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1. Define Contracts.

2. Distinguish contract and agreement.

3. What are the classifications of contract.
4. What are valid contracts.
5. What are the limitations on contractual stipulations.
6. What are the kinds of innominate contracts and the reason for its existence.
7. As a general rule, who are the persons affected by a contract.
8. Discuss stipulation pour atrui. Classess and Requisites.
9. What are the classification of contracts according to perfection. Discuss.
10. Discuss the stages in the life of a contract.
11. How are contracts perfected.
12. What are the effects of the perfection of the contract.
13. Discuss the classes of elements of a contract vis a vis Art. 1318 of the NCC.
14. Discuss the concept of consent.
15. What is offer.
16. What is the meaning of acceptance.
17. Discuss Art. 1324 of the NCC relative to option contract, option period and option money.
18. Who cannot give consent to a contract. Discuss.
19. Can a drunk or persons under hypnotic spell enter into a contract?
20. What are the other special disqualifications in addition to the incapacity declared in Article
21. What are the characteristics of consent.
22. What are the vices of consent.
23. Distinguish causes vitiating consent to causes of incapacity.
24. Discuss mistake under Article 1331 of the NCC.
25. Discuss mistake of law under Article 1334 of the NCC.
26. What are the requisites of intimidation to vitiate consent.
27. Discuss undue influence under Article 1337 of the NCC.
28. Discuss causal fraud under Article 1338 of the NCC.
29. What is fraud by concealment.
30. What are the two kinds of fraud in the making of a contract.
31. What are the requisites of causal fraud.
32. What is the meaning of simulation of contract.
33. When is a contract voidable or annullable?
34. Is it always required that he who alleges fraud or mistake in entering into a contract, must prove
his allegation?
35. Will the acceptance of a business advertisement of a thing for sale produce the perfection of a
36. Discuss the concept of object of contract.
37. Discuss future inheritance and its validity to be an object of a contract.
38. What are the kinds of impossibility under Articles 1347-1348 of the NCC.
39. Distinguish cause from object.
40. What are the classification of contracts according to cause.
41. What is motive? How is it distinguished from cause.
43. What are the requisites of cause?
44. Discuss the effect if there is an absence or want of cause.
45. Discuss the effect if there is failure of cause.
46. Discuss the effect if there is an illegality of cause.
47. Discuss the effect if there is falsity of cause.
48. What is the meaning of lesion.
49. What are the effect s of inadequacy of cause. General rule and exceptions.
50. What is the object and what is the cause in a contract of sale.
51. Discuss the concept of form of a contract.
52. What are the classification of contracts according to form.
53. What is the general rule and the exceptions regarding the form of contracts.
54. What must appear in a public documents according to Article 1358 of the NCC?
55. If the law requires a contract to be in writing, will the contract be invalid if it is not in writing?
56. Discuss Reformation. Reason. Requisites.
57. Distinguish reformation from annulment.
58. Mutual mistake as basis for reformation. Discuss.
59. What are the cases when reformation is not allowed.
60. Who are the parties entitled to reformation.
61. What is the reason why the law in certain cases permits a written instrument to be reformed or
62. What is the meaning of interpretation of contracts.
63. What will prevail: special or general intent. Why?
64. What are the rules in case doubts impossible to settle.
65. What should be followed in the interpretation of a contract, its terms or the intention of the
66. Suppose a stipulation or word in a written contract is susceptible of various interpretations,
what interpretation or meaning should be given to it.
67. State the rule of interpretation where there are various stipulations of a contract.
68. Enumerate the four kinds of defective contracts in the order of their defectiveness.
69. Define rescissible contracts.
70. Meaning of rescission.
71. What are the requisites of rescission.
72. Enumerate the six rescissible contracts under Article 1381 of the NCC.
73. Discuss the action for rescission.
74. What is the extent of rescission.
75. Rescission creates obligation of mutual restitution. Explain.
76. What are the circumstances denominated as badges of fraud.
77. What are the liabilities of purchaser in bad faith according to Article 1388 of the NCC.
78. What is the period for filing action for rescission and who are entitled to bring such action.
79. What is voidable contract.
80. What are the kinds of voidable contracts.
81. What is the meaning of annulment.
82. What is the period for filing action for annulment.
83. What is the meaning and effect of ratification.
84. What are the kinds of ratification.
85. What are the requisites of ratification.
86. Who may ratify according to Article 1394 of the NCC.
87. Who are the parties entitled to bring an action to annul.
88. Can a guilty party without right to bring action for annulment. Why or why not.
89. State the duty of mutual restitution upon annulment.
90. Can an incapacitated person restitute.
91. What are the effect of loss of thing to be returned.
92. Extinguishment of action for annulment.
93. State the rule on the right of strangers to a contract to bring an action for its annulment.
94. What is unenforceable contract.
95. What are the kinds of unenforceable contracts
96. What is the meaning of unauthorized contracts?
97. Discuss Statute of Frauds.
98. What agreements should be within the scope of the Statute of Frauds?
99. How can a contract be ratified under the Statute of Fraud?
100. What are the rights of a party where contract is enforceable?
101. What the purpose of the Statute of Frauds?
102. What is the meaning of void contracts?
103. What is inexistent contract?
104. What are the characteristics of a void or inexistent contract?
105. State at least five instances of void or inexistent contract.
106. Is action or defense for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract imprescriptible?
Why or why not.
107. What are the rules where a contract is illegal and the act constitutes a criminal offense?
108. What are the rules where a contract is illegal but the act does not constitute a criminal
109. Can one recover a usurious interest?
110. State the requisites where recovery can be had even if contr0act is entered into for
illegal purpose.
111. Can someone recover where contract is not illegal per se.
112. Recovery of amount paid in excess of ceiling price. Explain.
113. What are the effects of illegality where contract is divisible?indivisible?
114. Distinguish divisible contract from divisible obligation.
115. Can third persons raise the defense of illegality or nullity? Why or why not.
116. Can void contracts be novated? Why or why not.
117. Discuss natural obligations.
118. What is the effect of the voluntary performance of a natural obligation?
119. Give two examples of natural obligations under the law. Ans.
120. How is natural obligation different from civil obligation? Ans. Art. 1423 Obligations are
civil or natural. Civil obligations give a right of action to compel their performance. Natural
obligations, not being based on positive law but on equity and natural law, do not grant a right
of action to enforce their performance, but after voluntary fulfilment by the obligor, they
authorize the retention of what has been delivered or rendered by reason thereof. Some natural
obligations are set forth in the following articles.

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