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You are on page 1of 15 OPOS 3.9.x v.

User Training Guide

for uniCenta 3.9.x version

Created by: Mariam Ali

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1) Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2) Software Installation ....................................................................................................... 3
3) Database Setup ............................................................................................................. 4
4) Product Categories ........................................................................................................ 5
4.1) Product Sub-Categories .......................................................................................... 7
5) Adding Product Fields .................................................................................................... 7
5.1) Setting Stock Limitations ......................................................................................... 8
6) Completing Transactions ............................................................................................... 9
7) Creating Reports .......................................................................................................... 12
7.1) Overall Inventory Report ....................................................................................... 12
7.2) Product Sale Report.............................................................................................. 13
7.3) Current Inventory Report....................................................................................... 14
8) Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 15

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1) Introduction
This user guide will outline the fundamentals of how to use the UniCenta OPOS System.
OPOS System stands for Open Source Point of Sale System. The OPOS 3.9.x version of
the system will allow you to sell, manage, and control your business transactions. All you
have to do is set your business up and you’re ready to go!

2) Software Installation
To install the OPOS 3.9.x version, go to, and
press Download. This will prompt you to download the file and save it to your device. Once
this is downloaded, run the command and set the suitable language.

Once that is selected, set up the software by accepting the licence agreements.

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Once the licence agreements have been accepted, choose where you would like the OPOS
System to be installed. Allow the software to install onto the device. After the system has
been successfully installed, please read the following “Read Me” file, as this will welcome
you to your new OPOS system.

Now you have successfully downloaded the system. To start using the program, click on the
UniCenta OPOS logo from your desktop.

3) Database Setup
In order to start using the system, a database must be set up first. Once the OPOS Logo is
clicked, the below screen will appear. The standard database that comes with the system is
“Apache Derby Embedded”. Select this option if you have not got a database set up already.

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Input a user name and password to create your database logins and press Test. This will
then show you the following screenshot, if your database has been created and set up

Don’t forget to restart your OPOS system to load the database successfully.

4) Product Categories
Before you create products on the system, set up the relevant categories. This will allow you
to keep track of your stock under each section. In order to do this, open the software and
select on the Administrator button.

Once this has been selected, the front-end of the system will be accessible. From here, you
will need to go to settings by clicking on the arrow on the left hand side.

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The left hand side will present the menu options that will allow you to make changes to the
backend of the program. To set the categories up, click on “Stock”, then “Categories”.

Once the Categories page loads, start adding primary categories by clicking on the plus

The categories must be added under “Category Standard” to be set up correctly.

Press the “Save” button to add the category to the database.

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4.1) Product Sub-Categories

For some product types, sub-categories may need to be created. For example, the “Drinks”
category can be broken down into the sub-categories of “Fizzy” and “Non-Fizzy”. In order to
do this, follow the above process but ensure that a primary category is selected in the
“Category” field. Save the sub-category as per the below screenshot.

5) Adding Product Fields

In order to add the products into the relevant categories, go back to the main menu by
clicking on the arrow, then choose “Stock” followed by “Products”.

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Select the plus sign to add a product. Then complete the relevant fields about the product
such as the Reference, Barcode, Name, Category, Tax, and finally the Product Price

Press the “Save” button and then follow the same process to add additional products.

5.1) Setting Stock Limitations

Adding the stock limitation detail will allow you to monitor your products on a consistent
basis and receive notifications when the minimum limit has been reached.

In order to set this up, go back to the main menu by clicking on the arrow, then choose the
“Stock” option and finally select the “Product Location” button.

Set the stock limitation of each product by selecting the product from the list on the left hand
side, and entering the minimum and maximum level to be maintained for each one. Once
completed, save the field and repeat as necessary.

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6) Completing Transactions
Once all the relevant data has been added into the database, the system can be used to
complete transactions. To access the front end of the system, go back to the main menu by
clicking on the arrow and selecting “Sales” under the Register Tab.

Once the Sales button is pressed, a till will appear alongside all the previously added

The product that is being sold can be selected from this menu during the transaction.

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The total cost of the order will appear as the products are added.

In order to complete this transaction, click on the equal button on the right hand side. This
will show a screen where you enter how much the customer has paid.

This will then show how much change the customer needs, if any. Click on “Ok” to complete
the transaction.

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If customer wants to pay for their order in an alternative way, the relevant payment method
can be selected from the left hand menu; see below.

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7) Creating Reports
Reports can be generated to show various types of information. Some of the reports that can
be produced include stock level details, and an overview of trends based on completed sales

7.1) Overall Inventory Report

To generate a report on current stock levels, select “Stock” from the main menu, then
choose “Report” and select “Inventory”.

The next page will allow you to generate a report by amending details such as the
timeframe. Click on “Run Report” to produce the document.

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7.2) Product Sales Report

A report can be generated to show the gross profit of each product. To do this go back to the
menu by clicking on the arrow, then select “Stock”, “Report” and finally “Products”.

The next page will allow you to generate a report by amending details such as the
timeframe. Click on “Run Report” to generate the document.

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7.3) Current Inventory Report

To generate a report on the minimum and maximum stock level for each product, a report
can be run. First, go back to the main menu by clicking on the arrow, select “Stock”, then
“Report” and finally “Inventory: Current”.

The next page will allow you to generate a report by amending details such as the
timeframe. Click on “Run Report” to generate the document.

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8) Conclusion
This document contains the initial steps required to set up a OPOS system successfully. As
the business continues to grow and develop, the OPOS system will need to deliver more
functionality in order to meet the business needs. Consequently, this user guide will need to
be edited and developed in conjunction with UniCenta to ensure that instructions are put in
place for enhanced functionality of the system.

For further information or help, please visit the Discussion Forum at:

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