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Why Moral Ascendancy?

Moral according to Webster's Dictionary means conforming to a standard of right behavior.

Ascendancy on the other hand means controlling influence or dominance. In short, moral ascendancy
means influencing others by conforming to a standard of right behavior. But why is moral ascendancy a
must for an educator?Will you call a person an educator if s/he does not have moral ascendancy? These
are the things that needs clarification.

Teaching is a noble profession-who would disagree? But what makes teaching a noble profession is
by being noble both in words and in actions. Here now applies the above mentioned words, moral
ascendancy. Moral Ascendancy is not merely about being good in front of the class surrounded by the
four walls of the classroom. A teacher may teach good values and treat each child fairly inside the
classroom, but moral ascendancy would be superficial if it is not applied in all the facets of life. May you
be in a vehicle together with other passengers, may you be in an overcrowded place, or may you be in
conflict with someone-being civil and morally ascended individual really counts a lot.

However, there are some who often neglects what moral ascendancy means on their profession -
teaching to be exact. Isn't it that sometimes we can caught a teacher uttering ill-structured words that
may often hurt his students-simply because his patience is running low? Patience indeed is a virtue! We
should not expect something out of our students. They are unique and individual and each of them learn
by their own pace. The problem is on us because we fail to remember that every child is special
( and we also fail to find out remedies to help those novice ones become
expert learners. Sometimes what's even worse is to bring your problems at home inside your class.
Sooner or later, you resort all those problems to your students by giving them difficult tasks, care them
not at all, and just try to ignore them on and on. Later on, you will find yourself unworthy to be called a
teacher-an educator-because you was not able to only have instructed. Always remember
that to teach is to touch lives forever...

2 teach

+ 2 touch lives

4 ever

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