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Oftice of the President

Pmuppnr Cuerury Swrupsrerns Onrcr A

Suh Plaza Euilding, 1507 Shaw Eoutevard corner princeton St., Mandaluyong City 1SS2

PH ,t:PlflE caAtlit sy,/EEPSTA(a5 0Frlca

Central Recordr & 9ivir i

MEMoRANDUM lr- 0an- 171

t]IC 0 S 2019


TIME: o 8Y



DATE 06 December 2019

1 . References

a. Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules lmplementing Book V of the

Administrative Code of 1987 and its subsequent amendments (CSC
Omnibus Leave Rules);

b. Memorandum No. 10-OGM-059 Signing Authority on Applications

for Leave.

2. To ensure compliance of all PCSO officials and employees to policies and

procedures and to streamline the process of application for leave of absence the
following shall be strictly observed:

l. Application for leave of absence shall be subject to the approval by

their respective Sector/Unit heads as follows:

Approvinq Authority Sector/Office Salary Grade

Chairperson Office of the Chairman; Board SG 24 and
of Directors; below;

'The Chairperson shall

approve the application for
leave of absence of the
General Manager
General Manager All Assistant General SG 25 and
Managers, Department above
Managers and Branch
lnternal Audit Services; SG 24 and
Legal Department; below;
Corporate Planning
Data Security Division
A rovtn Autho Sector/Office Salary Grade
AGM for Administrative Administrative Sector
SG 24 and
AG M for Management M anagement Services Sector
Services Sector
AGM for Branch Branch Operations Sector
o erations Sector
AGM for Chari Sector Chari Sector
OIC-AGM for Gaming, (.] aming, Product Development
Product Development and Marketing Sector
and Marketin Sector

ll. Leave Application (Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Special Leave

Privileges, Forced Leave)

Particulars Process Documentary Responsible

uirements Office
Leave 1. Officials/Employees 1. Personal 1 . Concerned
Application applying for more than letter request Department
for: five (5) days leave of (proforma letter
absence must signify attached as 2. Office of
1. Sick his/her intent through Annex A). the
Leave; a personal letter * For officials, concerned
request to his/her designated AGM
2. Vacation immediate supervisor nexlin-rank
Leave; stating therein the musl be 3. Human
reason of his/her indicated in Resource
3. Special absence. their personal Department,
Leave letter request Employees
Privileges; 2. The immediate Welfare and
supervisor shall 2. Duly filled-up Benefits
4. Forced endorse the application Division
Leave application to the form. (CSC
concerned Assistant Form No. 6 s.
General Manager for 1984 attached
approval. as Annex B)

3. The Assistant 3. Application

General Manager for leave of
absence for
shall submit the thirty (30)
application to the calendar days
Human Resource or more shall be
Employees Welfare by a clearance
and Benefits Division from money
for Certification of and property
Leave Credits. accountability.
Particulars Process Documentary Responsible
Requirements Office
4. The HRD - EWB
Division shall confirm
the available leave
credits. The HRD shall
notify the concerned
Sector and
Department, if leave
was already
exhausted by the

5. The HRD shall

prepare theSpecial
Order to be signed by
the General Manager.
It shall be posted in
PCSO bulletin for the
information of the
Leave 1. The concerned 1. Personal . Concerned 1
application department shall letter request Department
for Foreign submit the leave (proforma letter
Travel application with attached as 2. Office of
attached letter request Annex A) the
addressed to the concerned
General Manager to 2. Duly filled-up AGM
the Human Resources application
Department. form.
(CSC 3. Human
Form No. 6 s.Resource
2. The Human 'l 984 attached
Resources as Annex B) Employees
Department shall Welfare and
confirm the available 3. Application Benefits
leave credits and lor leave of Division
prepare the following absence for
documents and thirty (30)
endorse the same to calendar days
the of
Office the or more shall be
General Manager: accompanied
by a clearance
a. Special Order for from money
approved leave of and property
absence. accountability.

b. Authority to
Particulars Process Documentary Responsible
Re uirements Office
3 Upon approval of
the leave application,
the Office of the
General Manager
shall endorse the
same to the Office of
the Chairman for
signing of authority to

4. Approved I
Disapproved, the
applications shall be
routed back to
Administration Sector
(Attention: HRD, EWB
Division) for
dissemination to the

5. The signed Special

Order shall be posted
in PCSO bulletin for
the information of the

lll. The application for leave should be flled / submitted on the time
prescribed below:

Leave of Absence Prescribed Period of A lication

Sick Leave One (1) full day or more shall be flled immediately upon
employee's return from such leave. ln excess of five
(5) successive days, application shall be accompanied
by a proper medical certificate.
Vacation Leave One (1) full day or more shall be submitted five (5)
days in advance, whenever possible, of the effective
date of such leave.
Special Leave U ne (1) week in advance from the effective date
Privileges except on emergency cases
Forced/Mandatory F ive (5) days in advance of the effectivity date of such
Leave leave
Foreign Travel Twenty (20) days before the effectivity date of leave

3. Officials /employees who is absent without approved leave shall not be

entitled to receive his salary corresponding to the period of his unauthorized leave of
absence and shall be a ground against him/her for dereliction.
4. The Special Order shall be submitted to the Central and Library
Division and shall form part of the 201 fle ol the personnel. HRD-EWBD shall
update the leave credits information of the concerned personnel.

^ {. ttre above guidelines shall be followed in conjuncture with the existing civil
Service Commission Omnibus Rules on Leave.

$ For your strict compliance.

ANICr 1'

28 November 2019

(lmmediate Su peruisor/ Department Manaoer/

Assistant General Manaoer)

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office

Dear GM Garma,

This is to formally signify my application for leave on the following dates due to
(stafe ourpose):

. Date/ period of leave of absence

Iwould be staying at rrolaceladdressl during the ed dates and I

can be reached through the following;

(State means of communication or contact number)

Very truly yours,

Name of Person nel

CSC Form No. 6
Revised 1984

2. NAME (Last)
4. POSITION 5. SALARY (Monthlyj

! To seek employmeni
f] Withn the philippines .
Others (Specig
! eb"oaa (Specify)


! uut"-ity In Hospital (Specify)
I Otn".. (Specifr)

6. c) Number of Working Days Applied for I o"t t ( SDecifv )



(Sigrrature of 0
as of
rovai due to
Vacation Sick Total

Days Days Days

Chief, Personnel Division Head of Department or Unit

days with pay
days without pay
others (Speci&)




Rdt?atce (o)




(p.) The following terms us€d in Rule XVI

shall be coruEued as follows;

7, Leaoe of absenre is generally defined as a right granted

to officials and
employees not to report for work with o"r without
pay as may be
provided by law and as the rules prescribe in Rule
xW hereof.
2. cofit *r.tation of reaae creitits rer.e$ to conversion
of unused reave
credits to their corresponding money value.

