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ID: 102000502

DATE : 18-08-2010


BMW Logo
The true meaning of the ‘sky blue and white quartered’
BMW logo is the most controversial issue of the company.
According to Dr. Florien Treble, Executive Board Member
of BMW AG, “There are two traditions concerning the
significance of the BMW logo and trademark, offering
two different interpretations of its sky blue and white
fields. One interpretation points to a rotating
propeller. The other relates the BMW logo to Bavaria as
the place where the products are manufactured”.

About BMW:

BMW AG is a German company and one of the leading manufacturers of automobiles

and motorcycles in the world. Founded in 1916 and based in Munich (state capital of
Bavaria), Germany, and BMW is also the parent company of the MINI and Rolls-Royce
car brands. BMW AG stands for Bearish Motormen Were Astringe sells haft, or Bavarian
Motor Works/Company in English.

The BMW Logo:

The BMW logo consists of a thick black ring encircled by a silver lining. The letters
‘BMW’ are inscribed in a non-serif font in the top half of the black ring. The gap
within the ring is divided into four equal alternative blue and white quarters. The BMW
logo, commonly known as "roundel", was created and registered in 1917. The logo is
remarkably simple and projects an identity that is smart, clear, sporty and image-
conscious. It is one of the most distinctive logo designs in the world, speaking highly of
a brand-led company. The 1929 Dixie was the first vehicle to carry the famous BMW
logo. The BMW logo has been altered very rarely and minutely and has maintained its
original look throughout the company's history. Here are some of the logos that have
been used since 1917.
Toyota Logo
Toyota Motor Corporation’s guiding
principle is to ‘create and develop
advanced technologies and provide
outstanding products and services that
fulfill the needs of customers
worldwide’. Since it was founded, the
company has been aiming to enrich
society through making cars. It is now,
one of the world’s leading auto, truck,
bus and robot manufacturer and
financial services provider.

The Toyota logo: like the company, is

widely recognized for its creativity and simplicity. It has become a symbol of
pioneering automotive and non-automotive products and services. The Toyota logo
bears a meaningful visual identity with strong visual impact. It symbolizes the
energetic transition of the company from a family business to the expansion of a
worldwide company.

In 1936, when Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd. was launching its first passenger
car, it needed a new trademark to commemorate the launch. For that purpose, a
competition was held to establish a logo that would promote the company’s vehicles.
The design requirement of the company was to create something that will express
‘the feeling of speed’. Thus, the winning logo resulted in the change of the name
from ‘Toyoda’ to ‘Toyota’. This was as the Japanese lettering of ‘Toyota’ gave the
logo a sleek look and was also chosen because the number of strokes in the Japanese
word ‘Toyota’ (eight) was considered to bring luck and prosperity. Although no
longer used on products, the original Toyota logo is still used as the company’s
emblem and is given to the employees of the company upon joining. The current
Toyota logo consists of the name “TOYOTA” in roman type with three ovals in red
and white color scheme. ‘The two perpendicular center ovals represent a
relationship of mutual trust between the customer and Toyota. These ovals combine
to symbolize the letter "T" for Toyota. The space in the background implies a global
expansion of Toyota's technology and unlimited potential for the future’.

Visual identity of any brand does not only raise effective awareness of the product,
but also assist in expressing the company’s mission and philosophy to the customers

Microsoft Logo
Founded in 1975, Microsoft Inc. is ‘the
worldwide leader in software, services and
solutions that help people and businesses
realize their full potential’. The company is famous for
inventing and offering innovative products such as
Windows, Office, Xbox, etc., that truly symbolize
advanced technology. Even its logo, is a physical
manifestation of the company’s technological pursuits.

Microsoft logo: Microsoft logo is a perfect example of ‘innovation meets

simplicity’. The logo intelligently expresses the company’s mission of
providing quality products to the customers with its strong slogan and
simple typeface. The Microsoft logo like the company has become
synonymous with latest computer technologies, innovative ideas and the
comprehensive development of both. The logo consists of a simple
typeface with an equally powerful slogan symbolizing potential and
passion. Though the Microsoft logo was subjected to major critical
transformations over the decades, its principal message has remained
largely unaffected. At the beginning, Microsoft adopted the so-called
“blabbed” logo that was green with a fanciful lettered O in it. It was later
discarded as the company’s trademark in 1994, when Microsoft adopted the
more compact version of the current logo with the tagline: “Where do you
want to go today?”. In 2002, inspired by the previous design, Microsoft
started using the new Microsoft logo in the United States and eventually
worldwide. It now features the slogan: “Your potential. Our passion”,
which echoes a strong voice of consumer satisfaction and the brand’s
Apple Logo

Apple Inc. has revolutionized personal computing since its founding in 1976 by Steve
Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. For more than 30 years, Apple Computer has
introduced groundbreaking products and accessories that truly defy the technological
barriers. It has now become one of the world’s most famous computer brands and
has introduced innovative products such as bipods, Macintosh, QuickTime, etc.

