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Health & Fitness Journal

of Canada
Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Journal Compilation Copyright © 2014 Health & Fitness Society of BC
Volume 7 January 30, 2014 Number 1

Abstract! little' relationship' to' a' classification' of' aerobic' fitness'

Objective:' The' aim' of' this' 2<part' article' is' to' provide' a' based'upon'20<MSR'predictions'of' O2max.'Conclusions:!
brief'chronicle'of'the'development'of'exercise'clearance' Although' the' heart' rate' recovery' tests' undertaken' in'
and'prescription'procedures'over'the'past'century,'with' the'first'half'of'the'20th'century'gave'consistent'day<to<
particular' reference' to' Canadian' innovations.' ' Part' 1' day' scores' within' a' given' laboratory,' the' values'
considers' the' era' when' any' advice' was' based' upon' obtained' depended' heavily' on' test' details' such' as'
pulse' rate' recovery' curves,' with' examples' of' specific' posture'when'measuring'heart'rates'and'the'timing'and'
approaches'from'Canada,'the'United'States,'Britain'and' duration' of' pulse' counts.' Moreover,' in' the' selected'
France.' ' Recent' laboratory' data' are' presented' for' one' example' (the' Ruffier<Dickson' test)' the' ranking' of'
such' test' (that' of' Ruffier' and' Dickson),' and' these' individuals' bore' little' or' no' relationship' to' more'
findings' are' compared' with' the' response' to' a' more' modern' measures' of' endurance' fitness' such' as' O2max,'
modern' field' test' of' endurance' performance,' the' 20<m' or' maximal' aerobic' velocity.' Recovery' test' scores' had'
shuttle' run' test.' Methods:!Volunteers' for' the' empirical' an'uncertain'physiological'basis;'most'indices'probably'
recovery'tests'were!12'moderately'active'male'students' reflected' a' combination' of' the' immediate' cardiac'
recruited' from' the' University' of' Amiens' Faculty' of' response' to' moderate' exercise,' achieved' mainly' by' an'
Sports' Sciences.' Each' subject' performed' a' Ruffier< increase' of' stroke' volume' in' a' fit' individual,' but' by' an'
Dickson'test'on'2'days,'followed'on'the'second'day'by'a' increase' of' heart' rate' in' those' who' are' unfit,' and' the'
20<meter' shuttle' run' (20<MSR).' Parameters' measured' rate' of' recovery' from' this' stress.' However,' the'
for' the' 20<MSR' were' the' resting' heart' rate,' the' heart' information' was' of' limited' help' in' terms' of' exercise'
rate'at'the'immediate'end'of'the'test,'and'the'heart'rate' clearance' and' the' prescription' of' appropriate' physical'
after' 1' minute' of' recovery,' with' evaluation' of' the' activity,'pointing'the'need'to'develop'reliable,'objective'
predicted' maximal' aerobic' power' ( O2max),' the' and' evidence<based' procedures' for' this' purpose.'
predicted' maximal' aerobic' velocity' (MAV)' and' Health!&!Fitness!Journal!of!Canada!2014;7(1):26W35.'
recuperation'indices'based'on'application'of'the'Ruffier< !
Dickson' formulae.' Results:! The' 20<MSR' prediction' of' Keywords:8 Exercise' testing;' Lactate;' Oxygen' debt;'
( O2max' was' much' as' in' average' young' adults,' with' a' Recuperation;' Ruffier' test;' Ruffier<Dickson' test,' 20<
value' (mean' ±' SD)' of' 46.8' ±' 3.5' mL·kg<1·min<1.' Indices' metre'shuttle<run''
calculated' for' the' two' Ruffier' tests' showed' day<to<day' From' 1Laboratoire' de' Recherche' EA:' 3300' "APS' et'
stability' (Ir1' 10.9' ±' 2.5,' Ir2' =' 10.2' ±' 3.3).' However,' .Conduites' Motrices:' Adaptations' et' Réadaptations",'
based' on' published' norms,' the' average' scores' Faculté' des' Sciences' du' Sport,' Université' de' Picardie'
suggested' a' relatively' low' level' of' physical' fitness.' A' Jules' Verne,' F<80025' Amiens,' France,' and' 2Faculty' of'
much'higher'recuperation'index'(IrN'='23.8'±'4.1)'was' Kinesiology' and' Physical' Education,' University' of'
calculated' for' the' shuttle' run' data' than' for' the' Ruffier' Toronto,' PO' Box' 521,' Brackendale,' BC' V0N' 1H0,'
tests.' Corresponding' indices' obtained' by' applying' the' Canada.'Email:''
Ruffier<Dickson' formulae' were' 11.1' ±' 3.3,' 11.7' ±' 3.3' !
