuously offers shares to the
employ two classes of shares, (i) 12,000 $1
public, a prospectus must be issued and filed with
rated in Bermuda.” Manager’s or Founders’ Shares (with or without
the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda every 12

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rights of participation) and (ii) investors’ shares.
months. Such a prospectus must contain audited
MONETARY AUTHORITY GUIDELINES financial statements as of a date not more than 120
days prior to the date of issue of the prospectus.
Include the following:
This requirement can be satisfied by attaching the
1. a Mutual Fund Company (MFC) must nor- most recent annual report to the current prospectus
mally have associated with it a management com- and issuing and filing the same within four months
pany incorporated in Bermuda. This is frequently of the financial year end.
owned by the promoters. Management and admin-
istrative functions are delegated by the MFC to the INVESTMENT
management company, which may further dele- A mutual fund or its manager may appoint an
gate them; investment adviser, which may be an affiliate of
2. while a local bank may be required to act as the promoters. The acquisition and disposal of
“Detailed references custodian of the assets of the fund, suitable alter- investments is usually the responsibility of the cus-
natives will be considered. Where a local bank is todian. Where it is intended to invest in income
and resumes will be required, a sub-custodian elsewhere may be producing assets, the bye-laws may provide for
required.” appointed; reinvestment in the acquisition of further invest-
ments, or for the distribution of such income by
3. a local registrar and transfer agent will be way of dividend with an option for reinvestment or
in further shares of the mutual fund.
4. the promoters must satisfy the authorities as
to their investment management expertise (and, in
the case of public funds, evidence of experience as The offering of a Bermuda-domiciled mutual fund
mutual fund operators, especially administrative outside Bermuda is subject to the laws of the target
and advisory abilities). Detailed references and jurisdiction(s). Many mutual funds marketed out-
resumes will be required. It must be stated whether side the USA place restrictions on the ability of
a stock exchange listing will be sought, and if so “US persons” to hold shares or units of the CIS.
where; Breach will trigger compulsory redemption under
5. detailed business plan/draft prospectus/ the Bye-laws. It is however possible for a US citi-
explanatory memorandum will be required, and zen (subject to the rules of any particular fund and
“The acquisition and to applicable tax filings and compliance) to estab-
6. annual audits are mandatory only in the case lish a trust which will be a permitted investor.
disposal of invest-
of a signatory to the Collective Investment Scheme
ments is usually the Code of Conduct. UNITED KINGDOM CLASS SCHEMES
responsibility of the These requirements normally apply to any CIS Bermuda enjoys Designated Territory Status under
custodian.” including a unit trust, (mutatis mutandis). In the (UK) Financial Services Act 1986. An MFC which
case of commodity based funds, including those complies with the requirement of the Companies
dealing in financial and commodity futures, the Act 1981 and the Companies (United Kingdom
BMA may permit the appointment of co-custodi- Class Scheme Bye-laws) Regulations 1988, may
ans located outside Bermuda. apply to the Minister of finance for Certification as
a UK Class Scheme. If so certified, the fund may
apply to the Securities and Investment Board in the
Under the current legislation there is no Bermuda United Kingdom for authorisation to offer its
income, profits, withholding or other tax or finan- shares in the United Kingdom.
cial impost.
In addition to the regulatory requirements listed
EXCHANGE CONTROLS above, MFCs wishing to apply for UK Class
Scheme Certification must comply with the fol-
There are none. Exempted mutual fund companies
are classified as non-resident for Foreign

Page 10 TRUSTS & TRUSTEES and International Asset Management

(a) the custodian must be a local bank; Company, for planning and producing new off-
shore solutions to satisfy the investment and plan-
(b) the manager must be a Bermuda-incorporated
ning strategies.
company, separate and apart from the custodian
bank and, as such, the manager and custodian FOOTNOTES:
must fulfil their respective duties at arms length; 1] See “Complex Fund Structures and Choice of
(c) the mutual fund must adopt as its bye-laws those Jurisdiction” (Peter Marshall) TRUSTS & TRUSTEES
provided for in the Companies Act (United and International Asset Management Volume 1 No 2 page
Kingdom Class Scheme Bye-laws) Regulations 17.
1988; 2] The definition of a “financial institution” includes
(d) evidence must be supplied that the officers and a “Collective Investment Scheme” which in turn is
directors of the fund are of good standing and defined as meaning a “mutual fund” within the meaning
repute, financially sound and sufficiently of the Companies Act 1981 or a “unit trust scheme” in
qualified and experienced to fulfil properly their terms of the Stamp Duties Act 1976 (there being at pre-
“ ... there is scope, respective roles; sent no specific statutory code dealing with unit trusts). In
particularly in the (e) the custodian and manager of the company are,
practice similar guidelines will apply to Limited
Partnerships or Limited Duration Companies offering
Unit Trust Area, or upon certification will be, participants in a
units/shares/securities to outside investors.
compensation agreement.
and that of the 3] “Exempted” signifies exemption from the manda-
tory requirement applicable to “local” companies of at

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Company, for Consents for the issue of shares or units of a CIS least sixty percent ownership and control by Bermudians.
are given conditionally. The CIS must seek further
planing and consent before it makes any change in its opera- by Robert Miller* and Robin Todd
producing new tions, including changes of manager, custodian,
investment adviser(s), or any other relevant party Richards, Francis & Francis,
and for any material changes to the offering docu- Bermuda
solutions ...” ment or prospectus. Further, each custodian
Barristers & Attorneys
reports monthly to the BMA, on, inter alia, details
of the net asset value of the fund, price per share, Cedar Trust Co Ltd
analysis of performance over the previous one, six 48 Cedar Avenue, P O Box HM 148
and twelve month periods and the amounts sub-
scribed and redeemed. Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda
Tel: (809) 292 0567
Fax: (809) 292 0732
The CIS market is expanding rapidly, whatever
form the launch vehicle might take. This author *Now of ZI Labuan Trust Company Sdn. Bhd
believes that there is scope, particularly in the Labuan, Malaysia - Tel: +60 87 451 688, Fax:
Unit Trust Area, and that of the Limited Duration +60 87 453 688


DESCRIPTION 31 March 1993 31 August 1994 30 November 1994

“ ... there is scope

... for planning Mutual Funds 210 292 30.7
and producing Umbrella Funds 26 33 36
new offshore
Sub-Funds operating under Umbrellas 92 172 180
solutions ...”
Total Mutual Funds 302 464 487

Unit Trusts 49 52 55

Umbrella Trusts 2 2 4

Sub-Trusts operating under Umbrellas 4 7 9

Total Unit Trusts 53 59 64

Partnerships 2 15 16

Feeder Trusts - 1 1

Grand Total CIS 356 539 568

Total Net Asset Value (N.A.V.) US$6.8b US$12.5b US$12.1b

Source: Bermuda Monetary Authority

TRUSTS & TRUSTEES and International Asset Management Page 11

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