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PUBLIC CORPORATION CASE constitutional requirement "breathes the spirit of

command." Compliance is imperative, given the fact

DIGEST that the Constitution does not exact of Congress the
obligation to read during its deliberations the entire
I. Introduction and General Principles text of the bill. In fact, in the case of House Bill 1247,
which became RA 4790, only its title was read from its
d. Municipal Corporations; Elements; Dual Nature introduction to its final approval in the House where
and Functions [Sec. 15] the bill, being of local application, originated.

2. The Constitution does not require Congress to employ

in the title of an enactment, language of such
Lidasan v Comelec precision as to mirror, fully index or catalogue all the
G.R. No. L-28089 October 25, 1967 contents and the minute details therein. It suffices if
Sanchez, J.: the title should serve the purpose of the constitutional
demand that it inform the legislators, the persons
Facts: interested in the subject of the bill, and the public, of
1. Lidasan, a resident and taxpayer of the detached the nature, scope and consequences of the proposed
portion of Parang, Cotabato, and a qualified voter for law and its operation. And this, to lead them to inquire
the 1967 elections assails the constitutionality of RA into the body of the bill, study and discuss the same,
4790 and petitioned that Comelec's resolutions take appropriate action thereon, and, thus, prevent
implementing the same for electoral purposes be surprise or fraud upon the legislators.
nullified. Under RA 4790, 12 barrios in two
municipalities in the province of Cotabato are 3. The test of the sufficiency of a title is whether or not it is
transferred to the province of Lanao del Sur. This misleading; and, which technical accuracy is not
brought about a change in the boundaries of the two essential, and the subject need not be stated in
provinces. express terms where it is clearly inferable from the
details set forth, a title which is so uncertain that the
2. Barrios Togaig and Madalum are within the municipality average person reading it would not be informed of
of Buldon in the Province of Cotabato, and that the purpose of the enactment or put on inquiry as to
Bayanga, Langkong, Sarakan, Kat-bo, Digakapan, its contents, or which is misleading, either in referring
Magabo, Tabangao, Tiongko, Colodan and to or indicating one subject where another or different
Kabamakawan are parts and parcel of another one is really embraced in the act, or in omitting any
municipality, the municipality of Parang, also in expression or indication of the real subject or scope of
the Province of Cotabato and not of Lanao del Sur. the act, is bad.
3. Apprised of this development, the Office of the 4. The title — "An Act Creating the Municipality of
President, recommended to Comelec that the Dianaton, in the Province of Lanao del Sur" —
operation of the statute be suspended until "clarified projects the impression that only the province of
by correcting legislation." Lanao del Sur is affected by the creation of Dianaton.
Not the slightest intimation is there that communities
4. Comelec, by resolution declared that the statute should in the adjacent province of Cotabato are incorporated
be implemented unless declared unconstitutional by in this new Lanao del Sur town. The phrase "in the
the Supreme Court. Province of Lanao del Sur," read without subtlety or
contortion, makes the title misleading, deceptive. For,
ISSUE: Whether or not RA 4790, which is entitled the known fact is that the legislation has a two-
"An Act Creating the Municipality of Dianaton in pronged purpose combined in one statute: (1) it
the Province of Lanao del Sur", but which creates the municipality of Dianaton purportedly from
includes barrios located in another province — twenty-one barrios in the towns of Butig and
Cotabato is unconstitutional for embracing more Balabagan, both in the province of Lanao del Sur; and
than one subject in the title (2) it also dismembers two municipalities in Cotabato,
a province different from Lanao del Sur.
YES. RA 4790 is null and void
5. Finally, the title did not inform the members of
1. The constitutional provision contains dual limitations Congress the full impact of the law. One, it did not
upon legislative power. First. Congress is to refrain apprise the people in the towns of Buldon and Parang
from conglomeration, under one statute, of in Cotabato and in the province of Cotabato itself that
heterogeneous subjects. Second. The title of the bill is part of their territory is being taken away from their
to be couched in a language sufficient to notify the towns and province and added to the adjacent
legislators and the public and those concerned of the Province of Lanao del Sur. Two, it kept the public in
import of the single subject thereof. Of relevance here the dark as to what towns and provinces were actually
is the second directive. The subject of the statute affected by the bill.
must be "expressed in the title" of the bill. This