and' 29.4' ±' 4.1.' The' scores' obtained' in' the' duplicate'
Ruffier' tests' were' fairly' closely' correlated' with' each'
other,' with' similar' mean' scores' and' no' significant'
change' in' the' ranking' of' subjects.' Application' of' the'
the' two' occasions.' There' were' moderate' correlations'
between' the' standard' Ruffier' test' indices' and' 20<MSR'


Introduction! to' this' negative' attitude.' We' may' note'
The' aim' of' this' 2<part' article' is' to' particularly'the'celebrated'Canadian<born'
provide' a' brief' chronicle' of' the' physician' William' Osler' (1814<1919' CE),'
development' of' procedures' for' exercise' who' became' one' of' the' founding'
clearance' and' prescription' over' the' past' professors' at' Johns' Hopkins' Hospital' in'
century,' with' particular' reference' to' Baltimore.' He' urged' the' “quadrangle8 of8
Canadian'contributions.''Part'1'considers' health:”'rest,'food,'fresh'air,'and'exercise.''
the'era'when'simple'fitness'classifications' Moreover,' he' underlined' the' pedagogic'
were' based' upon' heart' rate' recovery' and' preventive' values' of' moderate'
curve'techniques,'looking'at'early'medical' physical'activity'(Osler'1904):'!
attitudes,' the' restricted' role' of' physical' '
educators' and' kinesiologists,' and' “Within8 the8 past8 quarter8 of8 a8 century,8 the8
examples'of'test'procedures'from'Canada,' value8 of8 exercise8 in8 the8 education8 of8 the8
the' United' States,' Britain' and' France.'' young8has8become8recognized.”88
Recent' laboratory' data' are' provided' for' 8
one' such' test' (that' of' Ruffier' and' “the8prophylactic8value8of8exercise,8taken8in8
Dickson),' and' empirical' findings' using' moderation8by8people8of8middle8age,8is8very8
this'test'are'compared'with'the'response' great”8
of' a' small' group' of' subjects' to' a' more' ''
modern' field' test' of' endurance' Early8 Role8 of8 Physical8 Educators8 and8
performance,' the' 20<m' shuttle' run' test.'' Kinesiologists8
Part' 2' of' this' article' will' trace' the' ''The' primary' responsibility' of' many'
emergence'of'more'modern,'objective'and' early' North' American' physical' educators'
evidence<based' approaches,' focussing' was' the' success' of' their' university'
specifically' upon' the' PAR<Q' clearance' football' and' hockey' teams.' When'
procedure' and' the' Canadian' Test' of' evaluating' fitness' they' placed' a' heavy'
aerobic'fitness'(CAFT).'' emphasis' upon' strength.' Thus,' the' test'
' proposed' by' Dudley' Sargent' (1849<1924'
Early8Medical8Attitudes8 CE),' 4<time' president' of' the' American8
''''''During' the' first' half' of' the' 20th' Physical8 Education8 Association,8 was' an'
century,' many' Canadian' physicians,' like' index'of'explosive'muscle'force,'based'on'
their' European' counterparts,' remained' the'product'of'the'individual’s'body'mass'
strongly' influenced' by' the' thinking' of' and' the' height' jumped' when' standing'
John' Hilton' (1805<1879' CE).' Hilton' was' erect' (Sargent' 1921).' If' aerobic' fitness'
an' anatomist' and' surgeon' at' Guy's' was'examined,''the'usual'recourse'was'to'
Hospital'in'London,'and'author'of'the'text' test'the'recovery'of'pulse'rate'following'a'
"Rest' and' Pain"' ' (Hilton' and' Jacobson' period'of'moderate'sub<maximal'exercise."