Beyond its strong line of pioneering products, lies an interesting and powerful
corporate identity. Apple is probably the only company not to use its name in its
logo. Yet, the Apple logo is one of the most recognized corporate symbols in the
world. The first Apple logo was designed by Jobs and Wayne in 1976, featuring Isaac
Newton sitting under an apple tree. It was inspired by a quotation by Wordsworth
that was also inscribed into the logo that said: “Newton… a mind forever was
voyaging through strange seas of thought” with ‘Apple Computer Co.’ on a ribbon
banner ornamenting the picture frame.

Apple logo: That Apple logo was immediately changed by designer Rob Jan off into a
multicolored apple with a bite taken out off its right side, better known as the
“rainbow apple”. This was done to commemorate the discoveries of gravity (the
apple) and the separation of light (the colors) done by Isaac Newton and possibly to
tribute the ‘fruit of the Tree of Knowledge’ in Adam and Eve’s story. Even the term
‘Macintosh’ refers to a particular variety of an apple. But certain speculations exist
about the proper meaning of the Apple logo. Some believe that the ‘rainbow
colored’ Apple logo was used to advertise the color capability of the Apple II
computer. Others, like author Sadie Plant of Zeroes and Ones, considers the Apple
logo as homage to Alan Turning, the father of modern computing, who committed
suicide using a cyanide-laced apple.

For the last few years, the Apple logo has appeared in various colors (aqua color
scheme was famous among all). But now Apple has discontinued the use of bright
colors in the Apple logo, instead opting for white and raw-aluminum color schemes.
The polished chrome logo seems to fit ideally. The silvery chrome finish in the new
Apple logo is consistent with the design scheme and freshens up the icon. For
whatever reason Apple Inc. had to revamp its logo, the new Apple logo got a hearty
endorsement by the customers and critics around the world. It can widely be seen on
all Apple products and retail stores; and has become one of the world’s most
renowned brand symbols.

Pepsi Logo
Pepsi-Cola is one of the most famous soft drinks consumed
worldwide. Manufactured and marketed by PepsiCo, it was first
developed and produced in the early 1890’s by Caleb Brad ham,
a pharmacist in New Bern, North Carolina labeled as “Brad’s
drink”. In 1898, Brad ham renamed his drink into “Pepsi-Cola”.

On June 16, 1903, the title Pepsi-Cola was trademarked and had
since remained unchanged. But one aspect of Pepsi-Cola that
witnessed many transformations over the years is the Pepsi logo.

Pepsi logo Pepsi is one of the most famous and well-recognized logos in the world.

In 1898, Braham used a scribbled logo script as the first Pepsi logo to brand the
product. When his business got established and people started enjoying his drink,
Brad ham decided to modify the Pepsi logo into a more customized version of the
previous logo script. Thus, in 1905, a modified script logo was introduced, followed
by a second change in Pepsi logo in 1906 with the inclusion of the slogan, “The
Original Pure Food Drink”, in it.

During the 1933’s sugar crisis, Loft, Inc. bought Pepsi-Cola. As part of their
marketing strategy, Pepsi-Cola doubled the quantity of its drink from six-ounce
package size to twelve-ounces for 10 cents. Thus, the slogan “Refreshing &
Healthful” was added to the Pepsi logo, which was printed on the bottle. When the
price for the twelve-ounce bottle dropped to 5 cents, Pepsi-Cola excluded that
tagline from the Pepsi logo.

In 1940, Walter Mack, the CEO of Pepsi-Cola, adopted the idea of 12-oz. embossed
bottle with “Pepsi-Cola” baked into the glass. He further developed the idea of
introducing the new bottle design with crown, labeled with the Pepsi logo. In 1941,
the Pepsi bottle crown colors were changed to red, white and blue, along with the
Pepsi logo, to commemorate the war efforts of the country.

By 1943, the Pepsi logo adopted a “bottle cap” look that included the slogan,
“Bigger Drink, Better Taste”. Later, in 1962, the Pepsi logo was replaced with two
bulls-eye marks encircling “Pepsi”, and then again in 1973, into a boxed Pepsi logo
with minor typeface changes.

In 1991, Pepsi commemorated the evolution of its scripted Pepsi logo by featuring a
logo design with an italic capital typeface. Later at the company’s 100 years
celebration in 1998, Pepsi-Cola unveiled a new logo that symbolized the brand’s
innovation and global recognition. The new Pepsi logo consists of a three-
dimensional globe against an ice blue background, with the inclusion of the
previously designed Pepsi typeface. It has been the official Pepsi logo of PepsiCo, till

Over the past century, the Pepsi logo has been evolved into remarkable designs with
significant modifications. All in all, Pepsi logo is an exemplary piece of creativity and
innovation. No doubt, it is one of the most recognized logos, ever.

The end

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