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Science Month Celebration (Programme)

Opening Prayer and National Anthem

Scientist/Mathematician Look-a-like
Science for the People: Enabling Technologies for Sustainable “Please stand for the invocation and the Philippine National
Development Anthem.”

I. Opening Prayer Introduction of the Event

II. National Anthem
“To our administrative staff, fellow teachers, and to our students,
III. Introduction for the Event
IV. Entrance of Models
V. Criteria and Introduction of Judges “Our representatives from different grade levels will be wearing
VI. Scientist-Mathematician Look-a-like Ramp their best costume to impersonate famous Scientists and
- Scientist Grade 7-10 Mathematicians. This is to highlight the contributions of the people who
- Mathematician Grade 7-10 changed the world.”
VII. Intermission number
- Julius Madamba G11-Eagle “I know everyone’s excited to see our representatives all
VIII. Awarding glammed up.”
IX. Photo Op with the Judges
“Let them hear your cheer! Let’s give it for the Grade 7,8,9 and

“Without any further ado, LET’S HAVE OUR REPRESENTATIVES ON


***Representatives will do the walk***

Mr. Kindred Villaruz

Scientist-Mathematician Look-a-like Host
Criteria and Introduction of Judges
Scientist-Mathematician Look-a-like Ramp
“There you have it! Our representatives for today’s event.”
“Now, for this year’s Scientist-Mathematician look-a-like, we will “Since we already know how our candidates will be judged and
have two winners for each grade level. One scientist and one our panel of judges, let’s have our candidates once again on stage to
mathematician look-a-like. flaunt their creative costumes.
The following are the basis for judging:
***Representatives will be given enough time to display their costume
CRITERIA SCORE and tell a little about it by the emcee***

Appearance 40% Scientist look-a-like:

Creativity 30% Grade 7
Projection 20%
Audience Impact 10% 3.
Total 100% 4.
Grade 8
“Since we know now the criteria for judging, let’s get to know our
respective panel of judges. First off, we have our Senior High School
Coordinator, Ms. Sandra A. Mancera!”
Grade 9
“Second, we our grade 5 elementary teacher, Ms. Crystal
Gonzales! ”
“And for our last judge, the chairman of the borad of judges, we
have the Subject Head for Non-Aca, Ms. Jocelyn Abao.”
Grade 10
“We also have here with us, Sir Tony Damaso our Subject Head for 1. Chelsey Pariñas (HEDY LAMARR)
Austrian actress Hedy Lamarr became a pioneer in the field of
Math as the tabulator for our event.”
wireless communications following her emigration to the United States.
The international beauty icon, along with co-inventor George Anthiel,
developed a "Secret Communications System" to help combat the Nazis
in World War II. By manipulating radio frequencies at irregular intervals
between transmission and reception, the invention formed an 1. James Villapando (FRIEDRICH SCHUR)
unbreakable code to prevent classified messages from being Friedrich Schur studied differential geometry, transformation
intercepted by enemy personnel. groups after Sophus Lie. He wrote a textbook of analytical geometry
1. Ian Fredrik Frenandez (STEPHEN HAWKING) (1898) and the graphical statics (1915). He received the Lobachevsky
Stephen Hawking is a world-renowned British theoretical physicist, Prize for his book Grundlagen der Geometrie, a Russian prize. In 1910,
known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology, general relativity he was chairman of the German Mathematical Society. He holds
and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes. In the honorary doctorates from the University of Karlsruhe.
1960s and 1970s, he worked on ground-breaking theorems regarding
singularities within the framework of general relativity, and made the 2. Daniella Meagan Girao (MARIE SOPHIE GERMAIN)
theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation (known A French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. She gained
today as Hawking radiation). He has also published several works of education from books in her father's library, and from correspondence
popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology with famous mathematicians. Her work on Fermat's Last
in general, including the runaway bestseller “A Brief History of Time”, and Theorem provided a foundation for mathematicians exploring the
has come to be thought of as one of the greatest minds in physics since subject for hundreds of years after. Because of prejudice against her sex,
Albert Einstein. In his own words: “My goal is simple. It is complete she was unable to make a career out of mathematics, but she worked
understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all”. independently throughout her life.The Academy of Sciences established
the Sophie Germain Prize in her honor.
Mathematician look-a-like
Grade 7 3. Daniela Keshia Ballesteros (ADA LOVELACE)
1. She was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work
2. on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose
3. computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognize that the
4. machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and published the
5. first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result,
Grade 8 she is sometimes regarded as the first to recognize the full potential of a
1. "computing machine" and one of the first computer programmers
Grade 9
1. “There you have it! Our representatives for the Scientist-
2 Mathematician Look-a-like!”
4 Intermission Number
Grade 10
“Now to serenade us with a song, let’s have Julius Madamba of
Grade 11 Eagle.“ “And there you have it, the winners of our
Scientist/Mathematician look-a-like. May we request our judges and
***after the song*** tabulator to join us here on stage for a photo op.  That’s all everyone!
Enjoy the rest of the day!”
“Thank you so much Julius for sharing your talent with us.”

Awarding of the winners

“And now the most exciting part of the program, the awarding!”

“Who do you think will win?”

“For everyone’s expectations, I will announce three names. This is

to recognize the efforts and excellence showed to us by our
representatives today. I will announce first the winners of the scientist
look-a-like per year level. After that, I will announce the winners of the
mathematician look-a-like per year level also.”

“Are you ready?!”

Scientist look-a-like
*Grade 7: ____________________________________________________
*Grade 8: _____________________________________________________
*Grade 9: _____________________________________________________
*Grade 10: _____________________________________________________

Mathematician look-a-like
*Grade 7: ____________________________________________________
*Grade 8: _____________________________________________________
*Grade 9: _____________________________________________________
*Grade 10: _____________________________________________________

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