1879).' Based' upon' his' teaching,' The'risks'of'exercise'had'yet'to'be'clearly'
prolonged' bed' rest' was' regarded' as' the' defined,' and' many' physicians' insisted'
panacae' for' most' medical' problems.' If' that'vigorous'physical'activity'should'not'
healthy' individuals' asked' their' physician' be' undertaken' unless' they' were' ' present'
about'the'wisdom'of'exercising,'they'were' in' the' test' facility.' The' logistics' and'
usually' met' by' a' cursory' clinical' expense'of'such'a'requirement'precluded'
examination,'and'the'advice'"don't'overdo' vigorous' aerobic' testing' for' many'
it."'However,'there'were'some'exceptions' departments'of'physical'education.'''


'There'was'also'difficulty'in'obtaining'a' ''''''Interest' in' recovery' curves' as' a'
stable' ECG' record' during' exercise.' method' of' aerobic' fitness' followed'
Moreover,' ' physicians' were' reluctant' to' differing'paths'in'Canada,'the'U.S.,'Britain'
allow'physical'educators'or'kinesiologists' and'France.''
access' to' any' laboratory' instrumentation' ''
such' as' an' ECG' that' had' diagnostic' Canada.' ' Lucien' Brouha' (1899<1968' CE),'
potential.' The' alternative' was' a' pulse' a' Belgian' rowing' star,' became' interested'
count,' obtained' by' palpation' of' the' wrist' in' work' physiology' after' completing' his'
or' the' neck,' something' that' was' difficult' medical' training.' He' emigrated' to' North'
to' accomplish' during' exercise.' Attention' America,'and''became'the'first'Director'of'
was'thus'focussed'on'pulse'rate'recovery' the'Montreal'Fitness'Research'Unit'when'
curves' following' a' period' of' moderate' this' was' established' in' 1965.' Depending'
(and'often'quite'brief)'physical'activity.'' upon' the' subject's' age' and' body' size,'
' Brouha's'fitness'assessment'required'test'
Interest8in8Heart8Rate8Recovery8Curves8 candidates'to'engage'in'4'or'5'minutes'of'
'''''The'speed'of'recovery'of'the'pulse'rate' climbing' on' a' 16,' 18' or' 20' inch' (0.406,'
following' a' bout' of' exercise' was' soon' 0.457' m' or' 0.508' m)' platform,' with'
accepted' as' an' indicator' of' a' person's' counting'of'the'heart'rate'1.0<1.5,'2.0<2.5'
cardio<respiratory' fitness.' Indeed,' based' and' 3.0<3.5' minutes' into' the' recovery'
on'the'observations'of'Hunt'and'Pembrey' period' (Brouha,' 1943;' Gallagher' and'
(1921),' the' British' Medical' Research' Brouha,' 1943;' Johnson' et' al.,' 1943).'
Council'concluded'that'the'pulse'recovery' Fitness' indices' were' calculated' as' (50' x'
curve' gave' the' best' simple' index' of' a' test' duration' in' seconds,' divided' by' the'
person’s' general' physical' condition' sum' of' the' 3' half<minute' pulse' counts),'
(Medical' Research' Council' 1922).' It' was' with'scores'ranging'from'<50'(very'poor)'
established' that' values' measured' during' to'>90'(superb).''
and'10<15'seconds'immediately'following' '
exercise' showed' good' agreement' with' United8States.'In'the'U.S.,'one'approach'to'
each' other' (Cotton' and' Dill' 1935),' fitness' assessment' was' the' Foster' test.'