3 . Cummulation of leeoe_uedits ref*s to incremental

acquisition of unused
leave credits by an official or employeo.

4. lmmciliate family rclers to the spouse, childrerl parents,

brothers and sisters and any relative living rn6" -rn"
same rool and
dependent upon the employee for supportl

5. Sick baoe refers toleave ofabsence granted only on

account of sickness
or disabilitv on the.part of the empi-oyee conceined or any
member of
hrs Enmedrate family.

6. Vacation leate relers to leave of absence gtanbed to officials

employees {or personal reasons, the approva-l of which is contingeni
upon the necessities of the service.

7 . Motetization re(ers to payment in advance under prescribed limits and

subject to specified terms and conditions of the money value oI leav€
credits of an employee upon his request without ac'tually going

8, Pregnanq refers to the period between conception and delivery or birth

of a child. For purposes of matemitv leave, miscarriage ie within the
period of pregnancy.

9 Matenity leaae refers to leave oI absence granted to female govemment

employees legally entitled thereto in addition to vacation an-<l sick leave.
Theprimary intent or purpose of granting maternity leave is to extend
working mothers somc measures of financial help and to provide her a
period o( rest and recuperation in connection wilh her pregnancy.
10. paterfitty leaoe reterc
to.the privitege granted to a married
emp-loyee allowing hirn male
not to report fj, *irr. foi*,rJr,
continuing to earn the compensahon tLe*for, @ days while
o" tie conaition that his
legitimate spouse has delivered. a child
purposes of enablins him to effecrivety "i
,ki"r"a ii**"_i"g., f".
wife belore, durin" and aftcr,childbt tl.,;"iir;;;; to his
be and assist in
caring for his new-=born child.

11, Vacation Sentice Creili5 refers to tht leave

credits eamed by public
school teachers for services rendered ararlg
proper authorities during long and Cfuistm;,".J;; ""i;iti;'authorized bv
are used to offset their absencis du" to
itt ru*, o, to ofi"ut propo*ional
deduction in vacation salary due t" .bJ;;;;;;;;;;ar
late appoinhnent. reasons or

12. Terminql leaoe relets to money value of the

total accumulated leave
credits of an employeelased on tne rugUrt
sata[ iui"- r"."iu"a 6o,
to or upon retirement date/voluntary Jeparadon.'

13. specia! leaae prioilages refers to Ieave of absence

which officiars anrl
emplo.yees may avail of for a maxirnu* of ttrrue
1fy a"y, in^rully or".
and abowe the vacation, sick, maternity *a putl"i"lff
personal milestones and/ or attend to filial anct
i.uves to mark
domestil responsibiliHes.
14. Relocation leaoe relerc ro a special leave privilege granted
employee whenever he/she tinsfers residence. "

Suc.rror.r 1. En tlanent
leau prloileges. - tn general, appointive officials and
employees of the govemment wheth". puril"n"nt ti^porarylJr casual, who render
during-the prescribed office hours, shall be mtiiled ti'lt days vacation
lork and
with Iull pay exclusive of sarrrrdays, sundays, pubtic
Holldays. without limitation as to the number of days of vacition and sick leave
that they may accumulate.

5rc.2. Leaoe of absence of partalrn9 employees. - Employees rendering

services on part-time basis are entitled to ,acition and sick ieave benefitf
proportionate to the number of work hours rendered. A part_time employee who
renders four (4) hous oI work five (5) days a week or a toil of ZO noui= a week
entitled to 7.5 days vacation leave and 7.5 days sick leave annually with full pay.

.3, .Le!t:- -of abse.nce of etnployees ol rotation hasis. - Employees on
rotation basis shall be entitled vacation-and sick leave corresponding o ihe'periods
of sevice rendered by them. If an employee has been allowed to iork in two or
ryore- q\ifts 9l
rotatiol the periods of actual service covered by each shift or rotation
shoulile added together to determine the number of years, montfu and days during
which leave is earned.
. - Sgc_tl. Contractual employees arc not ettitleil to leane credlts er d fiatter ol
aglt - In view oI the nature oI their employment, employees hired on contracttral
basis are not entitled to vacation, sick, and other special liave privileges. To ofiset
their non-entitlernent to leave-benefits, contraitual employees iray be paid
compensation twenty percent (20!) higher than the salaries of regular employees
occupytng equivalent positions. If contractual employees are not given tlre i0%
premium, they should be entitled to vacation and sick leave.

Stc.5. Leaae oeilits allocal electlzte officiaLs. - Local elective officials started
to be entitled to leave privileges eflective May 12, 1983 only pursuent to Batas
Pambansa 337. However, said leave was commutative but not cumulative. This
mearu that local elective officiats who did not commute said leave during the year
earned are deemed to have forfeited the same.

However, starting January 1,7992, loeal elective officials 6hall be entitled to

leave privileges as those enloyed by appointive local officials, including
accumulation and commutation thereof.

