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I. Multiple Choice. Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use capital letter only.(60
1. Which of the following properties pertains to solid only?
A. The Kinetic energy is usfficient to overcome the attractive forces.
B. The particles are able to slide past one another.
C. They expand slightly when heated.
D. They diffuse extremely slow because the particles are tightly packed.
2. Rank the matter based on decreasing relative strength of attractive forces between particles.
A. Liquid,Solid,Gas B. Gas,liquid, solid
C.Liquid,gas ,solid D. Solid,Liquid,Gas
3. Which among the intermolecular forces is the weakest?
A. Hydrogenb ond B. Ion-dipole forces
C.Dipole-dipole forces D.Dispersion forces
4. Which of the following properties refers to the resistance of liquid to flow?
A. Surface tension B.Vapor pressure
C.Heat of vaporazation D.Viscosity
5. WHich of thr following properties explains why raindrops are spherical in shape?
A. Viscosity B.Vapor pressure
C.Heat of Vaporization D.Surface tension
6. With all otherfactors held constant,which of the following places will rice cook for a
longer time?
A. at the sea level
B. At the peak of a mountain
C. It would the same time to cook rice regardless of location
D. It depends on the variety of rice
7. What property of water explains why water inside the tiny cracks in rocks helps the
latter break when it freezes?
A. Water has a greater volume in its solid state
B. Water has a high boiling point
C. Water has a high surface tension
D. Water has a high heat of vaporization
8. What property of water explains why our body temperature remains essentially
A. Water has a high specific heat
B. Water has high heat of vaporization
C. Water has high density in its liquid form
D. Water has high boiling point
9. Which of the following describes a crystalline solid?
A. Crystalline solids have particles that are arranged in a regular geometric
B. Crystalline solids have particles that are not arranged in a regular
geometric pattern
C. Crystalline solids melt over a wide range of temperature
D. Some crystalline solids are soft.
10. WHich of the following would have the lowest melting point?
A. C6H12O6 B. NaBr C. Mg D. Graphite
11. Which of the following explains why solids melt when heated
A. An increase in temperature causes the arranged particles to vigorously
vibrate, making them slide and roll on top of each other.
B. When heated, solids break away from their neighboring molecules and
scapes into the gas phase.
C. Solids lose energy when heated causing their attractive forces to weaken
D. All of the above are true.
12. Iodine was placed in a beaker and was covered with a watch glass. After a
while,crystals of iodine formd on the underside of the watch glass. Which of
the following phase change accured?
A. Sublimation C.freezing
B. Condensation D. evaporation
13. Which of the following is common to both solids and liquids?
A. They are slightly compressible.
B. They have fixed shape and fixed volume
C. They have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome their attractive forces
D. They have a strong intermolecular forces of attraction.
14. Rank the matter based on decreasing amount od space between particles.
A. Gas,liquid,solid B. Liquid, solid, gas
C.Gas,solid, liquid D. Solid,liquid,gas
15. Which of the states of matter has the strongest intermolecular forces?
A. Solid C.Gas
B. Liquid D. None of the obove
(16-19) A. Dipole-dipole forces B.Hydrogen bond
C.ion-dipole forces D. dispersion forces
16. An interaction between molecules caused by a temporary dipole.
17. An interaction when a partially positive hydrogen of one molecule bonds with a partially negative oxygen of another
18. The type of interaction formed between sodium ion and calcium chloride.
19. The type of interaction formed between carbon tetrachloride and iodine crystals.
(20-23) A.Surface Tension B.Viscosity
C. Boiling point D. heat of vaporization
20. It is responsible for the spherical drops of water and is the reason why some insects can walk on the surface of the
21.It is a temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to atmospheric pressure.
23. The heat neede to vaporize a certain amount of liquid.
24. It is a force which keeps molecules together