although' if' pulse' counting' was' delayed' This'required'subjects'to'run'on'the'spot'
for' 30<60' seconds,' a' third' of' the' for'15'seconds'at'a'pace'of'180'steps/min'
information' concerning' the' cardio< (Foster' 1914).' The' procedure' was' used'
respiratory'response'to'exercise'response' extensively'in'school'health'examinations,'
was'lost'(Ryhming'1954;'Shephard'1967;' but'the'exercise'was'probably'too'short'to'
Millahn' and' Helke' 1968;' McArdle' et' al.' provide' useful' data' on' a' pupil's' cardiac'
1969).' ' Nanas' et' al.,' (2001)' argued' health.' ' One' trial' noted' a' correlation' as'
further' that' the' recovery' of' oxygen' low' as' <0.14' between' a' cardiac' efficiency'
consumption' following' sub<maximal' score' derived' from' this' test' and' the'
exercise'was'closely'correlated'with'peak' classroom' teacher’s' rating' of' the' pupil’s'
oxygen' intake,' ' thus' allowing' physical' efficiency' (Bliss' 1926).' Other'
practitioners' to' use' early' recovery' investigators' used' rather' longer' periods'
measurements' in' determining' the' of' stepping' exercise,' with' bench' heights'
suitability' of' patients' for' sports' varying' from' 0.33' m' (Tuttle' 1931)' to'
participation,'in'following'the'response'to' 0.507' m' (Brouha' 1943).' ' Tuttle' and'
training'and'in'monitoring'over<training.''''' associates' (Schroeder' and' Tuttle,' 1931;'


Tuttle,' 1931)' based' their' assessments' on' (Brauer,' 1981),' but' more' commonly'
the' ratio' of' the' pulse' rate' observed' measurements' were' made' immediately'
following'2'minutes'of'exercise'to'resting' following'30'full'knee<bends'completed'in'
values.'' 45' s,' and' after' one' minute' of' supine'
'Another' method' of' cardiac' evaluation' recovery.''Dickson'(1950)'considered'the'
that' became' popular' in' the' United' States' procedure' an' ideal' test' for' the' sports'
was' devised' by' Master' (1968,' 1969).' In' physician.' He' claimed' that' it' was' simple'
the' Master' test,' subjects' climbed' up' and' to'perform,'and'if'it'was'undertaken'with'
down' a' double' flight' of' 0.23' m' steps' for' rigorous' attention' to' detail' it' gave' very'
90' seconds' (a' "single"' test)' or' for' 3' reproducible' results.' More' recently,' use'
minutes' (a' "double"' test)' at' a' rate' of' the' test' has' continued' with' authors'
adjusted' somewhat' for' age' and' body' such' as' Levavasseur' (2000),' Rodriguez'
mass.' Typically,' the' subject' reached' a' Mendez' and' Molina' (2001),' Monod' and'
heart'rate'of'about'120'beats·min<1'at'the' Flandrois'(2007),'and'Bacquaert'(2010).''
conclusion'of'the'test.'Physical'fitness'was' !
originally' judged' from' the' heart' rate' Empirical8Evaluation8of8the8Ruffier8Test8
recovery' curve,' but' more' recently,' the' To' gain' insight' into' the' meaning' of'
focus' shifted' to' vulnerability' to' a' future' these' early' screening' tests,' the' scores'
heart' attack,' as' inferred' from' changes' in' obtained' by' the' Ruffier' formula' were'
the' ECG' waveform' seen' during' the' compared' with' the' results' obtained' by' a'
recovery'period.'' more' current' field' assessment' of' aerobic'
' fitness,'the'20'm'shuttle'run'prediction'of'
Great8 Britain.' Marcus' Pembrey' (1868< maximal' aerobic' power' ( O2max;' Léger' et'
1934)' conducted' much' of' his' research' at' al.,'1988;'Cazorla,'1992)'in'a'small'sample'
Guy's' Hospital,' in' central' London,' but' it' of'healthy'young'men.''