5rc,6, Teacherc' leaoe. - Teachers shall not be entitled to the usual vacation
and sick leave ctedits but to proportional vacation pay (PVP) of 70 daye of summer
vacation plus 14 days of Christnas vacation, A tEacher who has rendered continuous
service in a school year without incurring absences without pay o( not more than 1
1/2 days is entitled to &l days of proportional vacation pay.
Other leave beflefits of teachers such
as_study Imve and indefinite
arecwered bysection24 and25of sick leave
RA4570 M;gna,ca;;ioiri i,nr"t *r r"uaog.
Stc.7, Othn emllouees uldcr teachefs leaoe
all other appointive empl'oyees who*._*o.r. hasls. - Day Care Workers and
earn teave credits in accordance witn
*rriirruL ,rr. ,. *a
of teachers,
su.N"* ir"i-S h;r;l.,,.

il,xffi l,iT:ft
i::l,F;il;J;:ilffi:H"nffi ffJH.::"r,*:ffii"?
9e.- 9' vacation semice crtdits ofteacierc. -
Teachers, yacation service c,:edits
refer to the leave credits earned for
se'rv"", i"r.,a"*i." -r.:r" or*g .oro*",
ot Chrishnas vacation, as authorized Uy
cred'irs are used to o(fser absences of
p-p* .uf,rr,ar. vacation service
t.i.'*,"rir" ,riii;',
i'"'.n*, rroportional
deduction in vacation salarv d.ue_" to "i
appointment' The manner bi wr',i.r, r.*i..
p"rr"".f reasons or late
.i"iio *i'y'u1""**o by teachers is
*" issueiby th" D.p^;;;i-"iEdiJ"f l,"c,r**
i;BS,,o "toelines sports
Stc.7O. Leaoe sedits of officials and employees
coa*eil by special leaoe taw, -
credits of ti,e roito*i.g ofriaa, Jni'.-n pr;;;;#"""r"r"d
ff.1"*. by special

(a) Justices of the Supreme Court, Court oI Appeals and Sandiganbayan;

(b) Judges of Regional Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts,

Trial Courts, Court of Tax Appeals ara St'".i;"
ti*iiCourt; and Shari,a

G) Heads of the Executive Departments, Heads

of Departments,

(d) Chairmen and Commissioners of Constitutional

(e) Filipino officers and employees in the Foreign Service;

(f) Faculty members of state universities and colleges includins

in universities and colleges creatua pr.sia"iio
T*_h1t_q orai"k"e of
the [GUs; and

(t) Other officials and emplovees covered by special laws.

Hence,lustices and other qovernment officialsand employees

covered by special
laws should promulgare *,i, o*i ftr;;;;;;15""/aii,". thereto. said
implementing rules should be submitted io the Civ "service
Commission for record
Src. 11. Cozdiffo ns
for the gant of matemity leaoe, - Married women
govemment service who have in the
1*afa ".."dU;;;
service, shall, in addition to the *",[i1 more years of
vacatio" *a si& fi"u" g.".,;a,il,.*,
q,,rEq I ". b" entitletl
matemity leave of sixty (60) catend* to
;h f,rli;"6r
Matemity leave of those who-have rendered
one (l) year or more but less than
i" p'oporti'ii'1i-*,li"r"ngtL or,.*i.",
f;,fl.f iffdil';i:H,f.-*qutea.
for less than one (t)v""'
"t"l"J'ifr";ffi,fif# 'r'rir' mtitl"JiJ
It is understood that eniovment of
maternity leave cannot be deferred
be enjoyed within thc actuat'oeriod."f d"ti".ri but should
maruter not €xceeding dO cate'ndar days.
;;;;,#HJ*d uninterrupted

Sec.72^ Fottlula for the computatiol

have rendered less tiran two (2) ygar5
ol fiatafitty leaua. Employees who
of service ."y' oJi1"."ir" full pay
for a
number of 4.ay,s based on the raf,6 .f 60
where: y = ;# ;; ;;;t;1,?"J;'"
tl," iro. oi.iuy, in irr?^ "..

x = the no. of days to be paid

2 years = 720 days

_6!_ x
720 v
720x 5oy

m 60v

x v

For exampl", an emproyee has rendered one

year and six monthc or service:

l4y'here: x number of days to be paid

v year and 6 months (540


x .l40

x t1,5 days
matlcil woman may be grantud matemitg leave uore
Src. 13. .t{
ycar, -Matemity leave shall th4n once a
f &.""i"a to female *"iiJ
instance of pregnancy irrespectiveif rr" f*q"i..y.'- "^pr.y"* i.-"r*y
Src,14, Mqfiiei! tootnat rflay go on:rrate-nlty
leaoefor tess than sixty (60) ilays,
employee wants to report back to'duty i"for"
l _YgT
maternity Tleave, she mav be allowed to do ao pr*la"J
iiu expiration of her
p*sents a medical
certificate thar she is phyiicalry rit to
ir"'j,i,i"l i i"ip*,ur"
The corrunuted monev value of the unexpired
portion of the leave need not be
refunded and that when,tfie employee rerurns t rj.*["i"r" i'f,e expiration of her
maternlty leave, she may receive-both th" b"n"fic
*" gru.,Ga
salary for actual services rendered "elfective""a"r,f,.
*;lrflO tfre aay stre ^"t*^it

. SEc. 15, M4temity leaae with pay may be ganted eoen il deliuery occurs a
feut ilays r'ttr,t the termina.tion oi eitptole",s"srn *" - f,,tlr.rr,ity ftrue *itiiust
may be granted evm if the delivery occurs not more
than 15 calendar duys
termination oI employee,s serviceas her right thereto
has already accr..i"a. - --

S,Ec. 1!. Mateflity leaoe of employee on a.tmileil

leaoe of absence wlthoat nau.
- rr,, arrcad.y entsued, a woman employee can still avail of sixty (e0) days matemifi
leave with pay even iI she is on an n"u" oi ulri*J Jvi*,ort p"y.
9Ec.t7, Mdtefitt| leaoe ol employee uith penilitg ailmlnlstratioe
cece" - A
.mp.toyee is eatitled to matemity leave of abnence with pay wen
sne has a pending admihistrative

SEC.L&, Matemity leaoe ol coatractu4l entployees.

efiproyee8 whether or not receivin8 20% premium on their satary
Married contractual
B:hall be entitled
to mateftity leave benefits lile regular employees in accordance with
of Section 11 hereof.
the p.";irl;;
Ssr.19, Conilitions lor the grant of paternfty kaae -
Every married male
employee is entitled to patemity leau" ofr"rer, working
1i days ior the first four
(4) deliveries of his legitimate spouse with whom he is cotibitir,g.

The first of the 4 deliveries shall be reckoned from the effectivity of the paternity
Leave Act on July 75 , 7996.

Itilarried male employee with more than one (1) regar epouse shall be entitred to
avail_of patemlty leave for an absolute maximum of-foui deliveries regardless
whichever spouse glves birth.

