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Imagine there was this man who went to medical school to become a

surgeon, but never finished and then years later, found out that he had to
have surgery. He goes in for the consultation visit with the doctor, he is
sitting there in his office and sees all his degrees and certifications. He
asks him how many times he has performed this surgery and he assures
him hundreds of times without failure. He goes home and does his own
research to be sure that he has done this surgery without failure. He comes
back for the surgery, completely confident in the doctor, and he’s lying
there completely prepped, waiting for the surgery to be performed and he
looks up at the doctor and says, “I’m sorry, I have changed my mind and I
think I can do the surgery myself.” The doctor says, “but you saw my
degrees, you know my reputation, I really want the best for you!”
How do you think that is going to turn out?
You see, from the very beginning this is what man has done, they have
tried to make their own decisions and rely on their own abilities instead of
placing their confidence in God!
Today we are going to consider 5 different points that will help us be
completely confident in our God, Jehovah. We're going to find out how to:
WITH OUR BEST, AND ACCEPT DISCIPLINE we’re going to find out
These points are found in Proverbs 3:1-26 and we’re going to discuss them
a few verses at a time.
Commented [JJ1]: My son, do not forget my teaching,
Let’s start with verses 1-4. So how can we find favor and good insight And may your heart observe my
commandments, 2 Because they will add many days
from these verses? We can see that Bible teachings is to be impressed on And years of life and peace to you. 3 Do not let loyal
love and faithfulness leave you. Tie them around your
the heart by listening to all of Jehovah’s laws and keeping them on our neck; Write them on the tablet of your heart; 4 Then
you will find favor and good insight In the eyes of God
and man.
mind. Verse 3 says, ‘Tie them around your neck’ Often, in Bible times, a
signet ring was hung by a cord around the neck. This ring was considered
priceless because without using it, no document could be made authentic.
The wearer of the ring never forgot it and was constantly reminded of its
high value. So loyal love and faithfulness should always be kept in our
mind and their value never forgotten. Then it says, “Write them upon the
tablet of your heart”, we do this by study and by speaking about Jehovah’s
laws so that they become a part of us. And in verse 2 it shows us the
reward, which will add many days and years of life and peace to you.

Now let’s read verses 5-8. Commented [JJ2]: 5 Trust in Jehovah with all your
heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. 6 In
all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your
paths straight. 7 Do not become wise in your own
It says trust in Jehovah! Why should we trust in Jehovah? eyes. Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad. 8 It will
be a healing to your body And refreshment for your
Jehovah is certainly worthy of our complete trust. As the Creator, he is
“vigorous in power” and is the Source of “dynamic energy.” His very
name literally means “He Causes to Become,” “it is impossible for God to
lie”. His dominant quality is love. He is “righteous in all his ways and
loyal in all his works.” And the list goes on.
But how do we cultivate and maintain trust in him? By applying what we
learn from the Bible in our personal life and by reflecting upon the good
that this produces. We have so many in the Bible of ones that put their
trust in Jehovah to reflect on.
Now what about today? We have experiences that have been published in
the Watchtower series "The Bible Changes Lives" that show how many
have put their trust in Jehovah despite many hardships that they have faced
in their life. Like the Bible examples, present day ones we read about, or
ones we have known to be faithful till death, we must take notice of what
Jehovah is telling us by doing what he says, following his ways like these
examples. And just like these examples, we must recognize his authority,
his sovereignty. Be obedient to him in everything that we do!
Now we know, it is not easy to remain on the narrow road to life. To do
so, we must follow the direction given in God’s Word and by those
entrusted with the shepherding responsibilities in the congregation. To
illustrate, say you’re traveling in car and you made a wrong turn, action
would be needed to get back on course. Otherwise, we would never reach
our destination. You see, when you are driving, there are places that you
can’t make a U turn, it’s illegal, but in life, we can make a U turn anytime.
Similarly, if we are shown that we are going the wrong way spiritually, we
should quickly apply the Scriptural counsel. Make that correction in our
course, or we will never reach our destination of everlasting life. This
would be one way to show that we really do “trust in Jehovah.”
Let's now read verses 9-12 and find out how to honor Jehovah with Commented [JJ3]: 9 Honor Jehovah with your valuable
our best and accept discipline. With the firstfruits of all your produce;
10 Then your storehouses will be completely filled,l
And your vatsa will overflow with new wine.
Ask yourself, Do You Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things? 11 My son, do not reject the discipline of Jehovah,m
And do not loathe his reproof,n
12 For those whom Jehovah loves he reproves,o

I found a couple examples of where some young ones wrote into the Just as a father does a son in whom he delights.

Watchtower Branch office.

