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Building Data
Height of eaves 7.5 m
Height of Gantry 6 m
C/C of rails 12 m
No. of bays 8
Col to col spacing 6 m
Crane capacity (Kn) 50

Calculate data
Crane girder wt (Kn) 100 assumed
Gantry ISMB300 ISMC300
Impact factor 25%
Weight of crab 35 kN
Wheel base 2.5 m
Max Conc load 85 kN
Weight of Girder(kN/m 2 assumed
Height of stanchion(m) 6 m
Height of eaves(m) 2 m
Permanent side(33%) 0.33
Offset 0.75 m
Base below GL 0.5 m
Self wt. of crane girder/m length 8.3

Max. Reactions due to crane girder on

Ra (Kn) 127.9
Rb 57.1

Max BM for Gantry girder when crane is at the centre

Max wheel load of each wheel on gantry 64.0
Distance of each wheel from support 1.8
Rc 64.0
Rd 64.0
Max B.M due to Live load 111.9
B.M due to impact(25%) 139.9
BM due to weight of girder 9.0
Max BM due to DL+LL(N-MM) 148908854.2
Max Shear force
Rc 101.3
Required Section modulous Z(mm3) 1128097.4
Selected Section
I-section/C-section ISMB350 ISMC200
A 6671.0 2821
Tf 14.2 11.4
tw 8.1 6.1
b 140.0 75
Ixx 136303000.0 18193000
Iyy 5377000.0 1404000
Cyy NA 21.7

C.G of Compound section yt 133.7

Yc 222.4
of channel 36790624.0
Ixx of I-section(mm4) 151291136.0
Ixx gross(mm4) 188081760.0
Iyy gross 23570000.0
Allowable bending stress
∂bc(N/mm2) 165.0
∂bt(N/mm2) 181.5

∂bc,claculated(N/mm2) 105.9
∂bt,claculated(N/mm2) 176.1
∂bc Hence OK
∂bt Hence OK

Provided I section ISMB350 ISMC200

Wind load Grd 7.5
Wind up to 9.7
Wind up to eaves 8.1
Total load(kN) 25.2
reaction At eaves 13.9
Over turning moment @
base(kN.m) 111.5
Forces in stanchions 9.3
Shear Force(kN) 4.6
Moment(kN.M) 36.8

Design of Permanent side stanchions

Roof leg above crane cap
loading details
Vertical Max Min
Reaction from truss 30.0 15
Load from side cladding say 3.0 3
Own weight 1.5 1.5
Total 34.5 19.5
From wind at roof level 4.6
From surge at rail level
Length 2.8
Eff.Lxx 4.1
Lyy 2.8
Vertical load 34.5
BM from wind 12.6
From surge 0.0 12.6
Select the setion ISMC 200 @ .22 kN/m
Area of the section 2821.0
Section modulous(Z) 181900.0
rxx 80.3
ryy 22.3
l/rxx 51.4
l/ryy 123.3
From steel
pc 131.0 tables(l/rxx)
From steel
pbc 61.0 tables(l/ryy)
Pc 163.8
Pbc 76.3
fc 12.2 ratio 0.1

ISMC 200
fbc 69.5 ratio 0.9 1.0 OK @ .22 kN/m

Roof leg below Crane cap

Loading details
Vertical Max Min
Reaction from truss(70% of
total) 24.5 13.845
From cladding 7.0 7
Own weight 5.0 5
50% of wind over turning
force 4.6 0
Total 41.1 25.845
Length 5.8
Spacing of lacings 2.0
Effe.length lx 4.9
ly 2.0
Verctical load(max) 133.6
Select the section ISMC 200 @ .22 kN/m
Area A(mm2) 2821.0
r xx 80.3
r yy 22.3
lx/r xx 60.9
ly/ r yy 89.7
pc tables Lxx/rxx 122.0
Pc(N/mm2) 152.5

ISMC 200
fc(N/mm2) 47.4 OK @ .22 kN/m
Crane leg below crane cap
loading details
Vertical Max Min
Above(27%) 9.3 5.3
From Crane kN 185.0 83.25
From girder kN 12.0 12
Own weightkN 5.0 5
50% of w.O.t 4.6 0
Total 216.0 105.5
Length 5.8
effe.length lx 4.9
ly 2.0
Vertical load max 377.9
Setion ISMC 200 @ .22 kN/m
Area 2821.0
r xx 80.3
lx/r xx 60.9
fc(N/mm2) 134.0
Pc tables Lxx/rxx 122.0
ISMC 200
Pc(N/mm2) 152.5 OK @ .22 kN/m

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