_ Sec, 2.!. Petenity Leaoe - non-atmulatio{t on-cofimstdttoa _ paternity leave

o{ seven (7) days shall be non-cumulative and strictly non-convertible to casi.. The
same may be enioyed in a continuous or in an intermittent manner by the emptoyee
immediately before, during and after the childbirth oi*lscar.Lgu of
91 S".d."yr
fus legiHmate spouse.
SEc. 13.A nuttlcd toofian may be
yaar. - $anteit ,n,Itefirlty leaoe tnore than once a
Matemity leave shall Ue fuunii:a to female *"iiiJ
instance of pregnancy irrespective -of iS frequency. in
"rnpfoyu", "r*y
Sec" ,.l. Manicd an flen ,nay go on ,natemity htoe
lor lzss than sixty (60) itcys,
employee wants to ieport Uact< toiury L?ore the expiration
rnaternity"lleave, she mav be all-owed to do so p-ria"J of her
p*sents a medical
certificate that she is pt yrt".lty fit to ,a.,,;; "i.
The commuted money value of the unexpired portion
o( the leave need not be
refunded and that when.tire employee returns
;;oi bJ;;ih" expiration of her
I'atemi,q jervej she may receive-both the benefits granted und; the matemitv leave
law.ano tne galary tor actual services rendered effective the
day she ,"pdrb fo,

leaoe pay nay bc granteil eoot if delioery occars just a

Ieu .with
lays aclofc thc tcrrnination of cmproyeds serttce- - Miternitv reave with oav
may be granted even if the delivery occurs not more than
termination of employee,s serviceas het right thereto has already
..I.J";;;y, ;;;td"

leaoe cmptoyee on *tendeit leate oJ absence wtthout pay.

- ,,r -tff:r,l: Y:::litya womanof employee
ready enhUed,
can still avail of sixty (50) davs mateiniL
leave with pay even if she is on an extenderl lea'e of absencl ii.ri
iif 17, Maternity leaoe of employee with peniting ailmintstuatioe
marrlec woElan employee is entitled to maternity leave of aLsence with
cdse. - A
pay even iI
she has a pending adminishative case.

SEc,l&, Matenity leaoe of cont/actual employees, -

Married contractual
employees whether or not receiving 20% pternium on their salary
shall be enHtled
to- sEtemity leave benefits lile regular employees in
accordance with the provisions
of Section 11 hereof.

Sec 19. CondJtrofis lot the grant of patenity leaoe. - Every married male
p entitled to. patemity leave of seven (7) working days ior the fust four
({) deliveries of his legitimate spouse with whom he is cohabiting.

The first of the 4 deliveries sharl be reckoned from the effectivity of the paternity
Leave Act on July 15. 1995,

Married male employee with more than one (1) tegal spouse shall be entitled to
avail.of patemity leave for an absolute maximum of-foui deliueries regardless of
whichever spouse gives birth.

. SEc, 2!, latenity, Leaoe - non-anmdatio{non-comrrrttatioe. - paternity leave

of seven (7) days shall be non<umulative and strictly non-convertible to c.sir. Th"
same may be enjoyed in a continuous or in an intermittent marmer by the employee
days immediately before, during and after the childbirth oi mirartiagi of
91 $e
his legitimate spouse.
A: S4roio I teaae piztileges, _ In addition to
__,S_r_: the vacation, sick, matemitv
paternity leave, officials and elqlgrees
Collective Negotiarion eereement
** *it.ri";tr.i"i} ffi;""i
ltuh;, .*";, "i;;"h#"no *oru covered
tr.,e roilo*i;s,ili"il#;ffi
:Hffi jxl."l1H,.1,:,Branted {;:il;;Til,ilI
(a) funeral/mournine leave
(f) hosp italization leave
(b) graduation leave (s) accident leavp
(c) enrollment leave (1,) relocation leave
(d) wedding/anniversary leave (1) govemment transaction leave
(e) birthday teave
0) calamity Ieave
(1) That the official /employee may begranted a maximum
within a calendar ye", of anv or comuir,.tiJr, of three (3) days
which he would opt to avaii;
of."pJ"ifi"'rilin r,l.g"" of his choice

(2) That such orivireses sha, be non-cumulative

(3) That the offici"r/""mploye. ,h"ii
and non-commutative;
;;;;;i" ioi*"*..
special leave priv,eses ro.
r""it J* 1ii;#";;i";1":vePllaihentforexcept
the said
emergency cases; and

( 4) Special leave orivi.lege may be availed of by the

official/employee when
the occasion is personat ti ru* ina *,'"t r,irl^*.ii"'te7;ity.
Sec 22. Monetization of leaoe creilifs. - Officials
and employees in the career
and non<areer service whetirer permanent, temporary,
casud, t, cotermirroug who
have accumu-lated fifteen (1s) days of vacatiori
i*"'" -"ai[ be alrowed to
monetize a minimum of ten (I0) days:. provided,
that aa f"J
1S1 a"y, i, i.a-irrJ
after monerizarion and provided further that a
maximum .i iiri*y iS0ia"y"
monetized in a given year. "rtb"
Src. 2li). Monetization of S0o/o ofaacatiott/sick lcale
__ creitits, - Monetization of
tr?. p"T:l! p0%) of all rhl accr:mutated leave credits *uyi.
aforr,"a for valid
and iustifiable reasons subiect to the discretion of the
ag"n"y h;,uJ *a th" iti
"uu "u
Sa.- 24, compttation ol Leaoe Monetization - The formura to be used
for the
computation of monetization is as follows:

Montlrly Salary No. of days Money Value of the

x to be monetized leave
22 Working Days Monetized
Sec.25. Fioc ileas forczd/mandatory leazte.
Lllofficials and employees with
lffi g^tr[;I,.Ti:*"-"
cred i s-srrari be,"fiil ; ; on v jcarion reave
t f or a minimunr of ti"t
under the following .onditio# 1s1 *"otting a"t* i;";;y
The head of agency shali, upon prior
consultation with the employees,
--^31- -.
prepare a staggered schedure oI the mandatory fi";;y;;;." leave of
he mav' in th"'exigei{ oiinl.o*i..,
il5,i#ftftJ"',"":'i*:1" cancer anv