A. Intramolecular force B. Intermolecular Force
C. Dispersion forces D. Dipole-dipole force
25. The boiling point of water is 100° C. What would be its boiling point in a pressure cooker?
A.greater than 100°C B.100°
C. Less than 100° D. It depends on the amount of water present
26. Which of the following refers to the attractive forces between molecules which are caused by temporary charges in
electron density in a molecule?
A. Dipole-dipole forces B. hydrogen bond
C. Dispersion forces D. both B and C
(27-30)Identify the type of solid in the following groups.
A.Metallic B. Ionic C. Covalent D. Molecular
27. Iron fillings,Magnesium ribbon,pure silver ware
28. potassium bromide, calcium chloride,aluminum iodide
29. diamond,coal
30. sulfur trioxide,silicon dioxide
31. If a solution contains the maximum amount of solute that could be dissolved
at a specific temperature with a given solvent,It is called:
A. Unsaturated solution B. Supersaturated solution
C. Saturated solution D. Dissaturated solution
32. A solution which has less solute than its capacity to be dissolved.
A. Saturated solution B. Supersaturated solution
C. Unsaturated solution D. Dissaturated solution
33. Supersaturated solutions are known to be unstable, so some of the solute
appears in solid,bulk,salt like structure. This is called
A. Dissolution B. Solvation
C.Crystallization D. Deformation
34. Water is stored in a beaker,with a reading of 12ml. Ethanol was poured
in the same beaker and the final volume became 20 mL.Which of the
component is the solute?
A. Water B.Any of the two because they are both liquids
C. Ethanol D. It cannot be determined
35. Urea is expected to be dissolvedin what solvent
A. Benzene B. Carbon disulfide C. Nonpolar solvents D. Polar solvents
36. The process of cell rupture is called____________.
A. Osmosis B. crenation C. hemolysis D.transpiration
37. Concentration of a solution is expressed in moles of solute per liters of solution
A.molality B.mole fraction C. molarity D.all of these
38. What is the relationship between the boiling point of a solution and of a pure solvent?
A.Boling point of pure solvent is higher than boiling point of solution
B.Boiling point of pure solvent is equal to the boiling point of solution
C. Boiling point of pure solvent is lower than boiling point of solution
D.none of the obove
39. Which of the following solvent can be used to dissolve Bromine?
A. Water B. Either a or c C. Benzene D. none of the choices
40. The solubility rule”like dissolves like” considers which of the following properties?
A. Molecular weight B. electronegativity
C. Molecular polarity D. none of the above
41. The solubility of the ionic compounds in nonpolar solvents is observed to be
A. Extremely high B. Negligible
C. Extremely low D. cannot be determined
42. If salt is being dissolved into water, salt is the ________
A. Dissolvee B. Solvent
C. Solute D. none of the above
43. A solute that does not conduct electricity is called
A. Solute B. Solvent C. Electrolyte D. none electrolyte
44. Molality is
A. Mols of solvent/kg of solvent
B. Mols of solvent/ kg of solute
C. Mols of solute/kg of solvent
D. Mols of solute/ kg of solvent
45. What is the molas mass of CuFeS2?
A. 152g B. 3.07 x 1024 C. 184g D. 1.108 x 10 26g
46. For a given substance which of the following phase transitions should
release the most energy
A. Solid to gas B. gas to liquid C. Gas to solid D. liquid to gas
47. It is the internal friction of a fluid in motion.
A. Surface tension B. hydrogen bond C.Viscosity D. Vapor pressure
48. What property of water refers to waters ability to form a thin film on
the surface of lakes and ponds that insects can walk on?
A. Cohesion B. Adhesion C. Surface tension D. capillary action
49. What property of water makes it effective at transporting nutrients
throughout the body?
A. Less dense as a solid than a liquid
B. More dense as a solid than a liquid
C. Universal solvent
D. None of the above
50. Which of the following is an example of crystalline solid.
A. Glass B. rubber C. sugar D. plastic

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SHS Teacher I

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Master Teacher I Head Teacher III School Principal IV

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