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Learning is important because no one is born with the ability to function

competently as an adult in society .The main purpose of any learning or education is that
a person who acquires some knowledge or skill in a formal and controlled situation like a
classroom, or a training situation, will be able to transfer such knowledge and skill to real
life situations and adapt himself more effectively.

Whenever a person uses information they have learned previously in order to apply it to a
new situation, this is called Transfer. Transfer “is an essential component in human
functioning. Without it, people would have to start from scratch about how to behave in
every new circumstance and would spend much of their time in trial-and-error learning.
We transfer when we use terminology we have heard in a previous situation in order to
apply it to a new one. “Bottom shelf” is a term I once heard in the context of discussing a
topic so that everyone present could understand it… bringing it down to a commonly-
understood level. Analogies are a perfect example. We take something that the audience
would have been familiar with… something we are familiar with… and we apply it to the
new situation. We do the same internally. There have been several occasions when I have
used knowledge that I have previously learned and established my own analogy to apply it
to the new situation. One analogy I created in order to remind myself of the importance of
having one good friend was “Friendships are like wedgies… it’s always good when you pick
out a deep one.” This may not be a perfect example, but you can see the main idea. I
took a wedgie, which I am familiar with, and applied it to a new situation on friendships.

Analogical process or thinking- refers to our ability to perceive and use relational similarity.
Sometimes called analogical reason, it is a kind of thinking in which we identify similarities
between current information and the information acquired in the past.

Analogical Process include the following:

 Retrieval- prior similar or analogous material may be retrieved from long-term
memory system.
 Mapping- involves discovering which elements of the novel problem correspond to
elements in the stored analogue; representational structures must be aligned with
each other.
 Access- involves retrieval of a familiar analogue or other information from long-term
memory when presented with a novel problem
 Abstraction-refers to the formation of general ideas about the problem
 Representation-involves the adaptation of one or both representations improve the
 Evaluation-involves at least three kinds of judgement (1) structural Soundness (2)
factual correctness (3) relevance.

*TRANSFER- an act of moving something to another place.

*LEARNING- an act of gaining knowledge or skill by experience, study being taught, or

creative thought.
a. Some bits of knowledge are embedded in single contexts.
b. Lack of conditional knowledge.
c. Lack of conceptual knowledge.
d. Inaccurate conceptions of the mind.
e. Lack of metacognition.

Positive transfer is when learning in one context improves performance in some

other context. Speakers of one language find it easier to learn related rather than
unrelated second languages.
Negative transfer is when learning in one context has a negative impact on
performance in another context. Contrast in vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax create
difficulties. Typically causes problems only in the early ages.

Two types of transfer according to Gagne (1985)

a. Vertical transfer requires that learning at a lower level must be transferred to a
higher level of cognitive skills.
b. Lateral transfer occurs when students possess the ability to use their knowledge and
skills previously learned to new situations.
Ways to promote transfer
1. Similarity. Transfer can be generated by the similarity of a given learning
2. Association. Two feelings, events or actions are held together if they have
established their relationships or associations.
3. Degree of original learning. It means that everything we do falls within the
range or degree of performance.
4. Critical attributes. Another way through which effective transfer may be
promoted is through critical attributes.

Ways to teach critical attributes

1. Identify the attributes that describe something as what is.

2. Provide simple and specific example.
3. Move on to the complicated examples in a gradual manner.
4. Help students realize that there is a limit to various attributes.

Questions and Answers:

1. Why is transfer of Learning not effective?

-because Some bits of knowledge are embedded in single contexts. Lack of
conditional knowledge. Lack of conceptual knowledge. Inaccurate conceptions of the mind
and Lack of metacognition.
2. Give the different ways to promote Transfer of Learning.
Degree of original learning.
Critical attributes.
3. According to Gagne there are two types of transfer, what are they?
a. Vertical transfer requires that learning at a lower level must be
transferred to a higher level of cognitive skills.
b. Lateral transfer occurs when students possess the ability to use their
knowledge and skills previously learned to new situations.
4. What Analogical Process is prior similar or analogous material may be retrieved from
long-term memory system?
- Retrieval
5. It involves at least three kinds of judgement structural Soundness, factual
correctness and relevance.
- Evaluation

Alabanza, Cristal May Z.

1. How I envisioned myself to become an education Landscaper?

With the rampant cases of depression and suicide, not only in the Philippines, but
also all over the world. I envision myself as an educator who promotes a good mental
health to the students, someone whom they can rely on and someone who will not add
pressure to the challenges and struggles they face in day to day experience in their lives. I
also envision myself

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