was' while' with' the' British' army' that' he' '
became'interested'in'the'measurement'of' Participants.' Twelve' male' volunteers'
physical'fitness'by'step'testing'(Hunt'and' were'recruited'from'the'Faculty'of'Sports'
Pembrey,' 1921).' He,' also,' interpreted' Sciences' at' the' University' of' Picardie<
physical'fitness'in'terms'of'a'a'pulse'ratio;' Jules'Verne'in'Amiens,'in'accordance'with'
this' was' calculated' from' the' pulse' rate' a' protocol' approved' by' the' human'
during'the'first'2'minutes'following'a'step' experimentation' committee' at' that'
test,' divided' by' the' resting' pulse' rate' university.'Subjects'were'informed'of'the'
recorded'over'one'minute.'' date,' place' and' conduct' of' the' protocol'
' before' giving' their' written' agreement' to'
France.'In'France,'the'"cardiac'resistance"' the' performance' of' a' 20<meter' shuttle'
test' of' Ruffier' enjoyed' a' long' period' of' run'and'two'Ruffier'tests.'They'were'aged'
popularity'among'both'kinesiologists'and' (mean' ±' SD)' 21.5' ±' 1.9' yr,' with' an'
sports'physicians.'The'test'was'originally' average' height' of' 1.84' ±' 0.08' m' and' a'
developed' by' Jean<Edouard' Ruffier' body' mass' of' 74.3' ±' 11.6' kg.' Their'
(1874<1964' CE),' but' the' method' of' average' O2max' as' predicted' from' the'
scoring' ' was' modified' slightly' by' J.' shuttle'run'data,'was'46.8'±'3.5''
Dickson' (1950).' Ruffier' indices' were' mL·kg<1·min<1,' and' their' predicted'
sometimes' based' upon' pulse' counts' maximal' aerobic' velocity' was' 12.4' ±' 0.6'
following' a' step' or' cycle' ergometer' test' km·hr<1.''


''''''All' tests' were' performed' in' the' Ruffier8 Test.! The' Ruffier' test' was'
gymnasium,' under' comparable' conducted' as' described' by' Monod' et' al.'
environmental' conditions.' The' subjects' (2007).' Subjects' completed' 30' full' knee<
wore' shorts' or' a' tracksuit' and' tennis' bend' curls' over' 45' seconds,' paced' by' a'
shoes,' and' exercised' on' a' floor' with' a' beeper,' with' the' feet' placed' flat' on' the'
smooth' surface.' At' the' first' laboratory' floor' and' the' trunk' held' erect.'
visit,'anthropometric'data'were'obtained,' Instantaneous' heart' rates' were' recorded'
and' the' first' Ruffier' test' was' performed.' by' Polar' monitor' after' 3' minutes' of'
At' the' second' visit,' a' day' later,' a' second' seated' rest' (P0),' standing' at' the'
Ruffier' test' and' a' 20<m' shuttle' run' were' immediate' end' of' the' test' (P1)' and' after'
completed.' ' Heart' rates' were' monitored' one' minute' of' seated' recovery' (P2.' The'
throughout' using' the' XTrainer8 Polar8 Plus' Ruffier'index'was'calculated'as:!
(Polar' Electro' France,' Bassussary,' '
France).'' Index'='[(P0'+'P1'+'P2)'<'200]/10'
' '
20Um8 Shuttle8 Run.' The' seated' heart' rate' The'number'200'was'introduced'into'the'
was'first'recorded'after'3'minutes'of'rest.' formula' as' representing' approximately'
The'subjects'then'ran'between'2'lines'set' three' times' the' resting' heart' rate.' Thus,'
20' m' apart,' paced' by' an' audible' signal' the' difference' (P0' +' P1' +' P2)' <' 200'
(Léger' ' and' Boucher,' 1980).' The' initial' corresponded'roughly'to'the'sum'of'pulse'
pace' of' 8.5' km·hr<1' was' increased' each' rates' above' the' resting' level' during' the'
minute' by' 0.5' km·hr<1' until' participants' first' two' minutes' of' recovery.' ' Potential'
fell' 3' m' short' of' covering' the' 20' m' scores' on' the' Ruffier' test' have' been'
distance'in'the'allotted'time''(Léger'et'al.,' reported' as' ranging' from' 0' or' less' in' a'
1984).' The' heart' rate' at' this' point' was' well<trained' athlete' through' 5<10' (an'
used' in' the' calculation' of' the' Ruffier' average' performance)' to' 15' or' more' (in'
recovery'indices'for'the'shuttle'run.' an' individual' requiring' further' medical'
' examination)' (Table' 1).' Some' people'
The' maximum' aerobic' velocity' (MAV)' using'the'test'have'also'drawn'an'adverse'
was' determined' as' proposed' by' Kuipers' inference' about' an' individual's' fitness' if'
et'al.'(1985):' P1'was'more'than'twice'P0'or'if'P2'differed'
' from'P0'by'more'than'10'beats·min<1.''
