Inquisitor Class (D&D 5e)

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Class Version 1.0

By Brian T. Barnshaw

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
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The Inquisitor’s beliefs tend to branch from the deity that they worship,
Inquisitor much like a Cleric or Paladin. The alignment of the Inquisitor may
A small gathering of religious followers are influence how they try to spread the religion to others and their overall
goals while in the material plain.
held under the safety of a leaning building,
the pouring rain that falls deafens the world Lawful Good. Follow the tenants of their deity to the letter and ensure
that they have a positive outcome for either the religion or others that
around them. A single Half-Elf looks down
follow the faith.
at the gathering, his eyes just as twisted as
his mind. As he begins to speak, the True Neutral. The word is truth, but nothing more is to be taken from it.
You are more connected to the outcome than the reason.
gathering cowers under the fear and weight
of his prophetic decrees. Chaotic Evil. You progress yourself and your temple by any means. If
anyone or anything gets in your way, they will be removed.
Within a Temple to the divine, a
These are just simple examples of a few ideas to base your choices off of.
Dragonborn makes her way through the
masses of worshipers, clerics, and paladins. All the
while, giving orders to those she passes, calming fears
and concerns, and ensuring that things are in their idea that they may not be the best to lead the current
place. She has an important job, but her ambition venture. If one person or persons presents any
does not stop there. Today is the start of many others. resistance, the Inquisitor will use their position of
authority to convince them otherwise.
A dirty room. Its only occupants a chair and two
individuals. The Half-Orc stands over the other In some cases, Inquisitors may fight one another for
individual, who is strapped to the chair. The journey to their position. While each of them don’t see eye to eye
forgiveness and truth is a long and arduous one, but most of the time, they can co-exist. When arguments
they will both know that by the end of the day. The or fights do break out, it usually ends in one of two
Half-Orc leaves the room alone, only silence and the ways, a peaceful resolution where both of the parties
truth follow after her. involved come to an acceptable agreement, or the
deaths of multiple persons due to false accusations,
Those who are Inquisitors have a passion to be in
murder, or even “divine punishment”.
charge, whether that is of their own lives or of a
convent at a temple. Most wish to spread their religion Lover but Unloved________________
for the good of all races, but in some cases, the allure Inquisitors aren't actually graced with the divine
of power is too much and they fall to temptation. blessings that Clerics and Paladins are. Because of
this, most Inquisitors loath them. They see themselves
Fear or Respect___________________
as just as special as a Cleric or Paladin, give just as
All Inquisitors are usually within or from positions of
much devotion, and do what they see fit; however, the
power in a temple or church. They take those positions
deity that they worship never takes interest in their
and use them to their advantage. While not all
lives. Everything that the Inquisitor can do is able to
Inquisitors are forceful and frightening, most are.
be done with a quick whit and sharp tongue.
Every so often, there will be an Inquisitor that leads
using kindness or respect from the actions they have If an Inquisitor is ever asked about this blessing of
done, they have the hardest time making others the deity, they usually play it off as them having
believe them. received a blessing of a different kind. They usually
hide this resentment, but it does cause some of them to
Fear and respect are almost synonymous when in an
act out and even want to ascend to godhood to show
Inquisitor’s vocabulary. They use fear to ensure that
their former deity that they were wrong.
those below them don’t act out of line or entertain the

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divine blessings? Do you resent them, envy
The Inquisitor them and their connection to the divine, or
Proficiency Brand actually accept your position and theirs?
Level Bonus Features Uses What are your overall goals? Is there
Brand, Speaking in Tongues, something specific that you want to find or
1 +2 2
Willing Scripture succeed on? Do you wish to become greater, to
Overwhelming Confidence, be more like the one you worship, to ensure the
2 +2 2 spread of your religion?
Word of Authority

3 +2 Sect Discipline Feature 3 Quick Build

Ability Score Improvement You can make an Inquisitor quickly by
4 +2 3
following these suggestions. First, Charisma
5 +3 Stronger Testament 3 should be your highest attribute, followed by
6 +3 Sect Discipline Feature 4 Dexterity. Second, take the Acolyte
7 +3 Bandwagon, Word of Law 4
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 Class Features
9 +4 Blind Faith 4 As an Inquisitor, you gain the following class
10 +4 Sect Discipline Feature 5 features.