(b) The mandatorv annual five-day vacation leave

shall be forfeited i{ not
the year. Ho*ever, i" .u"ei *r,"r" tt
in. the
e i"i"a"r"a leave has been
::T:lt{ gxiegyy of the service by the head or ii"-io..y, the scheduled
leave not enjoyed shall no longer be deduirca
fr.* *," t.t"f l?.umulated vacation

(c) Retirement and resignation from the service

in a particular year
compteting the calendar vear aJnot *"rruntlori"i;;; ;i;"*"rpondingwithout
; leave
''* .
emptoyees optea
;:#:-"d mandatory
X"".:,'f"f """ii "iiil,"i"i'."i'ri,*a"y
(d) Those with accumulated vacation leave o{
less than ten (10) days shall
have the option to go on forced tur"u-o, not.
io*-urtl"offi.t"ts and employees
with accumulated vacation Ieave 15. days *il
days, under Section 22 hereof. shatt.oIstitt beiequireJ "";ii;;;netization for t0
io r""u".
Stc.26. Acctmulf,tion of Tracdtion and sick leatte, _
Vacation and sick leave
shall be cumulative- and a*y
iart thereol which may not be taken within the calendar
year may be carried over to the succeedi"g yuurr.
retires, resigns, or is allowed-o rurig:n
offi.i"f o" ornptyi
o, ,"p";ted from the service
no fault of his own, he shall be entitfed to tfru'.oi_"t"fion
accumulated vacation and/or.sick leave to his of all the
ur.'l-.]"ir" of Saturdays,
na ngtidays, without limitation as to the "rua[
sick leave that he may accumulate provided his leave
nu*[", oiJuy, of ,acarion and
benefits are not covered by
special law.

. When a person whose leave has been commuted following his separation from
the sewice is reemployed in the government before the expiration
of the leave
cornmuted, he shall no loneer .efund the money value of
the Lnexpired portion of
the said leave. Insofar as "his Ieave credits is concemed,
he shall start from zero

ol oacation -
teate anit sick teaoe. compuration o{
vacauon teave and sick Ieave shall be made on the basis of
one day vaiation leave
and one day sick leave for every 24 days of actual serviee using the
tables oi
computations as lollows:
1 .u2 1 mo.
50 ,l
2 .0E3 2 mos. 2,50 1.00 1.208
3 .125 3 mos. 3.75 1.50 1.r88
1 .167 4 mos. 6.00 2.00 1.187
5 .208 5 rno8. 6.25 2.50 1.146
6 .2s0 6 mos. 7.50 3.00 1.125
7 .292 7 mos. 8.75 0.50 1.104
6 I mos. 10.00 4.00 1.083
I .375 9 mas. 11 .25 4.50 1.063
l0 .417 l0 mos. 12.50 5.00 1.O42
11 .458 'l l mos. 13.75 5.50 1.O21
'12 .500 '12 mos. 15.00 G.00 't ,000
13 .542 6.50 0.979
14 ,583 7.00 0.958
15 .625 7.50
'16 0,s38
.667 8.00 0.9r 7
1f -708 8,50 0.896
t8 ,750 9.00 0.875
19 .792 9,50 0.854
20 .833 10.00 0.833
21 .875 10.50 0.813
22 .917 11.00 0.792
23 .958 11.50 0.771
24 1.000 12.00 0.750
25 1.042 12.50 0.?29
2g r.083 13.00 0.708
27 1.125 13.50 0.687
28 Lt67 14.00 0.667
29 1.208 14.50 0.646
30 1.zfi 15.00 0.625
15.50 0.604
16.@ 0.503
16,50 0.562
17.00 0.542
17.60 o.521
18.@ 0.500
18.50 0.479
19.00 0.458
19.50 0-437
20.00 o.417
20.50 0.3s6
21.@ 0"375
21,50 0.354
22.00 0.333
22.50 0.312
23.00 o.292
23.50 0.271
24.00 0.250
24.& 0.2N
25.00 0.208
25.50 0.187
26.00 0,16/
26.50 0.1{6
27.00 0.125
27.50 0.104
28.00 0.083
28.50 0.062
29.00 0,042
29.50 0.021
30.00 0.000
Tabto lt
Srsed on8-Hout Day
I 1.000
1 002
2 004 g2
006 33- _069
,008 u 1
.010 35 .073
.012 - 36 .075
7 .015- 37- 077
I .017
I .019 39 .081
10 ,02t 40 .083
11 .023
41 .085
42 .087-
.o27- ,090
14 .029- 44 .092
15 031 45 .094
16 .033- .tG -
17 .035 47 --l
18 .037 48 ..t00
19 .040 4S .102
20 u2 50 .104 -
21 .ol4- 51 -
.046 52 .108
,048 53 .1 10
24 .050 5,t
25 .052 - 55
054 56 .'t'17 -
.056- 57 .110

29 .060
58 .12t-
59 .123
30 062 - 60 .1?5 -
Where: 30 - Number of Days in a Month
Y = Total Number oI Teacher,s
Service Credits
= 58 Days of Summer Vacafion
plus 11 Days Christmas
2 = the two kinds of leave

U total number of days of Summer/

Chrishnas vacation
- 15 (B-12 days Saturdays/Sundays
sumrner vacation
tr days-Chrishnas Day, Rizal Day,
year,s New
Stc- 46. hansler from t.dching to norr-tea.ching sentice iluring
suntttet lacatiorl
;rtr:"Stl"*'JffifiX*-e "on-t"aching "i'rvi." i--^J;,.rv "rt",li;;;;;
Sec.47, Trunsfer of leaoe cteilits, _ When
an olficial or cmployee transfen
one governrnent aqencv to another, from
he can eithei l;;;-ht"::.r-rlated
andlor sick teave vacarion
"-r"aiL "o*^utu.i ". i" iriJ;#:g"".y.
The second option can be exercised
as a matter of right only by an
who doesrot havl gaps in his servi.". employee
may be allowed provided same is not
i;;;;;;";Jil il* *n one month
due to his fa"uli
The option to tlansfer accumulaterl leave credib
can be exercis€d within one
(1) year only from rhe employee,s
tri*r"ri" ,i" "'
This provision is not aonlicable to transfer
of leave credits of uniformed
personnel from the military [J U.,e
i* s"*ic".
5rc.48, Remedy when trnnsfer lealc cteilits is ilenied, _ An official or
employee who fa,ed to transfer Lis r"ur..of
provisions in the precedine 6ectirron, mayclaim"r"altr-io
tt";;;;." in line witrr the
ir;,.1i;;Ifd;rh.;;;""ost rhe money value of ,.,"t t"rr"o"iie