MAV'(km·hr<1)'='0.5'V'+'(n/60)' '
' The' Ruffier<Dickson' Index,' intended' to'
where' V' is' the' velocity' reached' during' the' final' minimize' the' effects' of' emotional'
test'stage,'0.5'is'the'increase'in'speed'per'stage'(in' reactions'at'rest,'was'calculated'as:'
km·hr<1),'and'n'is'the'number'of'seconds'during' '
The' maximal' aerobic' power' was'
with' expected' scores' ranging' from' 0' or'
estimated' using' the' equation' of' Léger' et'
' O2max'(mL·kg<1·min<1)''='6'MAV'<'27.4'


Statistical!Analyses'' beats.min<1)' and' the' individuals''
All'of'the'empirical'data'were'analyzed' theoretical'maximal'heart'rates'(198'±'1.9'
using' ' Excel' software,' with' statistical' beats·min<1)' calculated' according' to' the'
significance' set' at' p<' 0.05' throughout.' formula' [220' <' age' (yr)]' (Åstrand' et' al.,'
Data'were'expressed'as'means'±'standard' 2003).' Ruffier' indices' (23.8' ±' 4.0)' and'
deviations.' Recovery' indices' for' the' 2' Ruffier<Dickson' indices' (29.4' ±' 4.1)'
Ruffier' tests' (Ir1,' and' Ir2)' and' the' 20<m' derived' from' the' shuttle' run' data' were'
shuttle' run' (IrN)' were' compared' using' much' larger' than' values' for' either' the'
repeated' measures' ANOVA,' and' a' partial' standard' Ruffier' or' the' standard' Ruffier<
correlation' matrix' examined' Dickson'tests'(p'<0.0001).''
relationships'between'the'3'indices.'' '''''Scores' for' the' two' Ruffier' tests' were'
' fairly' closely' correlated' with' each' other'
Results.! ! The' Ruffier' test' scores' seemed' (Ir1'and'Ir2,'y'='1.05'x'–'1.24;''r'='0.789).'
stable' in' our' group' of' subjects,' with! no' However,' the' coefficient' of' correlation'
significant' difference' between' mean' between' either' Ir1' or' Ir2' and' IrN' was'
values' derived' from' the' first' (Ir1)' and' more'modest'(y'='0.70x'<'6.51,'r'='0.65;'y'
second'(Ir2)'tests.'Both'values'indicated'a' =' 0.51x' <1.37,' r' =' 0.63).' Moreover,' when'
fairly' low' level' of' fitness' relative' to' subjects' were' ranked' in' terms' of' their'
published' norms,' with' respective' means' predicted' O2max,' these' rankings' bore'
Classification! Ruffier!Index! RuffierWDickson!Index!
Endurance'athletes' <'0' <0'
Excellent'or'Good'Aerobic'fitness' 0.1'to'5' 0.1'to'4.0'
Average'fitness' 5.1'to'10' 4.1<6.0'
Poor'fitness' 10.1'to'15' 6'to'8'
Very'poor'or'medical'issues' 15.1'to'20' >'8'

of'10.9'±'2.5'and'10.2'±'3.3'(p'='0.31).'The' little'relationship'to'the'scores'yielded'by'
rankings' of' individual' subjects' did' not' the' Ruffier' and' Ruffier<Dickson' formulae'
differ' significantly' between' the' two' tests'' (Table'2).''
(Ir1'vs.'Ir2,''p'='0.341).' !
