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Some people believe that a person’s intelligence is inherited from the

parents, while others believe that their environment is the main factor.
Discuss these views. Which factor do you think is mostly responsible for

Over time, many psychologists and researchers have wondered if the Commented [WU1]: Not necessary.

intelligence is a skill inherited from the parents or is a result of the Commented [WU2]: Not necessary.

environment. This fact continues to be a controversial topic because the

experiments proved both ideas.
On the one hand, the intelligence is an ability which depends largely Commented [WU3]: Not necessary.

on the social enviroment.The education and the desire for knowledge are Commented [WU4]: Not necessary.

the keys which develop this kind of ability. For example, the psychologist
Laszlo Polgar, made an experiment on his daugthers. According to the
teacher, you can grow a genius from almost any healthy child - you have
to start to work with him before he turn three, and at the age of six decide Commented [WU5]: turns

a specialization. In that way, Laszlo put books about chees in the house, Commented [WU6]: chess (?)

and started to work with his first daugther. In time she became a world Commented [WU7]: daughter

beater at this sport of mind. The second daughter, without this ability was
intrested in this domain and asked her father to work with her. Finally, she
became a champion too.
On the other hand, most of the people tend to say that a smart person Commented [WU8]: Not necessary.

obtains this gene from his parents. Indeed, sometimes the children inherit Commented [WU9]: Not necessary.

their parents behaviour in such a way that you can say ”He is smart like Commented [WU10]: parents’

her mother” , but even though the intelligence is hereditary, it must be Commented [WU11]: no space befor the comma
Commented [WU12]: Not necessary.
polished, harnessed and used in a good way. If the child will not have a
Commented [WU13]: does not
good education, he will not develop this potential, even though his parents
are so intellectual.Finally, it would not be possible at all to say that the Commented [WU14]: space after the punctuation mark
Commented [WU15]: Not necessary.
intelligence is iharited form parents 100%.
Commented [WU16]: inherited
Overall, we are able to conclude that this ability is mostly a result of
environment and the genes are not so crucial in this case. Intelligence Commented [WU17]: the environment

means work, finished books and much excercice. Commented [WU18]: exercise

Name:Mihai Ionașcu

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