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• Turn in HW2
• HW3 due
d Monday,
M d F Feb
b8 IIgnore dates
d t mentioned
ti d iin th
lecture taped in 2010

• 2012 schedule: HW3 due Monday, Feb 13. The

grace period for off-campus students expires
5pm MT Monday, Feb 20

Annotated ECEN5817 lecture 9 slides [taped in 2010]

1 ECEN 5817
Resonant Inverter Design

Resonant inverters for lamp ballasts
DC-AC side of resonant DC-DC converters

Resonant inverter design objectives:

1. Operate with a specified load characteristic and range of operating points

• With a nonlinear load, must properly match inverter output characteristic to load
h t i ti
2. Obtain zero-voltage switching or zero-current switching
• Preferably, obtain these properties at all loads
• Could allow ZVS property to be lost at light load,
load if necessary
3. Minimize transistor currents and conduction losses
• To obtain good efficiency at light load, the transistor current should scale
p y to load current ((in resonant converters,, it often doesn’t!))

2 ECEN 5817
19.4.4 Design Example

Select resonant tank elements to design an LCC resonant inverter

that meets the following requirements:

• Switching frequency fs = 100 kHz

• Input
p voltage g Vg = 160 V
• Inverter is capable of producing a peak open circuit output
voltage of 400 V
• Inverter can produce a nominal output of 150 Vrms at 25 W

3 ECEN 5817
Solve for the output characteristic (ellipse)
that meets requirements

4 ECEN 5817
Numerical values

The required short-circuit current can be found by solving the elliptical

output characteristic for Isc:


Use the requirements to evaluate the above:

5 ECEN 5817
Open circuit magnitude response

The requirements imply that the inverter tank circuit have an open-circuit
magnitude response:

Note that Voc need not have been given as a requirement, we can solve the
elliptical relationship, and therefore find Voc given any two required operating
points of ellipse. E.g. Isc could have been a requirement instead of Voc

6 ECEN 5817
Solve for matched load
(output impedance magnitude)

Matched load therefore occurs at the operating point

Hence the tank should be designed such that its output impedance is

7 ECEN 5817
LCC inverter Zi impedances and corner frequencies

8 ECEN 5817
Select resonant network element values to meet the specs

Found from the required output characteristic (ellipse), based on Voc, V, P

9 ECEN 5817
Select resonant network element values to meet the specs

10 ECEN 5817
Select resonant network element values to meet the specs

11 ECEN 5817
Solving for the tank elements
to give required ||Zo0|| and ||Hinf||
Design an LCC tank network for this example

The impedances of the series and shunt branches can be represented by

the reactances

12 ECEN 5817
Analysis in terms of Xs and Xp

The transfer function is given by the voltage divider equation:

The output impedance is given by the parallel combination:

Solve for Xs and Xp:

13 ECEN 5817
Choice of series branch elements

The series branch is comprised of two elements L and Cs, but there is only one
design parameter: Xs = 733 Ω.
Ω Hence,
Hence there is an additional degree of
freedom, and one of the elements can be arbitrarily chosen.
This occurs because the requirements are specified at only one operating
frequency Any choice of L and Cs, that satisfies Xs = 733 Ω will meet the
requirements, but the behavior at switching frequencies other than 100 kHz
will differ.
Given a choice for Cs, L must be chosen according to:

For example, Cs = 3Cp = 3.2 nF leads to L = 1.96 mH

14 ECEN 5817
Zero-voltage switching? Find Rcrit

 Z i
Theorem 2: Rcrit  Z o 0 Z o || Z o 0 ||

Rcrit is
i uniquely
i l determined
d i d by
b the
h parameters off the
h required
i d output characteristic,
h i i Voc,
V, and P. The LCC converter has no degrees of freedom to adjust Rcrit independently

Evaluation of the above equation leads to Rcrit = 1466 Ω. Hence ZVS for
R < 1466 Ω, and the nominal operating point with R = 900 Ω has ZVS

15 ECEN 5817
Converter performance

For this design, the salient tank frequencies are

(note that fs is nearly equal to fm, so the transistor
current should be nearly independent of load)

e ope
c cu tank
a input
pu impedance
peda ce is

So when the load is open-circuited, the transistor current is

Similar calculations for a short-circuited load lead to

16 ECEN 5817
Extending ZVS range?

17 ECEN 5817

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