''''''Likewise,' there' was' no' significant' Discussion'
difference' between' the' two' Ruffier< The' main' finding' from' the' empirical'
Dickson' indices' (IRD1,' IRD2);' both' tests' data' was' that' the' information' obtained'
again'indicated'that'our'group'of'subjects' from' a' manipulation' of' recovery' pulse'
had' only' moderate' fitness,' with' rates'bear'little'relationship'to'the'scores'
respective' mean' scores' of' 11.2' ±' 3.3' and' obtained' from' a' current' and' well<
11.8' ±' 3.3' (p' =' 0.32).' Subject' rankings' accepted'method'of'screening'for'aerobic'
again'did'not'differ'between'the'2'Ruffier< fitness,' the' O2max,' as' predicted' from' a'
Dickson'tests'(Ird1'vs.'Ird2,'p'='0.344).' 20<m' shuttle<run.' Physiological' factors'
'''''The' shuttle' run' brought' subjects' to' influencing' the' form' of' the' heart' rate'
maximal' effort,' with' no' significant' recovery' curve' are' unclear;' however,' the'
difference'between'heart'rate'readings'at' data' probably' reflect' a' variety' of'
the' end' of' the' shuttle' run' (196' ±' 3.9' processes,' including' feed<forward'


stimulation' of' the' heart' from' the' ' cortex,' cardiac' output' at' the' onset' of' the' test'
reflex' stimulation' from' presso<receptors' exercise.' In' the' fit' athlete,' the' cardiac'
and'chemoreceptors,'a'removal'of'lactate' output' is' increased' mainly' by' a' greater'
from' the' working' muscles,' the' stroke'volume,'giving'a'low'Ruffier'index;'

Table! 2:! Ranking! of! subjects! in! terms! of! predicted! maximal! aerobic! power! (mL·kgW1·minW1).! Note!
that! none! of! the! Ruffier! indices! conformed! to! the! ranking! of! aerobic! fitness! obtained! from! the!
Aerobic!Power! Ir1! Ird1! IrN! IrdN!
42.3' 11.1' 10.9' 26.9' 33.2'
42.3' 11.7' 13' 20.3' 25.5'
43.1' 9.3' 11.9' 21.5' 29.3'
43.1' 6.7' 10.5' 20.7' 26.5'
44.6' 9.7' 11.2' 24.5' 31.4'
46.8' 10.5' 5.4' 25.2' 30.1'
49.1' 10.2' 11.9' 25.8' 30.2'
49.1' 11.3' 14.4' 23.3' 22.6'
49.1' 6.0' 6.7' 22.7' 26.5'
50.6' 5.0' 7.4' 20.9' 26.8'
50.6' 13.9' 16.6' 22.9' 33.5'
51.3' 16.7' 13.6' 30.7' 37.1'

replenishment' of' local' phosphagen' on' the' other' hand,' in' an' unfit' individual,'
stores,' and' more' long<term' effects' from' most' of' the' increase' in' blood' flow' is'
an' increase' of' body' temperature' and' the' brought'about'by'an'increase'of'heart'rate'
release' of' catecholamines' (Shephard,' (thus' giving' a' larger' index).' However,'
1967;' 1982).' The' relative' magnitude' of' interpretation' of' the' recovery' index'
these'influences'depends'on'the'intensity' remains'far'from'clear;'if'the'Ruffier'score'
and' duration' of' the' preceding' bout' of' depends' mainly' upon' the' stroke' volume'
physical' activity' relative' to' the' reached' during' exercise,' one' might' have'
individual's' physical' fitness.' Both' the' anticipated' a' close' inverse' relationship'
intensity' and' duration' of' effort' were' between' this' score' and' the' individual's'
plainly' greater' in' the' 20<m' shuttle' run' O2max' intake,' which' is' also' strongly'
than'in'the'Ruffier'test,'and'it'is'thus'not' dependent' upon' peak' stroke' volume.'
surprising' that' recovery' indices' Possibly,' the' relationship' with' maximal'
calculated' for' 20<MSR' were' substantially' stroke' volume' that' should' have' been'
greater'than'those'seen'with'the'standard' apparent' in' the' immédiate' post<exercise'
Ruffier' and' Ruffier<Dickson' tests.' data' was' obscured' by' inter<subject'
Although' the' rate' of' energy' expenditure' differences' in' the' rate' of' recovery' as'
in' a' standard' Ruffier' test' is' sometimes' reflected' in' the' P2' score' for' the' Ruffier'
fairly' high,' the' duration' of' effort' is' test.'