Srr" {9, Perloil taithin which, to. ac.t on leaae

application for leave ofabsence, including termtnai
applicatiott -
Whenever the
head of agency or his dulv authorized rep'resentati""
iJavfirii, ..,.a upon by the
*lt-t i" ir"
dter receipt thereof, the apprication for leiue ofabsenc" r'r',iiii" 1Sy working days
o*"*"a approved.
SEc ?i. Actual seruice d.efi -.The term"actual sewice,,
of continuous service since d""-"! refers to the period

';ffi;;il ;:,* ffi ,tX,.::';::H ::,fi :S:*f :f5;S m:m

Leave of absence without pay,
for any reason other than illness
shall not be
;*r'f:,T*i:: :i *""ff:ffl"d':u "niu';;;;;;iilo. fiI, in computing the
:r-:trriliT:*$.#'t{;1i#:*f :T{"i}tr"F;}$*:H:T:#f
A fraction of one.fourth or more
but less than three.fourth shall
as one-harf day and a fraction be consider8d
of threu-ro.r.*ooi-o-ri
oay tor purp_oses of granting leave "ili'n" ."r","a as one ftrlr
of absence.
rEc. z,J. Cornpitation of leazte
for employees
with inegular work schedule. -
I:*"I:::_*rlainq, "*,"*.
work schedures
on Sarurdays, Sundavs, o. irotidry.
g.rrirg t.},.;
excruded in the computation oJ-vacation
p".i"Jtif,"i. teave, are io be
employee is offdury,;av for rwo (2).a".y,lrlr ""ra
riJL r""r.r' In"other words, iI an
these days occurrins within the oeiiod
ig ir*rj"y.,'l'r"o"yr, or holidavs,
of auth;;;i;;'""r,ffbe excruded in the
deduction of the nimber of days of
r.""" ir.- ii"
*rir-l-r'eave credis of the

-rif,'"i'*f 'fnffi?i{.f,ff:,;W1y""ff ,fffi :f, *,Jil:ffi ,,f"Tffi

eiSht (8) hours of work o-er dav !u_t ."*pli*
shall be deducted from their'leru"
;: il;ini,ji'"ir'* ., *",r in a week,
only *,1 iii ii"* number of hows
required to be served for a dav but wru"n
** ir"i,"*"j. 'iiiy absence incuned
must be charged in proportiorito the
;;ili;;;;;;+#i ro. auy,* *ork.
Sec. 31, Commutation of sah-ry_pior t1
leaoe The proper head oI depaltment,
u1it,.and.government owned o, .-
onglnal charter mav in his discretion, authorize
i["d corporation with
the co*^"tjion of if," d"t ,h.i
would be received durins the perjod of vac"Ur.
olficial and emptoyee ani airect t,. pri^"*
*J"ii-i""ul or any appointive
the fund out of which the salary would'have "iir.,.L*gil;g'",
- *.h leave from
been palal

Stc, 32. Abseace on a reoalar day which susp*sion ol uotk is announced, -

Where an official or an emotveeJaiiJ," ."p*ir.. i,"it I"3.1*,* o"y for which
susperuion oI work is deciared aJter,h;
considered absent on that day.
#.i;i;;; n.r*, he shalt be
Stc.3l,_Leaoc of absence without pag
on a ilaa immed. ,*;#"::
ne nas leave credits or nor is abcent
on ..a"y i**.aliiiyfi..a*g
a Saturday, Sundav or holiday, he or succeeding
Howeveq, the same orovisio' is applicable";a;'.;;ilr;[o..'"kr, on said davs.
lncuned by an empioyee but not io
onlld;;#;H., broken absences
pay exceeding a period of seven o, u,i;ffi;;
qvtt absences without
."ru",ri, a"y"-"'|rrlqr
Ssc. A, Tatdin*s atd und,e.rtime arc deiluctcit ag,.inst
nacation leeoe credlts. _
Thrdiness and undertime are detl.u.t"d
charged against sick lmve c.eaits,. unless
fr;;;;;;;ii"""r'"1ff*" shall not be
supported by medical certificate and
il;ilff."i: ".0
'" for health reasons
uppii."ioni", il"""
Src. 55. ?ennJna! Ieaaa _ Terminal Ieave
is applied for by an official or
employee who intends to sever nrs connection an
with his emplove
titing 6r appricauo" r.,1", *r b; ;q;il;
employee's resignation, retircment or separition
; "'#ffi1#.,fi.i'#i:I: ll:
from the s"rvi-c" *itr,ort anv lault
ngg;l:ffi:f shown rirst that pubrt. ;il6;;:1,"::#;"y #1".#J
Stc- 36, Approaal of tetminal leaoe. -
Application for comrnutation of vacation
and sick leave in connection with ."p"r";!;-r;;;gi';';;1,
employee shatl be sent to the head o, e"p;;;;i.;;;;;j;; oI an of'cial or
connectio& clearance from the rn this
g:}t l* *"tffi, ."qr"rred. "pro""r.
(or processing
leave as such ctearance is nEeaea ^onty
Xklf*r:lterminat for payment of

SEc, g7. pcryent

ol terrrrinal^Iea-ae, - Any official/ employee of
who retires, voluntarily resigns, or is separated the govemmmt
from th. ,i*i=uif,roogf, no lault of
his owr! and who is not otherwise covered Uy,pu"iuiiu*,
"iill entitled
commutation of his leave credits exc-lusive be to the
Sl"tur*uy., Sr"aays and Holidays
without limitation and regardless of the p*riod "t ;h;;-rli;'..-uiii *o"
SEc, #. Period tDithifi u)hich to ctaim terminal leaoe pav. _
Request for payment
oI terminal leave benefits must be.brought witt
*t.^ ifO[y"*, from the time the
right o[ action accrues upon an obligati6n created by
liw.' '
jT:11: ,":* o/ computation of tenniflal leaoe. - payment of terminal leave
.-_ purposes
ror oJ retsrement or voluntary.resignation shall be
based o" ttre trighesi
11::ryisalary.receiv€d ar alY.time dyrti! h" p";; ;
goverunent s€rvice and not on his latest salary, -unles.rthe
tatter is ttr6 hilhest *."rr"a
by the retiree.
tion of tetminat tca"c' - rhe terminal leave benefic
."d":;:';t?i#; ghau be