Three-year-old Shelley wrote: “Dear Brothers: How are you? I want to be
a missionary when I grow up. Please use this dollar to help missionaries.”
Stephen wrote: “Dear Brothers. I live at 89 St. I hope you are having a fun
time. I’m giving you one dollar for the Kingdom Hall fund. Send me a
letter back soon.”
WHY did these young ones write to the Watchtower headquarters?
Because they wanted to honor Jehovah by using what they had to further
his praise. They were following what it says in verse 9: “Honor Jehovah
with your valuable things and with the first fruits of all your produce.”
What, then, is required of us?
Appreciation for all that Jehovah has given us. Yes, our assets are actually
gifts from Jehovah. “Indeed,” asks the apostle Paul, “what do you have
that you did not receive?” (1 Corinthians 4:7) And for what purpose has
God given them to us? 1 Peter 4:10, 11. So that we can use such gifts in Commented [JJ4]: To the extent that each one has
received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine
honoring him! stewards of God’s undeserved kindness that is expressed in
various ways.o 11 If anyone speaks, let him do so as
speaking pronouncements from God; if anyone ministers,
These gifts include our physical, mental, spiritual, and material assets— let him do so as depending on the strength that God
supplies;p so that in all things God may be glorifiedq through
yes, everything in our life. And how generous Jehovah has been to each Jesus Christ. The glory and the might are his forever and
ever. Amen
one of us! What a fine example he has set in giving! Surely, having
received so much of Jehovah’s loving provisions should move us to show
appreciation for such provisions.
How It Can Be Done?
Though Shelley and Stephen were very young, they found a way. They
realized that their contribution would be used to further the worldwide
preaching work. And their donation, regardless of the amount, was
certainly appreciated. Stephen received his letter of acknowledgment. So
did little Shelley. It is not the amount but the motive that counts. Let’s see
what that motive is at (2 Corinthians 9:7) So, for it to be an acceptable Commented [JJ5]: Let each one do just as he has
resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion,
gift, it must be completely voluntary. Jehovah is pleased with our for God loves a cheerful giver.

contributions, whether large or small, when they represent our whole-

souled devotion to him.
Appreciation, then, is followed up with action. Ask yourself, have we
taken stock of what valuable things we have that may be used for honoring
God? Do we spend as much time as we can in developing and
strengthening a close, personal relationship with Jehovah? Do we honor
him by proclaiming his name and message with our lips? Remember, if we
want to be known as Jehovah's Witnesses, we must witness about
Verse 11, how do we ACCEPT DISCIPLINE? Commented [JJ6]: 11 My son, do not reject the discipline
of Jehovah,
And do not loathe his reproof,
When a father or mother gives their child discipline, it is either, a
spanking, some form of grounding, or a heart to heart talk.
Well, how does Jehovah provide discipline? By means of the Bible and
down through our gifts in men, our elders. So, when we read the Bible, or
have its counsel drawn to our attention, and learn that in some way we are
not measuring up, we are receiving God’s discipline. By accepting that
discipline as right and doing something about it, we prove that we are
facing up to the truth. We are acknowledging God’s right to give us
direction and are showing that we are the kind of people he wants in his
New System.
Why must we accept discipline? Why is it so important? Proverbs
4:13. Yes, our life depends upon heeding divine discipline! Commented [JJ7]: Hold on to discipline; do not let it go.
Safeguard it, for it means your life.