11 +4 Heavy Sentence 5 Hit Points

12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 Hit Die: 1d6 per Inquisitor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
13 +5 Word of Traitor 5
14 +5 Honest Belief 5 Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
15 +5 Sect Discipline Feature 6 Constitution modifier per Inquisitor level after
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 6
17 +6 Sanctified Mind 6 Proficiencies
18 +6 Dual Sentence Armor: Light armor 6
Weapons: Simple weapons, fails, whips, and
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 hand crossbows
20 +6 Sect Discipline Feature 6 Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Charisma
Creating an Inquisitor_____________ Skills: Choose two from History, Insight,
When creating an Inquisitor, think of your standing in Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion,
the religion. Are you a former member now traveling and Religion
to find something new, do you still have a position and
are looking to find new ways to spread the faith, or are Equipment
you trying to distance yourself from it for some You start with the following equipment, in addition to
reason? the equipment granted by your background:

What are your views on those who have actual • (a) a flail and whip or (b) any 2 simple weapons

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• (a) a short bow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a
This class is very specific in its origins.
light crossbow and a case of 20 bolts
Please ensure the DM is alright with this
• A priest’s pack and set of leather armor class and what may occur from having it in
a game. Because of the thematic feel of the
Alternatively, you could begin with starting wealth of
class, most campaigns may not fit well with
5d4 x 10 gp and purchase starting items of your it. Make sure to thoroughly think out the
choice. character and its origins. Work with the DM
to have them know what is going on before
Brand___________________________ stepping on any toes.
Your devotion to your deity is so strong that it
emanates from every word. As a bonus action on your
turn, you may target a creature you can see within Speaking in Tongues_______________
60ft. of you. Pick one of the following Brands to The rapid speech that leaves your mouth is confusing
effect the targeted creature. and mixed, but understandable. Pick three languages
for you become proficient in speaking. Also, while
Heretic. Attacks against the target have an additional
you are speaking, you are considered to be speaking
plus 1 to hit. While the Brand is active, the target
all languages that you are proficient with. This effects
appears to have a large letter ‘H’ branded on its
normal conversation as well as features given by this
class. The only thing that a creature hears is the native
Apostasy. The next attack you make against the target
language that it speaks with some jumbled phrases in
takes an additional 2d6 of your weapon damage.
other languages.
While the Brand is active, the creature appears to have
black spots on their skin that fester. Willing Scripture__________________
Lunacy. Target has disadvantage on all Intelligence You recite encouraging scripture to embolden those
checks and Saving throws. While the Brand is active, around you. As an action on your turn, you may target
the creature appears disfigured and disproportioned. a friendly creature that you are aware of within 60ft.
Pariah. Targets speed is reduced by 15ft. and it must of you. That creature may make a weapon attack or
use half its movement speed plus 5 to stand up from cast a cantrip targeting an enemy of your choice. The
being prone. While the Brand is active, the creature creature must be able to hear and understand you, or
appears gaunt and sickly. this effect fails.
Anathema. Whenever the target makes an attack roll,
they subtract 1d6 from the total. While the Brand is Overwhelming Confidence__________
active, the creature gives off the distinct smell of Your speech gives those around you the confidence to
rotting meat and appears restless. fight for your cause. Beginning at 2nd level, by
Heathen. Attacks against the target are critical hits on speaking of your deity and their praises for 1 minute,
a d20 roll of 19 or 20. While the Brand is active, the you may select up to 6 creatures within 30 ft. of you,
creature appears to be covered in greenish boils that including yourself, that were within the range for the
look painful. full duration. Those creatures gain a number of
temporary hit points equal to your Inquisitor level +
You may use this feature two times before taking a
your Charisma modifier.
long rest. You gain more uses to this as you advance
in this class, as seen on the table. This effect lasts for 1 The creatures must be able to hear and understand
hour, until the branded target dies, or you use this the language you are speaking. After you use this
feature again. feature, you must finish a short or long rest before it
can be used again.

