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Patterns of Organization and Their Clue Words

Discussion of events or ideas in after, afterward, at last, at that time,

Time Order
relation to passing time before, during, immediately, now,
presently, shortly, since, until, while

Emphasis on the order in which next, then, first, second, finally

Simple Listing-Process
something occurs

Emphasis on the meaning of a word, means, can be defined as, the same
Definition phrase, or idea as, like

Statement of fact with discussion words, obviously, of course, too

Statement & Clarification intended to make that statement clear

Analysis of where events, ideas, or category, field, rank, group, various,

facts fit in with other events, ideas, elements, characteristics, some
and facts feature, types, parts

Condensed statement of the principal in brief, in conclusion, in short, on the

points in a larger statement or idea whole, to sum up, to summarize

Discussion of similarities in two or also, likewise, in like manner,

more ideas, events, or things similarly, similar to, compared to

Discussion of the differences in two or although, however, but, conversely,

more ideas, events, or things nevertheless, yet, on the contrary, on
one hand, on the other hand, at the
same time…

Statement with examples designed to for examples, for instance, that is,
Generalization & Example
illustrate or clarify the statement thus, to illustrate, as demonstrated

A reason or condition and the accordingly, affect, as a result, and,

Cause and Effect
subsequent effect or conclusion because, consequently, hence in
short, may be due to, reasons, results,
then, therefore, thus

Emphasis on providing more again, also, and besides, equally,

information important, finally, further,
furthermore, in addition, last, likewise,

Emphasis on whereabouts of a thing Above, adjacent to, below, beyond,

Location—Spatial Order
or things then, close by, elsewhere, inside,
nearby, next to, opposite, within,
without, behind, in front of, to left…

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