TLB- Total Terminal lrave Benefitg

P - No. of accumulated leave (VL & SL)
S rnonthly salary received
22 - Number of woriing days in a month
pursuant to R.A. 6759

Sec. 41. OfficlaWmplouee ot terminal

leaoe iloes aot earn kaoe ctedits, - The
official/emproyee who is ori termin"t I""ru aoo
ioieiiliiyierre c.eaits as he is
aheady out of the service. White on t"r",i""i;;;;i;-lriv
derived during the time of such employ",.nr Co*"q;"rrU!, the benefie
iJ r"q.y,
no tor,g"r enuUua
to the benefits or salary increases tir"t'r-y
* gr""i"'Jd#;i,;
.^ 9rS: 4 Employee on eatension of sesolce does not
eata lceve crcdits. _ The
official/employee who has ieachcd the .o*prfrrfi
."*uire'nt age of 65 but whose
extended by thc Commi.sion for inotherci-,
i61 _on*o, ,,o rongu,
Sxc,4i. Co.mpatation ol salary. _ An official or employee
vacation or sick leave shall ba granted leave
who applies for
with puy ut ttiu ,,uiury h" is,ci,;e.til

Stc tl4. Leaaeduing probationary pT.oil. - employee still on probation

may already avail of whatever leave credits he has -An
earned during said period.
Accordingly, leave of absence without pay in"".ruJ a*irrg the period
probation shall-any of
extend the comnletion thereof ?oi the ,"*"ir-U"r-of a, j,"
of *J

Sac..tl6, Paymeat of unuseil oacdion seroice ctctlits o! teacherc. _

._ Teachers and
other rhool personnel on the teachers, teave basis
retirea, or are
separated from the service through no fault of their own on or ifrer lanu ary 16,1%6
shall be paid- the money value of their unused vacation s€rvice credit'
coriverted to
vacation and sick leave using the forrnula:
30Y /69
Vacation and Sick l,eave =
Sxc- 50. Eff*t of uttautho
uttoutappifvJia";ffi ;'il;,1:ffi i";,#J"i'javcrnproleewhoisabsent
the period of hig unauthorized
leave .*";;;.'i;;;;l:"ril:? ;:fir#,}fliffi
ll**; no longer be deducted "f r..* i',r" ,i.i*il:ti:"r. credits, if there

Sec, 51. A?plicadon for aa

ab.qensrol;Jii);f *#tl,:+i:'y j";fi l.,*,*.:f,il,;:J:ffi;iHi;i
ff n..ry#Jj,'*11'.f ,:f :*.r0,;isr;;;#;;;#eliheneverpossibre,oi
Sw. 52, Approaal of aacation leaae,
than illness of an official or employee
l.eave of absence for any reason
must be contingent upon the
or of r.y *.^'#r..iL
,*_"d,",. f"*y
reave shall be at the discretio" of
i::S:f ,n" *riii".'ii"'*I, *"
or.,, of vacafion
tf,e neaa oia";;;E;.y.
stc' 5r' Apptication for sick leaae. - A,
applications for sick reave of
for one turl day or mori shalr be made

ffi?'tJ"tt'f, :gr*"x,.;:m
jtn*f:ll-,ltf shau be fited
or five (5) sr.icce*i""
f:;i:I':AffXcess aiy, ,i"rrH l..[hp*i"a uy u p,opo
Sick leave may be arrolied for in advance
in cases where the olficial or employee
will undergo meiicat eiamination.or operatioi-oi;ffi;:;!" rest in view of ill
health duly supported by a medical .urtifl.ut". -- -' --"'-s
In ordinary application for sick leave already
taken not exceeding five days,
the head o! department or agency. concerned
granting 6f siar 165'e is orooJ" under ,r,"
arfy*.i i"i"i*ne
whether or not
certificate may be requiieal
ln*clse of doubt, a medical

Src,54. Approaal of sick leaae leave shall be granted only on account

sickness or disab,itv on the oart .- .Sick of
of any mecrber of
his immediate famiiy. "r,r'r" "*pioy""'"o;;."#il;
src' 55' RelrobiJita tion reaoe
/orjob'rerate, inuies. - Applications of officials
and employecs for leave of absence on account
of wounds or iriiuries
performance of dutymust be made on tn" pr"rut"Jff"rr."pi"""a incured in the
medical certificate and evidence sho*ing it ut tttu*;"d-" uy the proper
o'r-itn!*i"s *u." ir,*rr.a
in the perlormance of dutv. The head.ofiepartment/ffiJy.J*o,..a
that absence of an emplo'yee during his p;riod ,f.'.ff air."*
of disaiility thus occasioned shall
be on fult pay, but not to excced six
of medical attendance, necessary transportatio& subsistence
H;;;"JrJ"iril"n* ,r,e payment
ana hospital fees of
the injured person' Absence in tire cr". .o"tu*piut"a-rr,.rr
ioibe crrargea against
sick leave or vacation leave, if therc are any.

Leaoe uithout pay, - All absences of an official

of. .5tc.56.
or employee in excess
his accumu.lated vacation or sick leave credits eamej
strai'Ue witfrout pay.
When an employ* n", ,,:1gI
vacation leave credits but not vrce -Thusted his sick Ieave credib, he can use hi6

SEc.5J. Limit of leaoe without

year may
pay, - Leave withoutpa.
be grantei, in adaiuon to thJ
;;dd ;it"X"j
"";;; t#i";;": or *," ".;"T*f,:[
one month shal
XJ|T*:fl# il:f.'r:r '"q;; p,op., *? oi