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Word of Authority_________________ Choose a Sect to enter as a righteous path to follow.
Your words and standing with the church give you This will determine your position within the faith:
power over others on an instinctual level. Also starting False Idol, Generalis, or Truth Seeker, all detailed at
at 2nd level, as an action on your turn, you may target the end of the class description.
a creature within 30ft that you can see and give it a Your choice grants your features when you choose it
verbal command. The target must succeed on a at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, 15th, and 20th
Wisdom saving throw against your Authority DC or level.
follow the command on its next turn. This has no
effect if the target is undead, if it cannot understand Ability Score Improvement_________
you, or if your command is directly harmful to it. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Some typical commands and their effects follow. You and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
might issue a command other than one described here. your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
If you do so, the DM determines how the target scores of your choice by one. As normal, you can’t
behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, the increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
effect ends. This may be done a number of times equal Stronger Testament________________
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You
Your ability to speak scripture has strengthened,
regain all uses of this feature after a long rest.
allowing for even more conviction in your words.
Approach. The target moves toward you by the Starting at 5th level, when you use your Willing
shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it Scripture feature, you may have the targeted creature
moves within 5 feet of you. instead take the Attack action or cast a spell with a
Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then casting time of 1 action. You may do this a number of
ends its turn. times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of
1). You regain all uses of this after you finish a short
Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from or long rest.
you by the fastest available means.
Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
Your speech can sway the masses and convince the
Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A crowd. Beginning at 7th level, you gain proficiency in
flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do all of the following skills if you aren't already:
so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion. Whenever
distance needed to remain in the air. you make a Charisma check involving a group of 3 or
Authority DC more people, you may add double your proficiency
For some of the features of this class, you need to bonus when calculating the total.
convince those around you that you’re in a higher
Word of Law_____________________
position than them and should be trusted. Because of
You can summon your authority in the form of a
this, you use your Charisma modifier when setting
single phrase or word. Also at 7th level, you can take
your Authority DC that creatures must succeed against
an action to suggest a course of activity (limited to a
to not be pulled into these sensations.
sentence or two) and influence a creature you can see
Authority DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your within 30ft. of you that can hear and understand the
Charisma modifier language you are speaking. Creatures that can’t be
Sect Discipline____________________ charmed are immune to this effect. The suggestion
must be worded in such a manner as to make the

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course of action sound reasonable. Asking the creature Wisdom, and Charisma checks and Saving throws.
to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, Pariah. Targets speed is reduced by 25ft. and it must
or do some other obviously harmful act ends the use its full movement speed to stand up.
effect. Anathema. Whenever the target makes an attack roll,
they subtract 1d8 from the total.
As an action, you may target a creature and it must
make a Wisdom saving throw against your Authority Heathen. Attacks against the target are critical hits on
a d20 roll of 18-20.
DC. On a failed save, it pursues the course of action
you described to the best of its ability. The suggested Word of Traitor___________________
course of action can continue for up to 1 hour after Those who would oppose you are all traitors in the
using this feature. If the suggested activity can be eyes of your deity. Starting at 13th level, as an action
completed in a shorter time, the effect ends when the on your turn, you may target a creature within 30ft. of
subject finishes what it was asked to do. you and have it make an Intelligence saving throw
You can also specify conditions that will trigger a against your Authority DC. If the creature fails, for the
special activity during the duration. For example, you next minute, it regards all creatures it can see as
might suggest that a knight give her warhorse to the enemies. The creature may repeat the saving throw at
first beggar she meets. If the condition isn’t met the end of its turn. If the creature was attacked by one
before the effect expires, the activity isn’t performed. of its former allies that round, it makes the save with
If you or any of your companions damage the
target, the effect ends. You must finish a short or long Whenever the affected creature chooses a creature as
rest before you can use this feature again. a target, it must choose the target at random from
among the creatures it can see within range of the
Blind Faith_______________________ attack, spell, or other ability it’s using. If an enemy
The faith of your deity is so strong that you strike provokes an opportunity attack from the affected
without knowing, trusting them to guide you. Starting creature, the creature must make that attack if it is able
at 9th level, as long as you can hear, you are aware of to.
the location of any hidden or invisible creatures within
This feature has no effect on a creature that is
10ft. of you. If you use your Willing Scripture or
Stronger Testament feature, the target also gains this immune to the frightened condition, cannot hear you,
benefit for the attack. You also become immune to the or cannot understand the language you are speaking.
You must finish a long rest before you can use this
Blinded condition.
feature again.
Heavy Sentence___________________
Your brands grow more effective and carry more
Honest Belief_____________________
The faith in your own words is so strong, that it is hard
weight when you speak them. Beginning at 11th level,
to discern when you are lying. Beginning at 14th level,
when you use your Brand feature, they instead do the
you are no longer affected by spells that force you to
following effects in addition to the apparent physical
tell the truth or discern if you are lying. To the caster,
change of the creature.
the spell appears to have taken effect, but you are
Heretic. Attacks against the target have an additional under no compulsion to speak truthfully as you know
plus 3 to hit. it. Also, any Insight check made against you has a -10
Apostasy. The next attack you make against the target in addition to the creature’s modifier.
takes an additional 4d6 of your weapon damage.
Lunacy. Target has disadvantage on all Intelligence, Sanctified Mind___________________