sufficiently' short' that' there' is' little' call' '''''''The' shuttle' run' is' a' very' demanding'
upon'anaerobic'metabolism.'The'score'for' test,' providing' estimates' of' O2max' that'
a' standard' Ruffier' test' probably' reflects' are' closely' correlated' with' the'
largely' recovery' from' the' increase' of' individual's' performance' in' 1500' and'


3000' m' runs' (r' =' 0.90),' and' with' direct' they' had' not' yet' undertaken' any' serious'
laboratory' estimates' of' O2max' (r' =' 0.87' training.' In' Toronto,' our' average' figure'
and' 0.57' in' 2' reports;' Ahmaidi' et' al.,' for' non<smoking' male' physical' education'
1999;' Lacour' et' al.,' 1989).' The' ability' to' students'was'of'a'similar'order,'averaging'
recover'following'a'shuttle<run'test'is'not' 49.0' mL·kg<1·min<1' (Shephard' and' Pimm,'
usually'evaluated'by'the'Ruffier'formulae;' 1975).' Presumably,' the' fairly' low'
however,' this' may' offer' a' simple' method' numbers' reflect' university' training'
of' examining' responses' otherwise' schedules' that' are' only' moderately'
explored' by' looking' at' lactate' recovery' rigorous,' and' the' absence' of' that' genetic'
curves' (Ahmaidi' et' al.,' 1996;' ' ' Freund' et' selection' one' would' expect' in' in' top'
al.,' 1990,' 1992;' Oyono<Enguelle' et' al.,' athletes.''
1993),' as' when' evaluating' cardiac' ''''''
function'following'cardiac'transplantation' Conclusions!
(Lampert' et' al.,' 1996).' The' potential' of' '''''During' the' first' half' of' the' 20th'
interpreting' 20<MSR' data' in' this' way' century,'physicians'made'little'attempt'to'
merits'future'exploration.' encourage'physical'activity'in'the'general'
''''''The' other' feature' of' the' pulse' rate' population,' and' reliable' objective'
recovery' curve' highlighted' by' our' procedures' for' screening' and' exercise'
empirical'data'is'the'importance'of'details' prescription' were' lacking.' Any' testing' of'
of' technique' to' the' score' obtained.' The' aerobic' fitness' was' undertaken' by'
figures' that' we' observed' on' the' Ruffier' physical'educators,'and'was'based'largely'
test' would' have' been' regarded' as' upon'various'methods'of'analyzing'pulse<
disappointing' in' terms' of' athletic' rate' recovery' curves.' Our' empirical' data'
selection' (Table' 1).' Two' possible' factors' for' one' recovery' procedure' (the' Ruffier'
increasing' Ruffier' scores' for' pour' test)' show' that' the' scores' obtained' by' a'
subjects' were' that' P0' and' P2' were' given'observer'were'consistent'from'day<
measured'in'the'seated'rather'than'in'the' to<day,' but' (probably' because' of' inter<
supine' position' (the' latter' being' adopted' laboratory' differences' in' technique)'
by'many'users'of'the'Ruffier'test),'and'in' average' values' for' a' group' of' healthy'
our' empirical' study' instantaneous' heart' subjects' could' deviate' quite' widely' from'
rate' counting' by' pulse' monitor' began' anticipated' norms.' Moreover,' in' our'
immediately' after' exercise.' These' issues' study,' the' ranking' of' aerobic' fitness'
emphasize' the' difficulties' in' comparing' obtained' from' pulse' recovery' data' bore'
recovery' scores' from' one' laboratory' to' little' relationship' to' that' provided' by' a'
another.' A' third' possibility' is' that' the' more' modern' field' test' of' aerobic' fitness'
subjects'that'we'studied'were'not,'in'fact,' (the' 20<m' shuttle<run).' The' physiological'
very' fit.' The' average' O2max' of' our' basis' of' the' heart' rate' recovery' curve'
subjects' as' predicted' by' the' shuttle' run'' following' a' bout' of' physical' activity' is'
data' (46.8' ±' 3.5' mL·kg<1·min<1)' was' complex,' and' the' practical' significance' of'
typical' of' moderately' well<conditioned' recovery' curves' in' terms' of' exercise'
young' adults' in' the' general' population,' screening' and' prescription' is' unclear.'
but' would' be' considered' low' for' a' group' Physical'educators'and'kinesiologists'thus'
of' endurance' athletes.' Measurements' entered' the' second' half' of' the' 20th'
were'made'on'first'year'students'who'had' century' using' fallible' tools,' and' badly' in'
only' recently' enrolled' in' university,' and' need'of'a'reliable,'objective'and'evidence<


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