Compiled by M.H. Villas

Public Corporation
e. De Jure and De Facto Municipal Corporations
distinguished Although Congress may delegate to another branch of the
Government the power to fill in the details in the
execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is
Pelaez vs. Auditor General (G.R. No. L23825) essential, to forestall a violation of the principle of
separation of powers, that said law: (a) be complete in
FACTS: itself — it must set forth therein the policy to be
During the period from September 4 to October 29, 1964 executed, carried out or implemented by the
the President of the Philippines, purporting to act delegate2 — and (b) fix a standard — the limits of
pursuant to Section 68 of the Revised Administrative which are sufficiently determinate or determinable —
Code, issued Executive Orders Nos. 93 to 121, 124 to which the delegate must conform in the
and 126 to 129; creating thirty-three (33) performance of his functions. Indeed, without a
municipalities enumerated in the margin. Soon after statutory declaration of policy, the delegate would in
the date last mentioned, or on November 10, 1964 effect, make or formulate such policy, which is the
petitioner Emmanuel Pelaez, as Vice President of the essence of every law; and, without the
Philippines and as taxpayer, instituted the present aforementioned standard, there would be no means
special civil action, for a writ of prohibition with to determine, with reasonable certainty, whether the
preliminary injunction, against the Auditor General, to delegate has acted within or beyond the scope of his
restrain him, as well as his representatives and authority. Hence, he could thereby arrogate upon
agents, from passing in audit any expenditure of himself the power, not only to make the law, but, also
public funds in implementation of said executive — and this is worse — to unmake it, by adopting
orders and/or any disbursement by said measures inconsistent with the end sought to be
municipalities. attained by the Act of Congress, thus nullifying the
Petitioner alleges that said executive orders are null and principle of separation of powers and the system of
void, upon the ground that said Section 68 has been checks and balances, and, consequently,
impliedly repealed by Republic Act No. 2370 effective undermining the very foundation of our Republican
January 1, 1960 and constitutes an undue delegation system.
of legislative power. The third paragraph of
Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code does not
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 2370, reads: meet these well settled requirements for a valid
delegation of the power to fix the details in the
Barrios shall not be created or their boundaries altered nor enforcement of a law. It does not enunciate any policy
their names changed except under the provisions of to be carried out or implemented by the President.
this Act or by Act of Congress. Neither does it give a standard sufficiently precise to
avoid the evil effects above referred to.
Respondent herein relies upon Municipality of Cardona vs.
Municipality of Binañgonan If the President could create a municipality, he could, in
effect, remove any of its officials, by creating a new
ISSUE: municipality and including therein the barrio in which
W/N the President, who under this new law cannot even the official concerned resides, for his office would
create a barrio, can create a municipality which is thereby become vacant.6 Thus, by merely
composed of several barrios, since barrios are units brandishing the power to create a new municipality (if
of municipalities he had it), without actually creating it, he could
compel local officials to submit to his dictation,
RULING: thereby, in effect, exercising over them the power of
On Cardona vs Municipality of Binangonan, such claim is control denied to him by the Constitution.
untenable, for said case involved, not the creation of a
new municipality, but a mere transfer of territory — Also, Section 10 (1) of Article VII of our fundamental law
from an already existing municipality (Cardona) to ordains:
another municipality (Binañgonan), likewise, existing
at the time of and prior to said transfer. It is obvious, The President shall have control of all the executive
however, that, whereas the power to fix such common departments, bureaus, or offices, exercise general
boundary, in order to avoid or settle conflicts of supervision over all local governments as may be
jurisdiction between adjoining municipalities, may provided by law, and take care that the laws be
partake of an administrative nature — involving, as it faithfully executed.
does, the adoption of means and ways to carry into
effect the law creating said municipalities — the Basing from the above provision, Section 68 of the
authority to create municipal corporations is Revised Administrative Code does not merely fail to
essentially legislative in nature. In the language of comply with the constitutional mandate above quoted.
other courts, it is “strictly a legislative function” or Instead of giving the President less power over local
“solely and exclusively the exercise of legislative governments than that vested in him over the
power” executive departments, bureaus or offices, it reverses

Compiled by M.H. Villas

Public Corporation
the process and does the exact opposite, by particular is of Section 442(d) which states
conferring upon him more power over municipal that:
corporations than that which he has over said
executive departments, bureaus or offices. (d) Municipalities existing as of the
date of the effectivity of this Code
WHEREFORE, the Executive Orders in question are shall continue to exist and operate
hereby declared null and void ab initio and the as such. Existing municipal districts
respondent permanently restrained from passing in organized pursuant to presidential
audit any expenditure of public funds in issuances or executive orders and
implementation of said Executive Orders or any which have their respective set of
disbursement by the municipalities above referred to. elective municipal officials holding
It is so ordered. office at the time of the effectivity of
this Code shall henceforth be
Municipality of San Narciso, Quezon v. Mendez, considered as regular
Sr. municipalities.