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Your mind has become labyrinth like, protecting your just. At 6th level, your prophetic decrees are even
deepest thoughts. Starting at 17th level, you are aware more effective. When you deal damage with your
of any divination spells that target you and can choose Prophetic Decree, the next attack against the target is
whether or not it takes effect. Spells that would allow made with advantage.
others to read your thoughts or telepathy also only
Convincing Speed
work if you allow them to. You also become immune
As your deity speaks through you, they give you their
to the charmed condition.
blessing of speed. Starting at 15th level, you may add
Dual Sentence____________________ your Charisma modifier to your Initiative rolls or may
Sometimes, one title isn’t enough to cover the have one creature that can hear and understand you
atrocities committed against your deity. Beginning at add it to their total instead. This choice must be made
18th level, you may select two brands to affect a before any die are rolled.
creature when you target them with the feature. This Spread the Word
still only expends one use of your Brand feature. Your gospel is too important to miss, and no excuses
shall hold weight. At 20th level, all creatures are able
Sect Disciplines to understand what you are saying, as long as they
The devotion to your deity has driven you to follow have 3 or more intelligence. Creatures that do not
one of the pathways. Each will show you what your speak a language will be able to pick up on their
method of righteousness is. Do not let anyone sway emotional meaning instead. This works for all normal
you from it. conversation, features, and spells that require the
False Idol________________________ target to understand the language you are using.
Your faith has shown you that things are not as they Generalis________________________
should be. Your place is meant to be higher than Rising to the top of your temple is the goal. None will
others, to have them look upon you for answers, as get in your way to spread the holy word of your deity.
you will get them from the deity. They trust in you As you rise in power, those that look up to you will
and your words. Anyone going against you, goes understand your station and treat you as such. It is
against your faith. This is no room for that. your job to keep them inspired and safe.
Prophetic Decree Move the Masses
Speaking the words of truth you foresee, sowing Your commands are not just for the single sinner, but
discord within the mind of your foes. Starting at 3rd for all that wish to listen. Starting at 3rd level, once
level, you may act out your beliefs and speak your per short rest, you may have your Willing Scripture
gospel. As an action, make an attack against a creature feature effect a number of creatures equal to your
that you can see within 30ft. of you using your Charism modifier.
Charisma modifier. You are considered to be
proficient with this attack. If the attack hits, the Taken Ground
creature takes 2d6 Psychic damage. We must move the assault of heresy forward and not
relent. Also at 3rd level, when you target a creature
The damage for this effect increases to 3d6 at 6th
with your Willing Scripture feature, they may choose
level, 5d6 at 10th level, 6d6 at 15th level, and 8d6 at
to move up to half their movement speed in addition
20th level
to the attack.
Rending Truth
Moral Boost
What is spoken must not be taken lightly, for you are
The words you speak embolden even the most
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hardened warriors of the faith. Beginning at 6th level, your reaction to have it makes the check with
when you use your Overwhelming Confidence feature, disadvantage.
you may also add your proficiency bonus to the total You may use this feature a number of times equal to
temporary hit points given to each target. your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You regain
Personal Interpretation all uses of this feature after you finish a short or long
To each their own when it comes to how they accept rest.
the faith, just so long as they accept it. Starting at 10th Searing Brand
level, when you use the Stronger Testament feature, In the pursuit of the truth, you must remember those
the target may choose one of the following effects to who have wronged you. Also at 3rd level, when you
gain until the end of their next turn. use your Brand feature, you may instead expend 2
• Can take the Dash action as a bonus action uses of the feature to attempt to make the Brand
permanent. The target makes a Constitution saving
• Can take the Disengage action as a bonus action
throw against your Authority DC and on a failure, it is
• Can take the Doge action as a bonus action permanently branded.
Impowering Figure While affected with the permanent brand, that
The very act of standing at one’s side will assure them creature cannot be target with another brand.
that they are just. At 15th level, When a friendly Permanent brands do not disrupt brands you have
creature makes a Charisma check or saving throw active at the given time, if any. The only way a
while within 10ft. of you, they add your Charisma permanent brand can be removed is if the creature is
modifier to the total in addition to theirs. target with the Remove Curse spell.

