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Exercise N°1: Material Balance: Aquifer Activity

The initial reservoir pressure of an oil reservoir is just the saturation pressure (i.e. no gas cap). The
OOIP is estimated at 14.5 x 106 stb. The following table gives the pressure, fluid properties and
production data:
Pressure Rs Bo Bg Rp Np Wp
psia scf/stb rb/stb rb/scf scf/stb stb stb
1850 (Pb) 690 1.363 0.00124 690 0 0
1600 621 1.333 0.00150 878 1715000 0
1300 535 1.300 0.00190 996 3430000 0
1000 494 1.258 0.00250 110 - 0
1- Calculate the water influx We for Np = 1.715 x 106 stb and Np = 3.430 x 106 stb
2- Estimate the cumulative production at PR = 1000 psi

Swi= 0,25 N( stb)= 1,45E+06

Cf (psi^)1)= 4,95E-06
Cw(psi^)1)= 3,26E-06

Rs (scf/stb) Bo(rb/stb) Bg(rb/scf) Rp(scf/stb) Np(stb) Wp (stb)
1850 690 1,363 0,00124 690 0 0
1600 621 1,333 0,0015 878 1715000 0
1300 535 1,3 0,0019 996 3430000 0
1000 494 1,258 0,0025 110 - 0

pour Np= 1,715*10^6

We 2,26E+15

pour Np= 3,43*10^6

We 6,48E+15

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