December 6, 1994 | J. Vitug

Petitioner: Municipality of San Narciso, Quezon, et. Said motion was opposed by the petitioner
al. on the grounds that said law referred to
legally existing municipalities, not those who
Respondent: Hon. Antonio V. Mendez, Sr., et. al. were void from the beginning.
 December 2, 1991: Lower court dismissed
Doctrine: Curative laws are in essence retrospective the petition on the basis that there was a
and aimed at giving “validity to acts done that would lack of cause of action. However, petitioners
have been invalid under existing laws, as if existing argue that this court acted with grave abuse
laws have been complied with.” of discretion amounting to lack or in excess
of jurisdiction. Thus, the petitioners filed quo
warranto proceedings to reconcile the
validity of San Andres as a fifth-class
FACTS municipality of Quezon province.

 August 20, 1959: President Carlos P. Garcia

issued Executive Order No. 353 which ISSUES + HELD
created the municipal district of San Andres,
Quezon. ISSUE: WON the Municipality of San Andres is a
 Years later, by virtue of Executive Order No. de facto municipality.
174 that was issued by President Diosdado
Macapagal dated October 5, 1965, San
Andres was recognized as a fifth-class
municipality. This conversion from municipal NO. The Municipality of San Andres is not a de facto
district to municipality was approved by the municipality, rather it is a de jure municipality.
House of Representatives. Petitioners argued that they had acquired the vested
 June 5, 1989: Municipality of San Narciso right to seek the nullification of Executive Order No.
filed a petition of quo warranto with Regional 353 since the petition for quo warranto had been filed
Trial Court, Branch No. 62 against the prior to the enactment of Republic Act No. 7160.
Municipality of San Andres. Said petition was However, such argument does not hold because the
for the declaration of nullity of Executive Municipality of San Narciso filed said petition to
Order No. 353 and for the latter to be challenge the legality of the Municipality of San
permanently ordered to refrain from Andres only after almost thirty (30) years of the
performing the duties and responsibilities of existence of Executive Order No. 353.
their respective offices.
 July 18, 1991: The trial court resolved to
defer the action on the motion to dismiss and
to deny a judgment on the pleadings In those thirty (30) years, the Municipality of San
 November 27, 1991: Municipality of San Andres had already begun, and continued to exercise
Andres filed a motion to dismiss the case for the powers and authority of a duly created local
it had become moot and academic with the government unit. With that, and by virtue of the
enactment of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local aforementioned law, the State recognizes the
Government Code of 1991), which took existence of the Municipality of San Andres.
effect on January 1, 1991. The provision in

Compiled by M.H. Villas

Public Corporation
RULING: The petition for certiorari was dismissed limited to the following acts: formulation, coordination,
with the costs against the petitioners. regulation, implementation, preparation,
management, monitoring, setting of policies,
installation of a system and administration. There is
no syllable in R.A. No. 7924 that grants the MMDA
f. Local Government Units (LGUs) and Unions or police power, let alone legislative power
Federations of LGUs in the Philippines
In sum, the MMDA has no power to enact ordinances for
the welfare of the community. It is the LGUs, acting
MMDA vs. Bel-Air Village Association (G.R. No. through their respective legislative councils, that
135962) possess legislative power and police power.

Facts: The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Makati City did not pass

On December 30, 1995, respondent received from any ordinance or resolution ordering the opening of
petitioner a notice requesting the former to open its Neptune Street, hence, its proposed opening by the
private road, Neptune Street, to public vehicular traffic MMDA is illegal.
starting January 2, 1996. On the same day,
respondent was apprised that the perimeter Wherefore, the petition is denied.
separating the subdivision from Kalayaan Avenue
would be demolished.

Respondent instituted a petition for injunction against

petitioner, praying for the issuance of a TRO and
preliminary injunction enjoining the opening of
Neptune Street and prohibiting the demolition of the
perimeter wall. The trial court denied issuance of a
preliminary injunction. On appeal, the appellate court
ruled that the MMDA has no authority to order the
opening of Neptune Street, and cause the demolition
of its perimeter walls. It held that the authority is
lodged in the City Council of Makati by ordinance.

MMDA said it has the authority to open Neptune St.

because it is an agent of the Government endowed
with police power in the delivery of basic services in
Metro Manila. From the premise of police powers, it
follow then that it need not for an ordinance to be
enacted first.

Hence this petition.

Does MMDA has the mandate to open Neptune Street to
public traffic pursuant to its regulatory and police

According to SC, Police power is an inherent attribute of
sovereignty. Police power is lodged primarily in the
National Legislature, which the latter can delegate to
the President and administrative boards, LGU or other
lawmaking bodies.

LGU is a political subdivision for local affairs. Which has a

legislative body empowered to enact ordinances,
approved resolutions and appropriate funds for the
general welfare of the province/city/municipality.

The MMDA is, as termed in the charter itself,

"development authority." All its functions are
administrative in nature. The powers of the MMDA are

Compiled by M.H. Villas

Public Corporation

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