Now let’s read verses 13-18 and see how the value of godly wisdom is Commented [JJ8]: Happy is the man who finds wisdom
And the man who acquires discernment;
greater than material gain. 14 To gain it is better than gaining silver,
And having it as profit is better than having gold.
15 It is more precious than corals;
What is wisdom? Notice what a IT V2 brought out. "Wisdom is the ability Nothing you desire can compare to it.
16 Long life is in its right hand;
to use knowledge successfully to solve problems, ward off danger, and Riches and glory are in its left hand.
17 Its ways are pleasant,
attain certain goals. It involves sound judgment. The foundation of such And all its paths are peaceful.
18 It is a tree of life to those who take hold of it,
wisdom is the fear of Jehovah. Why? Because all creation is the work of And those who keep firm hold of it will be called happy.
his hands. It is dependent on him. He gave us free will but not with the
ability to direct our own steps successfully apart from his guidance. Only
if we appreciate those fundamental facts about life and live in harmony
with them can we have lasting success."
Those verses we just read also highlight happiness. Is happiness not
something that all of us desire? Godly wisdom will give us this happiness
because true happiness can come only from its Source, Jehovah God. The
happiness’s promised in the Bible depend on our proper relationship, or
approved standing, with Jehovah. By applying what we learn from study
of the Bible, we will be displaying “the wisdom from above” that will give
us the happiness that all the riches in the world cannot buy. Isn’t that a
beautiful thought!?
But you think to yourself, we have to have money, and when we don't
have enough, we're not happy! We know that money for a protection. It
pays for food, clothing, and shelter, and other needs. And God’s Word
encourages us to work hard so that we have the means to provide for
ourselves and our families. Additionally, our hard work enables us to be
generous in a financial way. Jesus said, “There is more happiness in giving
than there is in receiving.” Such happiness results when we cheerfully use
our finances to help those in need, especially fellow Christians.
But a lot of times rich people are very selfish and rarely give and when
they do, it may be with an ulterior motive. Their problem often is the love Commented [JJ9]: The wealth of the rich . . . is like a
protective wall in his imagination.—Prov. 18:11.
of money, which, contrary to what most people think, usually brings
unhappiness. Why is the love of money so unsatisfying and even hurtful?
For one thing, a greedy person’s appetite for wealth is ongoing. They
‘stab themselves’ with endless frustration. Their greed contributes to poor
relationships, unhappy family life, and even lack of proper rest. Above all,
the love of money earns God’s disfavor.
During the present “last days,” we must especially be on guard because
people in general are, “lovers of money.” True Christians who remain
conscious of their spiritual need are not swept along with this wave of
greed, because they possess something far superior to money. Ecc 7:12
stated that money serves as a protection, but then it added that, “Wisdom
preserves the life of its owner”. See, Godly wisdom can save a person from
countless pitfalls in life. Because we attribute more value to wisdom than
to money, we enjoy a measure of peace, happiness, and security that just
baffles money lovers. Hebrews 13:5 says: “Let your manner of life be free
of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. For
[God] has said: ‘I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.’”
Money cannot give us that type of security, can it!?
Look at what it says in 3:16: “Long life is in its right hand.” This is the
right hand of protection, the hand that is ready to help and safeguard a
person at critical times. That is what Jehovah is doing for us right now, he
is offering us his right hand of protection with this information! Can we
get that from other people? No, today many engage in loose living, sexual
immorality, drug abuse, heavy drinking, crime, and so forth. The Bible
says, “Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
Really, it is only to those who have ‘cleansed themselves of defilement,’
avoiding these practices, that God promises: “‘I will take you in.’ ‘And I
shall be a father to you.’” From what you have observed, are people who
practice those things truly happy? Or do they bring upon themselves and
others much sorrow and pain, even death?
In contrast, the application of the wise counsel from God’s Word will
always be at our “right hand” to protect us from such dangers. So
“wisdom” is a treasure that surpasses the value of all the world’s riches,
but to acquire wisdom and discernment, we must put our knowledge to
work, but once again, this requires willingness to apply or take action on
what is learned!
Let’s now read the last verses of chap 3 that we’re going to consider,
19-26, and we’re going to see how making Jehovah your confidence Commented [JJ10]: Jehovah founded the earth in
results in blessings. He solidly established the heavens in discernment.
20 By his knowledge the watery deeps were split apart
And the cloudy skies dripped with dew.
Yes, we can walk in spiritual security and we can have pleasurable sleep 21 My son, do not lose sight of them.
Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability;
with peace of mind as we await the “sudden destruction” upon Satan’s 22 They will give you life
And be an adornment for your neck;
wicked world. As Jehovah’s people, let us be fearless and bold, and keep 23 Then you will walk on your way in safety,
And your foot will never stumble.
on warning ones of the day of God’s vengeance. Let us keep on praying 24 When you lie down, you will have no fear;
You will lie down, and your sleep will be pleasant.
for God’s kingdom to come in all its fury against Satan’s wicked system. 25 You will not fear any sudden terror
Nor the storm that is coming on the wicked.
Let us safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability. And we will not be 26 For Jehovah will prove to be your source of confidence;
He will keep your foot from being caught.
afraid of the coming tribulation on the wicked because if we put our trust
in Jehovah he will be our refuge and stronghold, and we don’t have to be
afraid of anything even death!
So, what must we do now? Well, let’s not try to perform surgery on
ourselves as the illustration brought out in the beginning, let us put our
complete confidence in Jehovah, the one that has the perfect tract record,
the one who has never lied, the one that knows us better than we know
ourselves, the one who has our best interests at heart!
So, what is going to happen if we choose to pursue this confident course in
strength from Jehovah? Let's look at one last scripture at Proverbs 2:20-
22. So what do we have to do to walk in the way of good people? What do Commented [JJ11]: So follow the way of good people
And stay on the paths of the righteous,
we have to do to be one of those upright ones that will reside in the earth? 21 For only the upright will reside in the earth,
And the blameless will remain in it.
And what do we need to do to NOT be one of those wicked that will be 22 As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth,
And the treacherous will be torn away from it.
cut off?

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