Command the Branded Watchful Eye

You know what is best and your word shall be You have trained yourself to watch for openings and
followed to the very letter. At 20th level, creatures breaks in armor. Beginning at 6th level, when a
under the effect of your Brand feature automatically creature within 30ft. of you makes an attack roll, you
fail saving throws against your Word of Authority, can use your reaction to give the roll a +10 bonus.
Word of Law, and Word of Traitor features. This still You may make this choice after you see the roll, but
requires the feature not to fail due to its requirements. before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.
You must take a short or long rest before you can
Truth Seeker_____________________
use this feature again.
The truth and justice are one and the same. If you see
the path to justice, you are truth. Your deity has given Interrogation Tactics
you the tools and skills necessary to find that truth. As None shall hide the truth from you. Beginning at 10th
you traverse on this path to find what has been laid level, you have found the optimal methods of
before you, remember that you are to find the truth at extracting information out of others. By spending 1
all costs, even your life. hour with an Incapacitated creature while trying to
extract information from it, it must make a
Insightful Glare
Constitution saving throw against your Authority DC.
It’s easy for you to distinguish truth from falsehood
If it fails, you can ask it up to 3 questions that it must
and your very presence has the intended effect on
answer with what it knows as the truth. The same
those that wish to lie. Starting at 3rd level, when a
creature cannot be affected by this feature more than
creature makes a Charisma(deception) or Charisma
once every 24 hours and after 3 attempts, it becomes
(persuasion) check while it can see you, you may use
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immune to it.
You must finish a long rest before you can use this
feature again.

Mental Rework
The speed of your mind is unparalleled, allowing for a
quicker recovery than most. Starting at 15th level,
when you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it, and
must use the new roll.
After you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again. You also regain
use of this if you roll a 20 on an ability check or attack
roll you make or a creature you can see rolls a 1 on an
ability check or attack roll.

Quick Judgment
You are ready to dole out the truth on a moments
notice. Beginning at 20th level, when you roll for
initiative and have no uses of your Brand left, you
regain two uses.

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the
Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright [2017] by Brian
Tyler Barnshaw and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Thanks and Contributions

I would like to thank my wonderful players for all of the time spent dealing with the people inside my head.
Eric “Denim” Mangold, Nick “Navarra” Mcallister, Jason “Doc” Lewis, Joey “Darude” Weddell, Dlyan
“Velvis” Harris, Connor “Leovold” Sullivan, Aiden “Drethick” Pass, and Emma “Katharina” Ray. I will
always love you for helping me out and sticking with me through the ride of our adventures. To it and many
more just like it.

Thanks in part to the DMs Guild for allowing the posting of created works by fans for fans.

Copyright ©2017 By Author Brian T. Barnshaw

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