Src,58. I4/ftan leave without pay is not

allowabla _ Leave without pay shall
::,:T,T::Tj;'T,:",u5"n"*proy"."h,;i";;;fi ;;ytl*ril"*ait"*"eptinthe
Src.59. Seconded emolovee-on leaoe uithout
pay /rom his mother agmcy, -
The seconded emplovee ihali he on Ieave
witho"t ir"i ir". fr]. mother agency
the duration of his secondment,and
d;; ;;.h ;f;ijii'i'i..'", ,*ve credirs
which is commutabre immediatery
stc, 60. Etlect oJ aacation
th;;#.;G5;:]lffiin" ""r
*"",ving agency.
step fitct* nent. - For purposes!i:::-*,*?.* ,:i ,r
i;i;;';;L; bngth of seruice
of computing'th-e lengtltBf service for the grant of
step increment, approved vacation
(15) days shall noIinterruot rhe continuity
*i"tfr"rt pi"y f* *aggretate of fifteen
of the thriJy"r, r"quirement for
the grant of step increment ,?y"yu, #
leave without pav incruded wrttrin.the three-yJJ
""*i.u vacation
p"r# rir,*n (15) days,
the grant oI one-steD increment wilr o,rry i"
that an official or employee was uusent
qr! Jqr number of days

them, no vacation leave wtth pali shalr
pendency of the case. ;;;J;il ;s|'or,a"r,t during the

5.1c., Efect ol/ailurc to reportfor ituty.afte? expitation ol oneyear

an official or an emplovee who is on lea"e
leaoe. - lt
-ilhout paf p,r.or*iro S".tior, 57 hereof, report for work at the expirauon of one y"rr
shall be corsidered automaticaliy separated f.J- if.r"
hli tf,u J.t" of ,r.h leave. he
Stc- 53. Effea oJ absa/tcestoithol3lt epprcoeil leaoe -
An official oranemployee
who is,co.ntinuously absent without appioved leave for
at ieast ttrirty (30) calendar
days stral be considered on absence'without official r""r"
separated fuom the service or dropped from the rolls witho,rtlaworl
and shal be
piio. notice. He shall,
however, be informed, at his addiess. appea-ring on hr" tOi'fil.
of his separation
from the service, not later than five
1S) aays frofi its eff".n"iry.-

If the number of unauthorized absences incu*ed is less than

thirty (30) carendar
days, a written Return-to-work order shan be served ,o
address on record. Failure on his-part to report for work within
il^ * his rast known
the order shall be a valid gtound to drop liim from the rolls.
the perloa stai; i;
ffikf iffi#:fu*#,li;}L#J::trtrfrH:"*s"",J,n:#ffi
Ser. 65. E!/ect
. ol it
,h" 8*";,_:i; ;,Jilii3'; iff lH,?,;;,;*.'ffI"::,:rr*:x;

.""t"11ff ;t/J;'fiifJffiT!!:::rin*/aitministtatio.
rarer exonerated th*"uJt",t]-1-been
dismissed do,n-;"#;rfri;'lffT:1J
"nd out of
the period they were are enHtlcd to the leave
tn; J"fr.'Lno' credits during

. SEC.67. Cause for dis

rutes or regulationsi or -.Any violation of the
leave laws,
appricarion"ro; ;;; any
^ri:-l:::y.'.Y"fl' tion in connection with an
ti>, nlPuBUC oF nfi PfltlrPr,Ilr
Ofice rl ttr. praetd.d .C0-Lrll-fll.
Pnruppnw Cnemrr

Ptcr Btli&r!,
Aso 1507 ailw Boulrvtnt cortl.r princ.lut St,
14 November 2019
,So- lt< Nov r8 2019


A uth orlzed s
Wesl A a
IVF OIEF * , ,rra, 1\rlIIL= lrr u 'lt, \,r T(m !1,l r
A La uro A Pati SeMces Sector
Branch Seaoi
La R Ced ro
M r. Amel N Casas Cha Sectoi
Gam ing, P roducl
a nd
Ma Seclor
. Further, the Application for
De stgned by the undersigned.
Leave Form ofall AGMs and
all Leave Abroad shafl

a. Data Security Division
b. Legal Departnent
c. lntemal Audit Deparbnent; and
a. corpoi5',e planning Sectror
This authority sha, have rgtrgaq.rive
effect as to unsigned Leave Forms
20'te and shar 6J r;id ;6r" or"*i."ftom the
revoked by the

lt I tfTt lr ,! A ElI'A
Vioe-Cha rmerson and General

eCiV rOq r.- trNrSU,rJl


Otfice ot the presidsnt .C0' 1,r 11 - f 1L

s,, PHruppnrr Cuenrry Swm

Plaz!Sun Bullding, ,1507 Shaw goulevard comer princrton

SPECIAL ORDER NO. Jo- loq ll0v 18 2019

14 November2019

TltulE I t_ +.1 BY

ln line with the monitori ng of.Leave

Application and in order not to overstrain
General Manager, authoritv is the
f1plV_SranteO to the foilowing personner to sign for the
Application for Leave Form of PCSO Personnel
within their respective sector:
A uthor ized s nato
Wes le A Ba ra Sector
a offi ce of the B oard S e creta
lVr.S Dtral olr v Milr ...^
\,rrrnE Ul rrrE lvt ldtn Dl,II
J Gabu Ad m tn S lrati VC Sector
s eta o Mana ent Servi ces Sector
.L auro A Pati Branchb
r. La R Cedro
Cha Sector
Mr. Arn el N Casas
G am ng Product De VE o p m e n t a nd
M a rk eti S cto r
Further, the Apprication for Leave Form
of ail AGMS and ail Leave Abroad sharr
be signed by the undersigned.

More so' Maria Rhodora B Garma, Executive

Generar Manager is herebv granted Assistant vr of the office of the
authorit-i;;ig;;o;."d in beharf of the Generar
Manager the Apprication for.Leave Form
Vacation) of pcso personner exceot loi"t l"rr".
(Force, spl, sick and
o-iri=io'n c't i"re?ri'o"oartment
following departments/sector. otheiforms;i;ut-;or:.ll'r'Jrr" Manaoers in the
be si$ed by the General Manager. no, specified thereat shail

a. Data Security Division

b. Legal Department;
c. lnternal Audit Department; and
d. Corporate planning Sector

This authority shail have retroactive effect

as to unsigned Leave Forms from the
20'lg and shall o" ,nr".. 6tn"*i"" o;k;;'il'ii;;
il#L'nt1"l'.t'"mber 'iria

lttEtTllt r!a EIIfA

Vice-Chairperson and General MWet

OFFICE ()I: :'Hf ,\1


e u


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